Technology Watch Report: Brian Lavoie

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Technology Watch Report

Preservation Metadata
Brian Lavoie
Office of Research
OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
[email protected]

Richard Gartner
Oxford University Library Services
[email protected]

DPC Technology Watch Series Report 05-01

September 2005

Keywords: metadata, digital preservation, schema, OAIS, metadata framework,

PREMIS, data dictionary, METS, XML schema, archival information package

© OCLC Online Computer Library Center Inc., Oxford University Library Services and
Digital Preservation Coalition 2005

Executive Summary
Preservation metadata is information that supports and documents the long-term
preservation of digital materials. It addresses an archived digital object’s provenance,
documenting the custodial history of the object; authenticity, validating that the digital
object is in fact what it purports to be, and has not been altered in an undocumented way;
preservation activity, documenting the actions taken to preserve the digital object, and
any consequences of these actions that impact its look, feel, or functionality; technical
environment, describing the technical requirements, such as hardware and software,
needed to render and use the digital object; and rights management, recording any
binding intellectual property rights that may limit the repository’s ability to preserve and
disseminate the digital object over time. Preservation metadata addresses all of these
issues and more. In short, preservation metadata helps make an archived digital object
self-documenting over time, even as the intellectual, economic, legal, and technical
environments surrounding the object are in a constant state of change. The principal
challenge in developing a preservation metadata schema is to anticipate what information
will actually be needed to support a particular digital preservation activity, and by
extension, to meet a particular set of preservation goals.

The scope and depth of the preservation metadata required for a given digital
preservation activity will vary according to numerous factors, such as the “intensity” of
preservation, the length of archival retention, or even the knowledge base of the intended
user community.

The OAIS (Open Archival Information System) reference model provides a high-level
overview of the types of information needed to support digital preservation, including
representation information, preservation description information (which can be broken
down into reference, context, provenance, and fixity information), packaging
information, and descriptive information. These information types can be interpreted as
the general categories of metadata needed to support the long-term preservation and use
of digital materials, and have served as the starting point for a number of preservation
metadata initiatives.

Over the past few years, a number of institutions and projects have released preservation
metadata element sets, reflecting a wide range of assumptions, purposes, and approaches.
In 2002, the OCLC/RLG Preservation Metadata Framework Working Group consolidated
existing expertise in the form of a preservation metadata framework. Using the broad
categories of information specified in OAIS as a starting point, the Framework
enumerates the types of information falling within the scope of preservation metadata.
The working group then expanded each category of information, providing additional
structure to articulate the OAIS information requirements in progressively greater detail
and ending with a set of “prototype” preservation metadata elements.

Release of the Framework prompted interest in moving it toward a more implementable

status. In response to this, OCLC and RLG sponsored a second working group: PREMIS
(PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies). Composed of more than thirty

international experts in preservation metadata, PREMIS sought to: 1) define a core set of
implementable, broadly applicable preservation metadata elements, supported by a data
dictionary; and 2) identify and evaluate alternative strategies for encoding, storing,
managing, and exchanging preservation metadata in digital archiving systems. In
September 2004, PREMIS released a survey report describing current practice and
emerging trends associated with the management and use of preservation metadata to
support repository functions and policies. PREMIS followed up the survey report with
the 237-page Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata: Final Report of the PREMIS
Working Group, released in May 2005. The PREMIS Data Dictionary is a
comprehensive, practical resource for implementing preservation metadata in digital
archiving systems. It defines implementable, core preservation metadata, along with
guidelines and recommendations for management and use. A maintenance activity has
been set up to manage the Data Dictionary and coordinate future revisions.

Digital objects accumulate a great deal of metadata over time. METS (Metadata
Encoding and Transmission Standard) is an XML schema designed specifically as an
overall framework within which all the metadata associated with a digital object can be
stored. A METS file comprises four major constituent sections: a file inventory for all the
files associated with the digital object; a section for administrative metadata; a section for
descriptive metadata; and a structural map for the object. METS allows two approaches
to the storage of the metadata and data associated with a digital object: both may be either
stored internally within the METS file, or held externally and referenced from within
METS. The content of each section is not prescribed by METS itself: any XML data or
metadata may be used; however, METS does recommend a number of schemas. The
flexibility of METS implies that its practical implementation can be very flexible as well:
any system capable of handling XML documents can be used to create, store and deliver
METS-based metadata. METS Profiles can be used to document a particular METS
implementation within a project.

The resources required for a METS-based system are no more than one requires for
handling any other form of XML object. METS is at its strongest when dealing with a
wide variety of materials which need to be handled flexibly but in an organized and
coherent manner. Since XML is non-proprietary, a METS file is not tied to any given
software package, which mitigates the threat of technical obsolescence. Because METS
was designed to act as an OAIS Archival Information Package, no conceptual leap is
required to fit METS into the OAIS landscape.

There are a number of areas future preservation metadata work could address. Automated
preservation metadata tools are needed. Ideally, these tools should support formal
preservation metadata schema, and be surfaced in a variety of digital asset management
environments. Collaborative metadata management strategies, such as the sharing and re-
use of preservation metadata through registries, and diffusion of metadata capture
responsibilities throughout the digital information lifecycle, can offer efficient,
economical ways of acquiring and maintaining certain forms of preservation metadata.
Finally, there is a need to explore the implications of exchanging preservation metadata
across a network of heterogeneous digital archiving systems.

DPC Technology Watch Report on Preservation Metadata1

Metadata and preservation metadata

It is hard to discuss information management topics today without encountering the term
metadata. The canonical definition of metadata – “data about data” – is not particularly
helpful in understanding what metadata is and how it is used, but fortunately, more
informative definitions are available. Metadata definitions resemble the old adage about
standards – the nice thing is there are so many to choose from – but a good one is
provided by the National Information Standards Organization2, who define metadata as
“structured information that describes, explains, locates, or otherwise makes it easier to
retrieve, use, or manage an information resource”. ‘Metadata definitions resemble
the old adage about standards
Most metadata primers slice up metadata into three – the nice thing is there are so
distinct categories. Descriptive metadata is many to choose from...’
information that identifies, supports the discovery of,
and documents relationships between, information resources. Structural metadata is
information that documents how the component pieces of complex information resources
fit together, such as the chapters in a book, or the text, image, and sound files that
collectively make up a multi-media Web page. Administrative metadata is information
that supports one or more processes concerned with the management of information
resources. Caplan3 provides a detailed discussion of descriptive, structural, and
administrative metadata.

Segmenting metadata into descriptive, structural, and administrative categories is helpful

for thinking about the range of information potentially encapsulated in a metadata
schema4, but at the same time, it can be misleading to the extent that it suggests clear
boundaries exist between the three categories. In fact, the distinction between descriptive,
structural, and administrative metadata can be quite blurred. Even more problematic are
attempts to assign a metadata schema to a single category, since most tend to span
multiple categories. Nowhere is this problem more evident than in endeavoring to set
preservation metadata in the broader context of the general metadata landscape.

Preservation metadata is information that supports and documents the long-term

preservation of digital materials. Many commentators assign preservation metadata to the
category of administrative metadata, since preservation is an information management
process – but in fact, this categorization is not correct. A preservation metadata schema
will include descriptive, structural, and administrative metadata elements. In light of this,

The authors wish to thank two anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions.
NISO (2004) Understanding Metadata, p.1. Available at:
Caplan, P. (2003) Metadata Fundamentals for All Librarians (Chicago: ALA)
For the purposes of this paper, a metadata schema may be understood as a set of metadata elements along
with guidelines or instructions for their use.

we must look for criteria for distinguishing preservation metadata from other forms of
metadata at a level somewhere above the descriptive/structural/administrative distinction.

A metadata schema is intended to serve some purpose – in a sense, it supports some

“verb” that the schema is intended to help accomplish. In the case of preservation
metadata, the verb is “preserve”, so when we draw a distinction between metadata and
preservation metadata, it is this verb which helps us draw a boundary around what is in
and what is out of scope. Preservation metadata is descriptive, structural, and
administrative metadata that supports the long-term preservation of digital materials.

Requirements and importance

It is difficult to draw a clear boundary around what types of information fall within the
scope of preservation metadata. It is probably too much to say that preservation metadata
is any metadata used in a digital preservation repository setting, yet it is certainly more
than the technical information needed to maintain and render digital formats across
changing technology cycles. There has, however, been much discussion of what types of
information are required to support the digital
preservation process, and from this, consensus ‘It is probably too much to say that
preservation metadata is any metadata
seems to have settled around five major areas used in a digital preservation
relevant to preservation metadata: repository setting, yet it is certainly
more than the technical information
Provenance: Preservation metadata should needed to maintain and render digital
record information bearing on the custodial formats across changing technology
history of the digital object, potentially cycles.’
stretching back to the time of the object’s
creation, and moving forward through successive changes in physical custody and/or

Authenticity: Preservation metadata should include information sufficient to validate that

the archived digital object is in fact what it purports to be, and has not been altered, either
intentionally or unintentionally, in an undocumented way.

Preservation activity: Preservation metadata should document the actions taken over time
to preserve the digital object, and record any consequences of these actions that impact
the look, feel, or functionality of the object.5

Technical environment: Preservation metadata should describe the technical

requirements, such as hardware, operating system, and software applications, needed to
render and use the digital object in the state in which it is currently stored in the

Rights management: Preservation metadata should record any binding intellectual

property rights that limit the repository’s powers to take action to preserve the digital
object, and to disseminate the object to current and future users.

Documentation of the nature and impact of digital preservation activities could be construed as a form of
provenance information; however, it is of sufficient importance to merit separate emphasis.

It is readily seen that the information types enumerated above constitute a deep,
comprehensive description of the custodial, technical, and even legal aspects of archived
digital objects. This is a great deal of information to collect and maintain, which naturally
invites the question of why it is necessary to do so – in other words, why is preservation
metadata important?

First, preservation metadata is important because digital objects are technology-

dependent. Unlike print books or oil paintings, the contents of digital objects cannot be
accessed “directly” by users; instead, a complex technological environment, consisting of
software, hardware, and in some cases network technology, sits between the user and the
object’s contents. Rendering and using digital objects requires the availability of this
environment, or at least some technically equivalent substitute. For this reason, it is not
enough to simply preserve a digital object: the means to render and
use it must be preserved as well. This need is amplified in light of ‘…it is not
the constant pace of technological change, which inevitably makes enough to simply
today’s technologies obsolete. Consequently, it is especially preserve a digital
important to carefully document the technological environment of object: the means
an archived digital object to ensure it remains usable for current to render and use
it must be
and future generations. preserved as
A second reason preservation metadata is important is that digital
objects are mutable. They can be easily altered, either by accident or design, with
potentially significant consequences for an object’s look, feel, and functionality. Beyond
this, the relatively short lifespan of many forms of digital storage media raise the specter
of “bit rot” – the gradual degradation of stored bits leading to partial or even complete
information loss. Even the act of preservation itself can alter the form or function of a
digital object – for example, when an object is migrated from one format to another in
order to keep pace with changing technologies. For these and other reasons, it is
especially important for an archived digital object to be accompanied by metadata
documenting its provenance and authenticity – in particular, its salient characteristics at
the time of creation, how those characteristics have been altered over time, by whom, and
for what purpose. This becomes especially important in domains such as electronic
record-keeping, where the evidentiary value of the content must be preserved and

Finally, preservation metadata is important because digital objects are bound by

intellectual property rights.6 The relatively brief “shelf life” of digital storage media,
along with the rapid obsolescence of contemporary technology, often produces a very
short “window of inactivity” during which preservation actions can be safely deferred.
This is not to say that non-digital objects are not bound by IPR, but there is an important distinction
between the two formats. For non-digital objects – e.g., print materials – preservation actions can often be
deferred for a considerable period of time; the process of degradation is slow enough that by the time
preservation actions become imperative, the material has either passed into the public domain, or its owners
have, for one reason or another, relinquished their rights attached to the object – perhaps because the object
has ceased to hold a private economic value. In these circumstances, public agencies are often free to
intervene and take whatever actions are necessary to preserve the object over the long-term.

