Fermi Normal Coordinates and Some Basic Concepts in Differential Geometry
Fermi Normal Coordinates and Some Basic Concepts in Differential Geometry
Fermi Normal Coordinates and Some Basic Concepts in Differential Geometry
F. K. Manasse and C. W. Misner
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Fermi coordinates, where the metric is rectangular and has vanishing first derivatives at each
point of a curve, are constructed in a particular way about a geodesic. This determines an expansion of
the metric in powers of proper distance normal to the geodesic, of which the second-order terms are
explicitly computed here in terms of the curvature tensor at the corresponding point on the base
geodesic. These terms determine the lowest-order effects of a gravitational field which can be measured
locally by a freely falling observer. An example is provided in the Schwarz schild metric. This dis-
cussion of Fermi Normal Coordinate provides numerous examples of the use of the modern, co-
ordinate-free concept of a vector and of computations which are simplified by introducing a vector
instead of its components. The ideas of contravariant vector and Lie Bracket, as well as the equation
of geodesic deviation, are reviewed before being applied.
• J. L. Synge, Relativity, The General Theory (North- which definition is also valid in orthogonal (or other non-
Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1960). holonomic) frames.
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determine the effects of gravitational field gradients of negligible mass freely falling toward a large
upon experiments done in a freely falling elevator. central mass. In the following paper,8 this serves as
The procedure for constructing Fermi normal a starting point from which to compute the metric
coordinates, which is given in Sec. II, is a variation surrounding a finite but small mass falling radially
of the standard procedure for constructing Riemann toward a large central mass, a particular case of
normal coordinates. It is also a special case of the the two-body problem in general relativity.
procedures used by Levi-Civita 7 or Synge4 to The paragraphs of mathematical "review" (Secs.
construct (inequivalent versions of) Fermi coor- III and VI), although they contain nothing new or
dinates about an arbitrary, nongeodesic, curve. The original, are not considered by the authors as the
present paper is very closely related to Levi- least important part of this paper. Most physicists,
Civita's, since it discusses some of the same topics, even those very familiar with general relativity,
but in inverse order. Levi-Civita, in the paper in continue to use the same definition of a vector as
question, developed for the first time the equation of did Einstein, in spite of the considerable progress
geodesic deviation and used Fermi coordinates as a by mathematicians in the intervening half century.
technique for simplifying this equation to display its A particularly careful statement of this definition
properties more clearly. In contrast, our primary by Synge and Schild 9 gives a precise meaning to
interest is here in the Fermi coordinates, but we the sentence "The quantities vP are components
shall use the equation of geodesic deviation as a of a contravariant vector" without finding it worth
device for studying the properties of Fermi co- the trouble to write a sentence of the form "a
ordinates and for computing the metric tensor in contravariant vector is a ... " The end of this
these coordinates. sentence is, in fact, either rather unhelpful 10 or
The major part of the present paper is devoted rather long l l when it merely elucidates the trans-
to studying properties of the Fermi normal co- formation law definition. The transformation law
ordinates constructed in Sec. II. In Sec. IV we show outlook on geometry was an attempt to broaden 12
that this construction leads to a nonsingular the Erlanger Programm viewpoint: (a geometry is
coordinate system in a neighborhood of the given characterized by invariance under a group of
geodesic, and in Sec. V we show that these co- transformations) without repudiating it completely.
ordinates satisfy the Fermi conditions The more geometrical approach to geometry, based
g~.lo = 'YJ~" (2) on an intuition rooted in the classical studies of
curves and surfaces in Euclidean three space, was
rp''./o = 0, (3)
hampered for a time because its most powerful
along the given geodesic G. In these discussions, computational techniques l3 employed elements
as well as in later examples, it is useful to have which were defined only by their intuitive signif-
unambiguous ways of indicating a vector without icance. As a consequence, many demonstrations
specifying a coordinate system, and of displaying its were clear only to mathematicians with sufficient
components in different coordinate systems without intuition. 13 This difficulty was eliminated by
confusion. These notations, based on the idea of a Chevalley l4 who gave new definitions of tangent
tangent vector as a differentiation, are reviewed in vectors and differentials, providing them with a
Sec. III. This idea of a vector is also used in Sec. VI
where we review the equation of geodesic deviation 8 F. K. Manasse, J. Math. Phys. 4, 746 (1963) (following
in order to see precisely what vector satisfies it. 9 J. L. Synge and A. Schild, Tensor Calculus (University
Then, in Sec. VII, we note that certain vectors of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1952), Sec. 1.3.
