High Voltage Accessories of Brugg Cables - en

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Brugg Cables

High Voltage Accessories.

Swiss solutions for
independent applications.
Fact Book High Voltage Accessories
Brugg Cables
Business Unit High Voltage Accessories
Dr. Ruben Vogelsang
Head of Product and Technology Management
© Brugg Cables
page 1

Brugg Cables – products and services of the Business Unit High Voltage Accessories 3
Introduction 5
Dear customer 5
Brugg Cables – reliable technology made in Switzerland 6

High voltage accsessories for polymer cables 7

Terminations for polymer cables 9
Design of a termination for polymer cables 9
General 10
Outdoor terminations with porcelain insulator for polymer cables 11
Outdoor terminations with composite insulator for polymer cables 12
GIS terminations for polymer cables 13
Dry type plug-in terminations for polymer cables 14
Transformer terminations for polymer cables 15
Joints for polymer cables 16
Design of a joint for polymer cables 16
General 17
Slip-on joints for polymer cables up to 72.5 kV 19
Slip-on joints for polymer cables up to 145 kV 20
Slip-on joints for polymer cables up to 170 kV 21
Slip-on joints for polymer cables up to 245 kV 22
Slip-on joints for polymer cables up to 550 kV 23

High voltage accessories for oil-filled cables 25

Terminations for oil-filled cables 27
Design of a termination for oil-filled cables 27
General 28
Outdoor terminations with porcelain insulator for oil-filled cables 29
Outdoor terminations with composite insulator for oil-filled cables 30
GIS terminations for oil-filled cables 31
Transformer terminations for oil-filled cables 32
Joints for oil-filled cables 33
Design of a joint for oil-filled cables 33
General 34
Straight-through joints for oil-filled cables 35
Stop joints for oil-filled cables 37

High voltage accessories for polymer and oil-filled cables 39

Transition joints 41
Design of a transition joint 41
General 42
Transition joints for polymer and oil-filled cables 43

Additional equipment 45
Earthing equipment 47
General information 47
Earthing- and Cross-bonding boxes 48
Tools 49
Tools 49


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page 2

General information 51
Our standards and services for reliable products 53
Our basis – advanced technology combining experiences with innovations 53
The basis of our quality – production at high standards 54
The guarantee for our quality – fully tested equipment 55
Quality beyond the factory – installation services 56
We offer more – after sales services, monitoring and diagnostics 57
Our know-how and experiences for your success – The Brugg Cables Academy 58
Our Experience for your success 59
Brugg – a history of experiences in cable systems 59
References I 60
References II 61
Brugg markets – worldwide and close to you 62



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Brugg Cables – products and services of
the Business Unit High Voltage
Introduction page 5

Dear customer
Thanks to your support, we've already succeeded in delivering We'd like to express our appreciation and thanks for your
over 40 000 accessories. The success of these products, which constant support and assistance in the continual improvement
today covers a voltage range of 60 kV to 550 kV, enables us to of our products and services, and hope that you will continue to
provide consistent and reliable energy supplies on all five conti- accompany us now and into the future.
nents – day and night. We go beyond providing our customers
with products of the highest Swiss quality. Our considerable
Yours sincerely,
experience within the global market allows us to deliver tailor-
made products and, ultimately, electrical energy into millions of
households. With your help, we've been able to create an ef- Patrick Frei
fective and communicative business. This success is felt daily Head of Business Unit High Voltage Accessories.
and makes our work all the more enjoyable.
So why do our products work so well? They're simple to pro-
duce and install, easy to connect, compatible with all types of
energy cables and can cope with the wide range of defects and
inconsistencies occurring in energy network systems. We wel-
come challenging projects and excel in finding solutions for
those of a difficult or complex nature – technical, climatic or
cultural. So don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to realise
your project; simply, efficiently and to your outmost satisfaction.

Patrick Frei
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Introduction page 6

Brugg Cables – reliable technology made in

A company that is known throughout the world for quality prod- All accessory products for your cable system
ucts and solutions. The business unit High Voltage Accessories provides every-
Brugg Cables' excellent track record thing you need for high voltage cables:
For more than 100 years, Brugg Cables has been a valued part- * Joints of any kind
ner within the fields of power industry and utilities.We are well- * Terminations of any kind
known throughout the world for products and solutions that en- * Additional equipment, such as earthing boxes, cable clamps
sure long-lasting and reliable energy supplies. or oil expansion tanks
Specialised business units * Installation services
Brugg Cables is a member of the BRUGG Group and has its * Tools of any kind
core business in the cable and cable-related industry. We com-
bine innovations and experiences in the specialised business
units of Telecom, Industry, Security, High Voltage Systems,
High Voltage Accessories, Power Cables (Medium and Low
Voltage Products) and Compound.
Bundled activities centralised at Brugg
We maintain a high standard of quality in our products and
services by concentrating the relevant tasks of Strategy, Re-
search & Development, Production and Testing at our head-
quarters in Brugg, Switzerland.
Wide range of well-balanced products
Our customers profit from a wide range of products from com-
plete cable systems of any type to single cables or accessories.
To ensure a highly reliable system, we focus on excellent quality
in all our products and services. Thus, our accessories work ex-
Headquarters of Brugg Cables
cellently with cables of other manufacturers throughout the

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High voltage accsessories for
polymer cables
Terminations for polymer cables page 9

Design of a termination for polymer cables

Terminal stud

Corona shield

– porcelain
– polymer
– epoxy type


SiR slip-on
stress cone

Polymer cable
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Terminations for polymer cables page 10

Our terminations for polymer cables are designed to be used At a glance, the main advantages of the prefabricated and
independently of any type of polymer cable or cable manufac- pretested SiR stress cones are:
turer from 72.5 to 550 kV and up to a conductor cross-section of * Very high breakdown strength of >23 kV/mm at 50/60 Hz
2500 mm². * Excellent temperature stability of between –50 and +180°C
Termination design * Very high life exponent of n >>40
Terminations for polymer cables consist of a stress cone with * Excellent field grading performance at high frequency with
the deflector, an insulating compound, an insulator, a corona deflectors of solid material
shield and a terminal stud. * Optimum electrical stress distribution due to computer-based
Outstanding properties of the SiR stress cone * Zero failure guarantee with final high voltage pretesting
Stress cones are pre-moulded sleeves, which ensure field * Void-free contact pressure on the cable surface at normal and
grading between the outer semiconducting layer and the insu- elevated load conditions due to excellent elasticity of the SiR
lation. Made of silicone rubber (SiR), they combine outstanding * Easy installation due to excellent mechanical properties and
electrical and mechanical properties with excellent interface elasticity, no high mechanical forces needed
The electrical properties are designed to minimise stress, Five types of terminations for your applications
whilst mechanical properties ensure an optimum level of sur- Five different types of terminations are available.
face pressure on the cable which remains constant throughout For outdoor applications we offer terminations with porcelain
the lifetime of the termination. and composite insulators. Each type of termination has a spe-
The deflectors are made of solid semiconducting material. cific insulating compound, which can be chosen according to
Although costly, this ensures that they function properly at all customer specifications – oil or SF6 gas.
voltage loads and guarantees a long and reliable lifetime. Terminations for transformers are made of cast epoxy resin in-
For optimum electrical stress distribution, the stress cones are sulators and can also be filled with silicone oil or SF6 gas.
designed with the help of computer simulations. For gas insulated switchgears (GIS), we offer two different
Quality in production and testing for reliable devices types of terminations, traditional terminations and dry type
Our stress cones are one-piece and fabricated in-house in an plug-in terminations.
extremely clean surrounding. To ensure best quality, the fabri- Our terminations for polymer cables are:
cation is made with computerised machines. For zero failure * Outdoor terminations with porcelain insulators
production, every part is tested several times in the fabrication * Outdoor terminations with composite insulators
process. The stress cones must pass a final acceptance test. * Traditional GIS terminations
Each device is certified individually. This ensures that every * Dry type plug-in GIS terminations
stress cone leaving our factory is 100% reliable. * Transformer Terminations

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Terminations for polymer cables page 11

Outdoor terminations with porcelain insulator for polymer

Porcelain insulators have the longest tradition.
Their main advantages are:
* Excellent resistance against ultraviolet (UV) radiation
* Resistant against bird-picking
* Excellent track record in numerous countries and climate
* In service for more than 40 years at Brugg Cables with out-
standing results
Terminations with porcelain insulators for polymer cables profit
from the outstanding properties of our prefabricated, one-piece
and pretested SiR slip-on stress cones.
The creepage distance of the insulators can be determined ac-
cording to the application, the specifications of the customer or
the necessities of different climate zones.
All terminations are designed and tested according to interna-
tional standards, such as IEC 60840 (≤ 170 kV), IEC 62067
(> 170 kV), IEC 60815 (insulators), IEC 60071 (insulation coor-
dination) or IEEE Std 48-1996.
Profit from the advantages of our outdoor terminations with
porcelain insulators. All our terminations with porcelain insula-
tors are designed to be used independently of any type of pol-
ymer cable or cable manufacturer from 72.5 to 550 kV and up to
a conductor cross-section of 2500 mm².

