Indian Railways: General (Amendment) Rules 2022

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(For Official use only)

For the Guidance of Railway Servants (e copy-edition 2022)

(Reproduced Edition of G & SR – 2011 including 82 to 136 c/slips)


No. 69-RR/4 dtd. 11/2/1976 &

No. 91 / Safety ( A & R ) / 29/6

Dated New Delhi, the 31 s t January, 1996.

General Amendment Rules for Indian Railways (Open Lines) 1996 administered by
the Government, and for the time being used for the public carriage of passengers,
animals or goods.

1. The considerable advance made in recent years in methods of

signaling and interlocking, modes of traction and introduction of new types of
equipment necessitated a revision of the General Rules, which had been
revised last in 1929, for working Open Lines of Railways in India. The
revision of these rules was also advocated by the Railway Accidents
Committee, 1962, and the Railway Accidents Inquiry Committee, 1968, who
desired that the revision of the Rules should be consistent not only with the
conditions obtaining at present but likely to obtain in the foreseeable future,
and emphasized the need for keeping the basic complexion of rules intact
while at the same time providing for technological changes in recent years.

2. For this purpose, a committee composed of officers selected from the

Traffic and Signal Departments was appointed by the Railway Board in 1968.
The committee submitted a set of draft rules for consideration by the board in
February, 1970. The Commission of Railway Safety, whose comments were
also invited, did not favour the adoption of these draft rules, which had
proposed the abolition of certain existing fundamental concepts such as
classification of stations, minimum equipment of signals for each class of
station etc. In the Annual Report for 1971-72, the Commission stated that a
wholesale revision and re-arrangement of the rules which formed the basis of
train working and safety of operations for over 100 years and which were
ingrained in the minds of thousands of railway staff, would not be desirable.
Accordingly, the Commission conveyed to the Railway Board its inability to
agree to the adoption of the new General Rules as drafted.

3. In consideration of strong views expressed by the Commission of Railway

Safety and the positive recommendations of the railway Accidents Committee, 1962
and the Railway Accidents Inquiry Committee 1968, Member Traffic, Railway Board
decided in September, 1972, that the revision of the existing General Rules should
be so undertaken as to be in consonance with these view and to cover such
aspects only of the existing rules as require modification in the light of the
technological changes or where certain existing rules have outlived their use. A
fresh revision of the General Rules was accordingly taken up by the Safety
Directorate in consultation with other Directorates of the Railway Board.

4. A provisional issue of the revised General Rules was circulated to the

Railway Administrations; the Research, Designs and Standards Organisation; the
commission of Railway Safety, Railway Staff College, Vadodara; Indian Railways
Institute of Signal Engineering and Telecommunications, Secunderabad; Indian
Railways Institute of Advanced Track Technology, Pune, Indian Railway Institute of
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Jamalpur etc., for criticism and suggestions
under Government of India, Ministry of Railway (Railway Board) letter No.68-
RR/2/Vol.V dated 25 th July, 1974.

5. The exhaustive views and comments received from the Railway

Administrations the Commission of Railway Safety, other Railway Institutions and
the Ministry of Law, having been considered by Member Traffic, Railway Board, in
consultation with the concerned Directorates, a complete revised set of General
Rules for Railways administered by the Government have now been framed,
sanctioned and issued by the Central Government with Notification No.69-RR/4 of
this day’s date to be brought into use on such date as the Central government may,
by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.

6. The Central Government desire that the said rules may be brought to
the notice of the Administrations of the several railways not administered by the
Government and that the Heads of Railway Administrations of such railways
may be invited to submit a formal application for the adoption of the rules, with
such modifications (if any) as may be considered necessary in each case.

Order – Ordered that this Resolution, with its enclosures, be published under
a Notification in the Official Gazette as required by Section 47 of the Indian
Railway Act, 1890 (9 of 1890), and that a copy thereof be kept open for inspection
at railway stations as directed by sub-section (6) of the same section, also that a
copy of this Resolution and of its enclosures be communicated to the Governments,
Administrations and Officers, noted below, for information.

Member Traffic, Railway Board

and Ex-Officio Secretary
to the Government of India

Documents accompanying: - General Rules for Indian Railway (Open Lines), 2011 (E-
Edition 2022) administered by the Government.

1. The General (Amendment) Rules for Open Lines of Railway together with
the Subsidiary Rules of the South Eastern Railway (E-copy 2022) are herewith
published for the guidance of staff.

2. (a) General (Amendment) Rules are printed in bold type while Subsidiary Rules are
in smaller type and are further distinguished by the prefix S.R.

(b) The Subsidiary Rules appear under the General (Amendment) Rules which
they explain, simplify or amplify.

(c) The Subsidiary Rules shall be read in conjunction with th e General

(Amendment) Rules and are equally binding on the staff. This is also useful for all
departments related to Railway Operations.

(d) To encourage paper less work, saving printing and paper costs, this
railway has taken initiatives to publish all rule books on e-platforms/online
mediums, so that all can access even on their mobile phones also as ready
r eckoner.

3. Legal obligation of railway servants: - Under section 101(b) Equivalent

Section of the Indian Railway Act 1989 all Railway servants on the Railway are
bound by the General (Amendment) Rules as well as the Subsidiary Rules,
Manuals and Special Instructions. They must make themselves fully acquainted
with all these rules and instructions and any revisions made from time to time. The
addendum and corrigendum Nos. 82 to 136 of GR & SR of SER edition - 2011
have been incorporated (including corrections in images/figures) in this book. A
record of all Addenda & Corrigenda issued subsequent to the publication of this
book shall be kept on the record pages at the end of the book.

4. Care of Rules Book: • This book of rules is to be studied carefully and kept
ready for use. All alteration or addition that may be notified from time to time is to
be neatly entered. The book is the property of the Administration and shall be given
up by the holder on his leaving service.

5. Orders not understood: • Should any order not be fully understood by any
railway servant, he should obtain guidance from his immediate superior.

6. Alteration of orders: • No order contained in this book shall be varied,

superseded or suspended, except under the express authority of Chief Operations

7. Application of Rules: - Wherever the expression South Eastern Railway is

used in any Subsidiary Rule, it shall be understood to apply to all lines worked by
the Administration of South Eastern Railway.
Sl. Old forms
No Form No. Description replaced
1 T/351 Disconnection/Re-connection Notice S&T Dn (Old)
2 T/369(I) Advance Authority to pass defective Signals. New
3 T/369(3b) Authority to pass Signals in ‘ON” or Defective Position. OP/T27A, R
4 T/409 Caution Order OP/T80/Large
5 T/A-409 ‘NIL’ Caution Order New
6 T/B 409 Reminder Caution Order OP/T80 (Small)
7 T/431 Train Examination Advice /report T/431
8 T/509 Authority to receive a train on an obstructed line. New
9 T/511 Authority to start from a non-signaled line. OP/T30
10 T/512 Authority to start from a line with common starter Signal. OP/T30
11 T/A 602 Authority to proceed for relief engine/Train into an OP/T462
obstructed block section.
12 T/B602 Authority for opening communication during total New
interuption of communication.
13 T/C 602 Authority for working of trains during total interruption of OP/T 126(Rev)
communication on double line. OP/T 126A(Rev)
14 T/D 602 Authority for temporary single line working on double OP/T36, OP/T38
line section OP/T40, OP/T42
15 T/E 602 Line Clear Enquiry Message asking line clear for Do
despatch of trains during total failure of communication Do
on single line section.
16 T/F 602 Conditional Line Clear Message New
17 T/G 602 Conditional Line Clear Ticket (up). New
18 T/H 602 Conditional line clear ticket (Down) New
19 T/I 602 Message of restoration New
20 T/609 Written permission by Guard to Driver/Loco Pilot to New
proceed to next station from mid-section.
21 T/806 Shunting Order OP/T 79
22 T/A 912 Authority to pass Automatic/Semi-Automatic manually OP/T33
operated Gate stop signal.
23 T/B 912 Authority to proceed without line clear on Automatic OP/T 126 (Rev)
Block signalling Territorry OP/T 126A(Rev)
24 T/C 912 Authority to proceed for relief engine/Train into an New
obstructed Automatic Block signaling section
25 T/D 912 Authority to proceed on Automatic Block System during OP/T 128 &
prolonged failure of signals OP/T 128A
26 T/1410 Train intact arrival register OP/T 421
27 T/A 1425 Line clear Enquiry Message, (Outward) OP/T36,38,40,42,
28 T/B 1425 Line clear enquiry message (Inward) OP/T 38, 42
29 T/C 1425 Paper line clear ticket (Up) OP/T 36,40
30 T/D 1425 Paper line clear ticket (Dn)
31 T/1518 Trolly/Lorry/OHE Ladder trolly notice, New
32 T/1525 Motor Trolly permit/Authority for M/T following a train New
Old New
Driver Loco Pilot
Asstt. Driver/Fireman Asstt. Loco Pilot
Brakes man, Guard Asst. Guard, Train Manager
Train Examiner JE/SE/SSE(C&W)

PWI JE/SE/SSE(P.Way or Works )

Traction Foreman (Tr./OHE) JE/SE/SSE (Traction/OHE)
Loco/Shed Foreman JE/SE/SSE (Loco/Shed)
Traction Foreman (RS) JE/SE/SSE(RS)
Traction Loco Controller As it is.
Power /Traction Controller Chief Crew Controller
TPC As it is.
AOM post equivalent to ATM/ARM/AARM/S.D.(GAZ)
STJM/PM/CM posts includes TGM.
2) Deleted Words -
Fusee/Flare Now Warning signals
(LED Based electronic flashing H/S lamp/ red flag)
Lowering signals Now-Taking off signals
Morse Telegraph Now- not in existence.


1.01 Short title and commencement

1.02 Definitions
1.03 Classification of stations
2.01 Supply of copies of rules
2.02 Upkeep of the copy of rules
2.03 Knowledge of rules
2.04 Assistance in observance of rules
2.05 Prevention of trespass, damage or loss
2.06 Obedience to rules and orders
2.07 Attendance for duty
2.08 Absence from duty
2.09 Taking alcoholic drink, sedative, narcotic, stimulant drug or preparation
2.10 Conduct of railway servants
2.11 Duty for securing safety
A. General Provisions
3.01 General use of signals
3.02 Kinds of signals
3.03 Use of night signals by day
3.04 Placing of signals and signal arms, painting of signal arms

B. Description of Fixed Signals

3.05 Use of fixed signals
3.06 Description of Warner signals and their indications
3.07 Description of Distant signals and their indications
3.08 Description of Stop signals and their indications
3.09 Kinds of fixed Stop signals for departing trains
3.10 Kinds of fixed stop signals for departing trains
3.11 Intermediate Block Stop signal
3.12 Kinds of fixed Stop signals in Automatic Block territories
3.13 Calling-on signals
3.14 Shunt signals
3.15 Co-acting signals
3.16 Repeating signals
3.17 Distinguishing markers and signs for signals
3.18 Signals out of use
3.19 Placing of Stop signals of diverging junctions
3.20 Placing of Stop signals at converging junctions
3.21 Signals on bracket post or signal bridge or gantry
3.22 Placing of more than on signal on the same post
3.23 Electric repeater
3.24 Back-lights
C. Equipment of signals
3.25 Obligation to provide fixed signals at stations
3.26 Commissioning of fied signals
3.27 Minimum equipment of fixed signals at stations provided with
manually operated multiple-aspect signalling
3.28 Minimum equipment of fixed signals at stations provided with modified lower quadrant signalling
3.29 Minimum equipment of sixed signals at other stations jprovided with two aspect signalling
3.30 Additional fixed signals at stations generally
3.31 Signals at class ‘D’ stations
3.32 Provision of an Advanced Starter, Shunting Limit Board or Block Section Limit Board
3.33 Exceptions to Rules 3.27, 3.28, 3.29 and 3.32
3.34 Fixed signals at level crossings
3.35 Protection and Working of points of outlying sidings.

D. Working of Signals and Points

3.36 Fixed signals generally
3.37 Normal aspect of signals
3.38 Points affecting movement of train
3.39 Locking of facing points
3.40 Conditions for taking ‘off’ Home signal
3.41 Conditions for taking ‘off’ Out signal
3.42 Conditions for taking ‘off’ last Stop signal or Intermediate Block Stop Signal
3.43 Conditions for taking ‘off’ Warner signal
3.44 Conditions for taking ‘off’ gate Stop signal
3.45 Conditions for taking ‘off’ Calling-on signal
3.46 Use of fixed signals for shunting
3.47 Taking ‘off’ signals for more than one train at a time
3.48 Stoppage of trains out of course at stations provided with two aspect signalling
3.49 Care and lighting of signal lamps
3.50 Traps, Slip sidings and Catch sidings
3.51 Points
E. Hand Signals
3.52 Exhibition of hand signals
3.53 Stop hand signal
3.54 Proceed hand signal
3.55 Proceed with caution had signal
3.56 Hand signals for shunting
3.57 Banner flags
3.58 Knowledge and prossession of hand signals
F. Detonating Signals
3.59 Description of detonating signals
3.60 Method of using detonators
3.61 Placing of detornators in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibilipty
3.62 Placing of detonators in case of obstruction
3.63 Replacement of detonators on the line
3.64 Knowledge and possession of detonators

G. Signals to warn incoming train of danger ahead.

3.65 Description of warning signals
3.66 Use of warning signals
3.67 Knowledge and possession of warning signals

( ii )
H. Defective fixed Signals and Po ints
3.68 Duties of Station Master generally when a signal is defective
3.69 Duties of Station Master when an approach stop signal is defective
3.70 Duties of Station Master when a departure Stop signal is defective
3.71 Warner or Distant signals defective in the ‘off’ position
3.72 Warner not to be use when a Stop signal is defective
3.73 Passing of a gate Stop signal at ‘on’
3.74 Absence of a fixed signal or a signal without a light
3.75 Passing of Intermediate Block Stop signal at ‘on’
3.76 Intimation to officials when defects remedied
3.77 Defective or damaged opoints etc.
3.78 Duties of engine crew in respect of signals
3.79 Duties of Loco pilot in respect of a Calling-on signal
3.80 Duties of Loco pilot when an approach Stop signal is’on’ or defective
3.81 Duties of Loco pilot when a departure Stop signal is ‘on or defective
3.82 Permission before entering on or crossing a running line
3.83 Assistance of the engine crew regarding signals
3.84 Duties of Loco pilots as to signals when two or more engines are attached to train.
3.85 Reporting of defects in signals.

A. Timing and Running of Trains
4.01 Standard time
4.02 Adherence to advertised time
4.03 Setting watch
4.04 Time of attendance for train crew
4.05 Proper running line
4.06 Direction or running
4.07 Supply of Working Time Table and Schedule of Standard Dimensions.

B. Speed of Trains
4.08 Limits of speed generally
4.09 Caution order
4.10 Limits of speed over facing points
4.11 Limits of speed while running throu;gh stations
4.12 Engine pushing
4.13 Limits of speed with engine tender foremost

C. Equipment of Trains and Train Crew

4.14 Head light, marker light and speedometer
4.15 Tail and side lights
4.16 Tail Board or tail lamp
4.17 Responsibility of Station Master regarding trail board or tail lamp of passing trains
4.18 Means of communication
4.19 Guard’s and Loco pilot’s equipment
4.20 Manning of engine in motion
4.21 Driving an electric train
4.22 Riding on engine or tender
4.23 Brake-vans
4.24 Position of brake-van on train
4.25 Guards
4.26 Couplings
( iii )
D. Vehicles and Crane
4.27 Cranes
4.28 Loading of vehicles
4.29 Damaged or defective vehicles

E. Precautions before Starting Train

4.30 Driver and Guard to examine notices before starting
4.31 Examination of trains before starting
4.32 Examination of train by Loco pilot
4.33 Examination of single and multiple units by Loco pilot
4.34 Duties of Guard when taking over charge of a train
4.35 Starting of trains
4.36 Guard to be in charge of train
4.37 Subordination of Guards in station limits
4.38 Firemen and Assistant Loco pilots to obey Drivers
4.39 Loco pilot to obey certain orders

F. Duties of Staff Working Trains during Journey

4.40 Loco pilots and Firemen or Assistant Loco pilot to keep a good look-out
4.41 Loco pilot and Fireman or Assistant Driver to look back
4.42 Exchange of signals between Driver, Guard and station staff
4.43 Guard to keep a good look-out
4.44 Train held up a first Stop signal
4.45 Attracting attention of Driver
4.46 Assistance from Guard’s hand brake
4.47 Application of Guard’s hand brake
4.48 Permission of Guard to detach engine from train
4.49 Starting and stopping of train
4.50 Sounding of engine whistle
4.51 Bell signals between Driver and Guard
4.52 Throuwing out water, fire or cinders
4.53 Hose or water crane
4.54 Passengers

G. Duties of Staff on Arrival

4.55 Shunting off Power
4.56 Guard to see that train is stopped clear of fouling marks
4.57 Detaching engine
4.58 Loco pilot to see that train is stopped clear of fouling marks
4.59 Moving of train carrying passengers after it has been stopped at a station
4.60 Guard not to leave train till handed over
4.61 Loco pilot not to leave engine when on duty

H. working of Material Trains

4.62 Working of a material train in a block section
4.63 Workers on material train
4.64 Protection of material train when stabled
4.65 Working of track maintenance machines

I. Private engines and Vehicles

4.66 Private engines and vehicles
( iv )
5.01 Responsibility of the Station Master for working
5.02 Supply of copies of rules and distribution or exhibition of other documents
5.03 Obedience to orders and keeping of books and returns
5.04 Signal cabins
5.05 Report of neglect of duty
5.06 Station Working Rules
5.07 Forms
5.08 Access to and operation of equipment
5.09 Reception of a train on an obstructed line
5.10 Reception of a train on a non-signalled line
5.11 Departure of a train from a non-signalled line
5.12 Departure of a train from a line provided with a common departure signal
5.13 Control of shunting
5.14 Responsibility for shunting
5.15 Shunting at stations under Centralised Traffic Control
5.16 Shunting during reception of trains
5.17 Shunting near level crossing
5.18 Drawing of a train to an advanced position
5.19 Obstruction of running line
5.20 Shunting on gradients
5.21 Loose shunting
5.22 Leaviang vehicles in sidings outside station limits
5.23 Securing of vehicles at station

6.01 Accident or obstruction
6.02 Working in case of accident or failure of communications
6.03 Protection of trains stopped between stations
6.04 Trains unusually delayed
6.05 Sending advice of accident or break down
6.06 Train in a block section without authority to proceed
6.07 Report of conditions likely to affect running of trains to Controller or Centralised Traffic Control Operator
6.08 Train parting
6.09 Portion of train left in a block section
6.10 Fire
6.11 Vehicles escaping from station


7.01 Systems of working

7.02 Applicability of General Rules referring to the working of signals and trains

A. Essentials
8.01 Essintials of the Abslute Block System

B. Conditions for granting Line Clear
8.02 Conditions for granting Line Clear at a class ‘A’ station
8.03 Conditions for granting Line Clear at a class ‘B’ station
8.04 Conditions for granting Line Clear a a class ‘C’ station

C. Obstruction-Double line
8.05 Obstruction on double line at a block station when a train is approaching
8.06 Obstruction on double line in the block section

D. Obstruction –Single Line D.1 Class ‘A’ Station

8.07 Obstruction on single line at a class ‘A’ station when a train is appraching
8.08 Obstructing the block section at a class ‘A’ station on single line
D. II. Class ‘B’ Stations
8.09 Obstruction in the face of an approaching train at a class ‘B’ station on single line
8.10 Obstruction within station section at a class ‘B’ station on single line
8.11 Obstruction outside station section at a class ‘B’ single line station equipped
with two-aspect signals
8.12 Obstruction outside station section at a class ‘B’ single line station
equipped with manually operated multiple-aspect signals
8.13 Obstruction outside the first Stop signal at a class ‘B’ station on single line

E. General Provisions
8.14 Block back or Block forward
8.15 Authority for shunting or obstruction in block section
8.16 Illustrative diagrams

A. Rules applicable to Double Line

9.01 Essentials of the Automatic Block system on double line
9.02 Duties of Loco pilot and Guard when an Automatic stop signal on double
line is to be passed at ‘on’
B. Rules applicable to Single Line
9.03 Essentials of the Autiomatic Block System on single line
9.04 Minimum equipment of fixed signals in Automatic Block territory on single line
9.05 Additional fixed signals in Automatic Block territory on single line
9.06 Conditions for taking ‘off’ Manual Stop signals in automatic Block territory on single line
9.07 Duties of Loco pilot and Guard when an Automatic Stop signal on single line is to be passed at ‘on’
9.08 Person in charge of working trains on Automatic Block System on single line

C. Rules applicable to both Double and Single Lines

9.09 Working of trains on Centralised Traffic Control territory
9.10 Protection of a train stopped in an Automatic block signalling section
9.11 Loco pilot to report failures
9.12 Procedure during failure of Automatic signalling
9.13 Movement of trains against the direction of traffic on the Automatic Block System
9.14 Procedure when Semi-Automatic Stop signal is ‘on’
9.15 Passing a gate Stop signal at ‘on’ in Automatic signalling territory
9.16 Illustrative diagrams

( vi )
10.01 Essentials of the following Trains System
10.02 Report to the commissioner of Railway Safety
10.03 Conditions to be observed in working trains on the following Trains System
10.04 Delivery of authority to proceed to Loco pilot or Guard on the following Trains System
10.05 Authority to proceed on the following Trains System
10.06 Responsibility as to proper preparation of authority to proceed on the following Trains System
10.07 Obstruction in face of appraching train or trains on the following Trains System
10.08 Cessation of working on the following Trains System
10.09 Protection of trains on the following Trains System

11.01 Essential of the Pilot Guard System
11.02 Conditions to be observed for following trains on the Pilot Guard System
11.03 Pilot guard’s dress or badge
11.04 Pilot Guard to accompany train or give authority to proceed
11.05 Pilot Guard’s Tickets
11.06 Protection of trains on the Pilot Guard System

12.01 Essentials of the Train staff and Ticket System
12.02 System where applicable
12.03 Conditions to be observed for following trains on ;the Train-staff and Ticket System
12.04 Loco pilot to have Train-staff or Train-staff Ticket
12.05 Train-staff or Train-staff Ticket : by whom to be delivered to Loco pilot
12.06 Train-staff or Train-staff Ticket : when to be delivered to Loco pilot
12.07 Train-staff to be kept on engine
12.08 Trains not to be started until Train-staff returned
12.09 Train-staff or Train-staff Ticket to be given up and Ticket to be cancelled on arrival of train
12.10 Procedure when engine is disabled on the Train-staff and Ticket System
12.11 Train-staff tickets : how kept
12.12 Train-staff : how kept
12.13 Distinguishing marks on Train-staff Tickets and boxes
12.14 Form of Train-staff Ticket
12.15 Record of Train-staff Tickets issued
12.16 Obstruction outside the Home signal
12.17 Protection of trains on the Train-staff and Ticket system

13.01 Use of the One Train Only system
13.02 Essentials of the One Train Only System
13.03 Authority to enter the section
13.04 Procedure in case of accident or disablement on the One Train Only system

A. General Provisions
14.01 Means of granting or obtaining Line Clear
14.02 Provision of instruments

( vii )
14.03 Consent required before interfering with block working equipment
B. Block Stations at which Electric al Block Instruments, Track Circuits or
Axle Counters are provided
14.04 Certificate of competency
14.05 Bell code
14.06 Acknowledgement of signals
14.07 Train Signal Register
14.08 Authority to proceed
14.09 Loco pilot to examine authority to proceed
14.10 Conditions for closing the block section
14.11 Responsibility of Station Master as to authority to proceed
14.12 Special responsibility as to electrical token instruments and to the token
14.13 Failure of electrical block instruments or track circuits or axle counters
14.14 Closing of Intermediate Block Post

C. Block Stations at which Electrical Block Instruments are not provided

14.15 Transmission of signals
14.16 Train Signal Register
14.17 Forms for messages and written authority to proceed
14.18 Distinction of messages
14.19 Writing and signing of messages and written authorities to proceed.
14.20 Completion of messages
14.21 Preservation of messages and written authorities to proceed
14.22 Cancellation of Line Clear
14.23 Loco pilot to have authority to proceed
14.24 Authority to proceed : When to be given to Loco pilot

D. Line Clear Tickets

14.25 Line Clear Tickets

E. Use and Operation of Block Working Equipment

14.26 Use and operation of block working equipment

A. Railway Servants Employed on the Permanent Way or Works
15.01 Condition of Permanent Way and Works
15.02 Maintenance of line
15.03 Keeping of material
15.04 Inspection of Permanent Way and Works
15.05 Patrolling of lines
15.06 Work involving danger to trains or traffic
15.07 Work in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility
15.08 Precautions before commencing operations which would obstruct the line
15.09 Showing of signals
15.10 Assistance in protection of trains
15.11 Gangmate in each gang
15.12 Knowledge of signals and equipment of gang
15.13 Inspection of gauges, signals, tools and implements
15.14 Responsibility of Gangmate as to safety of line
15.15 Blasting
15.16 Putting in or removing points or crossings
15.17 Duties of Gangmate and Gangman when apprehending danger

( viii )
B. The working of Lorries, Trollies an d Motor Trollies

15.18 Distinction between trolly, lorry and motor trolly

15.19 Red flag or light to be shown
15.20 Equipment of trolly, lorry or motor trolly
15.21 Efficient brakes
15.22 Qualified person to be in charge of lorry or trolly when on the line
15.23 Attachment to train prohibited
15.24 Time of running
15.25 Motor trolly
15.26 Protection of trolly on the line
15.27 Protection of lorry on thge line
15.28 Lorries and trollies out of use

16.01 Knowledge of signals
16.02 Supply and care of equipment
16.03 Road traffic
16.04 Gateman to observe passing trains
16.05 Channel for flange of wheels
16.06 Defects at level crossings
16.07 Obstructions at level crossings
16.08 Parting of a train
16.09 Trespassing
16.10 Transfer of charge of gate
16.11 Height gauges


17.01 Applicability of General Rules

17.02 Special definitions applicable to this Chapter
17.03 Inspection of electrical Way and Works
17.04 Permit-to-work on electrical equipment
17.05 Warning to staff and public
17.06 Alteration to track
17.07 Tripping of circuit breakers of locomotives and electrical multiple
units at neutral sections
17.08 Tower wagons
17.09 Additional rules for electrified sections

18.01 Repeal and Saving


( ix )
Chapter-I Preliminary



1.01. Short title and commencement. –

(1) These rules may be called the Indian Railways (Open Lines)
General (First Amendment) Rules, 2022 (c/s 136 based on gazette).
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in
the Official Gazette.
S.R. 1.01(1).01.- The General Rules apply to all Indian Railways. The
subsidiary Rules are prefixed SR and apply only to South Eastern Railway.
SR. 1.01(1).02- General Rules are liable to be revised by the
Government of India and the Subsidiary Rules by the Authorised Officer of
this Railway appointed by the General Manager and shall be duly notified.
{C/slip 133 for GR 1.01 (1 & 2 added)}.

1.02. Definitions. - In these rules, unless the context otherwise

requires, -
(1) “Act” means the Indian Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989);
(2) “Adequate Distance” means the distance sufficient to ensure
(3) “Approach Lighting” means an arrangement in which the
lighting of signals is controlled automatically by the approach of
a train;
(4) “Approved Special Instructions” means special instructions
approved of or prescribed by the Commissioner of Railway
(5) “Authorized Officer” means the person who is duly
empowered by general or special order of the Railway
Administration, either by name or by virtue of his office, to
issue instructions or to do any other thing;
SR. 1.02(5).01(a) The nomination of Authorised Officer under this Rule
is notified from time to time in the official Gazette or\and circular of this
(b) Power to issue working instructions is also delegated to the
Divisional Railway Managers within their own Divisions and to their Senior
Divisional, Divisional and Assistant Operating Officers personally acting on
behalf of the Divisional Railway Managers. No other official has authority to

Chapter-I Preliminary

issue Working Instructions except, when necessary, in an emergency and

then only on behalf of the Divisional Railway Manager.

(6) “Authority to Proceed” means the authority given to the Loco

Pilot of a train, under the system of working, to enter the block
section with his train;
(7) “Axle Counter” means an electrical device which, when
provided at two given points on the track, proves by counting
axles in and counting axles out, whether the section of the track
between the said two points is clear or occupied;
(8) “Block Back” means to dispatch a message from a block station
intimating to the block station immediately in rear on a double line, or
to the next block station on either side on a single line, that the block
section is obstructed or is to be obstructed;
(9) “Block Forward” means to dispatch a message from a block
station on a double line intimating to the block station
immediately in advance the fact that the block section in advance
is obstructed or is to be obstructed;
(10) “Block Section” means that portion of the running line
between two block stations on to which no running train may
enter until Line Clear has been received from the block station at
the other end of the block section;
SR. 1.02(10).01. Demarcation of Block Section:-
Points at the station in Points at the station in
Class of station rear from which Block advance at which Block
Section commences Section ends
‘A’ Class at both Double At the Last Stop Signal At the Starter signal
and Single line
‘B’ Class Double line in At the Last Stop Signal At the Home signal
Two-Aspect Signaling
‘B’ Class Double line in At the last stop signal At the Outermost facing
Multiple Aspect or points or at the Block
Modified Lower Section Limit Board
quadrant signaling where there are no
territory facing points or the
Outermost points are
‘B’ Class Single line (i) At the Advanced (i) At the Advanced

Chapter-I Preliminary

provided in Two-Aspect Starter, if one is Starter for opposite

Signalling territory. provided OR direction, if one is
provided OR
(ii) At the Shunting Limit (ii) At the Shunting Limit
Board, if there is no Board for the opposite
Advanced Starter; OR direction, if there is no
Advanced Starter; OR
(iii) At the Home signal (iii) At the Home signal,
for the opposite if there is no Advanced
direction, if there is no Starter or Shunting Limit
Advanced Starter or Board for opposite
Shunting Limit Board; direction; OR
(iv) At the outermost (iv) At the outermost
facing points, if there is facing points, if there is
no Advanced Starter, no Advanced Starter or
Shunting Limit Board or Shunting Limit Board for
Home Signal. opposite direction or
Home signal.
‘B’ Class-Signal line (i)At the Advanced (i) At the Advanced
provided in Multi-Aspect Starter, if one is Starter for the opposite
or Modified lower provided; OR direction, if one is
quadrant Signalling provided. OR
(ii) At the Shunting Limit (ii) At the Shunting Limit
Board, if there is no Board for the opposite
Advanced Starter; OR direction, if there is no
Advanced Starter; OR
(iii) At the outermost (iii) At the Outermost
facing points, if there is facing points, if there is
no Advanced Starter or no Advanced Starter or
Shunting Limit Board. Shunting Limit Board for
opposite direction.

At ‘C’ Class provided in At the Home signal At an adequate distance

Two Aspect or Multiple- beyond the Home signal
Aspect or Modified (the adequate distance
Lower quadrant shall not be less than
Signalling Territory both 400 meters).
on Double line and
Single line sections.

(11) “Centralised Traffic Control” means a system by which the

working of trains over a route, to which the system applies, is

Chapter-I Preliminary

governed by fixed signals remotely controlled from a designated

(12) “Centralised Traffic Control Operator” means the person on
duty who may for the time being be responsible for the working
of trains on the Centralised Traffic Control;
(13) “Commissioner of Railway Safety” means an Inspector
appointed to exercise any functions under the Act, and includes
an Addl. Commissioner of Railway Safety;
(14) “Competent Railway Servant” means a railway servant duly
qualified to undertake and perform the duties entrusted to him;
(15) “Connections” when used with reference to a running line,
means the points and crossings or other appliances used to
connect such line with other lines or to cross it;
(16) “Controller” means a railway servant on duty who may for
the time being be responsible for regulating the working of traffic
on a section of a railway provided with the system of speech
(17) “Day” means from sunrise to sunset;
(18) “Direction of Traffic” means-
(a) on a double line, the direction for which the line is signalled;
(b) on a single line, the direction for the time being established,
under the system of working, to allow trains to move in that
(19) “Loco Pilot” means the engine Loco Pilot or any other
competent railway servant for the time being in charge of driving
a train;
(20) “Electrical Communication Instrument” means either a
telephone or a Morse telegraph instrument;
(21) “Facing and Trailing Points”: points are facing or trailing in
accordance with the direction a train or vehicle moves over them.
Points are said to be facing points when by their operation a train
approaching them can be directly diverted from the line upon
which it is running;

Chapter-I Preliminary

(22) “Fixed Signal” means a signal of fixed location indicating a

condition affecting the movement of a train and includes a
semaphore arm or disc or fixed light for use by day and fixed
light for use by night;
(23) “Fouling Mark” means the mark at which the infringement of
fixed Standard Dimensions occurs, where two lines cross or join
one another;
SR. 1.02(23).01.- Train or vehicle placed on either of the two lines
must stand inside this ‘fouling mark’ in order to avoid the risk of collision with a
train or vehicle moving on the other line.

(24) “Gangman” means a railway servant employed on

permanent way or work connected therewith;
(25) “Gangmate” means the person in charge of a gang of
workmen employed on permanent way or work connected
(26) “Gateman” means a competent railway servant posted at a
level crossing for working the gates;
(27) “Goods Train” means a train (other than a material train)
intended solely or mainly for the carriage of animals or goods;
(28) “Guard” means the railway servant in charge of a train and
includes a Brakes man or any other railway servant who may for
the time being be performing the duties of a Guard;
(29) “Inspector of Way or Works” means any Inspector or
Assistant Inspector responsible for the construction or
maintenance of permanent way, points and signals, bridges or
other works connected therewith;
(30) “Interlocking” means an arrangement of signals, points and
other appliances, operated from a panel or lever frame, so
interconnected by mechanical locking or electrical locking or both
that their operation must take place in proper sequence to
ensure safety;
(31) “Intermediate Block Post” means a class ‘C’ station on a
single line or double line or multiple line remotely controlled from
the block station in rear;
Chapter-I Preliminary

(32) “Intermediate Block Signalling” means an arrangement of

signalling on single line or double line or multiple line in which a
long block section is split into two portions each constituting a
separate block section by providing an Intermediate Block Post;
{c/slip 120 for GR 1.02 clause (31 & 32) added}
(33) “Isolation” means an arrangement, secured by the setting of
points or other approved means, to protect the line so isolated
from the danger of obstruction from other connected line or lines;
(34) “Last Stop Signal” means the fixed Stop signal of a station
controlling the entry of trains into the next block section;
(35) “Level Crossing” means the intersection of road with railway
track at the same level;
(36) “Level Crossing Gate” means any form of movable barrier,
including a chain, capable of being closed across the road at the
level crossing, but does not include a wicket or a turnstile for the
use of pedestrians;
(37) “Line Clear” means the permission given from a block
station to a block station in rear for a train to leave the latter and
approach the former; or the permission obtained by a block
station from a block station in advance for a train to leave the
former and proceed towards the latter;
(38) “Main Line” means the line ordinarily used for running trains
through and between stations;
(39) “Material Train” means a departmental train intended solely
or mainly for carriage of railway material when picked up or put
down or for execution of works, either between stations or within
station limits;
(40) “Mixed Train” means a train intended for the carriage of
passengers and goods, or of passengers, animals and goods;
(41) “Multiple-Aspect Signalling” means a signalling arrangement
in which signals display at any one time any one of the three or
more aspects and in which the aspect of every signal is pre-
warned by the aspect of the previous signal or signals;
(42) “Night” means from sunset to sunrise;
Chapter-I Preliminary

(43) “Obstruction” and its cognate expressions includes a train,

vehicle or obstacle on or fouling a line, or any condition which is
dangerous to trains;
(44) “Overhead Equipment” means the electrical conductors over
the tracks together with their associated fittings, insulators and
other attachments, by means of which they are suspended and
registered in position for the purpose of electric traction;
(45) “Passenger Train” means a train intended solely or mainly
for the carriage of passengers and other coaching traffic, and
includes a troop train;
(46) “Point and Trap Indicators” are not signals, but are appliances
fitted to and working with points to indicate by day or by night the
position in which the points are set;
(47) “Running Line” means the line governed by one or more
signals and includes connections, if any used by a train when
entering or leaving a station or when passing through a station or
between stations;
(48) “Running Train” means a train which has started under an
authority to proceed and has not completed its journey;
(49) “Shunting” means the movement of a vehicle or vehicles
with or without an engine or of any engine or any other self-
propelled vehicle, for the purpose of attaching, detaching or
transfer or for any other purpose;
(50) “Special Instructions” means instructions issued from time to
time by the authorized officer in respect to particular cases or
special circumstances;
(51) “Station” means any place on a line of railway at which
traffic is dealt with, or at which an authority to proceed is given
under the system of working;
(52) “Station Limits” means the portion of a railway which is
under the control of a Station Master and is situated between the
outermost signals of the station or as may be specified by special

Chapter-I Preliminary

SR 1.02(52).01 The demarcation of station limits at the stations shall

be as follows: -

Section Signalling arrangement

On Single line- The portion of the railway which lies between the –
(a) (i) Outers in B Class stations and
Warners in A and C class stations in
Two Aspect Lower quadrant signaling
territory; and
(ii) Distant signals in Multiple
Aspect\Modified Lower quadrant
signaling territory.
(b) Between the Up and Down first stop
signals in Automatic signaling territory.
On Double line- The portion of the railway which lies between the

(a) Outermost signals on each direction

(i.e., up or down) separately, except
on the section where there is more
than one Distant signal, this will be
reckoned between the Inner Distant
and the Last Stop signal on each
direction; and
(b) On automatic signaling section the
station limits shall be the portion of the
railway which lies between the first
Automatic signal in rear of the Home
and the Advanced Starter or up to the
Outermost points at the trailing end
where no Advanced Starter is
(c) At station where the Automatic signal
falls within the jurisdiction of the station
in rear, the station limits shall be
reckoned from the Home signal.
(53) “Station Master” means the person on duty who is for the time
being responsible for the working of the traffic within station limits,
and includes any person who is for the time being in independent

Chapter-I Preliminary

charge of the working of any signals and responsible for the

working of trains under the system of working in force;
(54) “Station Section” means that section of station limits-
(1) at a class ‘B’ station provided with two-aspect signals, which
is included -
(a) on a double line, between the Home signal and the Last Stop
signal of the station in either direction; or
(b) on a single line-
(i) between the Shunting Limit Boards or Advanced Starters (if
any), or
(ii) between the Home signals, if there are no Shunting Limit
Boards or Advanced Starters, or
(iii) between the outermost facing points, if there are no Home
signals or Shunting Limit Boards or Advanced Starters;
(2) at a class ‘B’ station, provided with manually operated
multiple- aspect or modified lower quadrant signals, which is
(a) on a double line -
(i) between the outermost facing points and the Last Stop signal
of the station in either direction, or
(ii) between the Block Section Limit Board, where provided, and
the last Stop signal of the station in either direction; or
(b) on a single line –
(i) between the Shunting Limit Boards or Advanced Starters (if
any), or
(ii) between the outermost facing points, if there are no Shunting
Limit Boards or Advanced Starters;
(55) “Subsidiary Rule” means a special instruction which is
subservient to the General Rule to which it relates and shall not be
at variance with any General Rule;
SR. 1.02(55)(1) Subsidiary Rules binding on staff: The subsidiary
Rules in this book shall be read in conjunction with the General Rules and are
equally binding on the staff. Also, working rules and instructions issued in

Chapter-I Preliminary

form of Manuals or otherwise shall be read in conjunction with General and

Subsidiary Rules and be binding on the staff.

(56) “System of Working” means the system adopted for the time
being for the working of trains on any portion of a railway;
(57) “Track Circuit” means an electrical circuit provided to detect
the presence of a vehicle on a portion of track, the rails of the
track forming part of the circuit;
(58) “Train” means an engine with or without vehicles attached,
or any self-propelled vehicle with or without a trailer, which
cannot be readily lifted off the track;
(59) “Train Examiner” means a railway servant duly qualified to
examine trains and certify their fitness for safe running and
includes any other railway servant who may for the time being
performing the duties of a Train Examiner;
(60) “Two-Aspect Signalling” means a signalling arrangement in
which each signal displays at any one time either of the two

(1) Stations shall, for the purpose of these rules, be divided into
two categories - block stations and non-block stations.
(2) Block stations are those at which the Driver must obtain an
authority to proceed under the system of working to enter the
block section with his train; and under the Absolute Block System
consist of three classes-
Class ‘A’ stations - where Line Clear may not be given for a train
unless the line on which it is intended to receive the train is clear for
at least 400 meters beyond the Home Signal, or upto the Starter;
Class ‘B’ stations - where Line Clear may be given for a train
before the line has been cleared for the reception of the train
within the station section; and

Chapter-I Preliminary

Class ‘C’ stations - block huts, where Line Clear may not be
given for a train, unless the whole of the last preceding train has
passed complete at least 400 meters beyond the Home signal,
and is continuing its journey. This will also include an
Intermediate Block Post.
(3) Non-block stations or Class ‘D’ stations are stopping places
which are situated between two consecutive block stations,
and do not form the boundary of any block section.

SR 1.03.01(a) Special Class station- Any station which cannot be

worked under A, B, C or D class conditions is termed ‘Special’ class.

(b) The classification of each station on South Eastern Railway shall

be shown in the Working Time-Table.

Rules Applying to Railway Servants Generally



2.01. Supply of copies of rules. – The Railway Administration

shall supply—
(a) a copy of these Rules—
(i) to each station,
(ii) to each locomotive running shed, and
(iii) to such other offices as it may prescribe,
(b) to each railway servant on whom any definite responsibility is
placed by the said rules, a copy of the rules, or of such portions
thereof as relate to his duties, and
(c) to any railway servant a copy of these rules or translation of
the said
rules or of such portions thereof as relate to his duties as may be
prescribed by special instructions.
SR. 2.01.01.– For supply of rule books, the staff shall apply to their
divisional head of the concerned branch through the supervising staff who shall
make arrangement for the supply. The copy of rules to be supplied by Railway
administration under General Rule 2.01 may be hard copy of electronic copy of
the document or relevant extracts thereof. (c/slip 131 added)
SR. 2.01.01 (a). - Rule books may be either in print form and/ or in digital
form. The digital form may be through an electronic device (tablet) issued by the
Railway administration to the Guards. The field staff may also be allowed to keep
print form or digital form (in their mobiles) to read as ready reckoner with them.
The railway administration shall ensure updation, revision and
amendments to rules in both the forms simultaneously and shall provide
necessary infrastructure/arrangements to enable this and take steps to provide
such equipments (fixed or portable as applicable) as necessary so that the Rule
books in digital form can be accessed by the Railway servant at all times in their
respective departments. (c/slip122 added)

Rules Applying to Railway Servants Generally

2.02. -Upkeep of the copy of rules.– Each railway servant, who

has been supplied with a copy of these rules, as prescribed
under Rule 2.01 shall:
(a) keep it posted with all corrections,
(b) produce the same on demand by any of his superiors,
(c) obtain a new copy from his superior in case his copy is
lost or defaced, and
(d) ensure that the staff working under him are supplied
with all corrections and that they also comply with the
provisions of this rule.
SR. 2.02.01.– All correction slips to rule books or manuals shall be
numbered serially and notified in the Railway Gazette. Staff to whom the rule
books or manuals have been supplied shall make it a point to peruse this
amendment notified in the Gazette and correction slips. Whenever copies of
Gazette or correction slips of any serial number are not received by them,
they shall obtain the same from their supervisors. The supervisors may ask for
the correction slips from the Divisional Railway Manager.

2.03. Knowledge of rules.– Every railway servant shall–

(a) be conversant with the rules relating to his duties whether
supplied or not with a copy or translation of the rules relating to
his duties and the Railway Administration shall ensure that he
does so.
(b) pass the prescribed examinations, if any,
(c) satisfy himself that the staff working under him have complied
with clauses (a) and (b), and
(d) if necessary, explain to the staff working under him, the rules
so far as these apply to them.
2.04. Assistance in observance of rules.–Every railway
servant shall render assistance in carrying out these rules and
report promptly any breach thereof, which may come to his
notice, to his superior officer and other authority concerned.
2.05. Prevention of trespass, damage or loss.–

Rules Applying to Railway Servants Generally

(1) Every railway servant is responsible for the security and

protection of the property of the Railway Administration under his
(2) Every railway servant shall endeavour to prevent–
(a) trespass on railway premises,
(b) theft, damage or loss of railway property,
(c) injury to himself and others, and
(d) fire in railway premises.
2.06. Obedience to rules and orders.– Every railway servant
shall promptlyobserve and obey—
(a) all rules and special instructions, and
(b) all lawful orders given by his superiors.
2.07. Attendance for duty.– Every railway servant shall be in
attendance for duty at such time and places and for such periods
as may be fixed in this behalf by the Railway Administration and
shall also attend at any other time and place at which his
services may be required.
2.08. Absence from duty.–
(1) No railway servant shall, without the permission of his
superior, absent himself from duty or alter his appointed hours of
attendance or exchange duty with any other railway servant or
leave his charge of duty unless properly relieved.
(2) If any railway servant while on duty desires to absent himself
from duty on the ground of illness, he shall immediately report
the matter to his superior and shall not leave his duty until a
competent railway servant has been placed in charge thereof.
2.09. Taking alcoholic drink, sedative, narcotic, stimulant
drug or preparation.–
(1) While on duty, no railway servant shall, whether he is directly
connected with the working of trains or not, be in a state of
intoxication or in a state in which, by reason of his having taken
or used any alcoholic drink, sedative, narcotic or stimulant drug
or preparation, his capacity to perform his duties is impaired.

Rules Applying to Railway Servants Generally

(2) No railway servant, directly connected with the working of

trains, shall take or use any alcoholic drink, sedative, narcotic or
stimulant drug or preparation within eight hours before the
commencement of his duty or take or use any such drink, drug or
preparation when on duty.
SR. 2.09.01.– When any railway servant is found intoxicated or
suspected to be in a state of intoxication, the evidence of two independent
witnesses and, if possible, a medical report regarding his condition, shall be

2.10.- Conduct of railway servants.– A railway servant

(a) wear the badge and uniform, if prescribed, and be neat
and tidy in his appearance while on duty.
(b) be prompt, civil and courteous,
(c) not solicit or accept illegal gratification,
(d) give all reasonable assistance and be careful to give
correct information to the public, and
(e) when asked, give his name and designation without
SR. 2.10.01.– Railway servants when on duty and in contact with public
or in uniform shall not indulge in smoking on platform.
SR. 2.10.02.- To all train passing staff, it is instructed to keep their
personal mobile phones switched ‘Off’ while doing duty and not to switch ‘On’
the mobile phones before completion of their duty until and unless any
emergency permits to do so. Unauthorised usage of personal mobile phones
while on duty may attract D & A Rules against the staff concerned for
breaching of safety of trains and its operations. (c/slip 118 added)

2.11. Duty for securing safety.–

(1) Every railway servant shall–
(a) see that every exertion is made for ensuring the safety of the
(b) promptly report to his superior any occurrence affecting the
safe or proper working of the railway which may come to his
notice, and

Rules Applying to Railway Servants Generally

(c) render on demand all possible assistance in the case of an

accident or obstruction.
(2) Every railway servant who observes–
(a) that any signal is defective,
(b) any obstruction, failure or threatened failure of any part of the
way or works,
(c) anything wrong with a train, or
(d) any unusual circumstances likely to interfere with the safe
running of trains, or the safety of the public, shall take immediate
steps, such as the circumstances of the case may demand, to
prevent accident; and where necessary, advise the nearest
Station Master by the quickest possible means;
Provided that in the case of a train having parted, he shall not
show a Stop hand signal but shall endeavour to attract the
attention of the Loco Pilot or Guard by shouting, gesticulating or
other means.
SR. 2.11.01.–(a) In all cases of bad riding attributable to any defect in
the permanent way,the Loco Pilots and other staff concerned shall act in the
manner indicated below:—
(b) Duties of Loco Pilot.
(i) The Loco Pilot shall note as accurately as possible the kilometrage
at which bad riding has occurred.
(ii) He shall while approaching the first block station, whistle frequently
and bring his train to a stop in such a manner that the engine is in the front of
station building or the cabin where block instrument is located. Handover a
written memo to the Station Master or the Switchman, as the case may be
specifying the exact location as far as practicable and the nature of defect
noticed. On a single line section, the Loco Pilotshall not surrender the
‘Authority to proceed’ till such time he has issued the message to the Station
(iii) He shall also make a report of the occurrence to the
Shed/Loco/Traction Foreman on return to Hd.Qrts.
(c) Duties of Guard.
In the event of a Guard feeling a heavy lurch or jerk which, he
considers dangerous for the passage of trains, he shall bring the train to a
stand at the next station or block cabin by destroying the vacuum/air pressure

Rules Applying to Railway Servants Generally

and report the matter in writing to the Station Master or Switchman, as the
case may be. If it is not so severe as to seem dangerous, he shall report it in
writing to the Station Master of the next stopping station.
(d) Duties of Station Master and Switchman.
(i) A Switchman receiving such instructions from the Loco Pilot or
Guard, shall immediately convey the same to the Station Master and shall not
close the line until he receives a confirmation from the Station Master that
necessary precaution has been taken to ensure the safety of subsequent trains.
(ii) On receiving such a report from the Switchman, Loco Pilot or
Guard, the Station Master shall immediately convey the particulars to the
Section Controller and to the Station Master of the station in the rear. He shall
then communicate the full particulars to the Permanent Way Inspector
concerned, if head-quartered at the same station, or to the Station Master of
the station where the concerned JE/SE/SSE (P.Way) is head quartered. In
addition, the full particulars of the report should also be sent to the following
(1) JE/SE/SSE (P.Way) / JE/SE/SSE (Shed/Loco)/AEN of the home
station of the engine.
(2) JE/SE/SSE(Shed/Loco) of the shed to which the engine is at that
time running.
(4) DME of the concerned Division if the engine belongs to other
(5) D.I./JE/SE (RS)/AEE(RS)/DEE(RS) of the Division in case of Elec.
(iii) Station Master at either end of the section (In case of single line
section) S.M. at the Station received the memo before despatching/allowing any
train in the affected section should ensure that it is accompanied by an
Engineering official not below the rank of JE/SE/SSE(P. Way) who will pilot the
train after obtaining clear information from the Station Master with a Caution
Order indicating the location and nature of defect (if possible).
He should stop the train short of the affected location, inspect the track
and issue/do not issue necessary certificate for the affected location with speed
restriction as considered necessary by him for safe movement of trains. He
shall give a written memo to the Station Master on reaching to the next station
indicating the speed at which the subsequent trains can run till permanent
repairs are done. Station Master shall accordingly issue caution orders to Loco
Pilots of subsequent trains.
(iv) In the absence of engineering officials, the first train allowed in the
affected section should be issued with a caution order instructing the loco pilot
to stop dead before the affected kilometer and after satisfying himself about the

Rules Applying to Railway Servants Generally

condition of the track, pass over the track in question at speed not exceeding 10
kilometres per hour or if he finds that the line is unsafe to pass, stop dead at site
and inform nearby SM to send Engg. Official to attend and certify. If the loco
pilot is not able to detect anything doubtful, subsequent trains shall be
dispatched with a speed restriction of 10 kilometres per hour till the track is
certified to be safe by Engineering officials. (c/slip 93 added)
(e) Duties of Loco Pilots of subsequent trains: Loco Pilot/s of
subsequent train/s shall be guided by the caution order issued to him by the
Station Master in (iii) above.
(f) Duties of Permanent way staff.
The Permanent Way Inspector or the Engineering Official first
available {not below the rank of JE/SE/SSE(P.Way)}shall on getting the
information from the Station Master, proceed in all haste by trolly or by first
available means of communication to the site/station concerned to pilot the
first train over the affected location. He shall get the train stopped short of the
affected location, inspect the track and issue/do not issue necessary
certificate for the affected location with speed restriction as considered
necessary by him for safe movement of train. He shall give a written memo to
the Station Master on reaching to the next station indicating the speed at
which the subsequent trains can run, till permanent repairs are done.
Note: – The same line of action shall be followed in the case of
sleepers on fire.
SR. 2.11.02.– (a) In the case of engine hunting, lurching or swaying
due to any defect attributed to engine, the Loco Pilot shall note carefully the
exact kilometrage and proceed cautiously to the next station and report the
facts in writing to the Station Master as well as Chief Crew Controller on
control phone on the controlled section. The Loco Pilot shall also state in this
report whether assistance is required or he will be able to continue the journey
cautiously up to the next shed.
(b) The Station Master shall issue message to DME/DEE (RS), LF, LI,
TFR stating the nature of defects as reported and assistance required.
(c) The Station Master shall consult the Section Controller and, on
receipt of his advice, allow the engine, either light or with the train, upto the
next engine changing station.
(d) Duties of Loco Staff.–
The JE/SE/SSE (Loco/Shed/Traction) (RS) in case of electric engine
after examining the engine carefully and carrying out any adjustment
necessary, will communicate by telephone full particulars about the engine
and adjustment made to Divisional Mechanical Engineer or Divisional
Electrical Engineer (RS) in case of electric engine (or in his absence from
Headquarters, Assistant Mechanical Engineer/ Assistant Electrical Engineer

Rules Applying to Railway Servants Generally

(RS) for electric engine). If the control springs, bogies slide and axle boxes
clearance are found in order a trial should be conducted with the engine by
Loco Inspector or Driving Inspector in case of electric engine to locate the
defect. The engine may then be put back to normal service with the
permission of the Divisional Mechanical Engineer or his Assistant and
Divisional Electrical Engineer (RS) or his Assistant. If on the other hand, the
Loco Inspector / Driving Inspector still considers the engine is not running
satisfactorily and cannot locate the cause, the Divisional Mechanical Engineer
or his Assistant and Divisional Electrical Engineer (RS) or his Assistant shall
personally arrange to try the engine out and thereafter have the defect
rectified. A further trial shall then be carried out before the engine is put back
to normal service.
SR. 2.11.03.– In the event of wheel-slipping of an electric/diesel
locomotive taking place while on run between stations, prompt action to
ensure safety of track shall be taken as indicated below:–
(a) Duties of the Loco Pilot.–
The Loco Pilot shall–
(i) Note carefully the kilometrage and the extent of damage,
(ii) Immediately ask for any assistance necessary by contacting the
Traction Loco Controller/Power Controller,
(iii) Inform the Station Master of the next block station in writing about
the full particulars of the occurrence, and
(iv) In case the track, in his opinion, is not safe for passage of trains at
the normal speed, take necessary action as per SR 2.11.01 -(ii) of (b) & (c).
(b) Duties of Station Master and Switchman.–
(i) On receipt of a report from the Loco Pilot regarding wheel slipping,
the Station Master shall wire at once all relevant particulars, viz, kilometrage,
the nature and extent of damage, if available, and the approximate time of
occurrence to the P.W. Inspector concerned, the TLC / Power Controller, the
(ii) In cases coming under (a) (iv) above, the Station Master and
Switchman shall, in addition, take necessary action as per SR 2.11.01 -(ii) &
(iii), subject to the variation that the Caution Order to be issued to subsequent
trains may be for a speed restriction of 20 kmph or such lower limit as
indicated by the Loco Pilot.
(c) Duties of the Permanent Way Staff.–
(i) The Permanent Way Inspector or Engineering official first available
shall at once inspect the track on receiving information of such occurrence
and take such steps as necessary to ensure safety of trains. Removal of the
affected rails if considered necessary, and modification or removal of the
Rules Applying to Railway Servants Generally

Caution Order as the case may be, shall be the responsibility of the P.W.
Inspector concerned.
(ii) Rails with wheel burns having a depth of 6 mm or more and having
a length or diameter of 50 mm or more, should be treated as a potential
source of danger to the traffic, making it unfit for main lines. Such rails should
be changed at once and speed restrictions should be lifted only after changing
such rails. In case of minor wheel burns, the number of such burns which
have been formed on the rail table shall be indicated, with the date, on the
web of the rail itself with white paint. These should be kept under careful
(iii) The P.W. Inspector in-charge of the section shall submit a report
on the wheel burns in the prescribed manner to the Assistant Engineer
SR. 2.11.04.– Precautions for working of trains during storm,
cyclone or strong wind-
(a) when a weather warning message forecasting cyclone, heavy storm
or strong wind has been received and/or there is a reasonable doubt that severe
storm is going to break out endangering the safety of passengers, trains, etc. the
Station Master shall in consultation with the Guard and the Loco Pilot of the train,
detain the train and also refuse to grant line clear to a train coming to his station
until the storm abates and it is considered that the movement of train is safe.
(b) Should a train be caught on the run in a cyclone, storm or strong
wind of an intensity which in the opinion of the Loco Pilot, is likely to endanger
the safety of the train, he shall immediately control the speed of his train and
bring it to a stop at the first convenient place taking care as far as possible to
avoid stoppage of the train at places like sharp curve, high embankments and
bridges (including approaches thereof). In controlling the speed and bringing
the train to a halt, the Loco Pilot shall take care to avoid jerk. He shall re-start
the train, in consultation with the guard only after the cyclone, storm or strong
wind abates and it is considered safe for the train to proceed.
(c) As an added precaution it is also imperative that the station staff
as well train staff shall try to see that doors and windows of the coaches are
kept open by the passengers to allow free passage of wind through the

SR. 2.11.05.– Precautions in the event of anemometer indicating wind

velocity higher than the danger level: –

Rules Applying to Railway Servants Generally

(a) In case of vulnerable locations and specially selected bridges where

anemometers are installed at one of the stations adjacent to the bridges, the
Station Master shall take the following action, if the anemometer is indicating the
critical limit of wind velocity of 39 knots (72 kmph).
(i) The Station Master shall immediately inform the section controller
and the Station Master on the other side of the section about the need to
control the movement of trains.
(ii) The Station Master shall not start or allow the movement of trains
from his station and also shall not grant line clear to the adjacent station.
(iii) He shall resume normal running of trains in consultation with the
Section Controller and the Station Master of the adjacent station after the wind
velocity comes down below the danger level.
(iv) In addition, the Station Master shall observe the working
instructions prescribed by the Division for each location.
(b) The station Master will keep a watch on the wind velocity
indication every half an hour or at lesser interval as may be required during
the critical period (specially from May to August) and record it in his station
diary besides intimating it to the section controller.
(c) If the needle of the apparatus fails to operate as prescribed, the
station Master will be required to use his judgement, if there is any
apprehension of a severe storm or gale, and take the precautions as
mentioned above.



A. General Provisions: -
3.01. General use of Signals. - The Signals prescribed in these
rules shall be used for controlling the movement of trains in all
cases in which exceptions are not allowed by approved special
3.02. Kinds of signals. –The signals to be used for controlling
the movement of trains shall be -
a) fixed signals, b) hand signals,
c) detonating signals and d) warning signals.

3.03. Use of night signals by day. -The signals prescribed in

these rules for use by night shall also be used by day in tunnels
and in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility.

3.04. - Placing of signals and signal arms; painting of signal

arms -
(1) Fixed signals shall be clearly visible to the Loco Pilots
of trains approaching them and shall be placed immediately to
the left of or above the line to which they refer unless otherwise
authorized by special instructions.
(2) In the case of semaphore signals, signal arms shall be
placed on left hand side of the post as seen by the Driver of any
approaching train to which they refer.
(3) (a) Except as provided for in clauses (b) and (c), signal
arms shall be painted the same colour as the light exhibited in
the ‘on’ position with a white bar on the side facing trains to
which they refer and white with a black bar on the other side.
Such bars shall be parallel with the end of the arms.
(b) In case of a yellow arm, a black bar shall take the
place of the white bar on the side facing trains.