10 T. Y. Thomas, The Differential Invariants of Generalized
occurring in the construction of Fermi normal Spaces (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1934,) p. 30.
coordinates must satisfy the equation of geodesic 11 N. Steenrod, The Topology of Fibre Bundles (Princeton
University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1951), Sec. 6.4.
deviation; using this fact we evaluate the quadratic 12 O. Veblen and J. H. C. Whitehead, The Foundations
(curvature) terms in the expansion of the metric of Differential Geometry, (Cambridge University Press
New York, 1932, reprinted 1953), Sec. 16. '
analogous to Eq. (1). Finally, Sec. VIII is an 13 E. Cartan, Leqons sur la g~om{;trie des espaces de Riemann
example, where, starting from the Schwarzschild (Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1951).
14 C. Chevalley, Theory of Lie Groups. (Princeton Univ-
metric in standard Schwarzschild coordinates, we ersity Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 19·16), p. 77. A definition
evaluate the metric in Fermi normal coordinates suitable for differentiable, rather than analytic, manifolds
can be found in reference 15 or in H. Flanders, Trans. Am.
surrounding a radial timelike geodesic. This rep- Math. Soc. 75, 311 (1953). A definition of differentiable
resents this metric in a rest frame of a particle manifold which parallels Chevalley's for the analytic case is
given by de Rham, Varietes Differentiables (Hermann et Cie.,
7 T. Levi-Civita, Math. Ann. 97, 291 (1926). Paris, 1955).
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to solve the geodesic equation and obtain that There is then a unique geodesic
unique geodesic G which starts at Po with tangent P = h(xO; a i ; A), (9)
eo there. We will describe the geodesic G by the
with path parameter A which starts at h(xO) and
is tangent to v there. The point P(x") with Fermi
P = h(T). (4)
normal coordinates x" is found by proceeding along
The condition that G "starts at Po" is just this geodesic a proper distance s, i.e.,
Po = h(O) , (5) P(x") = h(xO; a i ; s). (10)
and does not imply that we refuse to consider This prescription is summarized in Fig. (1). When
negative values of T. points P are represented by their coordinate values
Because G is a geodesic, its tangent at any two y"' (P) in some coordinate system l6 in which the
points on G is related by parallel displacement along 16 Since we think of the metric or any other tensor as an
G. At Po, the tangent was eo, which we now call object which is independent of our choice of coordinate
system, we prefer that the indication of the particular co-
eo(O), while eo(r) will mean the tangent to G at ordinate system to which a set of tensor components g~,
P = her). Similarly, we can define ei(r) for i = 1,2,3 refers be placed on the component (mdex) part of the symbol
rather than on the tensor part. Thus g", and g~,., are compo-
as vectors at h(r) obtained by parallel displacement ne~ts of the same met~c teJ?-sor in two coordinate systems,
whIle, should the occasIOn anse, g~, and g'", might represent
15 T. J. Willmore, An Introduction to Differential Geometry two different metrics in a single coordinate system. See also
(Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, 1959), Chap. 6, Sec. 2. the transformation laws of Eqs. (40) and (76).
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metric components g",., (ya) are known, the con- pet) is the operation on scalar functions f(P) defined by
structions which we have prescribed lead to the
af(p)/at == dt(P(t»/dt, (14)
relationship (10) with the point P(x") given in
terms of its coordinates y" as y" (x"). These func- i.e., by inserting the equation of the curve and
tions y" (x") specify the coordinate transformation taking an ordinary derivative. Since the operator
between the arbitrary coordinates y., and the Fermi a/at is applicable to all scalar functions, it can be
normal coordinates x". We have not needed to applied in particular to those four scalar functions
mention these arbitrary initial coordinates y"' while y"(P) we may be using as coordinates:
prescribing the construction of the Fermi normal
coordinates x", and have avoided doing so to (15)
emphasize the fact that the point P(x") correspond- In this way one can recover the compfments t" from
ing to given values of x" is independent of the the vector a/at. Conversely, writing Eq. (12) in
coordinate system y"' in which the computations the form
may have been performed.
