Module1-Basic Statistical Concepts (Business)

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Module 1

Basic Statistical


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. define and cite the importance of statistics;

2. differentiate descriptive and inferential statistics;
3. differentiate discrete and continuous variables;
4. familiar and differentiate the sampling techniques; and
5. determine the sample size of a given population.

Most areas of human endeavors utilize statistics which implies that it is a very
important tool in researches and studies.
The study of statistics requires primarily the understanding of basic concepts,
symbols and mathematical notions.
Statistical designs and experiments are utilized to gather more information from a
limited body of observation. Various statistical techniques are used in the laboratories,
experimental fields or other controlled conditions. The utilizations of these tools in
statistics is needed to obtain accurate and reliable results.


Statistics – the science of conducting studies that collect, organize, present, analyze and
interpret data and to make decisions. The word Statistics came from the
following words:

Statisticum Collegium (Latin) which means “council of state”

Statista (Italian) which means “statesman or politician”
Statistik (German–Gottfried Achenwall) which means “science of state” or “political

1. Statistics can give a precise description of data.
2. Statistics can predict the outcome of experiment or behavior of an individual.
3. Statistics can be used to test a hypothesis.

Two Branches of Statistics

1. Descriptive Statistics
- is concerned with techniques that are used to describe or characterize the obtained
- consists of methods for organizing, displaying and describing data by using tables,
graphs, and summary measures.

a. An annual stockholders’ report details the asset of the corporation.
b. A physics instructor tells his class the number of the students who received a
passing score on a recent exam.
c. Calculating the mean of a sample set of scores to characterize the sample.

2. Inferential Statistics
- involves techniques that use the obtained sample data to infer to populations.
- consists of generalizing from samples to populations, performing hypothesis
testing, determining relationships among variables, and making predictions.

Business Statistics
a. Using a sample data from a poll to estimate the opinion of the population.
b. Conducting a correlational study on sample to determine whether educational level
and income in the population are related.
c. It is predicted that an average number of automobiles each household owns will
increase next year.

Population –the complete collection to be studied; it contains all subjects of interest.

1. Scores of entire students of secondary level
2. All children of any age who have older or younger siblings

❖ Parameter – is a number calculated on population data that quantifies a

characteristic of the population.
1. The average score of the entire employees of higher position
2. The average number of siblings of all children of any age

Sample – part of the population of interest; a sub-collection selected from a population.

1. Satisfactory rating of employees in an office
2. The 40 employees who actually participate in one specific study about time

❖ Statistic – is a number calculated on sample data that quantifies a characteristic of

the sample.
1. The average scores of students in a class
2. The average number of siblings of 40 children who actually participate in
one specific study

In a recent state referendum, a political initiative was introduced to increase the
number of years of students to obtain basic education. An exit poll conducted by a
TV network of 852 voters indicate that 51% of the voters in favor of the initiative.
When the final result of the referendum was released, only 45% of the voters
supported the initiative.
Population: All of the registered voters of the state
Parameter: The 45% support of the initiative
Sample: The 852 voters who responded to the exit poll
Statistic: The 51% support of the initiative

Business Statistics

A Variable is a characteristic under study that assumes different values for different
elements. In contrast to a variable, the value of a constant is fixed.
For example:
1. Incomes of companies
2. Number of houses built in a city per month during the past year

A data set is a collection of observations on one or more variables.

For example:
1. List of the prices of 25 recently sold homes
2. Scores of 15 employees
3. Opinions of 100 voters

Classification of Variable:

Qualitative Variable – comes from Quantitative Variable– comes

the word “quality”, indicating a from the word “quantity”,
property, characteristic, feature or indicating amount, measure, size,
attribute. These represent etc. These are numerical in nature
differences in quality, or kind but and can be ordered or ranked.
not in amount.

