DLP English 8 Module 3

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Learning Area: ENGLISH 8- MODULE 3 Grade Level: 8 Quarter Teaching
SECOND Duration:
1 week
I. Objectives
A. Learning Competencies Compare and contrast the Code: EN8SS-IIe-1.2
presentation of the same topic in
different multimodal texts.
B. Learning Outcome The learner knows how to analyze and interpret information of the same
topic presented.
Learning Objectives (KSA)
1. Knowledge Identify the similarities and differences of information presented in
different multimodal texts;
2. Skills Analyze and interpret information of the same topic presented in different
multimodal text;
3. Attitude Create a multimodal text expressing appreciation on the beauty of the
different Afro-Asian culture
II. Content Area Compare and Contrast Same Topic in Different Multimodal Texts
III. Learning Resource English 8, Quarter 2, Module 3
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing  Prayer Possible answers:
previous lesson  Greetings
or presenting a  Checking of Attendance
new lesson  Review
Before proceeding to our next topic this
morning, let us first have a short recall on our
previous lesson.
What is an Opinion Marking Signal?
The words or group
of words that introduce
opinions are called
opinion-marking signals.
They are used as signal
words that will help
Who can give some examples of an Opinion Marking express and identify
Signals? opinions. They are usually
written in the beginning
part of a sentence.
Very Good! Now that you are fully
acquainted with the knowledge about Opinion Marking I think, I feel, I hope, In my
Signals then we can now proceed to our next lesson. opinion, I am confident
that, I take the view that
B. Introductory Let’s have a group activity this morning. Please go to Possible answers:
Activity your respective groups. You have five minutes to do this

Have you experienced comparing and contrasting Yes, ma’am. I did it by

ideas or things? looking for the similarities
If you do, how did you do it? and differences between
two things or ideas.
In the given activity below, observe the similarities
and differences of the information presented.
What similarities and differences do you see between
Filipino and Korean costumes? Fill in the Venn diagram
using the words found in the box.

C. Establishing a How did you identify the similarities and differences I identified the
purpose for the between Filipino and Korean costume? similarities and differences
lesson • Was getting the information from the posters easy? between Filipino and
Korean costume through
looking closely at the two
different photos with use of
the Venn Diagram.

Alright! You’re definitely correct. Yes, it’s easy because

of the clear visual
representation used in
presenting the two different
D. Presenting
instances of the
new lesson.

• What is the topic of the infographic and the print text?

• How were the information presented in the infographic and the print text?

Possible Answers:
The topic diversity was presented using the infographic and the print text. The
infographic talks about how we should understand and communicate our differences
while in the print text, diversity was defined as understanding and recognizing our
differences to create a prejudice-free and success-oriented community.
In the infographic, diversity was discussed in short phrases while in print text,
diversity was discussed in sentences.
Infographics and print text are examples of multimodal text.
E. Discussing new Multimodal Texts are often live, digital text, or paper-based. It requires the
concept processing of more than one method and the recognition of the
interconnections between information.

Live multimodal texts is shown through combinations of different modes

such as gestural, spatial, audio, and oral language. The following are
examples of live multimodal texts:
Dance – the expression of an idea or emotion through the use of
body movements in a rhythmic way, accompanied with music

Oral presentation - the delivery of an idea infront of a public audience.

Digital multimodal texts is presented through dynamic combinations of

various modes across written and spoken language, still and moving visual
image, audio, gesture, and spatial communicative resources. The following
are examples of digital multimodal texts:
Films - is a form of story telling using a series of moving images
Animation - is a method of story telling using figures that are
manipulated to appear as a series of moving images
on the screen, usually with sounds.
Slideshows - is a presenation that is based on a series of projected
images or photographic slides.
e-posters - or electronic posters is a digital presentation of a study
and can be accessed through the use ofsoftwares

Digital stories - is a multimedia presentation of a narrative structure

combining a variety of digital elements

Paper- based multimodal texts is conveyed to the reader through varying

combinations of written language and still images. The following are
examples of paper-based multimodal texts:

Infographics - is a collection of images, charts, and data to present

a quick and clear information

Graphic texts - presents information and data with the use of words
in diagrams and drawings.

Posters - is a large printed picture or a notice that is used for

advertising or decoration.
Comics - is a medium of narration using images combined with text.
Picture - is an image or drawing that represent a certain topic.

Learning multimodal text is an efficient way for you to become familiar

with the different methods of learning, remembering, and studying
information. This will enhance your ability to retain information at a deeper
level and recalling it at a later date will become quicker and more successful.

Now in your respective groups you will apply what you have learned in the
F. Developing discussion about the different multimodal texts. Answer the different activities given
mastery to solidify your understanding and skills of the topic.
(Leads to Formative

Assessment 1:
Fill in the graphic organizer below with the similarities and features of the information
presented in the picture collage and word cloud. Use words or phrases in answering.
G. Finding practical To measure how far you have learned from our lesson. You have another activity to
applications of be done by group.
concepts and
skills Activity 2. Your Culture is My Culture
Look at the brochure and infographic below.

Assessment 2.
Fill in the bubbles with your description of the similarities and differences of
each multimodal texts.

Now you are going to apply your learning about Multimodal Text through this
individual activity.

Possible Answers:
Similarities: same topic (about Malay)
Differences: (brochure) uses few words
(infographic) uses a lot of data
Activity 3. Thai Family

What family culture of the Thais are mentioned in the text?
How important is family for the Thais?
What are the similarities and differences of the Thai family culture
compared to your own family?

Now, you will have an individual activity.

Assessment 3.
According to Goyala (2019),"Filipinos are known for having strong and
close family ties." Think of a time in your life when this was true for you.

After sharing your story, create a chart or poster using the information
written in the scroll on a separate sheet of paper.

H. Making
generalizations Learning multimodal text is an efficient way for you to become familiar with the
and abstractions different methods of learning, remembering, and studying information. This will
about the lesson. enhance your ability to retain information at a deeper level and recalling it at a later
date will become quicker and more successful.

I. Evaluate Learning Directions: Imagine the two places you want to visit. Describe these places by
showing the similarities and differences of their culture using the diagram below.
J. Additional activities Directions: Create a print-based multimodal text about the culture of the countries
for application or represented by the figures below. Use a separate sheet of paper for your
remediation multimodal text.



A. No. of learners who

learned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who
scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons

work?No. of learners who
have cope up with the
D. No. of Learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Checked by:

Head Teacher- I
Approved by:
Principal- III

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