Technical data of outdoor terminations with porcelain insulators for polymer cables
Operating Max. conductor Ø over XLPE insulation Max. Ø of outer sheath Type Creepage distance
voltage cross-section (Cu/Al)
Umax/kV mm² mm mm mm

72.5 2000 35 - 94 115 TE 1.72-01 2900

145 2500 57 - 110 150 TE 1.145-01 4700, 5950, 7290
170 2500 57 - 110 150 TE 1.170-01 5950, 7290
245 2500 76 - 110 150 TE 1.245-01 8800, 10000
300 2500 76 - 110 150 TE 1.300-01 8800, 10000
420 2500 76 - 115 170 TE 1.420-01 13020, 17500, 21000
550 2500 90 - 130 170 TE 1.550-01 17500, 21000
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Terminations for polymer cables page 12

Outdoor terminations with composite insulator for polymer

Composite insulators have been in growing demand over the
past decades.
Their main advantages are:
* Lightweight
* Easy to handle
* Resistant against ultraviolet (UV) radiation
* Excellent hydrophobic behaviour
* Explosion-proof
* Earthquake-proof
* Excellent track record in numerous countries and climate
* In service for more than 25 years at Brugg Cables with out-
standing results
Terminations with composite insulators for polymer cables
profit from the outstanding properties of the prefabricated, one-
piece and pretested SiR slip-on stress cones.
The creepage distance of the insulators can be determined ac-
cording to the application, the specifications of the customer or
the necessities of different climate zones.
All terminations are designed and tested according to interna-
tional standards, such as IEC 60840 (≤ 170 kV), IEC 62067
(> 170 kV), IEC 60071 (insulation coordination) or
IEEE Std 48-1996.
Profit from the advantages of our outdoor terminations with
composite insulators. All our terminations with composite in-
sulators are designed to be used independently of any type of
polymer cable or cable manufacturer from 72.5 to 550 kV and
up to a conductor cross-section of 2500 mm².

Technical data of outdoor terminations with composite insulators for polymer cables
Operating Max. conductor Ø over XLPE insulation Max. Ø of outer sheath Type Creepage distance
voltage cross-section (Cu/Al)
Umax/kV mm² mm mm mm

72.5 1000 35 - 68 115 FR 1.72-01 2400

145 1200 57 - 80 115 FR 1.145-01 4790
2500 57 - 110 150 FR 1.145-02 3890, 5580
170 2500 57 - 110 150 FR 1.170-01 3890, 5580
245 2500 76 - 110 150 FR 1.245-01 5350, 7820
300 2500 76 - 110 150 FR 1.300-01 6570, 9800
420 2500 76 - 115 170 FR 1.420-01 14100, 16800
550 2500 90 - 130 170 FR 1.550-01 16800, 18700
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Terminations for polymer cables page 13

GIS terminations for polymer cables

GIS terminations were developed for use in SF6-gas insulated
switchgears (GIS). Made with a cast resin body, they are de-
signed to fit perfectly into your GIS.
Their main advantages are:
* Lightweight
* Easy to handle
* Classical tried and tested design with high tolerances for
cables and applications
* Excellent track record in numerous countries and climate
* In service for more than 30 years at Brugg Cables with out-
standing results
GIS terminations for polymer cables profit from the outstanding
properties of the prefabricated, one-piece and pretested SiR
slip-on stress cones.
All terminations are designed and tested according to interna-
tional standards, such as IEC 62271-209 (GIS standard),
IEC 60840 (≤ 170 kV), IEC 60071 (insulation coordination)
IEC 62067 (> 170 kV) or IEEE Std 48-1996.
Profit from the advantages of our GIS terminations for polymer
cables. All our GIS terminations are designed to be used inde-
pendently of any type of polymer cable or cable manufacturer
from 72.5 to 550 kV and up to a conductor cross-section of
2500 mm².

Technical data of GIS terminations for polymer cables

Operating Max. conductor Ø over XLPE insulation Max. Ø of outer sheath Type Creepage distance
voltage cross-section (Cu/Al)
Umax/kV mm² mm mm mm

72.5 1000 35 - 80 115 TF 1.72-01 500

145 1200 57 - 80 150 TF 1.170-11 690
2500 80 - 110 150 TF 1.170-12 710
170 2500 57 - 110 150 TF 1.170-11 690, 710
245 2500 76 - 110 150 TF 1.245-11 900
300 2500 76 - 110 150 TF 1.300-11 300
420 2500 76 - 115 170 TF 1.420-11 1385
550 2500 90 - 130 170 TF 1.550-11 1385
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Terminations for polymer cables page 14

Dry type plug-in terminations for polymer cables

Dry type plug-in terminations have been in growing demand
over the past years. Free of any insulating oil, they are with a
cast resin body and designed to fit perfectly into your GIS.
Their main advantages are:
* Lightweight
* Easy to handle
* Can be plugged into the GIS without need of additional work
at the GIS itself (such as evacuation work at the GIS)
* Cable and termination can be installed independently of the
erecting of the GIS
For dry type plug-in terminations, stress cones are very impor-
tant for field grading, much more than for the traditional termi-
nations. High quality stress cones are therefore vital if long-
term reliability of the termination is to be achieved. The dry type
plug-in terminations profit from the outstanding properties of
the prefabricated, one-piece and pretested SiR slip-on stress
cones of Brugg Cables.
A special feature of the dry type plug-in termination of Brugg
Cables is their design, which allows them to fit into every type
of GIS, independent of whether these were constructed
according to the old- or new GIS standards. This gives you, our
customer, even more flexibility in your application with our ter-
All terminations are designed and tested according to interna-
tional standards, such as IEC 62270-209 (GIS standard),
IEC 60840 (≤ 170 kV), IEC 62067 (> 170 kV), IEC 60071 (insula-
tion coordination) or IEEE Std 48-1996.
Profit from the advantages of our terminations for polymer
cables. All our dry type plug-in GIS terminations are designed to
be used independently of any type of polymer cable or cable
manufacturer from 72.5 to 170 kV and up to a conductor cross-
section of 2500 mm².

Technical data of dry type plug-in GIS terminations for polymer cables
Operating voltage Max. conductor cross-section Ø over XLPE insulation Max. Ø of outer sheath Type
Umax/kV mm² mm mm

170 2500 57 - 110 150 TFD 1.170-11

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Terminations for polymer cables page 15

Transformer terminations for polymer cables

Transformer terminations have a cast resin body and are de-
signed to fit perfectly into your transformer.
Their main advantages are:
* Lightweight
* Easy to handle
* Classical tried and tested design with high tolerances for
cables and their application
* Excellent track record in numerous countries and climate
* In service for more than 30 years at Brugg Cables with out-
standing results
Transformer terminations for polymer cables profit from the
outstanding properties of the prefabricated, one-piece and pre-
tested SiR slip-on stress cones.
All terminations are designed and tested according to interna-
tional standards, such as IEC 60840 (≤ 170 kV), IEC 62067
(> 170 kV), IEC 60071 (insulation coordination) or
IEEE Std 48-1996.
Please note that the corona shield for transformer terminations
are designed according to customer specifications and must be
ordered separately.
Profit from the advantages of our transformer terminations for
polymer cables. All our transformer terminations are designed
to be used independently of any type of polymer cable or cable
manufacturer from 72.5 to 550 kV and up to a conductor cross-
section of 2500 mm².

Technical data of transformer terminations for poymer cables

Operating Max. conductor Ø over XLPE insulation Max. Ø of outer sheath Type Creepage distance
voltage cross-section (Cu/Al)
Umax/kV mm² mm mm mm

72.5 1000 35 - 80 115 TT 1.72-01 500

145 1200 57 - 80 150 TT 1.170-11 690
2500 80 - 110 150 TT 1.170-12 710
170 2500 57 - 110 150 TT 1.170-11 690, 710
245 2500 76 - 110 150 TT 1.245-11 900
300 2500 76 - 110 150 TT 1.300-11 300
420 2500 76 - 115 170 TT 1.420-11 1385
550 2500 90 - 130 170 TT 1.550-11 1385
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Joints for polymer cables page 16

Design of a joint for polymer cables

Radial metallic Conductor Filling Mechanical

moisture barrier clamp material protection

Polymer cable Deflector SiR Slip-on Middle

insulation electrode

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Joints for polymer cables page 17