Moreover, digital preservation actions are, for the most part, pre-emptive in nature,
seeking to avert damage rather than to repair it. Once a digital file is corrupted, or the
means to access it lost, its contents may be lost forever. In light of these considerations,
digital preservation must often take place early in the information life cycle – and while
the material is still under copyright. So rather than operating with a free hand,
preservation repositories often must work within limitations imposed by currently
binding property rights that define acceptable preservation and access policies. The
impact of intellectual property rights on digital preservation can vary across contexts, and
be manifested in complex ways – for example, even if the archived content is in the
public domain, rights may still be attached to the software needed to render it. For these
reasons, it is especially important to document the intellectual property rights associated
with an archived digital object, in order that long-term preservation actions can be
coordinated with any rights restrictions binding on the object.

There are many other reasons why ‘…preservation metadata is important

preservation metadata is an important – because it enables a digital object to be
indeed an essential – component of most self-documenting over time, and therefore
digital preservation strategies. A useful positioned for long-term preservation and
way of summing them all up might be as access…’
follows: preservation metadata is
important because it enables a digital object to be self-documenting over time, and
therefore positioned for long-term preservation and access, even as ownership, custody,
technology, legal restrictions, and even user communities are relentlessly changing.

Developing a preservation metadata schema7

The principal challenge in developing a preservation metadata schema is to anticipate
what information will actually be needed in order to support a particular digital
preservation activity, and by extension, to meet a particular set of preservation goals. The
scope and depth of the preservation metadata required for a given digital preservation
activity will vary according to numerous factors, such as the “intensity” of preservation
(i.e., whether an archived object’s intellectual content can be migrated to new formats to
keep pace with changing technology, or whether the object must be maintained in a form
that preserves its original look, feel, and functionality); the length of archival retention
(e.g., finite, as in the case of legal obligations to maintain institutional records for a
prescribed period; or “in perpetuity”, as in the case of a digital resource that is part of the
permanent historical record); or even the knowledge base of the intended user
community. Perhaps more than any other form of metadata, preservation metadata
requires planners to “get it right” the first time.

Once a preservation metadata schema has ‘Perhaps more than any other form of
been developed and implemented, it is metadata, preservation metadata requires
difficult to judge its effectiveness a priori. planners to “get it right” the first time.’

Parts of this section are adapted from Lavoie, B. (2004) “Preservation Metadata: Challenge,
Collaboration, and Consensus” Microform & Imaging Review Vol. 33, No. 3.

Metadata intended to aid resource discovery can be readily tested, and if necessary,
refined, in order to improve the relevance and accuracy of search results. In contrast, the
suitability of a particular set of preservation metadata elements may not be determined
until long after their implementation, at which time a digital repository might discover
that the metadata collected far exceeds what was actually necessary, or conversely (and
more serious), was insufficient to support the long-term requirements of the digital
archiving system. 8

Many factors need to be taken into account when developing a preservation metadata
schema, but three are of particular importance. These factors may seem obvious, but are
nevertheless worth stating explicitly.

A preservation metadata schema should aim to be:

• Comprehensive: Even if the scope and depth of the schema exceeds

current needs, it is easier to employ a limited set of elements from the
schema now, and preserve the option to adopt other portions of the schema
later as need arises, than to fully employ a limited schema now, and be
forced to extend the schema in an ad hoc, “piece-meal” fashion, should it
be determined over time that additional information is needed.

• Oriented toward implementation: Metadata is expensive to create and

maintain; a good preservation metadata schema should, therefore, be
designed with the practicalities of implementation in mind. For example,
the schema should, where possible, provide controlled vocabularies or
codes for populating elements, rather than relying on “free text”. In
addition, the schema should be adaptable to automated workflows for
metadata collection and management; see below for more on this point.

• Interoperable: The “entourage” of metadata that accompanies a digital

object over time will likely be accumulated from, and used by, a variety of
stakeholders beyond the repository itself. Given this, a preservation
metadata schema should be designed to promote interoperability across
these stakeholders, in the sense of facilitating transactions involving an
archived digital object and/or its associated metadata: e.g., initial
submission to the repository, dissemination to a user, or transfer to another

OAIS to PREMIS, or, preservation metadata from theory to practice

Although it is still a fairly new topic, preservation metadata has moved quite rapidly from
theory to practice. In part, this mirrors overarching conditions in the digital preservation
area itself, where efforts to carefully develop solid foundations for digital preservation

More generally, one could argue that metadata schema are products of the time and conditions under
which they were produced, and therefore are subjective to some degree. For a discussion of this point, see
Bowker, G. C. (2000) “Biodiversity Datadiversity” Social Studies of Science Vol. 30 No.5, p.643-683. The
authors thank an anonymous reviewer for this point.

techniques and practices are paralleled by an immediate need to implement capacity to
secure the long-term retention of digital materials currently perceived to be at risk. In this
sense, the movement from theory to practice in preservation metadata cannot be traced as
a straight line, but rather as a series of overlapping initiatives straddling research and
development, with a substantial dose of cross-fertilization at the boundary. For
expositional purposes, however, it is useful to establish two endpoints for the
development of preservation metadata – the OAIS Information Model at one end, and the
PREMIS Working Group at the other – with a number of important initiatives taking
place in between.

