Prelab Exp5 2103
Prelab Exp5 2103
Prelab Exp5 2103
Pre-lab Work:
1. Simulate the given circuits using ac sweep analysis, plot the Magnitude, and
phase frequency response.
2. Compare the cutoff frequencies obtained from simulation with those computed
A. Passive filters:
I. First order circuits:
1. Simulate the circuit of Fig (5.1) using ac sweep ANALYSIS.
2. The voltage source must be replaced with an ac source Vac with magnitude
Fig (5.1)
3. Perform ac sweep/ decade type with suitable range of frequencies from
4. Plot magnitude of VR1 in decibels: i.e. : db(VR1)
5. Plot magnitude of VC1 note that this is differential voltage across C1 in decibels
From 5 and 6 indicate location and value of cutoff frequency fc
6. Plot phase of VR and Vc in degrees: i.e. : p(VR) and p(Vc).
1. Simulate the circuit of Fig (5.2) using ac sweep (take values for L1,C1 and R1
from the lab manual)
2. The voltage source must be replaced with an ac source Vac with magnitude =1V,
make sure to add a ground reference connection in the circuit
Fig (5.2)
3. Perform ac sweep/ decade type from 1Hz to 1MHz
4. Plot magnitude of VR and (Vc+VL) in decibels.
5. Plot phase of of VR and (Vc+VL )
6. From the magnitude-frequency plots of (VR / Vi ) and ((VC + VL )/ Vi )
determine the filter type in each case.
7. From the plots of step 6. Determine approximately the 3db cut-off frequency in
each of the two cases.
B. Active filters: