Campus Journalism For Teachers

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West Visayas State University

(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)

Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) Course Syllabus in ELT 214 – CAMPUS JOURNALISM FOR TEACHERS

Date Revised/Enhanced: January 21, 2022

I. University
Vision: A research university advancing quality education towards societal transformation and global recognition.
Mission: WVSU commits to develop life-long learners empowered to generate knowledge and technology, and transform
communities as agents of change.
Core Values: Excellence Creative and Innovation Service
Institutional Outcomes for Instruction (BOR Resolution 79-2020):
A Taga-West:
- is a creative and critical thinker;
- is an effective and responsible communicator;
- is technologically skilled;
- has the capacity to engage in research;
- has teaming and collaborative skills;
- is socially responsible and has strong national identity;
- is globally competitive;
- is self-directed, competent and accountable professional;
- has uncompromising personal and professional ethical standards;
- can utilize lifelong learning skills for personal development and excellence in professional practice, and service to others.

II. College/Campus: Himamaylan Campus

III. Program/Degree:
Teacher Education Program - Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) Degree- Major in English

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

IV. Program/Degree Outcomes: Based on CMO No. 75, Series 2017

PO 6.1. Common to all programs in all types of schools

a. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific fields of practice (PQF Level 6 descriptor)
b. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using English and Filipino
c. Work effectively and collaboratively with a substantial degree of independence in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams (PQF Level 6
d. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility
e. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722)

PO 6.2. Common to the discipline (Teacher Education)

a. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and political contexts
b. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline
c. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments
d. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners
e. Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable educational practices
f. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes.
g. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities
h. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities

PO 6.3 Specific to a sub-discipline or program

Objectives of the Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) English Program:
a. Possess a broad knowledge of language and literature for effective learning
b. Use English as a global language in a multilingual context as it applies to the teaching of language and literature
c. Acquire extensive reading background in language, literature, and allied fields

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

d. Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication

e. Shows competence in employing innovative language and literature teaching approaches, methodologies, and strategies
f. Use technology in facilitating language learning and teaching
g. Inspire students and colleagues to lead relevant and transformative changes to improve learning and teaching language and literature
h. Display skills and abilities to be a reflective and research-oriented language and literature teacher

V. TASE Competencies

Desired Generic Competencies:

1. Ability to work collaboratively and effectively in diverse contexts
2. Ability to use information and communication technology purposefully and responsibly
3. Ability to uphold professional, moral, and ethical values
4. Ability to demonstrate responsibility and accountability towards the society and environment
5. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively
6. Ability to think critically, reflectively, and innovatively
7. Ability to understand, value, and respect diversity and multiculturalism
8. Ability to carry out lifelong learning and continuous professional development
9. Demonstrate problem-solving abilities
10. Ability to initiate, plan, organize, implement and evaluate course actions
11. Ability to conduct research
12. Ability to demonstrate leadership attributes
13. Ability to apply knowledge into practice

Desired Specific Competencies

S1 Have a meaningful and comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter they will teach

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

S3 Understand pedagogy and learning approaches related to a specific specialization

S10 Ability to select teaching methods, learning activities, and instructional materials or resources appropriate to learners and aligned to the
objectives of the lesson
S12 Ability to facilitate learners’ potential development to actualize their various potentials and build students’ understanding of different cultures
and global citizenship
S13 Ability to appropriately utilize information and communication technologies to support teaching/learning activities
S19 Ability to demonstrate self-evaluation and use the results for improvement
S21 Willingness to apply innovations to the teaching and learning process
S25 Ability to practice reflective thinking to improve their teaching practices

V. Course No. and Title: ELT 214 (Campus Journalism for Teachers)
 Prerequisites: None

VI. School Year/Semester Offered: AY 2021-2022, 2nd Semester

VII. Course Description:

This course teaches to pre-service English teachers -- the skills, principles, and strategies of journalistic writing, lay-outing and publishing a
campus paper in traditional and new media formats. They will also be taught how to collate information and gather data for writing
journalistic articles. Moreover, the pre-service English teachers are expected to demonstrate content knowledge and application of skills in
this allied field while showing competence in the effective use of ICT in Desktop Publishing and ultimately -- to the teaching and transfer of
learning of journalism principles, concepts, and skills to their own future students. Lastly, they are encouraged to uphold the dignity of
teaching and journalism through a caring attitude, social responsibility, respect, and integrity.