t == a/at = r a/ay", (16)
we construct the contravariant vector a/at from a
In the preceding construction of Fermi normal knowledge of its component t". Equation (16) shows
coordinates, the vectors which appeared were all a/at as a linear combination, with coefficients t",
used as tangents to curves. We want to recall here of four contravariant base vectors a/ay". These base
that all contravariant vectors can be thought of as vectors are tangents to the coordinate lines, e.g.,
tangents to curves and identified with the derivative a/ayo is the tangent a/at to the curve yO = const,
with respect to the corresponding curve parameter. yO = t. We have frequent use for Eqs. (15) and (16)
Given a curve y"(t) in some coordinate system y", in what follows. In particular, Eq. (16) provides a
the tangent vector method of displaying the components of a vector
t" = dy" /dt (11) which simultaneously reminds us what coordinate
system is being used and is, in this respect, superior
is clearly a contravariant vector, and can be used to a statement of the form t = (to, t\ t2 , t3 ). We
to compute derivatives a/at along the curve y"(t) also find it convenient to be able to designate the
by the rule components of a vector in several different ways,
and thus write
af = df(y"(t» = dy" j1. == t"f . (12)
at - dt dt ay" ." (a/at)" = (t)" = t" = ay"/at. (17)
Conversely, given a contravanan . t vect or field Although we represent contravariant vectors t by
t"(ya), we can solve the ordinary differential equa- the partial derivative symbol a/at, it is not always
tions possible to think of several vectors simultaneously
dy" / dt = t"(ya(t» (11) as having the properties of standard partial deriva-
tives. 18 In particular, consider the commutator of
to obtain curves y"(t) with tangents t". two tangent vector fields u == a/au and v == a/ av:
The advantage of thinking of contravariant
vectors t" as tangents to curves is that this helps
us find a concrete mathematical object we can
a (at)
[u, v]f == au a au .
av - av (at) (18)
identify with the abstract vector t whose components
Since v is a field, at/ av is a function and can be
t" appear in our computations. This object is the
subsequently differentiated along a curve tangent
operation of differentiation along the curve whose
to u. Thus the right-hand side of Eq. (18) is well
tangent is t. That is, we write
defined, and evidently does not depend on the
t == a/at. (13) coordinates used to evaluate it. If we do pick a
coordinate system, e.g., at/av = v" at/ay", Eq. (18)
The right-hand side of this identification is an
operation which can be described in a coordinate- 18 A single vector a/at differs from a partial derivative
independent way. The tangent, t or a/at, to a curve by the possibility of vanishing; e.g., the tangent to a constant
curve pet) = Po is the zero vector (a/at) = 0, since af/at =
17 A vector t" given only at a point, or along a curve, etc.,
can always and in many ways be considered part of a vector
df(Po)/dt = for all functions f. However, in regions where
a/at ~ 0, coordinates can be introduced so that a/at = a/aye
field by arbitrarily defining t"(ya) at other pomts. is a conventional partial derivative.
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As a linear combination of the base vectors ajayp, This form allows us to verify more easily the dif-
the object [u, v] evidently is itself a contravariant ferentiability of the inverse relationship, x"(P), i.e.,
vector, called the Lie Bracket of u and v. Its compo- of the coordinate functions.
nents are displayed in Eq. (20). In case (as in this We regard hH and h(T; a'; X) as the point-valued
paper) a covariant derivative is defined, Eq. (20) function of one and five real variables, respectively,
can be rewritten as computed without regard to any interpretation
placed on their real-number arguments. (In contrast,
(21) common usage for real-valued functions dictates that
since the symmetry of the r:. = r;" lets them f(x ) and f(ya') mean different functions of their
cancel here in any case. four real arguments so as to represent the same
We most often wish to use Eq. (21) in the case function of points f(P) in two different coordinate
where we know [u, vJ = O. This is true whenever u systems.) Then, to prove Eq. (24) we rewrite Eq.
and v can be thought of as tangents to coordinate (22) in some arbitrary regular coordinate system
lines in a surface. That is, let P(u, v) be the equation y"' (P) as
of a "surface" parameterized by u, v, and let u = y.' = h·'(T; a i j X), (26)
a/au be the tangent to lines of constant v in this
surface, and similarly v = aj av is tangent to lines The functions hI" are simply the unique solutions
of constant u. Then [u, v] can be evaluated from of the differential equations
Eq. (18) by setting f = f(P(u, v» on the right- d~h·' .' dh'" dh~'
hand side. The derivatives are then standard partial dA2 + [r", W].'-h'dA dA = 0, (27)
derivatives which commute, so [u, v] = 0. 19 [This
derivation requires only that P(u, v) be a differen- which satisfy the initial conditions
tiable point-valued function; it actually represents (28)
a two-dimensional surface only if u and v are linearly
independent vectors.] and
of the geodesic equation describing a geodesic which and hI' (T; a'; sX) not only satisfy the same dif-
begins (X = 0) at the point ferential equation (27), but also the same initial
condition. For, each reduces to h·' (T) for A = 0
(23a) and has a first derivative 8a'(ei(T»'" at X = O.
on the central geodesic G, and whose tangent there is Thus, by the Uniqueness Theorem 2o for solutions
of differential equations we have
h"'(T;8a';X) = h"'(Tja';sX), (24a)
As used in Sec. II, the parameters a satisfied
20 See, for example, F. J. Murray and K. S. Miller, Existence
(a')2 = 1, but we ignore this condition now and Theorems, (New York University Press New York 1954)
19 To see that the Lie Bracket does not always vanish
Chap. 2, Theor~ms ~, 3; Chap. 3, Theorem 2; Chap.