(c) Calling-on arms shall be painted white with a red bar

on the side facing trains to which they refer, and white with a
black bar on the other side.

B. Description of Fixed Signals

3.05. Use of fixed signals -
(1) Except under approved special instructions, all railways shall
be equipped with fixed signals as prescribed in these rules.
(2) The aspects of a semaphore signal shall be displayed by the
position of the arm by day and by a light or lights by night.
Note: In the illustrations given in this Chapter, which are not drawn to
scale, the day aspect of the semaphore signal is shown by the position of the
arm and the night aspect is shown by the light or lights to the right of the sig-
nal concerned.
(3) The aspects of a color light and position light signal both by
day and by night shall be the same and shall be displayed by
fixed light or lights.
(4) The arm of a semaphore signal shall work in -
a) the lower quadrant in two-aspect signaling, and
b) the upper quadrant in manually operated multiple as-
pect signaling.
(5) The ‘off’ position of a semaphore signal shall be displayed by
day by the inclined position of the arm from 45 degree to 60 de-
gree below the horizontal in case of two- aspect lower quadrant
signals and 45 degree or 90 degrees above the horizontal in case
of multiple-aspect upper quadrant signals.

3.06. Description of Warner signals and their indications -

(1) A semaphore Warner signals has a fish-tailed arm.
(2) A Warner signal is intended to warn a Driver –
(a) of the condition of the block section ahead,
(b) that he is approaching a Stop signal.


(3) A Warner signal may be placed either -

(a) on a post by itself with a fixed green light 1.5 to 2 meters
above it by night, or
(b) on the same post below the first Stop signal or the last Stop
(4) When placed in accordance with clause (b) of sub-rule (3),
the variable light of the Stop signal shall take the place of the
fixed green light of the Warner signal be such that the Warner
signal cannot be taken ‘off’ while the Stop signal above it is ‘on’.
(5) The aspects and indications of a semaphore Warner signal
are shown below.
(a) Semaphore Warner signal in Two- Aspects Signaling
Territory-on a postby itself

…………Proceed with Proceed

……… caution and be
…………prepared to stop
…… the next Stop signal


(b) Semaphore Warner signal in Two-Aspect Signaling Ter-

ritory-below a stop signal
‘On position’


……….Stop Proceed with caution

………Stop dead Proceed with caution and be
prepared to stop at the next Stop




ahead. The adequate distance in such a case shall never be

less than 1200 meters.

(8) Where special circumstances justify the use of an un-

worked Warner, it shall be secured in the ‘on’ position and not be
coupled or duplicated for directing purposes.
3.07. Description of Distant signals and their indications -
(1) A semaphore Distant signal has a fish-tailed arm.
(2) The aspects and indications of a semaphore Distant signal
working in the lower quadrant are shown below:

Semaphore Distant signal in Two-Aspect

Signalling Territory


“ON” Position “OFF” Position


…………………Caution Proceed
Proceed and be prepared to stop Proceed
at the next Stop signals
Note: This signal shall be provided only in Modified Lower Quadrant signal-
(3) The aspects and indications of a semaphore Distant signal
working in the upper quadrant are shown below...


Semaphore Distant signal in Multiple-

Aspect Signalling Territory

“ON” Position “OFF” Position

…………Caution ……. * Attention *Proceed
Proceed and be Proceed and be prepared to Pass Proceed,

prepared to stop next signal at such Block sec-

at the next stop restricted speed as may be tion ahead is

signal prescribed by special instructions. clear, train is

Train is being received either on to pass run

Main line and is required to stop at through the

the starter signal, or on a loop line station via

required to stop at the starter signal Main line

or to pass run through via Loop line

Note: The distance between the two yellow lights shall be 1.5 meters
when this signal displays ‘Attention’ aspect at night.
*c/slip 86 for GR 3.07 (3) “attention” and “Proceed”
**(4) “attention” and “Proceed” added.


(4) The aspects and indications of a color light Distant signal are
shown below.
Color light Distant signal in Multiple-Aspect
Signaling Territory

“ON” Position OFF” Position

Caution **Attention **Proceed
Indication: (c/slip 86 for **Attention & **Proceed added)
Proceed and be Proceed and be prepared to Pass Proceed,

prepared to stop next signal at such Block sec-

at the next stop restricted speed as may be tion ahead is

signal prescribed by special instructions. clear, train is

Train is being received either on to pass run

Main line and is required to stop at through the

the starter signal, or on a loop line station via

required to stop at the starter signal Main line

or to pass run through via Loop line


(5) A Distant signal shall be located at an adequate distance in

rear of the Stop signal, the aspect of which it pre-warns.
(6) Where necessary more than one Distant signal may be pro-
vided. In such a case, the outermost signal, to be located at an
adequate distance from the first Stop signal, shall be called the
Distant signal and the other called the Inner Distant signal, with
the Distant signal capable of displaying ‘Attention’ or ‘Proceed’
aspect only.

(7) Under approved special instructions, a Colour light Distant

signal may be combined with the Last Stop signal of a station in
rear or with an Intermediate Block signal or with a Stop signal
protecting a level crossing. When a colour light Distant signal is
combined, (i) with the Last Stop signal of a station in rear or (ii)
with an Intermediate Block signal or (iii) with a Stop signal pro-
tecting a level-crossing, arrangements shall be such that the sig-
nal shall not display a less restrictive aspect than the stop aspect
till Line Clear has been obtained from the station ahead as in
case of (i) and (ii) above and until the level-crossing gates have
been closed and locked for the passage of trains as in case of
(iii) above. (c/slip 133 added)

3.08. Description of Stop signals and their indications-

(1) A semaphore Stop signal has a square ended arm.

(2) The aspects and indications of a semaphore Stop signal

working in the lower quadrant are shown below: -

Semaphore Stop signal in Two-Aspect Signalling Territory

“ON” Position “OFF” Position


Stop Proceed
Stop dead Proceed

(3) The aspects and indications of a semaphore Stop signal

working in the upper quadrant are shown below...

Semaphore Stop signal in Multiple-Aspect

Signalling Territory

“ON” Position “OFF” Position


…… Aspect:
Stop Caution ……… Proceed
Stop dead Proceed and Proceed
be prepared to stop at
the next Stop signal

(4) The aspects and indications of a colour light Stop signal are
shown below ...
a). Colour light Stop signal in Two-Aspect Signalling
“ON” Position “OFF” Position


Stop Proceed
Stop dead Proceed

(b). Colour light Stop signal in Multiple Three-Aspect Signal-

ling Territory:

“ON” Position “OFF” Position…

Stop Caution Proceed
Stop dead Proceed and be prepared to Proceed
Stop at the next Stop signal

(c). Colour light Stop signal in Multiple Four-Aspect Signal-

ling Territory

“ON” Position “OFF” Position


Stop Caution Attention Proceed
Stop dead Proceed and Proceed and Proceed
be prepared be prepared to
to stop at the pass next
next Stop signal at such
signal restricted speed
as may be
prescribed by
3.09. Kinds of fixed Stop signals for approaching trains-
(1) The Stop signals which control the movement of trains
approaching a station are of three kinds, namely-Outer, Home,
and Routing signals.
(2) The Outer signal, where provided, is the first Stop signal
of a station and is located at an adequate distance outside the
point up to which the line may be obstructed after Line Clear has
been granted to or obtained by the station in near.
(3) The Home signal is the first Stop signal of a station at
which an Outer signal is not provided and the second Stop signal
of a station at which an Outer signal is provided. It shall be located
outside all connections on the line to which it refers.

(4) The Routing signal is a signal used to indicate to a lo-

co pilot which of two or more diverging routes is set for him,
when the Home signal is, in consequence of its position, incon-
venient for this purpose.

3.10. Kinds of fixed Stop signals for departing trains -

(1) The Stop signals which control the movement of trains
leaving a station are of two kinds, namely- Starter and Advanced
(2) When a train leaving a station is guided by only one
starting signal, it is the last Stop signal of the station and is called
the Starter.
(3) When a train leaving a station is guided by more than
one Starter signal, the Outermost starting signal is the last Stop
signal of the station and is called the Advanced Starter.
(4) The Starter, where only one such signal is provided, or
the Advanced Starter, shall be fixed at the limit beyond which no
train may pass, unless the Loco Pilot is given the authority to
proceed required under the system of working, and shall be
placed outside all connections on the line to which it refers ex-
cept where otherwise allowed by approved special instructions.
Shunting operations beyond this limit shall be carried out only in
accordance with special instructions.
(5) Where an Advanced Starter is provided, the Starter re-
ferring to any line shall be placed so as to protect the first facing
points or fouling mark of the connections to another running line.

SR. 3.10.01. - Last Stop Signal - Where there is no Advanced Start-

er, the Starter is the last Stop signal. At a ‘C’ class station, in the absence of a
Starter, the Home signal is the last Stop signal.

3.11. Intermediate Block stop signal - Intermediate Block Stop

signal is the Home signal provided at an Intermediate Block Post.


3.12. Kinds of fixed Stop signals in Automatic Block territo-

ries -
(1) Stop signals in Automatic Block territory shall be colour
light signals and may be of the following kinds -
(a) An Automatic Stop signal which is not dependent upon
manual operation but is controlled automatically by the passage
of a train into, through and out of the automatic block signalling
(b) A Semi-Automatic Stop signal which is capable of be-
ing operated either as an Automatic Stop signal or as a Manual
Stop signal, as required;
(ba) a Modified Semi-Automatic stop signal by converting
one of the Automatic stop signals in mid-section under special
instructions, when the ‘A’ marker is illuminated the signal works
as Automatic stop signal, and when the ‘A’ marker is extin-
guished it works as Modified Semi-Automatic stop signal and as-
sumes ‘Off’ aspect automatically or is taken ‘off’ manually as re-
quired; and
(ba) (i) When a Semi-Automatic Stop signal works as an
Automatic Stop signal, it assumes ‘on’ and ‘off’ aspects automat-
ically according to the conditions of the automatic block signalling
sections ahead;
(ii) When a Semi-Automatic Stop signal works as a Manu-
al Stop signal, it assumes ‘on’ aspect automatically on the occu-
pation of the automatic block signalling section ahead, but as-
sumes ‘off’ aspect when operated manually provided the relevant
automatic block signalling sections ahead are clear;
(iii) When a Semi-Automatic Stop signal works as an Au-
tomatic Stop signal, the ‘A’ marker provided under the signal is
illuminated. When the ‘A’ marker is extinguished, the signal shall
be deemed to work as a Manual Stop signal; and


(c) A Manual Stop signal operated manually and which

cannot work as an Automatic or a Semi-Automatic Stop signal.
(2) Colour light signals in Automatic Block territory shall be
three aspect or four aspects.

3.13. Calling-on signals -

(1) A Calling-on signal is a subsidiary signal which has no
independent aspect in the ‘on’ position and shall be-
(a) a short square ended semaphore arm, or
(b) a miniature colour light provided with a ‘C’ marker.
(2) A Calling-on signal, where provided, shall be fixed be-
low a Stop signal governing the approach of a train. Under ap-
proved special instructions, a Calling-on signal may be provided
below any other Stop signal except the last Stop signal.
(3) A Calling-on signal, when taken ‘Off’, calls on the Loco
Pilot of a train to draw ahead with caution, after the train has
been brought to a stop even though the Stop signal above it is at
on and indicates to the Loco pilot that he should be prepared to
stop short of any obstruction.
(4) A Calling-on signal shall show no light in the ‘on’ posi-
(5) The aspects and indications of a semaphore Calling-on
signal are shown below.

(a) Miniature Semaphore Arm type Calling-on signal in

Two-Aspect Signalling Territory
“ON” position OFF” Position


Proceed slow
Loco pilot shall obey
the aspect of the stop and then draw ahead with caution and be
Stop signal prepared to stop short of any obstruction.

(b). Miniature Semaphore Arm type Calling-on signal in

Multiple-Aspect Signalling Territory

“ON” Position “OFF” position

Proceed slow


Loco pilot shall obey Stop and then draw

the aspect of the ahead with caution and be
Stop signal prepared to stop short of any
(6) The aspects and indications of a colour light type Calling-on
signal are shown below:-

(a) Colour light type Calling-on signal inTwo-Aspects Sig-

nalling Territory

“ON” Position “OFF” Position

Proceed slow
Loco pilot shall obey Stop and then draw
the aspect of the ahead with caution
Stop signal and be prepared to stop
short of any obstruction

(b) Colour light type Calling-on signal in Multiple-Aspect

Signalling Territory

“ON” Position “OFF” Position


Proceed slow

Loco pilot shall obey Stop and then draw

the aspect of the ahead with caution and
Stop Signal be prepared to stop
short of any

3.14. Shunt signals -

(1) (a) A Shunt signal is a subsidiary signal and shall be
either -
(i) a white disc with a red bar across it, or
(ii) a position light signal.
(b) Under special instructions, a Shunt signal may be a
miniature semaphore arm.
(2) Shunt signals control shunting movements.
(3) A Shunt signal may be placed on a post by itself or be-
low a Stop signal other than the first Stop signal of a station.
(4) More than one Shunt signal may be placed on the
same post and when so placed the topmost Shunt signal shall


apply to the extreme left-hand line and the second Shunt signal
from the top shall apply to the next line from the left and so on.
(5) When a Shunt signal is taken “OFF”, it authorises the
Loco pilot to draw ahead with caution for shunting purpose although
Stop signal if any, above it is at on.
(6) When a Shunt signal is placed below a Stop signal, it
shall show no light in the ‘ON’ position.
(7) In case Shunt signals are not provided, hand signals
may be used for shunting.
(8) The aspects and indications of a disc type Shunt signal
are shown below.

(a). Disc type Shunt signal in Two-Aspect Signalling


“ON” Position “OFF” Position

Stop Proceed slow
Stop dead Proceed with caution
for shunting


(b). Disc type Shunt signal in Multiple-Aspect Signalling


“ON” Position “OFF” Position

Stop Proceed slow
Stop dead Proceed with
caution for shunting

(9) The aspects and indications of a position light type Shunt sig-
nal are shown below:-
Position light type ‘Shunt’ signal in Two-Aspect or
Multiple-Aspect Signalling Territory
“ON” position “OFF” Position


Stop Proceed slow
Stop dead Proceed with
caution for shunting
(10) The aspects and indications of a semaphore arm
type Shunt signal are shown below:-
(a) Miniature Semaphore Arm type Shunt Signal in Two-
Aspect Signalling Territory

“ON” Position “OFF” Position

Stop Proceed slow


Stop dead Proceed with
caution for shunting

(b). Miniature Semaphore Arm type Shunt Signal in Multiple-

Aspect Signalling Territory
“ON” Position “OFF” Position

Stop Proceed slow
Stop dead Proceed with caution
for shunting
3.15. Co-acting signals -
(1) Co-acting signals are duplicate signals fixed below ordinary
signals and are provided where, in consequence of the height of
the signal post, or of there being an over-bridge or other obsta-
cle, the main arm or light is not in view of the Loco pilot during
the whole time that he is approaching it.

(2) Co-acting signals shall be fitted at such height that either the
main arm or light, or the Co-acting arm or light, is always visible.

3.16. Repeating signals -


(1) A signal, placed in rear of a fixed signal for the purpose of re-
peating to the Loco pilot of an approaching train the aspect of the
fixed signal in advance is called a Repeating signal.
(2) A Repeating signal shall be provided with an “R” marker and
shall be of -
a) banner type, or
b) a square ended semaphore arm, or
c) a colour light signal,
(3) The aspects and indications of a banner type Repeating Sig-
nal are shown below
Banner type Repeating signal in Two-Aspect
Signalling Territory

“ON” Position “OFF” Position

Signal ‘ON’ Signal ‘OFF’
Signal which it Signal which it
repeats is at ‘ON’ repeats is ‘Off’
(4) The aspects and indications of a semaphore arm type
Repeating signal are shown below: -

Semaphore Arm type Repeating signal in Two-Aspect Sig-

nalling Territory
“ON” Position “OFF” Position


Signal ‘ON’ Signal ‘OFF’
Signal which it Signal which it
repeats is at ‘ON’ repeats is ‘OFF’
(5) The aspects and indications of a colour light type Repeating
signal are shown below: -

Colour light type Repeating Signal

“ON” Position “OFF” Position

Signal ‘ON’ Signal ‘OFF’


Signal which it Signal which it

repeats is at ‘ON’ repeats is ‘OFF’
SR. 3.16.01. - (i) When a Stop signal cannot be seen from the sighting
distance on account of curves, over bridges or other local conditions, a
Repeating signal shall be provided.
ii) In regard to Two-Aspect Signals including Modified Lower
Quadrant signals, the minimum visibility distance for various signals
shall be as follows ...

a) Home signals 400 meters

b) Main Starter signals 400 meters
c) Loop Starter signals 200 meters
d) Outer/Warner signals
in Two-Aspects lower
quadrant signalling
territory only 1.2 Kilometers
iii) In regard to Multiple-Aspect signals, all signals shall be visible for
a minimum period of five seconds for the maximum permissible speed al-
lowed on the section.

3.17. Distinguishing markers and signs for signals:

(1) Where necessary, signals shall be distinguished by pre-

scribed markers. Such markers shall be fixed on the signal posts
below the signals as under: -


In the below figure this A belongs to automatic stop signal

in place G of 1st figure.


Note-Letter ‘A’ shall be lit only when the gates are closed and locked against
road traffic.
(2) Where necessary, signal arm shall be distinguished by pre-
scribed signs as under: -


Appearance Provided on Description

Approach Stop One black ring

signals for on semaphore
Goods running arm
lines only

Approach Stop Letter ‘D’ in black

signal for Dock on semaphore
platform arm
(3) Other distinguishing markers or signs may be used
with the approval of the Railway Board.
3.18. Signals out of use -
(1) When a fixed signal is not in use, it shall be distin-
guished by two crossed bars, each bar being not less than 1 me-
ter long and 10 centimeters wide, as illustrated below: -

(2) A semaphore or disc signal when not in use shall be

kept fixed in the ‘ON’ position.
(3) Signals not in use shall not be lit.
3.19. Placing of Stop signals at diverging junctions: - Unless
otherwise permitted by approved special instructions, where two
or more lines diverge, the signals shall be fixed on a bracket post
or an approved type of route indicator shall be provided instead
of separate signals;


Provided that for speeds up to 75 kilometers per hour with

manually operated multiple-aspect signals, only a single arm
Home signal may be provided instead of separate signals on a
bracket post or a route indicator. The facing points must be pro-
vided with point indicators.

3.20. Placing of Stop signals at converging junctions - Unless

otherwise permitted by approved special instructions, where two or
more lines converge, signals shall be placed on separate posts.
Where the number of signals is considerable, these may be provided
on a bracket post or a signal bridge or gantry.
3.21. Signals on bracket post or signal bridge or gantry -
Where signals are placed on a bracket post or a signal bridge or
a gantry, these shall be
(a) so grouped that the respective signals are easily distin-
guishable for each running line and are placed as nearly as possible
over the running lines to which they refer,
(b) so placed that the signal referring to the main line is
higher than the signal or signals referring to the other running
line or lines, and
(c) so arranged that the extreme left-hand signal refers to
the extreme left-hand line and the second signal from the left re-
fers to the next line from the left and so on.
3.22. Placing of more than one signal on the same post -
(1) Not more than one signal referring to trains moving in the same
directions, whether, on the same line or on separate lines, shall be
placed on the same post, except -
(a) as prescribed in these rules for Calling- on, Shunt, Co-
acting and Warner signals, or
(b) under approved special instructions.
(2) Where under approved special instructions more than one sig-
nal is placed on the same post, the topmost signal shall apply to
the extreme left hand diverging line and the second signal from
the top shall apply to the next line from the left and so on.


Provided that in exceptional cases, where two home signals are

placed on the same post, under approved special instructions,
the top signal shall apply to the main line and the lower signals
shall apply to the other lines.
3.23. Electric repeater - The arm and light of any fixed signal
which cannot be seen from the place from which the signal is
worked shall be repeated to such place by means of an efficient
electric repeater.

SR. 3.23.01. - In the event of electric repeater fitted to any signal get-
ting out of order, the signal to which if refers, shall be treated as out of use.

SR. 3.23.02. _ Starter Indicators (c/slip 82 added)

a) A starter indicator may be provided to repeat the aspect of the starter signal
to enable the Guard of a train to know the aspect of starter signal, when due
to typical yard layout, he is not able to see it from the Guard’s compartment.
This shall exhibit ‘No light’ when the starter it refers is at ‘On’ and ‘Yellow
light’ when it is ‘Off’ and shall be provided at a convenient place so that it shall
be clearly visible from guard’s compartment. This is an aid for Guard and shall
never considered as a signal. No marker shall be provided on it and this shall
not be shown on the SI plan of the station. The details of the starter indicators,
where provided shall be mentioned in Appendix-B of the SWR of the con-
cerned station.

b) Where Starter indicator is provided, its ‘Yellow’ aspect indicates to the

Guard of a train standing on the line to which it refers, that the starter is taken
‘off’ for his train.

c) Indication of a Starter Indicator shall be provided on SM’s panel. On be-

coming aware of the failure of the Starter Indicator, the SM shall advise the S
& T staff for rectification. The Guard of all trains expected to run over the line
provided with ’Starter Indicator’ shall be advised about its failure either
through a caution order issued from previous notice station/last stopping sta-
tion or through any available means by the SM of the Station where the ‘Start-
er Indicator’ has been provided.

3.24. Back lights –

(1). Every semaphore or disc signal, the light of which cannot be
seen from the place from which the signal is worked, shall be


provided with a back-light to indicate whether the signal light is

burning or not.
(2). Back-lights of signals shall show a small white light when
‘on’, and no light at all in any other position.
(3). Any fixed light used in conjunction with a semaphore signal
shall show a back-light.
(4). Back-lights may not be provided when alternative arrange-
ments are made at the place from which the signal is worked to in-
dicate whether signal lights are burning or not.

C. Equipment of Signals
3.25. Obligation to provide fixed signals at stations - Fixed
signals prescribed in this sub-chapter shall be provided at every
station, except -
(a) at stations between which trains are worked on the
One Train Only System, and
(b) at stations which are exempted from the provisions of
signals under approved special instructions.
3.26. Commissioning of fixed signals - Fixed signals shall not
be brought into use until they have been passed by the Commis-
sioner of Railway Safety as being sufficient to secure the safe
working of trains.
SR. 3.26.01. No new signal shall be taken into use until it has been in-
spected by a Sighting Committee consisting of Divisional Transportation Inspec-
tor, Loco Inspector and Signal Inspector, on electrified sections, the Driving In-
spector shall also be a member of Sighting Committee.

3.27. Minimum equipment of fixed signals at stations pro-

vided with manually operated multiple- aspect signalling -
The minimum equipment of fixed signals to be provided for each
direction shall be as follows –
(a) at class ‘B’ stations ...a Distant, a Home and a. Starter, and
(b) at class ‘C’ stations... a Distant, and a Home,

3.28. Minimum equipment of fixed signals at stations pro-

vided with modified lower quadrant signalling - Modified low-

er quadrant signalling may be introduced only where it is ex-

pressly sanctioned by a special order of the Railway Board. The
minimum equipment of fixed signals to be provided for each di-
rection shall be as follows ...
(a) at class ‘B’ stations..
a Distant, a Home, a
……Warner below the Main
……………………………… Home, and a Starter, and

(b) at class ‘C’ stations... a Distant and a Home.

3.29. Minimum equipment of fixed signals at other stations

provided with two-aspect signalling - The minimum equipment
of fixed signals to be provided for each direction shall be as fol-
lows: -
(a) at class ‘A’ stations ... a Warner, a Home and
a Starter,
(b) at class ‘B’ stations.
on a single line ... an Outer and a Home.

on a double line an Outer, a Home and a

Starter, and both on a single
and a double line a Warner
shall be provided in accord-
ance with Rule 3.06. If trains
run through at a speed
exceeding 50 kilometers an hour
without stopping, and
(c) at class ‘C’ stations... a Warner and a Home.

3.30. Additional fixed signals at stations generally. - In addi-

tions to the minimum equipment of signals prescribed in Rules
3.27, 3.28, 3.29 and 3.32 such other fixed signals shall be pro-
vided at every stations as may be necessary for the safe working
of trains.


3.31. Signals at class ‘D’ stations. - At a class ‘D’ station, a

train may be stopped in such manner as may be authorised by
special instructions.
SR. 3.31.01 (i) At a class ‘D’ station, a ‘P.H’ marker post shall be pro-
vided by the side of the track, on either approach to the station, at a distance
of not less than 400 meters from the center of the station.
ii) The marker post shall be as per diagram given alongside with 450 mm
square board at a height of 2100 mm above the rail level, bearing the
letters ‘P.H’. The face of the post and board shall be painted white with
the lettering in black and the back painted in black.

3.32. Provision of an Advanced Starter, Shunting Limit

Board or Block Section Limit Board -
(1). On a single line class ‘B’ Station worked on the Abso-
lute Block System, if the obstructing of the line outside the Home
signal or the outermost facing points in the direction of an ap-
proaching train is permitted under special instructions under Rule
8.09, a Shunting Limit Board or an Advanced Starter shall be
placed at such shunting distance from the Home signal or the
outermost facing points as local conditions may require, provided
the distance between the Shunting Limit Board (bearing the
words ‘Shunting Limit on the side which faces the station, and
fitted with a lamp showing a white light in both directions to mark


its position by night) or the Advanced Starter and the opposing

first Stop signal is never less than 400 meters in the two aspect
signalling territory and 180 meters in the multiple-aspect or modi-
fied lower quadrant signalling territory. The location of such
board or Advanced Starter shall mark the limit up to which shunt-
ing may be permitted.
(2). On a double line class ‘B’ station worked on Absolute
Block System equipped with multiple-aspect or modified lower
quadrant signalling and where there are no points or the outer-
most points at the approaching end are trailing, a Block Section
Limit Board (bearing the words ‘Block Section Limit’ on the side
which faces the station and fitted with a lamp showing white light
in both directions to mark its position by night) shall be provided.
It shall be placed at a distance of not less than 180 meters in ad-
vance of the Home signal and shall protect the fouling mark of
the outermost trailing points, if any. The location of such board
shall mark the limit of the block section at such stations.
Note: The shunting Limit Board and Block section Limit Board are shown in
SR 3.32.01. The original G & SR book should be consulted for guidance.

SR. 3.32.01. - The Shunting Limit Board and Block Section Limit
Board shall be according to the diagrams as given below -


3.33. Exceptions to rules 3.27, 3.28, 3.29, and 3.32 -

Not with-standing anything contained in rules 3.27, 3.28,
3.29 and 3.32 -
a) If the station has only one connection off the Main line,
the station shall be worked in accordance with approved
special instructions;
b) On any-section where traffic is light and speeds slow,
one stop signal only in each direction may be provided
at each station; such signal to be located at an ade-
quate distance outside the outer-most facing points of
the station and trains worked in accordance with ap-
proved special instructions; and
c) On any Railway having very light traffic, all signals may
be dispensed with and trains worked under approved spe-
cial instructions;
Provided that at stations with manually operated multiple
aspect signals, where the speed of trains through a station
does not exceed 50 kilometers per hour, a Distant signal
and a Home signal only may be provided in each direction
under approved special instructions.

3.34. Fixed signals at level crossings -

(1) Unless exempted under approved special instructions, every
level crossing gate which closes across the line at a level cross-
ing shall, except when interlocked with station signals, be provid-
ed with signals fixed at an adequate distance from the level
crossing showing Stop aspects in both Up and Down directions
when the gates are open for the passage of road traffic.
(2) Except where otherwise prohibited under special instruc-
tions, a ‘G’ marker shall be provided on a gate Stop signal.
SR. 3.34.01. (a) A gate Stop signal shall be placed in rear of the level
crossing at a minimum distance of 400 meters in two- aspect signalling territo-


ry and 180 meters in multiple-aspect or modified lower quadrant signalling


b) Every gate signal shall be preceded by a Warner/ Distant/Warning

Board. Where necessary, both the Warner signal and Warning Board in two-
aspect signalling territory and both Distant and Warning Board in multiple-
aspect or modified lower quadrant signalling territory shall be provided in con-
formity with the type of signalling provided in the adjacent stations.

3.35. Protection and working of points of outlying sidings -

Where there are points in the main line at a place which is not a
block station, provision for the protection of such points, by sig-
nals or otherwise, and for working them, shall be made in order
to secure the safe working of trains, as laid down under ap-
proved special instructions.

SR 3.35.01. Indication to Drivers for points out-

side station limits - An indication (‘S’ marker*) as
per diagram shown alongside shall be provided
at a distance of 30 meters in the rear of the fac-
ing points of every outlying siding to indicate to
Drivers the location of such points. (* black ‘S’ on
yellow back ground) (colour image in last pages)
The ‘S’ marker* shall be preceded by a caution
indicator fixed 800 meters in its rear. If there be
any restriction in speed, a speed indicator shall
be fixed below the ‘S’ marker on the same post
and, in addition, an indication of speed given on
the Caution Indicator Board also.

D. Working of Signals and Points

3.36. Fixed signals generally -
(1) Every fixed signal shall be so constructed that, in case
of failure of any part of its connections, it shall remain at, or re-
turn to its most restrictive aspect.
(2) A signal which has been taken ‘off’ for the passage of
a train shall not be placed ‘on’ until the whole of the train which it
controls has passed it, except- (c/s 97 added)


(a) in case of emergency to avert an accident, or

where Starter and Advanced Starter taken ‘off’ for
departing trains, that is trains starting from station
after coming to stop, are required to be put back
for the purpose of movement of another train for
precedence or crossing shall be put back only af-
ter taking following precautions: -
i) relevant Starter and Advanced Starter may be replaced to ‘on’
position and thereafter, the Loco Pilot of the train for which the
signals had been taken ‘off’ shall be advised by on-duty Station
Master through a secured means of communication, specified
under special instructions or where secured means of communi-
cation are not available, through a written memo to the effect that
the said signals have been replaced to ‘on’ and that the Loco Pi-
lot shall not start,
ii) till the Loco Pilot has been advised through secured means of
communication referred to in sub-clause (i) or through a written
memo and his acknowledgement received, the route set shall not
be altered except to avert an accident; or

(b) where arrangements are provided to restore the signal to ‘on’

automatically, the control operating the signal shall not be re-
stored to its normal position till the whole of the train has passed
(3) No fixed signal within station limits shall be taken ‘off’
without the permission of the Station Master, and in the case of a
signal outside the station limits without the permission of such
person as may for the time being be in independent charge of
the working of such signal.
SR. 3.36.01. The staff responsible for working signals shall always
see that the position of the signal arm or the aspect as repeated electrically
corresponds with the position of the lever or the controlling device operating
the signal.
SR. 3.36.02. Replacing signal to ‘ON’
(a) If, in an emergency, a reception signal has to be put back to ‘on’
position when a train is approaching it, the route over which the train would
pass shall not be altered until after the train has come to a stand before pass-
ing the relevant signal, unless the route has to be altered to avert an accident.


However, at stations where approach/dead approach locking has been pro-

vided, such alteration of route could happen only after a preset time delay.
The SWR of all such stations should contain a detailed procedure to this effect
under para ‘Abnormal condition” with the heading ‘Emergency route altera-
tion”, indicating, inter alia, the time delay involved in that station.
(b) If the departure signal once taken ‘off’ for a train has to be put
back to ‘on’ -
(i) On single line section before changing the route or allowing any
other movements, the
“Authority to Proceed” if any, handed over to the Loco pilot must be with-
(ii) At a station on double line section or on single line section having
token less working, before changing the points or allowing any other move-
ments, the Loco pilot of the train concerned must be advised of the change in
writing and his acknowledgement obtained. There after the Loco pilot and staff
so deputed shall immediately exhibit Stop hand signal to the Station Mas-
ter/trailing end cabin.

SR. 3.36.03. (a) The Station Master’s electric slide frames are provid-
ed with locking arrangements so that the machine can be locked in either
normal or operated position of slide (s), by the removal of a lock up key. This
key must be kept in the personal custody of the Station Master.
(b) Slide collars must be placed on the slides concerned of the station
Master’s electric slide frame for a line on which a train, an engine or a vehicle
is left standing or if the line is otherwise obstructed.
(c) At key locked and non-interlocked stations, the points & signal
keys when not in use, shall remain in the key box which shall be locked and
the key of the pad lock shall remain in the personal custody of the Station
(d) A starter or an Advanced starter on single line which is controlled
by Block Token Instruments must not be taken ‘OFF’ when the block instru-
ment is out of order or suspended. The Station Master must ensure that this
signal is not taken ‘OFF’. When a lever key is provided for this signal, he must
keep the key in his personal custody, unless it is held locked in the Block in-

SR. 3.36.04.- Taking ‘OFF’ fixed signal -

(a) Incoming trains -
A fixed signal shall not be taken ‘off’ for a train earlier than necessary.
(b) Outgoing trains -


(i) in case of through trains the starting signals may be taken ‘off’ at
the same time as the approach signals are taken ‘off’ provided ‘Line Clear’
has been received from the station in advance.
(ii) In case of trains booked to stop, starting signals shall be taken ‘off’
after the train has stopped provided ‘Line Clear’ has been received. Where
scheduled halt is long, starting signals shall be taken ‘off’ on completion of the
station work.
(c) In case of Suburban trains/Passenger trains (conventional, EMU,
MEMU & DEMU) where the stoppage of the train at a station is one minute or
less, starting signals may be taken ‘off’ as soon as ‘Line Clear’ has been re-
ceived from the station in advance and even before the train has come to a
stop at the station. It shall be the responsibility of the Loco pilot /Motorman to
stop the train at the station at which it is booked to stop according to Working
Time Table although the starting signals at the station may have been taken
‘off’ earlier.

3.37. Normal aspect of signals -

(1) Unless otherwise authorized under approved special
instructions, fixed signals, except automatic signals, shall always
show their most restrictive aspect in their normal position.
(2) The normal aspect of an Automatic Stop signal is ‘Pro-
ceed’ Where, however, the signal ahead is manually operated,
the aspect normally displayed may be ‘Caution’ or ‘Attention’.

3.38. Points affecting movement of train - The Station Master

shall not give permission to take signals ‘off’ for a train until -
(1) (a) all facing points over which the train will pass are
correctly set and locked,
(b) all trailing points over which the train will pass are cor-
rectly set, and
(c) the line over which the train is to pass is clear and free
from obstructions.
(2) When a running line is blocked by a stabled load,
wagon, vehicle or by a train which is to cross or give precedence
to another train or immediately after the arrival of a train at the
station the points in rear on double line sections and at either
end on single line sections should be immediately set against the

blocked line except when shunting or any other movement is re-

quired to be done immediately in that direction on that line.

SR. 3.38.01.-Reception of a train at interlocked stations provided with

end cabins -

(a) At stations where Block Instruments are installed in the cabins, the
Assistant Station Master/ Switchman on duty at the Cabin shall obtain permis-
sion from the Station master on duty at the station supported by a Private
Number before granting “Line Clear” for a train.
(b)(i) The Station Master on duty at the station where end cabins are
provided, shall nominate a clear line for reception of the train and shall direct
the facing end Assistant Station Master/Switchman/ Cabin man to set and lock
the nominated route. Station Master shall also give the number and descrip-
tion of the train to be received and whether the train will stop at the station for
any work or will pass through, to the Asst. Station Master / Switchman/ Cabin
(ii) Similarly, Station Master shall intimate the trailing end Assistant
Station Master/Switchman/Cabin man giving the particulars of line nominated,
number and description of the train and direct him to set and lock the nomi-
nated route and to operate the concerned slot. He shall also advise him
whether the train will stop at the station for any work or will pass through.
(c) The facing end Assistant Station Master/Switchman/ Cabin man
shall acknowledge the directive of the Station Master by repeating the line
number, and the number and description of the train. He must stop all non-
isolated shunting and ensure that the nominated line is clear and free from
obstruction at his end. He shall set and lock the concerned points, traps, de-
rails etc. for the nominated route. He shall then give a Private Number to the
Station Master as an assurance for the compliance of the orders given to him.
(d) The trailing end Asst. Station Master/Switchman/ Cabin man shall
acknowledge directive of the Station Master by repeating the line number,
number and description of the train. He must stop all non-isolated shunting at
his end. He shall ensure that the nominated line is clear and free from ob-
struction including the clearance of sand hump, snag dead end or over-run
line where required. He shall set and lock all the relevant points, traps, derails
etc. for the nominated route. He shall operate the slot lever and give a private
Number thereafter to the station Master as an assurance that the orders given
to him have been complied with.
(e) After getting the assurances both from facing and trailing end
Asstt. Station Masters/Switchmen/Cabin men, the Station Master shall author-
ise the facing end Assistant Station Master/Switchman/ Cabin man/ to take off
the reception signal (s) by issuing a Private Number and by operating the
S.M’s Control slide (where provided).


(f) The facing end cabin shall give a Private Number to the Station
Master as an assurance that the train has arrived complete and is standing
clear of the fouling mark, except where Block Instrument is provided in the
(g) A record of the Private Numbers exchanged shall be kept both at
the station and in the concerned cabin.
SR. 3.38.02.– Procedure for reception of trains at stations on Auto-
matic Signalling section, provided with end cabins–
(a) The Station Master on duty at the station on receipt of departure
report of the train from the Station in rear shall after nominating a clear line,
advise the facing end Switchman/Cabin man to set and lock the nominated
route, giving the number and description of train and the line number nomi-
(b) Similarly, he shall also advise the trailing end Switchman/Cabin
man to set and lock the nominated route and to give the relevant slot for the
nominated route, giving the number and description of the train and line num-
ber nominated.
(c) The facing end cabin shall repeat the instructions of Station Mas-
ter, see the clearance of the nominated route, set and lock it and stop all non-
isolated shunting at his end. He shall then give a Private Number to the Sta-
tion Master as an assurance of the compliance of the orders.
(d) The trailing end Cabin shall repeat the instructions of the Station
Master, see the clearance of the nominated route, set and lock it, stop all non-
isolated shunting at his end give the relevant slot. He shall then give a Private
Number to the Station Master as an assurance of the compliance of the orders.
(e) The Station Master shall then give a Private Number to the facing
end cabin to take ‘off’ the reception signal (by pulling the relevant slide control
where provided).
(f) The facing end cabin shall give a Private Number for the stopping
train to the Station Master as an assurance that the train has arrived com-

SR. 3.38.03.-Procedure for reception of trains at interlocked sta-

tions where points and signals are operated from central cabin-
(a) The Station Master on duty after giving ‘Line Clear’ shall nomi-
nate a clear line and after ensuring that the nominated route is clear and free
from obstruction, shall advise the leverman to set and lock the nominated
route with the following instructions –
i) Number and description of the train;
ii) The line number nominated;
iii) Whether the train will stop or pass through.


(b) The Leverman in turn shall repeat the instructions of the Station
Master and where possible shall see the clearance of the nominated route
including the clearance of sand hump/snag dead end/ over-run line and shall
set and lock the nominated route. Thereafter he shall give a Private Number
to the Station Master as an assurance of the compliance of the orders given to
(c) The Station Master shall order the Lever man to take ‘off’ reception
signal (s) by pulling Station Master’s Control slide supported by a Private
Note: In case of failure of interlocking. Line Label and Badge system
shall be introduced for reception and dispatch of trains in terms of SR 3.39.02.
SR. 3.38.04. - Procedure for reception of trains at interlocked sta-
tions where points are operated from one place and signals are operated
from the Central Cabin -
(a) The Station Master on duty shall nominate a clear line and after en-
suring that the nominated route is clear and free from obstruction shall call two
Points men, or unless otherwise mentioned in Station Working Rules, and
order them to set and lock the both end points with the following instructions -
i) Number and description of the train;
ii) Line nominated;
iii) Whether the train will stop or pass through.
(b) Each points man in turn shall repeat the instructions of the Station
Master and proceed to the respective end of the nominated route walking
along side and shall see that it is clear and free from obstruction and on arrival
at the respective end shall contact Station Master on telephone provided at
each end goomty.
(c) The Station Master shall transmit the respective route key electri-
cally to each end points man to set and lock the route at their ends.
(d) The respective end Points man will extract the concerned route key
from the electrical transmitter and set and lock the points and transmit the key ex-
tracted from each end route to the Station Master.
(e) The Station Master having possession of both end route keys of
the nominated route, shall hand over the route keys and the Station Master’s
control key for the respective Home signal to the Leverman to take ‘off’ the
reception signals.
Note: - At stations where electrical key transmitters are not provided,
the route keys shall be handed over to Points man before they leave for
points. Likewise, they shall also take the relevant route keys of the nominated
route from the points to the Station.
SR. 3.38.05. - Rule for the working of trains at stations provided
with Rudimentary interlocking.
(a). When only train is to be received and despatched –


i) The Station Master on duty shall select a clear line and call a Points
man and give him verbal instructions for setting the trailing points with the fol-
lowing informations.
The number and the description of the train, the line number on which
the train is to be received and whether the train will stop at the station or pass
ii) The Points man in turn shall repeat the instructions given by the
Station Master and then proceed to the trailing points walking along the nomi-
nated route and see that it is clear and free from obstruction, shall set the trail-
ing points and exchange ‘GREEN’ hand signal with the Station Master. He
shall then return to the station.
iii) The Station Master then shall depute the Points man with the fac-
ing points control key to set and lock the facing points of the nominated route.
iv) The Points man shall proceed with the points control key walking
along the nominated route and see that it is clear and free from obstruction,
set the facing points in the desired position, lock it by inserting the key in the
points lock and take out the required route key from points lock. He shall then
insert it in the lock fitted on the Home signal post and operate and take out
another key from the signal lock and return to the station and hand over the
signal key to the Station Master.
v) The Station Master shall retain the signal key in his personal custody
and order the Points man to take ‘off’ signals by giving the relevant signal con-
trol key. On arrival of the train, the Station Master shall ensure that the train has
arrived complete and stopped clearing the fouling mark, return the signal key to
the Points man to unlock the facing points.
(b). When there is a crossing of trains -
i) The Station Master on duty after selecting clear lines for the trains
from respective directions shall call the Points man and give him the following
The number and description of each train, the line number selected on
which each train is to be received, number of the train that is to be received
first and also whether the second train will stop at the station or pass through.
ii) The Points man in turn shall repeat the instructions of the Station
iii) The Station Master shall hand over the points control key to the
Points man to set and lock the facing points for the second train by setting the
trailing points against the first train and locking it where required.
iv) The Points man shall proceed with facing points control key for the
second train walking along the nominated route for the first train, and set the
trailing points against the first train, lock it by inserting the key if required, and
take out the required route key from the points lock and set and lock the facing
points for the second train inserting the required key and take out the key from
the lock for insertion to the lock fitted in the Home signal post and shall take out
another key from the signal lock and return to the station and hand over the sig-
nal key to the Station Master. While returning the Points man shall walk along

the nominated route for the second train and see that it is clear and free from
v) The Station Master shall retain the signal key received from the
Points man in his personal custody and shall hand over to the Points man the
points control key to set and lock the facing points in favour of the first train.
vi) The Points man shall proceed to the facing points walking along the
nominated route for the first train and see that it is clear and free from obstruc-
tion, set the facing points, lock it by inserting the points control key and shall
take out the required key from the points lock and insert the same in the lock
fitted on the Home signal post, shall take out another key from the Home sig-
nal lock and return to the station and hand over the same to the Station Mas-
ter. While returning to the station the Points man shall walk along the nomi-
nated route for the second train and see that it is clear and free from obstruc-
vii) The Station Master on receipt of the signal key from the Points man,
shall hand over the signal key to the Points man and order him to take ‘off’ the
signals for the first train.
viii) The Station Master shall see that the correct signals are taken ‘off’’.
ix) On arrival of the first train, the Station Master shall hand over to the
Points man the Complete Arrival Register and the signal key for first train to
return to the Home signal post and to bring back the points control key after
setting the trailing points in favour of the second train.
x) The Points man after getting the Guard’s certificate in the Complete
Arrival Register and ensuring that the first train has stopped clearing the foul-
ing mark, shall proceed to the facing points and release the points and set the
trailing points in favour of the second train and return to the station with the
points control key.
xi) The Station Master on receipt of the released points control key of
trailing points for the second train shall order the Points man to take ‘off’ the
signals for the second train by handing over the concerned signal key. Station
Master shall see that the correct signals are taken ‘off’.
xii) On arrival of the second train, the Station Master shall hand over to
the Points man the signal key for setting the trailing points in favour of the first
xiii) The Points man shall proceed to trailing points and insert the signal
key and release the key for points lock and unlock the points, set the trailing
points in favour of the first train to despatch.
xiv) During failure of Rudimentary interlocking the procedures detailed
in SR 3.39.02. shall be followed.

SR. 3.38.06 (New para as per c/slip-92)


Rules for the working of trains at stations provided with Central Panel: -
Central Panel Rules: -
The SWRs for central panel must be read in conjunction with G & SR &
BWM etc. These rules do not in any way supersede any rule in the above
1. The station working rules diagram should be based on drawing is-
sued by signal department.
2. The central yard must be provided with track circuit axle counter
and the indication of occupation of track should be made available
on the panel. The condition of the signal and the track should be
displayed on the indication panel with visual indications separately.
3. Responsibility: - Dy SS/SM/ASM on duty at the station is responsi-
ble for ascertaining and ensuring the clearance of nominated line
(Provided with track circuits or axle counters) for admission of a
train, free from all obstructions, observing the track indicators pro-
vided on the panel. He must ensure the clearance of the nominated
line before taking ‘off’ the Home Signal.
4. For reception of the train he should follow GRs 3.36 to 3.40, 3.47,
3.50, 3.51, 5.08, 5.09, 5.10, 8.01 (1) (a) (b), 8.03 (1), 8.05 (2), 8.06
and subsidiary rules there under and 3.42.02 (a) (iv), 3.42.02,
3.42.03, 3.49.02 (a), 3.09.01, 3.69.01 including other relevant provi-
sions of GR, SR, BWM and SWRs.
5. Reception of Trains:- After getting train entering block section signal
from the rear or adjacent stations, the SM shall act as stated be-
i) He will ensure non-isolated shunting is stopped, shunting authority
withdrawn and kept under his custody.
ii) He will set and lock all the relevant points, traps, derails etc. & close
and lock the L C Gates, if any, and also ensure that the nominated line is clear
and free from all obstructions, including the clearance of the sand hump and
over run line, if any.
Then only, he will take ‘off’ the relevant Home Signal.
iii) Physical verification is necessary for the lines which are not
provided/equipped with track circuits/axle counters, before
lowering ‘off’ the reception signal.
iv) If there is a gap of more than 24 hrs. between two move-
ments on any track circuited line, the SM must physically
check and ensure that the line is clear and free from any ob-
v) Physical verification is also necessary when trolly, lorry, motor
trolly or rail motor wagon (which may not actuate the T C or A
C) has entered earlier on any line and next train is a regular
train. If signal fails to respond, the train should be dealt in ac-
cordance with GRs 3.68 to 3.76 and its subsidiary rules, treat-
ing the case as a signal failure.


6) Despatch of trains will be according to the procedures detailed in

GR 3.36, 3.38, 3.39, 3.42, 5.11, 8.01 (1) (a) and SR 3.36.01, 3.36.02
(b), 3.36.03, 3.36.04 (b), 3.42.01, 3.42,02, 3.42.04, 5.11.01 and other
relevant portions of GRs and SRs and BWM rules.
SM should ensure that:
i) Line clear has been obtained from the station in advance in
case of Absolute system territory, and or next stop signal + ad-
equate distance beyond it is cleared in case of Automatic sys-
tem territory.
ii) All the non-isolated shunting at that end is stopped, Shunting
Authority has been withdrawn.
iii) After ensuring clearance of the line ahead, he will set and lock
the relevant points, including isolation points and close and lock
the L C Gate against the road traffic.
Then only he will take ‘off’ the Advanced Starter and concerned Starter
for the Outgoing train.
7) During failure/disconnection of Axle counter and Track circuit:- SM
shall physically verify the clearance of line and trains shall be dealt in
accordance with GRs 3.68 to 3.76 and subsidiary rules there under in
case of axle counter failure/disconnection and Signals shall be treated
as failed if track circuit fails/disconnected, before allowing any train to
move over the line.
8) In the event of interlocking going out of order due to any reason or
when the signals are defective; or in the event of introducing of single
line working, which necessitates trains to be piloted IN or OUT, the pro-
cedure of setting and locking of points to be followed, would be the pro-
cedure in force at non interlocked station.
9) Working in case of failure of reception signals:
i) When route setting can be done correctly yet the signal does not tak-
en off.
The SM should cancel the route and try to re-lower it again. If the signal
still does not take off then, he should try to set alternate route, if possi-
ble. If the signal does not take off for that route also, then he should try
to take off Calling-on signal where available, and if not available or
failed, then he should reset the desired route and take action as per SR
10) A) Where point/lock indication is specifically provided on panel, the
SM should ensure observance of SR 3.69.04, that is the following:
i) Clearance of the nominated route from panel indications.
ii) Points are correctly set, point lock indications are not flashing, they
are lit and remain steady.
iii) Cancellation of the signal route that caused the above point
locking has not been initiated.
iv) Point indication lit on the panel board is noted in TSR in red ink.


v) Collar button is placed on signal button.

vi) Pilot man along with T/369 (3b) is deputed to pilot the train.
B) Where Point indication is not specifically provided on the panel or
panel locking indication failed to appear, SM should ensure.
i) By physical verification that the nominated route is clear.
ii) All points on the route are correctly set by crank handle operations
and clamped and padlocked.
iii) Wherever cross over exists on the route, its other end is also
clamped and padlocked.
iv) Pilot man along with T/369 (3b) is deputed to pilot the train (SR
3.69.04 has to be complied with).
11) Working in case of failure of departure signals.
GR 3.70, SR 3.70.01, SR 3.70.02 and SR 3.70.03 also have to be com-
plied with.

3.39. Locking of facing points - Facing points, when neither

interlocked nor key locked, shall be locked for the passage of a
train either by a clamp, or by a through bolt, with a padlock. It is
not sufficient to lock the lever working the points.
SR. 3.39.01. - Points giving access to the line selected for recep-
tion of a train -
(a) All points from any adjoining line, giving access to the line selected for re-
ception of a train, must be set against access to the selected line, before sig-
nals are taken ‘off’ for the reception of a train.
(b) Before the Station Master of a station where signals and points are not
interlocked takes ‘off’ signals for any train, he must himself, except when ex-
empted by the Station Working Rules, inspect personally the correct setting
for all points and locking of facing points for the selected route. The key (s)
shall, in such case, be kept under his personal custody.
(c) In the event of the interlocking going out of order when a train is being ad-
mitted or despatched without taking ‘off’ the necessary signals, the facing
points concerned shall be locked either by a clamp or by a through bolt with a
padlock. If, however, any of these points are key-locked and the Station Mas-
ter is in possession of the key or keys ensuring the points being set and
locked in the required position, such key locked points need not be clamped
and padlocked.

SR. 3.39.02. Rules for reception and despatch of trains at Non-

interlocked stations – Line Label badge system.
(a) Applicability -


i) At all non-interlocked stations where the facing points are not locked
by means of route keys, “Line Label and Badge” system of working shall be
observed for the locking of points.
ii) “Line Label and Badge” system shall also be observed at interlocked
stations, in the event of failure or suspension of interlocking, as provided for in
the Station Working Rules.
(b) Description -
i) For the purpose of the “Line Label and Badge” system the reception
lines at the station shall be known by distinctive numbers as shown in the sig-
nal diagram.
ii) a) Metallic Lables, one each for each line and direction shall be pro-
vided and shall be known as “Line Labels”. Each label shall be readily distin-
guishable from the others and have clear and distinguishing indications that it
is the Station Master’s label and refers to a specific running line for the specif-
ic Up or Down direction, as the case may be. The set for one direction shall
be different in shape from that for the other direction.
b) The “Line Lables” should remain in the personal custody of the Sta-
tion Master except when any label is handed out.
iii) a) Metallic badges, one each for each line and direction shall be
provided and shall be known as “Line Badge”. Each badge shall be readily
distinguishable from other badges. It shall have clear and distinguishing indi-
cation and inscription, in English as well as in regional language, to indicate
that is the Points man’s badge and refers to a specific running line for the
specific Up or Down direction, as the case may be. The set for one direction
should be different in shape from that for the other direction.
b) These sets should remain in the personal custody of the Points man
on duty at the facing points for the relevant direction, except when any badge
has been handed out.

iv) The sets for main and branch lines should be separate and distin-
guishable by shape and specifications. Rough diagrams of the badges for a
two-line station are given below.


(c). Reception and Despatch of Trains –

When only one train is to be received and despatched –
i) The Station Master gives verbal instructions to the Points man (one for the
facing points and the other for the trailing points, unless otherwise prescribed in
the Station Working Rules) in the presence and hearing of each other, regard-
ing the number of the line nominated for the reception of a train with the given
description and from a particular direction also whether the train is to stop or
run through.
ii) Hands over the appropriate “LINE LABEL” along with keys of the facing
points’ padlock to the Points man.
iii) The trailing points Points man proceeds to the trailing points, sets them as
instructed by the Station Master and in addition sets and locks the facing points
as required, if any, enroute. Then he shall exchange green hands signals with
the Station Master.
iv) The facing points Points man proceeds to the outermost facing points ac-
companied by a Porter, setting the route on his way; sets the outermost facing
points and locks them.
v) The facing points Points man arranges to hand over his appropriate “LINE
BADGE” to the Station Master through the Porter accompanying him.
vi) The facing points Points man remains at the points to man them and
shows “GREEN” hand signal to the Station Master.


vii) Both the facing and trailing points Points men while going on their way to
the respective ends shall see the clearance of the nominated line, walking
alongside it.
viii) The Station Master on receipt of the appropriate “Line Badge” from the
Points man at the facing points and on seeing the “GREEN” hand signals ex-
hibited by the Points men at both the ends, shall exchange ALL RIGHT SIG-
NALS first with the Points man at the trailing points and then with the Points-
man at the facing points.
ix) The Station Master shall then authorise the Points man or Token Porter to
take ‘OFF’ the relevant Home, if any, and Outer signal by giving the relevant
Home/Outer signal lever padlock key. The Station Master shall be responsible
for keeping the other Home/Outer signal lever padlock key in his personal
x) After the train has arrived and is ready to start again, the Station Master
shall exchange hand signals with the Points man at the trailing points for their
correct setting for the despatch of the train. (In such a case, the Points man
shall normally remain at the points until after departure of the train). He shall
then take steps to despatch the train.
xi) After the passage of the train, the facing points Points man and the trailing
points Pointsman shall set the facing and trailing points in their normal posi-
xii) Then both the Points men shall return to the station (the points man at the
trailing points may return earlier, if required, after setting the trailing points).
The facing points points man shall return to the station Master the Station
Master’s “Line Label” and the keys of padlocks of the facing points and get
back his own ‘Line Badge’.
(d). When there is a crossing of goods trains.
i) The Station Master gives verbal instructions to two Points men (one
for each end unless otherwise prescribed in the Station Working Rules) in the
presence and hearing of each other, regarding the number of the line nomi-
nated for the reception of the respective trains with description, direction, in-
cluding which of the two trains is to be received first, and whether the second
train will be stopping or run through.
ii) The Station Master shall hand over appropriate “LINE LABEL” along
with keys of facing points padlocks to the Points men.
iii) Both the Points men shall proceed to the outermost facing points set-
ting & locking the facing points and setting the trailing points on the way, set
the outermost facing points and lock them in favour of the respective trains.
iv) While on the way to the respective outermost facing points, the
Points men shall walk alongside the nominated routes and shall see their

v) The Points men shall return their appropriate “LINE BADGES” to the
Station Master through a Porter deputed for the purpose.
vi) The Points men shall remain at their respective facing points to man
them and show GREEN hand signals to the Station Master.
vii) The Station Master on receipt of the appropriate “LINE BADGES”
from both the Points men at the facing points and on seeing GREEN hand
signals exhibited by them at both ends, shall exchange “ALL RIGHT” signals
with them.
viii) The Station Master shall then authorise the taking ‘OFF’ of the rele-
vant Home (if any), and Outer signals for the first train by giving the relevant
key, keeping the padlock key for the signal (s) for the opposite directions in his
personal custody.
ix) After the complete arrival of the train the Points man concerned shall
unlock and set the trailing end points for the reception of the second train and
exchange GREEN hand signal with the Station Master.
x) The Station Master shall then authorise the taking ‘off’ of the relevant
Home (if any), and Outer signals for the second train by giving the relevant
signal lever padlock key after the reception signal(s) for the first train have
been put back to normal.
xi) After the complete arrival of the second train, the Points man con-
cerned shall unlock and set the trailing end points for the departure of the first
train and exchange GREEN hand signals with the station Master.
xii) After the departure of the trains, both the Points men shall set the
points to normal, return to the Station Master the Station Master’s “Line La-
bles” and keys of padlocks for facing points and take back their own “Line
Note: The possession with the Point man of Station Master’s ‘Line La-
bles’ for the line assigned for the reception of the train, shall deemed to make
him responsible for the setting of the trailing points for the despatch of other
trains also.
(e). Reception and despatch of passenger trains -
The procedure detailed above for the exchange of Lables and Badges
shall not apply to passenger trains. For the reception of passenger trains, the
Station Master shall be personally responsible for the locking of facing points.
He shall also be responsible for personally ensuring the locking of facing points
in case of a goods train, if it is to be crossed with passenger train which has
arrived at the station first. The trailing end points shall be set by the points man,
who shall exhibit GREEN hand signal to the Station Master on setting the trail-
ing end points in the desired position.


SR. 3.39.03.- Non-interlocked facing points, manning and exhibi-

tion of hand signal
a) All non-interlocked facing points set for reception and despatch of
trains shall be locked. In addition, the outermost facing points shall be
manned and the person manning the facing points shall exhibit ‘proceed’ hand
signal to the approaching train till it completely passes the facing points.
b) At road side stations when there is no train at the station and none
approaching, the points shall remain set in their normal position. The SWR dia-
gram shall show the normal setting of points.
SR. 3.39.04.- a) Custody of keys at non-interlocked stations- The Sta-
tion Master on duty shall be responsible for safe custody of the keys of all
points, points locks, and signal level frame as well as Station Master’s set of
line labels. These keys, when not in use, shall be kept in the key-box which
shall always remain padlocked, the key of the padlock being in the personal
custody of the Station Master on duty.
b) During the passages of passenger trains into, out of, or through
station yard, the keys of facing points affected thereby must be retained by the
Station Master.

SR. 3.39.05. - Points of sick sidings –

a) The points of sick sidings shall be locked with two clamps and two
padlocks, the key of one padlock shall be in charge of the Station-Master or
the Yard Master and the key of the other in charge of the Train Examiner so
that it is not possible to open the points except by the co-operation of the
Train Examiner and the Station or Yard Master.
b) The points shall normally be locked against any engine or vehicle
going into the sick siding.
SR. 3.39.06. Points of sidings or lines leading into traffic yard.
Points of non-interlocked and key-locked sidings and the trap points
and derails shall normally be set and locked against entrance to traffic yards
and the keys of the locks shall remain in the custody of the Station Master.
Cabin worked siding points shall be set to the normal position.