VIII. Course Credit/Unit: 3 units

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

IX. Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students must have:

1. demonstrated content knowledge and application of the principles, strategies, and language-related skills in journalistic writing

and in teaching this skill to future learners through demo-lecture and workshop;

2. demonstrated positive skills in the use of ICT in writing, doing a layout, and publishing a campus paper incorporating the

general do’s and don’ts of writing various sections of the paper including desktop publishing; and,

3. manifested a caring attitude, social responsibility, gender sensitivity, respect, and integrity in pitching a story, writing articles, and publishing a
campus paper.

Note: This syllabus is flexible and may include additional topics and activities deemed necessary by the teacher.

X. Course Design Matrix:

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]


At end of the unit, the students Unit 0: Vision, Mission,
must have: Core Values, and
• Identified, described, and
explained the vision, mission, core 1. The University’s Vision, 2013 University Code Remote Remote Video IDs 1 week
values of the University and the Mission, Core Values, and
institutional, college/campus, Outcomes
degree and course outcomes 2. The College of Education 2011 WVSU Student Activity Sheets
Outcomes Handbook
3. The BSED Degree Bulletin of Information
Outcomes etc.
4. The Course/ Subject
5. Overview of the subject
description and subject
At the end of the unit, the student Unit 1: Overview of
must have: Campus Journalism

 determined the significance of 1.1 Introduction to Cruz , Ceciliano- J. An essay comparing Read Pages 42-43  Tablet/Laptop 4 weeks
journalism from its history down Journalism Definition (2008). Basic Campus the press during the (last 2 pages) of  Smart phone
to its modern cultural Journalism. Rex revolutionary period, THE PHILIPPINE  PDFs of
relevance; 1.2 Common Media Bookstore: Manila. during Martial Law, JOURNALIST'S CODE reading
Forms and the present time. OF ETHICS in the materials
 recognized the principles of Cruz, Ceciliano- J. What glaring PDF “Mass Media  Module
journalism in sample articles; 1.3 Overview/Review on (2010). Campus differences do you Laws and  Online Reliable

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

Media Literacy Journalism and School see? Regulations in the Resources

 created implications to the Paper Advising. 2nd Philippines” and find
teaching of Campus Journalism 1.4 History of Journalism edition. Rex Bookstore: An essay of 350 to 2 violations in the
to future students through the in the World Manila. 500 words on the social media pages
analysis of RA 7079; issues surrounding of media outlets like
1.5 History of Journalism Khan, R. E. (2010). the Campus RMN, Bombo Radyo,
 conveyed contentions and and Campus Campus Journalism. Journalism Act of the Aksyon Radyo, GMA,
possible solutions to issues in Journalism in the Anvil Publishing: Philippines and etc.
Campus Journalism; and Philippines Quezon City. research on the issues
surrounding it
 developed a sense of social 1.6 Principles of Sunggay, R. R. (2014). considering that it has
responsibility in responding to Journalism Ink. Paper. Color. been 30 years since it
events guided by the principles Sounds Pixel: A was enacted.
of journalism. 1.7 Features of a Campus Journalism
Campus Journalist Book. MP Princess
Digital Solutions:
1.8 RA 7079 – General Santos City.
Act Bulusan Ferdinand,
MAEd. (2016). Campus
1.9 The Editorial Board Journalism within your
1.10 Issues in Campus
At the end of the unit, the student Unit 2A: Pre-Writing
must have: Concerns in Campus
Journalism Cruz , Ceciliano- J. Unit 2A OBTL Unit 2A ALO
(2008). Basic Campus Recorded PPT lecture On PPT, show
 described the various sections 2A.1 Sections of a Campus Journalism. Rex on the sections of a clippings of the 2 weeks