The OAIS (Open Archival Information System) reference model9 is a conceptual
framework describing the environment, functional components, and information objects
associated with a system responsible for the long-term preservation of digital materials.10
OAIS was approved as ISO standard 14721 in 2002, but even before then, it had enjoyed
widespread adoption in the digital preservation community. It is common for digital
preservation repositories to bill themselves as “OAIS-compliant”, although there is no
definitive articulation of what such compliance requires.11

OAIS has exerted a great deal of influence in the development of the art and science of
digital preservation, with preservation metadata one of the areas where this impact has
been especially evident. In particular, the OAIS information model has served as the
foundation for, or at least informed, the
‘…there is a fundamental link between development of most preservation
preserved digital content and metadata, or metadata initiatives that have emerged in
put another way, metadata plays an recent years. Indeed, one could argue that
essential role in preserving digital content the salient characteristic shared by these
and supporting its use over the long-term.’ initiatives, and therefore the starting point
for consensus-building in the area of
preservation metadata, is the fact that each can be traced, in some form or another, back
to the common antecedent of the OAIS information model.

The OAIS information model is a conceptualization of the information objects taken into,
stored, and disseminated by a digital preservation repository. The core concept
underlying this model is that of an information package – a combination of some piece of
content that is the focus of preservation, along with its associated metadata. OAIS defines
three varieties of information package: a submission information package, or SIP, which
is the content and associated metadata “ingested” into the repository at the time of
deposit; the archival information package, or AIP, which is the content and associated

Strictly speaking, OAIS is intended to represent the conceptual foundations of any system tasked with
long-term preservation – therefore, the objects that are the focus of preservation could be anything from
print books to geological samples. But it is in the context of digital preservation that OAIS has received the
most attention and take-up.
For a description of the OAIS model, including its history and development, see Lavoie, B. (2004) The
Open Archival Information System Reference Model: Introductory Guide DPC Technology Watch Report.
Available at:

metadata actually stored and managed by the repository over the long-term; and lastly,
the dissemination information package, or DIP, which is the content and associated
metadata provided by the repository in response to access requests by users.

Differentiation across these three package types can include the form of the content, the
form of the metadata, or what is more likely, both. But the key point is that regardless of
package type, there is a fundamental link between preserved digital content and metadata,
or put another way, metadata plays an essential role in preserving digital content and
supporting its use over the long-term.

The OAIS information model implicitly establishes the link between metadata and digital
preservation – i.e., preservation metadata. In addition, it provides a high-level overview
of the types of information that fall within the scope of preservation metadata,

• Representation Information: information necessary to render and

understand the bit sequences constituting the archived digital object.
• Preservation Description Information: information that supports and
documents the preservation of the archived object, including:
Reference information: uniquely identifies the archived object;
Context information: describes the archived object’s relationship(s)
to other archived objects;
Provenance information: documents the history of the archived object;
Fixity information: validates the authenticity or integrity of the
archived object.
• Packaging Information: information that binds all components of an
information package into a single logical unit.
• Descriptive Information: information that supports the discovery and
retrieval of the archived object by the repository’s users.

These information types can be collectively interpreted as the most general description of
the metadata needed to support the long-term preservation and use of digital materials.
They would serve as the starting point for most subsequent efforts to develop formal
preservation metadata schema.

Preservation metadata element sets

As the need to develop operational digital preservation capacity began to surface, a
number of institutions undertook to develop preservation metadata element sets to
support current or planned efforts to preserve digital materials. There is no space in this
paper to attempt an exhaustive list of these element sets, but it is useful to briefly mention
several, in order to provide examples of how institutions have implemented preservation
metadata requirements in practice, and to convey a sense of the “state-of-the-art”
prevailing at the time preservation metadata consensus-building efforts (to be discussed
in the next two sections) began to coalesce.

For a more detailed description of these information types, see Lavoie (2004).

Early efforts to develop preservation metadata element sets were undertaken by the
National Library of Australia (NLA), the CEDARS (CURL Exemplars in Digital
Archives) project, and the NEDLIB (Networked European Deposit Library) project.13
The NLA element set14 was designed to support the preservation of both digitized and
born-digital objects. It accommodates three levels of descriptive granularity – collection,
object, and sub-object (file) – and is implementation-neutral, in the sense that no
assumptions are made about the specific preservation strategy adopted by the repository.
The CEDARS element set15 was developed for use with a pilot digital archive, and is
applicable to a variety of digital formats. In contrast to the NLA set, these elements are
applicable at any level of description. Finally, the NEDLIB element set16 defines a “core”
set of essential preservation metadata, with an emphasis on overcoming the problem of
technological obsolescence. Elements are
defined at a high level to maximize ‘In considering these and other
applicability across object formats and types. preservation metadata element sets,
one can sum them up by observing
Examples of more recent efforts to develop that the earlier efforts …largely were
preservation metadata element sets include speculative in nature, seeking to
those produced by OCLC, the National anticipate the metadata needs of
Library of New Zealand (NLNZ), and the programmatic digital preservation
University of Edinburgh (UE). The OCLC initiatives that would emerge in the
element set17 was developed for use in
conjunction with its Digital Archive service;
its design benefited from input provided by users of the service. The NLNZ element set18
supports the Library’s ongoing efforts to develop internal digital preservation capacity. It
is a starting point for implementing systems responsible for collecting and managing
preservation metadata. The UE element set19 is part of a wider effort to develop a digital
preservation strategy for the University and its stakeholders, and is based largely on the
CEDARS element set mentioned above. In considering these and other preservation
metadata element sets, one can sum them up by observing that the earlier efforts – NLA,
CEDARS, NEDLIB, and others – largely were speculative in nature, seeking to anticipate
the metadata needs of programmatic digital preservation initiatives that would emerge in
the future. On the other hand, development of the more recent element sets, such as
OCLC, NLNZ, and UE, were more closely aligned with planning and implementation of
“production” digital archiving systems – and of course, benefited considerably from the
foundations laid by the earlier sets.

