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1-Thiết kế chuỗi cung ứng (xác định có những bên nào tham gia vào chuỗi cung ứng, nhiệm vụ của họ là gì) Producers 

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1- Thiết kế chuỗi cung ứng(xác định có những bên nào

tham gia vào chuỗi cung ứng, nhiệm vụ của họ là gì)

 Producers
Producers are organizations that produce products. Producers
include companies that manufacture raw materials and
companies that manufacture finished products. Manufacturers
of raw materials such as mining, oil and gas drilling, wood
saws. . . and also includes farming, livestock or fishing
organizations. Finished products manufacturers use materials
and assemblies produced by other companies.
 Distributors
Distributors are companies that stock a large quantity from
manufacturers and distributors of products to customers.
Distributors are also considered wholesalers. Distributors sell
products to other dealers in larger quantities than retail
customers. Due to fluctuations in product demand, the
distributor stores the goods, makes the sale, and serves the
customer. A typical distributor is an organization that owns
many inventory products purchased from a manufacturer and
sold to consumers. In addition to product promotions and
sales, there are other functions that distributors have to
perform are inventory management, store operations, product
shipping, and customer care. A distributor is also an
organization that only represents sales between the
manufacturer and the customer, never in possession of the
product. This type of distributor performs the primary
function of promoting and selling products.
In both of these cases, the distributor is the agent that
continuously captures the customer's needs, causing the
customer to buy products from manufacturing companies.
 Retailers
Retailers stock products and sell to customers in smaller
quantities. Retailers while selling products also capture very
detailed customer opinions and needs. Due to the primary
effort of attracting customers to the products they sell,
retailers often advertise and use a combination of techniques
of product price, choice and convenience.

Customer or consumer is any individual or organization

that buys and uses a product. An organization customer can
buy a product to combine with another product and then sell
them to another customer who uses the following product /
purchases the product for consumption.

Service Supplier
These are the organizations that provide services to
manufacturers, distributors, retailers and customers. Service
providers have unique expertise and skills in a single activity
in the supply chain. Therefore, they can perform these
services more efficiently and at a better price than
manufacturers, distributors, retailers or consumers who do this
In any supply chain, the most common supplier is
transportation and warehouse services. These are truck
companies and warehouse companies and are more commonly
known as logistics providers. Financial service providers
provide services such as lending, credit analysis, and
collection of maturing debts. These are banks, credit
valuation companies, and debt collection companies. Several
vendors perform market research, advertising, product design,
engineering services, legal services, and management
consulting. . .

2- Mô tả các dòng của chuỗi cung ứng. (dựa vào tình

huống thực tế để phân tích và mô tả: dòng hàng hóa,
dòng thông tin, dòng tiền…);
Product Flows: The path of physical circulation and
transformation from Supplier to customer, Right and
sufficient in quantity and time

Information flow: Shifting supply and demand data, orders,

documents, ... showing two-way and multidimensional

Financial flows: math, credit, trust and ownership

3-  Những yếu tố ảnh hưởng tới lựa chọn kiểu loại hợp
đồng nào trong chuỗi cung ứng:

✓ Business convention:  Companies tend to choose the

contract form that is most common in their type of business.
✓ Information availability: Depending on the contract type,
suppliers and buyers require access to different types of
information, and some information may be difficult for the
supplier to acquire but easier for the retailer, or vice versa.
✓ Decision making and incentives:  To achieve the optimal
profit for the whole system and to allocate it properly, both
suppliers and retailers must understand that decisions must be
made collaboratively.  All parties must be aware that the
choice of the supply contract type depends on the level of
control that parties are willing to share with each other.