SR. 3.39.07. Loss of siding keys of stations -

a) Station Master shall report loss of siding key at once by wire to Di-
visional Safety Officer, Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer,
Divisional Transportation Inspector and Block Signal Inspector. Until the re-
covery or replacement of the lost key that particular line shall be worked as
non-interlocked, if the siding key is lost when the points are set for sidings, the


points must be clamped and padlocked for any movement over them in the
facing direction.
b) If the lost key is found subsequent to the supply of a new key, the
fact must be reported by wire to the above officials and the old key shall be
returned to the Block signal Inspector who shall take it in his imprest stock.
SR. 3.39.08. - a) Every Railway Staff operating or issuing instructions
for operation of points and signals at stations and yard (e.g., Dy. Station Su-
perintendents, Dy. Chief Yard Masters, Station Masters, Yard Masters, Asstt.
Station Masters, Asst. Yard Masters, Yard Foreman, Switchman, Cabin man,
Shunting Jamadar, Shunt men, Points men, Engine Pilotmen, Points Locking
Jamadars, Siding Porters, Token Porters, Badge Runners etc.) shall be thor-
oughly conversant with the working of points and signals and interlocking at
the station/ yard/branch line/siding where they work. Before they are allowed
to take up independent charge, such staff of grade Rs. Rs. 4,200 (RPS) and
below shall be examined by Station Supdt/Dy Station Supdt./ Supdt./ Chief
Yard Master/Dy. Chief Yard Master/Divnl. Transportation inspector as the
case may be and after satisfying that the staff concerned is thoroughly con-
versant with the working of points and signals and understands the interlock-
ing in force shall issue a competency certificate for working points and signals
in favour of such staff under his signature in the prescribed form. The compe-
tency certificate in favour of Station superintendent/Dy. Chief Yard Master in
Grade Rs. 4,600 (RPS) and above shall be issued after satisfactory examina-
tion by the DOM.
b) The staff working at more than one station /Yard/Siding shall hold
this competency certificate for each such station/Yard/ Siding.
c) The staff operating or issuing instructions for operation of points
and signals shall be examined and issued fresh competency certificate on
each occasion where there is any major change in the working of points and
signals or interlocking at which they may be working.
d) At Stations provided with Panel Interlocking/Route Relay Interlock-
ing, competency certificates to Station master/Assistant Station Master shall
jointly be issued by DTI and Block Signal Inspector concerned after joint test-
ing of operation of points and signals.
e) The competency certificate for working points and signals shall be
valid for a period of three years from the date of issue and shall be renewed
before the expiry of the period of validity.
f) The competency certificate issued in favour of the staff shall be kept
pasted staff-wise in the competency certificate register of the station/ yard


concerned. The register shall also maintain the particulars of the date of issue
of the competency certificate and the date on which the renewal of the compe-
tency certificates is due.

Proforma of competency Certificate for working points & signals


Competency certificate for Working Points & Sig- Competency certificate for Working Points &
nals Signals
* Write full name.
(Office Foil) (Station Foil)

No.............. Date................ No.............. Date................

Certifiedthat Certified that

Shri_________________________ Shri______________________

Designation ______________was examined Designation____________was exam-

on _________and found fit and qualified to ined on _______and found fit and quali-
perform the duties of _______ at the follow- fied to perform the duties of
ingsta- ________at the following sta-
tion/yard…….._______siding_____section__ tion/yard______siding______section___
____ ___


(*________________) (*________________)
Date________ Date_________

* Write full name

Note: (i) The staff may be examined in the duties of more than one capacity
(e.g., a Points man as Shunt man, Points Locking, Jamadar, Shunting Jam-
adar etc.) and certified for the duties of different categories.
(ii) A staff may be examined in the working of more than one sta-
tion/siding where he may becalled upon to work and certified for all such sta-
(iii) In urgent cases the Station Master/AYM may examine the Staff and if
found competent, may temporarily put the staff to work in a particular capacity

but he must be examined by the competent authority and certified fit within
seven days, The SM/AYM must make a diary entry of his having examined
such staff and found competent.

Proforma of Competency Certificate for working Panel/Route Relay Interlocking


Competency certificate for Working Points & Competency certificate for Working Points &
Signals at station provided with Panel/Route Signals at station provided with Panel/Route
Relay Interlocking. Relay Interlocking.

(Office Foil) (Station Foil)

No.............. Date................ No.............. Date................

Certified that Shri___________________ Certified that Shri___________________

Designation_______was examined on Designation________was examined on

_______and found fit and qualified to perform ________and found fit and qualified to perform
the duties of in operation of Panel/Route Relay the duties of in operation of Panel/Route Relay
points and signals of _______________ sta- points and signals of ______________ station.

(*_______________) DTI

Hd.Quarter________ (*_______________)


(c/s 128- new para added here)

* Write full name
(g) In case of any change in the working at a station due to introduction of
PI/RRI/EI/SSI/BPAC/SSDAC/MSDAC or any other new instrument, staff re-
quired to be made conversant with the changed working and before they are
allowed to take up independent duty, they shall be jointly examined by TI &


SSE (Signal) of the station or section. After satisfying that the staffs con-
cerned are thoroughly conversant with the working of newly commissioned
items at that station, they shall issue competency certificate in the given
proforma including OP/T-1C or 1A as the case may be. After the competency
certificate is issued, it shall be countersigned by the AOM/ARM duly author-
ized on this behalf. (SR. 3.39.08 last para)

TI & SSE (Signal) shall remain stationed at such station till staff are well con-
versant and if required, SMs (LR/RG SMs) of other stations, who are already
trained hands on these new instruments, shall be deployed for initial 03-04
days in each shift.

South Eastern Railway

Competency Certificate (Station/Record Foil)

No. - …………………………. Date.-………

We the undersigned have jointly examined Shri/Smt/Miss----------------------


Father’s Name…-------------------------------------Designation………….
on………… Time…--------and jointly certify that he/she is thor-
oughly conversant with the working of newly commissioned Block Instru-
ment/PI/RRI/EI/SSI/BPAC/SSDAC/MSDAC…etc and fit to perform train
passing duty at---------------------------------Station/Yard.

-------------------------------- ------------------------------

Full Signature of TI (with stamp) Full Signature of SSE (Signal)

(with stamp)

c/slip 120 GR added below


(1) When a train is approaching a Home Signal otherwise than at

a terminal station, the signal shall not be taken ‘off’ until the train
has first been brought to a stand outside it, unless-


(a) on a double line, the line is clear for an adequate distance

beyond the Starter; or

(b) on a single line, the line is clear for an adequate distance be-
yond the trailing points, or for an adequate distance beyond the
place at which the train is required to come to a stand.” (c/s 120 GR

(2) Where a train has first been brought to a stand outside

the Home signal, the signal may be taken ‘off’ if -
a) on a double line, the line is clear up to the Starter, or
b) on a single line the line is clear up to the trailing points or
under approved special instructions up to the place at which the
train is required to come to a stand.
(3) Except under approved special instructions, the ade-
quate distance referred to in sub-rule (1) shall never be less than
a) 180 meters at stations equipped with two- aspect lower
quadrant or two-aspect color light signals, or
b) 120 meters in the case of stations provided with multiple-
aspect signals or modified lower quadrant signals.
(4) Where a sand hump of approved design, or under ap-
proved special instructions a derailing switch, has been provided
for the line on which a train is to be received, they shall be
deemed to be efficient substitutes for the adequate distance re-
ferred to in sub-rule (3).
SR. 3.40.01. - It is forbidden to obstruct a sand hump which is a substi-
tute for the adequate distance for taking ’off’ the Home signal, at any time
whether a train is expected or not. If it is obstructed through an accident or
other unavoidable cause, it ceases to be a substitute for the adequate dis-
SR. 3.40.02. - (a) Trains to be received on a loop or Goods loop
with trap point isolation or on a loop or Goods loop with a trap siding,
the far end of which terminates in a buffer stop which is less than the
adequate distance required vide GR 3.40 (3) beyond the trailing points
on the single line or beyond the starter on the double line.- The trap point
must be closed and the points at the far end of loop or goods loop line shall be
set to connect with the main line and the line shall be clear for an adequate


distance as prescribed in GR 3.40 (3) beyond the starting signal on the double
line or beyond the outermost trailing points on the single line or such other
points as are specified in the Station Working Rules. When two trains are to
be crossed at such station on the single line, the points at the far end of loop
line, or Goods loop line shall still remain set for the main line and the line shall
be kept clear as specified above. Signals may be taken ‘off ‘for reception of
the train to be received on the loop or Goods loop line provided signals for the
train from the opposite direction are kept in the ‘on’ position. Signals are to be
taken ‘off’ for the reception of only one train at a time.
(b) Trains to be received on a loop or Goods loop line with a trap-
siding the far end of which terminates in a standard sand hump or buffer
stop which is not less than the adequate distance as prescribed in GR
3.40 (3) beyond the trailing points on the single line or beyond the start-
er on the double line.
On a single line, the points at the far end of the loop or Goods loop shall
be set for the sand hump siding or dead-end siding as the case may be.
On double line, the points at the far end of the loop or Goods loop shall
be set to connect with the main line and the line must be clear for an adequate
distance as prescribed in GR 3.40 (3) beyond the starting signal. If, however,
another train is to be despatched in the same direction from the main line, the
points at the far end of the loop line shall be set for the sand hump siding or
dead-end siding and the line must be clear up to the sand hump or dead end,
as the case may be.
SR. 3.40.03.-Trains carrying passengers shall not be admitted into a
goods yard or on the goods loop or the line for which a ringed semaphore signal
has been provided. If for any reason a train carrying passengers is required to
be admitted on goods loop or in goods yard, the Station Master, when time
permits, shall advise the station in rear to issue Caution Order to the Loco Pilot
and Guard stating that the train shall be received on Goods yard or Goods loop.
In case the station in rear cannot be advised, the Station Master shall send a
memo in duplicate to the Loco pilot informing the facts and obtain his acknowl-
edgement. In both the cases, the train shall be stopped at the first Stop signal
and then the signals shall be taken ‘off ‘. The Loco pilot must limit the speed to
10 KMPH while the train is entering in the Goods Yard or Goods loop.
SR. 3.40.04 - Under special instructions, certain Coaching and Goods
yards are declared as ‘Terminal yards’ for the purpose of reception/dispatch of
Coaching/Goods Train and regulating yard shunting.
‘Terminal Yard/Station means yard/part of the yard/station, specially de-
clared so by the authorized officer, where normally no train runs through and
passenger trains/goods trains originate or terminate or continue its onward jour-
ney after change of crew and / or locomotive and/or issue of Caution Order
and/or shunting etc. Such Station/Yard/Part of yard shall be provided with Stop
Boards or Fixed aspect single Red signals at a place where trains normally
come to a stop. Signal overlap is not required at such station/yard.
Whenever the single aspect Red signal/Stop Board is fixed at the fouling
mark, the adequate distance for taking “off” goods home is reckoned as Zero.


Speed of incoming trains inside the station section is restricted and requisite
speed restriction boards are duly exhibited below the respective Home signals.
The Station Working Rule of such “Terminal Yards” shall clearly specified
the procedure to be followed for reception and dispatch of trains and regulation
of shunting movements.
Fixed single aspect Red signal/Stop Board should be provided in regular
coaching terminals and bay lines in coaching yards, whenever necessary to
indicate the place where the trains should normally come to a stop except at
stations where standard buffers are provided at the terminal end of the lines.
These may also be provided at temporary terminals which are created as
part of gauge conversion, doubling, new line work etc., where further movement
beyond the place of stop is feasible and permitted. The Stop Board shall be rec-
tangular in shape and painted yellow with letters ‘STOP’ in black and Reflective
paint/material shall be provided for visibility during night. The fixed Dummy Red
signal shall be a miniature red aspect mounted on a single aspect signal unit
fitted on a standard signal post with the letters STOP painted on the number
This fixed Dummy Red Signal/Stop Board, shall be passed by a Shunter
or LP when a proceed hand signal is shown by an authorized Railway servant
at the foot of the Dummy Fixed Red Signal/Stop Board. (c/slip 99 added)

3.41. Conditions for taking ‘OFF’ Outer signal. -

(1) When a train is approaching the Outer signal otherwise
than at a terminal station, the signal shall not be taken ‘OFF ‘until
the train has first been brought to a stand outside the signal, un-
less the line on which the train is to be received in the station is
(a) in the case of double line, up to the Starter signal, and
(b) in the case of a single line, for an adequate distance be-
yond the first facing points.
(2) Where the train has first been brought to a stand outside
the Outer signal, the signal shall not be taken ‘off ‘unless the line
is clear up to the first facing points, or up to the Home signal at a
station where there are no facing points.
SR. 3.41.01.- At stations having both Outer & Home, the Outer signal
shall be taken ‘OFF’ only after the relevant Home has been taken ‘OFF ‘.
SR. 3.41.02- Procedure for reception of trains at a single line sta-
tion having only Outer signals. -
1. For trains booked to stop-


(i) If the station section is clear the Outer signal shall be taken ‘off ‘and
a green flag (by day) or a green light (by night) shall be shown at the
facing points. Should the facing points not be manned, Loco pilots shall
come to a stop before reaching the points and wait till the points are
(ii) if the station section is not clear, the train shall be stopped at the
Outer and, if necessary, be piloted into the station.

3.42. Conditions for taking ‘OFF ‘last Stop signal or Interme-

diate Block Stop signal. -
(c/slip 120 added)
(1) On double line, the last stop signal or Intermediate Block Stop
signal shall not be taken ‘off’ for a train unless Line clear has
been obtained from the block station in advance.

(2) On Single line-

(a) the last stop signal shall not be taken ‘off’ for a train unless
line clear has been obtained from the block station in advance;

(b) for Intermediate block signaling-

(i) first, the direction of traffic shall be established and then line
clear shall be obtained from the block station in advance as per
the established direction of traffic;

(ii) only after establishing the direction of traffic the train move-
ment in the ‘Station controlled Intermediate Block section’ shall
be permitted; and

(iii) the Intermediate Block Stop Signal shall not be taken ‘off’ un-
less the line clear has been obtained from block station in ad-
vance and direction of traffic is established.

Explanation- On single Line Intermediate Block signaling, the line between

two adjacent block stations is divided into two subsections, the first section
which shall be termed as ‘station controlled intermediate block section’ and
the section between Intermediate Block signal to First Stop Signal of block
station ahead shall be termed as ‘block controlled Intermediate Block section’.
SR. 3.42.01.- (a) (i) On double line sections where Block Instruments
are installed in the Cabins, the Station master on duty at the station shall di-


rect the Switchman /Asstt. Station Master of the departure end cabin to obtain
‘line clear’ for the outgoing train giving the number and description of the train
and the line from which the train is to be started and to set and lock the route
for the train concerned on receipt of ‘Line Clear’. These instructions shall be
supported by a Private Number.
(ii) The Switchman / Assistant Station master shall acknowledge the in-
structions of the Station master by repetition. He shall stop all non - isolated
shunting at his end and after ensuring clearance of the line, set and lock the
relevant points, traps and derails etc. for the passage of the train, obtain ‘Line
Clear’ for the train and give a private number thereafter to the Station Master as
an assurance for the compliance of the actions mentioned above.
(iii) The Station Master on receipt of this assurance from the depar-
ture end Switchman/Assistant Station Master shall authorise him with a pri-
vate number to take ‘OFF ‘the departure signals.
(b) (i) on double line, where Block Instruments are not provided in the
cabins or on single line, the Station Master on receipt of ‘Line Clear’ for out-
going train shall direct the departure end Cabin man to set and lock the route
for outgoing train, giving the number and description of the train and line num-
ber from which, the train is to be started.
(ii) the departure end Cabin man shall acknowledge instructions of the
Station Master by repetition. He shall stop all non- isolated shunting at his end
and after ensuring clearance of the line shall set and lock the relevant points,
traps and derails etc. for the passage of the outgoing train. After complying with
the instructions, the Cabin man shall give a Private No. to the Station Master as
an assurance.
(iii) the Station Master on receipt of this assurance from the departure
end Cabin man shall authorise him to take ‘off ‘the departure signals by re-
leasing his control slide for the last Stop signal.
(c) (i) At stations having end cabins worked under Automatic Block sys-
tem, the Station Master shall advise the departure end Cabin Switchman/Cabin
man to set and lock the route giving the number and description of the train and
the line from which the train is to start.
(ii) The Switchman/Cabin man after complying with the instructions given
by the Station Master shall give a Private Number as an assurance of having car-
ried out the order given by the Station Master.
(iii) The Station Master shall then give a Private Number to the depar-
ture end Switchman/Cabin man to take ‘off’ the departure signals
SR. 3.42.02.- Sequence of taking off through signals at stations for run-
through end trains provided with Advanced Starter. -
(a) (i) Where lower -quadrant signals are provided-

If the main line of station section and section ahead are clear, main
Home, Outer, Advanced Starter, Main Starter and Warner signals may be tak-
en ‘off ‘in the order given.
(ii) Where multiple- aspect upper quadrant signals are provided-
The Main Home, Main Starter, Distant (raised to 90 Degree from the
horizontal) and Advanced Starter may be taken ‘off’.
(iii) Where modified lower quadrant signals are provided- Main Home,
Distant, Advanced starter, Starter and Warner may be taken ‘off ‘.
(iv) Where Colour light signals are provided-
Main Home, Advanced Starter and Main Starter may be taken ‘OFF’
SR. 3.42.03.- Sequence of lowering signals at a station for a stopping
train. -If the station section is clear but the section ahead is not clear, only the
reception signals shall be taken ‘off ‘irrespective of type of signalling arrange-
SR. 3.42.04.- Procedure of taking ‘off ‘departure signals after the train
has stopped at the station. -Where a train has been brought to a stand at
Starter signal and on completion of its work at the station, if the section ahead
is clear and ‘Line Clear’ has been obtained, the Advanced Starter and then
Starter may be taken ‘OFF’.
SR. 3.42.05. Working of Intermediate Block Stop signals-The last Stop
signal of the station in rear shall be taken ‘OFF’ on the clearance of the line
provided either with track-circuit or axle- counters between the last Stop signal
of the station in rear and the Intermediate Block Stop signal. A train may be
allowed to proceed up to the Intermediate Block Stop signal even when ‘Line
Clear’ has not been received from the station in advance. The Intermediate
Block Stop signal shall be taken ‘OFF’ by the station in rear, only when ‘line
clear’ has been received on the Block Instrument.
3.43. Conditions for taking ‘OFF ‘Warner signal. -
A Warner signal shall not be taken ‘OFF’ for a train that is
booked to stop or for a train that has to be stopped out of course.

3.44. Conditions for taking ‘OFF ‘Gate Stop signal. -

A Gate Stop signal shall not be taken ‘OFF ‘; until the con-
cerned level crossing of such level crossing/or crossings is or are
free from obstruction and the gate of such level crossing or
crossings are closed and locked against road traffic. Where a
Gate Stop signal is interlocked with station signals it shall be
worked in accordance with special instructions.


SR. 3.44.01. - Where a gate signal is interlocked with station signals,

the working of such signals shall be incorporated the Station Working Rules.
3.45. Condition for taking ‘OFF ‘Calling -on signal-
A Calling - on signal shall not be taken ‘OFF ‘until the train
has been brought to a stand at the Stop signal below which the
Calling -on signal is provided.
3.46. Use of fixed signals for shunting.
(1) The Outer Home and the last Stop signal of a station
shall not be taken ‘OFF ‘for shunting purposes.
(2) At stations where Advanced Starters are provided Starters
may be taken ‘OFF ‘for shunting purposes, except where the inter-
locking interferes with this practice, in which case hand signals shall
be used where Shunting signals are not provided.
3.47. Taking ‘OFF ‘ signals for more than one train at a time.-
When two or more trains are approaching simultaneously from
any direction , the signals for one train only shall be taken ‘OFF‘,
other necessary signals being kept at ‘ON‘ , until the train for
which the signals have been taken ‘OFF ‘ has come to a stand at
the station, or has cleared the station, and the signal so taken
‘OFF ‘ for the said train have been put back to ‘on’ except where
under special instructions, the interlocking or the layout of the
yard renders a contrary procedure safe.
SR. 3.47.01.- Setting of Points during crossing of trains at stations
on single line. -
(a) When ‘Line Clear ‘has been given to two trains to approach a sta-
tion on single line from opposite directions, the Station Master shall decide
which train is to received first and the line on which it is to be received.
(b) he shall set and lock the facing points in favour of and set the
Outermost trailing points against the first train at non -interlocked stations and
at interlocked stations where the interlocking permits this being done. Station
Working Rules of an interlocked station will show if interlocking permits the
setting of trailing points to conform to this rule.
(c) When a stopping train is to receive on a loop line, the line shall be
set for sand hump or the over -run line and dead end where provided.
(d) At non -interlocked station where route locking is provided, the
Station Master shall satisfy himself that the correct keys of both facing and
trailing points asper rule above are in his possession before permitting the
necessary signals to be taken ‘OFF’,


(e) At a 3-line station if one of the lines is already occupied, care shall
be taken to see that the trailing points referred to above are set for the clear
line on which the second train is to be received.
SR. 3.47.02.- Berthing and crossing of passenger and goods
trains at a station with only one platform. -
(a) When two passenger trains cross at a station where there is only
one platform having a height of over 46 cm, and both trains are booked to
make a halt, the following procedure shall be followed in such cases.
The first train shall be admitted on the station platform line and after
passengers have detrained and entrained it shall be backed and drawn for-
ward on to non-platform line to enable the second passenger train to be ad-
mitted on to the station platform line. The first train shall thereafter be started
from the non -platform line.
(b) When two passenger trains cross at a station having only one rail
level platform or a platform of 46 Cm or less in height, and both trains are
booked to make a halt, the train which is expected to arrive first shall be re-
ceived on the platform line and that which is expected to arrive next shall be
received on the second line. Both the trains shall be taken forward far enough
to leave a space between the rear brake vans without fouling the crossing at
either end of the running the line. If the train expected first is delayed and the
train expected later actually arrives first, both trains shall still be received on
the lines first arranged for them and no change in this arrangement is permis-
sible. However, if owing to the train that is expected first being delayed, the
train in the opposite direction is actually received first, the delayed train which
is to be received on the platform line shall be detained at the first Stop signal
until all passengers leaving by or alighting from the train on the second line
have entrained or detrained and the platform line is clear of passengers and
all carriage doors shut. Before shunting and prior to the receipt of the second
train, passengers and vendors shall be warned about the movement by the
Guard and station staff.
(c) If one of the two crossing passenger trains is not booked to halt at
the station, train booked to halt shall be admitted first on the platform line and
the train that is booked to run through shall then be passed over the other line.
(d) if one of the two crossing trains is a stopping passenger train and
the other goods train, the passenger train shall always be received on the
platform line and the goods train on the other line.
(e) if one of the two crossing trains is non-stopping passenger train
and other a goods train, the non-stopping passenger train shall be passed
through over the main line: -
(f) Crossing of two non- stopping trains whether goods or passenger
shall be arranged in the following manner without regard to the platform or
non-platform line.
(i) The train which will arrive first shall be admitted and stopped on the
loop and the other train shall be passed through on the straight.


(ii) When a passenger train is stopped on a non-platform line for this

purpose the Guard of the train and the station staff should warn the passengers
and vendors about the approaching through train.

3.48. Stoppage of trains out of course at station provided

with two aspect signalling.- When a train which is booked to
run through has to be stopped out of course at a station
equipped with two –aspect signals, it shall not be received until-
(a) at stations provided with working Warners but not pro-
vided with Starters, the working Warner is kept at ‘on’,
(b) at stations provided with Starters but not provided with
working Warners, the relevant Starter is kept at ‘on’,
(c) at stations provided with both working Warners and
Starters, both signals are kept at ‘on’; and
(d) at stations provided with neither a working Warner nor
a Starter, the first Stop signal is kept at ‘on’ and the train brought
to a stand outside it.
SR. 3.48.01.- procedure for stopping a train out of course at stations
provided with only one Outer. -
If a run through train is required to stop at the station, the Outer signal
shall be kept at ‘on’. When the train has come to dead stop at the Outer sig-
nal, the Outer signal shall be taken ‘off ‘and the train brought to a stand at the
station by exhibiting Stop hand signal.

3.49. Care and lighting of signal lamps. -

(1) the Station Master shall see that lamp of fixed signals,
indicators and boards such as Shunting Limit Board, Block Sec-
tion Limit Board and Stop Board at his station are lighted at sun-
set, and are not put out until after sunrise, or at such earlier or
later time as may be prescribed by special instructions.
(2) Sub -rule (1) shall not apply to
(a) approach lighted signals,
(b) colour light and position light signals which shall be
kept lit throughout the day and night, and
(c) the sections where no trains are scheduled to run at

(3) The Station Master shall ensure that the lamps of fixed
signals, indicators and boards such as Shunting Limit Board,
Block Section Limit Board and Stop Board, when lit, are burning
brightly and that the lenses of lamps and spectacle glasses are
properly cleaned and back-lights clearly visible,
(4) Whenever night signals are used the Station Master
shall not grant Line clear unless he has ensured, either personal-
ly or in the manner prescribed under special instructions, that the
lamps of fixed signals at his station which are not approach light-
ed and which apply to the train are burning. If signal light cannot
be kept burning, he shall, before giving Line Clear, initiate action
in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Rules 3.68 to
(5) Before lighting a semaphore signal or indicator lamp,
the railway servant deputed for lighting it, shall inspect the lenses
and spectacle glasses. In case he finds the red rounded broken,
cracked or missing, he shall not light the lamp and shall report
the fact immediately to the Station Master who shall treat the
signal as defective
(6) Every railway servant in charge of signal shall see that
the greatest care it’s taken in the focusing, cleaning and trimming
of signal lamps.
SR. 3.49.01.-Lighting and extinguishing of signal lamps. -
(a) Except on certain branch line sections where no train runs during
the night, all signal lamps, indicators and the lamps or boards as indicated in
GR3.49(1) are to be ordinarily lit and extinguished in accordance with the tim-
ings shown below-

Lighting time Extinguishing time

Divisions Feb ..May . Aug Nov. Feb . May Aug .. Nov
to.. to .. to to to. to. to to
Apl.. Jly … Oct Jan Apl Jly Oct.. Jan
H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M.
Kharagpur 17.20 .18.00 . 17.00 . 16.50 6.20 5.10 5.45 6.00
Adra 17.25 .18.05 . 17.05 . 16.55 6.25 5.15. 5.50 6.05
Chakradharpur 17.30 .18.10 17.10 . 17.00 6.30 5.20 5.55 6.10
Ranchi. 17.30 .18.10 17.10 . 17.00 6.30 5.20 5.55 6.10


(b) In the event of the weather not being clear due to storm, fog or for any
other reason lighting and extinguishing of lamps shall be arranged earlier or
later as necessary.
(c) Semaphore signals shall be tested by the Station Master when the lamps
are first lighted.
(d) No signals is to be tested after giving line clear and taking ‘off’ for a train.
(e) The railway servant who lights the signals shall inspect the roundels for
cracks or breakages and if any defect is noticed, immediately report the mat-
ter to the Station Master on duty who shall enter the report in the Station Diary
and Signal Failure Register and Caution order Register. Such signals shall be
treated as defective, during the period they are required to be kept burning
and action shall be taken in accordance with the procedure prescribed in
General Rules 3.68, 3.69 & 3.70 and Subsidiary Rules made there under. In
case of crack or breakage of red roundel, the signal shall not be allowed to
remain lit and a railway man shall be deputed to show Stop hand signal to the
approaching trains from the foot of the signal.
(f) After heavy storms, particularly hail storms, cyclones etc. the Station Mas-
ter on duty shall have the signals checked and note the conditions of the
roundels. If any roundel is found cracked or damaged, the relevant signal shall
be treated as defective and action taken in accordance with the rules applica-
ble to defective signals.

SR. 3.49.02. - Warning to lamp man -Any direct contact of close prox-
imity to 25 KV live conductor is dangerous. The Station Lamp man climbing up
the signal post for removal or fixing or cleaning or lighting the signal lamp shall
not carry any long article which may accidentally touch or come in close prox-
imity to live conductors. The lamp man shall not bring any part of his body
near live conductor (safe distance 2 meters).

3.50. Traps, Slip sidings and Catch Sidings - The Station

Master shall take steps to ensure that the points of all traps, slip
sidings and catch sidings, and other points are set against the
line which they are intended to isolate, except when it is not nec-
essary that they should be open for the purpose of isolation.
SR. 3.50.01- Except when the setting of Catch Siding or Slip Siding or
derailing switch points is indicated by fixed signals, a Loco Pilot shall not pass
over these points, whether facing or trailing, unless the points are manned and
proper hand signal exhibited.
SR. 3.50.02 - Stopping of train short of catch siding controlled by stop


(a) It is not necessary to stop the train at the Stop signal controlling
points leading to the catch sidings provided the following conditions are satis-
fied -
i) Line Clear has been obtained from the block station ahead.
ii) The train is to be received on the main line and the line is clear.
iii) The gradients in the block section ahead are such that the trains
can be brought under control easily.
iv) Points leading to the catch sidings as well as points required for a
run through train are set for the main line and the relevant facing points are
locked immediately after granting line clear to the block station in rear, and
v) Warner signal in the lower quadrant signaling territory is not taken
‘OFF’ and Distant signal in MAUQ signaling territory is maintained in ‘ON’ po-
(b) In all other cases before the points leading to the catch sidings are set
for the main line, it shall be ensured that the train has come to a stop outside the
Stop signal placed short of the Catch sidings.
However, in cases where run through is to be allowed the consent of
Sr. DME/DME in regard to clause (iii) above, shall be obtained and incorpo-
rated in the Station Working Rules, in case of electrified section DEE (OP)’s
consent shall also be obtained.

3.51. Points -
(1) All Points shall normally be set for the straight except
when otherwise authorised by special instructions.
(2) The railway servant concerned with the, operation of
points and signals shall not while on duty, leave the place of op-
eration of points or signals which are under his charge except
under special instructions.
(3) No railway servant shall interfere with any points, sig-
nals, or their fittings, signal wires or any interlocking or block
gear for the purpose of effecting repairs, or for any other pur-
pose, except with the previous permission of the Station Master.
SR. 3.51.01. (i) The railway servant operating points and signals in the
cabins or at stations shall not leave his duty without being relieved by a com-
petent person and without the knowledge and permission of Station Master.


ii) If at any time during his duty hours, the Station Master/ Switch-
man/Cabin man in charge of a Signal Cabin is required to go out of the cabin,
he shall padlock the cabin before leaving.
SR. 3.51.02. - A signal in the ‘off’ position indicates that the points are
correctly set for the route to which it applies, and if the signal cannot be taken
‘off’, the setting of the points on the route and the wire adjustment of the signal
shall be inspected by the Station Master/Switchman/Cabin man, as the case
may be, before the signal is declared as defective.
SR. 3.51.03. - Once the leading wheels of an engine or vehicle or any
part of a train have entered the points the person responsible for operation of
points and signals must not operate the points until the engine and all the ve-
hicles have passed completely clear of such points. If however, he notices any
unusual condition which is likely to endanger safety, he shall exhibit Stop
hand signal and try to draw the attention of the Loco Pilot by shouting and
SR. 3.51.04. - Repairing renewal or installing signals and point gears. -
When it is necessary to do any work in connection with the repairing, renew-
ing, overhauling or installing signals and point gears, either interlocked or non-
interlocked, at any station which will endanger the safe working of trains the
official in charge of signal department/ Civil Engineering department shall pre-
pare and hand over the ‘Disconnection Notice’ on form T-351 by S&T Official
and/or a written memo (by engineering officials) and obtain signature of the
Station Master on the record foil of the ‘Disconnection Notice/Written Memo.
At stations having only Switchman the ‘Disconnection Notice’ shall be made
over to the Switchman and his signature obtained. The official-in-charge of
Signal/Civil Engineering department shall not interfere with any signal or point
gear until the ‘Disconnection Notice’ has been acknowledged.
The Station Master or the Switchman shall not give his signature, if
signals have already been taken ‘OFF’ for reception/ despatch of a train until
the said train has arrived/passed clear of the signals and points mentioned in
the ‘Disconnection Notice’ or if ‘Line Clear’ has been given for a train, until the
train has passed the said signal(s) and points.
The Station Master/Switchman shall, immediately after signing the rec-
ord foil of ‘Disconnection Notice/Written Memo make an entry in the Caution
Order Register, Remarks columns of the Train Signal Register and Station
Diary in red ink and the Disconnection Notice/ Written Memo to be kept in a
separate register specially maintained for the purpose.
The Station Master shall inform the Switchman/Cabin man on duty at
either end of the station, giving details of the signal(s) and/or the points which
are to be repaired, overhauled, renewed or in any way interfered with, sup-
ported by a Private Number. The Switchman/Cabin man shall acknowledge
this information supported by a Private Number and place lever collar(s) on


the concerned levers of the points and signals. The Switchman at either end
shall make an entry in remarks columns of Train Signaling Register in Red ink
to this effect.
The Station Master/Switchman shall advise the Station Master from the
Block Station and Notice Station in rear by issuing a message supported by a
Private number, to issue Caution Orders to all loco pilots and Guards that the
trains will be piloted in, if the signal(s) and points under repair, overhauling etc.
related to the line on which the trains are required to pass. He shall obtain
acknowledgement of this advice by a message supported by a Private Number
from the block station and Notice station in rear. The points shall be
clamped/through bolted and padlocked and trains will be piloted in during the
period the reception signal(s) and points are disconnected on the route on
which the trains are to be admitted. Similar procedure shall be followed for out-
going trains if departure signal(s) and any points on the departure route for a
train are involved. However, during when specific instructions are issued, over-
hauling of lever frame of non-interlocking at an interlocked station, signals may
be taken ‘OFF’ for reception of trains provided the relevant points are set,
clamped and padlocked for the nominated route. A competent railway staff shall
also be deputed to display hand signal, at the foot of the stop signal. The Signal
staff shall mention to this effect in the T-351 and assist traffic staff in setting the
points in the desired position. The traffic staff shall be responsible for clamping
and padlocking.
On completion of the work the official in charge of S & T/Civil Engineer-
ing department will hand over the relevant portion (with green band) of the
‘Re-connection Notice/memo to the Station Master/Switchman and obtain his
signature on the record foil of the Re-connection Notice.’
The Station Master or the Switchman shall not sign the record foil of the
‘Disconnection Notice’ until he has tested the signal(s) and points concerned and
he is satisfied that they are in good working order.
He shall then cancel the entry in the Caution Order Register and make
an entry in the Train Signal Register, Station Diary to this effect. The Station
Master shall then advise completion of the work to Switchman/Cabin man
(where end Cabins are provided) and to Block Station and Notice Station in
rear under a message by exchange of Private Numbers. The Reconnection
Notice/Written Memo handed over by the S & T/Civil Engineering Official in
charge, after the completion of the work should be kept in the register special-
ly maintained for the purpose along with the concerned Disconnection/ Written
SR. 3.51.05. - The Station Master/Switchman while giving the key to S
& T Maintainer for oiling and cleaning the interlocking gears inside the cabin
shall obtain his signature in a Register which shall be maintained at the Sta-
tion or Cabin. Signal Maintainer shall not carry out any test even if required,
when a train has been signalled till the train passes the signal and then with
the consent of Station Master or Cabin man.

SR. 3.51.06. - (a) When a running line is blocked by stabled load, wag-
on, vehicle or by a train which is to cross or give precedence to another train
or immediately after the arrival of a train at the station etc., the points in rear
on double line sections and at either end in single line sections should be im-
mediately set against the blocked line except when shunting or any other
movement is required to be done on that line.
b) If all the lines at a station happen to be blocked, when line clear has
been granted to a train, the points should be set for the line occupied by a sta-
bled load or a goods train in that order so that, in case of mishap, the chances
of casualties are minimised. In case all the lines are occupied by passenger
train, points should be set for a loop line, to negotiate which the speed of the
incoming train would be reduced which in turn, would minimise the conse-
quences/casualties. While doing so, points may be set for a loop occupied by a
train, if any, whose engine is facing the direction of approach of the incoming
train rather than for a loop occupied by a train where a passenger coach, will in
the case of collision, receive the impact.
c) These precautions shall be taken in addition to the observance of
other precautions as contained in SR 5.04.01 and SR 5.23.01.

E. Hand Signals

3.52. Exhibition of hand signals -

(1) All hand signals shall be exhibited by day by showing a flag
or hand and by night by showing a light as prescribed in these
(2) During day a flag or flags shall normally be used as hand sig-
nals. Hands shall be used in emergencies only when flags are
not available.
(3) During night a hand signal shall normally be given by showing
a red or green light. A white light waved violently shall be used
as a Stop signal only when the red light is not available.
(4) Red or green light referred to in sub-rule (3) shall be either static
or flashing type.

SR. 3.52.01. - Flags must be mounted on sticks, red and green sepa-


SR. 3.52.02. - (i) The arrangement of red and green slides in Hand
signal lamps must be in uniform. Holding the lamp with the front facing away,
the green slides should be on the left-hand side and the Red on the right. Eve-
ry railway servant using a lamp must see that the slides are in the correct

ii) Hand signal lamps should be cleaned daily for efficient working of
their slides, burners, wicks and reflectors.

3.53. Stop hand signal -

Indication: Stop dead

How given by day:

By showing a red flag or by raising both arms with ands above
the head as illustrated below:

How given by night:


By showing a red light or by violently waving a white light

horizontally across the body of the person showing the signal as
illustrated below:

3.54. Proceed hand signal -

Indication: Proceed
How given by day:

By holding a green flag or by holding one arm steadily as

illustrated below:


How given by night:

By holding a green light steadily as illustrated below:


3.55. Proceed with caution hand signal:

Indication: Proceed slowly reducing speed

further if the signal is
given at a progressively
slower rate.
How given by day.

By waving a green flag vertically up down or by waving

one arm in a similar manner as illustrated below:

How given by night:

By waving a green light vertically up and down as illustrat-

ed below:


NOTE: When the speed is to be reduced further, this

signal shall be given at a slower and slower rate and when a
stop is desired, the Stop hand signal shall be show.

3.56. Hand signal for shunting -

The following hand signals shall be used in shunting op-
erations in addition to the stop hand signal: -
(a) Indication: Move away from the person signaling.

How given by day:

By a green flag or one arm moved slowly up and down as

illustrated below:


How given by night:

By a green light moved slowly up and down as illustrated



(b) Indication: Move towards the

person signalling

How given by day:

By a green flag or one arm moved from side to side

across the body as illustrated below:

How given by night:

By a green light moved from side to side across the body

as illustrated below:


NOTE: The hand signals for ‘Move away from the person signalling’
and ‘Move towards the person signalling’ shall be displayed slower and slow-
er, until the Stop hand signal is given if it is desired to stop.

(c) Indication: Move slowly for


How given by day:

By a green and a red flag held above the head or both

hands raised over the head and moved towards and away from
each other as illustrated below:


How given by night:

By a green light held above the head and moved by twisting the
wrist as illustrated below:

SR. 3.56.01.- Shunting signals are to be given by the Station Master,

Guard/Asst. Guard of a train, Yard foreman, Shunting Jamadar or Points
man, or such duly authorized person. To avoid conflicting signals only one
such person at a time shall control the shunting of a train or engine by exhib-
iting signal which shall be clearly visible to the loco pilot.


SR. 3.56.02. - A red or “Stop” hand signal given by any one super-
sedes all other signals and bars movement beyond such danger signal.

3.57. Banner flags –A banner flag is a temporary fixed danger

signal, consisting of a red cloth supported at each end on a post
and stretched across the line to which it refers.

3.58. Knowledge and possession of hand signal -

(1) Every railway servant connected with the movement or
trains, shunting operations, maintenance of installations and
works of any nature affecting safety of trains shall have -
a) a correct knowledge of hand signals; and
b) the requisite hand signals with him while on duty and
keep them in good working order and ready for immediate use.
(2) Every railway servant shall see that the staff under him
concerned with use of hand signals are adequately supplied with
all necessary equipment for hand signalling and have a correct
knowledge of their use.
(3) A red flag and a green flag by day or a lamp, which is
capable of showing red, green and white lights by night, shall
constitute the requisite equipment for hand signalling.
(4) Every Station Master shall see that his station is ade-
quately supplied with all necessary equipment for hand sig-
F. Detonating Signals

3.59. Description of detonating signals- Detonating signals,

otherwise known as detonators or fog signals are appliances
which are fixed on the rails and when an engine or a vehicle
passes over them, they explode with a loud report so as to at-
tract the attention of the Loco pilot.

3.60. Method of using detonators -


(1) A detonator when required to be used shall be placed on the

rail with the label or brand facing upwards and shall be fixed to
the rail by bending the clasps around the head of the rail.
(2) In case of a mixed gauge, detonators shall be placed on the
common rail or on one rail of each gauge.

3.61. Placing of detonators in thick, foggy or tempestuous

weather impairing visibility -
(1) In thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibil-
ity, whenever it is necessary to indicate to the Loco pilot of an
approaching train the locality of a signal, two detonators shall be
placed on the line, by a railway servant appointed by the Station
Master in this behalf, about 10 meters apart, and at least 270
meters outside the signal or signals concerned.
(2) a) The Station Master may comply with the provisions
of sub-rule (1) at his discretion; but shall always do so when visi-
bility conditions from any cause prevent him from seeing a pre-
scribed visibility test object from a distance of not less than 180
meters or a lesser distance if expressly sanctioned by the Rail-
way Board.
b) The visibility test object may be -
i) a post erected for the purpose and lighted at night; or
ii) the arm by day and the light or the back- light by night
of a fixed semaphore signal specified by special instruction; or
iii) the light of a fixed colour light signal both by day and
night specified by special instructions.
SR. 3.61.01. (c/slip 109)
SR 3.61.01: -TRAIN OPERATIONS DURING FOG- Precautions.
(1) Provision of Fog Safe Device: - A reliable Fog Safe Device, if
available, may be provided on all Locomotives running in fog affected areas
during fog. Placement of detonators under conditions prescribed in Para 5(i) will
be dispensed with, where reliable Fog Safe Device is available and is in working
(2) Modification of Automatic Signalling System: - Introduction of
Modified Automatic Signalling System as per GR 9.01 (3) & (4) and GR 9.03 (3)
and (4) and GR 5.18 to be followed strictly.


(3) PME/Refresher Training and other Safety/Promotional Courses

of Loco Pilots/Assistant Loco Pilots and Guards in STCs/ZRTIs, etc., who be-
come due between 15th December and 31st January should be completed by
15th December. All crews (Loco Pilots, Assistant Loco Pilots and Guards) on
stationary duty should be utilized for train working especially during fog. Simul-
taneously loco/crew/rake links to be reviewed during the period of fog.
(4) Visibility Test Object (VTO):-
(i) The check of adequacy of visibility through the VTO is to guide
the SM/ASM so as that he can decide when detonators are to be placed to
warn the Loco Pilot of the location of an approach Stop Signal.
(ii) VTO for Semaphore signalling and for two aspect CLS:-
The VTO may be the light (or arm by day) of a Starter Signal (where
exists) or the back light of the Home Signal etc. as defined in GR 3.61/(2) (b). In
such cases, the VTO is normally located 300-350 meters at a place from where
it is to be seen by the SM. During foggy or tempestuous weather, when such a
VTO is not seen by the SM, it shall determine that fog has set in.
Note: - The Visibility Test Object to be defined in the SWR of sta-
tions, which quality for placement of detonators, should be on each end of a
station (for junction stations there may be more than two VTOs).
(iii) Prescribed VTO for Multiple Aspect Colour Light Signalling: -
(a) Stations with MACLS shall have a prescribed VTO located at a
distance of 180 meters from a nominated location where the SM shall stand.

(b) When a prescribed VTO is not visible from 180 meters or more
during dense fog, the SM shall not use his discretion as per GR 3.61 (2) (a) but
will arrange to place the detonators to warn the Loco Pilot, unless specified oth-
erwise in these instructions.
Note: There should be one Visibility Test Post in MACLS territory (at
stations which qualify for placement of detonators) located at a distance of 180
meter from the place where at the SM shall normally stand to see the pre-
scribed VTO.
(iv) When the VTO (or the prescribed VTO) provided under condi-
tions laid down is not visible to the Station Master, he shall take action as under:
(a) Ensure that signals are lit during night as well as during day in
Semaphore Signalling sections when visibility is impaired due to fog, and VTO
is also lit.
(b) Observe the VTO before granting Line clear to a train.
(c) In case prescribed VTO is not visible take action as under: -
* Depute fog signalman with detonators to place detonators in sit-
uations prescribed under Para 5(i) at 270-280 meters from the first stop signal


to inform in advance the location of this signal to the Loco Pilot of the approach-
ing train.
* Engineering Department will make all efforts to provide fog
* No shunting should be carried out on non-isolated lines after
granting Line Clear to an approaching train.
(d) Provisions given as per GR 5.18 to be followed strictly and
no train to be advanced beyond the Starter, or beyond Intermediate Starter Sig-
nal where these exists, up to the Advance Starter at stations which do not have
track circuiting in this zone.
(5) Necessity of Placement of Detonators: -
(i) Where it is necessary to Place Detonators: The Detonators
should be placed at 270 meters short of the First Stop Signal at station detailed
as under: -
(a) At ‘A’ class stations where Warner exists- Detonators to be
placed short of Home Signal and not the Warner;
(b) At ‘B’ class station equipped with Lower Quadrant Signals-
Detonators to be placed short of Outer signal;
(c) In Multiple Aspect Signalling, where single Distant Signal is pro-
vided-Detonators to be placed short of Home signal.
Note: The Fog Signal Posts will be provided only at stations where
there may be a requirement for placing detonators. Such post may, therefore,
be shifted suitably based on the above-mentioned position(s).
(ii) Where Not Necessary to Place Detonators: -
It is not necessary to place detonators to indicate ‘location of a Stop
signal’ to the Loco Pilot in the following circumstances: -
(a) In sections where a reliable Fog Safe Device has been provid-
ed on locomotives;
(b) Where adequate pre-warning is provided; i.e., at stations
where double distant signals are provided;
(c) Where maximum speed allowed in the station section is up to
15 kmph even at stations where pre-warning signal is not available, but a Warn-
ing Board exists;
(d) Where speed of the section is less than 50 kmph (but more
than 15 kmph) and the first signal of a station is not a stop signal;
(e) In Automatic Signalling territory;
(f) On Gate signal;
(g) On Departure Signal;
(h) At the site(s) of Temporary Speed Restriction imposed due to
maintenance of Track/OHE/Signal.


(6) Precautions by Loco Pilot: -

The loco pilot shall take action in regard to speed of the train during
fog as under: -
(i) During fog when the loco Pilot in his judgment feels that visibility
is restricted due to fog, he shall run at a speed at which he controls the train so
as to be prepared to stop short of any obstruction; this speed shall in any case
not be more than 60 kmph. However, speed of trains during foggy/inclement
weather may be enhanced to 75 kmph provided that there is fog device in the
loco and is subject to the judgment of the loco pilot.
(ii) Loco Pilot to whistle frequently to warn the gateman (where pro-
vided) and road users at level crossings about the approaching train.
(iii) In Automatic Block Territory the speed will be subject to the
judgment of the Loco Pilot as mentioned in item (i) above and shall not exceed
as under: -
(a) After passing Automatic Stop Signal at ‘Green’; the speed not to
exceed 75/60 kmph.
(b) After passing an Automatic stop signal at ‘Double Yellow’, the
speed not to exceed 30 kmph.
(c) After passing an Automatic stop signal at ‘Yellow’, the Loco Pilot
to run at a further restricted speed so as to be prepared to stop at the next stop
(SR. 3.78.04 is reproduced above, which had changed in c/slip 113; In the above c/slip
109. point no.6 is changed. Rest is same).
(7) (a) As provided under GR 4.16 (1) (b) a red tail lamp of approved
design displaying a flashing red light, during day or night, to indicate last vehicle
check device in foggy weather should be provided and lit on the last vehicle.
(b) First stop signal location kilometer chart of every station to be
provided to each Loco Pilot either as an easy to carry Card or in the Working
Time Table.
(c) Prevailing Fog Situation should be advised to Crew and
Guard in lobby during ‘Sign On’.
7.(d) In foggy or tempestuous weather or in dust storm when station
signals cannot be seen, the Station Master on duty shall personally en-
sure that the Station signals are lit, and then send two trained men to
act as Fog signalman, one in each direction, to the fog signal posts,
which are erected at all stations 270 meters in rear of (i.e., outside) the
first stop signal.
(e) Each of these men shall be provided with 20 detonating (fog) sig-
nals (c/slip 93:- 24 detonating signals wherever mentioned, should be
replaced by 20) or such lesser number as shall be prescribed under
special instructions. The Fog Signalman shall, on reaching the fog sig-
nal post, place two fog signals on the rail about 10m, apart so that the


same on explosion under the wheels of an engine, will warn the Loco
pilot of his proximity to the Outer or Home signal of the station, as the
case may be. The position of the fog signal post, the fog signals and
the Fog Signalman are shown in the diagram below -

(f) After the passage of each train over the detonating (fog) signals,
which have been so placed on the rails, the Fog Signalman shall im-
mediately replace them by the fresh detonators and collect the used
(g) Each of the trained men sent out with fog signals, shall carry a
lighted hand signal lamp. If the Fog Signalman be aware of any ob-
struction on the line, he shall show a Stop hand signal in accordance
with General Rule 3.53 in the direction in which a train is expected or
approaching. On Single/double line sections for trains leaving a station,
the Fog Signalman deputed to place detonators shall show to the Loco
pilot a ‘white light’. (c/slip 93 added)
(h) As soon as it is necessary for the Station Master on duty to take ac-
tion under SR 3.61(d), he shall immediately call on duty, two of station
class IV staff who are off duty. The Station Master on duty may either
utilize the two men called from off duty or two of the men already on
duty for the purpose of seeing the signals are lit and for sending two
men trained in fog signaling duties to either end of the Station limits, or
he may utilise, it available , two trained Gang men detailed for the pur-
pose by the SSE/SE/JE(P. Way), but in any event the trained men sent
out to the fog signal posts shall be regular employees of the railway
and not “Substitutes” or “Casual labour.”
(i) the procedure in sub -rule (h) refers to action to be taken by the Sta-
tion Master on duty in an emergency.
Divisional Railway manager shall notify the names of stations at which
fog prevails persistently. At each such station, four of the station Class
IV staff (or if this number is not available it may be made up by one or
a maximum of two Gang men per station being deputed by the
SSE/SE/JE (P. Way) shall be posted and detailed to work as a Fog


Signalman. All four men shall be fully trained in fog signal duties and
shall be regular employees of the railway, and not “Substitutes or Cas-
ual labour.” These four men shall be on intermittent duty, one on duty
at each end of the station and two resting at the station, each perform-
ing three hours ’ON’ and three hours ’OFF’ duty. The four employees
detailed as Fog signal man shall be replaced by the appointment to two
or more class-IV staff at the station and by one or two temporary men
in the engineering gang from which the permanent men have been
(i) At a double line station if the fog appears for about 7days in the
month, it shall be treated as persistent fog and separate fog signalman
shall be appointed. If the fog is for less than 7days in the month, the
Station Master shall act according to sub-rule (h). The ’off’ duty staff
who are utilised for such purpose, shall be paid overtime.
(ii) At single line station where the station porters are required to deliv-
er token also, Divisional Safety officer, shall examine both the duration
of fog and the number of days in a month on which it appears After tak-
ing into consideration the overall work, he shall determine whether
separate Fog signalmen are required or not. If fog appears on one or
two days in a month and for a short duration, it shall not be necessary
to engage separate Fog signalman and the procedure laid down in sub
–rule (h), shall be followed.
(j) on branch lines or sections on which traffic is light instead of a Fog
signalman remaining continuously on duty at each fog- signal post. a
Fog Signalman may be sent out to place detonators for each individual
train. This procedure may only be adopted under “special instructions.”
In such cases,” Line Clear” shall not be given for a train unless the fog
signalman has been sent out at least 30 minutes before the train is due
to leave station in rear.
(k) The station Master shall ensure that fresh supplies of fog signals
are sent to the man in replacement of those used.
(l) A “Station Detonator Register” in form OP/T-I24 (as prescribed)
shall be maintained at each station and shall show the names of Fog
Signal men on duty, periods of duty, the stock of detonators, the num-
ber of detonators sent out with each Fog Signalman, the number of
each train under which detonators have been exploded, and the num-
ber of unused detonators and used cases (including those which have
failed to explode) returned each time by Fog Signalman to the Station
Master on duty.
(m) The Station Master shall explain the procedure of placing detona-
tors to all men deputed and/or posted at his station and obtain their


signatures or thumb impressions in the “Station Detonator Register” as

an acknowledgement that they have understood the rules relating to
the fog signaling of trains.
Instructions for Fog Signalmen are contained in SR 3.64.07.
(n) In the case of temporary speed restrictions on account of the line be-
ing under repairs or due to any other Engineering work being in pro-
gress, if thick fog or tempestuous weather is encountered which reduces
the visibility distance of the caution indicator to less than 180m.whether
by day or night, the SSE/SE/JE (P. Way) or the Gang Mate concerned
shall promptly arrange for regular gang mento place two detonators on
the rail, about 10m a distance of 270m. in the rear of the caution
indicator, in each direction and to keep replacing the same after the pas-
sage of every train until the visibility conditions have improved sufficient-

3.62. Placing of detonators in case of obstruction. -

(1) Whenever in consequence an obstruction of a line, it is
necessary for a railway servant to stop approaching trains, he
shall proceed, plainly showing his stop hand signal, to a point
400 meters from the obstruction and place on the line one deto-
nator and then proceed to a point 800 meters from the obstruc-
tion and place on the line three detonators about 10 meters
apart, at such place:
Provided that on broad gauge the first detonator shall be
placed at 600 meters and three detonators at 1200 meters from
the obstruction about 10 meters apart from each other.
(2) If the said railway servant is recalled before the obstruc-
tion is removed, he shall leave down three detonators and, on his
way back pick up the intermediate detonator.

3.63. Replacement of detonators on the line. - Every railway

servant placing detonators on the line shall see that they are,
when necessary, replaced immediately after a train has passed
over them.

3.64. Knowledge and possession of detonators. -


(1)(a) All Station Masters, Guards, Loco pilots, Gang mates,

Gatemen and all other railway servants on whom this duty is laid
by the Railway Administration, shall keep a stock of detonators.
(b) The Railway Administration shall be responsible for the sup-
ply, renewal periodical testing and safe custody of such detona-
tors, and for ensuring that their use is properly understood.
(2) Every railway servant concerned with the use of detona-
tors shall have a correct knowledge of their use and keep them
ready for immediate use.
(3) Every railway servant shall see that the railway servants
in his charge concerned with the use of detonators have a cor-
rect knowledge of their use.
SR. 3.64.01.-(a) Stock of detonators. -A case containing 10 detona-
tors shall form part of equipment when on duty, of every Guard, Loco pilot,
Permanent way Gangmate, Gateman, patrolman, Stationery watchman,
Lineman of traction Department, Signal/Block Maintainer. Every push trolley,
motor trolley, lorry and tower Wagon shall be equipped with a case of 10 det-
onators. Every keyman shall be supplied with 8 detonators.
(b)The Divisional Railway Managers shall prescribe the number of det-
onators which shall be kept in stock at stations, in each SSE/SE/JE (P. Way)
office and Running Sheds, OHE Depot, BSI’s office and also the minimum
number below which the stock shall not be allowed to fall.
(c) Station Masters, Running Shed, SSE (Loco /Traction/OHE)
SSE/SE/JE (P. Way) and SSE/SE/JE(S&T). shall be responsible for seeing
that the stock of detonators is never allowed to fall below the minimum.

SR.3.64.02- Supply of detonators. –

(a) Station Masters shall supply detonators to Guards headquartered at
their stations and to Gatemen working under their control.
(b) SSE/SE/JE (P. Way) shall supply detonators to Gangmates,
keymen, Gatemen of Engineering level crossing gates, Bridge Watchmen,
Stationary Watchmen and Patrolmen.
(c) Chief crew controller/crew controllers//SSE/SE/JE (loco/shed, Trac-
tion) (RS) shall supply detonator to Loco pilots.
(d) SSE/SE/JE (OHE) shall supply detonator to Linemen, Drivers of
Tower wagons and such other staff working under them.
(e) The SSE/SE/JE (S&T) shall supply detonators to the Signal/Block Main-
tainers working under them.


(f) The users of push trolley, motor trolly, lorries etc. shall arrange to get
the supply of detonators either from the Division Railway Managers/or
through the Station Master, SSE/SE/JE (P way, Loco, RS, OHE, S&T)
or Crew Controller of their Headquarters Stations as may be prescribed
by the Divisional Railway Managers.

SR. 3.64.03.- Storage of Detonators. -

(a) Detonators shall be handled with care as they are liable to explode if han-
dled roughly.
(b) Detonators shall be kept in the tin cases in which they are supplied. They
shall be stored in dry places and not left in contact with brick walls, damp
wood, chloride of lime or other disinfectants, nor exposed to dampness or
steam or other vapours. On sections where the climate is humid, “Silicagel”
bags may be kept in the containers to absorb moisture. These ’silicagel’ bags
should be heated periodically in order to expel the absorbed moisture.
(c) Fog signals shall not be exposed to sun rays except when used on the
track, as this can be dangerous.
(d) The month and year of manufacture are shown on the label outside each
tin case and are also stamped on each detonator. Detonators shall be used
up in the order on the date stamped on them, those of the oldest manufacture
being used first. They shall always be stored in such a way as to facilitate
ready withdrawal in the correct sequence. This shall also apply to the ar-
rangement of detonators in individual tin cases kept with users like Gang-
mates, Keymen, Gang men and Patrolmen, where the same tin case may, at
any given time, contain detonators of different dates of manufacture.

SR. 3.64.04. - Use of detonators-

(a) A detonator shall be placed over the rail closest to the inner side of
the rail and be fixed with the help of lead strips bending inside the rail
and the label/brand should face upward.
(b) When a railway servant has placed one or more detonators on the
line, he shall withdraw beyond the safety radius of 45 meters from the
detonator or detonators before they are exploded by an approaching
engine or train. He shall be responsible for warning as far as circum-
stances permit, any person in the vicinity to stand beyond the safety
Staff in observing the safety radius of 45 meters shall place them-
selves as far as possible in rear of the locomotive, train or wagon
passing over the detonators.
(c) Station Masters, SSE/SE/JE (P. Way, Shed, Loco, Traction &
S&T) and Transportation Inspectors shall be responsible for ensuring


that the detonators in the possession of the staff under their control
are tested regularly as prescribed in SR 3.64.05 and that the staff
know when and how to use them. All such staff as are expected to
use detonators shall be tested once in three months by the controlling
senior subordinates or by inspecting officials in regard to their
knowledge of the use of detonators.
(d) Each Station Master, SSE/SE/JE (P. Way, Shed, Loco, Traction &
S&T) shall maintain a register of receipts, use and testing of detona-
tors supplied to them.
(e) The normal shelf life of detonators manufactured during 2010 and
thereafter shall be 5 Years reckoned from the year of its manufacture.
It can, however, be extended further for a maximum of 3 more years,
provided that detonators which are more than 5 years old are effec-
tive. For this purpose, two detonators, of each batch/lot should be
tested at the end of 5 years and if the result of these tests are satis-
factory, life of the detonators of that batch should be extended by one
more year, on expiry of which similar tests should be conducted an-
nually to extend the life of the detonators of that particular batch/lot up
to a maximum of 8 years from the year of manufacture. However, the
life span of detonators of earlier lot in use shall continue to be 7 years
from the year of manufacture (for those lots which were manufactured
up to 2009). (c/slip 83 added).
(f) Railway servants in possession of detonators shall be responsible
for ensuring that they are not put to any improper use.