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

of the Campus Paper; Paper Bookstore: Manila. campus paper; and different kinds of  Tablet/Laptop
reading material on journalistic articles  Smart phone
 identified the different types of 2A.2 Different types of Villa, H.(2013). how to interview and based on the  PDFs of
journalistic articles; journalistic articles JOURN: A handbook quote sources. definitions from the reading
on newswriting and reading material materials
 Choosing feature topics for a 2A.3 Interviewing and feature writing. V & P Give a list of 3 specific given  Module
campus paper on which to base Quoting Sources Digital Worx Co.: Iloilo topics that WVSU  Online Reliable
interviews City. readers will find Given the three Resources
interesting. (Group topics, what
 demonstrated how to do Unit 2B: The Journalism Cruz, Ceciliano- J. Work) questions will you
interviews and quote sources Stylebook (2010). Campus ask your subjects
for Campus Paper articles Journalism and School Readings: whose answers can
through ICT tools; Paper Advising. 2nd help you in writing
edition. Rex Bookstore: Unit 2B OBTL your article.
 displayed a caring attitude and Guided exercises on Unit 2B ALO
social responsibility when Khan, R. E. (2010). the stylebook
choosing topics and handling Campus Journalism. Graded exercises on
interviews and interacting with Anvil Publishing: the application of
sources Quezon City. stylebook rules

Sunggay, R. R. (2014).
Ink. Paper. Color.
Sounds Pixel: A
Campus Journalism
Book. MP Princess
Digital Solutions:
General Santos City.

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

Bulusan Ferdinand,
MAEd. (2016). Campus
Journalism within your

At the end of the unit, the Unit 3A: Campus News

student must have: Writing

 Explained the importance of the 3.1 Essentials of News Cruz , Ceciliano- J. Brief Lecture with Using proper 1 week
5Ws and 1H in journalistic Writing – 5WS and 1H (2008). Basic Campus evaluation of good sentence structure in  Tablet/Laptop
writing Journalism. Rex and bad news leads. revising a badly  Smart phone
3.2 Elements of News Bookstore: Manila. written lead and  PDFs of
 discussed the elements of news Student revises a applying all the reading
and principles of journalism 3.3 Principles of Journalism Villa, H. wordy lead into one conventions of the materials
which should be present in applicable to News following the news stylebook.  Module
articles; Cruz, Ceciliano- J. conventions of good  Online Reliable
3.6 Types of News and (2010). Campus news lead writing Writing a 5- Resources
 Identified the different types of Types of News Structure Journalism and School using stylebook paragraph news
news Paper Advising. 2nd rules. article given the
3.8 The Lead edition. Rex Bookstore: facts and quotes
 identified the Inverted Pyramid Manila.
as a structure in writing news 3.9 Sources and Citation in
articles; News Writing Khan, R. E. (2010).
Campus Journalism.
 recognized the lead, its function Writing the Actual News Anvil Publishing:
and its types as an important Article Quezon City.
part of the news article;
Sunggay, R. R. (2014).

Page 9 of 22
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

 written a news article using ICT Ink. Paper. Color.

tools applying the principles, Sounds Pixel: A
structure, and strategies Campus Journalism
shared; and Book. MP Princess
Digital Solutions:
 appreciated tact, courtesy, General Santos City.
truthfulness, gender sensitivity
and respect in writing a campus Bulusan Ferdinand,
news article. MAEd. (2016). Campus
Journalism within your
At end of the unit, the students Unit 4. Feature and
must have: Science Writing

 defined feature writing and Elements of Feature and Cruz , Ceciliano- J. Out of the 10 types Choose which type 2 weeks
science feature writing; Science Writing Definitions (2008). Basic Campus of feature stories, of feature story you  Tablet/Laptop
Journalism. Rex choose 3 and give want to write.  Smart phone
 discussed the principles of Principles of Journalism Bookstore: Manila. examples from the Conduct an interview  PDFs of
journalism vis-à-vis the writing applicable to Feature Internet. In the by phone, text, reading
of feature articles; Cruz, Ceciliano- J. Review bar of email, or private materials
Structure of the Feature (2010). Campus MSWord, highlight message. Observe  Module
 Enumerated and defined the Article Journalism and School which is the human COVID protocols  Online Reliable
distinguishing characteristics of Paper Advising. 2nd face, the theme, and when interviewing. Resources
the different types of feature Types of Features edition. Rex Bookstore: the facts that You need not
articles Manila. enlarge on the personally meet the
Writing the Actual Feature theme. subject. The feature
 written a feature/science article Article Khan, R. E. (2010). story should not go
using ICT tools and applying Campus Journalism. Given a Science beyond 2 pages
the principles, structure, and Anvil Publishing: feature; explain how short bondpaper,

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

strategies shared; and Quezon City. it could be made TNR, font size 12,
better and single-spaced.
 appreciate accuracy, creativity Sunggay, R. R. (2014). understandable for
and integrity in writing a Ink. Paper. Color. the layman reader.
campus feature/science article. Sounds Pixel: A
Campus Journalism
Book. MP Princess
Digital Solutions:
General Santos City.