Our joints for polymer cables are designed to be used inde- At a glance, the main advantages of the prefabricated and
pendently of any type of polymer cable or cable manufacturer pretested SiR stress cones are:
from 72.5 to 550 kV and up to a conductor cross-section of * Very high breakdown strength of >23 kV/mm at 50/60 Hz
2500 mm². * Excellent temperature stability of between -50 and +180°C
Joint design * Very high life exponent of >>40
Joints for polymer cables consist of a conductor clamp, an in- * Excellent field grading performances at higher frequency with
sulation body with semiconductive deflectors and middle elec- deflectors and middle electrode of solid material
trode, a moisture barrier, a mechanical protection and the con- * Optimised electrical stress distribution due to computer-
nections of the outer conductor. based design
* Zero failure guarantee with final high voltage pretesting
Variety of conductor clamps * Void-free contact pressure on the cable surface at normal and
Conductor clamps connect both conductor ends of the cable. elevated load conditions due to excellent elasticity of the SiR
Their main task is to ensure a low contact resistance during * Easy to install due to excellent mechanical properties and
lifetime. Our joints are designed to suit all common types of elasticity, no high mechanical forces needed
conductor clamps. Due to their many advantages, such as being
easy to apply, we recommend the use of screwed conductor 100% moisture protection with metal shield
clamps. Our standard joints are equipped with a real transverse mois-
Outstanding properties of the SiR insulation body ture barrier made of a metal shield. This gives 100% moisture
The insulation body consists of semiconductive deflectors at protection to the joint and results in a prolonged lifetime, mak-
both sides, a semiconductive middle electrode and the insula- ing it highly reliable. In its basic version, the barrier is a metal
tion compound. It ensures field grading between the semicon- sheet. In the more sophisticated version, the moisture barrier is
ducting layers of the cable and the conductor clamp. Made of a metal tube.
silicone rubber (SiR), the insulation body combines outstanding Variety of designs for mechanical protection
electrical and mechanical properties with excellent interface High reliability and a long lifetime are further ensured by the
behaviour. first-rate mechanical protection of the joint. Suited to the di-
The electrical properties are designed to minimise stress, verse applications of the customer, we offer a wide variety of
whilst mechanical properties ensure an optimum level of sur- mechanical protection designs.
face pressure on the cable. The optimum surface pressure re- Basic protection is provided by a heat shrink cover. For a higher
mains constant throughout the lifetime of the joint. The field degree of protection, steel or copper (Cu) housing and/or a box
grading deflectors and middle electrode are made of solid of polyester can be chosen. This polyester protection box is
semiconducting material. Although costly, this ensures that filled with an insulating compound, giving excellent sealing to
they function properly at all voltage loads and guarantees a long the joint.
and reliable lifetime. The different designs of mechanical protection enable you to
For optimum electrical stress distribution, the insulation body is select the best technical and cost-efficient solution for your ap-
designed with the help of computer simulations. plication.
Quality in production and testing for failurefree devices
Our insulation bodies are one-piece and fabricated in-house in
an extremely clean surrounding. To ensure best quality, the fab-
rication is made with computerised machines. For zero failure
production, every part is tested several times in the fabrication
process. The insulation bodies must pass a final acceptance
test. Each device is certified individually. This ensures that every
joint leaving our factory is 100% reliable.
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Joints for polymer cables page 18

Our protection designs for polymer cable joints are: All joints are designed and tested according to international
* Metal sheet with heat shrink cover standards, such as IEC 60840 (≤150 kV), IEC 62067 (>150 kV) or
* Metal sheet with protection box IEEE Std 404-2000.
* Cu-tube with coating of high density polyethylene (HDPE Their main advantages are:
coating) * Very compact dimensions
* Cu-tube with protection box * 100% failurefree pretested one-piece SiR slip-on bodies
* Steel housing * Total moisture barrier with standard use of metal sheet
* Steel housing with protection box * High variety in application with different types of mechanical
protection design
* Easy to handle and fast and easy to install
* No preload needed during transport or storage due to design
with SiR slip-on bodies
* Excellent track record in all environments, laying conditions
and climate zones
* In service for more than 20 years at Brugg Cables with out-
standing results

Profit from the advantages of our slip-on joints for polymer

cables. All our joints for polymer cables are designed to be used
independently of any type of polymer cable or cable manufac-
turer from 72.5 to 550 kV and up to a conductor cross-section of
Joints with Cu-tube and HDPE coating in a concrete tunnel 2500 mm².

Joints with polyester protection box in a concrete pit Subject to changes without notice

Joints with polyester protection box in a concrete tunnel



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Joints for polymer cables page 19

Slip-on joints for polymer cables up to 72.5 kV

Variety of joints for your individual application needs High flexibility in earthing
To assist you in the selection of the appropriate type of joint for Earthing of our joints can be made according to customer spec-
your application, we have compiled an application table as given ifications. All joints are designed so that direct- or indirect
below. earthing, straight through connection or cross bonding can be

Applications of joints for polymer cables

Type Radial moisture Mechanical pro- Advantages Application
barrier tection

MPAH Metal sheet Heat shrink * Extremely compact * For limited dimensions, such as small
cover dimensions manholes
* Basic sealing against * In tunnels or concrete manholes without
moisture permanent water ingress
* Cost effective
MPAP Metal sheet Protection * Good mechanical protec- * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
box tion in different environ- concrete pits or directly buried installa-
ments tions
* Total sealing against * In buried installations with humid soil
MPCC Cu-tube Cu-tube with * Compact dimensions * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
HDPE coating * High degree of mechani- concrete pits or directly buried installa-
cal protection tions
* Total sealing against * In installations with permanent humidity
moisture or shallow water
MPCP Cu-tube Cu-tube and * Highest degree of * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
protection mechanical protection concrete pits or directly buried installa-
box * Total sealing against tions
moisture * In installations with permanent humidity
or shallow water

Types of earthing of joints for polymer cables

Type Screen connection Application

-21 Straight through connection, insulated to ground Direct connection of cable screen without cross
-21sp Straight through connection with direct or indirect Connection of cable screen to earthing link
-31 Screen interruption, insulated to ground for cross Cross bonding of cable screen at the joint

Technical data of joints for polymer cables

Operating Max. conductor Ø over XLPE insulation Max. Ø of outer Type Mechanical protection and radial moisture barrier
voltage cross-section (Cu/Al) sheath
Umax/kV mm² mm mm

72.5 1000 46 - 101 155 MPAH 1.72-21/-31 Metal sheet with heat shrink cover
2500 46 - 101 155 MPAP 1.72-21/-31 Metal sheet with polyester protection box
2500 46 - 101 155 MPCC 1.72-21/-31 Cu-tube with HDPE coating
2500 46 - 101 155 MPCP 1.72-21/-31 Cu-tube with protection box
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Joints for polymer cables page 20

Slip-on joints for polymer cables up to 145 kV

Variety of joints for your individual application needs High flexibility in earthing
To assist you in the selection of the appropriate type of joint for Earthing of our joints can be made according to customer spec-
your application, we have compiled an application table as given ifications. All joints are designed so that direct- or indirect
below. earthing, straight through connection or cross bonding can be

Applications of joints for polymer cables

Type Radial moisture Mechanical pro- Advantages Application
barrier tection

MPAH Metal sheet Heat shrink * Extremely compact * For limited dimensions, such as small
cover dimensions manholes
* Basic sealing against * In tunnels or concrete manholes without
moisture permanent water ingress
* Cost effective
MPAP Metal sheet Protection * Good mechanical protec- * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
box tion in different environ- concrete pits or directly buried installa-
ments tions
* Total sealing against * In buried installations with humid soil
MPCC Cu-tube Cu-tube with * Compact dimensions * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
HDPE coating * High degree of mechani- concrete pits or directly buried installa-
cal protection tions
* Total sealing against * In installations with permanent humidity
moisture or shallow water
MPCP Cu-tube Cu-tube and * Highest degree of * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
protection mechanical protection concrete pits or directly buried installa-
box * Total sealing against tions
moisture * In installations with permanent humidity
or shallow water

Types of earthing of joints for polymer cables

Type Screen connection Application

-21 Straight through connection, insulated to ground Direct connection of cable screen without cross
-21sp Straight through connection with direct or indirect Connection of cable screen to earthing link
-31 Screen interruption, insulated to ground for cross Cross bonding of cable screen at the joint

Technical data of joints for polymer cables

Operating Max. conductor Ø over XLPE insulation Max. Ø of outer Type Mechanical protection and radial moisture barrier
voltage cross-section (Cu/Al) sheath
Umax/kV mm² mm mm

145 2500 46 - 101 155 MPAH 1.145-21/-31 Metal sheet with heat shrink cover
2500 46 - 101 155 MPAP 1.145-21/-31 Metal sheet with polyester protection box
2500 46 - 101 155 MPCC 1.145-21/-31 Cu-tube with HDPE coating
2500 46 - 101 155 MPCP 1.145-21/-31 Cu-tube with protection box
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Joints for polymer cables page 21

Slip-on joints for polymer cables up to 170 kV

Variety of joints for your individual application needs High flexibility in earthing
To assist you in the selection of the appropriate type of joint for Earthing of our joints can be made according to customer spec-
your application, we have compiled an application table as given ifications. All joints are designed so that direct- or indirect
below. earthing, straight through connection or cross bonding can be

Applications of joints for polymer cables

Type Radial moisture Mechanical pro- Advantages Application
barrier tection

MPP Protection Protection * Good mechanical protec- * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
box box tion in different environ- concrete pits or directly buried installa-
ments tions
* Good sealing against * In buried installations with humid soil
MP / Cu-tube Cu-tube with * Compact dimensions * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
MPCC HDPE coating * High degree of mechani- concrete pits or directly buried installa-
cal protection tions
* Total sealing against * In installations with permanent humidity
moisture or shallow water

Types of earthing of joints for polymer cables

Type Screen connection Application

-21 Straight through connection, insulated to ground Direct connection of cable screen without cross
-21sp Straight through connection with direct or indirect Connection of cable screen to earthing link
-31 Screen interruption, insulated to ground for cross Cross bonding of cable screen at the joint

Technical data of joints for polymer cables

Operating Max. conductor Ø over XLPE insulation Max. Ø of outer Type Mechanical protection and radial moisture barrier
voltage cross-section (Cu/Al) sheath
Umax/kV mm² mm mm

