Drug Study

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Date Name of Drug Drawing Classification Dosage/ Indication Mechanism of Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Time/Route Action
01-23- Hypertension Blocks Significant: Hypotension Patient monitoring
23 Generic Name: Pharmacologic stimulation of with or without syncope, ● Watch for signs and symptoms of
CARVEDILOL class: Beta- 12.5mg/ cardiac beta1- bradycardia. hypersensitivity reaction.
adrenergic BID/ PO adrenergic Blood and lymphatic ● Assess baseline CBC and kidney and
Brand Name: blocker receptor sites system disorders: Anaemia. liver function test results.
CARVETOP (nonselective) and pulmonary Cardiac disorders: ● Monitor vital signs (especially blood
Therapeutic beta2- Dyspnoea, pulmonary pressure), ECG, and exercise tolerance.
class: adrenergic oedema. Drug may alter cardiac output and
Antihypertensive receptor sites. Eye disorders: Visual cause ineffective airway clearance.
Shows intrinsic impairment, eye irritation, dry ● Weigh patient daily and measure
sympathomime eye. fluid intake and output to detect fluid
tic Gastrointestinal disorders: retention.
activity, Nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, ● Measure blood glucose regularly if
causing dyspepsia, abdominal pain. patient has diabetes mellitus. Drug
slowing of General disorders and may mask signs and symptoms of
heart rate, admin site conditions: hypoglycemia.
decreased Asthenia, fatigue.
myocardial Infections and infestations: Patient teaching
excitability, Bronchitis. ● Instruct patient to take drug with
reduced Metabolism and nutrition food exactly as prescribed.
cardiac output, disorders: Oedema, ● Tell patient to take extended-release
and decreased hypervolaemia, weight gain, capsule in the morning with food, to
renin release hypercholesterolaemia, swallow capsule whole, and not to
from kid hyperglycaemia, chew, crush, or divide its contents.
hypoglycaemia. ● Instruct patient who can’t swallow
Musculoskeletal and capsule whole to carefully open capsule,
connective tissue sprinkle contents on cool or cold
disorders: Pain in
applesauce, and swallow contents
extremities, arthralgia.
Nervous system disorders: immediately without chewing. Tell patient
Dizziness, headache. not to store mixture for future use.
Psychiatric disorders: ● Advise patient to move slowly when
Depression. sitting up or standing, to avoid dizziness
Renal and urinary or light-headedness from sudden
disorders: Micturition blood pressure drop.
disorders, abnormal renal ● Caution patient to avoid driving and
function, renal failure. other hazardous activities until he
Vascular disorders: knows how drug affects concentration
Orthostatic hypotension, and alertness.
peripheral vascu
lar disease.
Date Name of Drug Drawing Classification Dosage/ Indication Mechanism of Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Time/Route Action
01-23- Long-term Decreases Significant: MI, stroke; gout Patient monitoring
23 Generic Name: Pharmacologi management serum uric acid flares, xanthine deposition, ● Monitor patient for signs and
Febuxostat c class: 40mg/ of level LFT abnormalities (e.g. symptoms of MI or CVA.
OD/ PO hyperuricemi increased serum AST/ALT), ● Be aware that gout flares (caused by
Brand Name: Febuxostat a in patients increased TSH. reduction in serum uric acid levels
Furic with gout Cardiac disorders: resulting in mobilization of urate from
Palpitation, left bundle tissue deposits) may occur. To prevent
Therapeutic branch block, sinus such flares, provide concurrent prophylactic
class: Antigout tachycardia. treatment with a nonsteroidal anti-
agent Eye disorders: Rarely, inflammatory drug or colchicine, as
blurred vision. prescribed.
Gastrointestinal disorders: ● Monitor liver function tests 2
Oedema... months and 4 months after starting
Musculoskeletal and therapy and periodically thereafter.
connective tissue
disorders: Arthralgia. Patient teaching
Nervous system disorders: ● Instruct patient to take drug with or
Headache, dizziness, without food.
paraesthesia. 2Instruct patient to immediately
Psychiatric disorders: report cardiovascular symptoms (such
Somnolence. as shortness of breath or chest pain) or
Skin and subcutaneous strokelike symptoms (such as headache
tissue disorders: Rash. or dizziness) to prescriber.
Vascular disorders: ● Tell patient to inform prescriber of
Flushing, hypertension, increased gout symptoms or rash.
haemorrhage. ● As appropriate, review all other significant
and life-threatening adverse
reactions and interactions, especially
those related to the drugs and tests
mentioned above.

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