At end of the unit, the students Unit 5. Editorial/ Opinion

must have: Writing

 defined an editorial, opinion, 5.1 The editorial defined vs. Cruz , Ceciliano- J. Look for an editorial Write your own 2 weeks
and column; Opinion vs. Column (2008). Basic Campus on the internet, copy editorial of 6  Tablet/Laptop
Journalism. Rex paste on MSWord and paragraphs on the  Smart phone
 discussed the principles of 5.2 Principles of Journalism Bookstore: Manila. explain using the most recent  PDFs of
journalism which should be applicable to Editorial Review function of controversial issue. reading
present in editorial articles; Cruz, Ceciliano- J. MSWord what makes Make sure you materials
5.3 Types of Editorials (2010). Campus the newspeg good or make a clear stand  Module
 clearly explained the structure Journalism and School bad. Highlight the or argument on  Online Reliable
in writing editorials; 5.4 Editorial Structures Paper Advising. 2nd main opinion and the second Resources
edition. Rex Bookstore: explain if it jibes with paragraph and
 defined what makes a good 5.5 Techniques in Claiming Manila. the newspeg or not. If proceed to develop
news peg, and applied the Opinions and Supporting not, rewrite that the arguments.
techniques in presenting Claims Khan, R. E. (2010). portion so that it ties TNR 12 font size,
opinions and supporting claims; Campus Journalism. in with the newspeg. short bond, single
5. 6 Writing the editorial Anvil Publishing: Assess if it is a good spaced.
 written an editorial article using with focus on a strong news Quezon City. or bad editorial.

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

ICT tools and applying the peg and arguments. Assessment must be
principles, structure, and Sunggay, R. R. (2014). after the editorial and
techniques shared; Ink. Paper. Color. written only in 150 to
Sounds Pixel: A 250 words.
 appreciated tact, courtesy, Campus Journalism
truthfulness, and integrity in Book. MP Princess
writing a campus editorial. Digital Solutions:
General Santos City.

At the end of the unit, the student Unit 6. Sports Writing

must have:

 discussed the principles of 6.1 Definition of sports news Cruz , Ceciliano- J. Look for a sports story Go to Youtube or  Tablet/Laptop 1 week
journalism which should be and feature (2008). Basic Campus on the Internet and look for any video of  Smart phone
present in sports articles; Journalism. Rex using the Review a sport you are  PDFs of
6.2 Principles of Journalism Bookstore: Manila. function of MSWord, familiar with and reading
 identified the descriptive applicable to Sports explain what makes write a 6-paragraph materials
structure in writing sports Writing Cruz, Ceciliano- J. the first paragraph sports story  Module
articles; (2010). Campus good or bad based on following the  Online Reliable
6.4 Jargons in Different Journalism and School the PPT lecture. structure based on Resources
 recognized the different types Sports Events Paper Advising. 2nd Revise where the lecture. You
of sports events and their edition. Rex Bookstore: necessary. Underline need not finish a
corresponding jargons; 6.5 The Sports Coverage Manila. the game highlight game; just look for
descriptions. Assess if the game highlights
 written a sports coverage article Khan, R. E. (2010). it is a good or bad and write them
using ICT tools and applying Campus Journalism. sports story and down. You can make
the principles, structure, and Anvil Publishing: explain why. up the scores and
strategies shared; and Quezon City. Assessment must be winning teams, but

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

after the sports article not the game

 appreciated tact, creativity, and Sunggay, R. R. (2014). and written only in highlights which
respect in writing a campus Ink. Paper. Color. 150 to 250 words. must be based on
sports article. Sounds Pixel: A the video. Please
Campus Journalism include the link of
Book. MP Princess the video that you
Digital Solutions: watched.
General Santos City.