Th~orem 6. A dISCUSSiOn of the properties of geodesics from
an example suffices. For the unit vectors eg = 0/00 and
e., = (sin 0)-1 a/a", on the unit sphere, compute from Eq. (20) whlCh we have borrowed much is found in H. Seifert and
W .. T~relfall, Variationsrechnu,ng im Gro88en (B. G. Teubner,
[eg, e"l =- -cot Oe" ~ o. LeIpZIg, 1938), footnote 20, p. 97.
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which represents Eq. (24) 111 the yP' coordinate Comparing this with Eq. (23b) gives
(a/ax')xj~O = ei(xO) , (32a)
The definition of Fermi normal coordinates 111
Eq. (25) gives now the transformation law since the a' are arbitrary. Similarly, from Eqs. (25),
(24), and (23a) we see that the curve PH defined by
By a standard theorem,20 the solutions of ordinary (36)
differential equations are differentiable functions of
the initial conditions, so we have established the is given by
differentiability of yP' (x"). To show the existence
per) = her; 0; 1) = her; 0; 0) = her), (36b)
of a differentiable inverse relation xP(y"), represent-
ing the coordinate functions xP(P), we must show and is the central geodesic G whose tangent a/ ar
20 is eo(r). But the components of the tangent (a/ar)
that the Jacobian layp'/ax"l does not vanish.
The condition of a nonvanishing Jacobian is are easily computed from Eq. (36) and give
precisely the condition that the coordinate axes do (a/aXO)xi~O = eo(xO). (~32b)
not collapse, i.e., that the vectors a/ax be linearly
independent. For, when we form the components of, To recapitulate, the question of the Jacobian or
say, a/axo in the yP' frame, they areayP'/axo, so that of the linear independence of the a/ax , reduces
the determinant formed from the components of the by Eq. (32) to the linear independence of the ep(r).
four vectors a/ax" is But ep(r) are orthonormal, since they are defined
by parallel displacement of the orthonormal vectors
(31) e"(O), and parallel displacement preserves inner
and J ~ 0 is equivalent to the linear independence products,
of these vectors. We prove J ~ 0 by showing that, (37)
along the central geodesic G,
Then, since ep(r) are orthonormal vectors, they are We have actually already proven that in Fermi
linearly independent and J ~ 0 on G. By continuity, normal coordinates the metric is rectangular on G.
then, we have J ~ 0 in some neighborhood of G. For by definition, the metric components are the
The basic fact we need in order to prove the matrix of inner products of the base vectors, i.e.,
equation (a/ax")a = e"(r) in the preceding argu- g",(x") = (a/ax P). (a/ax') , (38)
ment is the description in Fermi normal coordinates
of the geodesics entering their construction. This is so Eqs. (32) and (37) give
also the basis from which we will compute all other (39)
properties of Fermi normal coordinates. Consider
then the curve P(A) defined in Fermi normal co- It may, nevertheless, be instructive to see this
ordinates by equation arise by applying the tensor transformation
law to the metric components g"'fI'(Yu') of some
XO = r = const, original coordinate system yU' :
a = const.
According to Eqs. (25) and (24), this curve is given
by In the central equality here we recalled that
P(A) = her; ail..; 1) = her; a'; A), (34) (ay"'/ax")a are the components of (a/ax")a = ep(xO)
in the y", frame.