The following descriptions of the NLA, CEDARS, and NEDLIB preservation metadata element sets are
adapted from OCLC/RLG (2001) Preservation Metadata for Digital Objects: A Review of the State of the
Art, p.17-18. Available at:

Preservation metadata framework working group20
The ubiquity of the digital preservation problem speaks to the value of collaboration and
consensus-building for resolving the challenges and uncertainties of managing digital
materials over the long-term. Digital
preservation is an issue that impacts a ‘The ubiquity of the digital preservation
variety of stakeholders, distributed problem speaks to the value of
throughout the academic, commercial, collaboration and consensus-building for
government, and cultural heritage resolving the challenges and uncertainties
communities, and each confronted with a of managing digital materials over the
similar need to develop effective strategies long-term.’
for securing the long-term retention of
digital materials. In 2000, OCLC and RLG jointly sponsored the creation of an
international working group tasked with defining the role of metadata in the digital
preservation process. The Preservation Metadata Framework Working Group21 drew
together the expertise of individuals from a variety of institutional backgrounds.

At the time the working group was organized, there was little or no consensus on even
the most fundamental questions surrounding preservation metadata, including what types
information constituted preservation metadata, and how it could be used to support the
digital preservation process. As discussed in the previous section, several institutions had
developed element sets for internal use, but these reflected a wide range of assumptions,
purposes, and approaches. In light of this, the working group produced a white paper22
summarizing the “state of the art” in preservation metadata. The white paper provided a
definition of preservation metadata, described its role in the digital preservation process,
and reviewed a number of existing preservation metadata initiatives, with an emphasis on
identifying points of convergence and divergence among them.

The white paper provided a foundation for the working group’s next task, which was to
develop a comprehensive, broadly applicable preservation metadata framework
enumerating the types of information falling within the scope of preservation metadata.
Given its extensive take-up in the digital preservation community, the working group
chose OAIS as the starting point for the framework. The broad categories of information
specified in the OAIS information model served as a top-level description of the types of
information comprising preservation metadata. The working group then expanded each
category of information, providing additional structure to articulate the OAIS information
requirements in progressively greater detail and ending with a set of “prototype”
preservation metadata elements.

Published in 2002, the preservation metadata framework23 was the first international
consensus-driven statement on the scope of preservation metadata. It consolidated
existing expertise to create a solid foundation upon which future preservation metadata

Parts of this section are adapted from Lavoie, B. (2004) “Preservation Metadata: Challenge,
Collaboration, and Consensus” Microform & Imaging Review Vol. 33, No. 3.

schema could be built, as well as a shared departure point for schema developed in
different settings.

PREMIS working group

Release of the framework prompted new questions about preservation metadata and its
use – questions such as what subset of information covered in the framework is essential
for preserving digital materials over the long-term? How can this information be
translated into implementable preservation metadata elements? How should preservation
metadata be created and maintained in operational digital archiving systems?

To address these and other questions, OCLC and RLG sponsored a second working
group: PREMIS (PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies)24. PREMIS was
composed of more than thirty international experts in preservation metadata, drawn from
libraries, museums, archives, government agencies, and the private sector. The working
group’s objectives were two-fold: first, using the framework as a starting point, to define
a core set of implementable, broadly applicable preservation metadata elements,
supported by a data dictionary offering guidelines and recommendations for populating
and managing the elements; second, to identify and evaluate alternative strategies for
encoding, storing, managing, and exchanging preservation metadata – in particular, the
core elements – in the context of digital archiving systems.

In September 2004, PREMIS released Implementing Preservation Repositories for

Digital Materials: Current Practice and Emerging Trends in the Cultural Heritage
Community.25 This report presents results from a survey addressing various aspects of
existing and planned digital preservation repositories, including organizational mission,
user communities, repository services, funding, characteristics of archived content, rights
management policies, and of course, how metadata is being used to support repository
processes, functions, and policies. Nearly 50 responses were received from institutions in
13 different countries; these institutions included libraries, archives, and museums,
among others. Caution should be exercised in extrapolating the survey results to the
entire digital preservation community – in particular, respondents were heavily skewed
toward US libraries – but they nevertheless provide a valuable sampling of current
approaches toward implementing preservation repositories. Survey responses
underscored a number of issues impacting preservation metadata, including the extent to
which repository architectures are informed by OAIS; the needs of repository
stakeholders; methods for obtaining metadata for archived digital objects; types of
metadata currently used by repositories; the nature and use of rights management
metadata; access mechanisms for archived materials; and strategies for meeting long-term
preservation objectives.

PREMIS followed up the survey report with the 237-page Data Dictionary for
Preservation Metadata: Final Report of the PREMIS Working Group, released in May
2005.26 The report includes the PREMIS Data Dictionary 1.0, a comprehensive guide to


core metadata needed to support long-term digital preservation. In addition to the Data
Dictionary, the PREMIS final report includes a number of additional materials, including
a report discussing special topics regarding the Data Dictionary; a glossary; and a set of
examples illustrating use of the Data Dictionary for a variety of digital material types and
digital preservation contexts. PREMIS also developed a set of XML schema27 to support
use of the Data Dictionary by institutions managing and exchanging PREMIS-
conformant preservation metadata.