SR. 3.64.05.- Testing of detonators. -

(a) Station Masters, SSE/SE/JE (P. Way, Loco/Shed, Traction & S&T)
and other officials holding stocks of detonators supplied to them for
issue to staff under their control as well as for their own use shall be
responsible for testing, one in 12 months at least 2 detonators drawn
at random from each batch of detonators received by them. Particular
care shall be taken to ensure that the oldest detonators remaining un-
used with the staff to whom they were issued are tested without fail.
(b) Detonators shall be tested under the wheels of any empty wagon
pushed by a locomotive at a restricted speed of 8 to 12 kmph. The
tests shall be carried out under the direct supervision of an official not
below the rank of Transportation Inspector, SSE/SE/JE (P. Way, Lo-
co, Traction & S&T) Station Masters of Guard’s-quarters stations are,
however, authorized to test detonators in their charge including those
issued by them to the Guards.
(c) During testing no person shall be allowed to approach within a ra-
dius of 45 m. of the detonators being tested, except for the engine

crew who shall also keep themselves well within the cab. The official
in charge of the testing shall, before commencement of the operation,
post sufficient men to ensure that no person trespasses the pre-
scribed safety radius until the testing is completed. The men posted
for this purpose shall also observe the prescribed safety radius and
shall place themselves as far as possible in the rear of the wagon
used for the test for greater safety against flying splinters.
(d) After the test is completed, the results thereof shall be communi-
cated to the officer issuing the detonators by the official conducting
the test.
(e) A record of the number of detonators testes shall be kept in a spe-
cial register maintained for the purpose.
(f) Deficiencies resulting from withdrawal of detonators, for the pur-
pose of testing, from the staff to whom they were issued shall be
made good by issue of detonators from a lot which has been tested
and found to be effective.
(g) If any of the detonators tested fails to explode, the entire batch it
represents shall be withdrawn and replaced by fresh stock.
(h) Detonators bearing any sign of rust on the surface or appearing
unsatisfactory in any way and those failing to explode in actual work-
ing shall also be retuned promptly to the issuing officer for replace-
SR. 3.64.06.- Disposal/destruction of time expired Detonators (fog
signals). -
Time expired detonators shall be destroyed by the following methods:
(a) by soaking them in light mineral oil for 48 hours and throwing them
one by one into fire with due precautions;
(b) by burning them in incinerator;
(c) by detonating them under the wagons during shunting operations;
(d) by throwing them in deep sea.
The destruction of time barred detonators shall be arranged in the
presence of a Railway servant who shall preferably be a Gazetted Of-
ficer and in no case Officer and no case below the rank of a Senior
Subordinate. He shall ensure that during destruction, every care is
taken to see that the splinters of detonators do not cause any injury to
life and property


It may be noted carefully that in no case the detonators shall be bur-

ied or thrown in water at such place where they could be recovered by
human beings.
SR. 3.64.07.-Instructions for the supply and use of fog signals at sta-
tions, to indicate to the Loco pilots of approaching trains, the location
of a signal.
(a) Recruitment. - Fog Signalmen shall be detailed for duty at stations,
being recruited partly from the Station Traffic staff and partly form En-
gineering Gagmen and must not be substitutes or casual labour but
regular employees of the railway.
(b) Relief. - Divisional Operating Manager shall arrange for a Relief
Force for relieving Fog Signalmen at stations in area in which fogs are
prevalent when such men are absent on account of sickness or au-
thorized leave.
(c) Supply and method of use. - (i)Each Fog Signalman, while being
sent to the fog signal post, shall be given 24 detonating (fog) signals
(pataka) or less as may be prescribed under special instructions. The
Station Master shall ensure that fresh supplies of Fog signals are sent
out, as necessary, to the men in replacement of those used.
(ii) One Fog Signal man shall be sent to each of the fog signal posts
which are erected at all stations in rear of (i.e., outside) the First stop
(iii) Each Fog Signalman on reaching the fog signal post shall at once
place and secure on the rails two fog signals (Pataka) about 10 me-
ters from each other, one being opposite and, on the rail, next to the
fog signal post and the other beyond it and in the direction from which
the incoming train would come.
(iv) He shall then station himself 45 meters behind the fog signal post.
(v) Fog Signalman shall never leave their post until relieved by anoth-
er trained Fog Signalmen except when he has to report to the Cabin
man or the Station.
(vi) A Fog Signalman shall never sleep while on duty at the fog signal
post. He must realize that the lives of many people depend on his
alertness and devotion to duty.
(vii) If a train is approaching at the time a Fog Signalman is being re-
lived at a fog signal post, both men shall allow the train to pass and
explode the fog signals already placed and secured on the line. As
soon as the train has passed or if no train is approaching, the Fog-
Signal man who is being relieved, shall pick up the last two detonators
(fog) signals he had placed on the line and take them with any unex-


ploded detonators or exploded cases he has, back to the station. The

Fog Signalman coming on duty shall place two fresh detonators on to
the lines.
(d) Exception for branch lines. - On branch lines or sections, on which
traffic is light, the Station Master on duty may, under “special instruc-
tions”, send a Fog Signalman out to the fog signal post for reception
of each individual train. This procedure shall only be permitted if it is
provided for in the Station Working Rules.
(e) Method of securing. - Fog Signals shall be placed on the line with
the label or brand upwards, and shall be secured by bending the
clasps round the head of the rail.
(f) Placing Fog signals on a mixed gauge. - Where the use of Fog sig-
nals is necessary under these rules on a mixed gauge, Fog signals
shall be placed on one rail of each gauge, or on the rail common to
Examples -
(i) Where one rail is common to both gauges.
(1) (1) - (1)A <-- 10 meters -->A
(2) (2) - (2) -----------------------------------------------------
(3) (3) - (3) -----------------------------------------------------
(1) Rail common to broad gauge and meter gauge
(2) Meter gauge rail
(3) Second broad gauge rail
(ii) Where there is no rail common to the two gauges.

1 and 4 two broad Gauge rails

2 and 3 two Meter gauge rails
(iii) IN case (i) the fog signal shall be placed at
A ..... ..... ..... ..... A


NOTE: - The fog signals shall always be placed on the rail common to
both gauges, irrespective of whether it is nearest to the fog signal post
or not.
(iv) In case (ii) the detonating (fog) signals must be placed at
A..........................A and B ..........................B.
(v) To know the location of the 1st stop signal of a station during foggy
weather the kilometer chart of the 1st stop signal location of every sta-
tion be mentioned in working time table for information of loco pilot.
(g) Renewal of detonating (fog) signals. -On both double lines, detonat-
ing (fog) signals shall be placed on the rails for each train and shall be
renewed each time a train passes over them.
(h) Hand signals. -(i) The Fog signalman shall always carry a lighted
hand signal lamps in foggy or tempestuous weather or in a dust storm.
(ii) if the Fog Signalman is aware of any Obstruction on the line, he
shall show a ‘Stop’ hand signal to an approaching train. Under no other
circumstances shall a Fog signalman show a hand signal to the Loco pi-
lot of an approaching train, but on single line sections, for a train leaving
a station, the Fog Signalman shall show a “proceed” (green) hand signal
to the loco pilot.
(i) Acknowledgement of rules. - The Station Master shall explain to
each Fog Signalman at his station relating to the duties of Fog signal-
ling and obtain his assurance in the month of October of every calen-
dar year in the Fog Signal Register.
(j) Record of fog signals and exploded cases. -
(i) The Station Master on duty shall be responsible for ensuring that
the Fog Signalman before going out on duty to the fog signal posts,
count the number of fog signals issued to them. This number shall be
entered in the “Station Detonator Register” in part III of the Register
and the Station Master on duty and the Fog Signalman shall jointly
sign this entry.
(ii) As each train has passed over the fog signals placed for it, the
Fog Signalman shall collect the exploded cases (not omitting the
cases of detonators which have failed to explode) and when his peri-
od of duty is over, or when he is recalled on the weather clearing up,
he shall bring all the used fog signals and any unused he still has,
and make them over to the “Station Master’ on duty. The Station
Master on duty shall enter in the “Station Detonator Register” the
number of used fog signals and unused fog signals and both the Sta-
tion Master and Fog Signalman shall sign against this entry. If the
Fog Signalman is illiterate, the Station Master shall take his thumb



1. This register contains the following parts -
Part I.-Particulars of Fog Signalmen posted at the station from time to
Part II.-Particulars of receipt and stock of detonating (fog) signals at the sta-
tion, to be filled in whenever detonators are used or received.
Part III.-Periods of fogs, Fog Signalmen on duty, and details of deto-
nators used.
Part IV -Particulars of issue and testing of Fog signals at Depot, Sta-
tion, Loco Shed & C.
2. As soon as a man is posted to or detailed for duty at a station as a Fog
Signalman, the Station Master must satisfy himself that the man is fully ac-
quainted with and understands the rules relating to the placing of detonating
(fog) signals at stations during thick or foggy weather. As an assurance of
this, the Station Master shall take the signature or thumb impression of such
men in the appropriate column of Part I of this register.
3. The Station Master shall ensure that the information to be maintained in
this register is kept up to date and is accurate in all respects.
4. Transportation Inspectors shall check the register, as also the stock of det-
onators on hand, each time they visit a station and initial with date as an indi-
cation of their having done so.
(From errata issued on 22/9/14 this part I added) OP/T – 124 part-I
South Eastern Railway part -1, fog signal man posted at ---------station

Period Name Substa- Assur- Sign. Date of testing Sign of Sign

for of fog ance of of SM of the fog sig- fog of
which signal fog sig- nal man in his signal the
post of
worked man nal man duties by the man SM
fog sig-
at the SM
nal man

Delete phrase ’hand’ in 5th column and add ‘hand ‘word in 6th column after detona-
tors on’ (hand). In part II -stock of detonators ---in the below figure


G. Signals to warn incoming train of danger ahead

3.65. The signals to be used to warn the incoming train of
an obstruction shall be a red flashing hand signal lamp at
night or a red flag during day.
3.66. Use of warning signals- When it becomes neces-
sary to protect an obstruction in a block section, a signal may be
used, as prescribed by special instructions under rule 3.65, while
the railway servant proceeds to place detonators.

3.67. Knowledge and possession of warning signals. -

(1)(a) All concerned railway servant on whom this duty is
laid by the Railway Administration shall keep a stock of such sig-
nal as may be prescribed by special instructions under rule 3.65;
(b) The Railway Administration shall be responsible for the
supply, renewal and safe custody of such signals as may be pre-


scribed by special instructions under rule3.65 and for ensuring

that their use is properly understood;
(c) The Railway Administration shall supply every Guard, Loco
Pilot, Patrolman and Gateman working on the Double or Multiple
line, Ghat, Suburban or Automatic Block Territories with such signal
as may be prescribed by special instructions under rule 3.65.
(2) Every railway servant concerned with the use of signals
as prescribed by special instructions under rule 3.65, shall have
a correct knowledge of their use and keep them ready for imme-
diate use.
(3) Every railway servant shall see that the railway servants in
his charge concerned with the use of warning signals as pre-
scribed by special instructions under rule 3.65, have a correct
knowledge of their use.”

H. Defective fixed Signals and points

3.68. Duties of Station Master generally when a signal is de-

fective. -
(1) As soon as a Station Master becomes aware that any
signal has become defective or has ceased to work properly, he
(a) immediately arrange to place the signal at ‘on’ if it is
not already in that position;
(b) depute competent railway servants with such hand
signals and detonators as may be required to give signals at the
foot of the defective signal until he is satisfied that such signal
has been put in to proper working order;
(c) take action in accordance with Rules 3.69 and 3.70 as
may be required for movement of trains past the defective sig-
nals; and
(d) report the occurrence to the railway servant responsible
for the upkeep of the signals, and if the sections are controlled,
the Controller also.


(2) When the Station Master receives information of any

defect in a signal not pertaining to his station from the Loco pilot
or the Guard or any other railway servant, he shall immediately
inform the Station Master concerned of the fact and keep the
Controller advised, where the section is controlled.
(3) In case of signals becoming defective at stations situat-
ed on Centralised Traffic Control territories, the Centralised Traf-
fic control operator on becoming aware of such defects, shall
take action in accordance with special instructions.
SR. 3.68.01.- (a) Station Masters are strictly prohibited from interfering
or allowing the station staff to interfere with Signalling & Interlocking equip-
ment, except for the provision laid down in SR3.68.02(a).
(b) In no circumstances may a signal be taken ‘OFF ‘by pulling the
wires by hand or in any way other than the prescribed method.
(c) A signal in the ‘OFF’ position is the final indication that the points
are correctly set for the route for which it applies, and if it is found impossible
to take ‘OFF’ a signal, the setting of points on the route to which it applies
shall be inspected by SM /Switchman/Cabin man before the signal is declared
as defective irrespective of what is indicated by the position of the switches
and route levers, points levers or lock lever.
(d) If on inspection it is found that the defect is due to presence of bal-
last or other obstructions causing a gap in the points, the obstruction shall be
removed and the signal taken ‘OFF’ and normal working continued.
(e) In case of failure of track circuit for the line to which the signal ap-
plies, the aforesaid railway servant shall also inspect the entire route so as to
ensure that the route is clear of all obstructions.
(f) If a signal which is not relevant to the operation comes ‘OFF’ while
taking ‘OFF’ the signal for a relevant route, both these signals shall be
deemed as defective.

SR. 3.68.02. - As soon as the Station Master has become aware that
any signal has become defective or has ceased to work properly, the following
procedure shall be followed: -
(a) The Station Master shall take measures either by disconnecting the
wire or by other means to place the signal at ‘ON ‘position if not already in that
(b) If this signal cannot be kept in the ‘ON’ position a competent Rail-
way servant in uniform shall be deputed to exhibit a Stop hand signal at the
foot of the defective signal post and to place a detonator 90 meters outside it
provided it is a Stop signal. The aforesaid railway servant shall replace the


detonator every time it is passed over by a train. He shall not leave his post
until relieved by another competent railway servant. Relief shall be arranged
every four hours in such cases. If this condition happens at night or if it con-
tinues after dark, the green glass of the signal arm in question shall be so bro-
ken as to prevent a green light being seen, to ensure that a Loco pilot may not
mistake it for a signal lowered for his train. If it is a Routing signal (not Home),
Starter or Advanced Starter, a detonator need not be used. If it is a Warner/
Distant GR3.71 shall be complied with.

SR. 3.68.03.- If the defective signal is in’ on’ position a competent rail-
way servant in uniform shall be deputed if action is to be initiated to receive
trains in accordance with the provision prescribed in SR.3.69.02.
SR. 3.68.04.-(a) As soon as the Station Master becomes aware that
any signal at his station governing the movement of trains, has become defec-
tive he shall immediately report such defect with complete particulars either in
writing or by telephone to the Signal Maintainer concerned, SSE/SE/JE(S&T),
Asst. Signal & Telecom. Engineer (where posted).A copy of the report of fail-
ure of signal/ signals shall be endorsed to Divisional Operations Manager ,
Divisional Safety Officer, Divisional Signal& Telecom Engineer, Chief Control-
ler, Divisional Transportation Inspector, Station Master of the adjacent Block
station in rear and Notice stations concerned. On controlled section the sec-
tion Controller shall also be informed over phone.
(b) He shall make necessary entries in signal Failure Register, Train
Signal Register, Diary and Caution order Register.
(c) On receipt of a written or telegraphic or telephonic report from the
Station Master, the concerned staff of the S&T department shall attend to the
reported defects and issue disconnection notice in form S&T/DN (T-351)
where necessary and obtain acknowledgement from the Station Master and
then carry out the work.
(d) When the defect has been rectified, the official of the signal department
shall issue a reconnection memo on the relevant portion of the form S & T / DN
(T-351) to the Station Master as a certificate for rectification of the defect and ob-
tain his signature. The Station master before acknowledging such memo shall
test the signal and satisfy himself that the signal is in proper working order.
(e) Thereafter the Station Master shall make necessary entries in the
Failure register, Train Signaling register, Diary and Caution Order Register.
(f) Station Master and official of the signal department who rectifies the
defect shall issue rectification message to the officials mentioned in Para (a).

SR. 3.68.05 - Failure of signal lights where colour light Signals are pro-
vided: -


(a) At station provided with colour light signals where lights cannot be
kept burning due to power failure including failure of stand- by arrangements,
the Station Master must inform the station on either side and the section con-
troller, immediately, who shall inform the Sr DEE/DEE and Sr. DSTE /DSTE
(b) before despatching a train to such a station, Station Master of the
station in rear shall issue T/409 (Caution Order) to the loco pilot advising him
of the absence of any light on the signals and therefore for keeping a good
vigil and look out and to stop at the foot of the first stop signal post of the sta-
tion where signal lights are out.
(c) T/369(3b) (Authority to pass defective signals) shall be issued to the
Loco pilot by the Station Master of the station where the failure has occurred,
at the foot of the first stop signal and the starter signal, as the case may be.
Provision of GR 3.69 (1) for the issue of Authority to pass defective
signals T/369(1) by Station Master in rear and the last nominated station shall
not be applicable in such a case.
It will be worth mentioning that as and when Power supply is resumed
and signal is “lit” again, the advice as indicated in (a) above shall be cancelled
and the loco pilot of the train shall be guided by the aspect of the signal.

3.69. Duties of Station Master when an approach Stop signal

is defective.-
(1) In the event of an Outer or a Home or a Routing signal
becoming defective, the Station Master shall advise the station in
rear and the nominated station in rear, save in a case where a
signal post telephone or a calling-on signal is provided on the de-
fective signal, in order that the Loco pilots of approaching trains
may be warned of the defective signal and issued a written au-
thority to pass such signal on receipt of Proceed signal at the
foot of the defective signal.
(2) The Station Master in rear as referred to in sub-rule (1),
on receiving the advice of the defective signal, shall immediately
acknowledge it and advise the Station Master of the station
where the signal has become defective of the number of the first
train which will be notified of the defective signal and again on
receipt of the advice that the defective signal has been put into
proper working order, shall advise the number of the train so no-
tified last.
(3) The Station Master of the station where the signal has
become defective shall, before authorizing a train to pass the de-


fective signal, ensure that the conditions for taking “OFF” that
signal have been fulfilled. He shall then authorize the Loco pilot
to pass the defective signal at “ON” in one of the following man-
(a) When the Loco pilot of an approaching train has been
advised of the defective signal at a station in rear by deputing a
competent railway servant in uniform under clause (b) of sub-rule
(1) of Rule 3.68, to exhibit Proceed hand signal at the foot of the
defective signal to the approaching train. In such cases, the Sta-
tion Master shall not give Line Clear to the station in rear unless
the conditions for taking “OFF” the signal which has become de-
fective, have been complied with; or
(b) When the Loco pilot of an approaching train has not
been advised of the defective signal at a station in rear by having
a written authority, authorising the Loco pilot to pass the defec-
tive signal at “ON” delivered at the foot of the defective signal
through a competent railway servant; or
(c) by taking ‘OFF’ the Calling - on signal where provided;
(d) by authorizing the Loco pilot to pass the defective sig-
nal at ‘ON’ over the signal post telephone where provided, in ac-
cordance with special instructions.
(4) When the home signal becomes defective the outer
shall also be deemed to be out of order and the procedure pre-
scribed in sub-rules (1), (2) and (3) shall be followed.
SR. 3.69.01. - If at an interlocked station, the Home signal for any route
is out of order and it remains in the ‘ON’ position but does not affect the inter-
locking of any other route, it is permissible to admit trains direct into the sta-
tion on the other lines by taking OFF the other relevant Home signals and (in
conjunction there-with) the outer signal, where provided.
SR. 3.69.02.- (a) (i) The Station Master of the station at which Outer,
Home or Routing signal has become defective shall advise the station in rear
and, also the last stopping stations for Mail, Express and Passenger trains,
except in case where a signal post telephone or Calling - on signal is provided
on the defective signal so that the Loco pilots of all approaching trains may be
issued with the written authority on form T - 369 (1). The stations receiving the
message shall acknowledge the same supported by Private Number and also
intimate the number of the first train to which T - 369 (1) is being issued;


(ii) If the station in rear of the affected station, happens to be a Block-

Hut, the advice for issuing T - 369 (1) shall be sent to the station in rear of
such block hut or block huts.
(iii) In case of goods trains form T-369 (1) shall be issued and handed
over to the Loco pilot at the Station preceding the station at which signal is out
of order. For this purpose, such trains shall be stopped out of course;
(iv) The Station Master after sending the advice to the station in rear,
shall depute a Jamadar/Points man/Token porter in uniform at the foot of de-
fective signal with hand signals;
(v) If the Outer is defective, the railway servant mentioned in sub -rule
(iv) shall display hand signal according to the aspect of Home signal i.e. if the
Home is in ‘off’ position, he shall display proceed hand signal to the approach-
ing train,
(vi) if both the Outer and Home become defective or Home itself is defective,
the aforesaid railway servant shall display stop hand signal from the foot of the Out-
er signal till such time proceed hand signal is displayed from the facing end Cabin
or from the Station Platform where end cabins are not provided. The exhibition of
proceed hand signal by the aforesaid railway servant as well as from the Cab-
in/Station Platform as the case may be, shall continue till such time the train has
passed the place of showing such signals.
Possession of T -369 (1) and exhibition of ‘proceed’ hand signal at the
foot of First Stop signal by the railway servant shall be authority for the Loco
pilot to pass such signals in defective position.
(vii) When the station in rear or the last stopping station has been ad-
vised to issue T - 369 (1), the Station Master shall not give ‘Line Clear’ to the
station in rear for any train unless all concerned points are correctly set, all
facing points (trailing points also in case of motor operated points) locked/
clamped and padlocked and the clearance of route is ensured for the nomi-
nated route as prescribed in SR 3.69.03 or SR 3.69.04, whichever is applica-
(b) The procedure detailed in sub - rule (a) shall not apply to stations
worked under automatic block system or when the signal becomes defective
in ‘OFF’ position. In such cases trains shall work in accordance with the pro-
cedure detailed in SR 3.69.03 and 3.69.04.

SR. 3.69.03.- At a station where Outer/Home/Routing signal is defec-

tive and there is no calling on signal or signal post telephone provided on the
defective signal or these are out of order and also the stations in rear have not
been advised to issue T-369(1) to the approaching trains in terms of SR
3.69.02, the following procedures shall be adopted for reception of a train ex-
cept at stations with panel interlocking, route relay interlocking or solid state
interlocking arrangement, in which cases SR 3.69.04 shall be followed.
(a) When it is necessary to admit a train past fixed signal/ Signals which
are defective, except in case of shunting operation, the Station Master on duty


shall depute a Jamadar/Points man/Token porter to pilot the train giving him a
written authority on form T - 369 (3b). Before handing over the written authori-
ty to the pilotman the Station Master shall ensure that all the points are cor-
rectly set and all facing points are clamped and padlocked of the nominated
route for the nominated line and take possession of pad-lock key. The Railway
Servant deputed shall not hand over the written authority to the Loco pilot un-
less the train has been brought to a stop outside the first Stop signal. Thereaf-
ter the Loco pilot shall proceed provided he is in possession of T-369 (3b) and
the pilotman has boarded the engine, and display ‘proceed’ hand signal to
pass the defective signal/signals in defective position.
(b) At station where cabins are provided at either end before handing
over the written authority to the Pilotman. The following procedure shall be
observed -
(i) The Station Master on duty shall personally supervise the correct set-
ting of all points, clamping and padlocking of the facing points and clearance of
the nominated route for admission of a Passenger train or a goods train when a
Passenger train is standing on the adjacent line.
(ii) The Switchman/Cabin man shall be responsible for correct setting of
all points, clamping and pad locking of all the facing points and clearance of
the nominated route for admission of a goods train. After complying with the
procedure stated above, the Switchman/ cabin man shall give a Private Num-
ber to the Station Master as an assurance of having done so. The Station
Master shall, then hand over the written authority T - 369 (3b) to the Pilotman
for piloting the train.
(c) At a station where end cabins are not provided the correct, setting
clamping and padlocking of facing points on nominated line shall devolve on
the Station Master for all trains except where Line label and badge system
has been brought into force, in which case the procedure as laid down in SR
3.69.02 shall be followed.
(d) The procedure detailed in sub-rule (a), (b), (c) shall also apply for
receiving a train on a non - signaled line.

SR. 3.69.04.- During failure of an approaching stop signal at a station

provided with panel interlocking, route relay interlocking or solid-state inter-
locking arrangements the following procedures shall be followed.
(a) If the route setting can be done correctly yet the signal does
not take off, the operator will cancel the route that has been set
and try to reset the route. If the signal still does not take off, the
alternative route, if any, shall be attempted, taking into consid-
eration, of course, that such diversion will be possible for the
train. If the signal does not take off for that route even then, the
SM on duty shall try to allow movements by taking off the call-
ing on signal in case it is available. If the calling on signal is not
available or it fails to take off, then the SM shall reset the de-
sired route and take the following action:


(i) At stations, where point lock indication specifically provided

on the panel, he shall personally ensure from the indication
displayed in the panel that the route is clear, the points are
correctly set and the point indications are not flashing, the
point lock indications are lit and remained steady and the
cancellation of the signal route that caused the above point
locking has not been initiated. The SM shall note down the
point lock indications lit on the panel in the TSR in red ink and
place button collars on the signal buttons. Thereafter, he will
depute a competent railway servant to pilot the train along
with a written authority on T/369(3b), for the loco pilot to pass
the concerned signal at danger.
(ii) At stations, where point lock indication is not specifically pro-
vided on the panel or in case the point locking indication fails
to appear in the indication panel, the SM on duty shall ensure
the clearance of the nominated route, proper setting of all
points through crank handle operation and clamping and pad-
locking of all facing and trailing points on the route. In addi-
tion, wherever crossovers exist on the route, the other end of
the cross over, even though it may not be in the route of the
train, shall also be clamped and padlocked before issuing
T/369(3b), to the loco pilot to pass the defective signal.

At stations where end panels are provided, the procedure as stipulat-

ed in SR 3.69.03 (b) shall be followed with the addition that all trailing points
shall also be clamped and padlocked and wherever crossovers exist on the
route, the other end of the cross over, even though it may not be in the route
of the train, shall be clamped and padlocked.

SR. 3.69.05.- Where telephone is provided below the first Stop signal
which has become defective, the train shall be stopped outside such signal
and Loco pilot shall contact the Station Master on telephone who shall after
complying with the procedure laid down in 3.69.03 (b),(c) give a Private num-
ber to the Loco pilot and arrange to display proceed hand signal either from
station platform or from the cabin till the train has arrived complete. The Loco
pilot on receipt of Private Number and on seeing the proceed hand signal as
mentioned above, shall pass the defective signal as in GR 3.80(2).

SR. 3.69.06.-(a) When the Home or Inner Home signal becomes de-
fective the Outer shall also be treated as defective.
(b) When the Outer signal is defective (in case when advice has not
been sent to the station in rear to issue written authority in advance,) the Sta-
tion Master shall depute a Jamadar/Points man/Token porter in uniform with a
written authority on form T- 369 (3b) to pilot in the train. After the train has
come to a stop at the Outer signal, the Pilotman shall exhibit proceed hand


signal to the Switchman / Cabin man who shall then take ‘OFF’ the home sig-
nal. After the train has stopped at Outer signal and on seeing the Home signal
in ‘OFF’ position, the pilotman shall hand over the written authority on form T -
369 (3b) to the loco pilot to proceed and give a proceed hand signal.
(c) In case the Station Master has advised the station in rear to issue
a written authority in advance and acknowledgement has been received, the
Jamadar or Points man or Token Porter shall be deputed to the Outer signal.
The pilotman shall display ‘Proceed’ hand signal at the foot of the Outer signal
to the approaching train only after seeing the Home signal in ‘OFF’ position. If
the Home signal is in the ‘ON’ position, the Jamadar or points man or Token
Porter shall exhibit Stop hand signal to stop the train till the Home signal is
taken ‘OFF’.
3.70. Duties of Station Master when a departure stop signal
is defective -
(1) In the event of a Starter becoming defective, the Sta-
tion Master may authorise the Loco pilot to pass such signal by a
written authority which shall be handed over to the Loco pilot at
the station where the defective signal is located and in addition
thereto, a competent railway servant shall show hand signals to
the departing train in accordance with the instruction of the Sta-
tion Master or by taking ‘OFF’ the Calling-on signal, if provided,
under sub-rule (2) of Rule 3.13, after the train has been brought
to a stand at the defective signal.
(2) In the event of an Advanced Starter becoming defec-
tive, hand signals may be dispensed with and the Station Master
may authorise the Loco pilot to pass such signal by a written au-
thority, which shall be handed over to the Loco pilot at the sta-
tion, where the defective signal is located.
Provided that in exceptional circumstance where under
approved special instructions, an Advanced Starter protects any
points, hand signals shall not be dispensed with.
(3) For the purpose of handing over the written authority
mentioned in sub-rules (1) and (2) the train shall be stopped at
the station where the defective signal is located. The written au-
thority to pass a defective departure Stop signal shall not be
handed over to the Loco pilot unless all the conditions for taking
‘OFF’ such signal have been fulfilled.


(4) Where under approved special instructions a Calling -

on signal has been provided below a departure Stop signal, other
than the last Stop signal, the Calling - on signal shall not be tak-
en ‘OFF’ unless the conditions for taking ‘OFF’ the departure
Stop signal above it have been fulfilled.

SR. 3.70.01 - At a station when the Starter signal has become defec-
tive the Station Master shall issue a written authority in form T -369 (3b) / (in
auto section T/A-912) to the Loco pilot to pass the defective Starter and in
addition he shall depute a Jamadar/Points man/Token porter at the foot of
such signal to exhibit proceed hand signal to the Loco pilot (Before handing
over the written authority to the Loco pilot the procedure detailed in SR
3.69.03 (b)(i),(ii) and (c) shall be complied with. Provided that at stations hav-
ing PI/RRI/SSI; SR 3.70.02 shall be followed.
SR. 3.70.02 - In case of stations having RRI/PI/SSI, the following pro-
cedures shall be followed:
If the route setting can be done correctly, yet the signal does not take
off, the SM shall try to allow movements by taking off the calling on signal in
case it is available. If the calling on signal is not available or fails to take off,
then the SM shall reset the desired route and take action as mentioned in SR
3.69.04 (i) and (ii).
SR. 3.70.03.- In case the advanced starter becomes defective, such
signal shall be passed on the written authority in form T- 369 (3b) Proceed
hand signal, in this case, shall be dispensed with only where the Advanced
Starter does not protect any Point.

3.71. Warner or Distant signals defective in the ‘OFF’ posi-

tion -
(1) (a) If a Warner signal on a post itself or a Distant signal
is out of order and cannot be kept in the ‘ON’ position a Stop
hand signal shall be shown at the foot of the signal. At night, the
light or lights of the signal be extinguished and the train, after be-
ing first brought to a stand, may then be hand - signalled past the
signal. Advice of the defective signal shall be given to the Loco
pilot of the train at the station in rear warning them to stop at
such signal.
(b) If a Warner signal placed below a stop signal becomes
defective and cannot be kept in the ‘ON’ position, the Stop signal
above it shall be treated as defective and by night the light of the
Warner signal shall be extinguished.

(2) If the Warner or Distant signal of an Intermediate Block

post is defective and cannot be kept it the ‘ON’ position, the In-
termediate Block Stop signal shall also be kept at ‘ON’ and treat-
ed as defective and action taken as per rule 3.75.

3.72. Warner not to be used when Stop signal is defective-

Whenever a Stop signal is defective or ceases to work properly at a
station provided with Warner, the Warner applying to the line to
which the defective Stop signal applies shall be kept at ‘ON’ until
the defective stop signal is rectified.
3.73. Passing of a gate stop signal at “ON” -
1. When a Loco pilot finds a gate Stop signal at ‘ON’ he
shall sound the prescribed code of whistle and bring his train to a
stop in rear of the signal.
2(a) if the gate stop signal is provided with a ‘G’ marker,
the Loco pilot shall wait at the signal for one minute by day and
two minutes by night, and if the signal is not taken ‘Off’ within this
period, he may draw his train ahead cautiously up to the level
crossing, and
(b) if the gateman is available and exhibiting hand signals,
proceed further past the gate cautiously, or
(c) If the gateman is not available or, is available but not
exhibiting hand signals; he shall stop short of the level crossing,
where he shall then be hand-signalled past the gate by the
gateman, if there is one or in the absence of a Gateman, by one
of the members of the engine crew of the train after ascertaining
that gates are closed against road traffic.
(3) if the Loco pilot finds, after stopping at the signal that
there is no ‘G’ maker, he shall proceed further only in accord-
ance with the procedure laid down under special instruction.

3.74. Absence of a fixed signal or a signal without a light -

(1) (a) If there is no fixed signal at a place where a fixed
signal is ordinarily shown or
(b) if the light of a signal is not burning when it should or
(c) If a white light is shown in place of a colour light, or


(d) if the aspect of a signal is misleading or imperfectly

shown, or
(e) if more than one aspect is displayed. The Loco pilot
shall act as if the signal was showing its most restrictive aspect:
Provided that during night, if in the case of a semaphore
Stop signal for approaching trains only, the Loco pilot finds the
signal light extinguished he shall bring his train to a stop at such
signal. If he finds that day aspect of such signal is clearly visible
and is satisfied that the signal is in the ‘OFF’ position, he shall
proceed past it up to the station cautiously at a restricted speed
obeying all intermediate Stop signals, if any, relating him, and
report the matter to the Station Master for necessary action.
(2) At Stations equipped with a colour light signal provided
with a ‘P’ marker, the Loco pilot shall bring his train to a stand if it
does not show any light or shown an imperfect aspect and hav-
ing satisfied himself that the signal is provided with a ‘P’ maker,
shall proceed preparing to stop at the next Stop signal and shall
be guided further by its aspect.

SR. 3.74.01 - Conflicting signals -

Conflicting signal shall be treated as defective and, as such, equiva-
lent to a signal at danger or at its most restrictive aspect. For instance, if the
Warner is ‘OFF’ while the Outer, or the main Home is ‘ON’; or when the
Warner is taken ‘OFF’ in conjunction with the Home signal for one of the loop
lines; or the distant shows Proceed/green aspect when the Home signal dis-
plays’ Yellow’ with route/lunar indication; or if one or more route/lunar indica-
tors glow along with ‘Stop’(red), or ‘Proceed’ (green), or ‘Attention’(double yel-
low) aspects; or if more than one route/lunar indicators glow along with the
caution/yellow aspect; or if a signal shows more than one aspect simultane-
ously, such signal shall be treated as conflicting and, hence, defective signals.
The Loco pilot of a train on noticing such conflicting signals shall bring his
train to a dead stop.
The train shall then be piloted after a careful examination of
points/route etc. following extant rules.
SR. 3.74.02:- Frequent aspect changing and flickering/bobbing of Colour
Light Signal
In case of a colour light signal, if its aspect changes from one aspect to other,
such as green to yellow/red, yellow to red/green or vice-versa or is flicker-
ing/bobbing, the loco pilot shall bring his train to a stop short of it and treat the
signal as showing its most restrictive aspect. If the signal subsequently as-


sumes a steady aspect and remains steady for 60 seconds (i.e., one minute),
the loco pilot should regard it and act in accordance with the aspect so shown
by the signal. If, however, the signal continues to flicker or bob or change its
aspects and does not assume a steady aspect for at least 60 seconds, the
signal should be treated as defective, in this case, the train shall be piloted
after a careful examination of pints/route etc. following extant rules.
At locations, where piloting stands dispensed with, such as Automatic Stop Sig-
nals, Permissive Signals, IB stop signals and gate stop signals, the loco pilot
shall proceed treating the signal as if it is showing its most restrictive aspect in
accordance with the rules applicable for passing of such signals at ‘ON’

3.75. Passing of Intermediate Block Stop signal at ‘ON’ -

(1) When a Loco pilot finds an intermediate Block Stop
signal at ‘ON’ he shall stop his train in rear of the signal and con-
tact the Station Master of the block station in rear on the tele-
phone, if provided on the signal post.
(2) The Station Master shall authorise the Loco pilot to
pass the intermediate block Stop signal, if defective, as pre-
scribed by special instructions.
(3) If the telephone is not provided or is out of order, the
Loco pilot after waiting for 5 minutes at the signal shall pass it at
‘ON’ and proceed cautiously and be prepared to stop short of
any obstruction, at a speed not exceeding 15 kilometers an hour
if he has a good view of the line ahead, otherwise at a speed not
exceeding 8 kilometers an hour and report the failure to the Sta-
tion Master at the block station ahead.
(4) The Station Master of the block station working the In-
termediate Block Stop signal on becoming aware that such a sig-
nal is defective shall, before despatching a train, treat the entire
section up to the block station immediately ahead of the Interme-
diate Block Post as One Block Section and issue a written authori-
ty to the Loco pilot to pass the defective intermediate Block Stop
signal at ‘on’ without stopping at the signal, in accordance with the
procedure prescribed by special instructions.
SR. 3.75.01 - (i) if the Intermediate Block Stop signal is ‘ON’ the Loco
pilot shall stop at the signal and advise the Guard of the fact by sounding a
long continuous whistle and shall then contact the Station Master in rear over
the signal post telephone.


(ii) If the Station Master, on being contacted over telephone by the

Loco pilot, finds that the signal is defective, he shall, after obtaining ‘Line
Clear’ for the train from the Station in advance, authorise the Loco pilot on
telephone to pass the Intimidate Block Stop signal at ‘ON’ and enter the Block
Section ahead. He shall give the Loco pilot the Private Number and Identifica-
tion Number under which he has received ‘Line Clear’ for the train from the
station in advance.
The Loco pilot shall then sound one short, one long and one short
whistle and, on receipt of Guard’s signal shall proceed ahead, duly exchang-
ing signals with him.
(iii) The Station Master on being contacted by the Loco pilot on sig-
nal post telephone, if he is unable to obtain ‘Line Clear’ for the train due to
total interruption of communications, shall call for the Guard through the Lo-
co pilot and on being contacted by the Guard, he shall advise the Guard of
the circumstances and give a private number for the train to proceed up to
the next block station. The Guard shall prepare a memo in duplicate author-
ising the Loco pilot to proceed with the private Number received from Station
Master. In such case the speed of the train shall be restricted as prescribed
in GR 3.75 (3).
SR. 3.75.02. –while complying with the instruction contained in
GR 3.75(3) When the Loco Pilot has to pass an IBS Signal at ‘ON’ after wait-
ing for 5 minutes at the signal, he shall proceed cautiously preparing to stop
short of any obstruction at a speed not exceeding 15 Kmph. when view ahead
is clear and 8 Kmph when view ahead is not clear due to curve, obstruction,
rain, fog or any other cause until he reaches the foot of First Stop signal of the
Block Station in advance obeying any gate stop signal in between the IBS
Signal and First Stop Signal of the Block Station in Advance as per rules and
even if the signal is ‘off’ the Loco pilot shall continue to look out for any possi-
ble obstruction short of the same and will act upon its indication only after he
has reached it. Before starting, the Loco pilot shall sound one long whistle
which may be repeated as necessary and shall then start his train on receipt
of Guard’s signal. There after he shall exchange signals with the Guard.”

SR. 3.75.03.-The Written Authority as mentioned in GR 3.75 (4) shall

be in form T - 369 (3b) in which the Private Number and Identification number
obtained from the station in advance in support of ‘Line Clear’ shall be recorded.
Display of ‘Proceed’ hand signal at the foot of defective Intermediate Block Stop
signal may be dispensed with.
SR. 3.75.03(2nd para) (c/slip 130 added)
In such case, the Loco Pilot shall pass the IBS Signal at ‘ON’ at normal
speed subject to other speed restrictions in force.


Note: Strike out ‘IBS signal’ and the words ‘at a speed not exceeding 15
kmph’ in the form T/369/3b, before issuing for this purpose.
While writing ID number and Private Number in T/369/3b, also write:
‘pass IBS signal at normal speed observing other speed restrictions in force.’

SR. 3.75.04 - Backing of train on the portion of line after passing the Intermediate
block Stop signal.
(a) When the Loco pilot of a train finds it necessary to back his train
after clearing an Intermediate Block Stop signal, on the portion of the line pro-
vided with axle - counters, ‘track - circuit, due to unavoidable circumstances,
he shall not do so without drawing the attention of the Guard by sounding four
short whistles, where upon the Guard shall checkup that the tailboard / tail
lamp is correctly exhibited and shall proceed to protect the train as prescribed
in GR 6.03.
(b) The Guard shall then check the location of the train and enquire
from the Loco pilot the distance up to which backing is required and ensure
that the distance is not likely to foul the track section provided with axle -
counter/track - circuit. In order to clearly demarcate the track section, a board
with legend ‘Backing is not permitted beyond this point’ shall be fixed at an
adequate distance beyond the track section.
(c) If the backing is not likely to foul the axle - counter/ track- circuit
section, he shall give a written permission to the Loco pilot for backing indicat-
ing the approximate distance and after protecting the train with reference to
the point up to which train is to be backed.
(d) If the train which has passed the portion of the line controlled by ax-
le - counters/track - circuit is to be backed and while so doing is likely to foul the
above portion of the line, the Guard shall, before giving such permission walk to
the telephone provided on the Intermediate Block Stop signal post and contact
the Station Master on duty of the station in rear over the telephone and confirm
by a Private Number from the Station Master that no train has been allowed
behind his train or shall be allowed from the station in rear till the Guard informs
the Station Master that his train has cleared the section.
(e) The Private Number so received shall be recorded on the memo to be
issued to the Loco pilot.
3.76. Intimation to officials when defects remedied
As soon as a defective signal has been put into good work-
ing order, the Station Master shall intimate the fact to the officials
who were advised of it being defective.

3.77. Defective or damaged points etc. -


(1) Whenever points, crossings or guard rails are defec-

tive or damaged the railway servant in charge of operation of
points shall protect them and immediately arrange to report the
circumstances to the Station Master.
(2) The Station Master, on becoming aware of such defec-
tive or damaged points etc. shall -
(a) Immediately arrange to have the defect rectified by the
railway servant responsible for their maintenance.
(b) Arrange to ensure the safe passage of trains and
(c) Keep the signal or signals concerned at ‘ON’ until the
defect is rectified.
SR. 3.77.01 - (a) While following GR 3.77. (in case of defects or dam-
age to crossing or Guard rails or Points), the Station Master shall in form the
SSE/SE/JE (P. Way), Sectional AEN&DEN and Signal Maintainer.
SSE/SE/JE(S&T) and the DSTE and the Divisional Transportation Inspector
and Divisional Operations Manager. After the defects or damages are rectified,
the same official, shall also be advised by the Station Master.
(b) If interlocked points go out of order or become defective in any way.
no train or vehicle is to be allowed to pass over them, and no train is to be per-
mitted to approach such points, within a distance sufficient to ensure safety until
they have been inspected and
(i) the defect has been rectified, or
(ii) the points have been secured by a clamp or a through bolt and
padlocked. The speed shall be restricted to 15 kmph over the defective points
and Caution Orders shall be issued to the trains from station in rear or Notice
station until the defect has been rectified by the authorised staff of Signal De-
(iii) As soon as repairs are completed and points are tested and found
in working order, all concerned shall be notified by wire.

SR. 3.77.02 - In case any motor operated points become defective

trains may be received or despatched on signal as per the procedure detailed
in the Operating Manuals.

SR. 3.77.03 - In the event of any points being burst through, the Loco
pilot shall immediately bring his train to a stop and shall not move until or-
dered to do so by the Station Master. The Station Master shall, if necessary,
order the train to move to clear the points and shall not permit any movement
to be made in a facing direction until the points have been correctly set and
secured by clamp or through bolt and padlocked.


3.78 – Duties of engine crew in respect of signals:-

1. (a) The Loco Pilot shall pay immediate attention to and
obey every signal whether the cause of the signal being shown
is known to him or not;

(b) The Loco Pilot shall not, however, trust entirely to sig-
nal, but always be vigilant and cautious;
2. (a) The Loco Pilot shall whistle intermittently when his
engine explodes detonator(s) and take every possible caution
including reduction of speed as necessary, so as to have the
train well under his control and be able to stop short of any ob-
struction on the line;
(b) After proceeding 1.5 kilometers from the place where his
engine exploded detonator(s), if his engine does not explode
any more detonator(s), he may then resume authorized speed;
(c) Report the incident to the next station or cabin.
(3) If in consequence of fog, storm or any other reason,
the view of the signal is obstructed, the Loco Pilot shall take
every possible precaution, so as to have the train well under
(4) When the Loco Pilot notices a signal warning of an
obstruction, except detonator(s), he shall stop his train imme-
diately and act on advice of the person exhibiting warning sig-
nal or on the basis of obstruction noticed by him.
(5) In case no further details of exhibition of warning signal
are noticed, after stopping for one minute by day and two
minutes by night to ascertain the location and/or cause of the
warning, he shall proceed cautiously up to the next block station,
keeping a sharp look out.
(6) The Loco Pilot shall acquaint himself with the system
of working, location of signals and other local conditions affecting
the running of trains on a section or sections of the railway over


which he is to work and if he is not so acquainted with any por-

tion of the railway over which he is to work, obtain the services of
a qualified railway servant who is conversant with it to assist him.
c/slip 115 as USR 3.78 (6) (a) and c/slip 127 below USR 3.78 (6) (a) as its 2nd and
3rd para after “Every Loco Pilot/Assistant Loco Pilot………….each line shall be provided”.
Added new USR 3.78 (6) (a) after GR 3.78 (6) with the following:-

USR. 3.78 (6) (a): Every Loco Pilot/Asst. Loco Pilot/Motor man
should be given 3 trips (Up and Down direction separately) for
learning road out of which one must be by night to familiarize
himself with the section (s) on which he is rostered for duty. On
ghat section and automatic territories minimum 6 trips of road
learning shall be provided in both the directions. If more than one
line is available in a section, at least one trip road learning in
each line shall be provided. (c/slip-115)
Add the following lines below para USR 3.78 (6) (a):

“No separate road learning is required for Loco pi-

lots/ALPs, who are already having learning in the same section,
in case of existing section being added with 2 nd/3rd/4th line and
existing signalling system being upgraded to Automatic one.
However, running staff may move in such sections with restricted
speed of 40 / 15 kmph, during day / night, for the first trip only to
acquaint themselves with the new signalling positions, sectional
gradients and new infrastructure in the section.
Divisions shall ensure display of the location of new sig-
nals and sectional gradients in the crew booking offices, so that
running staff will get prior information about the new infrastruc-
ture in the section with augmented sections such as 2 nd/ 3rd/4th
line and automatic sections in small stretches. In order to guide
the engine crew and guard a signal location table for the
new/2nd/3rd/4th line or section shall be provided to the crew guard
as a ready reference.” (c/slip-127 added)


(b) On promotion to or officiating as LP (Goods) road

learning as prescribed in SR 3.78 (6) (a) has to be provided to
loco pilot to understand train dynamics. (c/slip 115 added)
(c) If loco pilot/asst. loco pilot has not operated on a sec-
tion for over 3 months, he should be given road learning trip (s)
as per the schedule given below:

Duration of absence No. of trips No. of trips on Ghat Section and

Automatic Territories
1) 3 to 6 months One trip Three trips
2) 6 months to 2 years Two trips Three trips
3) Over 2 years Three trips Six trips

(d) Any additional trip(s) considered necessary should be

provided with the approval of the controlling branch officers of
the Division.
(e) The scale of the trips provided as above would apply
to all systems of working.
(f) A register should be maintained at the crew booking
point. A loco pilot/assistant loco pilot should record in the register
15 days in advance that he is lapsing road learning in a section.
Also, the base depot should keep a record of the date of the last
trip performed by a loco pilot/assistant loco pilot on different sec-
tions and update it every first of the month. On the basis of these
records, depot in charge should book loco pilot/assistant loco pi-
lot for road learning on a section where it is required.
(g) The record of Road learning may also be kept in Crew
Management system.
SR. 3.78.01: -
i) Conducting a trip in a section guided by either a loco inspector or a loco pilot
shall also be construed as a road learning trip for this purpose. A competency
certificate shall be issued, if found qualified, by a competent Railway official as
may be nominated by the DME/DEE (OP). A record of all competency certifi-
cates issued to these categories of staff shall be maintained by the SSE/SE
(loco or shed) for staff belonging to Diesel locomotives and by the Chief Crew
controller for the staff belonging to electric traction.

ii) The learning road for engine crew in respect of siding will be as follows:
6 months and above-------One trip.


Provided that an engine crew may be allowed to work a siding without such
road learning trips when they are guided by an authorized shunting supervisor
as mentioned in SR 5.13.03. Such trip of a crew guided by an authorized
shunting supervisor shall be construed as a road leaning trip for the crew as
required vide SR 3.78.01.

b) The SSE/SE/ Loco/Shed/Crew Controller shall before booking any Engine

crew to work any train satisfy himself that the concerned staff is/are acquaint-
ed with the section over which he/they is/are required to work. (c/slip115 &
127 totally added in the above paras).

SR. 3.78.02. - All Loco pilot/Motorman/Asst. Loco pilot who are re-
quired to work trains on section having automatic Block system of working
shall be imparted one day’s intensive course once in every six months,
about the rules pertaining to this system. Thereafter, they shall be examined
and if found qualified a certificate of competency shall be issued to each
Loco pilot /Motorman/Asst. Loco pilot by a competent Railway official as
may be nominated by DME/DEE (0P). A record of all such certificates is-
sued in token of their knowledge and proficiency in these rules, shall be
maintained by the Divisional Mechanical Engineer/ Divisional Electrical En-
gineer (0P). No Loco pilot/Motorman shall be put on duty on such section
unless he possesses this certificate.
SR. 3.78.03. - In thick, foggy of tempestuous weather impairing visi-
bility or when the view of a signal is obstructed, the Loco pilot shall whistle
continuously (as per item 9 (i) of SR 4.50.01) and take every possible pre-
caution including reduction of speed as necessary so as to have the train
well under control and be able to stop short of any possible obstruction on
the line.
SR. 3.78.04. – (In c/slip 113, point 6 is same as below)-
SR 3.78.04.- The loco pilot shall take action in regard to speed of
the train during fog as under: -
i) During fog when the loco pilot in his judgment feels that visibility is
restricted due to fog, he shall run at a speed at which he controls the train
so as to be prepared to stop short of any obstruction; this speed shall in any
case not be more than 60 kmph. However, speed of trains during fog-
gy/inclement weather may be enhanced to 75 kmph provided that there is
fog device in the loco and is subject to the judgment of the loco pilot.
ii) Loco Pilot to whistle frequently to warn the gateman (where pro-
vided) and road users at level crossing about the approaching train.
iii)In Automatic Block Territory the speed will be subject to the judg-
ment of the Loco Pilot as mentioned in item (i) above and shall not exceed
as under: -


a) After passing Automatic Stop Signal at ‘Green’, the speed

not exceed 75/60 kmph.
b) After passing an Automatic Stop Signal at ‘Double Yellow’,
the speed not to exceed 30 kmph.
c) After passing an Automatic stop signal at ‘yellow’ the loco
pilot to run at a further restricted speed so as to be pre-
pared to stop at the next stop signal.

3.79. Duties of Loco pilot in respect of a calling on sig-

nal- The Loco pilot of a train shall be guided always by the
indication of the Stop signal below which the Calling -on
signal is fixed. If this Stop signal is at ‘ON’ he shall bring his
train to a stop. If he finds that the Calling -on signal is taken
‘OFF’ he shall, after bringing his train to a stop draw ahead
with caution and be prepared to stop short of any obstruc-

3.80. Duties of Loco pilot when an approach Stop signal is

‘on’ or defective. -
(1) The Loco pilot of a train shall not pass an Outer a
Home or a Routing signal that refers to him when it is ‘ON’ or de-
fective, unless -
(a) He has, at a previous station received notice in writing
that the signal is out of order and unless he also receives a pro-
ceed hand signal from a railway servant in uniform at the foot of
such signal, or
(b) After coming to a stand, he is either given a written au-
thority by the Station Master to proceed past such signal or is au-
thorized by a Calling - on signal in the ‘OFF’ position or is author-
ized by the Station Master over the signal post telephone in ac-
cordance with special instructions.
(2) The Loco pilot of a train while passing an Outer, a
Home or Routing signal when it is ‘ON’ or defective, shall ensure
that the speed of his train does not exceed 15 kilometers an
SR.3.80.01- Except in case of Automatic Stop signal Intermediate
Block Stop signal and Gate signal with ‘G’ marker. Loco pilot shall not pass a


Stop signal in ‘ON’ position or a defective signal unless authorized in accord-

ance with GR 3.69 and/or GR 3.70 and Subsidiary Rules there to.
SR.3.80.02. - At a non-interlocked station on single line, if after a train
has left the station, but before it has passed the Outer signal any danger be
reported which should necessitate the stopping of the train, the Outer signal of
the opposite direction, where possible, shall be worked up and down to attract
the attention of the train staff. The Loco pilot and Guard shall be watchful for
3.81. Duties of Loco pilot when a departure Stop signal is
‘ON’ or defective -
(1) The Loco pilot of a train shall not pass departure Stop
signal that refers to him when it is ‘ON’ or defective, unless his
train has been brought to a stop at the station where the defec-
tive signal is situated and he is authorised to do so -
(a) by a written permission from the Station Master in ad-
dition, in the case of a starter, or Advanced Starter protecting
points, he shall not pass such signals, when ‘ON’ or defective,
unless he also receives a ‘Proceed’ hand signal from a duly au-
thorized member of the station staff posted at the signal, or,
(b) By taking ‘OFF’ the Calling-on signal if provided under
approved special instructions, vide sub-rule (2) or Rule 3.13.
(2) In the case of a Last Stop signal, he shall not pass such sig-
nal, when ‘on’ or defective, unless he is also in possession of a
proper authority to proceed under the system of working.

SR. 3.81.01. - The written permission to pass the defective departure

signal shall be in the prescribed form T - 369 (3b).

3.82. Permission before entering on or crossing a running

line. - No Loco pilot shall take his engine on or across any run-
ning line until he has obtained the permission of the Station Mas-
ter and has satisfied himself that all the correct signals have
been shown.

SR. 3.82.01. -Authority to enter or cross running line - No engine shall

leave the Locomotive Yard for traffic lines or vice versa unless accompanied
by and under the orders of a Traffic Pilotman. The Pilotman may be dispensed
with when such movements are controlled by fixed signals.


3.83. Assistance of the engine crew regarding signals. -

(1) The Loco pilot and the Assistant Loco pilot, as the
case may be shall identify each signal affecting the movement of
the train as soon as it becomes visible. They shall call out the
aspects of the signals to each other.
(2) The Assistant Loco pilot shall, when not otherwise en-
gaged, assist the Loco pilot in exchanging signals as required.
(3) The provision of sub - rule (1) and (2) shall, in no way,
absolve the Loco pilot of his responsibility in respect of ob-
servance of and compliance with the signals.

SR. 3.83.01. - (a) Where two or more lines diverge, the route indicat-
ed by the signal such a ‘Main Home, Loop Home, Main Starter, Loop Starter’
etc. shall be called out and repeated.
(b) The Loco pilot and the Assistant loco pilot shall also call out the
speed limits as indicated in Engineering caution indicator and speed indicator
(c) While identifying each signal and the Engineering indicators per-
taining to the train the Assistant Loco pilot shall call out the aspect sighted by
him to the Loco pilot who after checking the aspect himself, shall repeat the
3.84. Duties of Loco pilots as to signals when two or more
engines are attached to train -
When two or more engines are attached to a train, the Lo-
co pilot of the leading engine shall be responsible for the ob-
servance of and compliance with the signals and the Loco pilot
or Loco pilots of other engine or engines shall watch for and take
signals from the Loco pilot of the leading engine, except in cases
where special instructions, are issued to the contrary.
SR. 3.84.01. -When two engines are attached to a train, the Loco pilot of
the leading engine shall be in charge of the train and shall receive the Line Clear
Token or Starting Order. The second Loco pilot shall, however, satisfy himself
that everything is in order, correct signals given etc.
SR. 3.84.02.- When an extra engine is attached to any train in rear or
front of the train engine, the Loco pilot of the leading engine when ready to
start shall sound one short whistle which shall be acknowledged by the Loco
pilot of the engine in rear. There after the rear engine shall start after sounding
one long and one short whistle. The Loco pilot of the leading engine shall not


start unless the rear engine has left whole weight of the train, where upon the
loco pilot of the leading engine shall put the engine on motion after sounding
one long & one short whistle.
SR. 3.84.03.-(a) On electrified section extra electric engine may be at-
tached to a train either for double heading or for banking. The leading Loco
pilot who is in charge of the train, shall in such cases notch up until the train
moves, the rear Loco pilot assisting as required. As for as possible the leading
Loco pilot should be 4 notches ahead of the second Loco pilot so as to ensure
that field tap notch is not entered simultaneously and thus to reduce surges.
The rear Loco pilot shall primarily observe his vacuum gauge and be prepared
to switch ‘off’ power (if this is being applied at the time) should the needle
make any movement back.
(b) If however the two engines work as multiple unit, the same shall
be driven by only one Loco pilot with single control and the normal rules of
single engine shall apply.

SR. 3.84.04.-Double heading or banking by electric and diesel loco-

motives. –
Except in special circumstance when it may not be possible to do so,
the following procedure shall be adopted.
(a) In case of double headed diesel, electric locomotives, the electric
locomotive shall be placed at the front.
(b) In case of banking the rear electric locomotive shall be coupled to
the train.
(c) In both the cases the Loco pilot of the assisting engine should also
observe the signals relating to electric traction same as the leading
Loco pilot.
SR. 3.84.05. - For synchronizing the raising and lowering of the pan-
tographs the conventional codes of communication between the leading and
trailing Loco pilot is to blow the whistle as follow: - One long one short, and
one long whistle (___0___) for lowering the pantograph to be acknowledged
by the other engine. Two long whistle (___,___)for raising the pantographs, to
be acknowledged by the other engine.

SR. 3.84.06. - Movement of diesel locomotives on Electrified section

shall be governed in accordance with the instruction laid down in the rule 0901-
0908 of Manual ACTM and Operation.

3.85. Reporting of defects in signals - (1) Should a Loco pilot

or a Guard observe that the signal is rendered imperfectly visible
by branches of trees or by any other cause, or that a signal light

is partially obscured or not burning brightly enough to give a

clear aspect, he shall report the matter to the Station Master at
the next station at which the train stops.
(2) When such a report is made by a Loco pilot or a
Guard, the Station Master shall take immediate steps to advise
the Station Master concerned who shall get it rectified.
SR. 3.85.01 - Loco pilot on observing any signal imperfectly showing
its aspect or on noticing any defect with a signal shall report the matter in the
combined train report (T34-H.F.) as also in the register maintained for this
purpose in the Loco Shed. The SSE/SE (Loco / Traction) shall bring the fact to
the notice of Station Master, SSE/SE (Signal/Way) and Divisional branch of-
ficers concerned.



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Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally



A. Timings and Running of trains

4.01. Standard time - The working of trains between Stations be

regulated by the standard time prescribed by the Government of
India, which shall be transmitted daily to all the principal stations of
the railway at 16.00 hours in the manner prescribed.

