4th QE

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Governor Andres Pascual College

1045 M. Naval Street, San Jose, Navotas City

A.Y 2016 - 2017



Name: __________________________ Section: _________________ Score: _______

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Teacher: __________________________ Date: _________________ Rating _______
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I - A. Multiple Choice:
Read and analyze each situations/statements carefully then choose the letter of the correct

____ 1. Magazine Advertisement: Four out of five doctors recommend drinking three glasses of milk
_ per day to stay healthy and strong. What propaganda technique is being used?
A. Bandwagon C. Snob appeal
B. Card stacking D. Testimonial
____ 2. Symbols, quotes, and images of famous people are used to convey a message that may
_ not be generally associated with them.
A. Testimonial C. Snob appeal
B. Transfer D. Loaded Words
____ 3. Television Advertisement: Get all of your stains out by using new and improved Ultra Suds
_ and wash your blues away!. This statement is an example of...?
A. Glittering Generalities C. Loaded Words
B. Testimonial D. Card Stacking
____ 4. A commercial situation wherein a regular, normal family eating pizza at the table. The ad
_ promotes the “homemade” pizza, is an example of what kind of propaganda technique?
A. Plain Folks C. Loaded Words
B. Glittering Generalities D. Transfer
____ 5. Whenever words are used that give us a positive feeling about a product or person.
A. Plain Foils C. Transfer
B. Glittering Generalities D. Card Stacking
____ 6. The speaker in a TV commercial criticized another person or product with little reason or
_ evidence.
A. Loaded Words C. Transfer
B. Glittering Generalities D. Transfer
____ 7. Radio Advertisement: Go out today and buy the new Sprinters tennis shoe, the sneaker
_ everyone is wearing.
A. Plain Foils C. Transfer
B. Bandwagon D. Card Stacking
____ 8. A famous person (athlete/celebrity) endorsed a new product.
A. Testimonial C. Snob appeal
B. Transfer D. Loaded Words
____ 9. This technique involves making a claim that one should act or think in a certain way
_ because of the high social status associated with the action or thought.
A. Testimonial C. Snob appeal
B. Transfer D. Loaded Words
____ 10. These are improper appeal to emotion used for the purpose of swaying the opinions of an
_ audience.
A. Persuasion C. Campaign
B. Propaganda D. Propaganda Techniques
____ 11. This may refer to academic paper, term paper, or thesis of dissertation which are publish in
_ academic journals and contains original research results of reviews, existing results, or
show a totally new invention.
A. Research Paper C. Thesis Paper
B. Term Paper D. All of the above
____ 12. This is where you provide an introduction to the topic of your thesis: you give the context in
_ terms of content of the research project.
A. Thesis Statement C. Introduction
B. Bibliography D. Analysis

____ 13. A list of the references you used in the work & writing the paper.
A. Thesis Statement C. Introduction
B. Bibliography D. Analysis

____ 14. It is where you build upon your discussion and try to refer your findings to other research
_ and to the world at large.
A. Conclusion C. Analysis
B. Result D. Discussion
____ 15. This is where you elaborate upon your findings, and explain what you found, adding your
_ own personal interpretations.
A. Conclusion C. Analysis
B. Result D. Discussion
____ 16. Here you state what you learned or proved. What are the "take home messages" or major
_ accomplishments of this work? You may also describe interesting observations, new
questions, and future work here.
A. Conclusion C. Analysis
B. Result D. Discussion
____ 17. This section describes what you did, how you did it, gives strategies, sample calculations,
_ diagrams and circuits, and descriptions of equipment.
A. Conclusion C. Analysis
B. Result D. Methodology
____ 18. This section is where you prove your point with the data. Give graphs and tables of costs,
_ profits, whatever your data is. Also give some description or guide to help the reader
recognize your important points.
A. Conclusion C. Analysis
B. Result D. Methodology
____ 19. It should directly attack you research question and should be eligible enough to explain your
_ domain and methodology that would be used by you.
A. Survey C. Defense
B. Thesis Statement D. Title
____ 20. It gives brief mention to each of the paper’s main points, and it also states the overall
_ argument the writer wishes to make.
A. Survey C. Defense
B. Thesis Statement D. Title
____ 21. An activity in which many people are asked a question or a series of questions in order to
_ gather information about what most people do or think about something
A. Survey C. Defense
B. Thesis Statement D. Title
____ 22. The following are examples of thesis statements for the topic, “Compare and contrast the
_ reasons why the North and South fought the Civil War”. Which of these is considered as
best example?
A. “The North and South fought the Civil War for many reasons, some of which were
the same and some different.”
B. “While both Northerners and Southerners believed they fought against tyranny and
oppression, Northerners focused on the oppression of slaves while Southerners
defended their own right to self-government.”
C. “While both sides fought the Civil War over the issue of slavery, the North fought for
moral reasons while the South fought to preserve its own institutions.”
D. The North and South fought the Civil War with different reasons.
____ 23. Which of the following thesis statements is the best for the topic, “Write an analysis of some
_ aspect of Mark Twain's novel Huckleberry Finn”?
A. “In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain develops a contrast between life on the river and
life on the shore.”
B. “Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn is a great American novel.”
C. :Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Fin shows how friendship and love for nature adheres to
the totality of being a true American.
D. “Through its contrasting river and shore scenes, Twain’s Huckleberry Finn suggests
that to find the true expression of American democratic ideals, one must leave
“civilized” society and go back to nature.”
____ 24. A branch of Mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and
_ presentation of masses of numerical data
A. Probability C. Survey
B. Statistics D. Research
____ 25. It is a communication tool that uses visual symbols to express knowledge, concepts,
_ thoughts, or ideas, and the relationships between them
A. Graphic Organizers C. Non-linear Text
B. Linear Text D. Linking Phrases
____ 26. A text type that follows a sequential order
A. Nonlinear text C. Linear text
B. Graphic Organizers D. Concept Map

____ 27. A graph using parallel bars of varying lengths, as to illustrate comparisons, rates, and etc.
A. Line Graph C. Diagram
B. Bar Graph D. Pictograph
28. a diagram of lines made by connected data points which represent successive changes in
the value of a variable quantity or quantities
A. Bar Graph C. Table
B. Diagram D. Line Graph
A. Bar Graph C. Table
B. Pie Graph D. Line Graph
A. Bar Graph C. Table
B. Pie Graph D. Line Graph

II-A. Enumeration:
Enumerate the following concepts







Prepared by:
Mr. Rigor R. Suguitao LPT


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