G9 - Caring Detailed Lesson Plan Volcanic Eruption

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Detailed Lesson Plan(7E)

G9- CARING (9:30 – 10:20 AM)
G9- CREATIVE (10:20-11:10)
G9- CHEERFUL (11:10- 12:00)
G9- COURTEOUS (1:00- 1:50)

I. Objectives:
At the end of a 60-minute period, at least 75% of the learners will be
able to:

1. define geothermal energy and explain how it is used to generate

2. identify the advantages and disadvantages of using geothermal
3. draw and explain the geothermal energy production process.
4. appreciate the significance of the different geothermal powerplants
in our country.

II. Subject Matter:

Geothermal Energy: How is is being produced and the different

geothermal powerplants in the Philippines.
Reference: Science 3rd Quarter Self Learning Module.
Video Lesson:

Learning Competencies:
Illustrate how energy from volcanoes may be tapped for human use

Values Integration: Give importance of our country’s resources and take care of

III. Procedure:
Learning Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
a. Prayer, Greetings (3 mins.)
Good Morning Sir…
Good morning/Good afternoon class…

Let us pray…. (Calls for a student to lead the One student leads the
prayer) prayer.

b. Checking of attendance (5 mins.) (Each student raise hand

……say present… and says present upon
(Roll Call) mention of their names.)
Feeling good sir…
How are you feeling today?
Yes Sir…
Did you have a good rest sleep last night?
Students have varied
Where did you go after class yesterday class? responses

Yes, sir we had!!!

Wow that was great!!! Did you have fun?

c. Review (5 mins.)

All right class did you know that some of you

will be sharing your ideas today about those
activities you had yesterday after class? Yes,
because today you will learn about how to
produce energy to our earth’s surface.
Yes Sir!
Are you excited to learn today?
Yes Sir! Our lesson
Ok but before that let us have a recall first on our yesterday was about how
lesson yesterday. volcanoes erupt, what
happens when it erupts,
Who can still remember yesterday’s lesson?
and what to do before,
during, and after a volcanic
Yes, very good!!! eruption.

Sir, ready your kits and

So, what to do before a volcanic eruption? prepare a go bag.

That’s correct!!!
(Students listen attentively)
d. Lesson Proper
Learners share ideas.
Now that you already know how volcanoes
erupt. Lets move on to a new topic. Yes Sir (Taking their
notebooks for their
By the way have you research on how is assignments)
geothermal powerplant generated? That was the
assignment I gave you yesterday. Sir, geothermal
powerplants are generated
by the earths heat by
digging and steaming the

Very good!!! Yes, it uses steam to generate or

produce energy.

Yes Sir!!!
Are you ready to learn what is geothermal energy
and the different geothermal powerplants in the

ELICIT (2 mins.)
Yes Sir!!! (Enthusiastic)
Students, do you ever encounter a word like (The students listen
“geologist?” attentively.)

(One student raised their

From the word “geo” what does it mean? and answered)

Very good, geo stand for earth. How about Sir, geo means earth sir.
thermal or theme?
Sir, thermal means heat or
therme means hot or heat.

Yes, it is and before the discussion let play this

video to help you learn more about our topic

ENGAGE (5 mins)

Play video on about what is geothermal energy

and the geothermal powerplants in the

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh5idkjdD34&t (Students participated

What can you share about the video you have
EXPLORE(10 mins.)
Yes sir!
Now, I will show you some pictures of how
geothermal energy is produced, and the different
geothermal powerplants in our country. Are you
all excited to learn?

Showing pictures of the steps or process of

geothermal energy

(Students give varied


Asking the students idea on how does it being


Showing the different geothermal powerplants in

the Philippines.

(Students listen attentively)

Philippine geothermal resources are spread among 7 Sir, it is very fascinating

specific regions: Leyte, MakBan, Tiwi, South how we can use our earth
Negros, BacMan, Mindanao, and the Northern
to produce energy.

Asking students to discuss what they think the

about the geothermal energy.

(Students listen attentively)

EXPLAIN (15 mins.)

(Teacher’s additional input through a ppt

Geothermal energy is the heat produced deep in

the Earth's core. Geothermal energy is a clean,
renewable resource that can be harnessed for Sir, it because we are in
use as heat and electricity. Geothermal energy is the pacific ring of fire it
heat that is generated within the Earth…. means there are a lot of
active volcanoes. By using
(Continuing the discussion about geothermal our land’s heat we can
energy and geothermal powerplants.) produce energy or

Asking the students how geothermal powerplant

is helping our country.

(Students listen attentively)

Explaining about how the process of geothermal

energy being produced.

Hot water is pumped from deep underground

through a well under high pressure. When the (Students actively
water reaches the surface, the pressure is answering and asking
dropped, which causes the water to turn into questions and sharing their
steam. The steam spins a turbine, which is ideas about the topic.)
connected to a generator that produces electricity.
Sir, I can say that
Discussing the different disadvantages and geothermal is a clean way
advantages of having a geothermal powerplant of producing energy
and constantly asking them about the topic. because it is renewable.

Asking the students their idea about the topic

tackled and share it to the class

(Students listen attentively)

ELABORATE (10 mins.) Sir we need first to dig or

Ask each student to draw how the process of drill …
geothermal energy is being produced. In a sheet
of paper.

Asking some of the students to share their idea

about the topic.
EVALUATE (10 mins)
Directions: Answer the following questions

1. a combining form meaning “the earth,

2. it means it is hot, retains heat, or has a
warming effect.
3-5. Give me different geothermal powerplants in
our country.

What is the process of geothermal energy being


Extend (15 mins.) Essay: Does geothermal bring good or bad to us human?

IV. Assignment (5 mins.)

1. What happens when a volcano is about to erupt?
2. Is there is any purpose of geothermal energy to humans?
Prepared: Noted:
Voks Agustin O. Balo
Student Teacher
Master Teacher I Principal II

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