170 2500 56 - 113 150 MPP 1.170-21/-31 Polyester protection box

2500 56 - 113 150 MPCC 1.170-21/-31 Cu-tube with HDPE coating
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Joints for polymer cables page 22

Slip-on joints for polymer cables up to 245 kV

Variety of joints for your individual application needs High flexibility in earthing
To assist you in the selection of the appropriate type of joint for Earthing of our joints can be made according to customer spec-
your application, we have compiled an application table as given ifications. All joints are designed so that direct- or indirect
below. earthing, straight through connection or cross bonding can be

Applications of joints for polymer cables

Type Radial moisture Mechanical pro- Advantages Application
barrier tection

MPCC Cu-tube Cu-tube with * Compact dimensions * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
HDPE coating * High degree of mechani- concrete pits or directly buried installa-
cal protection tions
* Total sealing against * In installations with permanent humidity
moisture or shallow water
MPSP Steel housing Steel housing * Highest degree of * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
stainless steel and protec- mechanical protection concrete pits or directly buried installa-
tion box * Total sealing against tions
moisture * In installations with permanent humidity
or shallow water

Types of earthing of joints for polymer cables

Type Screen connection Application

-21 Straight through connection, insulated to ground Direct connection of cable screen without cross
-21sp Straight through connection with direct or indirect Connection of cable screen to earthing link
-31 Screen interruption, insulated to ground for cross Cross bonding of cable screen at the joint

Technical data of joints for polymer cables

Operating Max. conductor Ø over XLPE insulation Max. Ø of outer Type Mechanical protection and radial moisture barrier
voltage cross-section (Cu/Al) sheath
Umax/kV mm² mm mm

245 2500 68 - 115 150 MPCC 1.245-21/-31 Cu-tube with HDPE coating
2500 68 - 115 150 MPCP 1.245-21/31 Cu-tube with protection box
2500 68 - 115 150 MPSP 1.245-21/-31 Steel housing with protection box

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Joints for polymer cables page 23

Slip-on joints for polymer cables up to 550 kV

Variety of joints for your individual application needs High flexibility in earthing
To assist you in the selection of the appropriate type of joint for Earthing of our joints can be made according to customer spec-
your application, we have compiled an application table as given ifications. All joints are designed so that direct- or indirect
below. earthing, straight through connection or cross bonding can be

Applications of joints for polymer cables

Type Radial moisture Mechanical pro- Advantages Application
barrier tection

MP / Steel housing Steel housing * Highest degree of * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
MPSP and protec- mechanical protection concrete pits or directly buried installa-
tion box * Total sealing against tions
moisture * In installations with permanent humidity
or shallow water

Types of earthing of joints for polymer cables

Type Screen connection Application

-21 Straight through connection, insulated to ground Direct connection of cable screen without cross
-21sp Straight through connection with direct or indirect Connection of cable screen to earthing link
-31 Screen interruption, insulated to ground for cross Cross bonding of cable screen at the joint

Technical data of joints for polymer cables

Operating Max. conductor Ø over XLPE insulation Max. Ø of outer Type Mechanical protection and radial moisture barrier
voltage cross-section (Cu/Al) sheath
Umax/kV mm² mm mm

300 2500 68 - 115 150 MPSP 1.300-21/-31 Steel housing with protection box
420 2500 82 - 115 175 MPSP 1.420-21/-31 Steel housing with protection box
550 2500 100 -129 175 MPSP 1.550-21/-31 Steel housing with protection box
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High voltage accessories for
oil-filled cables
Terminations for oil-filled cables page 27

Design of a termination for oil-filled cables

Terminal stud

Corona shield

– porcelain
– polymer
– epoxy type

Insulating liquid

stress cone

Oil-filled cable
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Terminations for oil-filled cables page 28

Our terminations for oil-filled cables are designed to be used Four termination types available
independently of any type of oil-filled cable or cable manufac- Four types of terminations are available. For outdoor applica-
turer from 72.5 to 420 kV and up to a conductor cross-section of tions, we offer porcelain and composite insulators. Terminations
2500 mm². for SF6 gas insulated switchgears (GIS) or transformers are
Termination design made of cast epoxy resin insulators. The insulating liquid for all
Terminations for oil-filled cables consist of a paper-taped stress oil-filled terminations is oil. The corona shield is designed to
cone, an insulating liquid, an insulator, a corona shield and a minimise electrical stress.
terminal stud. Our terminations for oil-filled cables are:
Prefabricated stress cones * Outdoor terminations with porcelain insulators
The prefabricated paper-taped stress cones are a tried and * Outdoor terminations with composite insulators
tested design that has been used for terminations of Brugg * GIS terminations
Cables for more than 75 years. * Transformer terminations
The main advantage of these products is that the coils for stress
All additional equipment available
cones are prefabricated in a clean and dry environment at our
factory. We deliver all additional equipment required to operate an oil-
After a high quality process of taping, drying and impregnation, filled cable system, such as oil expansion tanks or pressure
the coils are stored and delivered in sealed and oil-filled con- control cabinets.
tainers. Consequently, the coils remain dry in any degree of hu- Future delivery assurance
midity and oil-impregnated for the installation. Our track record reflects our degree of commitment to quality,
For the best solutions, our prefabricated stress cones are made reliability and service. This means that our customers can rely
according to customer specifications. on us to deliver cables, accessories and all other equipment for
The advantages of the prefabricated design are: oil-filled cable systems for many years to come.
* High degree of quality and reliability due to production of pre-
fabricated paper-taped coils in a clean and dry environment
* Very good thermal stability of up to 85°C
* Excellent field grading performances at normal frequency and
higher frequency load
* Can be applied under supervision of Brugg personnel
* Excellent track record in all environment, laying conditions and
climate zones
* In service for more than 75 years at Brugg Cables with out-
standing results

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Terminations for oil-filled cables page 29

Outdoor terminations with porcelain insulator for oil-filled

Porcelain insulators have the longest tradition.
Their main advantages are:
* Excellent resistance against ultraviolet (UV) radiation
* Resistant against bird-picking
* Excellent track record in numerous countries and climate
* In service for more than 75 years at Brugg Cables with out-
standing results
Terminations with porcelain insulators for oil-filled cables profit
from the tried and tested Brugg design of prefabricated paper-
taped coils.
The maximum design oil pressure of the termination is 10 bar.
On specific customer demand, designs with higher pressure
values can be supplied.
The creepage distance of the insulators can be determined ac-
cording to the application, the specifications of the customer or
the necessities of different climate zones.
All terminations are designed and tested according to interna-
tional standards, such as IEC 60141-1 or IEC 60071 (insulation
Profit from the advantages of our outdoor terminations with
porcelain insulators. All our terminations for oil-filled cables
with porcelain insulators are designed to be used independ-
ently of any type of oil-filled cable or cable manufacturer from
72.5 to 420 kV and up to a conductor cross-section of
2500 mm².

Technical data of outdoor terminations with porcelain insulators for oil-filled cables
Operating voltage Max. conductor cross-section (Cu/Al) Type Creepage distance
Umax/kV mm² mm

72.5 2000 OE 1.72-01 2900

145 2500 OE 1.145-01 4700, 5950, 7290
170 2500 OE 1.170-01 5950, 7290
245 2500 OE 1.245-01 8800, 10000
300 2500 OE 1.300-01 8800, 10000
420 2500 OE 1.420-01 13020, 17500
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Terminations for oil-filled cables page 30

Outdoor terminations with composite insulator for oil-filled

Composite terminations for oil-filled cables are the latest de-
velopment of Brugg Cables. Composite insulators have been in
growing demand over the past decades.
Their main advantages are:
* Lightweight
* Easy to handle
* Resistant against ultraviolet (UV) radiation
* Excellent hydrophobic behaviour
* Explosion-proof
* Earthquake-proof
* Excellent track record in numerous countries and climate
Terminations with composite insulators for oil-filled cables
profit from the outstanding properties of the tried and tested
Brugg design of prefabricated paper-taped coils.
The maximum design oil pressure of the termination is 10 bar.
On specific customer demand, designs with higher pressure
values can be supplied.
The creepage distance of the insulators can be determined ac-
cording to the application, the specifications of the customer or
the necessities of different climate zones.
All terminations are designed and tested according to interna-
tional standards, such as IEC 60141-1 or IEC 60071 (insulation
Profit from the advantages of our terminations with composite
insulators. All our terminations for oil-filled cables with compo-
site insulators are designed to be used independently of any
type of oil-filled cable or cable manufacturer from 72.5 to 420 kV
and up to a conductor cross-section of 2500 mm².

