21.12.22 Lec-1 Science With Number

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 Question 5: What is circulatory system

 Heart
 Blood
 Blood Vessels
 Blood
 (Average 5, 6 litters)
 1/12th part of body or 8%\
 Composition
 Plasma
 90% water
 10% dissolved substances
 Substances
 Inorganic
 Plasma Proteins
 Albumin
 Prothrombin
 Fibrinogen
 Antibodies
 Organic Molecules
 Sugar
 Amino acids
 Fatty Acids
 Cholesterol
 Blood cells or Cell like bodies
Platelets (Thrombocytes)
They are not cell
They are the broken part of large cells
Blood clotting
 Functions of Blood
 Transport of gases
 Transport of food from Gut to all cell of the body
 Blood Clotting
 Protein
 Prothrombin
 Fibrinogen
 Maintenance of temperature
 Maintenance osmotic balance of body
 Removal of waste
 Maintenance of Ionic Balance of the body
 Blood Vessels
 Arteries
 Arteries are those blood vessels that carry blood away from heart
 All arteries contained oxygenic blood expect pulmonary artery (deoxygenated
 Pulse can be felt in arteries
 They have more blood pressure
 They don’t contain volves
 They are made of three layers
 Outer layer
 Middle
 Inner
 Veins
 Veins are those blood vessels that carry blood towards heart
 Veins contain deoxygenated blood expect pulmonary vein
 No Pulse
 Large diameter
 Less BP
 Valves are presents
 They are made of three layers
 Outer layer
 Middle
 Inner
 Capillaries
 They are embedded in the tissue
 Mixed blood (oxygenated and deoxygenated)
 Exchange of material between tissues and blood
 They contain single layer of cell
 They are made of three layers
 Outer layer
 Middle
 Inner
 What is Lymphatic System
 The system that returns the tissue fluid back into blood is called lymphatic system
 Components of lymphatic system
 Lymph
 Lymph vessels
 Lymph node
 Lymphoid Mass
 Way of work /Functioning of lymphatic system
 The lymph vessel collects the tissue fluid from tissue and joint at the chest region and
finally enter into the vein
 Function of lymphatic system
 Return the fluid
 Involved in immunity
 Transport of fat
 Spleen is the part of lymphatic system
 What is Digestive System
 Working
 Digestion and absorption into blood
 Digestion
 Changing of large molecules into small molecules by enzymes

Parts Composition Function

Oral Cavity Lips Grinding or
Teeth Mastication
Cheeks Digestion of starch
Tong Lubrication
Salivary Glands
Pharynx Muscular pathway Swallowing process
Common to digestive and respiratory
Esophagus /Food canal Four layers of tissue  Peristalsis
 Push food
Stomach It is swallow part of gut Store of food
Four layers of tissues Digestion of protein
2 sphincters Make discontinuous
Cardanol sphincters possible
Pyloric sphincters Protection
Small Intestine Parts
Digestion of food by bile from liver
and pancreatic juice from pancreases
Complete digestion by various
Absorption of food into blood
Large Intestine Parts

Absorption of water and vitamens
Storage of waste
End of rectum is called anal canal
 Question: What is Liver
 Introduction
 Largest internal organ of the body (MCQ)
 It provides all the stored things to body
 It is chief chemist of the body
 Functions of liver
 Storage house
 Glycogen
 Vitamins
 A
 B12
 K
 E
 D
 Store copper and iron
 Store copper and iron
 Metabolic Role (Chemical Relations)
 Conversion of glycogen into glucose
 Conversion of glucose into glycogen
 Formation of urea from ammonia
 Formation of blood proteins
 Synthetic Role
 Vitamin A from carotene
 Night blindness (MCQ)
 Formation of blood protein
 Hemoglobin and Red Blood Cells
 Detoxification of harmful substances
 Conclusion
 Liver can store, synthetic convert different chemicals and provide them to body therefore,
it is chief chemist of the body.
 Question: What is Excretory System (Urinary system)
 Introduction
 There four parts of excretory system
 Kidney
 Ureter
 Urinary bladder
 Urethra
 Kidney
 Radish brown color bean shaped organ
 Functions of Kidney
 Formation of Urine
 Removal of waste (Urea and ammonia)
 Osmoregulation (maintenance of water)
 Maintenance of Ionic balance of body
 Release a hormone that involves in red blood cells formation
 Maintenance of blood pressure in the body
 Nephrons
 The basic structural and functional unit of kidney
 Ureter
 It carries urine from kidney to urinary bladder
 Urinary bladder
 It is a muscular organ that store the urine
 Urethra
 It is a tube that used to expel from the body

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