Daily Lesson Plan 10 (Translation)

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Name of Teacher: JSAH MYRL H. HUMPAY Learning Area: Science
Teaching Date and Time: MARCH 27, 2023 Quarter: Third
8:30-9:30 a.m./ 2:00-3:00 pm


A. Content standard 1. The information stored in DNA as being

used to make proteins.

B. Performance standard Explain how protein is made using the

information from DNA.

C. Learning Competency with


D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners must


1. Define the RNA translation.

2. Explain the process of RNA translation.

3. Reflect the importance of RNA translation



Topic RNA translation

Subject Integrated: English

Values Integration: Critical thinking and cooperation.

|||. Learning resources

A. Materials needed Printed images, and tarp. paper

B. References
B1. Teaching Guide

B2. Learners Material

B3. Additional Materials from

Learning Resources (LR)

C. Other Learning Resources

IV. Procedures Introductory Activities (5 mins)

A. Prayer

At first let's pray, who wants to lead.

(The students will pray)

B. Checking of the Attendance Our father....

Whose absent today? None ma'am

C. Recapitulation

A. Reviewing previous lesson What is our topic last meeting? DNA transcription
/ presenting the new lesson
What is DNA transcription? DNA transcription is the
process of decoding of
particular DNA template to
form mRNA.

RNA polymerase is the main

What is the enzyme involving in the process
enzyme involve in the
of DNA transcription?
process of DNA transcription.

What is the function of RNA polymerase?

RNA polymerase is the one
added a complementary
nucleotide to form a mRNA

What is the first step of DNA transcription? Initiation is the first step of
DNA transcription. To begin
transcribing a gene, RNA
polymerase binds to the DNA
of the gene at the region
called the promoter.
What is the next step? The next step is elongation
wherein the RNA strands get

It is the product of DNA transcription? mRNA or messenger

Ribonucleic Acid.

Very good!!

(ENGAGE) Class before we start our discussion, we will

perform a game first called "translate me"

This is what you should do.

As you can see, we have a picture here:

Are you familiar with this kind of words?
Do you understand, what it means?

What did you do when you encounter such

kinds of words? We use translation

Right, very good, we use translation, when

we can't comprehend such language.

What does translation say?

The translation says I Love

Very good!!

And this translation has something to do with

our topic for today.

How does the genetic code brought by the

mRNA is being translate to form a protein?

Are you all ready to listen? Yes ma'am

(EXPLORE) So, we will have an activity, this activity
called " relay the message".

Last time we decode a particular DNA

template to make mRNA, today we're going
to translate the mRNA.

We have mRNA template here and all you

have to do is to translate it using the RNA
nitrogenous bases.

Is that clear do you have any question, None ma'am

regarding to the activity?

Okay you may now start

(The students will perform

the activity)

(Explain 1. What are the four nitrogenous bases The four nitrogenous bases
present in tRNA? Do these bases differ from present in the tRNA are the
those found in mRNA? following; adenine, uracil,
guanine and cytosine.

- No, they are almost same.

Because those are also the
nitrogenous bases present in

What bases in mRNA can only join with the

It is Uracil
adenine base of RNA?

Yes ma'am
Through the activity did you understand the
process by which mRNA is being translate?

Based on the activity perform define Translation is the process of

translation? translating a decoded
information brought by the
(ELABORATE) (The teacher will show a diagram that
include the definition of RNA translation)

Read the definition

RNA translation is the
process of converting or
translating the information in
messenger RNA into a
sequence of amino acids in a
Okay RNA translation is the process of
translating a mRNA into a sequence of
amino acids.

(The teacher will show an image of the cell)

As the mRNA produce it will release from the

nucleus and it will go to the Cytoplasm
specifically in the ribosomes.

The translation happens in the ribosome,

What is ribosome?

(Read the definition) The ribosome reads the

messenger RNA (mRNA)
sequence and translates that
genetic code into a specified
string of amino acids, which
grow into long chains that
fold to form proteins.

Our ribosomes are composing of our (rRNA).

In our previous topic what does rRNA stands

for? It is Ribosomal Ribonucleic
(The teacher will show an illustration of
translation process)

As RNA translation begins, mRNA binds to a

ribosome, the ribosome read the code in the
mRNA to produce a chain made up of amino
acids. There are 20 different types of amino
What are amino acids?

(The teacher will show an image of amino

acid with definition)
Amino acids are the building
Read the definition blocks of a protein molecule.

The tRNA carry the amino acids to the

ribosome, the messenger RNA read three
(3) bases at a time and we called it codon.
As the codon read the tRNA delivers the
corresponds amino acid.
RNA Translation is the
What is RNA Translation? process of converting or
translating the information in
messenger RNA into a
sequence of amino acids in a

In the ribosome.
Where the translation process happens?
It reads the mRNA.
What does the ribosome do?
Amino acids are the building
What is amino acid? blocks of a protein molecule.

Codon is the set of three

nitrogenous bases in mRNA.
What is codon?

The tRNA is the one who

What is the function of tRNA in the process
deliver the corresponding
of translation?
amino acids.

Is it clear, do you have any clarification?

None ma'am

(EVALUATE) Get ¼ sheet of paper we have a short quiz.

Matching Type Directions: Match column A

with the corresponding item in column B.
Write the letter of your answer for each

Column A Column B
(The students will answer the
____1. the set of three A. RNA
nitrogenous bases in Translation
B. Ribosome
___2. The process of
converting or translating C. Amino
the information in acids
1. E. Codon
messenger RNA into a D. tRNA
sequence of amino acids 2. A. RNA Translation
in a protein. E. Codon
3. D. tRNA
___3. The one who
deliver the corresponding 4. B. Ribosome
amino acids. 5. C. Amino acids
____4. It reads the mRNA

___5. The building blocks

of a protein molecule.

Presented to:


Cooperating Teacher


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