Technical data of outdoor terminations with composite insulators for oil-filled cables
Operating voltage Max. conductor cross-section (Cu/Al) Type Creepage distance
Umax/kV mm² mm

72.5 1000 OFR 1.72-01 2400

145 1200 OFR 1.145-01 4790
2500 OFR 1.145-02 3890, 5580
170 2500 OFR 1.170-01 3890, 5580
245 2500 OFR 1.245-01 5330, 7820
300 2500 OFR 1.300-01 6570, 9800
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Terminations for oil-filled cables page 31

GIS terminations for oil-filled cables

GIS terminations were developed for use in SF6 gas insulated
switchgears (GIS). Made with a cast resin body, they are de-
signed to fit perfectly into your GIS.
Their main advantages are:
* Lightweight
* Easy to handle
* Classical tried and tested design with high tolerances for
cables and applications
* Excellent track record in numerous countries and climate
* In service for more than 50 years at Brugg Cables with out-
standing results
GIS terminations for oil-filled cables profit from the tried and
tested Brugg design of prefabricated paper-taped coils.
The maximum design oil pressure of the termination is 10 bar.
On specific customer demand, designs with higher pressure
values can be supplied.
All terminations are designed according to international stand-
ards, such as IEC 60141-1, IEC 62271-209 (GIS standard) or
IEC 60071 (insulation coordination).
Profit from the advantages of our GIS terminations. All our GIS
terminations for oil-filled cables are designed to be used inde-
pendently of any type of oil-filled cable or cable manufacturer
from 72.5 to 420 kV and up to a conductor cross-section of
2000 mm².

Technical data of GIS terminations for polymer cables

Operating voltage Max. conductor cross-section (Cu/Al) Type Creepage distance
Umax/kV mm² mm

72.5 1000 OF 1.72-01 500

145 1200 OF 1.170-11 690
170 1200 OF 1.170-11 690
2000 OF 1.170-12 710
245 2000 OF 1.245-11 900
300 2000 OF 1.300-11 900
420 2000 OF 1.420-11 1385
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Terminations for oil-filled cables page 32

Transformer terminations for oil-filled cables

Transformer terminations have a cast resin body and are de-
signed to fit perfectly into your transformer.
Their main advantages are:
* Lightweight
* Easy to handle
* Classical tried and tested design with high tolerances for
cables and applications
* Excellent track record in numerous countries and climate
* In service for more than 60 years at Brugg Cables with out-
standing results
Transformer terminations for oil-filled cables profit from the
tried and tested Brugg design of prefabricated paper-taped
The maximum design oil pressure of the termination is 10 bar.
On specific customer demand, designs with higher pressure
values can be supplied.
All terminations are designed according to international stand-
ards, such as IEC 60141-1, IEC 62271-209 (GIS standard) or
IEC 60071 (insulation coordination).
Please note that corona shields for transformer terminations
are designed according to customer specifications and must be
ordered separately.
Profit from the advantages of our transformer terminations. All
our transformer terminations for oil-filled cables are designed to
be used independently of any type of oil-filled cable or cable
manufacturer from 72.5 to 420 kV and up to a conductor cross-
section of 2500 mm².

Technical data of transformer terminations for oil-filled cables

Operating voltage Max. conductor cross-section (Cu/Al) Type Creepage distance
Umax/kV mm² mm

145 1200 OT 1.170-11 690

170 1200 OT 1.170-11 690
2000 OT 1.170-11 710
245 2000 OT 1.245-11 900
300 2000 OT 1.300-11 900
420 2000 OT 1.420-11 1385

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Joints for oil-filled cables page 33

Design of a joint for oil-filled cables

Mechanical and Conductor clamp

moisture protection

Oil-filled cable Paper-taped insulation Oil

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Joints for oil-filled cables page 34

Our joints for oil-filled cables are designed to be used inde- Our joints for oil-filled cables are:
pendently of any type of oil-filled cable or cable manufacturer * Straight-through joints
from 72.5 to 420 kV and up to a conductor cross-section of * Stop joints
2500 mm².
Joint design All additional equipment available
Joints for oil-filled cables consist of a conductor clamp, a paper- We deliver all additional equipment that is needed to operate an
taped insulation, a moisture barrier, a mechanical protection and oil-filled cable system, such as oil expansion tanks or pressure
an earthing link. control cabinets.
Variety of conductor clamps Future delivery assurance
Conductor clamps connect both conductor ends of the cable. Our track record reflects our degree of commitment to quality,
Their main task is to ensure a low contact resistance during reliability and service. This means that our customers can rely
lifetime. Although all typical conductor clamps can be used, we on us to deliver cables, accessories and all other equipment for
recommend using pressed clamps for the conductor connec- oil-filled cable systems for many years to come.
tion of joints for oil-filled cables. 100% moisture protection with metal housing
Prefabricated coils Joints for oil-filled cables come with a standard metal housing.
The prefabricated paper-taped coils are a tried and tested design This acts as a radial moisture barrier. Together with the me-
that has been used for Brugg Cables joints for more than 50 chanical protection of the joint, it guarantees a prolonged life-
years. time, making it highly reliable.
The main advantage is that the coils are stored and delivered in Choice of mechanical protection design
sealed and oil-filled containers. The basic mechanical protection is provided by the metal hous-
Consequently, the coils remain dry in any degree of humidity ing. For additional protection, a box of polyester can be chosen.
and oil-impregnated for taping during installation. This polyester protection box is filled with an insulating com-
The advantages of the paper-taped design are: pound giving excellent sealing to the joint.
* High quality and reliability of the paper-taped coils Our protection designs for oil-filled cable joints are:
* Very good thermal stability of up to 85°C * Metal housing
* Excellent field grading performances at normal frequency and * Metal housing and protection box
higher frequency load
* Can be applied under supervision of Brugg personnel
* Excellent track record in all environment, laying conditions and
climate zones
* In service for more than 50 years at Brugg Cables with out-
standing results

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Joints for oil-filled cables page 35

Straight-through joints for oil-filled cables

Variety of joints for your individual application needs Their main advantages are:
Drawing upon a wealth of technological experience, Brugg * Tried and tested design
Cables offers a wide range of straight-through joints for oil-filled * Total moisture barrier due to metal shield
cables. * Available with different types of mechanical protection
The prefabricated paper-taped coils are a tried and tested de- * Can be applied under supervision of Brugg personnel
sign which has been used for Brugg Cables joints for more than * Usable with a standard pressure of 10 bar, higher pressure
50 years. values for special applications possible
All joints are designed according to international standards, * Excellent track record in different laying and climate zones
such as IEC 60141-1. * In service for more than 50 years with outstanding results
High flexibility in earthing Profit from the advantages of our joints for oil-filled cables. All
Earthing of joints can be made according to customer specifi- our joints for oil-filled cables are designed to be used independ-
cations. All joints are designed so that direct or indirect earthing, ently of any type of oil-filled cable or cable manufacturer from
straight through connection or cross bonding can be realised. 72.5 to 420 kV and up to a conductor cross-section of
2000 mm².

Applications of straight-through joints for oil-filled cables

Type Radial mois- Mechanical pro- Advantages Application
ture barrier tection

OM... -01 Steel hous- Steel housing * High degree of mechanical pro- * In concrete tunnels or concrete
or -11 ing tection in different environments pits
* Total sealing against moisture * In insulated formations
OM...-21 Steel hous- Steel housing * Highest degree of mechanical * In all types of laying, such as in
or -31 ing with protection protection in different environ- tunnels, concrete pits or buried
box ments installations
* Total sealing against moisture * In installations with permanent
penetration humidity or temporary flooding

Types of earthing of joints for oil-filled cable joints

Type Screen connection Application

-21/-01 Straight through connection, either insulated to Direct connection of cable screen without cross
ground (-21) or not insulated to ground (-01) bonding
-21sp Straight through connection with direct or indirect Connection of cable screen to earthing link
earthing, insulated to ground
-31/-01 Screen interruption and interruption of metal Cross bonding of cable screen at the joint
housing for cross bonding, insulated to ground
(-31) or not insulated to ground (-11)
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Joints for oil-filled cables page 36

Technical data of straight-through joints for oil-filled cables

Operating voltage Max. conductor cross-section Type Mechanical protection
Umax/kV mm²

72.5 630 OM 1.72-01 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
3 x 400 OM 3.72-01 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
145 1000 OM 1.145-01 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
1000 OM 1.145-11 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
1000 OM 1.145-21 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
1000 OM 1.145-31 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
170 800 OM 1.170-01 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
800 OM 1.170-11 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
800 OM 1.170-21 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
2000 OM 1.170-22 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
800 OM 1.170-31 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
2000 OM 1.170-32 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
245 2000 OM 1.245-21 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
2000 OM 1.245-31 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
300 2000 OM 1.300-21 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
2000 OM 1.300-31 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
420 2000 OM 1.420-01 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box

Subject to changes without notice



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Joints for oil-filled cables page 37

Stop joints for oil-filled cables

Stop joints are used to limit the oil pressure of cables that have * Available with different types of outer mechanical protection
to overcome differences in height. * Excellent track record in different surroundings and climate
Brugg Cables draws on a wealth of technological experience zones
when designing such joints. * In service for more than 40 years with outstanding results
All joints are designed according to international standards,
Profit from the advantages of our stop joints. All our stop joints
such as IEC 60141-1.
are designed to be used independently of any type of oil-filled
Their main advantages are: cable or cable manufacturer from 72.5 to 420 kV and up to a
* Tried and tested design conductor cross-section of 2000 mm².
* Total moisture barrier due to metal shield
* 100 % oil stop at the joint
* Usable with a standard pressure of 10 bar, higher pressure
values for special applications possible

Applications of stop joints

Type Description Radial mois- Mechanical pro- Advantages Application
ture barrier tection