Bulusan Ferdinand,
MAEd. (2016). Campus
Journalism within your
At the end of the unit, the student Unit 7. Revising, Editing,
must have: Copyreading, Headlining and Guided copyreading Use the appropriate
Publishing exercises copyreading marks
in reading a copy of
 Discussed the revising up to the 7.1 The Associated Press Associated Press a news story. 1 week
publishing process of campus Stylebook and its Usage Stylebook  Tablet/Laptop
newspapers;  Smart phone
7.2 Revising and Editing Cruz, Ceciliano- J. Revise bad headlines Given several  PDFs of
 identified the duties and Processes in Campus (2008). Basic Campus into a good one. newspegs, write a reading
characteristics of the Journalism Journalism. Rex good headline materials
copyreader and editor; Bookstore: Manila. reflecting the  Module
7.3 The Copyreader – Duties content of the news.  Online Reliable
 used the copy reading and and Characteristics Cruz, Ceciliano- J. Resources
proofreading symbols in editing (2010). Campus
campus articles; 7.4 Copyreading and Journalism and School
Proofreading Symbols Paper Advising. 2nd

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

 edited articles using a Word edition. Rex Bookstore:

Processing application to display 7.5 Headlining and types of Manila.
one’s ICT skills; headlines
Khan, R. E. (2010).
 Revised bad headlines into Campus Journalism.
good ones; and Anvil Publishing:
Quezon City.
 displayed accuracy, respect,
and integrity in editing campus Bulusan Ferdinand,
paper articles. MAEd. (2016). Campus
Journalism within your
At end of the unit, the students Unit 8. Photojournalism
must have:

 discussed the qualities of 8.1 Qualities of Effective Cruz , Ceciliano- J. Given some photos, Prepare a photo 1 week
effective photos for the campus Photos (2008). Basic Campus critique what makes essay of 6 to 10
paper; Journalism. Rex it journalistic and photos applying the  Tablet/Laptop
8.2 The Photo Essay Bookstore: Manila. write the correct principles and  Smart phone
 written journalistic captions journalistic captions techniques in taking  PDFs of
properly; 8.3 Techniques in Cruz, Ceciliano- J. using the format of photos, captioning, reading
Photojournalism Captioning (2010). Campus the Associated and photo editing. materials
 produced a photo essay using the AP Format. Journalism and School Press.  Module
applying the principles and Paper Advising. 2nd  Online Reliable
techniques in taking photos, 8.4 Photo Editing edition. Rex Bookstore: Resources
captioning, and photo editing; Manila.

 used a Photo Editing software Khan, R. E. (2010).

to show one’s ICT skills; and Campus Journalism.

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(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

Anvil Publishing:
 displayed a caring attitude and Quezon City.
social responsibility in the
produced photo essay about a Sunggay, R. R. (2014).
school/ community issue. Ink. Paper. Color.
Sounds Pixel: A
 Campus Journalism
Book. MP Princess
Digital Solutions:
General Santos City.

Bulusan Ferdinand,
MAEd. (2016). Campus
Journalism within your
At end of the unit, the students Unit 9. Cartooning and Lay-
must have: outing

 discussed the qualities of an 9.1 Qualities of Effective Cruz , Ceciliano- J.

effective cartoon and layout for Cartoons (2008). Basic Campus Given two editorial Make a mock layout  Tablet/Laptop 1 week
the campus paper; Journalism. Rex cartoons, explain of a front page and  Smart phone
9.2 Techniques in Editorial Bookstore: Manila. what makes them the editorial section  PDFs of
 analyzed an editorial cartoon if Cartooning good or bad using of a campus tabloid reading
the principles and techniques Cruz, Ceciliano- J. the principles of with photos and materials
in cartooning are applied 9.3 Qualities of a Good (2010). Campus editorial cartooning. articles. Make a  Module
properly; Layout Journalism and School name for the tabloid.  Online Reliable
Paper Advising. 2nd Resources
 identified the physical parts of 9.4 Types of Layouts edition. Rex Bookstore:
the campus paper; Manila.

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(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

9.5 Physical Parts of the

 differentiated the types of Campus Paper Khan, R. E. (2010).
layouts to be applied in the Campus Journalism.
campus paper; 9.6 The Dummy Anvil Publishing:
Quezon City.
 discussed as an editorial board 9.7 Overview of Desktop
how the layout of the campus Publishing Sunggay, R. R. (2014).
paper will look like to tap Ink. Paper. Color.
aesthetic quality and Sounds Pixel: A
functionality; Campus Journalism
Book. MP Princess
 used a Publication Software to Digital Solutions:
show one’s ICT skills; and General Santos City.