and is, therefore, that geodesic whose tangent a/ aA In order to show that r P " , Ia = 0 holds in Fermi
is given by Eq. (23b) at the point x' = 0, XO = r normal coordinates, we begin by considering the
corresponding to A = O. But the components of consequences of the fact that the curve XO = r,
ajaA can be computed from Eqs. (33), and are x' = a'A, satisfies the geodesic equation
(a/aA)O = 0 and (a/aA)' = a" so
P dx" dx fl
d x"
a/aA = a' a/ax'. (35) dA2 + r" d5: dA
fI = O. (41)
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the Fermi conditions, [The Lie bracket [n, s] vanishes since nand s
parameterize the surface Pen, s).] Before this relation
r a"fllG = O. (46)
can be employed in Eq. (49), however, the covariant
Since this implies (agafl/aX")O = 0, we have evalu- derivatives must be written in the opposite order,
ated the first two terms in a Taylor expansion of the
Fermi normal metric. The quadratic terms, which ° -_~on (os)os -_~os (os)
+ {~~
on os
_~ ~}s
os on ' (51)
require us to evaluate (a ga{Jjax ax i )o, is computed
2 i
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A power-series expansion of the metric in Fermi The components of the deviation vectors n com-
puted using Eq. (17), are then '
normal coordinates is determined by the derivatives
(lP";;"'" !a. The linear terms (I", .• !a x' were shown a/aT = a/axo == 00" a/ax", (60)
to vanish in Sec. V, where we found that on the
central geodesic G all the Christoffel symbols vanish. a/aa' = A a/ax' == AO/ a/ax". (61)
In this section we will compute the quadratic terms, Similarly, the vector s tangent to the geodesic is
!(lp •. ,i !a x'x', by first computing r/ .. p !a.
Since the equation r" a. = 0 holds for all X O at (62)
x = 0, it may be differentiated with respect to X O We use the components displayed here in the
to give geodesic deviation equation (54) which in detail
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After choosing a geodesic, the next step in con- the gravitational field gradients in Eq. (7S) depend
structing Fermi normal coordinates is to choose on the observer's position R, but not upon his
an orthonormal frame along the geodesic. The velocity R' (or energy k) with respect to the mass
time like base vector must be the tangent a/at, M. Thus the preferred rest frame indicated locally
and the symmetry of the present example determines by the Killing vector field a/aT cannot be recognized
the others. Thus, by an observer who measures all the gravitational
field gradients (7S) at one point. He can only
eo = a/atla = T' a/aT + R' alaR, discover the direction of the vector a/a T by finding
e l = a/axla = X-1R' a/aT + XT' alaR, a velocity (i.e. direction in the R - T plane) which
makes the field gradients constant in time, i.e.,
e z = a/ayla = l/R alae,
by measuring R~,uT;a.
e a = a/azla = l/R sin e a/aif>, The Fermi normal metric from Eq. (66) is
where x~ or xyzt are to be Fermi normal coordinates.
It is also easily verified from the components (eaY' di = - [1 + %(y2 + l - 2X2) ] dt 2
displayed here that these vectors satisfy the nec-
essary parallel transport condition - 3R3 [xz dx dz + :ry dx dy - 2yz dy dz]
R 1010 = 2"A1/R
q = 3 cos 2 8 - 1. (SIb)
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a mathematical example and investigate the shape But if we assume that the quadratic terms in (84)
of a sphere. Define a sphere ~ as the surface formed are an adequate approximation to the metric, then
by all points a fixed proper distance r measured out the cubic terms must be negligible in comparison
orthogonally from some point on the central geodesic. to the quadratic ones,
For the coordinates of Eq. (80) this is the surface
r aK
t = const, r = const, whose metric is, therefore, K a;:« 1. (86)
(M) ~ = (1 + tll)(r dO)2 This small quantity is almost the one appearing in
+ (1 + tqll - tll)(r sin 0 dtp)2. (82a) Eq. (85), except a space and time derivative are
interchanged. But as a sort of causality condition,
From this metric we find that the area of the sphere
one expects that
~ is just 411"r", independent of the small quantity
Il = M r2 / R3 in first order, but a change in intrinsic aK/at :s aK/ar, (87)
shape can be readily computed. The length of a
for in the contrary case, a disturbance would appear
great circle tp = const over the poles of this sphere is
spontaneously at some point (aK/at large) without
L po1e , = r f~ (1 + tll)t dO ~ 27rT(1 + ill). (82b)
having arrived there as a wave propagating with
velocity less than c = 1. Thus the quadratic Fermi
approximation (86) together with causality in the
Similarly, the circumference of the equator, e= sense of Eq. (87) imply in Eq. (85) the adiabatic
1 •
211", IS
(82 c)
ag/at « ag/ar. (88)
As a measure of the distortion of the shape of this
These results can be specialized to the Schwarzs-
sphere, then, we may take
child case and give some surprises. For this metric
1) = L po1e , - Lequsto, ~ !!:. = Mr;. (83) we have from Eq. (78)
Lpoles + Lequato, 4 4R
K = J1!j /R 3 • (89)
Thus, a sphere r = const is a surface shaped like
Using Eqs. (74) for a/at and a/ax we can test the
a football pointing toward the center of gravitation.
causality conditions (87) and find that it reads
ag/at r aK
and is satisfied as a consequence of Eq. (91) which
ag/ar = K a;:' is a stronger convergence requirement than Eq. (86).
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