OS Standard Steel Metal housing * Highest degree of mechani- * In all types of laying, such
stop joint housing or Metal hous- cal protection in different as in tunnels, concrete or
ing and pro- environments buried installations
tection box * Total sealing against mois- * In installations with perma-
ture penetration nent humidity or temporary
OSF Stop joint Steel Steel housing * High degree of mechanical * In laying with concrete,
with back-to- housing protection in different envi- such as in tunnels or con-
back design ronments crete pits
* Total sealing against mois- * In insulated formations
ture penetration

Technical data of stop joints

Joint Operating Max. conductor Type Mechanical protection
voltage cross-section
Umax/kV mm²

Standard stop joint 170 1200 OS 1.170-11 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
Standard stop joint 245 2000 OS 1.245-31 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
Standard stop joint 300 2000 OS 1.245-31 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
Stop joint with back-to- 420 2000 OSF 1.420-11 Metal housing or Metal housing and protection box
back design
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High voltage accessories for polymer and
oil-filled cables
Transition joints page 41

Design of a transition joint

SiR slip-on Insulating Conductor Paper-taped Oil-filled

stress cone compound connection stress cone cable

Polymer cable Insulator of epoxy type Oil Mechanical and

moisture protection
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Transition joints page 42

Our transition joints are designed to be used independently of Designed for very high pressure values
any type of cable or cable manufacturer from 72.5 to 420 kV and Our transition joints can be designed for operating pressures up
up to a conductor cross-section of 2500 mm². to 14 bar – hydraulic or pneumatic – and emergency pressures
Joint design up to 24 bar. This is achieved by means of reinforced casing that
Transition joints are used to connect polymer- with paper- can be individually designed according to customer specifica-
insulated cables. tions.
They consist of a conductor clamp, SiR stress cones with an Single and three core transition joints
insulator for the polymer cable side and paper-taped coils for We offer two different types of transition joints, single core and
the paper-insulated cable side. Transition joints are covered by a three core transition joints.
moisture and a mechanical protection, and have an earthing Single core transition joints are used to connect single core
link. polymer-insulated cables to different types of single core paper-
Variety of conductor clamps insulated, or paper/polypropylene-insulated cables.
Conductor clamps connect both conductor ends of the cable. Three core transition joints are used to connect a three core
Their main task is to ensure a low contact resistance during polymer-insulated cable with three single core paper-insulated
lifetime. or paper/polypropylene-insulated cables.
Choice of mechanical protection design
Outstanding properties of the SiR stress cone and insulator
A stainless steel casing covers the whole arrangement. This
of the polymer cable side
gives an electrical connection of the metallic sheath between
The stress cone and insulator of the polymer cable side are the both cables and ensures that moisture and a strong mechanical
same as those used for conventional GIS or transformer termi- protection is maintained. For additional protection, a box of pol-
nations. Thus, the transition joint profits from the well proven, yester can be chosen. The box is sealed with an insulating
prefabricated and pretested silicone slip-on stress cones of compound of epoxy type, giving excellent sealing to the joint.
Brugg Cables.
High flexibility in earthing
The hydraulic oil-barrier is achieved with the epoxy insulator of
the polymer cable side. All components within the insulator are Our transition joints can either be chosen with straight through
completely separated and connected to an external stainless connection or with screen interruption for cross-bonding.
steel expansion tank. Wealth of experiences
Reliable technology of paper-taped coils for the oil-filled The prefabricated stress cone on the polymer cable side and the
cable side paper-taped stress cone on the oil-filled cable side are tried and
Stress cones for the paper-taped cable side are of the same re- tested designs, which have been used for these types of joints
liable and qualitative design as those for paper-taped joints or for more than 20 years.
terminations. Thus, the transition joints profit from the well pro- Our protection designs for transition joints are:
ven, paper-taped coils of Brugg Cables. * Steel housing
Flexible application of Brugg transition joints * Steel housing and protection box
The main advantage of our transition joints is their excellent
quality and enduring reliability. They can be installed inde-
pendently of any type of low-pressure oil-filled (LPOF) or high-
pressure pipe type (HPPT) cable.

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Transition joints page 43

Transition joints for polymer and oil-filled cables

Drawing upon a wealth of technological experience, Brugg * Can be installed independently of any sort of oil in the LPOF or
Cables offers a wide range of transition joints. HPPT circuit
Variety of joints for your individual application needs * Can be applied under supervision of Brugg personnel
* Excellent track record in different laying and climate zones
Our joints are designed according to international standards,
* In service for more than 20 years with outstanding results
such as IEC 60141-1 or IEC 62271-209 (GIS standard).
Their main advantages are: Profit from the advantages of our transition joints. All our tran-
* Outstanding properties and hence reliability of the prefabri- sition joints are designed to be used independently of any type
cated and pretested slip-on stress cones at the polymer cable of cable or cable manufacturer from 72.5 to 420 kV and up to a
side conductor cross-section of 2500 mm²
* Reliable technology of prefabricated paper-taped coils at the
oil-filled cable side
* Total moisture barrier with steel housing
* 100% oil stop at the joint
* Usable with a design pressure of 10 bar
* Higher pressure values for special applications of up to 14 bar

Applications of transition joints

Type Radial mois- Mechanical Advantages Application Earthing
ture barrier protection

TOS...-11/-12 Steel Steel * High degree of mechani- * In laying with concrete, Straight through
housing housing cal protection in differ- such as in tunnels or con- connection, not
ent environments crete pits insulated to
* Total sealing against * In insulated formations ground
moisture penetration
TOS...-31/-32 Steel Steel * Highest degree of * In all types of laying, such Straight through
housing housing mechanical protection in as in tunnels, concrete or connection,
with pro- different environments buried installations insulated to
tection * Total sealing against * In installations with per- ground
box moisture penetration manent humidity or tem-
porary flooding

Technical data of transition joints

Operating voltage Max. conductor Ø over XLPE insula- Max. Ø of outer Type Mechanical protection
cross-section (Cu/Al) tion sheath
Umax/kV mm² mm mm

72.5 1200 < 80 115 TOS 1.72-11 Steel housing

1200 < 80 115 TOS 1.72-31 Steel housing with protection box
145 1000 56 - 80 115 TOS 1.145-11 Steel housing
1000 56 - 80 115 TOS 1.145-31 Steel housing with protection box
2000 56 - 110 150 TOS 1.145-12 Steel housing
2000 56 - 110 150 TOS 1.145-32 Steel housing with protection box
170 1000 56 - 80 115 TOS 1.170-11 Steel housing
1000 56 - 80 115 TOS 1.170-31 Steel housing with protection box
2500 56 - 110 150 TOS 1.170-12 Steel housing
2500 56 - 110 150 TOS 1.170-32 Steel housing with protection box
245 2000 70 - 117 150 TOS 1.245-11 Steel housing
2000 70 - 117 150 TOS 1.245-31 Steel housing with protection box
Subject to changes without notice

300 2000 70 - 117 150 TOS 1.300-11 Steel housing

2000 70 - 117 150 TOS 1.300-31 Steel housing with protection box
420 2500 80 - 117 160 TOS 1.420-11 Steel housing
2500 80 - 117 160 TOS 1.420-31 Steel housing with protection box


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Additional equipment
Earthing equipment page 47

General information
As a partner for complete solutions, Brugg Cables delivers all
additional accessories and equipment needed for the optimum
functioning of your cable system.
All additional equipment from one source
Brugg Cables supplies all additional equipment for your cable
system such as:
* Cable clamps
* Earthing equipment for terminations
Cable clamp
* Earthing equipment for joints
* Expansion tanks and pressure control cabinets for oil-filled
cables and accessories

All types of cable clamps

Cable clamps are necessary devices, as they fix the cable to
encourage proper functioning during normal conditions and
faults. We offer a wide range of cable clamps depending on the
cable type, its application and surrounding.
If you require detailed information on these items, just contact
our experts for a separate offer.
Wide range of necessary earthing equipment
We provide a wide range of earthing equipment as shown in the
tables below. Choose from a variety of these earthing device
applications for all accessories.
All equipment needed for oil-filled cable systems
Expansion tanks and pressure control cabinets belong to an oil- Single pole disconnecting link box with surge voltage arrestor
filled cable system and transition joints. They are designed ac-
cording to your cable system. If you require a detailed list of
these items, just contact our experts for a separate catalogue or
And more
Should you need additional and/or other specialised equipment,
our experts will be pleased to help.

Three pole disconnecting link box

Subject to changes without notice

Cross-bonding box


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Earthing equipment page 48

Earthing- and Cross-bonding boxes

Disconnecting link boxes for all types of terminations
Type Application with surge arrestor Drawing no. IP degree Remarks

Disconnecting link box S 1345-4 54 Single pole

Disconnecting link box S 1344-4 54 With disconnecting knife
Disconnecting link box S 1419-4 54 With disconnecting knife
Disconnecting link box S 1107-4 54 Three pole
Disconnecting link box S 1167-4 54 Three pole
Disconnecting link box S 1660-4 65 With disconnecting knife

Devices for earthing of outdoor terminations

Type Application with surge arrestor Drawing no.