SR 4.01.01: a) The Chief controller shall be responsible to ensure that

correct time as per IST is maintained in the clock provided at the control
b) The controller of each section controlling board at the divisional
office shall check and ensure that the time of his room clock is tallied with the
clock provided in the control office.
c) In-Charge of each area control office, station, crew and guard
lobby, cabin, gate lodge, shall be also responsible for maintaining correct
standard time in the clock provided in his office, by cross checking the time
with the Section controller or the Station Master, as the case may be from
time to time. {SR. 4.01.01.- (A & C slip 135 added)}

4.02. Adherence to advertised time- No passenger train or

mixed train shall be dispatched from a station before the
advertised time.
SR. 4.02.01. Punctuality of train -
Loco pilots/Motormen must be on the alert and ready to start their trains
immediately they have received the Guard’s signal and have satisfied
themselves that the correct departure signals. If any have taken ‘off’ and is in
receipt of correct “Authority to proceed”, but no trains carrying passengers must
be allowed to start before the departure time notified in the public time table.
4.03. Setting watch. - Before a train starts from a terminal or
crew - changing station the Guard shall set his watch by the
station clock or the clock at the authorized place of reporting for
duty and communicate the time to the Loco Pilot who shall set
his watch accordingly.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

4.04. Time of attendance for train crew. - Every Guard, Loco

Pilot or Assistant Loco Pilot shall be in attendance for duty at
such place and at such time as may be prescribed by special
SR. 4.04.01.-Every Guard, Loco Pilot, Asst. Guard, Assistant Loco Pilot
shall report for duty at such place as a may be ordered by the Divisional
Railway Manager or by an officer on his behalf.
SR. 4.04.02.- (a) Every Guard/Asst. Guard of passenger train shall be
in attendance 30 mints. before the scheduled departure and 30 mints. after
the arrival of the train.
(b) For trains other than passenger, the Guard/Asst. Guard shall be in
attendance in accordance with instructions issued by the Divisional Railway
SR. 4.04.03.- Engine Attendance -
(a) Every Loco pilot and Assistant Loco Pilot shall “Sign on” at such
time in advance of the starting time of their trains, as the Divisional Railway
Manager will notify. In the calculation of the time required, the following shall
be allowed for: -
(i) 45 minutes for Multiple Unit Electric Engine and 30 minutes for
Diesel, Single Unit Electric Engine, EMU and MEMU for examining and taking
over the Engine in the shed after “Signing On” duty.
(ii) Time as may be required for the journey between the Shed/Lobby and
the train departure point.
They shall also remain with their Engines on arrival at the shed\lobby
for the purpose of examining their engine, booking repairs etc., as follows: -
15 minutes for Diesel Engine, Single Unit Engine, EMU and MEMU.
30 minutes for Multiple Unit Electric Engines.
(b) In case of Multiple Unit/Single Unit/ Yard Pooling trains or Yard
Pooling Engines, every Loco Pilot and Assistant Loco Pilot shall ‘sign on’ at
such time in advance of the scheduled departure time of trains, as the
Divisional Railway Manager will fix.
4.05. Proper running line - The Loco pilot shall take his train
along the proper running line.
4.06. Direction of Running -
(1) On a double line, every train shall run on the left-hand
line unless otherwise prescribed by special instruction.
(2) If there are two or more parallel line, the direction in
which trains are to run on each line shall be prescribed by
special instructions.
Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

SR. 4.06.01.- (a) If there are two or more parallel line (two single lines
or triple-lines) between two stations. The direction in which trains are to run on
each line shall be given in the Station Working Rules.
(b) On a double line section if an accident obstruction precludes the
use of one-line trains may run in accordance with the instructions contained in
SR 6.02.01 and 6.02.06.
4.07. Supply of Working Time Table and Schedule of
Standard Dimensions.
(1) A copy of the Working Time Table for the time being in
force shall be supplied to each station. Guard, Loco pilot, Inspector
of Way or Works and any other railway servant requiring the use of
the Working Time Table during the course of his duties.
(2) A copy of the Working Time Table shall be supplied to
the Commissioner of Railway Safety.
(3) A copy of the Schedule of Standard Dimensions for the
time being in force shall be supplied to each Inspector of Way or
Works and Train Examiner.
SR. 4.07.01. - A copy of Working Time Table and Appendices. If any
shall also be supplied to each SSE/SE/JE (C&W, Traction, S&T), Loco and
Driving Inspector and Divisional Transportation Inspector.

B. Speed of Trains

4.08. Limits of Speed Generally -

(1) (a) Every train shall be run on each section of the

railway with the limits of speed sanctioned for that section by
approved special instructions.
(b) The Sectional speed sanctioned and permanent speed
restrictions shall be shown in the Working Time Table.
(c) The Loco pilot shall observe the sanctioned sectional
speed except when either one speedometer in case of electric
loco or two speedometers in case of other locomotives are
defective. In such cases of defective speedometers both the
maximum permissible and booked speed of coaching trains shall
be reduced ten per cent from the speed and otherwise

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(2) The Loco Pilot Shall -

(a) Regulate and control the running of the train according
to the Working Time Table so as to avoid either excessive speed
or loss of time and
(b) Not make up between any two stations more time than
is allowed in this behalf in the Working Time Table, and shall
also observe all speed restrictions.
(3) When it is necessary to indicate to the Loco Pilot where
trains are run at restricted speed or where trains have to come to
a stop due to the line being under repairs or due to any other
obstruction action shall be taken as specified in Rule 15.09.
SR. 4.08.01.- No Locomotive shall be turned out from the shed with
deficient or defective speedometer. In case the speedometer becomes
defective enroute the Loco pilot shall work the train at speed 10% less than
the permissible speed by estimating the speed with the help of his watch, K.M.
posts & Interstation running time given in the Working Time Table.

4.09. Caution Order. -

(1) Whenever in consequence of the line being under
repair or for any other reason special precautions are necessary,
a Caution Order detailing the Kilometers between which such
precautions are necessary the reasons for taking such
precautions and the speed at which a train shall travel shall be
handed to the Loco Pilot at the stopping station immediately
short of the place where such precautions are necessary or at
such other stations, and in such manner, as prescribed under
special instructions.
(2) Sub - rule (1) does not apply in the case long
continued repairs when fixed signals are provided at an
adequate distance short of such place and have been notified to
the running staff concerned.
(3) The Caution order referred to sub-rule (1) shall be on
white paper in blue or black font or typed or made out on
computers with the words “CAUTION ORDER” written on top of
the form in bold letters of appropriate font size to draw attention
distinctly and signed in full.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

SR. 4.09.01.- The circumstances under which Caution Orders are to

be issued to the Loco pilot of a train are listed below this list, however is not
1. When in consequence of the line being under repair or for any
other reason special caution in necessary.
2. To look out for a train which is overdue.
3. When a train is to be received on a blocked line.
4. When any interlocked points, derails etc. go out of order or become
defective in any way.
5. Whenever alterations or repairs being carried out to interlocked
points, signals or an interlocking gear.
6. When a train runs on Block Ticket.
7.When any material train works in the block section between two
8. When a Material Trolly is working in the Block section without block
9. When working trains during total interruption of communications.
10. When working trains by introducing single line working on double
line section due to an obstruction on one line.
11. On a double/multiple line section when it is necessary to advise the
Loco Pilot to keep a sharp look out for any possible obstruction/infringement
from the adjoining line.
12. On a double line section when a train is found to be running without
tail board or tail lamp and there are reasons to believe that the train has
arrived incomplete.
13. On a single line section when the ‘Token’ is lost.
14. When it is necessary to receive a train on a non-signaled line.
15. For working of pilots and work trains in mid-section.
16. When a level crossing gate is damaged.
17. When communication cannot be established with the Gateman of a
mid-section level crossing gate provided with telephone and not protected by
gate signal. (c/slip 90 added)
18. When any advice is to be given for ‘Lowering’ the pantograph of an
Engine or Motor Coach.
19. For working of trains during prolonged failure of Automatic signals.
20. When a steam or diesel train is permitted to run on the section
under power block.
21. In case of bad riding being reported.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

22. For movement of ODC involving speed restrictions and special

23. Working of Tower Wagons on adjacent line.
24. When a crane is attached to a train.
25. When a Loco Pilot is passing a station where a running line is blocked
for crane operation or on double line when the adjacent line in the mid - section
is blocked for crane operation.
26. For allowing a train into a block section where patrolling is in force,
in case the patrolman has not turned up within the prescribed time.
27. When a dead body is found on or near the track.
28. When any unbalanced Dead Engine is dispatched.
29. “Whenever any new signal is erected or there is a change in the
location and/or type of signal, caution orders shall be issued for a period of 3
months from the date of erection of signal or change of location.” (c/slip 101

30. When any track maintenance/relaying machine is allowed to work on

the adjoining line.
SR. 4.09.02.- (a) In any of the circumstances listed in SR 4.09.01, the
Station Master shall not permit any train or any vehicle running under block
protection to enter the affected section either from his station or from the other
end, unless.
(i) The Station Master at the other end has been informed of the
circumstances and has acknowledge receipt of such information.
(ii) He has warned the Loco Pilot and the Guard of the danger ahead
and its location by the issue of a caution order prepared in accordance with
SR 4.09.04 except in case of permanent speed restrictions which are notified
in the Working Time Table or
(iii) He has ensured that Caution Order has been issued by the Notice
Station concerned. or
(iv) He has received a subsequent advice about restoration of normal
(b) The Station Master at the other end of the affected block section
shall also take action in accordance with clauses (ii) to (iv) of sub-rule (a)
SR. 4.09.03.- Procedure for issue of Caution Order. -
(a) By the Station Master at either end of the concerned block section.
(i)The Station Master receiving information about any condition which
requires issue of caution order shall immediately inform the Station Master at
the other end of the concerned block section, the Controller, the Power
Controller, the Traction Power Controller, the SSE/SE/JE (loco), other railway

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

servants concerned and the Notice Station or Stations (to be specified in the
working Time Table) of such condition under exchange of Private Numbers.
The Controller/the Traction Power Controller/Power Controller shall in turn
ensure that all the Station Master and the SSE/SE/JE(Loco/Traction) and
Loco Inspector/Driving Inspectors concerned have been advised of such
(ii) Run through trains shall be stopped out of course for issue of Caution
Order till such time it has been ensured that a Caution Order has been issued
by the Notice Station concerned.
NOTE:- All work trains, Departmental trains and light engines should be
treated as scheduled stopping trains for the purpose of issuing Caution Order.
(b) By the Station Master of a Notice Station-
(i) On receipt of information in terms SR 4.09.03 (a) (i) the Station Master of
the Notice Station shall acknowledge the same and shall not allow any train which
has to pass through the affected block section to leave his station unless he has
warned the Loco Pilot and the Guard of the danger and its location through the
issue of a Caution Order. He shall also advice the Station Master of the station is
rear of the site of restriction of the particulars of the first train to which the Caution
Order has been issued.
(ii) The Station Master on Notice Station shall issue, NIL Caution Order to the
Loco Pilots and the Guards of all trains leaving his station if he has received
no intimation of any special precaution to be observed between his station
and the next Notice Station of the train, in the direction of movement.
NOTE: - The Loco Pilot shall not start the train and the Guard shall not
give signal to start the train from a Notice Station until they have received the
Caution Order.
(c) In case of a train originating from station other than Notice Stations -
In case of a train originating from a station which is not a Notice Station,
the Station Master shall consult the controller of the Traction Power Controller
or the Notice station in rear or the Notice Station in advance (on single line
sections only) and issue Caution Orders up to the Notice Station in advance.
However, when such information cannot be collected by the station due to
failure of communication with Control or the Notice Station in rear or the notice
station in advance (on single line sections only) and it becomes absolutely
necessary to start the train originating from the station, the train may be
started after issuing a Caution Order for restrictions, if any, or a “NIL’ Caution
Order up to the block station in advance giving a written advice to the Loco
Pilot to stop at the Block Station in advance and act upon instructions
available there. These instructions shall be followed till a station is reached
which can obtain particulars of all restrictions up the Notice Station in
During Failure of Communications: - During failure of communications the
Station Master of the Station immediately in rear of the affected block section
shall issue caution order to trains of all descriptions irrespective of whether it

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

is a single line section or a double line section and irrespective of the system
of working in force on the section.
(d) In the case of trains running on suburban section Caution Order
shall be issued to the Loco Pilot and the Guard by the Station Master of only
such station as are indicated and specified in the Working Time Table except
in case of emergency necessitating sudden imposition of speed restrictions. In
respect of these trains the Caution Orders shall be either typed cyclostyled or
printed as considered necessary, covering the entire section on which the
train is to run and shall be issued only once unless any speed restriction is
required to be cancelled or any new speed restriction is required to be
(e) In case of a station where no train is booked to stop -
(i) a caution order shall normally not be required to be issued except in
a emergency necessitating sudden imposition of speed restrictions and
(ii) if any information warranting issue of a Caution Order is received by
the Station Master of such a station, he shall immediately advise the adjoining
block stations for issue of the Caution Order and only after obtaining their
acknowledgements in this regard under exchange of Private Numbers, shall
acknowledge the message requiring imposition of speed restrictions;
(iii) the Station Master of adjoining station who receives the information
first shall act as if he had himself received the massage for imposition of the
SR. 4.09.04. - Description and Preparation of Caution Order -
(a) Caution Orders shall be prepared in the prescribed form on white
paper in blue or black font or typed or made out on computers. All forms shall
be serially numbered and the name of the station issuing it shall be stamped in
each foil. Caution Order shall normally be prepared in triplicate by carbon
process or by computer. One copy each being for the Loco Pilot, the Guard and
the Station record. But in case of trains manned by a Co-Loco Pilot in addition
to the Loco-pilot of the train with a banking engine or more than one leading
engine separately manned, a fourth copy shall be prepared on plain paper for
the extra Loco-pilot on the train.
(b) A Caution order shall have space enough for at least three
restrictions. No entry shall be made on the back of the Caution Order. If more
than one Caution Order form is used, the successive pages shall be
numbered serially.
(c) It shall specify the kilometrage and the station at which or the
stations between which the caution is required to be observed. the reasons
therefore, and the speed at which the train will travel over the affected length.
Station name shall be written in full.
(d) Wherever speed restrictions are required to be observed at two or
more locations the kilometrage of all such stations shall be indicated in

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

geographical order in relation of the direction of movement. It shall always be

dated and signed in full.
(e) Caution Order shall be made out separately for each train except at
such stations and for such trains as may be specified, e.g., Gitanjali Express.
Through Good trains with long runs. Local/ Suburban trains etc. in which case
it may be typed, cyclostyled or printed, provided that it shall be checked up
again at the time of service to ensure that all locations where caution is
required to be observed have been incorporated therein. Necessary
provisions in this regard shall be made in the Working Time Table, specifying
the particular stations and trains to which this sub-rule applies.
(f) Any correction found necessary in a Caution Order shall be done
neatly in ink and duly attested by the Station Master issuing the same. No
over writing shall be resorted to.
(g) Reminder Caution order shall also issue by the Station Master of the
Block station immediately in rear of the affected Block section to only the Loco
Pilot of all scheduled stopping trains and of the trains which may be stopped out
of course. In case of a train being worked by an engine pushing, a Reminder
Caution Order shall also be issued to the Guard traveling on the leading vehicle.
On single line section where a tangible authority to proceed is given, reminder
caution order should be given to the Loco Pilot of through trains also along with
the authority to proceed, while running through the station. Reminder Caution
Order may not be issued on suburban section under special instructions.
SR. 4.09.05 - Service of Caution Order. -
(a)The Caution order shall be delivered to the Loco pilot and the Guard
of a train by the Station Master either personally or through a competent
railway servant deputed by him and the signatures of the Loco Pilot and the
Guard to be obtained on the record foil in token of their having received, and
understood it. When more than one form is served, each counter foil shall be
signed by the Loco Pilot /Guard.
(b) In case a Loco Pilot is unable to understand the contents of the
Caution Order, he shall call upon the Station Master to have it explained.
Under special instructions, the responsibility for explaining the contents of the
Caution Order may be instructed to the Guard of the train in big yards.
(c) Change of train crew enroute. - In case of change of train crew
enroute, the Loco Pilot/Guard taking over charge shall take over all Caution
Orders relation to his train to acquaint himself to the conditions on the line,
giving due acknowledgement to the Loco pilot /Guard who is being relieved
(d) Attaching of Assisting/ Banking Engine enroute. In case of an
assisting or a banking engine being attached at a station enroute the
responsibility for acquainting himself about restrictions shall lie on the Loco
Pilot of such an engine who shall contact the train engine Loco pilot or the
Guard as the case may be and get the necessary information.
SR. 4.09.06. - Method of notifying/cancellation of special precautions. -

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(a) When a competent railway servant finds it necessary to impose any speed
restriction or any special precaution on a portion of a line, including OHE, due to
repairs or work or for any other reason, he shall. -
(i) advise in writing the Station Master of the nearest Block station
(preferably the Block station controlling entry into affected section) the exact
kilometrage and the station at which or the station between which the restriction
or special precaution is to be observed, its nature and likely duration, the
method of protection of the place of restriction together with the location where
Engineering indicators are to be exhibited etc. and also advice other railway
servants concerned as per SR 4.09.03 (a) who are required to be notified in this
regard and also the Divisional Transportation Inspector, Chief Controller,
Divisional Engineer, Divisional Operations Manager, Divisional Electrical
Engineer (TRD) Divisional Electrical Engineer (R S) and.
(ii) not commence such operation until written permission is received
from the Station Master.
(b) The Station Master receiving the advice shall not acknowledge it
until he has advised the Station Master of the Block station at the other end of
the Block section to be affected and obtained his acknowledgement.
(c) When the cause of such restriction or special precaution has been
removed, the competent railway servant concerned shall advise this fact to
the Station Master of the nearest block station, under exchange of Private
Number, and the officials concerned who were notified earlier of the
imposition of the restriction.
SR. 4.09.07. - Method of obtaining acknowledgement from the Station
Master of Notice Station: -
(a) When the notice Station is situated in the same control section.
(i)The Station Master of the Block Station controlling the entry of the
train into the section where special precautions are to be
observed/cancelled/modified shall call upon the Station Master of the Notice
Station concerned and transmit the message notifying/ canceling/modifying
the special precautions. The Notice Station shall acknowledge the same
supported by a Private Number. In case of notification of a new restriction or
modification of an existing one, he shall also indicate the number and
description of the first train to which such caution order/modified caution order
will be issued.
(ii)The Section Controller shall then issue a Control Order to the Station
Master of the block station immediately in rear affected section, indicating the
number and described of all trains which are on the run between the Notice
Station and such block station. to which caution order shall be issued as per
clause (ii) of sub-rule(a)of SR 4.09.03.
(b) When the Notice Station is situated on a different Control Section: -

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

The Station Master of the block station controlling the entry of the train
into the section where special precautions are to be
observed/cancelled/modified shall contact the Dy. Chief Controller and
transmit the message to a person nominated by him.
(i) When the Notice Station is situated in the same division: - The
nominated staff receiving the message shall transmit the same to the Station
Master of the Notice Station, who shall acknowledge it supported by a Private
Number, indicating the number and description of the train to which the
caution order/modified caution order will be issued.
The nominated staff receiving the message shall also ascertain the
position of all trains on the run between the Notice Station and such block and
then issue a control order to the Station Master of the block station controlling
the entry of the train into the affected section indicating the number and
description of the train to which caution orders shall be issued as per clause (ii)
of sub-rule (a) SR 4.09.03 He shall also repeat the Private Number received
from the Station Master of the Notice Station.
(ii) When the Notice Station is situated on a different division. - The
nominated staff on receipt of such message shall contact the nominated staff
of the concerned Division and transmit the message to him. The said staff and
the Station Master of the Notice Station shall then follow the same procedure
as detail in clause (i) above except that the said staff shall issue the order
number detailing the particulars of the trains on the run on the section, the
number and description of the first train to which such caution order will be
issued, and the acknowledgement Private Number received from the Station
Master of the Notice Station.
The said nominated staff of the Division on which such restriction has
been imposed shall then give an order number to the Station Master of the
station immediately in rear of the affected section detailing the particulars of
the trains on the run on the section the number and description of the first
train to which such caution order has been issued, the private number given
by the Station Master of the Notice Station and the control order number given
by nominated staff of the concerned division.
NOTE: - (i) The nominated staff shall reconcile the daily inter divisional
restriction in force, after verifying from concerned Station Master, with the
nominated staff of the concerned Divisions.
(ii) The nominated staff shall maintain separate Caution Order Register for
each controlled section. Separate serial number shall be used for each section It
shall also bear the reference of the Caution Order Register serial number of the
Notice Station as well as of block station immediately in rear of the affected
SR. 4.09.08- Action by the Station Master after cancellation of the
restriction. -

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(a) The Station Master receiving advice regarding the removal of the
restriction shall advise this fact to the Station Master at the other end of the
Block Section concerned, the Station Masters of Notice Stations and other
railway servants who were advised about it earlier. After issue of the advice
regarding cancellation of the Caution Order, the Station Master may
discontinue the issue of the Caution Order.
(b) If no train is booked to stop at the station the advice regarding the
removal of the restriction shall be sent to one of the adjoining block stations as
who shall take action in accordance with sub-rule (a) above.
SR. 4.09.09.- Record of Caution Orders. -
(a) At all Stations where Caution orders are issued, the Station Master
shall keep an up-to-date record of the restrictions. with the dates of their
enforcement and cancellation, authority, nature etc. in a Caution Order
Register maintained in the manner indicated below: -
(i)The Caution Orders register shall be in the following format. -

(ii) All entries in the Caution Order Resister shall be made by the Station
Master on duty in his own handwriting. No code except station code, shall be
used while making entries in the Caution Order Register which should always
be kept with the Station Master on duty. The entries shall be numbered
consecutively. Whenever a Station Master is relieved for change of duties, he
shall be responsible to ensure that each order in the Register has been signed
by the person relieving him. A Station Master shall, when he comes on duty,
record in the Station Diary Book the Serial Numbers of all the caution orders
in force at the time. This entry shall also be checked and countersigned by the
relieved Station Master in token of correctness.
(iii) Only one set of serial Numbers shall to use in both sections (A) and
(B) of the Caution Order Register throughout the year, commencing from the
1st January.
(iv) On every Monday the Station Master in charge shall carefully go
through the register and write in red ink taking a fresh page the restriction
which are still in force in the following manner. “Serial No page reference of

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

the Register. No. & Date of the message, kilometrage location (between or
stations or at station). speed restriction and brief reasons
Date ............................ Signature of the Station Master”
All SM/ASMs of each shift should sign the Monday Summary of Caution
Order. This should be confirmed by the Station Master in-charge. (c/slip 93)
(v) Each register, on completion shall have a final summary of Serial number
still in force which should be carried on to the next Register before it is
brought into use. The Closing summary of the old Register and Opening
summary of the new Register shall be duly signed by the Station Master-in-
charge who should also quote the next consecutive Serial Number for posting.
(b) Similar records shall be kept at other place like Control Offices, Loco
Sheds etc., also, where information in this regard is received. -
For this purpose, a register shall be maintained separately for each
section and the restrictions imposed posted in proper sequence according to
kilometrage. Loco pilots of outgoing train shall sign in the appropriate Register
maintained in the Loco Shed and the shift-in-charge shall sign in token of the
Loco Pilots having noted the particulars or restrictions. In case of illiterate or
semi- illiterate Loco Pilots, the shift-in-charge shall explain the particulars to
such Loco Pilot and obtain their thumb impressions/signatures in the Register.
(c) Whenever any restriction has to be observed within Station limits.
the site of restriction shall be specified in relation to station signals. This
information shall in each case embodied in the message issued by the
Engineering Official-in-charge of the work and in the Caution Order issued by
the Station Master in respect of such restriction.
(d) The Loco Pilots and the Guard shall hand over the Caution order to
the JE/SE/SSE (Loco/Traction) RS and Station Master respective at the end
their journey, along with other train papers.

SR. 4.09.10.- Preservation of Caution Orders. -

Record foils of the Caution orders shall be preserved for a period of

twelve months after issue.

4.10. Limits of Speed over facing points -

(c/slip 129 added below as (1))
(1) The speed of trains over non-interlocked facing points
shall not exceed 30 kilometers an hour in any circumstances and
the speed over turn-outs and crossovers shall not exceed its
permissible speed or 30 kilometers an hour whichever is less,

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

unless otherwise prescribed by approved special instructions,

which may permit a higher speed.

(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (1) a train may run over
interlocked facing points at such speed as may be permitted by
the standard of interlock.

(Old SR 4.10.01, SR 4.10.02. Deleted vide c/slip125)

4.11. Limits of speed while running through station -

(1) No train shall run through an interlocked station at a speed
exceeding 50 kilometers an hour, or such less speed as may be
prescribed by approved special instructions unless the line on
which the train is to run has been isolated from all other lines by
the setting of points or other approved means and interlocking is
such as to maintain this condition during the passage of the train.
(2) In every case in which trains are permitted to run through on
a non-isolated line all shunting shall be stopped and no vehicle
unattached to an engine or not properly secured in accordance
with rule 5.23 may be kept standing on a connected line which is
not isolated from the through line.

SR. 4.11.01.- *The speed of trains over interlocked facing points shall
not exceed.
(a) When interlocked to standard I 50 kilometer per hour
(b) When interlocked to standard II 75 kilometer per hour
(c) When interlocked to standard III maximum permissible
speed of the section as mentioned in
the Working Time Table.
*(new/current standards of signal interlocking & its speeds are in OPTG manual page 151).

4.12. Engine Pushing -

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(1) No engine or self-propelled vehicle shall push any train

outside station except in accordance with special instructions
and at a speed not exceeding 25 kilometers an hour:
Provided that this sub-rule shall not apply to a train the
leading vehicle of which is equipped with driving apparatus and
which may be operated under approved special instructions.
Provided further that this sub rule shall not apply to an
engine assisting in area of a train, which may be permitted under
approved special instructions to run without being coupled to the
Provided also that no train which is not equipped with
continuous vacuum/air brake shall be pushed outside station
limits except in case emergency.
(2) Provided further that a ‘Patrol’ or “Search light” special
with one or more vehicles in front of the engine may be permitted
to run at a maximum speed of 40 kilometers an hour.
(3) For movement of trains outside station limits with engine
pushing during night or in thick, fogy or tempestuous whether
impairing visibility, or where other-wise prescribed by special
instructions, the leading vehicle of such train shall be equipped
with prescribed head light and marker lights except in case of
(4) When rains are working as described in sub rule (1) and (2),
the engine pushing the load when it is the rearmost, or the rear most
vehicle if any, shall carry a tail board or a tail lamp.
SR. 4.12.01.-(a) Whenever due to unavoidable circumstances, it
becomes necessary for a train other than a train which has been permitted in
advance to work and return on the same line back to the station from which it
left with the engine pushing it, the Guard may authorize the Loco pilot to do so
by issuing a written memo Provided-
(i) He received an assurance from the Station Master of the Block
Station from which the train has left, either (a) on the portable telephone, if
available, or (b) by sending the Asst. Guard / Assistant Loco Pilot or any
railway servant as may be available, to the nearest Station Master to obtain
written permission or (c) by sending information through the Guard/ Loco pilot
of any train passing over the adjacent line with the request to send the written
permission through one of the station staff.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(ii) The Guard and Loco Pilot shall comply with the provisions of sub-rule
(2) and (3) of General rule 4.12
(iii) After permission to push back is obtained, at night or if the view
ahead is not clear the Asst. Guard /Assistant Loco Pilot any other competent
Railway servant be sent with Hand signal who shall proceed at an adequate
distance in advance of the leading vehicle to pilot the train, and
(iv) The Guard shall travel in the leading brake van ensuring caution
and shall be prepared to apply the brakes as the circumstances may warrant.
Provided that if the leading vehicle is not a brake van, the Guard shall travel in
the leading vehicle or nearest vehicle thereto which is fitted with means to
bring the train to a stop.
(b) The Loco Pilot may push back the train at a walking pace and shall
bring it to a stop outside the First Stop Signal on single line section or the First
Stop Signal pertaining to the correct line/Last Stop Signal pertaining to the
wrong line whichever the leading vehicle may come across first on a double
line section.
When the train is piloted in terms of a Para (iii) of sub-rule (a) above, the pilot
man shall assist the loco pilot by showing Stop hand signal short of the
aforesaid signal.
(c) The pilot man must show Stop hand signal short of the
(i) First Stop signal on single line section, or
(ii) First Stop signal pertaining to the correct line/last Stop signal
pertaining to the wrong line whichever the leading vehicle may come across
first on a double line section so as to enable the Loco Pilot to bring the train to
a stop. After the train has been brought to a stop the Loco Pilot shall sound
the Engine whistle thus “______”.
The Station Master may receive the train in the manner normally laid
down for reception of the train but in case of a train pushing back on the
wrong line on a double line section, reception should be arranged in the same
manner as when single line working is introduced on the double line section.
SR. 4.12.02 : {In reference to GR 4.12(2)}A patrol or search light special
with engine leading or a light engine/a goods train working as pilot train (e.g., in
advance of specified passenger carrying trains, on account of perceived
security concerns, etc.) may be booked to run either at its maximum permissible
speed observing all other restriction, if any, in force over the section or at such
lower speeds as are specifically stipulated in the context of exigencies that
mandated their ordering in the first place.
4.13. Limits of speed with engine tender foremost:
(1) (a) A passenger train or a mixed train shall not be drawn
outside station limits by a steam engine running tender foremost,

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(i) under a written order issued by the authorized officer, or

(ii) in a case of unavoidable necessary, to be established by
the Loco Pilot.
(b) When any such train is so drawn the speed shall not 25
kilometers an hour higher speed, not exceeding 40 kilometers an
hour, or such higher speed, as may be authorized by approved
special instructions.
(2) In case of unavoidable necessary goods trains may run
with steam engine tender foremost at a speed not exceeding 25
kilometers an hour or such higher speed which shall, in no
circumstances, exceed 40 kilometers an hour, as may be laid
down by special instructions.
(3) When trains have to be worked with steam engine
tender foremost as a regular measure under sub- clause (i) of
clause (a) of sub-rule (2) the head light and marker lights as
prescribed in Rule 4.14 shall be provided on the tender.

C. Equipment of Trains and Train crew

4.14. Head light, marker light and speedometer.

(1) A train shall not be worked at night or in thick, foggy or
tempestuous weather impairing visibility or in long tunnels,
unless the engine carries an electric head light of an approved
design and, in addition, two oil or electric white marker lights.
(2) An engine employed exclusively on shunting at stations
and yards shall at night or during thick foggy or tempestuous
weather impairing visibility, display such head lights as are
prescribed by the Railway Administration and exhibit two red
marker lights in front and in rear.
(3) The electric head light on the engine shall be fitted with
a switch to dim the light and shall be dimmed-
(a) When the train remains stationary at a station;

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(b) When the train is approaching another train which is

running in opposite direction on double or multiple track or same
or different gauges; and
(c) On such other occasions as may be prescribed any
special instructions.
(4) In case the electric head light fails or a train has to be
worked with the engine running tender foremost in an
emergency, the engine shall display the two oil or electric white
marker lights referred to in sub- rule (1) pointing in the direction
of movement and the train shall run at a speed prescribed by
special instructions.
(5) In case of defective electric head light of Locomotive
running in a section provided with reflective type of engineering
fixed signal during night or thick foggy weather impairing visibility
on BG and MG, the Loco Pilot shall work the train cautiously at a
speed not exceeding the severest temporary speed restriction
imposed in the block section or 40 KMPH whichever is less.
(6) Coaching locos should not be turned out from home
shed if the speedometers recorders are in defective condition. In
case of speedometer recorder becoming defective during the
run, the train should run at a speed prescribed by special
SR. 4.14.01.- (a) The following are normal Head and Marker lights on
the engine while working in traffic and loco limits: -
Description of Engine engine lights engine marker
in front lights in rear
(i) All trains on Double/ (W) __
Single/Multiple lines (W) (W) --
(ii) Shunting Engine or (W)
Engine employed in (R) (R) (R) (R)
(iii) Failure of head lignt (W) (W) __
(iv) Lights/coupled light (W) __
Engine (W) (W)
(v) Engine moving in (W) __

Loco Yards. (R) (R) (R) (R)

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

NOTE: - W: White R : Red

(b) No train shall be worked at or out of an Engine/Crew changing station with defective head and
marker lights.

SR. 4.14.01. (c) (i) In case the head light goes out of order after leaving
Engine/Crew changing station, the Loco Pilot shall work the train at night of
during thick, foggy tempestuous weather of inside long tunnels cautiously
ensuring that proper lights are burning, up to the first available point where
facilities exist for necessary repairs at a speed not exceeding 20 Kmph on the
broad gauge. He shall also sound the engine whistle frequently.
(ii) The Loco Pilot shall also hand over a written memo to the Station
Master of the next station, for necessary repairs of the head light at the first
point where facilities exist for such repairs
SR. 4.14.02.- The Loco Pilot shall dim the Electric Head light on their
engines in the following cases also-
(a) When it is necessary to avoid running into dazzled cattle/ human
(b) to spot the light indication of a signal.
(c) When employed in shunting operation or in Loco Yards.
SR. 4.14.03.-The electric head light when dimmed in accordance with
General Rule 4.14 (3)(b), shall be switched on again when engines are

4.15. Tail and side lights. -

(1) At night or in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather
impairing visibility no train shall be worked out side station limits
unless it has
(a) in the case of an engine with vehicles attached, save in
a case to which sub-rule (2) applies, at least one red tail light,
and two side lights showing red towards the rear and white
towards the engine.
“Provided that provision of side lights on goods train and
Electric multiple Unit trains may be dispensed with.”
(b) in the case of a single engine without vehicles attached
at least one red tail light; and
(c) in the case of two or more engines coupled together
without vehicles attached at least one red tail light affixed to the
rear engine.
(2) A colliery pilot, i.e., a train used for collecting or distributing
vehicles in colliery sidings, when working in a block section or in

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

the colliery sidings taking off from a block section, need carry a
red tail light only as it enters or leaves the block station, at either
end of such block section, provided that special instructions are
issued to ensure that no other train is permitted to proceed in to
the block section until the Guard of the colliery pilot has certified
that he has left no vehicles obstructing the block section in which
he has been working.
(3) When trains may in the same direction on parallel lines
the side lights mentioned in clues (a) of sub rule (1) may be
arranged in accordance with special instructions
(4) When a train has been shunted for a following train to
pass the tail and side lights mentioned in clause(a) of sub-rule(1)
shall be dealt with in accordance with special instructions.
(5) Within station limits or in a siding, an engine employed
in shunting shall have tail lights in accordance with special
SR. 4.15.01.- When the number of tracks on any section permits under
normal working conditions, of two trains running in the same direction at the
same time the brake-van side lamp adjustment to the other line shall show a
white light to the front and red to the rear while passing over such section.
SR. 4.15.02. - When a train is shunted or detained at a station to allow
a following train to precede it the Guard of the former train shall, as soon as
the train is clear of the running line, reverse his brake-van side light next to the
line, on which the following train is to pass, to show white towards the rear
and red towards his train engine. Immediately after the passage of the
following train is complete, the Guard shall replace the altered side lights to its
normal position showing red in the rear and white towards the train engine.
SR. 4.15.03.- Special instruction as required under sub- rule (2) of Rule
4.15 are given in Block Working Manual.

4.16. Tail board or tail lamp. -

(1) In order to indicate to the staff that a train is complete
the last vehicle shall, except as provided for in sub-rule (2), be
distinguished by affixing to the rear of it -
(a) By day a tail board of approved design or a red painted
tail lamp of approved which may be unlit,

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(b) By night, as well as in thick, foggy or tempestuous

weather impairing visibility during day, a red tail lamp of
approved design displaying a flashing red light to indicate last
vehicle check device, or.”
(c) Such other device as may be authorized by special
(2) A colliery pilot, i.e. a train used for collecting or
distributing vehicles in colliery sidings, when working in a block
section or in the colliery sidings taking off from a block section,
need carry a tail board or tail lamp, or such other device as may
be authorised by special instructions, only as it enters or leaves
the block station at either end of such block section, provided
that special instructions are issued to ensure that no other train is
permitted to proceed into the block section until the Guard of the
colliery pilot certifies that he has left no vehicle obstructing the
block section in which he has been working.
(3) In emergencies only, and under special instruction in
each case a red flag may be used in lieu of a tail board or an
unlit tail lamp.
SR. 4.16.01.- (a) In order to indicate to the staff that a train is complete
the last vehicle shall be distinguished by affixing to the rear of it-
(i) by day, a tail board of approved design, or
(ii) by night, as well as in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather
impairing visibility or inside tunnels during day, a red tail lamp of approved
design which shall be lit.
(b) with electric Multiple Unit (EMU/MEMU/DMU) train during the day,
the last vehicle shall show a red cross against white background at the right-
hand bottom corner. At night as well as in thick, foggy or tempestuous
weather impairing visibility, a red light shall be shown, in addition to this red
cross at the tail end. This red light may be static or flashing mode.
(c) Guard shall ensure that the last vehicle indication as mentioned in
clause (a) and (b) of General Rule 4.16 sub-rules(a) of SR 4.16.04 is not
given in any other part of the train other than the tail end of the last vehicle
SR. 4.16.02.- The red body light fitted at the rear of the SLRs. should
be extinguished when Inspection Carriage/any other vehicle is attached in
rear of the SLR under SR 4.24.01. Guard, should ensure that this is done.
SR. 4.16.03.- Guards when working trains on double line/ multiple line,
shall observe the last vehicle indicator of passing trains and report at the next
station if it is not visible.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

SR. 4.16.04.- (a) The red flag in lieu of tail board or an unlit tail lamp
may be used only in exceptional circumstances with proper authorization.
In the event of such a contingency, the section controller shall advise by
a control order all Station Masters on the section.
(b) In the absence of such authorization the Station Master shall stop
the train in order to confirm the complete arrival of the train and also obtain in
writing the reasons for the use of the flag from the Guard. The Station Master
shall then inform the fact to the Section Controller enabling him to issue
control order to other stations on the run of the train.
(c) For Inter-Divisional trains, whenever permission is given under sub-
rule (a) above, or in the case of sub-rule(b) above, the Section Controller shall
also advise the concerned Divisional Control so as to enable the latter to
initiate action as indicated in sub –rule (a) above.
(d) On non-controlled section or in the absence of means of
communication with the higher authorities or during the suspension of control
circuit, the Station Master shall obtain from the Guard the reasons in writing
for using the red flag and relay the fact through the line clear messages and
through the departure report in sections under Automatic Block system.
(e) In the case of sub-rules (b) & (c) above, the Station Master shall
also send a special report to the Divisional head- quarters.
(f) The use of red flag in lieu of tail board or an unlit tail lamp should
normally be resorted to with the prior approval of DOM or DSO concerned.

4.17. Responsibility of Station master regarding tail board or

tail lamp of passing trains. -
(1) The Station Master shall see that last vehicle of every
train passing through his station is provided with a tail board or
tail lamp or such other device in accordance with the provisions
of Rule 4.16.
(2) If a train passes the station without such indication to
show that it is complete, the Station Master shall-
(a) immediately advise the station in advance to stop the
train to see that defect is remedied and to advise whether or not
the train is complete.
(b) mean while withhold; the closing of the block section to
ensure that no train is allowed to enter the block section from the
station in rear, and

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(c) unless the station in advance has advised that the train
is complete, neither consider the block section in rear as clear
nor close it.
(3) “Where in a section a block proving axle counter or
continuous track circuiting between block stations and complete
track circuiting of station section excluding non-running lines of the
receiving station is installed and is functioning and there is a clear
identification of clearance of block section as well as complete
arrival of the train as per indication given , if a train passes a
station without conforming to the provisions of sub-clause (1)
above, the Station Master shall still advise the station in advance
to stop the train to see that the defect is remedied and he need
not withhold closing of block section in rear as prescribed (b) and
(c) of sub rule (2) in such cases.
SR. 4.17.01.- (a) The duty of ascertaining that the train has arrived
complete will devolve on the Station Master for run through trains and/or trains
which come to shop at a place where the Station Master can personally
observe the last vehicle indicator of the train. ASM/Switchman/Cabin man in
charge of other cabins shall also be responsible for watching the last vehicle
indication of all trains passing such cabin. They shall report at once to the
Station Master if the last vehicle indicator as prescribed vide clauses (a) and
(b) of sub-rule (1) of General Rule 4.16: sub-rules (a) and (b) of SR 4.16.01 or
under 4.16.05 is not visible at the tail end of the last vehicle of the train.
(b) Before closing the Block section, it shall be ensured that the train
has arrived complete.
(c) As soon as train stops at a station where block instruments are
installed in the Station Master’s office, the railway servant in charge of the
cabin, nearest to the place where the last vehicle comes to a stand, shall
ensure that last vehicle carries the last vehicle indicator as prescribed under
clause (a) and (b) of sub-rule(1) GR 4.16 or sub-rule (a) and (b) of SR 4.16.01
or SR 4.16.05 of SR 4.16.05 and the conditions for closing the block section as
laid in SR 14.10 are complied with. He shall then report the complete arrival of
the train to the Station Master over the telephone supported by a Private
Number. Unless the Private Number is received, the Station Master shall not
close the block section.
(d) At stations provided with such cabins as are authorized to give Line
Clear, the railway servant in charge of such cabin, shall not close the block
section unless the train is provided with the last vehicle indicator as prescribed
in clauses (a) & (b) of sub-rule (1) of GR 4.16 or sub-rule (a) & (b) of SR
4.16.01 or SR 4.16.05 and unless the conditional laid down GR 14.10 are

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(e) (i) Train Intact Arrival Register/Complete Arrival Register in the

prescribed form T-1410 is maintained for the purpose of obtaining complete
arrival certificate from the guard.
(ii) The Guard shall not sign the same after recording the arrival time of
his train unless he is satisfied that the last vehicle indicator as prescribed in
clauses (a) and(b) of sub-rule (1) of General Rule 4.16 or 4.16.01 or SR 4.16.05
is in its proper position and unless the train is standing clear of fouling mark(s)
of the adjoining line(s) or derailing switch or clearance/lock/fouling bar, where
(iii) At Stations where cabins at either end are not provided and the
Station Master cannot personally observe the last vehicle indicator of stopping
trains or on receipt of “train passed without tail board/lamp” signal or on
receipt of report from the railway servant in charge of end cabins about the
arrival of a train without proper last vehicle indicator, the Station Master shall
send the register to the Guard through one of his staff filling up the
appropriate columns. After complying with the stipulation of clause (ii) above,
the Guard and the station staff who takes the register, shall signal to the
Station Master on duty by waving green hand signals, as an indication of the
train having arrived complete. On observing such green hand signal, the
Station Master may close the block section, but shall not give line clear or
allow any train to enter into the same block section from either end unless he
has received back the register and satisfied himself that the Guard has
certified the complete arrival of the train.
(iv) At station where cabins at either end are not provided, but suitable
telephone facilities exist at the end of the Yard and on manned level crossing
gate with telephone facilities exists where from where the fouling marks are
visible the TPMs/TGMs may be authorised to ensure that the train has arrived
complete and stopped clear of all fouling marks & give private number to the
Station Master on duty, when the Station Master cannot personally observe
the last vehicle indicator of stopping trains due to location of the Cabin or
Station building, and on the basis of this confirmation the Station Master may
close the section as well as allow any train to enter into the block section-A
detailed instruction in this regard shall be embodied in the respective Station
Working Rules.
In case of traffic gateman is entrusted with the above responsibilities,
every gateman before he is put to work independently at a particular level
crossing, shall be trained and issued a certificate of competency by the
Transportation Inspector.
SR. 4.17.02- In case a train passes a station without the last vehicle
(a) the Station Master shall at once advise the Station Master of the
station in advance as well as to the Section Controller on duty on controlled

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

section so as to enable them to stop the train and to examine whether the
train is complete.
(b) At station where block instrument is installed in the cabin, the
Station Master shall also obtain an assurance, supported by to Private
Number, from the person on duty who is responsible to operate the block
instrument that the closing of the block section has been with-held and that
the block section will not be closed until advised by the Station Master
supported by a Private Number.
(c) (i) The Station Master receiving such advise as indicated in sub-rule
(a) above shall take immediate Steps to stop the train and obtain a certificate
from the Guard in charge of the train in the Complete Arrival Register. The
Guard shall immediately take steps to provide last vehicle indicator in case the
train is complete.
(ii) The Station Master shall then advise the Station Master of the
station from which the train is complete. This must also be supported by a
Private Number.
(d) On receipt of advice as indicated in sub-rule (ii) of Para (c) above,
the Station Master shall steps to close the block section.
SR. 4.17.03.- On double, treble or parallel single line section, the
Station Master on duty of the block station/cabin sending the train passed
without Tail Board/Lamp, S M must arrange to put the fixed signal at ‘ON’ to
stop train from the opposite direction and also must intimate the Station
Master of the station in rear from where the train has arrived to stop any train
to enter into the adjacent line of treble or parallel single line section in the
same direction, to advise the Guard and the Loco pilot to the Circumstances
and to issue a Caution Order to proceed cautiously and stop short of any
4.18. Means of communication -
(1) No passenger train or mixed train shall be dispatched
from any station, unless every passenger carriage is provided
with means by which communication can be made with the
Guard or the Loco Pilot.
(2) Sub-rule (1) shall not apply to-
(a) Passenger or mixed trains in case of complete or partial
failure of vacuum; and
(b) Such particular trains as may be exempted under
approved special instructions.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(3) If a Railway Administration is satisfied that mischievous use

to means of communication referred to in sub-rule (1) is prevalent, it
may, notwithstanding anything contained in that sub-rule, direct the
disconnection, for the time being, of the means of communication
provided in all or any of the passenger carriage in any such train.
(4) A goods vehicle in which passenger are carried is not a
“passenger carriage” within the meaning of this rule.
SR. 4.18.01.-(a) On noticing the fall of pressure in the vacuum gauge,
the Loco Pilot shall immediately step to bring the train to a stop clear of
bridges and tunnels etc., If possible. The Loco Pilot shall also signal the
Guard with the prescribed engine whistle. The code whistle shall be repeated
by the Loco Pilot until the Guard acknowledges the same by showing his red
hand signal. In the event of the Guard first noticing the fall of pressure in the
gauge, he shall apply the vacuum brake very cautiously, so as to avoid parting
of train.
NOTE: - In case of EMU, MEMU/DMU trains, the Motorman and Guard
shall take similar action as indicated in sub rule (a) above, on hearing the
alarm sound
(b) Immediately the train is brought to stop, the Guard, Asst. Guard,
Assistant Loco Pilot and the Ticket checking staff on duty with the train shall
proceed at once to the Carriage from which the alarm chain has been
operated to render necessary assistance.
(c) If the train does not stop promptly, after applying the Guard’s van
valve handle to stop the train or on receipt of a complaint from a passenger
that the inter-communication apparatus does not operate properly the Guard
shall report the occurrence through the Station Master of the next stopping
station so as to inform the Train Examiner/JE/SE/SSE(C&W) of the first
available station ahead to examine the train. A report should also be made to
the Divisional Operations Manager.
SR. 4.18.02.- When the inter-communication apparatus is disconnected
in any of the passenger carriages of a train in accordance with sub rule (3) of
general rule 4.18, the Train Examiner in the interest of Safety of Lady
passengers and Railway Mail services shall abstain from disconnecting the
inter-communication in respect of coaches of compartments reserved for
Ladies, Railway Mail service and also ordinary bogie when utilized as
partially/fully for carrying mails. The Station Master shall issue caution order
asking the Guard and Loco Pilot to exercise greater vigilance in working the
4.19. Guards and Loco Pilot’s equipment. -

(1) Each Guard and Loco Pilot shall have with him while on
duty with his train, the following equipment-

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(a) a copy of these rules or such portions there of as have

been supplied to him under Rule 2.01.
(b) a copy of the Working Time Table and all correction
slips and appendices, if any, in force on that section of the
railway over which the train is to run,
(c) a hand signal lamp,
(d) a whistle (for Guards Only),
(e) a red flag and a green flag.
(f) a stock of a detonators sufficient to comply with the
relevant rules as may be prescribed by special instructions.
(g)a first aid box (for Guard of passenger carrying trains
only), and
(h) such other articles as may be prescribed by the Railway
Administration in this behalf.
(2) if any Guard or Loco Pilot is not in possession of any
article mentioned or referred to in sub-rule (1), he shall report the
fact to his superior who shall make good the deficiency.
(3) Each Guard and Loco Pilot shall have with him while on
duty with his train, two pairs of each spectacle as he is required
to wear under medical advice.
NOTE: - Each guard and Loco Pilot should also be in
possession of a watch in addition to the equipment prescribed in
sub-rule (1).
SR. 4.19.01.: -
Each Guard (with him/her or in Guard Van) and Loco Pilot (with him/her or in
Loco) while on duty with his/her train, shall have a copy (in hard or in
electronic form) of these rules and relevant portions thereof, as supplied to
him/her under rule 2.01 and a copy (in hard or in electronic form) of the
working time table and the all correction slips and appendices, if any, in force
on that section of the railway over which the train is to run. (c/slip131 added).

SR. 4.19.01 –(a) Each Guard shall have with him, while on duty with
his train, the following equipment: -

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(i) Personal equipment of the Guards working Mail/Exp./ Passenger


Sr. No. Name of Item.

1. Torch cum flashing Hand Signal Lamp - One

2. 2 Red Flags and one Green Flag mounted on stick
3. Detonators – 10 in one case
4. Guard & Loco Pilot’s hand book in print or digital form (in tablet)– One
copy (c/slip122)
5. Working Time Table in print form or digital form (in tablet), with all
correction slips and appendices, if any, in force on that section over
which the train is to run (up to date) – One copy.
6. Whistle - One
7. Flashing Tail Lamp - One
8. Rough Journal - One
9. Guard’s Certificate Book - One
10. Guard’s Memo Book- One
11. Padlocks (3 Nos. – 2 large and 1 small)
12. Carriage Key- One
13. ACP Resetting Key - One
14. Complaint/Suggestion Book – One
15. Chain with a suitable lock for securing brief case - One
Tail Board (C/slip 121)
17. Hammer
18. Chisel
19. H’ type CBC unlock key. (This is being required to uncouple the
operating handle of CBC of LHB Coaches as well as for re-setting ACP
alarm in LHB Coaches (c/slip 134 added)
Under SR. 4.19.01(a) (i) the following items may be added after item
No.19 –(‘H’ key):-c/slip 135 added
20 First aid box- one (for guards of passenger carrying trains only*.
21 Walkie-Talkie-one (personal equipment of guards for working all types of
*Note: - When first aid box is provided as the brake van equipment, this
may be dispensed for the guard as a personal equipment.

(ii) Personal equipment of the Guards Working Goods Train -

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

Sr. Name of Item

1. Torch cum flashing Hand Signal Lamp - One
2. 2 Red Flags and one Green Flag mounted on stick
3. Detonators 10 in one case
4. Guard & Loco Pilot’s hand book in print or digital form (in tablet)– One copy.
5. Working Time Table in print form or digital form (in tablet), with all correction
slips and appendices, if any, in force on that section over which the train is to
run (up to date) – One copy.
6. Whistle - One
7. Flashing Tail Lamp - One
8. Rough Journal - One
9. Guard’s Memo Book - One
10. Padlocks (3 Nos. – 2 large and 1 small)
11. Air Pressure Gauge with quick coupler – One
12. Chain with a suitable lock for securing brief case – One
13. Tail Board
14. Hammer
15. Chisel
16 Walkie Talkie- one (c/slip 135 added)

(C/slip122 added in table)

SR. 4.19.01 (a)-- (i) & (ii): items 4, Guard & Loco Pilot’s hand book in print or
digital form (in tablet)
And (a)-- (i) & (ii): item 5 & to be replaced with----
“Working Time Table in print form or digital form (in tablet), with
all correction slips and appendices, if any in force on that section
over which the train is to run (up to date).”
SR. 4.19.01 (a) (iii)- (c/slip 132 is in the next page)
The items should be carried by Guard in a trolley bag and essential equip-
ments to be provided in the- inbuilt safe/ box in EMU/MEMU/DEMU-
Cab/Conventional Local Passenger Trains Guard’s SLR, running within
This Zonal railway or Divisions are as follows:
Equipment to be carried in Items to be kept in inbuilt Safe/Box

trolly bag by Guard in Sub- of Sub-Urban/Local Trains which can be used

urban/local trains by Guard & LP ( in EMU/MEMU/DEMU-

Cab)/ Local Passenger trains Guard’s SLR/

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

brake van (for Guard only)

1. Torch cum flashing hand signal

lamp-1/ Tri-colour battery operated

hand signal lamp-1

XX-[Two red and one green hand *Two Red and One green hand

signal flags Aluminum telescopic signal flag with 2 flag sticks

pipe flag sticks with cap-2*]

XX-[Detonator-10 in a case]* *Detonator (10 in a case)

2. Complaint/Suggestion Book-1

3. Carriage key-`1(where necessary)

4. Guard’s Memo Book-1

XX-[Hand book for Guard& Loco Pilot-1* *“Guard and Loco Pilot’s hand book in print

Working Time table with all correction slips form or digital form (in tablet).” “Working

and appendices, if any, in force on that section Time Table in print form or digital form (in

over which the train is to run*-01 copy] tablet), with all correction slips and appendices,

5. Chain with a suitable lock for securing if any in force on that section over which

brief case-1- (Where necessary) the train is to run (up to date).”

6. Guard’s Certificate book-1(where necessary)

7. Walkie-Talkie for communication with *First aid box with full complements can be
accommodated in the SLR (brake van)/may be put
Station Master (Guard of EMU/MEMU/DEMU in this inbuilt box.

train will be in possession of Walkie-Talkie set

before ‘Sign-in’ and declare it in the ‘Sign-on’


8. Rough Journal Book and other forms

including form T/609 (where necessary)

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

9. Wrist watch and two pairs of spectacles

(If he is required to wear these under medical

advice, where necessary)

10. Whistle (where necessary)

11. Master key for inbuilt /Safe or box(where

it is provided)

12. ACP resetting key (conv. Pass train)

XX -marked underlined items are shifted/deleted

from trolly bag and to be kept in safe/box in

EMU/MEMU/DEMU cab & Conv .Passenger

in the brake van/SLR.

SR. 4.19.01(a) (iii)- (rest part continuing from point 12 above)

13). Tail Board
14). Hammer
15). Chisel

“Note (i): The above standardized personal equipments of Guards shall be

carried in a trolley bag by the Guard himself.

{(Old SR 4.19.01: -Para iv ( in 2011 book)) is totally deleted. Note: i) & ii) under that
head is totally deleted.)}

SR. 4.19.01: b) Each loco pilot shall have with him while on duty
with his Engine/Train, the following equipment: -
i) *“Guard and Loco Pilot’s hand book in print form or digital
form (in tablet).”
ii) “Working Time Table in print form or digital form (in tablet),
with all correction slips and appendices, if any in force on that section
over which the train is to run (up to date).”.
iii) Torch cum flashing hand signal lamp – One
iv) Two red flag and a green flag with mounted on stick – One
v) Detonator- 10 in one a case.
vi) Loco Pilot’s note book – One
vii) Engine tools as per prescribe.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

viii) Traction Operating Manual Part-I & II (for Elect. Loco

Pilot’s only) - One.
ix) H’ type CBC unlock key. (This is being required to
uncouple the operating handle of CBC of LHB Coaches as
well as for re-setting ACP alarm in LHB Coaches (c/s 134

c) Each motorman while on duty with his train, shall have with
him the
following equipment: -
i) Screw Driver – One
ii) Cutting pliers – One
iii) Green hand signal flag – One
iv) Red hand signal flag – 2
v) Trouble shooting directory – One
vi) *“Guard and Loco Pilot’s hand book in print form or digital
form (in tablet).
vii) Traction Operating Manual (Part I & II) – One
viii) Wooden Plug – 2
ix) Personal log book –One
x) Torch cum flashing hand signal lamp – One
xi) Detonator – 10 in a case.
xii) EMU keys - 4 Nos.
xiii) “Working Time Table in print form or digital form (in tablet),
with all correction slips and appendices, if any in force on that section over
which the train is to run (up to date)
d) (i) Each Guard/Asstt. Guard/Loco Pilot/Asstt. Loco Pilot if required to
use pairs of spectacles under medical advice, shall at a time while on duty,
carry with him a spare pair of the prescribed optical characteristics. if he is
permitted to use separate pairs of spectacles for near and distant vision, then
he must carry a spare pair of each.
(ii) While signing the Appearance Register at the place of reporting for
duty, he shall record that he is carrying one pair of spectacles. The
Supervising official should verify the statement before he countersigns the
Appearance Register.
(c/slip 114 is added below): -
USR. 4.19.01 (e): List of equipment for Assistant Loco Pilots: -The
Assistant Loco Pilots while on duty must carry the following equipments which
shall be supplied to them in a handy bag: -

1) Tri-Colour Torch
2) Red and Green Flag
3) Working Time Table.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

4) ‘H’ type CBC unlock key. (This is being required to uncouple the operating
handle of CBC of LHB Coaches as well as for re-setting ACP alarm in LHB
Coaches (c/slip 134 added).

SR. 4.19.02.- All trains carrying passengers shall carry the following
equipment in the brake van.
(i) Ambulance stretcher - One,
(ii) Portable telephone of the prescribed type - One,
(iii) Fire extinguisher - Two each in front and rear brake vans.
(iv) Emergency lighting equipment - One set each in front and rear
brake van.
(v) Two wedges (on Broad Gauge) or two scotch blocks (in narrow
(vi) First Aid Box-one
(i) The equipment mentioned vide (i), (ii), (iv) and (v) of SR 4.19.02
need not be provided in the guard’s compartment of EMU trains.
(ii) All brake-van equipment shall be supplied at the station and shall be
carried through to destination on this railway or to the junction
Interchange point with other railways unless otherwise prescribed. The
equipment issued shall be entered in the Train report (T34 HF) by the
(ii) A register shall be maintained at the originating station, in which all
trains carrying passengers and the equipment supplied in the brake van of
each such train shall be recorded and Guard’s acknowledgement obtained. In
case any item is not supplied suitable remarks stating the reasons there of,
shall be recorded. The official- in-charge of such train originating station shall
inspect the register frequently to see that the equipment detailed above have
been supplied.
SR. 4.19.03: Each Electric locomotive shall be equipped with the
following items: -
(a) A field telephone,
(b) Universal plier,
(c) Adjustable wrench,
(d) Screw driver,

4.20. Manning of engine in motion. -

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(1) Except when otherwise provided by special instructions,

no engine shall be allowed to be in motion on any running line
unless the Loco pilot as also the Assistant Loco pilot are upon it.
(2) Subject to the provision of sub-rule (3) in no
circumstances shall a person other than the Loco pilot or a
railway servant duty qualified an all respects, drive an engine on
any running line.
(3) If a Loco pilot becomes incapacitated while the engine is
in motion, the Assistant Loco pilot, if duty qualified, may work the
train to the next station cautiously and where the Assistant Loco
pilot is not duly qualified, he shall bring the train to a stop and
send a message to the Station Master of the nearest station to
make arrangements for Loco Pilot to take over the train and for
so doing he may take the assistance of the Guard.
SR. 4.20.01.- (a) When working a train under the provisions of sub-rule
(3) of General Rule 4.20 the speed of the train shall not exceed 25 kilometers
per hour and on arrival at the next station, the fact shall be reported to the
Station Master.
(b) The station master in consultation with the section controller, arrange to
utilize the Loco pilot of the first available Goods train/Light engine if the affected
train is of more importance. Otherwise, the affected train shall be shunted into a
suitable line and shall remain under the charge of the Assistant Loco pilot till relief
4.21. Driving an electric train. – These rules shall also be
applicable for working of trains by Diesel engine having twin
(1) In the case of electric trains, the Loco Pilot shall be in
the leading driving compartment when the train is in motion or
when the train is standing on any running line except as
otherwise prescribed in these rules.
(2) (a) In the case of single or multiple unit train if the
driving apparatus in the leading Driving compartment becomes
defective, the train shall be driven cautiously from the nearest
driving compartment which is serviceable; in this event, the
Guard shall travel in the leading driving compartment and shall
convey the necessary signals to the Loco Pilot; the Guard shall
also sound the horn or whistle as necessary and apply the brake

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

in case of emergency and shall be responsible for stopping the

train correctly at signals, stations and obstructions.
(b) In the case of an electric engine, if the leading driving
compartment becomes defective, the train shall be driven from
the trailing driving compartment by the Assistant Loco Pilot if he
is duly qualified to drive; and the Loco pilot shall remain in the
leading driving compartment, and shall be responsible for the
correct operation of the train.
SR. 4.21.01.—- (a) When an electric engine or diesel engine (twin cab)
cannot be driven from the leading driving compartment or in case of EMU trains, if
the driving apparatus in the leading driving compartment becomes defective, the
Loco pilot /Motorman shall arrange to inform the fact to the Traction Loco
Inspector/Diesel loco inspector /Controller and the Deputy Chief Controller.
(b) (i) When working a train or electric engine/diesel engine (twin cab)
under Sub-rule 2 (b) of GR 4.21, the speed of the electric engine/diesel
engine (twin cab)/Train must not exceed 40 Kilometers per hour.
(ii) The train shall be moved in the manner as prescribed in sub-rule (i)
above, till such time a relief engine is arranged by the Traction Loco
inspector/Diesel loco Inspector/controller in consultation with the Deputy Chief
(c) In case of Single or Multiple Unit trains, the Motorman shall also
inform Tikiapara Car shed. The train shall be moved in the manner prescribed
in General Rule 4.21.(2) (a) at a speed not exceeding 40 kilometers an hour.
After detraining the passengers at the destination or other station, according
to the instructions received, the train shall be taken to the nearest siding for
(d) In case horn/whistle of the driving cabs of an engine [electric
engine/diesel engine (twin cab)] becomes defective in the section the Loco
Pilot will run the train/engine at 40 kmph in day time up to the destination or till
the defect is rectified and at night he will only clear the section at a speed not
exceeding 40 kmph.
During run, the whistle/horn as prescribed in SR 4.50.01 should be
followed by Assistant Loco Pilot from the rear cab only. (c/slip 96 added)

4.22. Riding on engine or tender. -

(1) No person other than the engine crew shall be
authorized to ride on the engine/locomotive, except in
accordance with special instructions.
(2) Except as may be permitted by special instructions, no
person other than the engine crew shall be authorized to enter

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

any driving compartment of a single or multiple unit train or a

train propelled by electric, diesel or petrol engine.
(3) No unauthorized person shall manipulate any apparatus
contained therein.
SR. 4.22.01.—- In addition to the engine crew the following persons
may ride on the engine or locomotive or any driving compartment of EMU
trains or of electric or diesel locomotive: -
(a) An Officer holding a metal pass.
(b) An Officer or Inspector whose pass is specially endorsed by the
chief Electrical Engineer/Chief Mechanical Engineer/Divisional Railway
(c) Guards in an emergency.
(d) Traffic staff when performing shunting or when piloting.
(e) Staff proceeding to attend an accident.
(f) “Normally not more than 3 (three) Persons other than the Engine /
Train Crew shall be permitted to travel in the Cab.
SR. 4.22.02.-(a) If a Loco Pilot has not driven an Electric Engine or
single/Multiple unit train for Six months, he shall be re-examined after a
refresher course and his certificate of competency endorsed before he is
allowed to drive again.
(b) When specially authorized by Divisional Electrical Engineer (Rolling
stock) a trainee for driving electric engine/single or multiple unit trains, may
manipulate the Driving apparatus of such engine under supervision of duly
qualified Instructor or Loco Pilot specially nominated for the purpose by an
officer of Electric Rolling Stock. The supervising Instructor or the nominated
Loco pilot shall be responsible for keeping a continuous watch over the
trainee and keep himself in readiness to take any action that may be required
to control the train in an emergency.
(c) No person shall be allowed to move any electric Rolling stock even
within the limits of Loco Shed and stabling sidings unless he has been
certified competent to do so by the Divisional Electric Engineer or Assistant
Electrical Engineer (Rolling-stock) of the concerned shed.
4.23. Brake-vans-
(1) No train shall be allowed to enter a block section, unless
one or more brake-vans or hand braked vehicles are attached to
it, except in emergency or as provided for under special
(2) This rule does not apply to railcars, light engine or light engines
coupled together.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

SR. 4.23.01- An inspection carriage or a Crew Rest Van coupled in rear

of an engine may be dispatched from a station without a brake-van in rear,
provided that such vehicles are equipped with active vacuum brake apparatus
and provided that the last vehicle indicator as prescribed in GR 4.16 and
Subsidiary Rules thereto is provided at the tail end of the rear-most vehicle.
SR. 4.23.02.—- ‘In an emergency or under special instructions issued in
each case or in sections specially notified in advance; if it becomes necessary to
run a train without a brake-van it shall be ensured that the train is provided with
continuous and effective vacuum from engine to the rearmost vehicle.
The SSE/SE/JE(C&W) must mention the number and description of the
rearmost vehicle in the vacuum brake certificate (Mech/V5) issued for such train. In
addition, the following procedure shall be observed: (c/slip 110-“Vaccum/Vacuum
level or pressure & vacuum brake certificate” - words wherever appears to be read
as ‘Air/Air pressure level & Air Pressure & Brake power certificate).
(a) The Guard of the train shall relay the last vehicle number from the
originating station of such train on the telephone to the Section Controller and in
writing to the Station Master of the originating station.
(b) Last vehicle indicator as indicated in sub-rule (a) of SR 4.16.01 shall
be fixed at the tail end of the rearmost vehicle by the Guard.
(c) Last Vehicle number of such train shall be repeated in the Line clear
enquiry and reply messages.
(d) The Station Master on duty as well as the person in-charge of the
Cabins, where provided, shall ensure that the train is provided with last
vehicle indicator as per sub rule (b) of SR 4.23.02 before closing of the block
section in rear and before signaling “Train Entering Block Section” to the block
station in advance.
(e) When a train is running without a brakevan in rear but fitted with L.V.
Indicator in the rear end of the rear most vehicle, the Train shall pass through
the station during night, thick foggy or tempestuous weather provided the last
vehicle Indicator is clearly visible. In case the last vehicle Indicator is not
visible, action should be taken as per Para (f) below—
(f) If the Station Master is unable to see the last vehicle indicator of a
through passing train running without brakevan, he shall at once inform the
Station Master of the block station in advance to stop and examine the train.
Until the train out of section report is received from such a block station in
advance, the station master of the block station at which the train has run
through shall not signal ’train out of section’ to the block station in rear.
(g) Before reporting the arrival/departure particulars to the Section
Controller, the Station Master must ensure that the train is provided with Last
Vehicle Indicator at the rear and of the train.
(h) The section Controller shall keep a record in his train control chart
about the last vehicle number of the train running without brakevan and fitted

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

with last vehicle Indicator repeated by the Guard/ Station Master at the
Originating station as per SR 4.23.02 (a). If for any reason the Last vehicle
Indicator could not be seen at any station and on getting the information from
the Station Master of such a station, the Section Controller shall immediately
advice the Station Master in rear of such station not to give or take line clear
for any train to move over the same block section and shall initiate action to
stop running of trains over the adjacent line/lines.
The Section Controller shall at once advice the Station Master
immediately in advance of such station at which the discrepancy is detected,
to stop the train and examine the correctness of the last vehicle number and
(i) The Guard shall travel on the engine. All other rules as may be
applicable to him shall devolve on him except General Rule 4.46, 4.47 and
6.08 (1) (b)with subsidiary rules thereto and SR 4.42.01 (a).
NOTE: -In Automatic Block system, or in case of Intermediate Block
signaling, a second train shall not be allowed to leave the same Block Station
unless the previous train which has been allowed to leave without a brake-van
arrives at the next Block Station complete except in case of an accident or
failure of the train.
4.24. Position of brake-van on train—Unless it be otherwise
directed by special instructions, one brake-van shall be attached to
the rear of the train, provided that reserved carriages or other
vehicles may, under special instructions, be placed in rear of such
SR. 4.24.01. —- In case of necessity, vehicles may be attached behind the
rear brake-van of a train, according to the following instructions: -
Train Maximum Provision regarding Provision Provision
number of attachment of inspection regarding regarding
bogies to be carriages plant bogies attachment of attachmen
attached power vehicles t of other
behind the
rear brake-
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Passenge 2 bogies or An Inspection or Officer’s Not permitted Not
r their carriage, (bogie or 4 permitted
a) with full equivalent (4- wheelers may be attached
vacuum Four in addition to the number
brake wheelers) prescribed in Col. 2
subject to the provided it has its own
condition that hand brake
the vehicles
are fitted with
vacuum brake
in good

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

working order.
b) without Not permitted An inspection or Officer’s Not permitted Not
vacuum carriage (bogie or permitted
brake otherwise) only fitted with
hand brake in good working
order and it can be
operated by the occupant
during its run.
a) With 2 bogies or An inspection or Officer’s 2 Power plant Not
full their carriage (bogie or 4- bogies in place permitted.
vacuum equivalent (4- wheelers) may be attached of two bogies or
brake Four in addition, provided it has 4-four wheelers
wheelers) its own hand brake. mentioned in in
provided Col.2 may be
these are attached
fitted with provided the
vacuum brake conditions
in good prescribed for
working order the carriage of
goods are
complied with.
b) Without Not permitted An inspection or Officer’s Not permitted Not
vacuum carriage (bogie or permitted
otherwise) only may be
attached provided it is fitted
with hand brake in good
working order and it can be
operated by the occupant
during the run.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

a) with full 2 bogies or Inspection or Officer’s 2 power plant Only one
vacuum their carriages (bogie or four bogies in place damaged
brake equivalent (4- wheelers) may be attached of two bogies or Vehicle
Four in place of equivalent 4 –Four certified by
wheelers) number of wagons wheelers a
provided mentioned in Col. 2 mentioned in col. competent
these are provided they are fitted with 2 may be Rly servant
fitted with vacuum brake in good attached under
vacuum brake working order provided the special
in good conditions instructions
working order prescribed for may be
the carriage of attached
inflammable during day
goods are light hours
complied with. in place of
two bogies
or their
in Col.2.
b) Without Not permitted An Inspection or Officer’s Not permitted -do-
full carriage (bogie or 4-
vacuum wheeler) may be attached
only provided it is fitted with
brake. hand brake in good working
order and it can be
operated by the occupant
during the run.

NOTE: (i) A vehicle on which Last vehicle indicator cannot be provided shall
not be permitted to run as the last vehicle of a train.
(ii) Attachment of engine in rear of a train shall be governed by G.R.3.84 and
Subsidiary Rules thereto.
4.25. Guards.-
(1) Except under special instructions or in an emergency,
every running train shall be provided with one or more Guards.
(2) The Guard of a running train shall travel in his brake
van, except—
(a) In an emergency, or
(b) Under special instructions.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(3) When a train is worked without a Guard, such of his

duties as can be performed by the Loco Pilot shall devolve on
him as may be specified by special instructions.
SR. 4.25.01. —- If a train is to run in accordance with the provisions of
SR 4.23.02, the Guard shall travel in the engine.
SR. 4.25.02.—-(1): - c/slip 110 added
In an emergency or under special instructions issued in each case, if it
becomes necessary to run a train without a guard it shall be ensured that the
train is provided with continuous and effective air pressure from the engine to
the rearmost vehicle which may be a brake-van. If a Guard is not provided at
the originating station of the train, the SSE/SE/JE (C & W) shall mention the
number and type of the rearmost vehicle in the Brake Power Certificate
(Mech./V5) issued for such train. But in case no guard is provided at any
intermediate points such as at Crew Changing station, the loco pilot on being
informed by the Station Master, shall examine the brake power of the train
and also ensure that the rearmost 3 (three) pistons (of last three air braked
vehicles including brake van) are in proper working order. Further to the
observance of the above, sub rules (d) (e) (f) (g) and (h) of SR 4.23.02 shall
be applicable. In addition, the following rules shall also be observed.
Note (i): - In Automatic block system or in case of intermediate block
signaling a second train shall not be allowed to leave the same block station
unless the previous train which has been allowed to leave without a Guard,
arrive at the next block station complete except in case of an accident or
failure of the train.
(ii): - Since no vacuum stock is in operation over this zone, the words-
‘Vacuum Level/pressure’ & ‘Vacuum brake certificate’ wherever appearing in
rule books, i.e., G & S R, Operating Manual, Accident Manual, Loco Pilot &
Guard Hand book may be read as “Air Pressure Level/Air Pressure & Brake
Power Certificate’ respectively.

SR. 4.25.02 (1) (a) The last vehicle indicator as indicated in sub-rule (a)
of SR. 4.16.01 shall invariably be fixed at the tail end of the rearmost vehicle
by the Loco pilot.
(b) A caution order shall be issued to the Loco pilot with necessary
endorsement for running of the train without a Guard and also indicating the
last vehicle number.
(c) (i) Running of the train without guard as well as the last vehicle
number shall be mentioned in each line clear and reply message or with the
departure report while working trains on automatic block system.
(ii) The Station Master on duty at the Station either originating or
enroute from where the Guard is not provided shall relay such information to
the Section Controller with an endorsement in the Station diary. The Section
Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

Controller on duty shall keep a record to this effect in his Train Control-Chart.
He will also inform the Station Master of the Station of the next Guard
Changing point or the destination Station within the Division in advance.
(d)The Loco pilot shall be responsible to take with him the vehicle
consists of such train. The duties devolve on the Guard for protection of the
train laid down in GR 4.44, 6.03 and 9.10 shall devolve on the Loco Pilot.
NOTE(i): - In Automatic block system or in case of Intermediate Block
Signaling a second train shall not be allowed to leave the same block station
unless the previous train which has been allowed to leave without a Guard,
arrive at the next block station complete except in case of an accident or
failure of the train.
NOTE (ii): - Since no vacuum stock is in operation over this zone, the
words-- Vacuum level/pressure & Vacuum brake certificate wherever
appearing in the rule books i.e., G & SR, OPM, ACM, LP & Guard Hand book
may be read as ----Air pressure level/Air Pressure & Brake Power Certificate

SR. 4.25.03. – The Push & Pull freight train operation: -(c/s 108 added)
The Push & Pull freight train operation is a configuration or mode of train
operation where locomotives are attached on both ends of the train. The
brake van is eliminated in this train composition. The train may be driven from
both ends, based on the direction of traffic.

Duties of front and rear crews in Push & Pull train:

1. The train will run with working crews at front and rear locomotives and
without guard.

2. The LP deployed in the rear locomotive will perform the duties of Guard.
The responsibilities of guard will be devolved on the LP of rear locomotive
according to the direction of the traffic.

3. Before starting/stopping/controlling, the leading crew should start the train

after exchanging ‘all right signal’ with rear LP/ALP.

4. In case of abnormal situations, the LP/ALP of the rear loco should protect
the rear side of the train as laid down in GR 4.44, 6.03 & 9.10.

5. The rear loco ALP should make the T-34HF with full particulars of both
leading crew and rear crew.

6. In case of GDR, it will be conducted both by the crews of the front and
rear locomotives.

7. All other safety and train working instructions will remain the same.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

SR. 4.25.04. —- No person shall be allowed to work as a Guard unless

he has qualified in the duties of a Guard. In addition, he has learnt the section
over which he has to work the train.
The section learning trips for guards shall be as follows:
(i) Guards (initial appointees after completion of training at
ZRTI/Sini)- 3 trips
(ii) All other guards- one trip
(iii) Guards not operated on a section for more than six months-
one trip.

“However, in emergency, a guard may be allowed to work in a section without

such road learning trips, provided that if the guard, so booked, has to work in
Automatic block territory, he should have been certified competent work in
such territory as prescribed in SR 4.25.04.
When a guard is allowed to work in a section without road learning, he shall
obtain the assistance of loco pilot whenever required during the journey. Such
trip of the guard should also be construed as a road learning trip as prescribed
in this SR.
SR. 4.25.05- All guards who are required to work trains on automatic block
territories for the first time shall be imparted one day’s intensive course about
the rules pertaining to this system and a competency certificate shall be
issued by CDTI/AOM, if found qualified, in token of their knowledge and
proficiency in these rules. Thereafter, the competency certificate issued to the
guards shall be renewed every Six months by CDTI/AOM, if found qualified,
on an oral test which may even be taken while the guard is on duty. A record
of such competency certificate issued/renewed shall be maintained by the
No guard shall be put on duty on such sections unless he possesses such a

4.26. Couplings. -No vehicles that is not fitted with a

coupling or couplings of approved pattern shall be attached to
any train.

SR. 4.26.01.—-(a) C&W/TXR/Yard staff and Guards, shall take special

care to see personally that all unused couplings of vehicles on train are
secured to the hooks provided for the purpose and are not allowed to hang
down loose.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

SR. 4.26.02.—-Station Masters, Guards and Yard staff, when attaching

vehicles to a train, shall ensure that screw couplings are screwed up without

SR. 4.26.03.—- The staff responsible for attaching engines with or

without coaches or wagon on the stationary trains/rakes must stop the same
short of the train/rakes and display “slow” hand signal for coupling up. The
Loco Pilot shall exercise great caution to avoid any bump while attaching
engines to trains/rakes.

D. Vehicles and Cranes.

4.27. Cranes. -
(1) No traveling crane shall be attached to a train until it has
been certified by a duly authorized person that it is in proper
running order, and with a dummy truck for the jib, if necessary.
(2) When a crane is to work on any line provided with
electric traction or any line adjacent to it, the procedure and
precautions as laid down under special instructions shall also be
SR. 4.27.01.—- For detailed instructions on Crane working the relevant
provisions of Operating Manual and Subsidiary Rules to GR 17.04 shall be
referred to.
SR. 4.27.02.—- When running the main line, the crane shall as a rule,
be placed four vehicles from the engine, but when proceeding to a break-
down this condition may be relaxed.
SR. 4.27.03.—-When a crane is attached to a train, whether with the jib
leading or trailing, except when otherwise notified, the Loco pilot shall not
exceed the speed of 40KM per hour, and shall be particularly careful not to
exceed the speed of 15K.M. per hour over turnouts.
SR. 4.27.04.—- Attaching, speed and operating instructions for running
120 T and 140 T Diesel Cranes have been incorporated in Para 22.28 of
Operating Manual.
4.28. Loading of Vehicles. -
(1) No wagon or truck shall be so loaded as to exceed the
maximum gross load on the axle fixed under sub-section (3) of
section 53 of the Act, or such less load, if any, as may have been
prescribed by the Railway Administration.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(2) Except under approved special instructions, no vehicle

shall be so loaded as to exceed the maximum moving
dimensions prescribed from time to time by the Railway Board.
(3) When a load in a truck, projects to an unsafe extent
beyond the end of a truck, an additional truck shall be attached
to act as a dummy.
(4) The Guard shall, unless this duty is by special
instructions imposed on some other railway servant, carefully
examine the load of any open truck which may be attached to the
train, and if any such load has shifted or requires adjustment,
shall have the load made secure or the truck removed from the
SR. 4.28.01.—- (a) Standard Moving dimensions. -
The following limits shall be observed when road vehicles, machinery
and other large vehicles are loaded in open trucks, special care being taken to
secure them so that may not shift during transit -

3.0 - 2.3 --

(b) Columns (a) and (c) show the dimensions of the articles only. By
adding 1.27 Meters in case of BG and 0.73 Meters in Case of NG which are
the standard heights from rail level to the floor of the truck half loaded, the
figures given in column (b) and (d) have been obtained.
(c) In certain circumstances and for passage over certain sections of
the line, bulky articles of larger dimensions than shown above can be
dispatched by rail. Such cases will be decided by the Divisional Railway

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

Manager. Station Master shall not, however, accept any consignment beyond
the maximum dimensions laid down above, without specific sanction from the
Divisional Railway Manager in each particular case. Such sanction will be
given subject to the Carriage and Wagon Department passing the loads and
sanction obtained from COM/GRC Such sanction shall be governed by the
relevant provisions of the Operating Manual.
SR. 4.28.02.—-When timber or other articles exceeding one truck in
length have to be loaded, three trucks shall be used for the purpose. The
consignment shall be so arranged that the entire load is borne by the center
truck and the overhangs on either side of the center are roughly equal. The
other two trucks, one on either side of the center truck will only act as dummy
trucks to take to overhang of the consignment. They shall not bear any load. It
shall be specially ensured that wagons loaded with timber, bamboo, etc., do
not infringe the standard moving dimensions either in the center or on sides.
SR. 4.28.03.- (a) Station Master and Guards are responsible for the
safe loading of open wagons, but it is the duty of the SSE/SE/JE(C&W) to pay
attention to the loads of trains passing their stations and to inspect and point
out defects in loading. They shall also pass loaded vehicles, if called upon to
do so, by giving a certificate in the following form: -
“I have examined loads of opens wagon Nos..................... of
.................................. train, and certify that the same
are secured and fit to run”.
(b) At any intermediate station, when the Station Master requires to
loads to be adjusted, the nearest Train Examiner shall be called to that Station
to render necessary assistance.
(c) Loads badly secured or adjusted shall, on discovery at Train
Examining station, be reported to the Divisional Mechanical Engineer (C&W)
and appropriate action taken.
SR. 4.28.04.—- (a) In order to prevent the free ends of lashing chains of
empty wagons working loose and trailing over the sides of the wagons
platforms, it is essential that they are secured on the floor of the wagon. For
this purpose, the hook of the screw coupling attached to the short-ended
chain should be engaged in a suitable link of the other chain on the opposite
side of the wagon and the screw coupling be tightened up.
(b) The Station Master and Yard staff attaching empty wagons on
trains shall ensure that lashing chains are properly secured in the manner
explained above. Guards of trains shall satisfy themselves that this has
been done. Carriage and Wagon staff at Train Examining stations. While
carrying out the examination of trains, shall also ensure that lashing chains
are secured in the proper manner.

4.29. Damaged or defective vehicles. -

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(1) No vehicle which has been derailed shall run between

stations, until it has been examined and passed by a competent
Provided that in case of a derailment between stations, the
Loco pilot may, if the vehicle has been re- railed and if he
considers it safe to do so, take such vehicle to the next station at
a slow speed.
(2) If a Guard or Station Master has reason to apprehend
danger from the condition of any vehicle on a train before it can
be inspected by an SSE/SE/JE(C&W), the Loco pilot shall be
consulted, and if he so requires, the vehicle shall be detached
from the train.
SR. 4.29.01.—- A vehicle on a train running with heated bearings which
emit smell of burning oil or smoke or a whistling noise or is seen in red hot
condition or in flames, is a dangerous vehicle. Staff on duty (Station Master,
Cabin man, Points man, Gateman, Token Porters, etc.) shall be alert to detect
it and to take immediate action to stop the train. In case the train cannot be
stopped at that very station, a message for stopping the train shall be given to
the Station Master of the next station ahead and to the Section Controller. In
case of electrified sections advantage may be taken of switching off Power in
consultation with the Traction Power Controller.
SR. 4.29.02.—- If an axle box is found to be running hot, between
stations or at a station where no siding facility exists the Loco pilot shall at
once examine its condition. He shall remove the cover and examine the
packing and put new waste, if possible and bring the train, at a restricted
speed as considered safe by the Loco pilot, to the nearest station where
siding facility exists.
SR. 4.29.03.—- (a) The Station Master receiving advice of a hot axle on
a train shall, where possible, receive the train on the main line. If he is unable
to do so, he shall bring it to a stop outside the first Stop signal before
admitting it into the loop line on which it is to be received.
(b) When the Station Master receives advice of a Vehicle on a train
which is derailed or whose running gear is in anyway considered dangerous,
he shall bring the train to a stop outside the signal since further movement of
such vehicle, especially over points in the Station Yard, is likely to cause a

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

serious accident. The vehicle shall be thoroughly examined and the derailed
wheels, if any, re- railed before the train is admitted into the Station Yard.
SR. 4.29.04.—- No carriage, wagon or other vehicle declared unsafe to
run by a duly authorized official of the Carriage and Wagon Department shall
be allowed to proceed on any account. Any unauthorized person removing a
“damaged” label from a vehicle shall be liable to prosecution.

E. Precautions before Starting Train.

4.30. Loco pilot and Guard to examine notices before

starting. -Every Loco pilot and Guard before starting with a train
shall examine the notices issued for their guidance, and
ascertain there from whether there is anything requiring their
special attention on that section of the railway over which they
have to work.
SR. 4.30.01.— Before commencing duty, the Loco Pilot/Guard shall
sign the Appearance Book, stating the time of his arrival in Shed/ booking
office. The Loco Pilot/Guard shall then carefully read all such notices
(including speed restriction notices) pertaining to the running of their trains,
shown on the Notice Board and in the Loco Pilot/Guard’s Order Book and
shall sign his name to indicate that he has read the notices therein and
understands them.
SR. 4.30.02.— In case of an illiterate Loco pilot, SSE/SE/JE (loco,
traction, shed) Chief crew controller, crew controller shall be responsible for
explaining the contents of the Train ordering message including such notices,
as indicated under SR 4.30.01 to such illiterate Loco Pilot and obtain his L.T.I,
in the Appearance Book. In case of any change in the programme
subsequently either at the starting point or at any intermediate point, the
Guard or in his absence the Station Master shall be responsible to explain the
contents of such train ordering message to such illiterate Loco pilot.
4.31. Examination of trains before starting. -When a
train is examined by a Train Examiner at a station, the station
Master shall not give permission to start the train until he has
received a report from such examiner to the effect that the train
is fit to proceed and has the prescribed brake power.
SR. 4.31.01.- The SSE/SE/JE(C&W) report must be in the form
SR. 4.31.02.— In order to afford necessary protection to the
SSE/SE/JE(C&W) staff, a banner flag or a board about 0.40 x 0.30 meters
painted red and inscribed with the word “STOP” in white, erected about 1.20
Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

meter above ground level, will be exhibited by the SSE/SE/JE(C&W) at both

ends of the load of the train/vehicles.
With interlocked points, if the interlocking permits, and with non-
interlocked points, the points at either end of such line shall be kept set against
access to such line and the points shall be clamped and padlocked by the Train
Examining staff before commencing the work. The key of such padlock shall
remain in the personal custody of the SSE/SE/JE(C&W) until fit memo Form
T/431 - Part C is issued.
Between sunset and sun-rise or during thick, foggy or tempestuous
weather impairing visibility, the Banner flag/Stop board should be replaced by
red lamps.
SR. 4.31.03. –1). While starting a train from a station/siding where no
Train Examination staff are posted, the condition under which a BPC shall
remain valid or become invalid are as under: -
1.1 The BPC shall remain valid –
a) When an intensively examined empty rake has been loaded at the
b) When a close circuit (CC) empty rake has been loaded at the
station/siding provided the validity of the CC rake has not expired.
c) When a close circuit rake has been unloaded or back loaded at a
station/siding provided the validity of the close circuit rake has not
d) When a train with valid BPC, loaded or empty, is stabled at a way side
station for not more than 96 hours.
e) When the integrity of a train with valid BPC has not been disturbed
by more than 10 FWUs.

1.2 The BPC should be considered invalid –

a) When an intensively examined loaded train has been unloaded or
back loaded at a station/siding.
b) When the validity period of a CC rake has expired.
c) When a train with valid BPC, loaded or empty, is stabled at a way
side station for more than 96 hours.
d) When the integrity of a train with valid BPC has been disturbed by
more than 10 FWUs.
2). While starting a train after loading/unloading/back loading operation(s)
from a station where no train examining staff are posted, the Guard and Loco
pilot shall be jointly responsible for the following actions:
2.1 In case of valid BPC –
a) After the locomotive(s) is/are attached, the Loco Pilot will create not
less than 46 cms. of vacuum or 5 kg/cm2 of air pressure in the engine and

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

38 cms of vacuum or 4.8 kg/cm2 in the rear brake van as the case may
be, provided that:
i) In case of an air braked train consisting of more than 56 wagons the
pressure in the rear brake van shall not be less than 4.7 kg/cm2, and
ii) in case of a train consisting of 40 or more BCX/BOX wagons the
minimum vacuum level in the engine and the rear brake van shall not, be
less than 44 cms and 34 cms respectively.

b) On noticing this required amount of vacuum/air pressure in the rear

brake van the Guard and the Loco Pilot shall communicate with each other
and shall thereafter jointly check the train to ensure the following:

i) All couplings and vacuum hoses/brake pipes are properly coupled.

ii) In case of air brake stock, all the angle cocks are in open condition
and the last angle cock is in closed condition.
iii) In case of vacuum stock, rear most end hose pipe of the last vehicle
is kept in the dummy plug.
iv) Empty/Load device handle is in proper position,
v) There are no loose fittings/hanging parts like push-pull rod, brake
beam, safety brackets, brake blocks, etc. which may endanger safe
running of the train. The Loco Pilot shall check the train from the
station side and the Guard shall check it from the off side.
vi) All the hand brakes are released.
vii) Doors of wagons are closed and locked/secured.

c) Thereafter, Guard shall prepare a memo in triplicate jointly with the Loco
Pilot on a plain sheet in the following format and shall append their signatures
in each copy.
i) Date
ii) Train description and No.
iii) From/To
iv) Engine No.
v) Engine attached at
vi) Total load
Guard should obtain SM/YM’s endorsement on two of these copies of the joint
memo, out of which one would be handed over to the Loco Pilot and the other
would be retained by him. He would hand over the third copy to the SM/YM.
d) The SM shall not permit the train to start until he has received a
copy of this joint memo.
2.2 In case of invalid BPC –

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

a) The Loco Pilot and the Guard, in addition to taking all actions as
mentioned in Clause 2.1 above shall also be responsible to ascertain the
brake power of the train with the following results:
Total number of cylinders
Total number of working cylinders
Percentage of Brake power
Vacuum/air pressure in engine
Vacuum/air pressure in brake van.
b) This information will be recorded in the same joint memo as mentioned in
Clause 2.1 (c), itself.

c) In this case, the memo/certificate shall automatically revalidate the BPC

normally up to the next train examination point in the direction of movement of
the train where this train will be offered for examination, except in case of
Para 3(b) mentioned below.
3. While starting a train from a way side station for clearing a stabled
load, the following checks should be performed by the Guard and the Loco
a) When a BPC is valid and the load has not been stabled for more than
24 hours, check mentioned in Sub-clause 2 .1(a) shall only be required.
b) In case of valid BPC, if the period of stabling is more than 24 hours
but not more than 96 hrs. checks shall be governed by Sub-clause-2.1 and
2.2. However, in this case the BPC shall automatically get revalidated after
the checks for the train to travel up to the destination station.
c) In case of invalid BPC irrespective of the period of stabling checks
shall be governed by Sub-clause-2.1 and 2.2.

SR. 4.31.04 The loco pilot of a train shall invariably test the brake
power of his train at the start of his journey, before hitting continuous down
4.32. - Examination of train by Loco Pilot. -
The Loco pilot shall, before the commencement of the
journey and after performing any shunting en-route, ensure—
(a) that his engine is in proper working order,
(b) that the coupling between the engine and the train is
properly secured, and
(c) that the head light and marker lights as prescribed in
sub rule (1) of Rules 4.14 are in good order, and these are kept
burning brightly, when required.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

SR. 4.32.01: Asst loco pilot, when available in the engine, shall couple
up the engine on train and uncouple engine from trains. In all other cases the
responsibility of coupling and uncoupling of engines shall devolve on traffic
4.33. Examination of single and multiple units by Loco
Pilot - When coupling single or multiple units or coaches of any
such units together, the Loco pilot shall be responsible for
observing that all electrical couplings are properly made. After all
couplings have been made, the Loco pilot while taking over the
complete train shall satisfy himself that the control and power
apparatus and brakes of the complete train are in proper and
prescribed working order.
4.34. Duties of Guard when taking over charge of a
train. – The Guard when taking over charge of a train shall
satisfy himself, before the train is dispatched—
(a) That the train is properly coupled.
(b) That the train is provided with the prescribed brake
(c) That the train carries tail board or tail lamp and side
lamps and that such lamps are lighted and kept burning brightly,
when required.
(d) That the appliance, if any, for communications between
the Guard and the Loco pilot, is in proper working order, and
(e) Generally, that, as far as he can ascertain, the train is in
a state of efficiency for traveling.
SR. 4.34.01.—- (a) The Guard must see while taking over charge of his
train, that the train load does not exceed the prescribed load for the class of
Engine as laid down in the Working Time Table or as notified from time to
(b) When taking over charge of a train and before signing the
SSE/SE/JE(C&W)’s brake power certificate, the guard of a train shall ensure
that the SSE/SE/JE(C&W) has signed in the brake power certificate form to
the effect that: -
(i)The doors of all carriages & wagons are in proper working order and
can be closed and fastened.
(ii) Vestibules connection are properly secured, and doors, where
necessary, are locked and bolted.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

SR. 4.34.02.— Guards and Asst. Guard before starting, must try their
hand brakes. The proper way of doing this is to apply the hand brake of the
brake-van hard, and then attempt to shift the brake block off the wheel tyres,
pressing them outward with the foot. Unless they be found binding the tyres
hard, the SSE/SE/JE(C&W) should be asked to adjust the brake gear suitably.
The matter should also be reported to the Station Master/Yard Master and a
suitable remark made in T34 H.F.
SR. 4.34.03.- Before starting from the originating station and also from
stations after shunting or after picking stable loads the Guard of the train shall
satisfy himself that all the doors are properly secured.
SR. 4.34.04.—- Every Guard while taking over charge of a train carrying
passengers must ensure that the Brake-Van equipment as mentioned under SR
4.19.02 are duly provided in his Brake-van.

4.35. Starting of trains. —

(1) A Loco Pilot shall not start his train from a station
without the authority to proceed. Before starting the train, he
shall satisfy himself that all correct fixed signals and, where
necessary, hand signals are given and the line before him, is
clear of visible obstructions and the Guard has given the signal
to start. Guard shall see, before giving the starting signal, that all
is right for the train to proceed.
(2) The Station Master and Guard may be assigned any
role or duty to ensure the safety in the manner as specified by
special instructions.
(3) The Guard shall not give the signal for starting unless
he has satisfied himself that, except in accordance with special
instructions, no person is travelling in any compartment or
vehicle or roof of the vehicle not intended for the use of
(4) In case of any travelling in contradiction to Sub-rule
(3), the Guard, Loco Pilot or Assistant Loco Pilot shall take help,
if necessary, from Government Railway Police, Railway
Protection Force and Station Staff to remove the unauthorized
person from the compartment or vehicle or roof of the vehicle.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

{c/slip 136 for GR 4.35 added- as gazette issued, permitted by authorised officer}

SR. 4.35.01.—- At terminal, junction, engine-changing and meal serving

stations with a halt of 10 minutes or over, a warning bell shall be sounded five
minutes before the starting time of a passenger train.
SR. 4.35.02.—- Station Master’s Permission to the Guard to start the
train referred to in clause (2) of GR 4.35. shall be given in the following
manner: -
(a) For trains carrying passenger by ringing the station bell;
(b) For others by issuing correct ’Authority to proceed’ under the system
of working.
In the case of (b) above, the Loco pilot, on receipt of the correct
’Authority to proceed’ as required under the system of working and on
observing the ‘off’ aspect of the departure signals referring to his train, or on
observing the exhibition of hand signals in terms of GR 4.35 (1), shall sound
the prescribed whistle code thus “OO” for Guard’s Signal.
SR. 4.35.03.--(a) The Guard’s signal to the Loco pilot to start
shall be given by waving a green hand signal horizonta lly at full
length above the head towards the Loco Pilot and then holding it
(b) In case of trains carrying passengers, the Guard shall blow his
whistle before giving the signal to start.
(c) In cases of trains worked by two Guards or by a Guard and an Asst.
guard, the Second Guard or the Asst. Guard shall, after the work on the train
at his end is completed, wave a green hand signal horizontally at full length
above the head, to the Head Guard, who shall answer the signal in the same
way after blowing whistle provided permission of the Station Master as
indicated in GR 4.35(2) has been received and conditions for starting the train
are fulfilled. The Second Guard or the Asst. Guard shall then give the starting
signal to the Loco pilot in the manner laid down in sub-clause (a) above.
(d) In case of EMU/MEMU/DMU/DEMU trains, the signal to start shall
be given by the prescribed bell code i.e., two rings. (c/slip 93 added)
SR. 4.35.04.—- No goods stock shall be used for carrying passengers
without the previous sanction of the General Manager.
SR. 4.35.05._ Howrah to Kharagpur* including Santragachi-Shalimar
and Panskura -Haldia section constitute the Suburban section for the purpose
of sub rule (5) of GR 4.35.
SR. 4.35.06.- The term ‘all is right’ mentioned in sub- rule (4) of General
Rule 4.35 includes ensuring taking off of the relevant starter signal except in the
case of starting a train from a non- signaled line which case it includes
compliance to GR 5.11 and SR 5.11.01. In case when the starter signal is

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

defective, the term ‘all is right’ includes compliance with sub-rule (1) of GR 3.70
and SR 3.70.01.
4.36 Guard to be in charge of train. - After the engine has
been attached to a train, and during the journey, the Guard or (if
there be more than one Guard) the Head Guard shall be in
charge of the train in all matters affecting stopping or movement
of the train for traffic purposes. In the case of any self-propelled
vehicle, such as a motor coach without a trailer and
unaccompanied by a Guard, the duties of the Guard shall
devolve on the Loco pilot.
4.37. Subordination of Guards in station limits. - When
a train is with in station limits, the Guard shall be under the
orders of the Station Master.
4.38. Assistant Loco Pilots to obey Loco pilots. – The
Assistant Loco pilot shall obey the lawful orders of their Loco
pilot in all particulars.
4.39. Loco Pilot to obey certain orders. - After an engine
has been attached to a train and during the journey, the Loco
pilot shall obey. -
(a) the orders of the Guard, in all matters affecting the
starting, stopping or movement of the train for traffic purposes,
(b) all orders given to him by the Station Master or any railway
servant acting under special instructions, so far as the safe and
proper working of his engine will admit.
SR. 4.39.01.- For purpose of GR 4.39(b), Yard Master/ Asstt. Yard
Masters will have the same authority as the Station Masters.
SR. 4.39.02.—- On arrival of a train at an engine changing station, the
Loco pilot shall not detach his engine from the train until his train has been
properly berthed and he has received necessary signals to move. Should any
further movement of the train/engine be necessary, the Station Master/Asstt.
Station Master / Asstt. Yard Master/Yard Master shall make necessary
arrangements and the person deputed to conduct such movement shall
personally attend to the work and give necessary orders to the Loco pilot,
informing him when the work is finished.

F. Duties of Staff Working Trains during Journey

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

4.40. Loco Pilot or Assistant Loco Pilot to keep a good

look-out - Every Loco pilot shall keep a good look-out while the
train is in motion, and every Assistant Loco pilot shall also do so
when he is not necessary otherwise engaged.
SR. 4.40.01.—- While a train is in motion, the Loco pilot and Assistant
Loco pilot shall keep a constant look-out for obstructions and be prepared for
an immediate application of brakes at any moment.
4.41. Loco pilot or Assistant Loco pilot to look back.
The Loco pilot and the Assistant Loco pilot shall look back
frequently during the journey to see whether the train is following
in a safe and proper manner.
The Loco pilots/Asstt. Loco pilot have to pay special
attention after passing permanent way gangs working on the line
or a manned level crossing gate to see whether any danger
signal is being exhibited by them, warning the Loco pilot, Asstt.
Loco pilot of a danger of an accident.
4.42. Exchange of signals between Loco Pilot, Guard
and station staff —
(1) The Loco pilot and the Guard of a train shall exchange
signals with each other, at such times and in such manner as
may be prescribed by special instructions.
(2) The Loco pilot and the Guard of a train shall, while
running through a station, look out for and, except under special
instructions, acknowledge the ‘all- right’ signals which the Station
Master and such other staff at the station as may be specified by
special instructions shall give if the train is proceeding in a safe
and proper manner. If the train is not proceeding in a safe and
proper manner, the Station Master or the other staff shall exhibit
a Stop hand signal, on receipt of which the Guard and the Loco
Pilot shall take immediate steps to stop the train.
SR. 4.42.01—(a) (i) & (ii) (c/slip119 added).

SR. 4.42.01 (a) (i): When a train is ready to start, after stopping at stations,
yard or outside station limits, the Guard shall ensure that everything is ‘all
right’ to start his train, then give usual starting signal from his brake van/SLR
as per SR 4.35.03. Loco Pilot shall acknowledge by whistle code prescribed in
SR 4.50.01 (3) (b) and start the train.
If the starting signal is not visible due to curvature,
cutting, bridge or any other reason, the Guard shall give verbal permission to
Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

LP/ALP to start the train, over walkie-talkie mentioning his identity along with
station name/train number while communicating and also confirm the identity
of the speaker at the other end. LP shall acknowledge it through whistle code
and then only start the train.

(ii) After the train has started, the Guard shall satisfy himself
that everything is ‘all right’ and shall then exchange All Right signal as soon as
possible and also after the last vehicle has passed over the points on quitting
the yard. LP/ALP shall acknowledge it by prescribed whistle code as well as
with hand signal.
If all right signal is not received from the Guard, then LP
shall call for the Guard’s signal by sounding whistle code or contacting over
walkie-talkie and still if there is no response from the Guard then LP must stop
the train immediately and ascertain the cause provided train has not parted.

Note: - At stations where it is not possible to obtain the view of the signal
displayed from the brake van/SLR by the Guard after the train has started, it is
sufficient to exchange signals when they are visible to each other.

It will be applicable to all trains except those trains which are using bell code.

(iii) When a train runs through a station, signals shall be exchanged as

soon as the last vehicle of the train has passed over the points on quitting the
(b) Signals shall be exchanged by waving green hand signal
horizontally. On a straight road, the signals shall be given from the left-hand
side of the Engine and brake-van, and on a curve, from the side on which they
can best be seen.
(c) In case of single/multiple unit electric trains, the exchange of signals
between the Guard and the Motorman shall be made by using the bells in the
(d) In case of EMU (Push and Pull)/MEMU/DMU/DEMU, Rajdhani
Duranto & Shatabdi Express trains, and other trains worked with SLRs having
Air-Conditioned guard compartment, exchange of alright signals (ARS)
between Loco pilot and Guard shall be by ringing of bell in their cab as per
code laid down in SR 4.51.01.(c/slip 93)
The Exchange of signals between Loco pilot and Guard of Rajdhani
Express shall not be required in case when a train starts after stopping
outside station limit.
(e) The guard of Rajdhani, Duranto & Shatabdi type of trains i.e., trains
having air-conditioned guard compartment, is not required to acknowledge
hand signals given by station staff but a sharp look out must be kept by him
for enabling to stop the train should a danger signal being exhibited by station

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

staff/gateman. Other train guards must exhibit signal and watch for ARS by
station staff/gateman. (c/slip 93)
SR. 4.42.02.—- (a) Whenever a non-stopping or stopping train passes
a cabin, the official in-charge of the cabin shall be responsible to observe the
conditions of the vehicles on the train. He must lean out of the window waving
a green hand signal unless anything wrong with the train is noticed.
(b) (i) For run through trains, the Station Master shall also
observe/watch the condition of the train. For this purpose, he shall normally
stand on the side on which his office is situated in such position that a clear
view of the train is obtained by him, and that his signals can be clearly seen
by the Guard. In case the view of the passing train is otherwise obstructed,
the Station Master shall depute one of his station staff for the purpose.
(ii) At station where no cabins are situated or where the Station
Master’s Office and the Cabin/Cabins is/are situated on the same side, the
Station Master shall depute, one of his station staff with hand signal to the
other side of the passing train to observe the passing train and assist the
Station Master in doing his duty as laid down in SR 4.29.01 and sub-clause
(d) below. The deputed staff will stand at a place from where the train can be
observed properly.
The deputed staff will stand at a place from where the running train can
be observed properly.
(iii) At stations situated on the Double/Multiple line section and when
more than one train is running through simultaneously or some train is
standing on adjacent line, the Station Master shall observe/watch one train
and depute one of his competent station staff to do so for the other
train/trains. The staff deputed so will stand at proper sighting place on either
end of station yard.
Where no cabins are situated or where the Station Master’s office and
cabin(s) is(are) on the same side and if a manned Traffic gate lodge is
available at off side of station building, the Gateman may also be
authorized/deputed to observe/watch the safety of running trains at off side
and to assist the Station Master in doing his duty as laid down in SR 4.29.01
and sub-clause (d) below.
In specific cases, even two Traffic porters/points men may be deputed, if
available for this job.
c) The Station Master or the person deputed under sub- clause (ii) and
(iii) of clause (b) above shall wave a Green hand signal horizontally until
anything wrong with the train is noticed.
(d) Should any case of hot axle, smoke issuing from a vehicle wagon
door open, load of any truck, shifted or any fitting of a vehicle hanging and
trailing along the ground, or goods falling of a vehicle, flat tyre, abnormal
sound coming from a vehicle, or any other conditions likely to endanger

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

safety of the train be noticed with the train, the official-in-charge of the
cabin/the Station Master/ the staff deputed under sub-clause (ii) and (iii) of
clause (b) above, shall at once change his Green hand signal to Red and take
prompt action to stop the train and if this cannot be done at that station,
intimation shall at once be given to the next block station to stop it. On
controlled sections, the Section Controller shall also be informed. On
electrified sections, the Traction Power Controller shall also be informed to
switch off power wherever necessary (c/slip 135 added).
SR. 4.42.03.—- The Loco pilot and the Guard shall be on the lookout
for the signals displayed under, clauses (a), (c) and (d) of SR 4.42.02. Unless
“Stop hand signal” is displayed under clause (d) of SR 4.42.02, they shall
acknowledge and exchange “Green hand signal” with such person when they
are opposite each other. Should they observe Stop hand signal displayed
under clause (d) of SR 4.42.02, they shall take immediate steps to stop the
train. While passing through a station, the Loco pilot shall in addition sound a
long continuous whistle.
Note: - The duties of Loco pilot mentioned in this rule shall also devolve
on his Assistant Loco pilot for exchanging signals with the staff of station
cabin when the same happens to be on his side of the locomotive.
SR. 4.42.04.- (a) When a train starts after stopping at a station and if
the train is worked by two Guards or a Guard and an Asst. Guard, the Head
Guard before exchanging signal with the Loco pilot, shall exchange Green
Hand Signal moved horizontally above the head with the Second Guard or the
Asst. Guard, as the case may be, as soon as the train starts to indicate that
they are in their places.
(b) When a train, either stopping or non-stopping has passed the points
on quitting the yard, the Guard before exchanging signal with the Loco pilot,
shall look back and satisfy himself that no ‘Stop hand signal’ or other
indication is given by any of the station staff, as a warning that there is
anything wrong with the train and that the train is complete.
SR. 4.42.05.--In the event of the Loco pilot not receiving signal from the
Guard as indicated in sub-clause (i), (ii) and (iii) of clause (a) of SR 4.42.01,
he shall call the Guard’s attention by whistle code thus ’OO’. If the signal is
still not be given by the Guard, the train shall be stopped.
SR. 4.42.06.—- Any failure on the part of the Loco Pilot and/or the
Guard to exchange signals with the station staff and also sounding of engine
whistle by the Loco Pilot while passing through a station as indicated in SR
4.42.03. shall at once be reported to the Section Controller as well as to the
S.M. of the Block Station in advance, who shall arrange to have the train
stopped and hand over a written warning to the defaulting staff.
SR. 4.42.07.—-In case the Loco pilot and the Guard do not receive any
hand signal displayed by the station staff as indicated in sub clauses (a) and

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(c) of SR 4.42.03, while passing through a station, they shall exercise extra
caution to ensure that all is right for the train to proceed on and record the
same in the Guard’s journal.
4.43. Guard to keep a good look-out. - During the journey
including halts at stations, every Guard shall keep a good look-
out and satisfy himself from time to time that the tail board and
brake-van lamps are in position and that all brake van lamps,
where required, are burning brightly, that the train is complete in
every respect and is proceeding in safe and proper manner.
Note: - The term “brake-van lamp” includes “tail lamp”.
SR. 4.43.01. - If any vehicle is attached to a train behind the rear brake-
van the Guard shall keep a good look-out and in the event of any vehicle
becoming detached, take steps to stop the train carefully.
SR. 4.43.02.-- (a) Guards of running trains shall be responsible to
watch any train passing on the adjacent line, and to attract the attention of the
Guard or the Loco pilot of the latter train by exhibiting Stop hand signal,
should any condition be noticed on that train which may endanger its safety.
In case of trains in the opposite direction, the Guards of the two trains shall
examine each other’s train but when trains run in the same direction the
Guard of one train shall observe/ watch the other train which overtakes his
train. The Guards of these two trains shall exchange green hand signal
between themselves when the brake vans are opposite to each other.
Similarly, the Guard of the train which overtakes another train shall
observe/watch the train so over taken and exchange green hand signal with
the Loco Pilot of such train. In all cases green hand signals shall be
exchanged only if the condition of the train so examined, is found in order.
(b) In the event of Guard / Loco pilot or of any running train noticing any
Stop-hand signal shown by the Guard/ Loco pilot of the other train passing
over the adjacent line, action shall be taken to stop the train. The train shall
then be examined thoroughly before commencing further journey and if
anything is found wrong such action shall be taken as the situation may
(c) Should any condition be noticed with a train which may endanger its
safety, and if the Guard/ Loco pilot of that train does not exchange signal as
indicated in Sub-rule (a) above, the Guard of the train noticing such conditions
shall bring his train to stop at the next station and report the matter in writing
to the Station Master. The latter shall then take steps to have the train in
question stopped and examined at the next station which it is about to pass.
Loco pilot thereof shall examine the train.

SR 4.43.02 (d) after SR 4.43.02 ( c ) (c/slip129 added)

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

SR. 4.43.02 (d) Besides observing the provisions of the GR and SRs
of 4.34, 4.35, 4.42, 4.43, 4.44, 4.45, 4.47 and 4.48, the Guard while working a
train should take the following actions:

i) He should observe and exchange signal with train/trains passing on the

adjacent line/lines in all conditions whether, his train is in the block section or
stationery at a station.

ii) At curvatures, the guard of train should watch his train passing in safe
manner and exchange signal with LP/ALP of his train and inform LP/ALP in
case any abnormality is noticed.

iii) Guard must be very much attentive towards the caution order and
appraise the LP/ALP immediately on walkie-talkie as soon as the last vehicle
clears the restricted zone.

iv) Whenever, the train is dispatched from/via loop line, he must appraise
LP/ALP as soon as the last vehicle clears the cross over.

SR. 4.43.03. - When passing a manned level crossing, the Guard

should look back to see if, any signal is given by the Gateman to indicate that
anything is wrong with the train.
4.44. Train held up at First Stop Signal -
(1) When a train has, without an apparent cause, been kept
standing at the first stop signal for five minutes, the Loco pilot shall
sound the prescribed code of whistle to warn the Guard and the
Asst. Guard shall proceed to the cabin or station to warn the Station
If there is no Asst. Guard, the Loco pilot shall depute an
Assistant Loco pilot to proceed to the cabin or station to warn the
SM. The Asst. Loco Pilot/Asst. Guard proceeding to the cabin or
station shall show a stop hand signal towards the station. The
Guard shall, as soon as the train is stopped at the first Stop
signal checkup that the tailboard or tail lamp is correctly exhibited
and shall maintain a vigilant attitude in rear of the train. After
fifteen minutes or such less time as may be prescribed by
special instructions, the Guard shall, irrespective of whether the
cause is apparent or not, proceed to protect the rear of the train
in accordance with instructions laid down in Rule 6.03. If in the
Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

meantime the signal is taken’ OFF’ or the Loco pilot receives the
necessary authority to pass the signal in the ‘ON’ position, he
shall sound the prescribed code of whistle to recall the Guard
and exchange hand signal with him before starting the train.
(2) In the case of a train not accompanied by a Guard these
duties shall devolve on the Loco pilot.
SR. 4.44.01.-- (a) The prescribed code of whistle is given in SR
(b) Should the First Stop Signal be at ’ON’, the Loco pilot of
the train approaching such signal shall sound the prescribed code
of whistle to attract the attention of the station staff.
(c) The Guard shall arrange to take action to protect the train after a halt
of 15 minutes in accordance with the instructions contained in GR 6.03 and
continue to show a Stop hand signal to stop any approaching train until he is
recalled. But before he proceeds to protect the train, he shall tie a red hand
signal flag to aside lamp bracket or to the hand rail by day or reverse one of his
brake van side lamps where provided under GR 4.15 (1) (a), to show red
towards the train engine and white towards the rear by night or inside long
tunnels or during thick foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility.
(d) After the signal is taken OFF, or when the Loco Pilot
receives the necessary authority to pass the signal in the ‘ON’
position, the Loco Pilot and the Guard shall take action as per
instructions contained in SR 6.03.01(f).
(e) The train shall be stopped on the way to station to pick up
the Asst. Guard/Asst. Loco Pilot.
(f) All cases of this kind shall be promp tly reported in the
joint train report of the Guard and Loco Pilot.
4.45. Attracting attention of Loco pilot -
(1) If any Guard sees reason to apprehend danger or
considers it necessary for any reason to stop the train, he shall use
his best endeavors to attract the attention of the Loco pilot.
(2) In the absence of other means of communications with
the engine, a Guard desiring to attract the Loco pilot’s attention
shall apply his hand brake sharply and as suddenly release it,
and whenever possible, he shall reverse the side lamps to show
red towards the engine.
(3) When the attention of the Loco pilot has been attracted
the necessary hand signals shall be shown.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(4) If the train is fitted with continuous brake, the Guard

may, in case of emergency, apply such brake gradually to stop
the train.
SR. 4.45.01.-- When applying the vacuum brake, the lever shall be
operated slowly and gradually so as to reduce the vacuum by 13 to 18 cms.
4.46. Assistance from Guard’s hand brake - When
the Loco pilot requires the assistance of Guard’s hand
brake, he shall sound the prescribed code of whistle, if
necessary, repeatedly, or if a brake whistle is provided,
sound such whistle, and shall also use other means of
communications, if provided between the Loco pilot and
the Guard.
SR. 4.46.01.—- The prescribed code of whistle is “three short”

4.47. Application of Guard’s hand brake -

(1) When the Loco pilot sounds the prescribed code of
whistle or the brake whistle, the Guards shall immediately apply
their hand brakes.
(2) When a train is traveling down a steep incline the
Guards shall, if necessary to steady the train, assist the Loco
pilot with their hand brakes.
SR. 4.47.01.- As soon as the Loco pilot sounds three short whistle the
Guards shall, if necessary to steady the train, assist the Loco Pilot with their
hand brakes.
4.48. Permission of Guard to detach engine from train -
When a train has been brought to a stand outside station limits or
anywhere on a grade, the Loco pilot shall not detach his engine
from the train without the permission of the Guard who, before
giving such permission, shall satisfy himself that the van-brakes
have been put on securely and take such other measures as
may be necessary or prescribed by special instructions:
Provided that detaching of engines from trains in such
cases may be prohibited altogether under special instructions
wherever considered necessary in the interest of safety.
SR. 4.48.01.—- Whenever it becomes necessary for an engine, with or
without vehicles, to be detached from the rest of the train, the following
precautions shall be taken before it is uncoupled.
Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(i) Hand brakes of the brake-van, as also of other hand braked vehicles,
shall be screwed on tightly.
(ii) Skids/Sprags / Wedges, if any, shall be used.
(iii) Vacuum brake shall then be released by pulling the ball valve wires.
(iv) The Guard and the Loco pilot shall ensure, before uncoupling, that
the remaining portion of the train is secure.
SR. 4.48.02.—- The Divisional Railway Manager may however, notify
an incorporate in the working time table the section/ sections where detaching
of engines are prohibited altogether taking into consideration the gradient and
roll ability of vehicles.
4.49. Starting and stopping of train —
The Loco pilot shall start and stop his train carefully and
without a jerk.
4.50. Sounding of engine whistle —
(1) Except under special instructions, the Loco pilot shall
always sound the whistle of the engine according to the
prescribed code of whistle.
(a) before putting an engine in motion;
(b) when entering tunnel; and
(c) at such other times and places as may be prescribed by
special instructions.
(2) Engine whistle code shall be prescribed under special
SR. 4.50.01.- The following whistles shall invariably be given by Loco
pilot for the purpose indicated: -
Srl. Code of Engine Indication
No. Whistle
1. 0 a) Before starting—
i) Indication to Loco Pilot of assisting/ banking engine
that the Loco Pilot of leading engine is ready to start.
ii) Acknowledgement by the Loco pilot of
assisting/banking engine to leading engine.
iii) Engine ready to leave Loco yard of after
completing Loco work.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

iv) Engine ready to go to Loco yard.

b) On run-
i) Assistance of another engine not required. ii)
Acknowledgement of Loco pilot of assisting/banking
engine that assistance stopped.
2 00 a) Call for Guard’s Signal.
b) Signals not exchanged by Guard.
c) Signals not Exchanged by Station staff.
3—————0 a) Guard to release brakes.
b) Before starting engine or a train from station/mid-
c) Main Line Clear after backing into siding.
4 000 a) Guard to apply brakes.
b) Train is out of control, Guard to assist.
5. 0000 a) Train cannot proceed on account of accident,
failure, obstruction or other exceptional cause.
b) Protect train in rear.
6.—-- ——00 Call for Guard to come to engine.
7 0————0 a) Token not received.
b) Token missed
c) With wrong ’Authority to proceed’.
d) Passing Stop signal at ‘ON’ on proper authority.
8 ———-- a) Before starting vacuum recreated on ghat section,
remove sprags/skids.)
b) Passing an Automatic Stop Signal at ON
c) Passing an Intermediate Block Stop signal at ‘On’
when the telephone provided on the signal post is out
of order and Loco Pilot is thus unable to contact the
Station in rear.
d) On run-Acknowledgement of Guard’s signal.
9 (i). _ _ _ _ _ _ (intermittent) Approaching level crossing (c/slip 95)
from whistle (W/L) board to Repeater whistle (R W/L) board

(ii). _____________ (continuous) (a) Approaching tunnel or area of

restricted visibility or curves or
cutting or site of accident or when

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

in consequence of fog, storm or any

other reason the view of signal is

b) Re-call railway servant protecting train in rear.

c) Material train ready to leave.
d) Running through a station.
e) Approaching Stop signal at ‘ON’.
f) Detained at a Stop signal.
g) From Repeater whistle board (R W/L) up to level
crossing. (c/slip95)
10. ———0———0 a) Train parting.
b) Train arriving incomplete.
11. 00————-- a) Alarm chain pulled
b) Insufficient vacuum/Air Pressure in engine.
c) Guard applies vacuum brake.
d) Inter-communication apparatus used.
12.———- ————- Raise Pantograph. To be acknowledged by the
other engine.
13————- 0————-- Lower Pantograph. To be acknowledged by the
other engine.
14 —————00 a) Signal arm lowered but light extinguished.
b) Signal arm improperly/insufficiently taken ’Off’
c) Defective signal.
15 ———- ——-- ——- Fouling not cleared.
16 00000000000 a) Apprehension of danger.
b) Danger signal to the Loco Pilot of an approaching
train whose path is fouled or obstructed for any
c) While working on a Single line section during
total failure of communications or when single line
working is introduced, on a double line section.
d) Moving in wrong direction on double line or
against the signaled direction in the Automatic Block Signalling territory (D\L)
or against the established direction in the automatic block signaling

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

Note: - The Signals above are illustrated by ‘O’ for a short whistle and “__” for
a long whistle.

SR 4.50.02 – Whistle Boards (c/slip 95/100 added)

a) Whistle boards are provided with a view to prewarn the Loco Pilot
about an approaching level crossing and for sounding the
whistle/horn (vide serial no. 9(i) and (ii) under SR 4.50.01) to warn
the staff who may be working on the line, as well as the gateman
and road users at level crossings about the approaching train.
The loco pilot shall sound the whistle/horn intermittently up to the
site of work from ‘W’ board. At level crossings, an intermittent
whistle from W/L Board to R W/L Board and continuous whistle
from R W/L Board up to level crossing shall be sounded.
b) Types of whistle boards –
There are three types of whistle boards. The board shall
consist of a 0.60 m. square board painted in yellow with
appropriate letters in black and fixed on a post painted with 0.3 m.
high bands of white and black keeping the underside of the board
at a height of 2.0 m above rail level. The whistle boards should
be bilingual as mentioned in Annexure – 9/15 of IRPWM and
erected along the track. The board shall not be illuminated at
i) Whistle board as per fig (A) with the letter ‘W’ of size 0.3 m
high shall be provided on approaches of curves and cuttings
at a point from where visibility of the line ahead is limited to
800 m or less on BG.
ii) Whistle boards as per fig (B) with the letters (W/L) of 0.2 m
high shall be provided on the approaches of all unmanned
and manned level crossings at a distance of 600 metres on
either side of the level crossing.
iii) Repeater whistle Boards as per fig (C) with the letters “R W/L”
shall be provided on the approaches of all unmanned level
crossings at a distance of 250 meters. on either side
followed by W/L boards. (c/slip 100 added)

NOTE: If W/L board of one LC is located near the R W/L

board or within the continuous whistling zone of
another LC (i.e., within 250 mtrs of LC), then the
whistling code of RW/L board should be followed.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

4.51. Bell signal between Loco pilot and Guard. -

When bell communication is provided between the Loco Pilot
and the Guard of the train, bell signal code, as may be prescribed
by special instructions, shall be used.
SR. 4.51.01.—- For single or Multiple unit electric trains, the following
bell signal codes shall be used between the Motorman and the Guard. In case
of failure of electric bell equipment in the cab, the codes shall be sounded by

S/No. Code of Bell Indication Acknowledgenent

1. 0 Stop train 0

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

2. 00 Start train 00
3. 000 pause 0 To push back train 000 pause 0
4. 00 During run through 00
5. 000 Guard required by 000
Loco Pilot
6. 00000 Brakes tested 00000
found alright
7. 00000Pause 0 Brakes tested 00000Pause0
and not found alright.
8.0000 pause 0000 Information to Motor 0000Pause0000
man regarding guard
leaving the cab.
9. 00 Pause 00 Passing Automatic 00
Signal at 'ON' pause 00
10. 0000 Protect train in rear 0000
11. 00 pause 0 Proceed with caution 00 pause 0
while working under
GR 4.21 (2) (a)
12. 000 pause 000 Guard's warning 000 pause 000
to Motorman, if EMU
train exceeds the
prescribed speed
after passing an
Automatic stop signal
at 'ON'
13. 0 Pause 0 Zone of speed 0
restriction is over, Pause
resume prescribed 0
Note: - The signals above are illustrated by '0' for a ring.

4.52. Throwing out water, fire or cinders. - A Loco pilot shall

not throw out water, fire or cinders, when passing through a
station yard or tunnel, or when on a bridge.
4.53. Hose or water crane. - After taking water from a tank or
water column, the Loco pilot shall see that the hose or arm is left
clear of the line and when it is provided with fastenings, properly
4.54. Passengers. - Every Guard shall give his best assistance
to passengers entraining and detraining.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

G. Duties of Staff on Arrival

4.55. Shutting off power. -- In stopping a train, the Loco pilot
shall determine where to shut off power by paying particular
attention to the gradient, the state of the weather, the condition of
the rails, the brake power and the length and weight of the train.
4.56. Guard to see that train is stopped clear of fouling
marks. -- When a train comes to a stand at a station, the Guard
shall see that, wherever possible, the last vehicle of his train has
cleared the fouling marks of all points and crossings. If not, he
shall inform the Station Master at once and exhibit Stop hand
signal to prevent any movement on the fouled line.
SR. 4.56.01.-- The first duty of the rear Guard on arrival at a station is
to see that the last vehicle of his train is clear of the points or derailing switch
or clearance / lock bar where provided. If the last vehicle has not cleared the
fouling marks of the adjoining lines or derailing switch or clearance / lock bar,
where provided, the Guard shall come to Cabin plainly exhibiting a danger
hand signal towards the station/cabin on his way thereto.
SR. 4.56.02.-- (a) If the train is not being worked through out with the
vacuum brake, the Guard shall screw on his hand brake immediately after the
train has come to a stop. If there be more than one hand braked vehicle in
rear, the hand brake of each vehicle shall be tightly put on by train staff the
moment the train comes to a stop.
(b) As soon as the train has come to a dead stop and there is no further
danger from recoil or from heavy gradients, the brakes of all the vehicles except
the rear brake-van shall be released by the train staff.
(c) Guards shall be careful not to start their trains until the brakes are
SR. 4.56.03.—- When the vacuum brake is in use throughout the train,
hand brake need not be applied for short authorized halts.
SR. 4.56.04.—- Similarly, it is the duty of the Guard of a stopping train
to see that the train has arrived complete. If the train has not arrived complete,
the Guard shall personally be responsible for bringing the fact immediately to
the notice of the Station Master, Cabin Assistant Station Master or Cabin man,
as the case may be, so that necessary steps may be taken.
4.57. Detaching engine. - Whenever a train has been
brought to a stand, and it is necessary for the engine, with or
without vehicles, to be detached from the rest of the train, the
Guard shall, before the train is uncoupled, satisfy himself that the

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

van-brakes have been put on securely and take such other

measures as may be prescribed by special instructions.
SR. 4.57.01.- The Loco pilot before detaching his engine from the train,
shall give three short whistles to call for the Guard to apply brake and to
signify his intension to uncouple from the train. There upon the Guard shall
take precaution to prevent the possibility of the train running away.
The Loco pilot shall not detach his engine from the train nor allow it to
be detached until he has received from the Guard an answer, in the form of
green signal by day, and a white light by night as an assurance that the train
is secured and he may proceed.
4.58. Loco pilot to see that train is stopped clear of
fouling marks. - When a train comes to a stand at a station, the
Loco pilot shall see that, wherever possible, his engine is clear of
the fouling marks of all points and crossings. If not, he shall take
step to inform the Station Master at once and exhibit Stop hand
signal to prevent any movement on the fouled line.
SR. 4.58.01. In order to avoid the adjacent line at the rear end of the
train being fouled, Loco pilot of all goods trains shall draw the train up to the
starter or shunt signal or stop board, as the case may be, or up to the failing
mark where no such signal is provided.
SR. 4.58.02. If a train for any reason stops without clearing the fouling
marks of the adjoining lines the train Loco pilot shall give three long whistles
and the Assistant Loco pilot /Diesel Assistant shall proceed to the Station
Master/nearest end cabin exhibiting. ‘Stop’ hand signal to inform the Station
Master/Cabin staff of the fact. Similar action shall be taken by the Loco pilot of
banking engine or engine attached to a train in the rear in case the engine
stops without clearing the fouling marks.
SR. 4.58.03. The engine crew of the train detained shall also watch the
reception signals in case of crossing and dispatch signals in case of precedence so
that signals for the correct line are taken off. The watch shall be kept by rotation as
arranged by the Loco pilot. In case, an incorrect signal is taken ’OFF’ , immediate
action shall be taken to advise the cabin/station staff along with the measures to
prevent an accident.
4.59. Moving of train carrying passengers after it has
been stopped at a station. -- When a train carrying passengers
has been brought to a stand at a station whether alongside,
beyond, or short of the platform, the Loco pilot shall not move it,
except under orders of the Guard or to avert an accident.
SR. 4.59.01.-- The Guard shall give the signal to the Loco pilot to move
only after he and the station staff have warned the passengers as far as
possible about the proposed movement. Before moving his train, the Loco
Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

pilot shall sound one long and one short whistle as a final warning to the
passengers after receiving the Guard’s signal.
4.60. Guard not to leave train till handed over. - No
Guard shall leave his train until it has been properly handed over
in accordance with special instructions.
SR. 4.60.01.—- No Guard or Brakes man shall leave the station at the
end of his run without the Station Master’s permission to do so. He shall also
before leaving, see that his train has been signed for by the outgoing Guard
/Asstt. guard or by the Trains Clerk / Station Master.
4.61. Loco pilot not to leave engine when on duty. -- No
Loco pilot shall leave his working locomotive or his self-propelled
vehicle when on duty, whether at a station or on a running line,
except in case of absolute necessity and after a competent railway
servant has been placed in charge of the locomotive or self-propelled
vehicle. In the case of a self- propelled vehicle manned by a Loco
pilot only, a Loco pilot may leave it when necessary, provided he has
locked the cabs and has put the vehicle in low gear with the ignition
switch in the off position and has screwed down and locked the hand
SR. 4.61.01.-Asstt. Loco pilots / Diesel Assistants are strictly prohibited
from moving engines except under the circumstances laid down in GR 4.20
(3) and SRs. thereto.

H. Working of Materials Trains

4.62. Working of a material train in a block section. - A
material train shall be worked only with the permission of the
Station Masters on each side and in accordance with special
SR. 4.62.01.—- Composition and formation of Material trains. -
(a) The train will consist of a certain number of wagons for the carriage
of railway materials and one or more brake-vans properly equipped, one of
which will be placed in the rear and the other, if there is a second, in the front
of the train.
(b) Ordinary traffic wagons shall not be attached to material trains
without special instructions from the Divisional Railway Manager.
SR. 4.62.02.—- Day-to-day working of material train. —-
(a) Once a train has commenced to work, it shall work entirely as per
the instructions issued to the Guard by the Divisional Engineer or Divisional

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

Electrical Engineer (TRD) through the Train Inspector, until finally cancelled
by the Divisional Operations Manager.
(b) For the purpose of these rules, Train Inspector means the
nominated representative of the Engineering or Traction Department who
remain on duty with the material train.
(c) After the day’s work is completed and after the train has arrived at
its stabling station, the Train Inspector shall hand over a memo in duplicate as
follows. -
If at an engine changing station, a) Engine released to go to shed at
b) Engine to be ready at ------
If at a station other than engine changing station a) engine ordered to
shut down at
b) engine to be ready at -------
The Guard shall hand over a copy of this memo to the Loco Pilot.
(d) The Guard shall ascertain every morning from the Train Inspector
the stabling programme for the next night and shall issue a wire to the
Divisional Railway Manager, the Chief Controller, Loco Foreman and the
Station Masters concerned in the following form: “Material train
No.........................stabled at...........”
If the material train is stabled with workers, the Govt. Railway police at
that station or if there is no Govt. Railway Police at the stabling station, the
nearest Civil District Police shall also be included as one of the addresses in
the above telegram.
SR. 4.62.03. Working hours.
(a) Except under special circumstances, a material train shall work
between sunrise and sunset. But the actual working hours shall be restricted
to the time allowed by Section Controller. In case of non-controlled area or
during the interruption of control circuit, the Station Master may, however, in
consultation with the Station Master at the other end of the block section,
notify the time allowed for its work, keeping in view of the movement of other
important train services. In all cases, the Guard shall be held responsible to
ensure that the time allowed, as notified in the Caution Order, is not
(b) A material train may run during the night from and to its stabling station
without execution of any work.
(c) If, under special circumstances a material train is allowed to work in
the night, the following conditions shall be fulfilled. —-
(i) The Engineering Supervisor on the train should not be below the
rank of JE (P.Way) / Asst. Traction Foreman.
(ii) Loading and unloading of rails between block stations should not be

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(iii) A portable generating set should be carried on the train

with adequate number of flood lights so as to ensure proper
lighting at the loadin g / unloading points.
(iv) Female labourers should neither be engaged nor carried
on the train.
SR. 4.62.04.—- (a) Guards of material train shall be responsible for
their safe working both on Traffic and Engineering sidings and on running
lines, and shall personally conduct all shunting operations. Loading and
unloading shall be carried on under the supervision of the Train Inspector. The
Guard shall be held responsible to ensure that no delay to traffic occurs. The
Train Inspector and the Guard shall be jointly responsible for leaving the
tracks clear of all obstructions and for seeing that railway materials when
loaded in any open trucks, do not infringe the standard moving dimensions.
(b) The Guard shall, in consultation with the Train Inspector, be
responsible to apprise the Station Master about the readiness of the Material
train to leave, its working programme and the probable duration of work in
(c) The flap doors of the wagons may only be opened for the purpose of
loading / unloading of materials. The Guard and Train Inspector shall be
responsible to ensure that all doors / flap doors are properly closed and
secured before the train is moved further.
SR. 4.62.05.— (a) A material train shall be worked under the system
of working in force.
(i) On double line section, when working on the proper line, on
completion of work, it shall proceed to the next block station in advance and
return, if required, on the proper line.
(ii) On double line section, it may be allowed to work on the wrong line
and return. In such case, the concerned section must be blocked as described
in GR 1.02 (8).
(iii) On single line, it may be allowed to work between stations and
proceed to the next block station or return to the block station from which it is
about to start.
(iv) On both double and single line sections, it may be allowed to work
in a section which is already blocked, when specially arranged by the
Engineering official {not below the rank of JE (P.Way) / Asst. Traction
Foreman},who has blocked the line. In such cases the rules for use of “Block
ticket / Authority to proceed for Relief Engine/Train into an occupied Block
section” on obstructed section shall be followed.
(b) Whenever a material train is to work between two stations the
Station Master of the station from which the material train is to leave shall
advise the Station Master of the station at the other end about its programme
and the duration of time during which the material train will work. This shall be
acknowledged before the material train is allowed to leave.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(c)The Station Master shall give fresh” Authority to proceed” for each
(d) A caution order shall always be issued to the Loco pilot notifying the
time at which the block section must be cleared and whether the train has to
proceed to the next station or has to return to the station from which it is about
to start.
(e) (i) When a material train is to work and return under the provisions
of sub-Para (a) (ii) above, the “Authority to proceed” shall be the caution order
itself as mentioned in sub-Para (d) above, with the following endorsement in
addition: -
“Block section in rear between...........(station) and (station) has been blocked
back. Private Number_____ “
ii) When a Material Train is to work under the provisions of sub-Para (a)
(iv) above, the “Authority to proceed” shall be the” Block ticket / Authority to
proceed for Relief Engine/Train into an occupied Block section.” Which should
be issued only after suspending the system of working.
(f) Except under special circumstances like accident, failure, obstruction etc.,
the material train shall work and return/proceed as per the instructions contained in
the caution order mentioned in sub-Para (d) above.
(g) Unless within the limits of the Stop signals of a station, a material train
shall not be divided, nor the Engine uncoupled from the train, except in case of
emergency or failure, or when it is necessary to replenish the Engine with coal
or water. However, before the train is parted, the Guard shall put the hand
brake (s) in the Brake-van (s) hard on and apply the hand brakes of sufficient
number of vehicles in each portion and secure them with Sprags. Guard and
the Train Inspector shall ensure that all labourers have been detrained before
dividing the train, Vehicles shall not be detached from a material train on a
grade of 1 in 260 or steeper.
SR. 4.62.06.-- (a) Except when working under the provisions of sub-rule
(a)(iv) of SR 4.62.05, the speed of a material train working between stations
shall not exceed 25 kilometers an hour.
(b) When working between stations under the provision of sub rule (a)
(iv) of SR 4.62.05., the speed of a Material train shall not exceed 15
kilometers an hour during day on the straight and 10 kilometers an hour at
night or where a clear view for 800 meters ahead cannot be obtained.
(c) When running through between block-stations and when running
with the Engine leading, the speed of a material train shall not exceed the
speed prescribed for goods trains of similar weight.
(d) When the engine is pushing the train or is placed in the middle of
the train in an emergency or in exceptional circumstances and the Brake-van
is leading: -
(i) the speed shall not exceed 25 kilometers per hour on the straight line
or 8 kilometers per hour over a turnout:

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(ii) the Guard shall travel in the leading brake van and must exhibit
necessary hand signals to the Loco Pilot:
(iii) the train crew shall keep a good look out especially in the direction
in which the train is moving and must be prepared to stop short of any
obstruction: and
(iv) when approaching any non-interlocked station, the Guard shall
satisfy himself that the facing points are properly manned beforehand
signaling Loco pilot.
(e) When the engine is pushing the train or is placed in the middle of
the train in an emergency or in exceptional circumstances and the Brake van
is not leading: -
(i) The speed shall not exceed 8 kilometers per hour:
(ii)The Guard shall travel on the leading vehicle and exhibit hand signal
to the Loco pilot, and
(iii) Sub- clauses (d) (iii) & (iv) shall be strictly compiled with.
(f) Material trains are not allowed to push down the grade on the
sections of the line notified by the Divisional Railway Manager.
SR. 4.62.07. — Reception of a material train shall be governed by the
same rules as are applicable for a goods train whether it proceeds to the next
station or returns to the starting station.
SR. 4.62.08.—- (a) Immediately on arrival of a material train at a station
after working in mid-section the Guard and the Train Inspector shall issue a
Joint memo to the Station Master certifying the complete arrival of the material
train and that nothing has been left infringing the running line(s).
(b) When a Material train, working on the authority of a Line Clear
Ticket has returned to a station without passing over the whole block section,
the Loco pilot shall return the Line Clear Ticket to the Station Master through
the Guard, and the Station Master shall cancel the same by making the
following remark across the face: -
“Cancelled, Material train returned here at ...........................H...............
Mts..........................................Station Master”.
The Line Clear Ticket after being so cancelled will be returned to the
Loco Pilot through the Guard, who shall dispose the same in the usual way.
(c) When a Material Train returns to the station from which it started, the
Station Master of the station at which the train has arrived, shall issue a message
to the Station Master of the block station at the other end of the concerned block
section notifying that the train has returned and the block section is clear.
SR. 4.62.09.—- When a material train is working between stations the
Train Inspector shall arrange for the protection of the train with banner flags
held across the track at a distance of 600 meters on the BG and 400 meters
on the NG in both directions on single line and in the direction of traffic on the
double line. The person (s) deputed for the purpose shall, in addition, be
supplied with detonators and shall place 3 detonators on the track 10 meters
Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

apart whenever the train comes to a stand for a period over 15 mts. or in the
event of any other train approaching on the same line.
SR. 4.62.10.—- Whenever the material train is to work between the
outermost points and the First Stop Signal, it shall be treated as shunt
4.63. Workers on material train - The Guard of a material
train shall, before giving the signal to start, see that all the workers
are on the train, warn them to sit down.
SR. 4.63.01.—-Before giving the signal to start, the Guard shall--
(i) advise the Engineering official in charge that the train is ready to
leave, and
(ii) ensure that all wagon doors are securely fastened.
4.64. Protection of material train when stabled. -
(1) A material train shall not be stabled on a running line at
a station, except in unavoidable circumstances.
(2) When a material train is stabled at a station, it shall be
protected in the following manner and the Station Master shall
ensure that—
(a) The vehicles of the material train have been properly
secured and are not fouling any points or crossings.
(b) All necessary points have been set against the line on
which the material train is stabled and such points have been
secured with clamps or bolts and cotters and padlocks, and
(c) The keys of such padlocks are kept in his personal
custody until the material train is ready to leave the siding or line.
(3) The Guard shall not relinquish charge until he has
satisfied himself that the material train has been protected as
prescribed in this rule.
SR. 4.64.01-(a) The material train shall be secured in the manner
prescribed under SR 5.23.01.
(b) If under unavoidable circumstances the material train is stabled on a
running line, the Station Master shall, in addition to what has been prescribed
under sub-rule (2) of GeneralRule4.64., arrange to place lever collars on the
concerned home signal and slot levers at the respective cabin(s) and slide
collar(s) on the concerned S M’s slot slide (s) as indicated in the Station
Working Rules. For this purpose, Private Numbers shall be exchanged with
the person (s) in charge of the Cabin (s).

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

(c) The Guard shall be responsible to supervise the protection to be

made as required under sub-rule (2) of General Rule 4.64. and inform the
Station Master in writing of having done so.
4.65. Working of track maintenance machines. -- Track laying
or on track tamping or maintenance machines shall be worked
only with the permission of the Station Master and in accordance
with special instructions.
SR. 4.65.01- Special Instruction laid down in Operating Manual shall be

I. Private Engines and Vehicles

4.66. Private Engines and Vehicles. - No engine or other
vehicle, which are the property of a private owner, shall be
allowed to enter upon the railway, except in accordance with
special instructions.

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

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Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

Chapter- IV
Working of Trains Generally

Control and Working of Stations



5.01. Responsibility of the Station Master for working. -
(1) The Station Master shall be responsible for the
efficient discharge of the duties devolving upon the staff
employed, either permanently or temporarily, under his orders at
the station or within the station limits and such staff shall be
subject to his authority and direction in the working of the station.
(2) The Station Master shall see that all signals, points,
gates of level crossings and the whole machinery of his station
are in proper working order and shall immediately report all
defects therein to the proper authority.
(3) The Station Master shall also be responsible to see
that the working of the station is carried out in strict
accordance with the rules and regulations for the time being
in force.
(4) No person other than the Station Master shall ask for
or give Line Clear, or give authority to proceed.
SR. 5.01.01.– The Station Master shall make himself conversant with
the rules and notices etc., which may be issued from time to time affecting the
duties of the station staff. The Station Master shall also either personally
preserve such rules and notices etc., properly file them or have them so
preserved for easy reference by the staff concerned.
SR. 5.01.02.– No railway servant shall be entrusted with any duty
involving the safety of the public, unless the Station Master is satisfied that the
concerned staff is competent for the post. No railway servant unless duly
examined and certified shall be allowed to work the points and signals. The
Station Master is responsible to see that all the staffs are well conversant with
the Station Working Rules of the station and their signatures obtained in the
Assurance Register, after he is satisfied that they have thoroughly understood
the Working Rules of the station.

Control and Working of Stations

In case of Class-IV staff, their signatures/thumb impressions must be

obtained after explaining fully about their duties and responsibility. It is also
the personal responsibility of the Station Master to maintain the Station
Working Rules and the Assurance Register up-to-date keeping them posted
with all corrections received from time to time. Whenever any staff is away for
a period of 15 days or over, before he is allowed to resume or, if there is any
change in rules, permanent or temporary, relating to the working of the
station, a fresh declaration shall be obtained from the staff concerned and
duly certified by the Station Master.

SR. 5.01.03.– Responsibility for the testing of points and signals. –

(a) The Station Master shall examine and if necessary, adjust signal wires by wire
adjuster, where provided and whenever any signal is so adjusted, the particulars
thereof shall be recorded in the Station diary.
(b) The Station Master in charge of a station shall test the working of the
reception signal(s) daily during the day when no train is due to arrive or leave
the station. The test shall be carried out for one line for one direction as for a
stopping train in the manner detailed below. The testing of signal(s) for
another line and/or for another direction shall be carried out the next day and
so on in a proper cyclic order. The result of such test shall be recorded in the
diary maintained in the station/cabin, detailing the particulars of the signal(s)
tested and also whether the signal(s) assumed danger when the Station
Master’s slide and the cabin slot were put back separately.
(c) (i) At interlocked stations with the cabins at either end, where signal
reversers are provided and the taking ‘‘off’’ of the reception signals are
controlled by means of control slides in the Station Master’s office and the slot
lever control in the cabin, the Station Master shall arrange to take ‘off’ the
reception signal(s) for one direction for one line. After satisfying that the
signal(s) is/are properly taken ‘off’ shall put back his control slide and ensure
that the concerned signal(s) has/have gone back to ‘on’ position. The Station
Master shall again arrange for taking ‘off’ the same signal and instruct the
person in charge of the concerned cabin to put back the cabin slot to ensure
again that the said signal(s) has/have gone back to ‘on’ position.
(ii) In case of stations provided with Panel interlocking, the Station Master in
charge shall carry out the test in person by operating the switches/buttons on
the panel and record the result of the test in the station diary.
(iii) At stations where running lines are track-circuited, the Station Master in
charge shall also test the functioning of track circuits by attempting to clear the
concerned Home signal when a track is occupied by train/vehicle & record the
aspect displayed by the Home signal. He shall also observe whether the Home

Control and Working of Stations

signal taken ‘off’ for the reception of a train for a track circuited line assumes
‘on’ as the train passes the signal with Station Master’s slide/slot lever/Home
signal lever remaining in pulled condition.
(d) At stations provided with emergency cross-over, the Station Master in
charge shall test the working of such cross over points once in a day when no
train is due to arrive and no train is due to leave.

(e) If any defect/irregularity is noticed during the test the Station Master shall
report at once to the concerned S & T and/or P. W. Officials for immediate
rectification. Entries to this effect shall be made in the Failure Register and
Caution Order Register.

5.02. Supply of copies of rules and distribution or exhibition

of other documents. –
The Station Master shall see–
(a) that every railway servant subordinate to him who should be
supplied with a copy of authorised translation of these rules
under Rule 2.01 duly receives the same;
(b) that the Working Time Table in force together with all
correction slips and appendices, if any, working rules and
instructions, and other notices having reference to the working of
the line, are properly distributed or exhibited in such manner as
may be prescribed under special instructions;
(c) that both the sheet time tables and fare lists are correctly
exhibited at the station if it is open for the booking of traffic; and
(d) that copies of the Act, and the Goods and Coaching Tariffs
are available for inspection by the public.

5.03. Obedience to orders and keeping of books and returns.

— The Station Master shall see that all orders and instructions
are duly conveyed to the staff concerned and are properly
carried out, and that all books and returns are regularly written
up and neatly kept.

SR. 5.03.01.– In case of loss of any records pertaining to the working

of trains, a thorough search must be made before a second book is brought
into use. If the lost book is found after opening a new one, the old book must

Control and Working of Stations

under no circumstances, be re-used and all the blank pages thereof shall be
cancelled by the Station Master in-charge.
5.04. Signal Cabins. –
(1) The Station Master shall make himself thoroughly acquainted
with the duties of the staff employed in the signal cabins, if any,
at his station and shall satisfy himself that they perform their
duties correctly, and in order to maintain an effective supervision
over the said staff, frequently visit the signal cabins.

(2) The Station Master shall ensure that the prescribed

equipment is readily available in signal cabins and maintained in
good working order.
(3) Signal cabins shall be kept neat and clean and no
unauthorised person shall be permitted to enter such cabins.
SR. 5.04.01.– (a) Station Master shall see that the Safety equipment
in the signal cabins/stations as described in the Station Working Rules is
supplied in full and they are in good working order and readily available. At
interlocked stations, adequate number of lever collars, according to the size of
the lever frame, are provided in each cabin. These lever collars should be
placed on the spare levers when not actually required for use. These collars
must be placed on the handles of the levers working the signals and slots for
a line which is otherwise obstructed for any reason. The collars shall be taken
off when such obstruction from lines have been cleared. Where there is a
common reception signal or slot for two or more lines of which if one lines is
occupied, the lever collar shall be put on the concerned signal/slot lever(s)
and also on the lever operating points on such line(s) provided the interlocking
permits to keep the points set against the line occupied.

(b) In case the overhead line staffs are working on an electrified

portion of the line for any reason, the lever/levers controlling the line under
repair shall be protected in signal cabins by means of lever collars. The
overhead line staff shall be responsible for ensuring through Station Master
that protection is provided by using lever collars during their work.
Lever collars shall also be used whenever the S & T staff work on interlocking
gears or signals after issuing the prescribed memo to the Station Master who
in turn must ensure that the lever collars are placed on the relevant
lever/levers before he acknowledges the memo. The Station Master &
Inspecting officials shall test the Cabin men in their knowledge of rules,
efficiency in conducting shunting operations, use of lever collars etc., in the
course of their inspections.

Control and Working of Stations

5.05. Report of neglect of duty. – The Station Master shall

report, without delay, to his superior, all neglect of duty on the part
of any railway servant who is under his orders.

5.06. Station Working Rules. –

(1) In addition to the General Rules for Indian Railways and
subsidiary Rules of a Railway, each station shall be provided
with Station Working Rules applicable to the station, issued
under special instructions.
(2) A copy of the Station Working Rules or relevant extracts shall
be kept at cabins and level crossings concerned.
SR. 5.06.01.– Copies of Station Working Rules must be supplied to all
cabins either in full or the relevant portions thereof. Relevant extracts shall
also be supplied with translation in the local language to all traffic level
crossing gates.

SR. 5.06.02.– Station working Rules shall be prepared, revised and

issued in the manner prescribed in the Operating Manual’. (c/slip 134 added)
The following instructions are to be incorporated in SWRs of stations
having Slip Siding:
1. “Block back/Block forward’ shall be done with line clear.
2. If there is a steep falling gradient from the station (i.e., station with Slip
Siding) seeking line clear to station for granting line clear, SM of line clear
granting station shall nominate and set a free line preferably with Sand hump
before granting line clear.
Note: Shunting between the Last Stop Signal and the First Stop Signal from
the opposite direction is prohibited at stations provided with Catch Siding.

5.07. Forms. -(1) All messages and written authorities

mentioned in these rules shall be prepared on prescribed forms
laid down in these rules or prescribed under special instructions
and shall be stamped with the station stamp.
(2) If the authorised printed form is not available for any
reason or in exceptional circumstances a manuscript form
containing all the particulars as contained in the prescribed form
is issued as an emergency measure, reasons therefore shall be
recorded in the station diary.

Control and Working of Stations

SR. 5.07.01.– In case manuscript forms are used in lieu of printed

forms, all pages thereof must be numbered serially, stamped with the station
stamp and signed by the Station Master.

5.08. Access to and operation of equipment. —No

unauthorised person shall be permitted to have access to or
operate signals, points, electrical block instruments and electrical
communication instruments or any other appliances connected
with working of the railway.
5.09. Reception of a train on an obstructed line. –
(1) In case of reception of a train on an obstructed line, the
Station Master shall–
(a) whenever possible, intimate the Loco Pilot through the
Station Master of the station in rear that the train is to be
received on an obstructed line;
(b) ensure that all the signal or signals controlling the reception
of the train are not taken ‘off’; and
(c) ensure that all the points over which the train has to pass are
correctly set and the facing points locked.
(2) After the train has been brought to a stand at the relevant
Stop signal, it may be received on the obstructed line by–
(a) authorising the Loco Pilot to pass the Stop signal at ‘on’ by
taking ‘off’ the Calling-on signal, where provided; or
(b) authorising the Loco Pilot on the signal post telephone, where
provided, to pass the Stop signal at ‘on’, in accordance with
special instructions; or
(c) authorising the Loco Pilot to pass the relevant signal or
signals at ‘on’ through a written authority to be delivered by a
competent railway servant who shall pilot the train past such
signal or signals.
(3) The train shall be brought to a stand at the facing points
leading to the reception line until hand-signalled forward by a
competent railway servant.
(4) A Stop hand signal shall be exhibited at a distance of not less
than 45 metres from the point of obstruction to indicate to the
Loco Pilot as to where the train shall be brought to a stand.

Control and Working of Stations

(5) The Loco Pilot shall keep his train well under his control and
be prepared to stop short of any obstruction.
SR. 5.09.01.– (a) The written permission referred in GR 5.09(2) (c)
shall be sent on form T\509 wherein the Station Master shall endorse the
reason for such admission, the line number and the nature of obstruction on
that line.
(b) Setting and locking of points shall be done as per SR 3.69.03.
(c) A Stop hand signal shall be exhibited by the Station Master/Cabin
Assistant Station Master personally at a distance of not less than 45 metres
from the point of obstruction to indicate to the loco pilot as to where the train
shall be brought to a stand.

5.10. Reception of a train on a non-signalled line. –

(1) Should it be necessary, in an emergency, to receive a train
on a line which is not signalled for reception, the Station Master
shall ensure that–
(a) the train is brought to a stand at the first Stop signal;
(b) the line on which it is intended to receive the train is clear up
to the trailing points or up to the place at which the train is
required to come to a stand;
(c) All the points over which the train has to pass are correctly
set and the facing points locked; and
(d) the Loco Pilot is authorised to pass the approach Stop signal
at ‘on’ through a written authority to be delivered by a competent
railway servant who shall pilot the train on to the non-signalled
(2) The Loco Pilot, while entering a non-signalled line, shall
proceed cautiously and be prepared to stop short of any
SR. 5.10.01.– The train shall be piloted in accordance with the
procedure detailed in SR 3.69.03\04 except than in lieu of form T\369(3b),
T\509 shall be used.
SR. 5.10.02 – GR 5.10 and SR 5.10.01 shall also be applicable for
admission of a train which has stopped after passing the reception stop
signal(s) of a station due to any reason.
5.11. Departure of a train from a non-signalled line. –

Control and Working of Stations

(1) In the event of a train having to be started from a line not

provided with a Starter signal, the Loco Pilot shall be given a
written permission to start:
Provided that such permission may be dispensed with where a
tangible authority to proceed is given to the Loco Pilot.
(2) The written permission or the tangible authority to proceed
referred to in sub-rule (1) shall not be given unless all the points
for the departure of the train have been set and the facing points
SR. 5.11.01.– Whenever a train is to be despatched from a non-
signalled line, a Starting Order on form T\511 shall be given to the Loco Pilot
to start from the non-signalled line. When a tangible Authority to Proceed is
given, the issue of T\511 shall be dispensed with unless more than one trains,
are waiting for the same direction and unless otherwise prescribed in the
Station Working Rules. Before handing over the written permission or tangible
authority, as the case may be, Station Master shall satisfy that the provisions
contained in SR 3.70.01 are complied with.
SR. 5.11.02.- GR 5.11 & SR 5.11.01 shall also be applicable for
dispatching of a train which is standing\has stopped after passing the
departure signal(s) of a station other than the last stop signal, due to any
reason. )
Note: - However, when the departure signal(s) is/are put back to “ON”
due to any reason, and the train stops after passing the last stop signal of the
station, the LP of the said train may be authorized to start and proceed on the
authority of T-511. In this case following endorsement shall be made by the
SM on T-511— ‘Line Clear has been obtained from ----------Block Station and
the P. No. received is---------------.‘ (c/slip 135 added).

5.12. Departure of a train from a line provided with a

common departure signal. –
(1) In the event of a train having to be started from a line out of a
group of lines provided with a common departure signal, the Loco
Pilot shall be given a written permission to start in addition to the
authority to proceed under the system of working.
(2) The written permission and the authority to proceed referred
to in sub-rule (1) shall not be given unless all the points for the
departure of the train have been set and the facing points locked.
SR. 5.12.01.– The written permission referred to in Rule 5.12(2) shall
be on form T\512. Station Master shall satisfy himself that this form shall only
be handed over to the Loco Pilot after ensuring the correct setting and locking

Control and Working of Stations

of the route according to the provisions of SR 3.70.01. The common departure

signal shall then be taken off.
5.13. Control of shunting. –
(1) Shunting operations shall be controlled by fixed signals or
hand signals or by verbal directions.
(2) The Loco Pilot shall not, however, depend entirely on signals
and shall always be vigilant and cautious.
(3) The speed during shunting operations shall not exceed 15
kilometres an hour unless otherwise authorised by special
SR. 5.13.01.– Fixed signals that can be used for control of Shunting
are starters (other than the Last Stop Signal), Calling-on signals and Shunt
SR. 5.13.02.– Except as provided for in SR 8.15.01, at stations where
shunt movements are not controlled by fixed signals, a written authority in form
T\806 shall be issued to the Loco Pilot through the person in charge conducting
the shunting. The Loco Pilot shall retain the Authority till shunting is completed
or withdrawn in case of reception of a train on the adjacent line which is not
isolated. As soon as the shunting is completed, the form T\806 shall be
withdrawn, cancelled & pasted in the record foil.
SR. 5.13.03.– The following categories of staff shall be deemed to be
authorised to supervise shunting: – Station Master / Guard / Asst. Guard /
Yard Master / Assistant Yard Master / Yard Foreman/Shunting-
Master/Shunting Jamadar/Pointsman or such other categories as may be
prescribed in the Station Working Rules.
Provided that the responsibilities for the supervision of shunting of passenger
trains should not vest with an official below the rank of Shunting Jamadar.
SR. 5.13.04.– Whenever any engine with or without vehicle/vehicles
is to be attached on to a train carrying passengers for the purpose of either
attaching/detaching of vehicles/coaches or while attaching train engine, the
engine must first come to a halt at least 20 metres away from the train and
then shall come on to the train with great caution.
SR. 5.13.05.– (a) Fixed signals referred to under SR 5.13.01 shall not
be taken ‘off’ to allow shunt movement of an engine unless the line up to the
next fixed signal in the ‘on’ position is clear. In case of any doubt or when the
line is not clear, the engine shall be accompanied and hand signalled by a
staff mentioned in SR 5.13.03.

(b) No engine shall be allowed on any running line at a station

occupied by a train carrying passengers except the train engine or banking
engine or shunting engine required to perform shunting on the formation. The

Control and Working of Stations

movement of such an engine should be permitted only under the control of the
person in charge of shunting.
SR. 5.13.06.- (c/slip 89 added as image) Shunting Permitted Indicator (SPI)

i) It is a device/contraption that works in conjunction with a stop signal and

may be provided in the non-interlocked area of a yard where the interlocked
area is isolated, to indicate uninterrupted shunting movement past the
indicator in one or both directions. It is only an indicator and shall not be
considered as a fixed signal. SPI may be of the disc type or the light type.
ii) Shunting Permitted Indicator may be placed on a post by itself or along with
a stop/shunt signal.
iii) Normally the Shunting Permitted Indicator is operated by a ground lever or
EKT provided for this purpose and the person operating the ground lever/EKT
shall personally ensure that the fouling marks of the points, the movement
over which is controlled by the Shunting Permitted Indicator, are clear before
returning the ground lever/EKT to normal position.
iv) It shall work in such a way that either the Shunting Permitted Indicator or
the associated stop signal can be taken off at a time.
v) In case of failure of the Shunting Permitted Indicator, a Shunting Order in
the prescribed form (T-806) shall be issued.
vi) Detailed instructions regarding the working of Shunting Permitted Indicator
shall be incorporated in the SWR of the concerned station where it is
vii) Indications: Day and Night indications of the SPI shall be as follows:

Type Indication when shunting is permitted Indication when shunting is not

in the direction to which it refers permitted in the direction to which it

Day Indication Night Day Indication Night

Indication Indication
Disc Black disc with a yellow Yellow Edge of disc. No light
Type cross-painted on it. cross light
Light Yellow cross light Yellow No light No light
Type cross light

5.14. Responsibility for shunting. –The station Master shall

see that the shunting of trains or vehicles is carried on only at
such times and in such manner as will not involve danger.
SR. 5.14.01.– Station Master shall permit shunting in accordance with
General Rules 8.05 to 8.15 along with Subsidiary Rules there under, and SRs
5.13.01 to 5.13.03.

SR. 5.14.02.– Whenever shunting on a through goods trains is to be

performed at stations for the purpose of detaching or attaching a vehicle or
vehicles, the person in charge of shunting operation shall satisfy himself that

Control and Working of Stations

effective hand brakes of at least 15% of wagons of the trains not involved in
shunting operation are pinned down, before shunting is commenced.

SR. 5.14.03.– Whenever a train or part of a train is required to be

shunted over the running lines, facing points over which it has to pass shall be
locked by any of the following means: –
(i) by pulling the lock levers, where provided,
(ii) by key locking,
(iii) by clamping the point and padlocking the clamp,
(iv) by padlocking the through bolt.

SR. 5.14.04.– (a) When shunting has to be performed in a dead-end

siding, the traffic employee conducting the shunting, after advising the Loco
Pilot of the proposed movement, must place himself in a position from where he
can show hand signal to the Loco Pilot, and also have a view of the dead-end.
(b) When wagons are being pushed into a dead-end siding, a
Pointsman must move alongside the leading vehicle or near any of the
vehicles already in the dead-end siding displaying a hand signal and shall
show a Stop hand signal when the leading vehicle is near the dead-end. The
Loco Pilot shall obey immediately the danger signal given by the pointsman.

SR. 5.14.05.– (a) At road side stations where Yard Foreman/Shunting

Master/Shunting Jamadar is not provided when shunting is governed by SR
5.13.02 and authorised in terms of SR 5.13.03 the Guard shall be responsible
for ensuring correct setting concerned points and locking of facing points, as
required under the rules, and for hand signalling to the Loco Pilot.

(b) In all cases the persons conducting the shunting shall be

responsible for placement of vehicles in proper position as directed by Station
(c) In case of a train without a Guard, the duties of the Guard as laid
down in this rule shall devolve on the Station Master or on a competent
railway servant deputed by him.
(d) When pushing a train into a siding, the Guard shall give necessary
signals and after the brake van has passed the points, he shall remain in it
ready to apply his hand brake if required. As soon as the engine has cleared
the fouling mark, the Loco Pilot shall sound three short engine whistles thus
the 000 and the Guard shall apply his hand brake or at such earlier time as
may be necessary and exhibit a Stop hand signal to the Loco Pilot.

SR. 5.14.06.– (a) On Double/Multiple line sections, a train may be

shunted from Up line to DN line or vice-versa when absolutely necessary. i.e.,
where there is no siding or accommodation in the sidings is insufficient to
accommodate the train that has to be shunted.

Control and Working of Stations

(b) (i) When a train is required to be shunted from the Up line to the
Dn. line or vice-versa, an authority to shunt on form T\806 shall be issued to
the Loco Pilot.
(ii) During the time the shunting is in progress, the signals of both
directions shall be kept at danger and when train or engine has been safely
berthed, all fixed signals which apply to the line on which it is berthed, must be
kept at ‘on’.
(iii) The line or lines shall be blocked forward or back or both, as the
case may be.
(c) The shunting staff shall verify correct setting of points. In case the
points are operated from the cabin, the cabin man shall exchange signal with
the person conducting shunting in the manner prescribed below.
After the engine with or without vehicles has cleared the points
intended for operation, the person conducting the shunting shall show red
signal to the Cabin Leverman, as an indication for re-setting the route. The
Cabin Leverman shall acknowledge by showing red signal to the person
conducting the shunting as an indication to stop the shunting until the
operation of requisite points is completed. The Cabin Leverman shall then
operate levers, set the route and thereafter remove the danger indication and
show a green signal to the person conducting the shunting. Thereafter the
shunting staff shall relay signal for shunting to Loco Pilot.
(a) In goods yards, points shall be locked by pulling the lock lever
where provided.
(b) Tumbler lever/spring loaded hand points shall be manned during
yard shunting not infringing the running lines.
(c) (i) The maximum permissible speed during shunting operation of
vehicles loaded with petrol, K. Oil, liquid fuel, spirit and highly inflammable
liquid in bulk or packed in tins or drums shall not exceed 8 KMPH.
(ii) The impact speed of all bogie wagons when shunting a single
wagon fitted with roller bearing shall not exceed 5 KMPH.
(iii) Maximum impact speed when shunting a group of five of such
type of wagons coupled with transition couplers at either end shall not exceed
(d) Hump shunting of wagons with centre buffer couplers–
(i) Hand brakes of all wagons shall be examined on the reception line
to ensure that they are in working order. After uncoupling CBC, the coupler
operating gear shall be left in the lock set position to prevent re-coupling.
(ii) Only one direct coupler (whether ‘leading’ or ‘trailing’ as may be
ordered by local instructions) shall be uncoupled every time because
indiscriminate uncoupling of ‘leading’ and ‘trailing’ couplers may result in two
wagons with closed knuckles hitting each other and damaging the coupling
(iii) When rolling down the hump the speed shall be controlled by
operating the hand brake, so that the impact speed does not exceed 5 KMPH.

Control and Working of Stations


Before commencing shunting in Goods shed/Tranship Shed the shunting staff
shall ensure that loading and unloading work has been stopped and doors,
windows and shutters of vehicles are closed and fastened.

5.15. Shunting at stations under Centralised Traffic Control.

(1) No shunting shall be performed at a station under centralised
Traffic Control without permission of the Centralised Traffic
Control Operator or when Centralised Traffic Control is not in
operation, without the permission of the Station Master.
(2) For the purpose of shunting, the Centralised Traffic Control
Operator may, when required, hand over the local control of
working of traffic at a station or part of a station to the Station
Master who shall thereafter be responsible for the shunting at the
station or that part of the station for which the local control has
been made over to him in the manner prescribed under special
5.16. Shunting during reception of trains. – When signals
have been taken ‘off’ for an incoming train on to a line which is
not isolated, no shunting movement shall be carried out towards
points over which the incoming train is to pass.
SR. 5.16.01 -Shunting during reception or dispatch of trains – when
signals have been taken ‘off’ for an incoming/outgoing train on/from a line
which is not isolated, no shunting movement shall be carried out towards the
points over which the incoming/outgoing train is to pass except at stations
where frequent shunting movements take place provided that such points are
protected by a Stop signal or by a Shunt signal or by a Stop Board and the
following precautions are observed while performing shunting :-
a) Shunting shall be carried out under the supervision of authorized
competent railway servant.
b) Rake /Load should be fully vacuum/air brake.
c) The Engine performing shunting should preferably be towards the points
over which the incoming /outgoing train is expected to pass and the load
should be stopped inside the stop signal or stop board or shunt signal of
the concerned line.
d) The maximum speed during shunting operations shall not exceed 15
SR. 5.16.02: The Station Working Rules of a station shall specify the
shunting restrictions applicable for that particular station.

Control and Working of Stations

5.17. Shunting near level crossing. – The railway servant in-

charge of shunting near or across a level crossing, before giving
permission to the Loco Pilot to move his train across it shall
ensure that the level crossing gates have been closed and
locked against road traffic.
5.18. Drawing of a train to an advanced position. —
(1) A train waiting for an authority to proceed shall not be allowed
to draw out up to an Advance starter for despatch, except where
track circuit or Axle counter has been provided between the
Starter and Advance Starter to indicate the presence of a train in
advanced position.
(2) The provision of sub-rule (1) shall not apply in case of
shunting of a train within a station section itself.
5.19. Obstruction of running line. –
(1) No railway servant shall commence any loading, shunting or
any other operation by which a running line may be fouled or
obstructed without obtaining the previous sanction of the Station
Master or of other railway servant nominated in this behalf under
special instructions who shall see that all necessary steps are
taken for the protection of traffic while such operation is being
carried on and the necessary signals are kept at ‘on’ until the
obstruction is removed.
(2) A sand hump or snag dead end shall not be obstructed for
any purpose and when it has become obstructed, it shall cease
to be a substitute for the adequate distance for the purpose of
taking ‘off’ signals.
SR. 5.19.01.– (a) The loading or unloading of goods from any loose
vehicles on running lines is normally prohibited, At stations where this
prohibition causes inconvenience, loose vehicles may be loaded or unloaded
on running line with the prior permission of the Divisional Operations
(b) Such loading and unloading shall be done between sunrise and
sunset only.
(c) The Station Master will be held personally responsible for ensuring
that no packages are left fouling any line. The railway servant supervising
loading and unloading shall also ensure that packages do not foul any line.

Control and Working of Stations

(d) Wagons placed on running line for loading or unloading shall be

placed near the station office, as far as practicable under the direct
supervision of the Station Master and shall be secured suitably by chains,
sprags etc., against escape or unauthorised movement.
(e) Contractor’s and Trader’s labour shall not be allowed to move
vehicles at stations, except under the orders and personal supervision of a
responsible member of the station staff and under the authority of the Station
(f) Before the commencement of hand shunting, the hand brakes of
vehicles, if any, shall be inspected to see if they are in working order. If they
are not in order, sufficient staff shall be provided with sprags or other
appliances, to prevent the vehicles getting out of control.
SR. 5.19.02.– No slip/sectional coaches shall be left on a line
occupied by a train carrying passengers.
5.20. Shunting on gradients. – When shunting is being
performed on a gradient, the railway servant in charge of the
shunting shall ensure that–
(a) Sufficient number of brakes are put on, sprags are used,
where necessary, slip siding point or traps, where provided, are
set to ensure safety and that all precautions are taken to prevent
vehicles getting out of control, and
(b) In case of shunting over a portion of line on steep gradients,
neither isolated nor protected by slip sidings, an engine is also
attached towards the falling side of the gradient.
Note: – For purpose of this rule a steep gradient shall be 1 in 260 or steeper
except in case of vehicles fitted with roller bearings, when it shall be 1 in 400
or steeper.

SR. 5.20.01.– (a) At stations other than those having steep gradient if
circumstance warrants hand shunting may be done by observing the
following: –
(i) The person conducting the shunting shall ensure that only one
vehicle is moved at a time.
(ii) The vehicle to be shunted is fitted with working hand brakes and
accompanied by a competent railway servant who shall apply hand brakes on
completion of such shunting.
(iii) The shunting speed shall not exceed 5 KMPH.
(b) (i) Guards and Station Masters are to ensure before commencing
shunting at Ghat station (steeper than 1 in 260) that the engine is not
detached unless the train has been drawn completely within the outermost
points of the station yard and hand brakes have been put on and manned

Control and Working of Stations

during the entire operation of shunting. The Guard in charge of such shunting
shall personally exhibit the shunting signals to the Loco Pilot.
(ii) The Station Master shall ensure supply of sufficient number of
wedges for use during the course of shunting and the Guard shall return them
to the respective Station Masters before their trains leave the Ghat stations.
(c) Hand Shunting may be permitted on a steep falling grade in
sidings where derail or a trap is fitted to prevent accidental escape.

5.21. Loose Shunting. – Cranes, vehicles containing

passengers, workers, explosives, dangerous goods or live stock
or any other vehicle that may be specified under special
instructions, shall not be loose shunted and no loose shunting
shall be made against them.
SR. 5.21.01.– (a) ‘Loose Shunting’ is a shunt movement in which
vehicles which have to be moved are given an impetus by an engine (with or
without other vehicles attached) and thereafter allowed to run forward
(b) ‘‘Fly Shunting’’ is a shunt movement in which two or more vehicles
to be moved, after being given an impetus by an engine (with or without
vehicles attached) are separated at the points, by the points being reversed
smartly between the ‘‘cuts’’ in order to send them on to different lines. It
necessitates points being reversed after the passage of the leading ‘‘cuts’’.
(c) Vehicles shall not be loose/fly shunted on or to running line at
stations which are on a falling gradient steeper than 1 in 400 at any place
within the Station limit unless permitted by Station Working Rules and unless
the wagons are provided with hand brakes in proper working order. The hand
brakes must be examined before commencing loose/fly shunting. A loose
shunted vehicle must be accompanied by a man to apply the hand brake
when necessary. Loose/Fly shunting is also prohibited (i) into a dead-end
siding or an open derailing switch, (ii) during storm.
(d) In addition to the restriction stipulated in GR 5.21, Loose and Fly
shunting of vehicles containing the following articles is also prohibited: –
(i) Gases–compressed, liquefied or dissolved;
(ii) Petroleum or other inflammable liquids;
(iii) Inflammable solids;
(iv) Oxidizing substances;
(v) Acids and other corrosives;
(vi) Poisonous (toxic) substances;
(vii) Over-dimensional consignments and vehicles on wheels, road
rollers, boilers, portable engines, rails.

Control and Working of Stations

(e) The following vehicles are also prohibited for loose/fly shunting,
rough shunting and sudden stop: –
(i) Empty tank of inflammable articles;
(ii) Vehicle without effective hand brakes unless such vehicle is
coupled with another vehicle provided with efficient hand brakes;
(iii) Vehicle stencilled or labelled ‘NOT TO BE LOOSE SHUNTED’’ or
(iv) Single consignment loaded in more than one wagon; and
(v) Coaching stock of all kinds. Similarly, no other vehicle(s) shall be
loose/fly, shunted against the vehicles listed above.

5.22. Leaving vehicles in sidings outside station limits. – No

railway servant shall leave any vehicle in a siding outside station
limits, unless the vehicle is clear of all running lines and, except
under special instructions, unless the wheels thereof are properly
SR. 5.22.01.– Derails or trap sidings are provided in all such sidings
in order to isolate the running lines. In no circumstances, shall any vehicle be
left outside such derails or trap siding points. The wheels of any vehicle
placed in such sidings must be properly secured.
5.23. Securing of vehicles at station. – The Station Master
shall see that vehicles standing at the station are properly
secured in accordance with special instructions.

SR. 5.23.01 -(c/slip 87 added).

(a) Station Masters are responsible for seeing that vehicles are
secured in such manner that they cannot be moved so as to obstruct any
running line. If for any reason, vehicles are allowed to remain on a running line
for some time, a clear remark in red ink should be made immediately in the
train (signal) register indicating time and number of running line on which the
vehicles are stabled. A record thereof shall be made in the Station Diary also.
At station where Cabin Assistant Station Master/Switchmen are in charge of
cabin, they shall intimate the fact to each other under exchange of Private
Numbers and record in the Train Register in red ink and in addition, comply
with SR 5.04.01 (a) & (b).
(b) When the engine(s) of a train which has arrived at a station is/are
detached or continue to remain on load in shutdown condition, the following
precautionary measures shall be taken so as to prevent rolling down.
i) Station Masters shall ensure that hand brakes of at least six
vehicles at each end of the rake and of all the wagons, if the number is less
than 12, are firmly pinned down by the incoming ALP at the engine end, and
the incoming guard at the Brake van/Match truck end of the train. In addition,

Control and Working of Stations

the train brake (A-9) and the hand brake of the engine (if attached) shall be
applied and wooden wedges available in the engine shall be put under the
wheel of the engine by the LP/ALP and, also, the hand brake of the brake van
shall be pinned down by the Guard. In case of coaching vehicles in similar
circumstances, it shall be ensured that the air/vacuum brakes are applied and
holding effectively, failing which Guard's hand brake shall be applied. The
train crew and the Guard shall personally ensure this and certify jointly in a
written memo for having complied the same before they leave the train.
ii) Points shall be set against the occupied line wherever feasible
complying GR 3.38 (2) and SR 3.51.06 by the person in charge of operation of
iii) “At least four (4) Skids/Sprags/Wooden Wedges shall be used, two
(2) each below the outermost pair of wheels at either end to securing the
vehicle(s) or load, by the station staff.” (c/slip 124 added, figure in last page)
iv) If the train/rake is likely to remain stabled/continue to remain with
engine on load in shutdown condition, for more than 3 hours, the Station Staff
under the direct supervision of the ASM/SM/AYM/YM, as the case may be,
shall tie two safety chains, one at each end of the rake and padlock it. The
safety chains shall be passed around the axle twice and after tying the ends,
they shall be locked such that no strain falls on the padlocks.
v) The hand brakes, whether side operated or end operated, shall be
fully tightened.
vi) When one/some loose vehicle(s) is/are to be allowed to remain on
the line, the vehicle(s) shall be secured in the manner described above, if the
number of loose vehicles is more than one, all such vehicles shall be coupled
together. In this case, the responsibility of securing the vehicles will devolve o
the station/yard/shunting staff as the case may be, under the supervision of
ASM/SM/AYM/YM/Shunting Supervisor.
vii) Coaching stock not fitted with hand brakes, when not formed as a
train with brake vans attached, shall be secured by wedges/sprags and safety
chains in the manner described above.
viii) When scotch blocks or derails are provided, vehicles shall be
placed within them and the scotch blocks or derails locked across the line.
ix) As a safeguard against stormy weather while shunting is being
performed, special care must be taken to secure the vehicles, which might be
left unsecured during shunting. This shall be ensured through placement of
sprags, wedges and skids near the entrance points of each other pair of lines
on which the shunting is being conducted.
x) Particular care must be taken to remove the chains, sprags,
wedges and skids before wagons are moved or coupled to trains by the
person responsible for conducting shunting.
xi) In case of big yards where vehicles remain stationary on the yard
lines other than running lines, the above precautions may be relaxed;
however, hand brakes and skids shall be used at that end of the yard where
the rolling down of vehicles is apprehended.

Control and Working of Stations


Control and Working of Stations

Blank page

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences


6.01. Accident or obstruction. —

(1) When a report of any accident or obstruction is received by
the Station Master, he shall see that all necessary precautions
are taken by the most expeditious means possible, for the
protection of traffic.
(2) If an accident happens to a train, the Station Master shall
arrange for all necessary assistance to be sent to the train.
(3) The Station Master shall, as soon as practicable, report each
accident in accordance with special instructions.
SR. 6.01.01–Detailed instructions in regard to the duties of Station Masters
for the reporting of accident, relief train arrangement etc., are given in the Accident
Manual, which shall be followed in all cases.
6.02. Working in case of accident or failure of
communications. –In case of accidents to the line or to any
train, or of failure or interruption of communications, or in an
emergency, train shall be worked between stations in
accordance with special instructions.
SR. 6.02.01— Rules and Regulations for Single Line working on a
double line section when one line is obstructed.
1. Whenever an accident to a train or track or other obstruction
precludes the use of one of the lines on a double line section the traffic may
temporarily be worked over single line under one of the following systems: —
(a) By obtaining "Line Clear" on electric speaking Instruments.
(b) By the installation of single line block instruments and "Shunting Limit
Boards" demarcating the block section in the wrong direction, if the affected line is
likely to remain out of use for a substantial period.
2. When it is desired to introduce temporary single line working on
double line, on electric speaking instruments, the Station Master at one end of
the affected section shall on receipt of reliable information in writing that one
line is clear, take steps to introduce temporary single line working, on that line
in consultation with the Section Controller and the Station Master of the
station at the other end of the section.