The Data Dictionary is organized around a data model consisting of five entities
associated with digital preservation: Intellectual Entity (a coherent set of content that is
described as a unit: e.g., a book); Object (a discrete unit of information in digital form:
e.g., a PDF file); Event (a preservation action: e.g., ingest of the PDF file into the
repository); Agent (person, organization, or software program associated with an Event:
e.g., the publisher of the PDF file who deposits it into the repository); and Rights (one or
more permissions pertaining to an Object: e.g., permission to make copies of the PDF file
for preservation purposes). The Data Dictionary provides detailed descriptions of
metadata associated with the Object, Event, Agent, and Rights entities, along with
guidelines for implementation and use. Metadata for Intellectual Entities was considered
out of scope, because it was felt that this information was already addressed in existing
schema focusing on descriptive metadata.

A maintenance activity28 has been set up to manage the current versions of the Data
Dictionary and XML schema, and to coordinate future revisions. Currently, the
maintenance activity takes the form of a Web presence hosted by the Library of
Congress, but will soon be expanded to include leading institutions in digital preservation
from around the world.

The work of PREMIS represents a significant step forward in terms of closing the gap
between theory and practice in preservation metadata, and represents the only cross-
institutional, cross-domain consensus-building activity in this area. Perhaps most
significantly, the PREMIS Data Dictionary is based on the accumulated experiences of
many institutions, representing a variety
of domains but sharing a common need to ‘The work of PREMIS represents a
set up and manage digital preservation significant step forward in terms of closing
capacity.29 There is still much work to be the gap between theory and practice in
done, especially in terms of testing the preservation metadata…’
Data Dictionary in multiple domains and
digital preservation contexts. Looking toward the future, widespread adoption of the Data
Dictionary may help establish standardized practices for managing preservation metadata,
enhance interoperability in a distributed network of digital repositories, and encourage
potential economies from sharing and re-using certain forms of preservation metadata
across repositories.

Although the membership of PREMIS was predominantly cultural heritage institutions, representatives
from other domains contributed valuable perspectives as well.


In tracing the relatively brief history of preservation metadata, there is a discernible

progression from concept to implementation, beginning with the high-level framework
provided by OAIS, and culminating in the implementation-oriented PREMIS Data
Dictionary. But significantly, both endpoints – OAIS and PREMIS – are anchored in
consensus. Along the way, of course, there was a great deal of activity at the institution
level aimed at resolving local challenges posed by preservation metadata, but in the end,
drawing together the strands of fragmented effort into a framework of collaboration and
consensus is the most potent strategy for developing collective solutions to shared
problems in digital preservation.

Packaging metadata and content together in digital repository systems: METS

As the preceding discussion suggests, a digital object can accumulate a mushrooming
quantity of metadata over time – not just preservation metadata, but also resource
discovery, administrative, and other forms of metadata. This raises a critical question:
how can all of this metadata be organized and linked to its associated content? Several
solutions, essentially frameworks to package disparate metadata, have been proposed,
including the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM)30, the MPEG-21
Digital Item Declaration Language (DIDL)31, and METS (Metadata Encoding and
Transmission Standard)32. Of these, METS has the greatest potential for this purpose, as
it was designed to implement the OAIS Reference Model's abstract model of an
Information Package.

METS is an XML schema designed specifically as an overall framework within which all
the metadata associated with a digital object can be stored. As such, it can function as
either an OAIS SIP (Submission Information Package), DIP (Delivery Information
Package), or, crucially here, as an AIP (Archival Information Package).

A METS file comprises four major constituent sections:

• a file inventory for all the files associated with the digital object (such as still
image files, text, video or audio files)
• a section for administrative metadata (such as technical information about the
files, rights management information, information on the source from which the
object was made, and digital provenance information)
• a section for descriptive metadata (including bibliographic information and any
other information on the intellectual content of the item necessary for users to find
it and assess its value)
• a structural map, which indicates in a hierarchical manner how the various
components of the item relate to each other, so allowing its constituent elements
to be navigated by the user.


These sections are linked to each other by means of identifiers: thus, an item in the
structural map corresponding to a page in a digitized book may have pointers to the files
in the file inventory which contain the scanned image of that page or a marked-up version
of its constituent text, another pointer to the part of the descriptive metadata section
which contains a full description of its intellectual content, and another to the part of the
administrative metadata section which contains technical and rights information
necessary to deliver the images or text.

METS allows two approaches to the storage of the metadata and data associated with a
digital object: both may be either stored internally within the METS file, or held
externally and referenced from within METS. The former offers the advantage of
allowing everything associated with an
object to be held (and archived) together, ‘METS allows two approaches to the
but can produce enormous files storage of the metadata and data
(particularly if the object includes image associated with a digital object: both may
or video data). The latter produces more be either stored internally within the
manageable files, but is vulnerable to the METS file, or held externally and
referenced objects being moved or referenced from within METS.’
removed from their stated locations. An
overall architecture, which incorporates decisions on which method to use, needs to be
drawn up at the beginning of a METS implementation.

The content of these sections is not prescribed by METS itself: any XML data or
metadata (distinguished by differing XML namespaces) may be used. However, the
METS editorial board does recommend a number of schemas33, which will render the
METS record more readily interchangeable: these include MODS (Metadata Object
Description Schema)34 and MARC-XML35 for descriptive metadata, and MIX36,
METSRights37 and TextMD38 for administrative metadata. The set of PREMIS XML
schema, in their current form, can also be used as METS extension schema; future work
will look at the desirability of developing a more METS-specific PREMIS schema

The flexibility built into METS may cause problems in terms of interoperability. When
such varied content, handled in such a variety of ways, is allowed within a METS file, it
becomes more difficult to interchange METS records. This may be mitigated to some
extent by the use of METS Profiles39, XML files used to document the way in which
METS is implemented within a project. These documents list, amongst other things, the
content schemes used within a METS file, the system of identifiers, whether metadata is
embedded or referenced, and how it is structured within the file. These do not allow the

automatic transfer of METS files between systems, but are designed to help an
implementer understand another body’s usage of METS and how it can map to their own.
The flexibility of METS implies that its practical implementation can be very flexible as
well: any system capable of handling XML documents can be used to create, store and
deliver METS-based metadata.

A practical example of its implementation ‘The flexibility of METS implies that its
may give some indication of how it may practical implementation can be very
be used in a complex environment. The flexible as well: any system capable of
Oxford Digital Library40 at Oxford handling XML documents can be used to
University aims to bring all of the create, store and deliver METS-based
university’s libraries digitization projects metadata.’
under a single framework: these include
collections newly scanned from materials held in its collections and legacy projects
created within the university from previous digitization work. The range of materials is
diverse, from medieval manuscripts to political cartoons, which necessitates a metadata
scheme that can handle a wide variety of demands within a logical and extensible

Newly created materials are handled by using a webform-based input mechanism, whose
backend is a mySql database. Metadata is input following strict guidelines, which are
applied to each new project, and additional, primarily administrative, metadata is derived
from the data objects themselves and such sources as the database used to control
workflow in the digitization studio. Once the items have been scanned and the metadata
checked, a php script creates the METS file which becomes the sole metadata record for
that object: mySql is therefore used only as one route toward the creation of the METS
file, which then acts as the master record. METS files for legacy projects, which will
conform to the same profile as that used for new material, are created in a variety of
means, including XSLT transformations (for XML material), or by writing routines for
the proprietary databases in which some are held to convert their contents straight into

Implementing METS, as can be seen from this example, does not require any specialist
skill sets beyond standard XML knowledge and experience: they can be created in an
extensive number of ways, including generation from any software package that allows
text output. Because METS files use XML as their architecture, they may readily be
converted into almost any given output mechanism. The resources required for a METS-
based system are, therefore, no more than one requires for handling any other form of
XML object.

METS is at its strongest when dealing with a wide variety of materials which need to be
handled flexibly but in an organized and ‘METS is at its strongest when dealing
coherent manner. Its structural metadata with a wide variety of materials which
facilities and system of linkages make it need to be handled flexibly but in an
particularly useful when dealing with organized and coherent manner.’

items with a complicated internal structure, or those which incorporate complex webs of
links. Materials with complex metadata requirements at all levels of their internal
structure (such as an electronic journal which will require both monograph and analytic
metadata) benefit particularly from METS’s ability to handle metadata for any
component at any level of granularity. It is also suited to simpler materials (such as a
single image), as very little of the METS architecture is obligatory.

METS in many ways represents a useful ‘Because it is non-proprietary, XML

solution to the requirements of digital ensures that archival information is not
preservation. It is written in XML, which tied to any given software package, and
(along with its predecessor SGML) has that it will not become obsolete as many
long been acknowledged as a robust and such packages rapidly do.’
human-readable format for the archiving
of metadata41. Because it is non-proprietary, XML ensures that archival information is
not tied to any given software package, and that it will not become obsolete as many such
packages rapidly do. Its flexibility ensures that archived metadata in XML should be
readily usable in future deliverable mechanisms and that it should be interchangeable
with other archives.

METS is designed to act as an Archival Information Package (AIP) as well as a medium

for the submission and delivery of materials. OAIS’s four categories of metadata (content
information, preservation description information, packaging information and descriptive
information) are either inherent in a METS file or can be incorporated into it: the
descriptive metadata section, for instance, holds descriptive information, the file section
content information, and the structural map packaging information. No conceptual leap is
required to fit METS into the OAIS landscape.

Two factors, however, do need consideration before METS will fully comply with the
OAIS model. Firstly, interoperability between a given archive and other OAIS-compliant
repositories must be addressed by providing a METS profile to document the
implementation of METS in the archival context: without such a profile, which must be
referenced from the METS file itself, it will be much more difficult to “unpack” the
archival object in the future. The importance of interoperability extends beyond METS to
the PREMIS Data Dictionary as well (see the last paragraph of the next section for a
discussion of this point). Secondly, the XML schemas or other metadata schemes used to
record a METS file’s component metadata need archiving as well, in order to prevent the
file becoming invalid as these schemes are amended in the future.

Future directions
Most activity to date in the area of preservation metadata has been devoted to schema
development; it is perhaps not too much to say that this activity culminated in the release
of the PREMIS Data Dictionary in May 2005. If the Data Dictionary does become a
standard in the community, a critical gap will have been filled, and preservation metadata
activities can focus energy and resources on other problems. Areas of need that future

See Coleman, James; Willis, Don SGML as a Framework for Digital Preservation and Access CLIR,

preservation metadata work might address include automated tools, collaborative
metadata management strategies, and exchange of archived content and metadata in a
distributed network of repositories.

If the costs of preservation metadata are not to rise to prohibitive levels, automated tools
must be substituted for human mediation in the
workflow wherever possible. There is particular ‘If the costs of preservation
need for tools to extract and process required metadata are not to rise to
metadata from digital objects at the time of prohibitive levels, automated tools
ingest into the repository. Some progress has must be substituted for human
already been made on this front. The NLNZ’s mediation in the workflow wherever
Preservation Metadata Extract Tool42 harvests possible.’
information from digital file headers, such as
Microsoft Word, TIFF, WAV, and bitmaps, and outputs it in XML format. The JHOVE
(JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment)43 automatically identifies, validates,
and characterizes digital object formats, such as TIFF, PDF, and XML. Currently, much
of the work relating to preservation metadata tools focuses on technical metadata (i.e.,
information having to do with the object’s format). Further work is needed to support
other forms of preservation metadata; in addition, tools are needed that support formal
preservation metadata schema like PREMIS. Once developed, preservation metadata
tools need to be surfaced in a variety of digital asset management environments, like
DSpace or Fedora.