Mathematical Classification of Quantitative Variable:

❖ Discrete Variables - variables whose values can be counted using integral values.
1. Number of books
2. Departments preferred by high positioned employees
3. Votes of “Yes” and “No”
4. Student enrolment in University of Makati

❖ Continuous Variables - variables that can assume any numerical value over an
interval or intervals.
1. Height 3. Temperature
2. Weight 4. Time

Determine whether the following are Qualitative or Quantitative. If it is Quantitative,

classify whether Discrete or Continuous.
1. Number of employees in an office __________________________
2. Gender of the next customer in a cafe __________________________
3. Brand of computer purchased __________________________
4. Weight of the chemicals __________________________
5. Type of car owned __________________________

Business Statistics
Classification of Variables According to Relationship

❖ Independent Variable – An independent variable is the variable you have control

over, what you can choose and manipulate. It is usually what you think will affect
the dependent variable. In some cases, you may not be able to manipulate the
independent variable. It may be something that is already there and is fixed,
something you would like to evaluate with respect to how it affects something else.

❖ Dependent Variable – A dependent variable is what you measure in the

experiment and what is affected during the experiment. The dependent variable
responds to the independent variable. It is called dependent because it "depends" on
the independent variable. In a scientific experiment, you cannot have a dependent
variable without an independent variable.

Example: You are interested in how stress affects heart rate in humans. Your
independent variable would be the stress and the dependent
variable would be the heart rate. You can directly manipulate stress
levels in your human subjects and measure how those stress levels
change heart rate.


The concept of measurement has been developed in conjunction with the concepts of
numbers and units of measurement. Statisticians categorize measurements according to
levels. Each level corresponds to how this measurement can be treated mathematically.

1. Nominal- Nominal data have no order and thus only gives names or labels to various
categories. In nominal measurements the numerical values just "name" the
attribute uniquely. No ordering of the cases is implied.

The essential point about nominal scales is that they do not imply
any ordering among the responses. For example, when classifying
people according to their favorite color, there is no sense in which
green is placed "ahead of" blue. Responses are merely categorized.
Nominal scales embody the lowest level of measurement.

Examples: gender; handedness; favorite color; religion; jersey numbers in

basketball; marital status; names of schools attended; telephone
numbers; species of flowers

2. Ordinal - In ordinal measurement the attributes can be rank-ordered. Here,

distances between attributes do not have any meaning.

Business Statistics
For example, on a survey you might code Educational Attainment as

0=less than H.S.;

1=some H.S.;
2=H.S. degree;
3=some college;
4=college degree;
5=post college.

In this measure, higher numbers mean more education. But is distance from
0 to 1 same as 3 to 4? Of course not. The interval between values is not
interpretable in an ordinal measure.

Examples: social class or incomes

student evaluation (excellent, very good, good, poor)
grades (A, B, C, D, F)
customer satisfaction
ranking in a contest (first, second, third places)

3. Interval - At the interval level numbers represent fixed measurement units but have
no true zero point. However, the distance between numbers does have meaning.

In interval measurement the distance between attributes does have meaning.
For example, when we measure temperature (in Fahrenheit), the distance from
30-40 is same as distance from 70-80. The interval between values is
interpretable. Because of this, it makes sense to compute an average of an
interval variable, where it doesn't make sense to do so for ordinal scales.

A temperature zero degrees does not signify an absence of temperature.

Similarly, zero AD does not signify an absence of time.

Examples: temperature in Fahrenheit; aptitude test scores

4. Ratio - Ratio data have the highest level of measurement. Ratios between
measurements as well as intervals are meaningful because there is a starting point

It possesses the characteristics of interval scale with the additional property
that its zero position indicates the absence of the quantity being measured.

Examples: amount of money you have in your pocket

weight of a new born baby
annual salary of a call center agent

Business Statistics
Name: ______________________________________________ Date: __________________

Section: ______________ Professor: ________________________ Score: _____________

Activity 1

I. Directions: Classify whether the statement describes Descriptive statistics or

Inferential statistics:
_________________1. Effect of sunlight in the growth of a plant
_________________2. Median sale for the month of January
_________________3. To find the more effective method between cooperative and discovery
approach in teaching
_________________4. Assuming that 15% of the crops were destroyed because of drought, we
would expect an increase in the price of commodities this year
_________________5. It is predicted that the average number of automobiles each household
owns will increase next year
_________________6. The average number of customers in a restaurant at the McDonald’s is
_________________7. Last year’s total attendance at Palarong Pambansa was 18 345
_________________8. A recent study showed that garlic can lower blood pressure
_________________9. A manager determines the top 10 employees by comparing his
employee’s averages
_________________10. The chance that a person will be robbed at a certain city is 15%