Disconnecting link S 1264-4

Disconnecting link S 1406-4
Surge voltage arrestor S 1407-4
Disconnecting element S 1408-4
Supporting insulator S 1409-4

Devices for earthing of GIS and transformer terminations

Type Application with surge arrestor Drawing no. Remarks

Disconnecting element S 1503-4 72.5 - 170 kV

Disconnecting element S 1504-4 170 kV
Disconnecting element S 1505-4 245 kV
Disconnecting element S 1506-4 72.5 - 170 kV
Disconnecting element S 1509-4 170 kV
Disconnecting element S 1508-4 245 kV

Disconnecting link boxes for all joints

Type Cross bonding Drawing no. IP degree Remarks

Disconnecting link box S 1479-4 54 Three pole

Disconnecting link box S 1431-4 68 Three pole
Disconnecting link box S 1348-4 54 Three pole
Cross-bonding box S 1599-4 54 Three pole
Cross-bonding box S 1600-4 54 Three pole
Cross-bonding box S 1601-4 68 Three pole

Oil expansion tanks

Type Drawing no. Oil volume Weight with oil
l kg

AG 2.5 S 1456-4 2.5 6

AG 5 S 1483-4 5.0 17
AG 8 S 1288-4 8.0 18
Subject to changes without notice


Phone +41 (0)56 460 3333 l Fax +41 (0)56 460 3536 l [email protected]
Tools page 49

We provide you with all the necessary tools to guarantee quality
Complete set of tools
In order to provide you with high quality installation, we offer the
necessary tools for the installation of high voltage accessories.
Our tools can be bought or rented.
If you require detailed information concerning these items, just
contact our experts for a separate catalogue and offer.

Cutting and peeling device

Peeling and stripping tool

Press head of 60 t
Subject to changes without notice


Phone +41 (0)56 460 3333 l Fax +41 (0)56 460 3536 l [email protected]
General information
Our standards and services for reliable products page 53

Our basis – advanced technology combining

experiences with innovations
Products that ensure a long-lasting energy supply are the result
of extensive research and development.
Research and development for products and production
Long-lasting reliable energy supplies are vital for our society.
That's why, Brugg Cables is constantly investing in research and
development (R&D) of products and production. The latest in-
novative technology is combined with the experience of more
than 100 years. This fruitful combination is realised from the
development of new materials and techniques, through to ex-
tensive tests and scientific surveys and on to the whole pro-
duction process.
Products with excellent properties Microscopic inspection in the materials laboratory
Our extensive commitment is to R&D results for products with
the best electrical, thermal, mechanical and chemical proper-
ties. This balanced design ensures that all our accessories are
highly reliable and can be used for cables of any manufacturer.
All products are well proven and tested before being introduced
into the market and finally delivered to you.
High quality products through:
* Tests in our on-site materials laboratory
* Advanced material analysis and diagnostics technology
* Application of modern simulation tools
* Experienced staff
* On-site prototype factory for all types of parts concerning
accessories, such as stress-grading parts, silicone parts etc. Mechanical tests in the materials laboratory
* Intensive tests in our own high voltage laboratories
* Constant cooperation with universities and research laborato-

Simulation of the electrical field in a joint body

Subject to changes without notice

High voltage laboratory at Brugg Cables



Phone +41 (0)56 460 3333 l Fax +41 (0)56 460 3536 l [email protected]
Our standards and services for reliable products page 54

The basis of our quality – production at high

Quality is an attitude that influences every single production
Production for high reliability products
In order to ensure that your cable system operates reliably, we
have made quality our priority. This dictates every single proc-
ess step from the selection of raw materials, through to pro-
duction and continuous testing.
The key components of high voltage accessories, the slip-on
bodies and stress cones, are made in-house and by our experts.
In order to ensure that the quality of these products remains
constant, the production process of the SiR slip-on bodies and
stress cones is fully automatic.
For zero failure production, our products are continuously
tested after every production step. Production of silicon parts in a very clean surrounding
The main advantages of our high-quality production are:
* Production of one-piece SiR slip-on bodies and stress cones
in-house at our factory in Brugg, Switzerland
* Experienced experts
* Use of best materials
* Tests of procurement parts
* Automatic computer-based production
* Zero failure production due to single control of every compo-
nent after each production step

Officially proven quality

Our constantly applied quality processes are confirmed and
certified according to:
Single control of the surface of a SiR slip-on joint body after production
* Quality Management Certificate SN EN ISO 9001: 2000 (since
* Environmental ManagementCertificateSNENISO14001:1996

Clean surface in the SiR slip-on joint body

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Our standards and services for reliable products page 55

The guarantee for our quality – fully tested

Testing is essential to us, guaranteeing high reliability products.
Tests for guaranteed quality
At Brugg Cables, all equipment is tested several times before
being delivered to the customer.
Our key tests at a glance are:
* Development tests at our high voltage laboratory
* Type tests for all accessories up to 550 kV according to
IEC 60840, IEC 62067, IEEE Std 48-1996 and IEEE Std 404-
* Prequalification tests for all accessories up to 550 kV
according to IEC 62067
* Routine tests of all prefabricated silicone stress cones and
slip-on bodies according to IEC 60840 and IEC 62067 in-house
in a modern fully screened test room.
Prequalification test of 550 kV equipment
Development tests
All accessories have to pass several tests during their develop-
ment. These development tests apply stresses far above those
occurring during normal operating conditions. The extensive
tests ensure reliable and long-lasting products and are carried
out in-house at our high voltage laboratory.
Type tests
As a matter of course, our accessories have passed all relevant
type tests in accordance with international standards, such as
IEC 60840 or IEC 62067. The type test applies electrical and
thermal loads as well as water ingress above those occurring
during normal conditions and lasts for a period of 20 days. This
is followed by a watertightness test. Type tests are carried out
under the supervision of experts from independent test labora-
Prequalification tests Prequalification test of 220 kV equipment at an independant test laboratory
In addition to the above, the high voltage accessories of Brugg
Cables must pass a prequalification test according to IEC 62067.
This test requires one year of operation at cyclic temperature
load and elevated voltages. Brugg accessories have success-
fully completed these tests up to a voltage of 420 kV and will
soon extend this up to 550 kV.
Routine tests
All one-piece, prefabricated SiR slip-on bodies receive a final
routine test in accordance with IEC 60840 and room IEC 62067.
At a higher voltage load, the products are shown to be com-
pletely free of partial discharges. Our pass rate for these tests is
set higher than required by the standards. The delivery of 100%
quality products from our factory is guaranteed as every piece
undergoes a final test and is certified individually. Preparation for a routine test of a SiR slip-on body at our fully screened
routine test room
Subject to changes without notice


Phone +41 (0)56 460 3333 l Fax +41 (0)56 460 3536 l [email protected]
Our standards and services for reliable products page 56

Quality beyond the factory – installation services

An optimum performance of your cable system from day one
can be guaranteed by the use of our installation services.
High quality installation
The quality of installation is vital for the reliable running of your
cable system.
In order to ensure top performance of our products in the field,
Brugg Cables operates with its own installation department.
This means that the installation of our accessories is carried out
by specially trained personnel with extensive experience.
Our installation services include:
* Polymer cables and accessories up to 550 kV
* Oil-filled cables and accessories up to 420 kV
* Transition joints up to 420 kV
* Underwater installations
Preparation of the conductor connection for a polymer joint
Profit from our services with an economic solution suited to
your needs. Our experts provide complete or supervised instal-
lation services.
In addition we also offer training courses for your teams. If you
require detailed information about the courses, just contact our
experts for a separate catalogue and offer.
The main advantages of our installation services are:
* Own installation department with well educated, trained, and
experienced personnel
* Training of your installation teams
* Supervision of your teams
* Assembly-friendly installation sets
* Full supply of all tools, either on sale or on rental basis
* Installation services that are independent of the cable manu-
facturer Assembling-friendly installation of a slip-on joint by "air cushion" method

Support in commissioning testing

We offer commissioning tests after installation at your request.
This service is offered by working closely together with different
specialised testing companies and institutes. All commission-
ing tests are carried out according to international standards,
such as IEC 60840, IEC 63067 and IEC 60141.

Commissioning test on-site at 420 kV porcelain terminations in Germany

Subject to changes without notice


Phone +41 (0)56 460 3333 l Fax +41 (0)56 460 3536 l [email protected]
Our standards and services for reliable products page 57

We offer more – after sales services, monitoring

and diagnostics
Our support goes beyond delivery and installation.
Customer service support
Our customer service is there for all questions concerning your
cable and/or accessories project before, during and after instal-
lation. A team of engineers and specialists is available at Brugg
Cables to provide you with the necessary help.
Should you be interested in any service, just contact our ex-
Monitoring and diagnostics support
Following a full system approach, we also offer you devices,
tools and know-how for monitoring and diagnostics. We work
closely together with different specialised companies and
research institutes, enabling us to provide you with a wide
range of monitoring and diagnostics services.
This includes: Preparation for PD measurements at terminations for a customer in
* Temperature monitoring
* Partial discharge (PD) measurement and monitoring
* Humidity measurement and monitoring
* Condition assessment of service-aged cable systems
* Measurement of all relevant cable data, such as insulating
resistance, impedance, conductor resistance measurements
* Failure localisation and repair

Wide range of other testing means

Brugg Cables offers a wide range of testing means, depending
on your requirements. This is achieved by working closely
together with different specialised testing companies and
institutes. The tests include:
* AC and DC voltage tests
* Partial discharge measurements PD measurement for a customer in South America
* Hydraulic measurements on pressurised oil-filled cables and
Should you be interested in any device or service, just contact
our experts.
Subject to changes without notice

Temperature monitoring along a cable system



Phone +41 (0)56 460 3333 l Fax +41 (0)56 460 3536 l [email protected]
Our standards and services for reliable products page 58

Our know-how and experiences for your success –

The Brugg Cables Academy
Know-how is at the heart of all functioning industrial applica-
tions. That's why Brugg Cables offers its customers continued
quality education. Profit from the Brugg Cables Academy.
Know-how and experiences available for your needs
Reliable and functioning cable systems are influenced by a
number of factors. These may range from choosing the right
design of cables and accessories, considering the influences of
thermal load conditions, selecting the appropriate earthing de-
sign or posing the right questions concerning installation tests,
monitoring and diagnostic tools.
Brugg Cables has extensive knowledge in all these fields and
wants to share this with you, our customers, helping you to stay
constantly "Well connected".
Five central topics of the Brugg Cables Academy
The target of our education program is to provide you with New facilities in Brugg, Switzerland, with the rooms of the Brugg Cables
relevant knowledge within your specific field. Brugg Cables
Academy supports your need for specialization by offering
courses in five central topics, which are:
* High voltage oil cable systems
* High voltage polymeric cables
* High voltage accessories for polymeric cables
* Partial discharge measurements & monitoring
* Diagnostics for cable systems

Typical course participants include engineers and utility

technicians as well as project managers or persons involved
within the relevant fields.