Collaborative metadata management strategies can offer efficient, economical ways of

acquiring and maintaining certain forms of preservation metadata – in particular, by
leveraging opportunities for sharing and re-use, and diffusing metadata capture
throughout the information lifecycle. Classes of digital objects sharing a common format,
material type, origin, etc., will also share certain forms of metadata that apply to any
object belonging to the class. A new object can therefore inherit a portion of its metadata
from existing objects of the same class. This suggests opportunities for sharing and re-use
of preservation metadata. The UK National Archives’ PRONOM File Format Registry44
holds technical metadata about specific file formats, as well as descriptions of software
needed to create, render, and migrate these formats. Repositories managing objects in
these formats can point to metadata in the PRONOM registry, rather than creating and
maintaining it locally. The metadata is created once, and then re-used many times.45

Collaborative metadata management can also improve efficiency in regard to the timing
of metadata capture. Rather than waiting until the time of repository ingest to create
and/or assemble all of the metadata necessary to support long-term preservation, it would

Of course, the use of registries rather than locally stored metadata creates an external dependency that
may violate the preservation policies of some repositories. In these circumstances, the repository may
choose to store and maintain the metadata locally despite the economic advantages of the registry.

be more efficient (and likely cheaper) to collect metadata at the point in the object’s
lifecycle when it is most readily available. This of course requires some coordination
across the various entities involved in an object’s creation and management prior to
repository ingest. Automatic Exposure46, an initiative led by RLG, has opened a dialog
with digital scanner and camera manufacturers to explore possibilities for automatic
capture of the technical metadata enumerated in the NISO Z39.87 standard (Technical
Metadata for Digital Still Images)47 at the time a digital image is created. There is much
more work to be done to exploit the benefits of collaborative metadata management,
including determining what kinds of preservation metadata can best be managed through
this approach, what forms of collaborations need to be arranged to meet community-wide
objectives, and how these collaborations can be sustained over the long-term. The release
of the PREMIS Data Dictionary should facilitate this work, since it can serve as a shared
reference point for discussions occurring across multiple stakeholders and domains.

‘…there is a need to explore the

Finally, there is a need to explore the
implications of exchanging preservation
implications of exchanging preservation metadata across a network of
metadata across a network of heterogeneous digital archiving systems.’
heterogeneous digital archiving systems.
Most sources predict that future large-scale digital preservation efforts will be taken up
by distributed networks of repositories (see, for example, background documentation for
NDIIPP). In such an environment, it will be necessary to exchange archived content and
metadata across the network, and ultimately, across digital archiving systems with vastly
different architectures and technical implementations. Even systems using the same
preservation metadata schema, such as PREMIS, will implement the schema in different
ways, and adhere to different metadata management policies. Given this, research is
needed that explores the preparation, transmission, receipt, unpackaging, and ingest of
information packages – i.e., archived content and metadata – in multiple system
environments. For example, one repository could prepare an information package for
transfer to a second repository, which would accept the package through its ingest
mechanisms, unpackage it, and incorporate the content and metadata into its own
archiving system. These steps would then be repeated in reverse, with the same package
transferred back from the second repository to the first. The information packages can
then be analyzed to determine how and to what degree the preservation metadata was
altered as it was transformed from stage to stage and moved from system to system.
Work of this kind would provide insight into the effects of inter-repository transfer of
preservation metadata as it moves into, through, and out of a series of heterogeneous
digital archiving systems.

There has been much accomplished in the area of preservation metadata, but even so
fundamental questions, bearing on the scope and depth of the information needed to

Parts of this section are adapted from Lavoie, B. (2004) “Preservation Metadata: Challenge,
Collaboration, and Consensus” Microform & Imaging Review Vol. 33, No. 3.

support digital preservation, remain unsettled. This is largely because the digital
preservation process itself remains unsettled – it is difficult to anticipate the metadata
needed to support technical and administrative processes that are not fully developed, are
not fully tested, and in some ways, are not even fully understood. Compounding the
problem is the proviso that preservation metadata recommendations must be restrained by
economic realities. Creating and maintaining metadata is expensive, so any recommended
preservation metadata elements should be backed by persuasive evidence of necessity, as
well as practical means for populating them.

Collaboration has proven to be an effective means to shape preservation metadata

requirements within the bounds of these obstacles and constraints. Pooling expertise from
a variety of institutional perspectives helps to mitigate the uncertainties associated with
digital preservation. Similarities and differences across a range of digital preservation
activities, exposed in the course of collaborative discussions, help draw the boundary
between essential and non-essential preservation metadata, and ultimately lead to best
practices that are both sensible and economical.

The art and science of digital preservation

has advanced considerably in recent years, ‘Similarities and differences across a
and institutions implementing a digital range of digital preservation activities,
exposed in the course of collaborative
preservation capacity have a variety of
discussions, help draw the boundary
resources available to inform and guide between essential and non-essential
their work. Two of these resources are the preservation metadata, and ultimately
PREMIS Data Dictionary – a consensus- lead to best practices that are both sensible
based, comprehensive description of core and economical.’
preservation metadata, along with
guidelines for its creation and maintenance – and METS – a means to establish the
essential link between archived content and the metadata that, as noted earlier in the
paper, makes the content self-documenting through time. Both of these resources will
continue to be tested and refined as experience in using them accumulates; and hopefully,
both will eventually form part of the permanent infrastructure needed to support
sustainable, effective digital preservation programs.


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