II. In each situation, identify the population and sample.

1. A study of 33,043 infants in the Philippines was conducted to find the link between a
heart rhythm abnormality and sudden infant death syndrome.
Population: __________________________________________________________
Sample: _____________________________________________________________

2. A group of 30,000 randomly selected executives were surveyed and asked whether they
have TV in their household. Only 55% said yes to the question.
Population: __________________________________________________________
Sample: _____________________________________________________________

3. An employee at the local coffee emporium asked five customers if they liked Batangas
Population: __________________________________________________________
Sample: _____________________________________________________________

Business Statistics
III. Classify whether Qualitative or Quantitative.

_______________ 1. Student identification number

_______________ 2. Number of years of service in teaching profession
_______________ 3. Speed of train
_______________ 4. Monthly salary of an employee
_______________ 5. Colors of jackets in a men’s clothing store.
_______________ 6. Number of seats in a regular office
_______________ 7. Classification of children in a day care center as infant, toddler or preschool

IV. Classify as Discrete or Continuous.

_______________ 1. The time and speed it takes to drive to work

_______________ 2. The number of cars sold each week in Metro Manila
_______________ 3. The number of hours children watch television
_______________ 4. Number of television stations in the Philippines
_______________ 5. Daily temperature
_______________ 6. Number of telephones each household has
_______________ 7. Job applications in a certain company
_______________ 8. Number of subjects a student enrolled in a semester

V. State the level of measurement for each of the following:

_______________ 1. Height of trees along the highway

_______________ 2. The vote of “yes” or “no” in a plebiscite
_______________ 3. Temperature of patient recorded by a nurse
_______________ 4. Ratings of newscast in ABS–CBN as poor, fair or good
_______________ 5. Marital status of respondents in a given survey
_______________ 6. A person’s position in a beauty contest
_______________ 7. Classification of applicants according to major field
_______________ 8. Monthly income of an employee in a certain company
_______________ 9. Favorite flavor of ice cream
_______________ 10. Calendar years

Business Statistics

Data are needed whenever we make studies or researches. They are used to explain
particular problems or to provide a basis which certain decisions are generated. The next
step after the problem has been defined in the study is data collection.
There are two types of data according to sources: primary and secondary data.
Primary data are data collected directly by the researcher himself. These are first–hand or
original sources. They can be collected through: (a) direct observation or measurement; (b)
interview; (c) use of questionnaires or rating scales; (d) experimentation; and (e)
registration. Secondary data are information taken from published or unpublished
materials previously gathered by other researchers such as books, newspapers, magazines,
journals, published and unpublished theses and dissertations.

- Methods in choosing samples.

1. It saves time, money and effort.
2. It is more effective.
3. It is faster and cheaper.
4. It is more accurate.
5. It gives more comprehensive information.


o Probability or Random Sampling

- Each member in the population is given a chance to be included in the sample.

1. Simple Random Sampling

- Each member in the population has an equal chance to be selected as
- Also known as lottery or fishbowl method
- Is used when the size of the sample frame is known and can number all the
units of the frame.
2. Systematic Random Sampling
- Members of the population are arranged in some fashion or pattern.
- Every nth member of the population is included in the sample.
3. Stratified Random Sampling
- Population is first divided into subsets based on homogeneity called strata.
- Select a few member or representatives from each group.
4. Clustered/Cluster Random Sampling
- Referred to as an area sampling.
- Population is divided into groups, then, use one group for the samples.

Business Statistics
o Non–Probability or Non–Random Sampling
- Not all of the members in the population are given an equal chance of being
included in the sample.

1. Convenience Sampling
- This design is used because of the convenience it offers to the researcher.
2. Purposive Sampling
- This design is based on choosing individuals as samples according to the
purposes of the researcher as his controls.
- An individual is chosen as part of the sample because of good evidence that
he is a representative of the total population.
3. Quota Sampling
- This design is popular in the field of opinion research because it is done by
merely looking for the individuals with the requisite characteristics.


Identify the sampling technique being used in each of the situation.

