DLL Homeroom Guidance Week 1

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School Sta. Clara Elem.

School Grade Level GRADE –V1 -MAKATAO

Teacher FRANCES KIEM S. GONZAGA Learning Area Homeroom Guidance
Teaching Date & August 29-September 2, 2022- Quarter First Grading - Week 1

Week No. WEEK 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards Understand the importance of oneself.
B. Competency Value oneself
C. Learning Competencies 1. Recognize that changes in oneself is part of development. ( HGIP-1a-2)
II. Content Embracing the Best in Me
III. Learning Resources
A. References Curriculum Guide: HGIPS-1a-2
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Homeroom Guidance Grade 6 Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Embracing the Best in Me
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal)
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. Procedures
A. Review Previous Lessons In the previous activity, you learned that your skills, Recall yesterday’s lesson through answering the Processing
interests, talents, abilities and values change as you grow. Questions on the activity:
These may have influenced how you think, form your “PATHWAYS TO SELF DISCOVERY”
personal beliefs and affect how you feel about certain
B. Establishing purpose for the This module will engage you in a meaningful learning In this activity, you will have a deeper understanding about Like other children your age, you may have many questions
Lesson experience as you journey to better understand yourself by examining your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. about the changes that happen you. This is normal because
yourself. You will discover changes as part of your This will help you in understanding appropriate and you are now in the adolescence stage and this may be
development and realize your strengths and inappropriate behaviors in a given situation challenging and confusing. During this stage of
weaknesses, your interests, talents, abilities, skills, development, you will experience physical, emotional and
and values. This will guide you as you discover and psychological changes. These may have effects on your
embrace the best in you! personal interests, abilities, skills and values as well.
C. Presenting examples “THIS IS ME” “PATHWAYS TO SELF DISCOVERY” Discussion:
/instances of the new lessons Copy the drawing on a sheet of paper. Write your As you continue in developing your best version,
strengths in box 1, weaknesses in box 2, and your remember B.E.S.T :
skills, interest, talents, abilities and values in box 3. 1. B – Be true to yourself and Be responsible for your
2. E – Exemplify positive behavior and Establish healthy
relationships3. S – Share your talents and skills and Set
your personal goals in life.4. T - Talk to your parents or
other significant adults in your life.
D. Discussing new concepts Processing Questions: Processing Questions:
and practicing new skills #1. 1. What are your thoughts and feelings while doing 1. How can your thoughts, feelings and beliefs help you in
the activity? determining if the behavior in a certain situation is
2. What are your strengths and weaknesses that you appropriate or inappropriate? Explain.
discovered recently? 2. What have you discovered about yourself after doing this
3. How did your skills, interests, talents, abilities and activity?
values help you in discovering your strengths and
4. How does this pandemic affect your thoughts and
feelings about yourself?
H. Making Generalizations & How will you discover and embrace the best in you How will you discover and embrace the best in you through
Abstractions about the lessons through the things you’ve learned today? the things you’ve learned today?
I. Evaluating Learning How are these topics/lessons effect your personal
interests, abilities, skills and values as well?
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
V. Remarks Continue the unfinished lesson tomorrow

VI. Reflection

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