4- Các loại hợp đồng thường gặp trong hợp đồng chuỗi
cung ứng
+ Buy-back contract: 
- Seller agrees to buy unsold goods from the buyer for some
agreed-upon price.  
- Increases the optimal order quantity for the retailer, resulting
in higher product availability and higher profits for both the
retailer and the supplier
- Downside is that buyback contract results in surplus
inventory for the supplier that must be disposed of, which
increases supply chain costs;
- Increase in buyer’s order quantities, so that decreases the
likelihood of out of stock, 
-  Compensates the supplier for the higher risk
+ Revernue- sharing contract: 
- Buyer shares some of its revenue with the supplier, in return
for a discount on the wholesale price.
- Buyer transfers a portion of the revenue from each unit sold
back to the supplier

5- Cross docking

Cross docking is a logistics procedure where products from a

supplier or manufacturing plant are distributed directly to a
customer or retail chain with marginal to no handling or
storage time. Instead of that warehouse being used to stock a
single product, trucks from a supplier load and unload a large
number of different products. These large shipments are
divided into smaller lots. These smaller batches of various
products are assembled according to daily needs and loaded
onto trucks that take them to the final customer.

6- Cách đối phó với hiệu ứng Bullwhip

 Reducing uncertainty
– Centralizing demand information
– Bullwhip inherent in use of various forecasting
 Reducing variability
– Use of EDLP(Every Day Low Pricing) strategy
• Lead time reduction
– Order lead time (time to produce and ship)
– Information lead time (time to process order) –
Efficient network distribution design
• Strategic partnership
– Vendor managed inventory (VMI); Sharing of
customer information;Collaborative forecasting

7- Nguyên nhân Bullwhip

• Demand forecasting
– Min-max inventory level
– Order-up-to level
– Orders increase more than forecasts
• Long cycle times
– Long lead times magnify this effect; – Impact on safety
– Product life cycle
• Batch ordering
– Volume & transportation discount
• Price fluctuation
– Promotional sales – Forward buying
• Inflated orders
– Orders placed increase during shortage periods
– IBM Aptiva orders increased by 2-3 times when
retailers thought that IBM would be out of stock over
• Single retailer, single manufacturer.
– Retailer observes customer demand, Dt. – Retailer
orders qt from manufacturer.
8- Yếu tố ảnh hưởng tới sự không chắc chắn
• Fluctuations of Inventory and Backorders throughout the
Supply Chain
• Forecasting is not a solution
• Demand is not the only source of uncertainty
• Recent trends make things more uncertain
– Lean manufacturing – Outsourcing
– Off-shoring

9- Thành phần của SC

Manufacturing refers to the supply chain's ability to

manufacture and store products. The means of
production such as factories and warehouses. The basic
problem of the manager when making production
decisions is: how to settle the balance between
responsiveness and efficiency. If the workshop and
warehouse are built with high excess capacity, the ability
to flexibly and quickly respond to a large volume of
product needs.

Inventory includes raw materials, semi-finished

products, finished products stored by manufacturers,
distributors and retailers throughout the supply chain.
Managers must decide where to store them in order to
strike a balance between responsiveness and efficiency.
Storing a large amount of inventory allows the company
to respond quickly to fluctuations in customer demand.

Location refers to the location, activities performed in

parts of the supply chain. The choice here is
responsiveness and efficiency. Decisions will focus on
operating in a number of areas to achieve efficiency and
economies of scale. Decisions will reduce focus on
operations in areas near customers and suppliers for more
timely response.
The location decision is seen as a strategic decision
because it has a great effect on long-term financial
planning. When deciding on the location, managers need
to consider a range of factors such as departmental costs,
labor, skills required in production, infrastructure
conditions, and taxes. . . and close to the supplier or
The location decision has a strong impact on the cost
and performance of the supply chain. The location
decision reflects a fundamental strategy of a company for
building and distributing the product to the market.
When determining the location, quantity and size. . .
then we determine the number of channels to distribute
the product to the end consumer.

Transport involves the movement of raw materials,

semi-finished products and finished products in the
supply chain. The balance between responsiveness and
efficiency shows through the choice of transport mode.
The fastest mode of transport is the plane because it
responds the fastest but also costs the most. Slower
modes of transport such as ships and trains are very cost-
effective but cannot be responded in time.
Transportation costs can be 1/3 of the supply chain's
operating costs, so the decision to choose is very
important here

Information is an important decision-making issue for

the four supply chain drivers. It is the connection
between all activities in a supply chain. To the extent
that the connection is strong (e.g. accurate, timely and
complete data) companies in the supply chain will be
able to make good decisions about their own operations.
This helps to maximize profits of the entire supply chain.

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