_______1. Every 21st customer entering a food chain is asked to select his/her favorite
meal for lunch.
_______2. Circuit board production associates are selected using random numbers in
order to determine annual salaries.
_______3. Every 50th person is selected from a list of registered voters.
_______4. Twenty teams are randomly selected per department and each employee in
one team is given a survey to complete.
_______5. Barangay officials of Metro Manila are divided into four groups. Thirty are
selected from each group and interviewed.
_______6. A hair expert would like to find out the satisfaction of customers of his latest
hair product. He would likely ask participants of the study with long hair
rather than those who are bald.
_______7. An interviewer is asked to obtain answers to interview questions for fifty
people. She positions herself in a shopping area and starts interviewing
people one by one.
_______8. A manager wants to know their customers’ satisfaction. He stands outside
the main door and asks the first twenty diners who get out of the restaurant.

Business Statistics

In doing research, if the population is too big to handle, an extensive number

of samples is acceptable. Determining the sample size is very important
consideration because too large samples may cause waste of time, resources and
money, too small sample may lead to inaccurate results.

Using Slovin’s formula:

Determining n

n= where: N = population size and e = margin of error
1 + Ne 2

Determining e

𝑒 = √ 𝑁𝑛


I. Find the sample size:

1. Given: N = 1,000; e = 5%

N 1,000 1,000
n= = = = 285.71  286
1 + Ne 2
1 + (1,000) (0.05) 2

2. Given: N = 40,000; e = 10%

N 40,000 40,000
n= = = = 99.75  100
1 + Ne 2
1 + (40,000 ) (0.1) 2

3. A researcher is conducting an investigation regarding the factors affecting the

efficiency of 185 faculty members of a certain college with a margin of error of 5%.

N 185 185
n= = = = 126.49  126
1 + Ne 2 1 + (185) (0.05) 2 1.4625

4. If the population size is 250 at 95% accuracy.

N 250 250
n= = = = 153.85  154
1 + Ne 2 1 + (250) (0.05) 2 1.625

Business Statistics
II. Find the margin of error (e), given:

1. N = 10 000 and n = 2 000


10 000 − 2 000
10 000 (2 000)

𝑒 = 0.02 or 𝑒 = 2%

2. N = 7 250 and n = 379


7 250 − 379
7 250 (379)

𝑒 = 0.05 or𝑒 = 5%

For Systematic Random Sampling

Find the sample number of employees – respondents in a population of 1,000

employees in Archgames.corp using systematic random sampling such that the margin
of error is 10%.

N 1,000 1,000
n= = = = 90.91  91
1 + Ne 2
1 + (1,000) (0.1) 2

N 1,000
k= = = 10.99  11
n 91

This means that every 11th element will be part of a sample.

Business Statistics
• For Proportional Stratified Random Sampling

Given the distribution of respondents below, how many samples of each

category will be included in the sample if the margin of error is 5%?

N 1,500 1,500
n= = = = 315 .79  316
1 + Ne 2
1 + (1,500 )(0.05) 2

Category Population Size (N) Number of Samples (n)

Supervisors 900 n=  316 = 190
Team Leaders 500 n=  316 = 105
Agents 100 n=  316 = 21
TOTAL 1,500 316

Business Statistics
Name: ______________________________________________ Date: __________________

Section: ______________ Professor: ________________________ Score: _____________

Activity 2

I. Directions: Given the population size with a corresponding margin of error, determine
the sample size of each of the following, showing your solution.

1. N = 1 500; e = 5% 3. N = 6 075; e = 10%

2. N = 3 050; e = 1% 4. N = 2 500; e = 5%

II. Directions: Use proportional stratified sampling technique to determine the sample for
each group.

A survey to find out if families living in a certain municipality are in favor of No

mask No entry will be conducted. To ensure that all groups according to their income are
represented, respondents will be divided into high income (Class A), middle (Class B) and
low income (Class C).

Find the sample size using the Slovin’s formula n= and complete the
1 + Ne 2
given table.

STRATA No. of Families Solution Number of

(N) Samples (n)

Class A 1 000

Class B 1 500

Class C 2 500


Business Statistics

Sirug, W. S. (2018), Introduction to Business Statistics

Blay, B. E. (2013), Elementary Statistics

Business Statistics

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