 displayed a caring attitude and

social responsibility in the
produced cartoon about a
school/ community issue.
At end of the unit, the students Unit 10. Script Writing and
must have: Newscasting

 identified principles in news 10.1 TV vs. Radio Cruz , Ceciliano- J. Write a newscasting Perform your script. LCD Projectors 2 weeks
broadcasting for television and Broadcasting (2008). Basic Campus script (focusing on Original or Manila Paper
radio Journalism. Rex Script Made,
10.2 Principles in Bookstore: Manila. Newscasting
 discussed the relevance of Broadcasting Elements Present,
broadcasting in the spreading of Cruz, Ceciliano- J. Confidence, and
accurate information and 10.3 Scriptwriting (2010). Campus Language
propagation of responsible Journalism and School Mechanics)

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(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

journalism in the community 10.4 Actual Newscasting Paper Advising. 2nd

and country edition. Rex Bookstore:

Khan, R. E. (2010).
Campus Journalism.
Anvil Publishing:
Quezon City.
At the end of the unit, the students Unit 11. Desktop Publishing
must have:

 published the final campus (Finalizing the Campus Campus Journalism. Brainstorm ideas for a Layout the magazine 2 weeks
paper complete with original paper) Anvil Publishing: 6-page magazine. with original features
articles in the different sections Quezon City. and photographs
using several ICT productivity that are outputs of
tools Sunggay, R. R. (2014). this class.
Ink. Paper. Color.
 evaluated on the effectiveness Sounds Pixel: A
and social responsibility of one’s Campus Journalism
campus paper in the school Book. MP Princess
community Digital Solutions:
General Santos City.

Bulusan Ferdinand,
MAEd. (2016). Campus
Journalism within your

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

Note: This syllabus is flexible and may include additional topics and activities deemed necessary by the teacher and students.

XI. Criteria for Grading

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning 40%
Assessment of Learning Objectives 40%
Major Examinations or their equivalents 20%
Total 100%

XII. Other Requirements

1. Observe these mechanics in all outputs (PDF or hard copy): short-sized bond paper, double spaced, 1inch-margin on all sides, 12 font size,
Arial/Calibri/Tahoma font, appropriate use of bold faced or italics.
2. Use hard copy or soft copy for submissions.
3. Alternative Learning Activity

XIII. Course Mapping

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West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

A. Course Outcomes in relation to Program Outcomes and Institutional Outcomes

Course Outcomes Degree/Program Outcomes Institutional Outcomes Common to all

Programs in all Types
of School
A B C D E  F G H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E
1.) demonstrated  / / / / / / / / /
content knowledge
and application of
the principles,
strategies, and
skills in journalistic
writing and in
teaching this skill to
future learners
through demo-
lecture and
2.) demonstrated / / / / / / / /
positive skills in the
use of ICT in
writing, doing a
layout, and
publishing a
campus paper
incorporating the
general do’s and
don’ts of writing

Page 19 of 22
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

various sections of
the paper including
desktop publishing;
3.) manifested caring / / / / / / / / / / /
attitude, social
respect, and
integrity in pitching
a story, writing
articles, and
publishing a
campus paper.

B. Course Outcomes in relation with Teaching Learning Activities and Assessment Strategies

Teaching and Learning Grading

Course Outcomes Activities Assessment Strategies Weights

Page 20 of 22
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]

  Lecture/Discussion   Activity Sheets

1.) demonstrated content knowledge and application of the principles,
 Interactive learning  Writing of various journalistic
strategies, and language-related skills in journalistic writing and in teaching
this skill to future learners through demo-lecture and workshop; articles 30%
  Lecture/Discussion  Productions of journalistic
 Individual and Group Work outputs such as tabloid and
2.) demonstrated positive skills in the use of ICT in writing, doing a layout, 40%
and publishing a campus paper incorporating the general do’s and don’ts of magazine
writing various sections of the paper including desktop publishing; and  Activity Sheets
3.) manifested caring attitude, social responsibility, respect, and integrity in   Lecture/Discussion   Activity Sheets
pitching a story, writing articles, and publishing a campus paper.  Group work  Newscasting 40%

Prepared by:


Head, BSEd-English Division

Recommending Approval:


Director, School of Education and Technology, Business Management and Technology


Page 21 of 22
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Brgy. Caradio-an, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, 6108
* Tel. No. (034)-388-3300
* Official Page:
* Email Address: [email protected]


Dean of Instruction

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