• After laying down the plans and
objectives the next function to be
performed by the managers is organizing.
• It determines what activities and
resources are required and decides who
will do a particular task, where it will be
done and when it will be done.
• Thus organizing means establishing
relationship between various factors of
production and it is concerned with
establishing relationship amongst jobs,
sections, departments & positions.
Meaning and Concept of
• Organising can be defined as “identifying and
grouping different activities in the
organisation and bringing together the
physical, financial and human resources to
establish most productive relations for the
achievement of specific goal of
• When the managers are performing
organising function it results in creation of an
organisational structure which shapes the
system of working.
Organising Process
1. Identification and Division of Work: It
involves identification and division of total work
to be done into specific activities (called jobs) in
accordance with previously determined plans. By
dividing the work, the burden of work can be
shared among the employees. It facilitates
specialization of work & skills.
Duplication of work can be avoided by dividing
the work into manageable activities.
2. Departmentalization: The second step is to
combine or group similar or related jobs into
larger units called departments, divisions or
sections. The departmentation or grouping of
jobs can be done in two ways: