Identifying Human Behavior Different Attitudes, Beliefs and Perceptions Likes and Dislikes Conflict and Negotiation Team Building

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EDM 203 – Human Relationship and Organizational Behavior in Education


Exercise 1.1
1. Have you ever worked with anyone like Jenny (in the opening case), either in school or
at a job? Discuss your experiences and how you handled working with this person. How
could they have benefited from an understanding of human relations?
Yes, I have been working with someone like Jenny. I am handling the situation by
seeking help from his superior whenever he is difficult to understand and whenever I
have difficulties in approaching him such as asking for grading sheets, asking queries
about my students performance in his subject, and etc. I also respect individual
differences while putting into consideration the quality of work.

2. Discuss two advantages to learning about human relations skills. Why do companies
value good human relations skills?
Human relations is an important part to our career success. It is defined as relations with
or between people, particularly in a workplace setting. Because a company depends on
good human relations through its organizational structure, developing these skills is

3. Would you be interested in telecommuting for work? What are the advantages and
disadvantages to the employee? Discuss in small groups.
When you telecommute, you work outside of an organization's brick-and-mortar location,
and you usually use technology to help you do your job and connect with your employer
or employees. This could ba advantageous since the employee or employer could also
do other task at home and may have quality time with their families. However, base on
my experience, this also affects the quality of my work and it finds me difficult to

4. Draw a timeline of human relations research. On the timeline, indicate the events that
changed human relations thinking. Bring your timelines to class and discuss in small

Identifying human Different attitudes, Likes and Dislikes Conflict and Team
behavior beliefs and perceptions Negotiation building

Exercise 1.2
1. Visit Find the section that allows you to take the
personality test for free, take the test, and then review the results. What color are you?
How does this impact how you relate to others either at school or at work?
The website does not offer the test
2. Looking at Note 1.17 "Examples of Values", which five are most important to you?
Connect two to three personality traits you possess as a result of these values. For
example, if you value practicality, you might see this manifest through the importance
placed on goods purchased or the type of wardrobe you have.
1. Fairness – always look for equality among work distribution that sometime I
complain why some aren’t given the equal task when we have the same salary
after all.
2. Innovation – I always look to how a particular thing, methodology or strategy will
be improved
3. Discipline – doing the right thing at the right time and place
4. Diversity – I believe that each individual is unique
5. Power – things that I want to have to make a change

3. In two or three paragraphs, discuss your attitude and name four specific strategies you
will use to improve your attitude.
I believe that I am a person who value equality. My views and philosophies in life is
rooted with equality. That everyone should be given fairness in all things whether these
are decision-making, judgement, opportunity, or even choice. We live in a world where
everything seems so unfair. The division between the poor and rich for instance, the rich
get richer while the poor gets poorer because of certain economic policies. For the rich,
money works for them. For the poor, they work hard to gain money.

In education sector, teachers work hard in the field. They teach, they even spend money
from their pocket to sustain the needs for education of their students. Such as laptops,
papers, internet, printers, and etc. the level of work do not equate those who are in the
upper level. (Salary grade)
Exercise 1.3
1. In groups, discuss a situation where you have experienced the halo or reverse halo
effect. What was the outcome of the situation?
The halo affect assumes that if a person has one trait, we like that all traits must be
desirable. The reverse halo effect is if we find an undesirable trait in someone, we
assume all traits are undesirable.
Maybe I can reflect to the quotation, First impression last. From my experience, when I
was a college student, there was this professor who during the class orientation said that
he believes in the quotation, FIRST IMPRESSION LAST. One time, I forgot to submit an
activity in his subject then he got mad. Since then, for the entire semester, he was snob
at me. I tried to change his impression, but I failed. However, I still got good grades from
him since I were able to complete the subject requirements and got high scores in

2. Think of at least five perceptions you had today. What influenced those perceptions?
Were your perceptions correct?
1. that I will finish my MA no matter what
2. that I will be wiser in spending money
3. that I will improve my study habits in MA
4. that I will manage my time better
5. that I will be more disciplined with what I eat
These perceptions are things that I think will make me a better person
3. In groups, discuss a school, personal, or work situation where your perception was
wrong. What was the outcome?
It was my 2nd year of teaching to a new private school. I was culture shocked because of
the differences when it comes to facilities, policies, and students/ behavior. Majority of
the students were subsidized by PEAC and their attitudes were way too far from the
school where I came first. I just thought that private school students are more disciplined
than those in public school, but I was wrong. Then I learned that there are different
factors why students/individuals behave such as family backgrounds, environment,
peers, and etc. These experiences helped a lot with my understanding with different
kinds of students.
Exercise 1.4.
1. Write down the five words that describe you the best. When you look at these words, are
they positive? If they are not positive, what steps can you take to improve your self-
esteem? How will the steps you take improve your human relations skills?
➢ Goal setter
➢ Competitive
➢ Committed
➢ Innovative
➢ Autonomous

2. Take the self-esteem quiz at What were

the results? Do you agree with the results?

Snapshot Report
Ability to Deal with Rejection

The potential of being rejected by others as a result of who you are or what you do tends
to be at the back of your mind. Although you may not live with the constant fear of being
tossed away by people in your life, you may sometimes go out of your way to attain the
approval of others. And this approval does matter to you, at least to some degree.
Rejection by the people in your life may not shatter your self-image, but it would be quite
a blow that could lead to self-doubt, discouragement, and humiliation. Realize that the
only approval you should be worried about is your own - and that the potential for
rejection actually starts with you. If you don't fully respect and approve of yourself, you
project an image to others that says "I am not worthy, I am not good enough for you",
which can result in the very rejection you fear.

Somewhat Agree

Exercise 1.5
Using the following adjectives, please select five to six that best describe you. Once you have
done this, have someone who knows you well select five to six adjectives. Compare those you
selected to those your friend selected, and then place in the appropriate window of Johari’s
model, the open area, blind area, unknown area, or hidden area. Then answer the following

What surprised you most about the adjectives your friend chose?
1. What are some ways you can make your hidden area more open? What are the
advantages to doing this?
By trusting others

2. How do you think this exercise relates to your self-esteem?

It helps me know more about my self that even I don’t see

3. How can the information you gained about yourself apply to positive human relations?
Knowing and understanding your own self can be a key in dealing with others.

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