Standard or individual courses according to your needs

Standard courses are held in Brugg, Switzerland each year; in
an autumn session in October and in a spring session in March. Annual engineering training course in Brugg
Courses can also be taken individually. Customers decide
whether the courses are held in Switzerland or in their home
country. For more information, contact our personnel or apply
at [email protected].

Subject to changes without notice

Education by one of our experts at a customer meeting



Phone +41 (0)56 460 3333 l Fax +41 (0)56 460 3536 l [email protected]
Our Experience for your success page 59

Brugg – a history of experiences in cable systems

The history of cable systems is closely related to the history of
our company. For decades, Brugg has been a leading company
in cables, accessories, equipment, and all products and serv-
ices around cable systems.
* 1896 founded by Gottlieb Suhner, Brugg begins delivering

cables and wires. First customers are major Swiss utilities.

* 1900 Swiss utilities place large orders for paper-insulated lead

sheathed power cables by Brugg.

* 1918 Brugg begins delivering large quantities of communica-

tion and power cable systems to support the Swiss railway

company "SBB" in its electrification. Production facilities of Brugg around 1900
* 1928 Brugg delivers and installs the first Swiss underwater

cable across Lake Lugano.

* 1934 Brugg already delivers a 150 kV oil-filled cable allowing

higher power transmission.

* 1942 4500 m long low-pressure oil-filled cable system is

delivered and installed for a Swiss customer.

* 1955 Brugg is once again ready on the market, introducing its

first cable with synthetic insulation at 20 kV, allowing its cus-

tomers to make use of the advantages of polymer insulations.
* 1960 Brugg develops a 420 kV oil-filled cable system suited to

increasing power demands.

* 1974 Brugg develops polymer joints for voltages up to 72.5 kV,
Laying of 420 kV oil-filled cables in Switzerland in the 1960s
coinciding with new requirements of long-distance cable sys-
tems and newly introduced polymer insulations.
* 1980s Brugg leads in the development of polymer cables and

accessories of up to 220 kV, as power demands increase.

* 1997 Brugg delivers polymer cable systems of 420 kV, ensur-

ing a powerful and reliable energy supply.

* 2008 Brugg develops a complete 550 kV polymer cable sys-

tem with all types of terminations and joints suited to

increasing power needs. Once again Brugg Cables places
itself amongst the premier league of its field.
* 2010-1 New production and office facilities were opened in
Product facilities at Brugg in the late 1970s
the center of Brugg. Beside the Business Unit High Voltage
Accessories, also the board of the BRUGG-Group moved into
the new facilities.
* 2010-2 Education towards its customers is brought to a new

level. In the new facilities, the "Brugg Cables Academy" was

founded, providing courses concerning all issues around
cable systems. The first courses were held in October 2010
and were highly requested.

Brugg Cables' modern, fully screened test room for AC voltages up to 600 kV
Subject to changes without notice

New office and production facilities in Brugg and home of the "Brugg Cables


Phone +41 (0)56 460 3333 l Fax +41 (0)56 460 3536 l [email protected]
Our Experience for your success page 60

References I
From the 75 years of delivering high voltage accessories, we
have a reference list that is far too large to be listed here in

Installation of joints in Abu Dhabi Outdoor terminations with porcelain insulators in the USA

Outdoor terminations with composite insulators in Switzerland Installation of transition joints in Germany

Subject to changes without notice

Outdoor terminations with composite insulator in Brazil GIS-terminations of the highest voltage level (550 kV) in Egypt


Phone +41 (0)56 460 3333 l Fax +41 (0)56 460 3536 l [email protected]
Our Experience for your success page 61

References II
We are pleased that we could carry out projects that have lead
to more than 40'000 references with different cable designs in
all climate zones in 66 countries on 5 continents.

Transformer terminations in outdoor application in Jordan Tests of outdoor terminations in Switzerland

Transformer terminations in indoor application in South Africa Checking of delivery of transition joints in the USA
Subject to changes without notice

Discussion of technical details at a joint bay in Qatar Preparation for the installation of outdoor terminations in Norway


Phone +41 (0)56 460 3333 l Fax +41 (0)56 460 3536 l [email protected]
Our Experience for your success page 62

Brugg markets – worldwide and close to you

In addition to our headquarters in Switzerland, Our main advantages are:

we also have representatives in: – Competent and local language speaking agents
– Sozhou, Shanghai and Beijing, China near you
– Prague, Czech Republic – Delivery in all climate zones
– Schwieberdingen (Stuttgart), Germany – Delivery of accessories to all cable manufacturers
– Milano, Italy
– Salmiya, Kuwait
– Dubai, United Arab Emirates
– Rome, GA, USA

Prodution Sales office

Worldwide representatives of Brugg Cables

For further information

please contact us.
Subject to changes without notice


Phone +41 (0)56 460 3333 l Fax +41 (0)56 460 3536 l [email protected]
Switzerland China
Our Kabel
Brugg headAGoffice Brugg Cables (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Klosterzelgstrasse 28 Building No.7 Sai Te Industrial Park
CH-5201 Brugg
Switzerland No.1300 Jun Gong Road
Phone +41 (0)56
Brugg Kabel AG 460 33 33 CN-Shanghai
Brugg Cables (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Fax +41 (0)56 460
Klosterzelgstrasse 28 35 36 Phone
Building+86 21 Sai
No.7 5506Te2530
Industrial Park
[email protected]
CH-5201 Brugg Fax
5506 Road
Phone +41 (0)56 460 33 33 [email protected]
Fax +41 (0)56 460 35 36 www.brugg-cables.com.cn
Phone +86 21 5506 2530
Sales infrastructure:
[email protected] Fax +86 21 5506 2533
Fax +41 (0)56 460 32 98
www.bruggcables.com Kuwait
[email protected]
[email protected] Brugg Cables
Sales infrastructure: Salwa, Block 12
Fax +41 (0)56 460 32 98 Street
KuwaitNo 7, House No 76
[email protected] Floor
BruggNo 1, Flat No 1
P.O. BoxBlock
Salwa, 219112
KW-22022 Salmiya
Street No 7, House No 76
Phone +965
Floor No 2566
1, Flat No321 71
P.O. Box+965
21912566 32 73
[email protected]
KW-22022 Salmiya
Phone +965 2566 32 71
Our branches Fax +965 2566 32 73
[email protected]
Germany Brugg Cables, LLC
Our Kabel
Brugg branches
GmbH 25 Anderson Road
Daimlerstrasse 8 P.O.
USABox 5231
Germany Schwieberdingen US-Rome, GA 30162-5231
Brugg Cables, LLC
Phone +49 7150
Brugg Kabel 91635 0
GmbH Phone +1 706Road
25 Anderson 235 8755
Fax +49 71508 91635 55
Daimlerstrasse Fax
P.O. Box+15231
706 235 7635
[email protected]
DE-71701 Schwieberdingen [email protected]
US-Rome, GA 30162-5231
Phone +49 7150 91635 0 www.bruggcables.com
Phone +1 706 235 8755
Fax +49 7150 91635 55 Fax +1 706 235 7635
[email protected] United Arab Emiraates
[email protected]
Brugg Cables Italia srl
www.bruggcables.com Brugg Cables, LLC
Via Palermo, 20 P.O. Box 28896
Sesto San Giovanni
Italy AE-Dubai
United Arab Emiraates
Brugg Milano
Cables Italia srl Phone +971 4 334
Brugg Cables, LLC 55 40
Via +39 0220
Palermo, 22 47 00 48 Fax
P.O. Box+971 4 334 41 18
Fax +39Giovanni
Sesto San 02 24 86 28 93 [email protected]
[email protected]
IT-20099 Milano www.bruggcables.com
Phone +971 4 334 55 40
Phone +39 02 22 47 00 48 Fax +971 4 334 41 18

Fax +39 02 24 86 28 93 [email protected]

[email protected] www.bruggcables.com

You will find further sales partners in your region on www.bruggcables.com. A company of the Brugg Group.

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