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

3. If there is reason to suspect that the line over which temporary

single working is to be introduced, is also fouled or damaged, temporary
single line working must not be introduced until a responsible engineering
official of the rank not less than that of an Inspector has inspected that section
and certified that the road is safe for passage of trains.
4. Single line working shall be introduced between the nearest
stations provided with cross-over between Up and Down line on either side of
obstruction. If there is an intermediate Block Hut between the above two
stations, the same shall be treated as closed and the commutator of the Block
instrument at such Block Huts shall be kept locked in "Train on Line Position"
throughout the period single line working is in force. The commutators shall be
locked also in that position, with SM's key, wherever possible. In cases where
it is not possible to keep the commutators in "Train On Line" position as in
Daido Instruments, the Block instruments shall be put out of use and Caution
Indicator hung on the handle of the Block Instruments. The signals at such
Block Huts shall be kept in the "On" position throughout and these shall be
passed by the Loco Pilots on the written authority in the prescribed form
issued by the Station Master of the adjoining Block station in operation.
5. All trains will be worked in accordance with the rules for the use of
electric speaking instruments on single line and 'Line Clear' shall be obtained
on the telephone attached to Block Instrument or control telephone or VHF
6. At all stations on the portion of the section on which single line
working has been introduced, the commutators of the Block Instruments
pertaining to both obstructed and unobstructed lines shall be kept in 'Train on
Line' position throughout the period single line working is in force. The
commutators shall be locked also in that position with SM's key, wherever
possible. In cases where it is not possible to keep the commutators in 'Train
on line' position, as in Daido instruments, the Block instruments shall be put
out of the use and Caution Indicators hung on the handle of the Block
Instruments. At the stations, if the train is running on the wrong line all fixed
signals shall be kept in the 'On' position.
7. After ascertaining that one of the line is clear for the passage of
traffic, the Station Master proposing single line working shall issue a message
containing the following information under exchange of private numbers, to
the Station Master at the other end of the affected section.
a) cause of introduction of single line working;
b) the line in which the single line working is proposed,
c) source of information that the said line is clear,
d) place of obstructions,
e) restriction of speed, if any, on the line,
f) names of intermediate stations if any, which would be out of use,

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

g) assurance that the trap points, if any, have been spiked or clamped
and padlocked.
h) assurance that if the train is running on the right line, the last stop
signal shall be kept in the 'On' position. In case the train is running on
the wrong line, all fixed signals shall be kept in the 'On' position and
i) the number and the timings of the last train which arrived or left the
block station issuing the message.
8. On receipt of acknowledgement from the Station Master, confirmed
by a Private Number single line working may be introduced, 'Line Clear' will be
obtained on telephone attached to Block Instruments or Control Telephone or
VHF(For granting\obtaining of line clear through VHF set, SR 14.01.02(b)
shall be followed) or any two-way communication system set, and trains run
on paper line clear ticket in accordance with the instructions contained in this
book and Block Working Manual.
9. Loco Pilot of each train shall be handed over an Authority for
Temporary Single Line Working on Double Line Section (T/D 602) indicating: -
(i) the line on which the train or light engine is to run;
(ii) the kilometrages between which the obstruction exists;
(iii) any restriction of speed which may have been imposed by way
and works staff, and
(iv) an assurance to the effect that any trap points on the line in
question have been spiked or clamped.
(v) authority to pass the last Stop signal in the 'On' position. In case
the last Stop signal is the Starter, in addition to the written authority,
he shall also be shown hand signals at the foot of this signal.
10. An endorsement will also be made in the Caution Order given to
the Loco Pilot of the first train to inform all Gatemen and Gang men on the
way about the introduction of temporary single line working and specifying the
road on which the train will run. This information shall be conveyed through
the Loco Pilot of a subsequent train also, if necessary.
11. The seed of the first train passing over the temporary single line,
will be restricted to 25 kilometres per hour. Subsequent trains may run at their
booked speed, subject to observance of other speed restrictions imposed by
Way and Work Staff.
12. When a train is stopped between stations on account of accident,
failure, obstruction or other exceptional cause and the Loco Pilot finds that it
cannot proceed, it shall be protected as per Rule 6.03.
13. In case of a train proceeding on the right line: –
a) The last stop signal of the station in rear of the affected section
may be passed in the 'On' position on a written authority issued by the Station
Master in the prescribed form referred to in para 9 (v). In case the last Stop

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

signal is the Starter, in addition to the written authority, hand signals shall also
be shown at the foot of this signal.
b) The approach stop signals, if any of the station in advance of the
affected section, may be taken off.
14. In the case of a train proceeding on the wrong line: —
(a) The train shall be piloted out of the station on a written authority
issued by the Station Master after all the facing points have been correctly set
and locked and trailing points correctly set, over which the trains will pass.
(b) On approaching the next station, the Loco Pilot shall bring his train
to a stop opposite the first Stop Signal pertaining to the right line or at the last
Stop signal pertaining to the wrong line (on which he is running), whichever,
he comes across first.
(c) The Station Master of the station in advance shall depute railway
servant in uniform at the foot of the signal and thereafter pilot it into the station
on a written authority issued by the Station Master.
(d) If the Loco Pilot finds that no railway servant in uniform has been
deputed at the foot of the signal to pilot the train into the station, Rule 4.44
shall be observed.
(e) The driver should switch "on" the flasher light of the train engine
while running on the wrong line.
15. All the cross over points in the facing direction over which the train
shall proceed, while temporary single line working in force, shall be clamped
and padlocked.
16. Resumption of normal working –
(a) On receipt of a written certificate from a responsible Engineering
Official that the obstructed track is free and safe for passage of trains, the
Station Master will issue a message to the other station or stations, as the case
may be, under exchange of private numbers and decide, in consultation with
Section Controller, the train after passage of which, normal working has to be
(b) When double line working is introduced the Block Instruments and
all fixed signal, including those of intermediate Block Huts which were treated
as closed, shall be brought into use immediate. An entry shall also be made in
the Train Signal Register of all stations concerned showing the time double
line working was suspended, time single line was introduced and the time
normal working was resumed. The Loco Pilot of the first train entering the
section after normal working is resumed shall inform all Gatemen and Gang
men on the way about the resumption of normal working.
17. All the records in connection with the temporary single line
working shall be retained at the station and the Transportation Inspector of the
Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

section must scrutinise them and submit his report to the Divisional Railway
Manager within 7 days of the resumption of normal working.

SR. 6.02.02— Rules and regulations for single line working on

double line during total interruption of communications.
The following rules must, in addition to rules prescribed in 'Rules and
Regulations for working of trains during total interruption of communication on
single line', observed by the staff.
1. Whenever an accident to a train or track or other obstruction,
precludes the use of one line on double line section during total interruption of
communication, single line working shall be introduced only after a
responsible official of the Engineering Department, not less than an Inspector
in rank, has certified that the other line on which single line working is to be
introduced is free and safe for passage of trains. Such an engineering official
shall give the certificate only to the Station Master of the station at that end of
the affected section for which the unobstructed line shall be the right line for
dispatching trains. On receipt of this certificate the Station Master will follow
the rule prescribed for opening of communications.
2. Loco Pilots of trains, including light engine, shall be given a Caution
Order on which, shall be stated clearly.
a) The line on which the train is to run;
b) Kilometrage where the obstruction exists;
c) Any restriction of speed which may be imposed by Way & Works
d) An assurance to the effect that any trap points on the line in
question have been spiked and clamped.
3. All the cross over points in the facing direction over which the train
shall proceed, while temporary single line working is in force, shall be clamped
and padlocked.
4. In the case of a train proceeding on the right line:-
a) The last Stop signal of the affected section may be passed in the
'On' position on a written authority issued by the Station Master in the
prescribed form (T/B 602). In case the last Stop signal is the Starter, in
addition to the written authority, hand signals shall also be shown at the foot of
this signal.
b) The approach Stop signals, if any, of the station in advance of the
affected section, may be taken 'Off'.
5. In the case of a train proceeding on the wrong line:
a) The train shall be piloted out of the station on a written authority
issued by the Station Master after all the facing point have been correctly set
and locked and trailing points correctly set over which the train will pass.
b) On reaching the next station, the Loco Pilot shall bring his train to a
stop opposite the first Stop signal pertaining to the right line or at the last Stop

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

signal pertaining to the wrong line (on which his train is running), whichever he
comes across first.
c) The Station Master in advance shall depute a railway servant in
uniform at the foot of the signal (whichever the train would encounter first)
who shall stop the train on hand danger signal and thereafter pilot it into the
station on a written authority issued by the Station Master.
6. It will be the responsibility of the person in-charge of the first engine
or self-propelled vehicle or other vehicle, sent under 'Authority to Proceed
Without Line Clear' to inform all the Gatemen and Gang men en-route about
the introduction of temporary single line working as also the line on which it is
proposed to run the train.
This information shall be conveyed through the Loco Pilot of a subsequent
train also, if necessary.
7. Resumption of normal working:
a) If after the introduction of single line working, communications are
restored between two affected stations, the trains will continue to run under
special rules until action is taken in accordance with the instructions contained
in these rules for the cancellation of the procedure. Thereafter, trains will be
run in accordance with the instructions for the movement of traffic during
temporary single line working on double line.
b) If, however, before communications are restored, the other line is
released for the passage of traffic, trains shall be worked, in accordance with
the instructions for running of trains on double line
section during total interruption of communications.

SR. 6.02.03— Rules and regulations for working of trains during

total interruption of communications on double line section.
1. In the event of total interruption of communications occurring
between two stations on a double line section, i.e., when 'Line Clear' cannot
be obtained by anyone of the following means stated in order of preference
a) Block Instrument; Track circuiting or Axle Counters
b) Telephones attached to the Block Instruments
c) Station to station fixed telephones where available
d) Fixed telephone such as Railway auto phones and BSNL phones (with
caller ID facility wherever feasible)
e) Control Telephone;
f) VHF sets;
The following procedure shall be adopted for train passing.

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

2. Before any train is allowed to enter a block section in advance, it shall be

brought to a stop and the Loco Pilot and the Guard of the train shall be
advised of the circumstances by the Station Master on duty.
3. The Station Master shall give an authority for working of trains
during total interruption of communication on double line section to the Loco
Pilot of each train which shall include:-
a) An Authority to Proceed without Line Clear (T/C-602).
b) A caution order restricting the speed to 25 kilometres per hour over
the straight and to 10 kilometres per hour when approaching or passing any
portion of the line where the view ahead is not clear due to curve, obstruction,
rain, fog or any other cause;
c) An Authority to pass the last Stop signal in the 'On' position.
4. In the event of a Loco Pilot approaching or passing any portion of
the line where the view ahead is not clear, a railway employee with hand
signals must be sent in advance to guide the further movement of the train. A
sharp look out ahead should be kept and the engine whistle freely used.
5. No train shall be allowed to enter the block section until there is
clear interval of 30 minutes between the train about to leave and the train
which has immediately preceded.
6. Fixed Signals with the exception of the last Stop signal may be
taken 'Off' for the reception and departure of trains. The first Stop signal shall,
however, be taken 'Off' only after the train has been brought to a stand
outside it.
7. A tunnel should be entered only after it has been ascertained that it is
clear. If there is any doubt on this point, the train should be piloted by a railway
employee equipped with hand signals and detonators.
8. The Guard shall keep a sharp look out in the rear and be prepared
to exhibit a hand danger signal to prevent the approach of a train from the rear
and to protect it if necessary.
9. When a train is stopped in the block section the Guard shall
immediately exhibit a hand danger signal towards the rear and check-up that
the tail board or the tail light is correctly exhibited. If the stoppage is on
account of accident, failure, obstruction or other exceptional cause and the
train cannot proceed the Loco Pilot shall sound the prescribed code of whistle
to apprise the Guard of the fact whereupon the Guard shall protect the train by
placing one detonator at 250 metres from the train on the way out and two
detonators, 10 metres apart, at 500 metres from the train, irrespective of the
gauge. When train is detained outside signals and if the detention exceeds or
is likely to exceed 10 minutes it shall also be protected accordingly. In the
absence of the Guard the duty of protecting the train shall devolve on the
Loco Pilot.
Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

10. No train shall be backed. In exceptional circumstances when it may

be unavoidable to back a train, the train shall be backed only after providing
protection by placing one detonator at 250 metres and two detonators, 10 metres
apart, at 500 metres in rear of the point up to which the train is to be backed.
11. Before entering a tunnel, the head lights, side and tail lights and
other lights (where provided) shall also be lit.
12. When approaching the station ahead, the Loco Pilot must bring
his train to stop outside first Stop signal and sound continuous whistle (or any
other code prescribed by special instructions)if the signal is not taken off, if no
one from the station turns up within 10 minutes, the train shall be protected as
per para 9 above and the Loco Pilot may send his Assistant Loco Pilot
immediately thereafter, to the station or the cabin to inform the Station Master
or Cabin man of the fact that the train is waiting at the signal for its admission
into the station. In the absence of the Assistant Loco Pilot, the Guard after
protecting the train, shall give this information.
13. The Loco Pilots of all trains shall make over the 'Authority for
working of trains during total interruption of communication on double line
section’ to the Station Master of the station at the other end of the affected
section. These shall be kept by the Station Master in his safe custody for
inspection by the Transportation Inspector of the section, who shall prepare a
report on the working of trains and shall forward the same along with his
report to the Divisional Railway Manager within 7 days of resumption of
14. A record of all trains passed over the blocked section on ‘Authority
for working of trains during total interruption of communication on double line
section’ shall be maintained on the Train Signal Registers at both the stations
15. Trains must continue to work on this system until anyone of the
means of communications, mentioned in Rule (1), is restored by the
competent authority.
16. As soon as anyone of the means of communications has been
restored the Station Master must send a message to the Station Master at the
other end of the section on the following form:
From Station Master..............................
To Station .......................................... Message No....................Train (Number
and description)
................................arrived complete at...........hours..........minutes. Last
train..................(Number and description) despatched to your
Hours................... Minutes. Cancel the present method of working the trains.
Line Clear must be obtained by means of.................Acknowledge.
Private No. (in words)........................................................... (in
figures)........................ On receipt of the above message the Station Master at

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

the other end of the section must acknowledge in the following form: From
Station Master...................................... To Station Master..................................
Message No...............Your Message No. ........................ Understand that train
(Number and description) ......................................which was the last train to
leave my station has arrived complete at your station. Train No
...........................which left your station has arrived complete at my station
at...............hours ...............minutes/not arrived. Present system of train
working is being/will be cancelled immediately after the complete arrival of
train no......................... Line Clear for the next train will be obtained by means
of ..............................Line Private No. ...........................(In words)
.................................................... (in figures)............................
17. Line Clear shall not be obtained or given by means of communications
restored until both the Stations are satisfied that all trains and engines etc.
despatched from their stations have arrived complete at the other stations.
When the trains referred to in para (16) above arrive complete at the stations,
after restoration of 'communication' their No. and their arrival time will be
communicated to the other Station Master concerned under exchange of
Private Numbers. Thereafter an intimation about this shall be given to Section
Controller also, on controlled sections, if communication with the
Section Controller has also get restored, and normal working resume. If,
however, communication with Section Controller has not got restored along
with restoration of communications between two stations, the Section
Controller shall be advised of the position immediately on restoration of
communication with him.
SR. 6.02.04— Rules and regulations for working of trains during
total interruption of communication on single line section.
In the event of total interruption of communications occurring between two
block stations i.e., when Line Clear cannot be obtained by one of the following
means stated in order of performance viz.
a) Block Instrument, Track circuiting or Axle counters,
b) Telephones attached to the Block Instruments,
c) Station to station fixed telephones where available
d) fixed telephone such as Railway auto phones and BSNL phones (with
caller I D facility wherever feasible)
e) Control Telephone,
f) V.H.F sets,
The instructions laid down in the succeeding paragraph, shall be followed for
working trains between block stations.
Note: These instructions shall also be followed whenever during total
interruptions, of communications, an accident to a train or track or other
obstructions precludes the use of the lines on a double line section, or
whenever total interruption of communications occurs during single line
working on a double line section.

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

2. The Station Master who has a train to despatch through the affected block
section shall open communications by establishing contact with the Station
Master of the block station at the other end of the affected block section by
sending an engine or self-propelled vehicle or any other vehicle, enumerated
below, in the order of preference laid down -
i) Light engine;
ii) Train engine;
iii) Motor Trolley/Tower Wagon duly accompanied by a Guard or by a
Station Master other than the Station Master on duty;
iv) Trolley/Cycle Trolley/Moped Trolley duly accompanied by a Guard
or by a Station Master other than the Station Master on duty;
v) Diesel car/Rail Motor Car/EMU Rake after ensuring that all
passengers have detrained.
3. Before the Light Engine/Train Engine/Motor Trolley/Tower
Wagon/Trolley/Cycle Trolley/Moped Trolley/Diesel Car/Rail Motorcar/EMU
Rake is sent in to the affected block section to open communications, the
Loco Pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master being sent to do so shall be
advised by the Station Master on duty of the circumstances in which and the
purpose for which he is being sent. The Station Master on duty shall also
satisfy himself that the Loco Pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master being sent
to open communications, thoroughly understand the rules of working of trains
during total failure of communications on the single line. If the Loco
Pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master who is being sent to open
communications, is not conversant with the Rule for working of trains during
total failure of communications on single line, the Station Master on duty shall
explain these rules to such staff. The Station Master on duty shall also obtain
the signature of the Loco pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master on 'Authority
for opening communication during total interruption of communication
on single line section' in token of such staff having fully understood the
circumstances in which and the purposes for which he is being sent and the
Rules for Working of Trains during total failure of communications on single
line. (T/B 602)
4.1 Before despatching the Light Engine/Train Engine/Motor Trolley/Tower
Wagon/Trolley/Cycle Trolley/Moped Trolley/Diesel Car/Rail Motor Car/ EMU
Rake, the Station Master on duty shall hand
over 'Authority for opening of communication during total interruption of
communication on single line section' to the Loco
Pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master who is being sent to open
communications, which includes: -
i) An "Authority to Proceed Without Line Clear". (T/B 602)
ii) A Caution Order, Specifying the speed up to which the engine or
self-propelled vehicle or other vehicle referred to in para 2 may run to the
affected block section.
iii) An Authority to pass the last stop signal in the "On" position in case
there is a last Stop Signal at the station.

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

iv) A Line Clear Enquiry message addressed to the Station Master of

the block station at the other end of the affected block section asking for Line
Clear for the train waiting to be despatched to his station.
v) A conditional Line Clear reply message to the Station Master of the
block station at the other end of the affected block section permitting him -
a) To return the Light Engine/Train Engine, either light or attached to
a train waiting to be despatched from his station, or attached with another
engine; or
b) To return Tower Wagon/Diesel Car/Rail Motor Car/ EMU Rake
running by itself; or
c) To return Motor Trolley/Cycle Trolley/Moped Trolley either running
by itself or loaded in train waiting to be despatched from his station.
4.2 The Line Clear Enquiry message asking Line Clear for the trains to be
despatched through the affected block section, and the Conditional Line Clear
reply Message for the return journey or the engine or self-propelled vehicle or
other vehicle referred to in para 2, as the case may be, written out, on
prescribed forms for being sent through the Loco
Pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master going to open communications, and
these messages shall also be entered in the Line Clear Books.
i) The Line Clear Enquiry Message shall be worded as follows:
Message No................. On return of................. * Will line be clear and kept
clear for Train No. .............. waiting to proceed?
* The particulars of the engine either returning in light or attached to a train or
attached to another engine/Tower Wagon/Diesel Car/Rail
Motor Car/EMU Rake/ Motor Trolley or trolley or Cycle Trolley or Moped Trolly
running by itself or loaded in train, as may be applicable, shall be correctly
filled in while preparing the message.
ii) The Conditional Line Clear Message for return journey of the
engine or self-propelled vehicle or other vehicle referred to in para 2, as the
case may be shall be worded as follows:-
Message No.........................................................
On arrival of................... * yours, line will be clear and kept clear
for.....................$ Engine to return with/without attached to a train or another
engine or self-propelled vehicle/trolly etc (complete Particulars)
...........................................Private Number................ (in
words).....................(in figures).........
* The particulars of engine/Tower Wagon/Diesel Car/Rail Motor Car/EMU
Rake/Motor Trolley/ Trolly/Cycle Trolley/Moped Trolley, as may be applicable,
shall be correctly filled in.
$ The particulars of engine either returning light; or attached to a train or
attached to another engine/tower wagon/diesel car/rail motor car/EMU
rake/Motor trolley or trolley or cycle trolley or moped trolley, running by itself
or loaded in a train, as may by applicable, shall be correctly filled in while
preparing the message.

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

4.3 The Loco Pilot \ Motorman\Guard\Station Master going to open

communications shall, on receipt of ‘Authority for opening communication
during total interruption of communication on single line section’ sign on its
original and carbon copy in token of his having understood its contents.
4.4 In case a light Engine or an Engine with brake van is to be despatched to
proceed to the next block station and then continue its journey onward after
arrival at the next Block Station and is not meant for opening communications,
the Loco Pilot of engine or the engine with brake van shall be given with the
“Authority for opening communication during total interruption of
communication” and the items ‘Line Clear Enquiry Message and Conditional
Line Clear Message’ shall be striked out in form. Such engines or engine with
brake van shall be issued only the ‘Authority to Proceed Without Line Clear’,
the Caution Order and the Authority to Pass the Last Stop Signal in the ‘On’
position, referred to in Para 4.1 (i), (ii) and (iii) where necessary. Should it be
necessary to dispatch another light engine or another engine and brake van in
the same direction, an interval of at least 30 minutes shall be allowed to
elapse before it is dispatched.
4.5. The Last Stop Signal shall not be taken 'OFF', while permitting an engine
or self-propelled vehicle or other vehicle to proceed to the next station on
'Authority for opening communication during total interruption of
communication on single line section'.
5. After an engine or self-propelled vehicle or other vehicle is despatched to
the next station to open communications with Line Clear Enquiry Message,
and a Conditional Line Clear Message to the next station for the return
journey of the engine or self-propelled vehicle or other vehicle, no other train
or engine or self-propelled vehicle or vehicle shall be allowed to leave the
station and proceed in the same direction until the engine or self-propelled
vehicle or other vehicle sent to open communications returns. This does not,
however, prevent an engineering official going into the section on push trolley
for his work on a section on which push trolleys do not run-on Line Clear.
6 (a) The engine or self-propelled vehicle or other vehicle proceeding on
'Authority for opening communication during total interruption of
communication on single line section' shall switch on the Flasher light
wherever provided and shall proceed at a speed not exceeding 15 kilometres
per hour by day and when the view is clear 10 kilometres per hour during
night or when the view is obstructed, making free use of engine whistle or
horn of the self-propelled vehicle, where provided. In thick, foggy or
tempestuous weather or in dust storm etc.
When visibility is impaired, the engine or self-propelled vehicle, or other
vehicle proceeding on 'Authority to Proceed Without Line Clear' shall proceed
at walking pace only making repeated use of the engine whistle or horn of
self-propelled vehicle, where provided, preceded at an adequate distance by
two men on foot, one displaying a red light and the other carrying fog signals

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

ready for immediate use. Normally one of these men will be provided by the
Station Master from his Class IV Staff and the other from the crew of the
engine or the person whose Motor Trolley/Trolley/Cycle Trolley/Moped Trolly
is being used. In case of single manned self-propelled vehicle, both these
men shall be provided by the Station Master. The Station Master on Duty shall
explain to both of them their duties, in the presence of the Loco
Pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master in charge of the self-propelled vehicle or
other vehicle being sent to the next station and satisfy himself that they
understand the same.
b) Both by day and night, a tunnel must not be entered until the Loco
pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master has ascertained that it is clear. Should
there be any doubt on this point, the engine or other vehicle etc. should be
piloted by a railway servant equipped with hand signal and detonators. Before
entering the tunnel, the head lights, side and tail lights and other lights (where
provided) shall also be lit.
c) No obstruction of the line beyond the outermost facing points shall
be allowed until the return of the engine/Tower Wagon/Diesel Car/Rail Motor
Car/ EMU Rake/Motor Trolly/Cycle Trolly/Moped Trolly.
7. In the event of an engine/self-propelled vehicle/other vehicle, proceeding on
'Authority for opening communication during total interruption of
communication on single line section' meeting in the mid-section, an
engine/self-propelled vehicle/other vehicle sent from the other end, the Loco
Pilots/Motormen/Guards/Station Masters, as the case may be shall taking into
consideration the importance of the train for which they are proceeding to get
Line Clear, the distance from the nearest station, gradients to be encountered,
the presence of catch sidings etc. decide to which of the two stations, the
engines/self-propelled vehicle/vehicles should proceed. Before proceeding,
the engines or self-propelled vehicles shall, if possible, be coupled up. If the
engines/self-propelled vehicles cannot be coupled up they should run at a
safe speed and adequate distance apart. In the case of Motor Trolley/Push
Trolley/Cycle Trolley/Moped Trolley, meeting an engine and brake van/Diesel
Car/Rail Motor Car/ EMU Rake, the Motor Trolley /Push Trolley/Cycle
Trolley/Moped Trolley shall, if possible, be loaded with the Brake Van/Diesel
Car/Rail Motor Car/EMU Rake.
8. On sighting the station to which the engine/self-propelled vehicle/other vehicle
running by itself or with another similar unit coupled together or separately, to which
it is/they are proceeding, the leading engine/self-propelled vehicle/other vehicle
Shall stop outside (i.e., in rear of)the first stop signal of the station. The engine\self-
propelled vehicle\other vehicle following the leading engine\self-propelled
vehicle\other vehicle, shall stop at a safe distance behind the leading engine/self-
propelled vehicle/another vehicle.
The Station Master shall be advised of the stoppage outside the first Stop
signal either by using the engine whistle/horn of the self-propelled vehicle, if

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

provided, or by sending a man if necessary. They shall not enter the station till
permitted by the Station Master to do so either by taking 'Off' the relevant
signals or otherwise.
9. When the engine or engines/self-propelled vehicle or self-propelled
vehicles/other vehicle or vehicles have been admitted into the Station, the
'Authority for opening communication during total interruption of
communication on single line section' (T/B 602) with the Line Clear Enquiry
Message and the Conditional Line Clear Message giving the Line Clear for the
return journey shall be delivered to the Station Master on Duty who shall keep
this document in his safe custody and also post Line Clear Enquiry Message
and Conditional line clear reply message (T/G 602 & T/H 602) in the line clear
books and on the authority of the conditional line clear reply message for the
return journey, the Station Master on Duty shall make out a Conditional Line
Clear Ticket and hand over it to the loco pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master
to return to the Block station from where he came with his engine (either light
or attached to a train or another engine or a self-propelled vehicle if one is
waiting to proceed in that direction)/self-propelled vehicle/other vehicles.
10. In case of the engine or self-propelled vehicle or other vehicle returning to
the station from which he was sent without reaching the next station, the
'Authority for opening communication during total
interruption of communication on single line section' shall be taken back by
the Station Master on Duty of the station from which this was issued and
cancelled. The original entries shall also be cancelled.
11. Station Master on duty before despatching the engine either light or
attached to a train/self-propelled vehicle/other vehicle, on the return journey
shall hand over to the Loco Pilot/Motorman/ Guard/Station Master,
'Conditional Line Clear Reply Message' for the 'Line Clear Enquiry Message',
giving Line Clear for the train waiting at the other station, thereby authorizing
the Station Master at that station to start the train waiting there on complete
arrival of the engine, either light or attached to a train/self-propelled
vehicle/other vehicles at his end. (T/F 602)
12. The Conditional Line Clear Reply Message shall be worded as follows :-
Message No .............
Your Message No. .................. on arrival of * Engine with/self-propelled
vehicle No. ................... at yours line will be clear and kept clear for following
trains :-
i) Train No.... Private No (in words)....... (in figures).......
ii) Train No.... Private No (in words)....... (in figures).......
iii) Train No....Private No (in words)....... (in figures).......
iv) Train No....Private No (in words)....... (in figures).......
*Strike out whichever is not applicable.

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

* The particulars of the engine either returning light or attached to a train or

attached to another Engine/Tower Wagon/Diesel Car/Rail Motor Car/EMU
Rake/Motor Trolley or Trolly/Cycle Trolley or Moped Trolley running by itself or
loaded in a train as may be applicable shall be correctly filled in while
preparing the message.
13. On the return journey, engine either light or attached to a Train/Diesel
Car/Rail Motor Car/EMU Rake/Train loaded with Motor Trolley/Push
Trolley/Cycle Trolley/Moped Trolley may run at booked speed observing
speed limits in the Working Time Table and other relevant rules. The Motor
Trolley/Push Trolley/Cycle Trolley/Moped Trolley returning by itself may run at
their normal speed observing the rules governing their running on Line Clear.
14. On reaching the station, the engine either light or attached to a train/self-
propelled vehicle/other vehicles shall again stop outside (i.e., in rear of) the
first stop signal of the station and thereafter be guided by the instructions from
the Station Master, who may arrange to receive it by taking 'Off' the relevant
signals or otherwise.
15. On arrival at the station the 'Conditional Line Clear Reply Message' shall
be handed over to the Station Master who shall record in the Line Clear
Message Book and on its authority issue a Conditional Line Clear Ticket for
the waiting train.
16. If there be an even flow of trains in both directions, (line clear) Enquiry and
Conditional Line Clear Messages (T/G 602 or T/H 602) for each succeeding
trains may be sent through the Guard of proceeding train. (T/E 602 or T/F602)
17. The arrival and departure time of all trains, engines, trollies etc. which are
passed under the above rules must be carefully recorded in the Line Clear
Enquiry and Reply Books, and also in the counterfoil of the 'Authority for
opening communication during total interruption of communication on single
line section’ and in the train signal register. (T/B 602).
18. If the Station Master at one end of the interrupted section has more than
one train to despatch in the same direction before another train is normally
expected from the opposite direction, he shall, in such cases, send the available
engine of a train to obtain 'Line Clear' not only for that train but also for the
following trains which may be waiting or expected at his station. In the Line
Clear Enquiry Message, it shall be stated that these latter trains will be
despatched after the first train at intervals of 30 minutes. After the Loco Pilot
returns with the Line Clear for the required number of trains to the station at
which he had left the train, the Station Master shall despatch the first train on
the authority of the Line Clear for the trains and shall also endorse on that Line
Clear that a particular train (giving its number and description in full) shall follow
at a specified interval. The Station Master shall give similar information to the
Guard also in writing. The Loco Pilot of the second and subsequent following
trains shall be given a Caution Order restricting the speed to 25 kilometres per
hour over the straight when the view ahead is clear and to 10 kilometres per

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

hour when approaching or passing any portion of the line where the view ahead
is not clear due to curve, obstruction, rain, fog, or any other cause. When
despatching a second and subsequent trains, the particulars of the last
preceding train along with its time of departure will be endorsed on the Line
Clear as also the particulars of the train which would follow. The Line Clear for
the last train of the series should be endorsed with the particulars of the
proceeding train together with its time of departure. While adopting this
procedure, the Guard and the Loco Pilot should be instructed to keep a sharp
look out and be prepared to stop short of any obstruction.
19. When a train is stopped in the block section the Guard shall immediately
exhibit a hand danger signal towards the rear and check-up that the tail board
or the tail light is correctly exhibited. If the
stoppage is on account of accident, failure, obstructions or other exceptional
cause and the train cannot proceed, the Loco Pilot shall sound the prescribed
code of whistle to apprise the Guard of the fact, where upon the Guard shall
protect the train by placing one detonator at 250 metres from the train on the
way out and 2 detonators, 10 metres apart, at 500 metres from the train,
irrespective of the gauge, when a train is detained outside signals and if the
detention exceeds or is likely to exceed 10 minutes it shall also be protected
accordingly. In the absence of the Guard the duty of protecting the train shall
devolve on the Loco Pilot.
20. When trains follow one another no train shall be backed. In exceptional
circumstances when it may be unavoidable to back a train, the train shall be
backed only after providing protection by placing one detonator at 250 metres
and 2 detonators, 10 metres apart, at 500 metres from the point up to which
the train is to be backed.
21. Trains must continue to work on this system until anyone of the means of
communications, mentioned in Rule 1 is restored by the competent authority.
22. As soon as anyone of the means of communications has been restored,
the Station Master must sent a message to the Station Master at the other
end of the section on the following form :–
From Station Master...........................................To Station
Master...............Time............ hours............. minutes Massage No.............
Train (No and description)........ arrived
complete at.......hours.............minutes. Last train...............(No and description)
dispatched to your station at.................... hours.............. minutes. Cancel the
Conditional Line Clear Working of trains. Line Clear must be obtained by
means of.........................Acknowledge,
Private No. (in words) ..........................(in figures)...................... On receipt of
the above message, the Station Master at the other end of the section must
acknowledge in the following form:
From Station Master....................... To Station Master....................
Message No............................... Your Message

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

No......................... Understand that train (number and

description)....................... which was the last train to leave my station has
arrived complete at your station. Train No............................. which left your
station has arrived complete at my station at......... hours.......... minutes/not
arrived. Conditional Line Clear Working of trains is being/will be cancelled
immediately after the complete arrival of train
number............... Line Clear for the next train will be obtained by means of
...........................Private No. (in words)...................(in figures)............
23. Line Clear shall not be obtained or given by means of communication
restored, until both the Station Masters are satisfied that all trains and engines
etc. despatched from their stations have arrived complete at the other station.
Even if the communication is restored immediately after the departure of the
light engine/self-propelled vehicle/any other vehicle referred to in Rule 2, sent
under 'Authority for opening communication during total interruption of
communication on single line section' normal working should not be resumed
until the light engine/self-propelled vehicle/any other vehicle reaches the next
station and both the Station Masters are satisfied under exchange of Private
Numbers that no light engine/self-propelled vehicle/any other vehicle reaches
the next station and both the Station Masters are satisfied under exchange of
Private Numbers that no light engine/self-propelled vehicle/any other vehicle
is on the section. Thereafter an intimation about this shall be given to Section
Controller also on control sections, if communication with Section Controller
has also got restored and normal working resumed. If however,
communication with Section Controller has not got restored along with
restoration of communications between two stations, the Section Controller
shall be advised of the position immediately on restoration of communication
with him.
24. On the section where total interruption of communication occurs, the
Transportation Inspector of the section, must scrutinize the train passing
records of the station and submit his report to the Divisional Railway Manager
within 7 days of the resumption of communication.
SR. 6.02.05.– Rules and regulations for working trains on the
obstructed line in case of obstruction on the ‘Authority of Block Ticket/
Authority to proceed for relief engine/train into an obstructed block
section’ in absolute block system. – (block ticket T/A 602)
(a) Until obstruction is removed, trains, if so required, shall be worked on the
obstructed line up to the place of obstruction on ‘Block Ticket’ (T/A 602) which
should clearly detail, whether the train is to
return or to wait at the place of obstruction for the arrival and return of another
following train(s) or to proceed to the next station.
(i) After sending a train on Block Ticket, a following train shall not be
despatched in the same direction unless (i) the previous Block Ticket is
collected and cancelled, or (ii) necessary endorsement is given on the
previous Block Ticket with the advice to wait at the site for a next train to

Chapter- VI
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follow, or (iii) the previous train has met with an accident or has been disabled
or (iv) the Block Ticket has been collected from the Loco pilot of the previous
train by the official-in-charge at the site and kept in his personal custody and
shall be kept until the arrival of the next train and such assurance is given
over the telephone installed at the site quoting the serial number of the Block
Ticket so collected.
(ii) Trains sent out to the place of obstruction shall be protected as
laid down in sub-rule (9) of SR 6.02.03. The speed of the train or the engine
running on the authority of Block Ticket must not exceed 15 KMPH in day light
hours when the visibility is good and 10 KMPH at night and whenever clear
view for 800 metres is not available. The engine whistle must be sounded
(iii) In the case the obstruction caused by an accident between two
stations is likely to last for a day or more, an Assistant Station Master may be
deputed at the site for Line Clear duties. In this case trains shall be worked
between the station and the site of obstruction as per special instructions for
the time being on getting the sanction of the Authorised Officer.
(iv) In the event of any obstruction affecting the through running of
trains between two consecutive block stations, full particulars must be
telegraphed to the Chief Operations Manager, Divisional Operations Manager,
Divisional Transportation Inspector and the Station Masters of stations
concerned on the section affected and to all others whom it may concern in
accordance with the rules for reporting of accidents. In the case of obstruction
arising out any defect in the Over Head Electrical Equipment, Assistant
Electrical Engineer, Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction Distribution),
Traction Foreman and Traction Power Controller shall also be advised
(v) The Guard and Loco Pilot of every train about to start on the
authority of Block Ticket shall, before proceeding, satisfy themselves by
examining the Block Ticket Book what trains are already in the section and
what instructions have been given to the Loco Pilots & Guards of such trains.
(b) The following procedure shall be observed before the trains are
allowed to run on the obstructed line on the authority of Block Ticket (T/A
(i) The Station Master first receiving the news of the obstruction shall
send a message in the following form to the Station Master at the other end of
the obstructed section.
From : Station Master, To : Station Master,
Station ‘B’ Station ‘A’.
No....... Owing to......... (here mention the cause of obstruction) at Km...........
the through running of trains between Station......... and......... is interrupted.
On receiving your concurrence,

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

I shall suspend the Absolute/Automatic Block System and work trains

between station (A) and KM*....... on the Block Tickets.
*Note – When the actual site is not known write ‘site of obstructions’ for KM.
(ii) Unless the Station Master ‘B’ has received information that will
justify or suggest his refusal to agree to the suspension of the system of
working (Absolute or Automatic) over the section, he shall
reply in the following form to the message received from the Station Master
From: Station Master, To: Station Master,
Station ‘B’ Station ‘A’.
No....... Your No........ of date. I note that owing to........ (Here repeat the cause
mentioned in the message of Station ‘A’) the through running of trains
between station............. and......... is interrupted and that you propose to
suspend Absolute/Automatic Block system between Station and..... and if
necessary, run trains between station (A) and KM* on Block Ticket. .............I
concur and shall, if necessary, run trains between station (B) and KM*....... on
Block Tickets. Private Number...........
*Note – When the actual site is not known, mention ‘‘site of obstruction’’ for
(iii) The running of trains on Block Tickets to the site of obstruction
shall not be introduced until the concurrence of both Station Masters is
obtained and recorded in the Caution Order Register and Train Signal
Register subject to sub-rule (e) below.
(c) The Station Master at either end of the obstructed section, after
giving an order under a Block Ticket for a train to proceed, shall intimate to the
SM at the other end of the obstructed section by a short message in the
following form: –
No.... (Up or Down) Train left here for the site of obstruction at KM....... with
orders to....... (Here mention the orders given).
Private Number........... When the train returns he shall issue a message again
to the same station: – No...... Train Number...... allowed to the site of
obstruction as per my message No........ returned at.............. hrs. after
(mention the nature of work done) Private Number.........
(d) (i) When the cause of obstruction is removed and if it is decided to resume
through traffic between the stations concerned, the Station Master at any one
end of the affected section may do so after
exchanging messages with the Station Master at the other end of the affected
section as detailed in clause (vi) below, provided he has obtained an
assurance in writing as follows: –
(a) From the Guard and / or Loco Pilot under their/his signature with
an endorsement on the reverse of the Loco Pilot’s foil of Block Ticket that the

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

trains/engine has arrived complete and nothing has been left in the section, if
the cause of obstruction was due to failure to a
(b) From the concerned PWI or ATFO that the line is safe for the
movement of trains with or without any restriction if the cause of obstruction
was due to an accident/OHE failure/Engg. Block.
(ii) The written assurance referred to in sub-clause (b) of clause (i)
above, shall be sent through a messenger to the nearer or to the more
convenient station or through the Loco Pilot of a train/engine is available there
provided movement to such station is authorised as per the endorsement on
the Block Ticket. In absence of such endorsement, the Traffic official-in-
charge at the site shall obtain concurrence supported by a Private Number
from the SM of the Station to which he desires to send the engine/train over
the field telephone. Thereafter, he shall authorise the Loco Pilot to proceed to
such station by giving proper endorsement on the Block Ticket quoting the
Private Number so received under his signature and designation.
(iii) If there be more than one train at the site of obstruction, the Traffic
Official-in-charge at the site, shall arrange to couple the trains together, if
possible and personally instruct the Loco Pilot to proceed cautiously to the
station mentioned in clause (ii) above having due consideration to minimise
delay to more important trains. Otherwise trains from each direction will
proceed to the station according to the endorsement given on the Block Ticket
by the Station Master. However, trains for each direction may be coupled up
to form one train before being allowed to proceed. In case it becomes
necessary for a train to follow another, an interval of 15 minutes shall elapse
between the train proceeded and the train which is about to leave and the
speed of the following train shall not exceed 8 KMPH.
(iv) On arrival at the station, Block Tickets of the trains concerned
shall be handed over to the Station Master indicating the time of arrival and
that the train has arrived complete. This shall be signed by the Guard and/or
the Loco Pilot.
(v) The Station Master shall then cancel the Block Ticket (loco pilot’s
foil) and paste the same with the concerned record foil if the same was issued
from his station. In case Block Ticket(s), so collected, had been issued from
the other station, the same shall be kept in his personal custody and be sent
to the issuing Station Master for cancellation and record.
(vi) The Station Master proposing to resume normal system of
working shall issue a message in the following form :– From: Station
Master........ To: Station Master.......
No...... (Designation of official-in-charge) reports removal

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

of.......... Train No(s) Engine No........ (mention here individual number of

train/Engine) was/were despatched. Train No(s)..... (mention here individual
Number of train/Engine) arrived here complete.
Your Block Ticket No(s).................... collected here. (To be mentioned, if
collected). With your assent........... Block System working shall be resumed.
Private Number.................
The Station Master at the other end of the obstructed section shall, on receipt
of the message indicated above, reply in the following form provided he is
satisfied from his records that no more train/Engine is left in the section.
Form: Station Master........ To: Station Master....... No....... Your No.........
understand that the obstruction at KM....... is removed. Train No (s) / Engine
No ............(mention here individual number of train/engine) was/were
despatched. Train No(s) Engine No.... arrived here complete. Your
Block Ticket No(s)......... collected here, (to be mentioned if collected). Block
section between........ and.......................... is clear............ Block system of
working between........ and...........station is now resumed, Private
Number............ The concerned Station Master shall issue a wire to all
concerned stations the time of removal of the obstruction and the time of
resumption of normal working.
(e) In case of the telegraphic/telephonic communication between the
two stations is interrupted the Station Master receiving the information about the
accident/disablement of a train, may however
send the train/ Engine as may be required up to the site of obstruction on Block
Ticket as detailed under clause (i) of sub-rule (a) above. He shall, however,
arrange to send a message conveying the information to the Station Master at the
other end of the obstructed section by the quickest possible means. After the
cause of obstruction is removed and the means of communication is restored, the
Station Master concerned shall follow the procedure detailed in clause (i), (v) and
(vi) of sub-rule (d) above.
(f) In the absence of a Senior Traffic official, the Station Master of the
nearer station shall proceed to the site of the obstruction and from there issue
directions for the movement of trains on both sides of
the obstruction and for the general working at the spot.
(g) (i) ‘‘On a double line section, if for any reason other than
introduction of single line working, it becomes necessary to run an engine or a
train, against the normal direction of traffic, the line concerned shall be
blocked as per GR. 1.02(8), indicating the station to which the train/engine is
to proceed. After obtaining the acknowledgement from the Station Master of
the station at the other
end, the Station Master intending to run the train shall, issue a Block ticket.
The following particulars shall be mentioned in the caution order portion of the
Block ticket: –
(a)existing speed restrictions,
Chapter- VI
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(b) instructions to loco pilot/guard-

(i) to look out for possible obstruction and take action accordingly,
(ii) to ascertain the condition of the train/obstruction over the adjacent
line and to report the same at the next station in writing.

The loco pilot will also certify in writing, if the line over which the train/engine
has passed on Block Ticket, is safe for introduction of single line working. The
Station Master, on receipt of such a Certificate, shall take steps to introduce
temporary single line working, under the procedure detailed in SR 6.02.01.
The Station Master at the other end of block section after acknowledging the
message vide GR 1.02(8) as indicated above, shall not permit any obstruction
outside the outermost points on the same
line at that end of the station nearest to the expected train.
(g) (ii) The speed shall be the same as prescribed under clause (ii) of
sub-rule (a) of Rule 6.02.05. The Loco Pilot and the Guard shall take special
care to stop short of any possible obstruction on the line during the run.
(iii) After the arrival of the train/engine at the next station the Station
Master shall follow the procedure detailed in sub-clause (i) of clause (a),
clause (v) and (vi) of sub-rule (d) of rule 6.02.05.
(iv) Movement of train/engine, permitted in sub-rule(g) (i) above, shall be
restricted to one train/engine only and the train shall not, in any case, be a
passenger carrying train.

SR. 6.02.06.–Rules and regulations for working trains during

partial interruption/failure of electrical communication instrument.-
1. The procedure detailed below shall be followed for working trains
between block stations in different situations–
(a) Failure/suspension of Block Instrument or Track circuit or Axle
‘‘Line Clear’’ shall be obtained on the Telephone attached to the Block
Instrument or station to station telephone (where provided) exchanging
identification Number and supported by Private Number.
(b) Failure/suspension of Block Instrument or Track circuit or Axle
counters and telephone attached to the Block Instrument or station to station
“Line Clear” shall be obtained on the–
Fixed telephone such as Railway Auto Phones and BSNL phones (with caller
ID facility wherever feasible) exchanging Identification Number and supported
by Private Number.
(c) Failure/suspension of Block Instrument or Track circuit or Axle
counters; telephone attached to the Block Instrument or station to station
Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

telephone and Fixed telephone such as Railway Auto Phones and BSNL
phones (with caller ID facility wherever feasible) – ‘‘Line Clear’’ shall be
obtained on the Train Control Telephone Exchanging Identification Number and
supported by Private Number.
(d) Failure/suspension of Block Instrument or Track circuit or Axle
counters, telephone attached to the Block Instrument or station to station
telephone, Fixed telephone such as Railway Auto Phones and BSNL phone
(with caller ID facility wherever feasible), and control telephone ‘‘Line Clear’’
shall be obtained on the VHF sets exchanging Identification Number and
supported by Private Number provided that instructions contained in SR
14.01.02 (b) are followed.
2. (i) When the Train Control Telephone /VHF set is to be brought into operation
for this purpose the Station Master at one end of the Block section shall call up
the Controller and ask the latter to put him in communication with the Station
Master of the Block station at the other end for obtaining ‘‘Line Clear’’.
The Section Controller shall call up the required station and put both in
communication when they shall exchange the necessary messages with
Identification Numbers.
(ii) The Section Controller shall listen in while messages are being
exchanged between these two stations and after satisfying himself that the
‘‘Line Clear’’ has given correctly and the section is clear of a train according to
his records, shall issue a control order to start the train.
NOTE – (i) On the occasion of an interruption in the working of the Block
Instruments / axle counter/track circuit between two stations and line clear
being obtained through any other available means of communication as
mentioned above owing to the fact that more than one station can be
communicated with, it may occur that a station seeking to communicate with
the next station cannot definitely know whether it is the next station or some
other that responds. In order to surmount this difficulty, Identification Number
sheets shall be used.
By using the Identification Numbers at the time of obtaining ‘‘Line Clear’’ over
the means of electrical communication other than Block
Instrument/axle counter/track circuit, the Station Master on duty will satisfy
himself that the station with which he is communicating is actually the
adjoining Block station.
(ii) In the cases where Block Token instruments are in working order
but a maintenance party is allowed to work on the posts of line carrying the
Railway Block wire, Identification Number sheets shall be used in addition to
the normal procedure in working the Block Instrument except if there is reason
to believe that there is contact between the block wire and any other wire
when the Block Token working shall be suspended. The use of the
Identification Number sheets shall continue until the official-in-charge has

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

notified completion of this work and messages issued accordingly. This

procedure shall also be adopted if the Divisional Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer concerned considers that the Block Token
Instruments shall be worked with extra care & vigilance on a certain section
for a definite period.
3. Identification Number sheets. –
(i) Two such sheets for each adjoining Block station shall form the
normal complement of each block station from the date of opening. In
addition, two such sheets shall also be supplied at each Block station located
on either side of Block Huts so as to enable these block stations to do line
clear transactions during temporary introduction of single line working and
when the Intermediate Block Hut is kept closed. Each sheet is divided into two
parts and in each part there are two columns of combinations of letters and
figures. The columns in the left half of the sheet are numbered (1) and (2) and
those in the right half (2) and (1) respectively. The columns bearing the same
numbers are identical (see specimen sheet).
The two parts of each sheet before issue will be separated, the left half of the sheet
being sent to the station at one end of a Block section and the right half to the
station at the other end of the same Block section.
Before issue the Divisional Operations Manager shall write the names of the two
stations over the two columns in each half, the name of one station being written
at the head of each of the columns bearing No. (1) and the name of the other
station at the head of each of the columns bearing No. (2). Each half before being
sent out shall be signed and dated by the Divisional Operations Manager and
shall be placed in a sealed cover addressed to the Station Master of the Station
for which intended, and on the cover shall be endorsed the section to which the
Identification Number sheet applies and the number of the cover.
(ii) The Divisional Operations Manager shall issue to each station on his
Division, two Identification Number sheets for each adjoining block station, each
in a separate sealed cover. One Identification Number sheet shall not be used
for more than one period of interruption. As soon as the normal line clear
instruments are restored to working order, the Identification Number sheet that
is being used during that interruption shall be returned at once by both the
stations to the Divisional Operations Manager and the latter shall replace it by a
fresh sheet in a sealed cover as early as possible.
(iii) Example :–
Stations at either end are Markona and Soro. The Divisional Operations
Manager shall prepare two Identification Number sheets for the section. At the
heads of columns marked (1) he shall enter the name Markona and at the
heads of columns marked (2) he shall enter the name Soro Both halves of
each sheet shall be signed by the Divisional Operations Manager and dated.

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

Each sheet shall be separated into its two parts and each part put into
separate sealed cover on which the following endorsement shall be made: –
‘‘Identification Number Sheet for Markona-Soro section.
Cover No...........’’
The covers containing each half of the first sheet shall be numbered (1) and
the cover containing each half of the second sheet shall be numbered (2) and
the two covers number 1 and 2 containing
the right halves shall be sent to Soro and the two numbered 1 and 2
containing the left halves to Markona.
Note: Similarly, Markona will have two more Identification Number sheets for
the Markona-Ranital section.
4. On the occurrence of an interruption in the working of the Block Instruments
/ Train wire between Soro and Markona, should Soro desire to despatch Up
train to Markona, he shall call up Markona on the telephone and shall advise
him that he is opening his sealed cover No. 1 and instruct Markona to do the
same. Markona when he has done so shall call up Soro and ask him for his
first Identification letter and figure on the list taken out of the sealed cover.
Soro shall read out the first letter and figure shown in the column headed
Soro. Markona shall check it with his list to see that it is correct ; and if so,
advise Soro as soon as he is ready to receive ‘‘Is line clear’’ signal for the train
but Markona must not then read out his own Identification letter and figure.
Soro shall immediately send the ‘‘Is line clear’’ signal for the train he wishes to
despatch, without either of the Station Master leaving the telephone. The
enquiry message will end with the aforesaid Identification letter & figure.
Markona shall then, provided the section is clear, give ‘‘Line Clear” to Soro
over the telephone and at the end of the ‘‘Line Clear’’ message, in addition to
the Private Number, shall give the first Identification number (letter &
figure) on his sheet in the columns headed Markona, which shall be
checked by Soro with his list and if found to be correct Soro shall enter
it on the ‘‘Line Clear Ticket’’ in addition to the Private Number and shall
then despatch the train. The subsequent identification Numbers shall be used
serially for subsequent trains. Each Station Master shall enter immediately in
the columns provided for the purpose, the number and description of the train
against each Identification Number used.
NOTE – Special attention is drawn to the portion of the above rule which are
underlined as it enable Soro to identify Markona immediately the latter has
given permission for the train to be despatched.
5. For subsequent trains in either direction, each station asking for ‘‘Line
Clear’’ shall give the other station the Identification Number in the order
described in sub-rule (4) above and obtain in turn the corresponding
Identification Number along with the ‘‘Line Clear’’ from the Station Master at

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

the other end. In this way each Station Master can satisfy himself on each
occasion that the ‘‘Line Clear’’ has been asked for by and received from the
correct station. When ‘‘Line Clear’’ has been obtained by means of
Identification Numbers through the Block telephone, Control phone or the
electrical communication instrument connected on the Through wire, an entry
to this effect shall be made in the Train Signal Register and at the top of the
Line Clear Ticket at the time of issue as stipulated in sub-rule (2) of GR 14.13.
(i) When an interruption has occurred and train messages are worked
on the Block telephone, control phone or Through wire or VHF set by means
of Identification Numbers, the Divisional Operations Manager shall be
promptly advised so that he can arrange to send out fresh Identification
Number sheets without delay to replace those used.
(ii) It shall be clearly understood that the sealed cover containing
Identification Number sheet, must on no account be opened till the
Identification Number sheet is actually required for use. Once an Identification
Number sheet is taken out of its cover and used for an interruption, the same
sheet and any other sheet brought into use after the former has been
exhausted shall be used during continuance of that particular interruption only,
but on no account shall, a sheet which has been partly used, be used for
subsequent interruption. As each sheet is exhausted it shall be sent to the
Divisional Operations Manager, and any partly used sheet shall also be
similarly returned as soon as the interruption is over and normal working
(iii) The Divisional Operations Manager, on receiving the used or party
used Identification Number sheet shall arrange checking the same with its
corresponding half for the section and then destroy it.
(iv) The Station Master on duty is personally responsible for the safe
custody of the covers containing the Identification Number sheets which shall
be kept under lock and key. Once an Identification Number sheet has been
opened, the SM/Cabin ASM shall keep it in his own possession or under lock
and key and make it over only to his reliever until the interruption is over so
that no misuse may be made of the subsequent numbers on the sheet.
(Specimen Identification Number Sheet)



No._____________ No.______________
Left Half Right Half
Markona- Soro No. and date Soro- Markona- No. and date
of train for of train for
which used. which used.

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

1 2 2 1
1 2 2 1
X40 F85 F85 X40
H21 M7 M7 H21
C3 A15 A15 C3
D9 X36 X36 D9
F16 R82 R82 F16
G14 G99 G99 G14
A26 S50 S50 A26
L90 Q55 Q55 L90
M28 T 4 T 4 M28
Q51 Z49 Z49 Q51
_____________D. O. M. _______________D. O. M.
Date __________ Date ___________
Names of stations each end of the block section to be entered at the top of
columns (1) and (2) by the Divisional Operations Manager before issue.
6.03. Protection of trains stopped between stations
(1) When a train is stopped between stations on account of
accident, failure, obstruction or other exceptional cause and the
Loco Pilot finds that his train cannot proceed, he shall apprise
the Guard of the fact by sounding the prescribed code of whistle
or through Walkie - talkie or other means and exchange hand
danger signals with him. The Loco Pilot shall switch ‘ON’
flasher light of his locomotive immediately to warn
oncoming train. Thereafter, the Guard shall immediately exhibit
a hand danger signal towards the rear and checkup that the
tailboard or tail light is correctly exhibited and switch ‘ON’ flasher
light, if provided, in the rear of the brake van. The Guard and the
Loco Pilot shall the immediately take the following action in the
rear and the front
(i) On a single line section or on a section of
double or multiple lines when temporarily worked as
a single line section
(a) The Guard shall either himself go back or send a
competent person back to protect the train, if the Guard has
deputed a competent person to protect the train, he shall confirm
from the Loco Pilot for the protection of train in front through
walkie-talkie or other means of communication between the Loco
Pilot and the Guard. In absence of communication system
Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

between them, the Guard shall go to the Loco Pilot personally to

confirm the Protection of train in front;
(b) The person going back to protect the train shall
continuously show his hand danger signal to stop any
approaching train and in addition to his hand signal,
shall take detonators and place them upon the line on
which the stoppage has occurred, as follows -
One detonator shall be placed at 600 meters form
his train on way out and three detonators at 1200 meters
about ten meters apart from the place where the train
has stopped;
Provided that on the meter and narrow gauge the first
detonator shall be placed at 400 meters and the three detonators
about ten meters apart, not less than 800 meters from his train or
at such distance as has been fixed by special instructions, from
the place where the train has stopped;
(c) If a person other than the Guard has gone back
to protect the train, he shall, after taking action as per
sub- clause (b), continue to show his hand signal to stop
any approaching train, until he is recalled
(d) When the Guard has himself gone back to protect the
train, he shall, after taking action as in sub-clause (b), depute a
competent person, if available, to show a hand danger signal to
stop any approaching train until, he is recalled and shall himself
return to his train to ascertain the cause;
(e) Unless the guard has succeeded in getting another
competent person to show a hand danger signal, as in sub-
clause (d), he shall, after consultation with the Loco Pilot once
again return to the place at which he placed three detonators,
showing his hand danger signal to any approaching train and
continue to do so until he is recalled.
(f) When the Guard or the person deputed by him is
recalled, he shall leave down the three detonators, and on his
way back pick up the intermediate detonators

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

(g) On a section of double or multiple lines when the Loco

Pilot comes to know that
(i) During the course of run of the train being driven by him
the Loco Pilot shall switch “ON” the flasher light and dim the
head light on all or any such occurrences as stipulated
(A) Sudden jerk with drag and/or drop in air pressure or
vacuum of the train;
(B) Sudden increase in air flow indicator reading
(C) Train parting/derailment of the train; and
(D) Any situation warranting protection of the
adjoining track
(ii) In case of an accident or if assistance has been
asked for, or on a single line section or during temporary
single line working on a section of double or multiple
lines, the Loco Pilot shall in all cases sw itch ‘ON’ the
flasher light and dim the head light at once and show a
danger signal to the front, and proceed to protect the
train in front in the manner prescribed in sub clauses (b)
and (f) either by going himself or by sending his
Assistant Loco Pilot or some other competent person;
(h) Should any train be seen approaching, the
person going to protect the train shall immediately place
one detonator on the line, as far away from the disabled
train, as possible and shall continue to show a hand
danger signal to stop any approaching trai n. If the
person has already placed one detonator at 600 or 400
meters in Broad Gauge or Meter Gauge/Narrow Gauge
respectively and he is not in a position to reach at a
distance of 1200 meters or 800 meters in Broad Gauge
or Meter Gauge/Narrow Gauge respec tively, he shall
again place one detonator as far away from the train as
possible which has met with the accident
(ii) On a double line section where trains on the
two lines run in the opposite direction
(a) As soon as the Loco Pilot comes to know that

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

(I) During the course of run of the train being driven

by him, the Loco Pilot shall switch “ON” the flasher light
and dim the head light on all or any such occurrences as
stipulated hereunder
(A) Sudden jerk with drag and/or drop in air pressure or
vacuum of the train
(B) Sudden increase in air flow indicator reading;
(C) Train parting/derailment of the train; and
(D) Any situation warranting protection of the
adjoining track
(II) In case of an accident or if assistance has been asked
for, the Loco Pilot shall in all cases switch ‘ON’ the flasher light
and dim the head light at once and show a danger signal to the
front and shall protect the adjacent line in front in the manner
prescribed in clause (i) above either by going himself or by
sending Assistant Loco Pilot or some other competent person;
The Guard shall himself first immediately proceed ahead to
assist and ensure protection of the adjacent line in front in the
manner prescribed in clause (i) above and if a competent person
is available send him to protect the train in the rear in the manner
prescribed in clause (i) above.
In case it is not known whether the adjacent line is
obstructed or not, the Loco Pilot shall take action to protect the
adjacent line in the manner prescribed in clause (i) above. The
Guard shall confirm from the Loco Pilot on the available means
of communication for protection of train of the adjacent line as
mentioned above and proceed towards the locomotive watching
the train carefully. If the Guard finds that the adjacent line is
obstructed, he shall proceed ahead to assist and ensure
protection of the adjacent line as mentioned above. In case he
finds that the adjacent line is not obstructed, he shall, after
consultation with the Loco Pilot, go back to protect the train in the
rear in the manner prescribed in clause (i) above, if he has not
already sent another competent person for the purpose
(iii) On a multiple line section with uni -
directional traffic on the nominated lines, -

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

(a) As soon as the Loco Pilot comes to know

(I) During the course of run of the train being driven
by him the Loco Pilot shall switch “ON” the flasher light
and dim the head light on all or any such occurrences as
stipulated hereunder
(A) sudden jerk with drag and/or drop in air pressure or
vacuum of the train;
(B) Sudden increase in air flow indicator reading
(C) Train parting/derailment of the train; and
(D) Any situation warranting protection of the
adjoining track
(II) In case of an accident or if assistance has been asked
for, the Loco Pilot shall in all cases switch “ON” the flasher light
and dim the head light at once and show a danger signal to the
front and he shall at once take action to protect the adjacent line
or lines in the manner prescribed in clause (i) above
(b) As soon as the Guard comes to know that the train has
met with an accident, he shall at once protect such adjacent line
or lines in the manner prescribed in clause (i) above
When it is obvious that an adjacent line on which trains
normally run in the opposite direction is observed or when it is
not known whether any such line is obstructed or not, the Loco
Pilot shall at once take action to protect the adjacent line or lines
in the manner prescribed in clause (ii) above
If it is obvious that an adjacent line on which the trains
normally run in the direction of the affected train is obstructed or
when it is not known whether any such line is obstructed or not, the
Guard shall immediately protect such adjacent line or lines in the
manner prescribed in clause (i) above. If it is obvious that an
adjacent line or lines on which trains normally run in the opposite
direction is obstructed and no line on which trains run in the
direction of the affected train is obstructed, he shall proceed ahead
to assist and ensure protection of the adjacent line or lines on which
trains run in the direction as per clause (ii) above. If, in addition, to
the line on which trains run in the direction of the affected train any
other line on which trains normally run in the opposite direction is
Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

also obstructed, the primary duty of the Guard shall be to protect

the line on which trains normally run in the direction of the affected
train, in the rear, in the manner prescribed in clause (i) above. Only
after taking this action, he shall proceed ahead to assist and ensure
protection of the obstructed adjacent line or lines in front on which
trains normally run in the opposite direction.
(iv) On section where trains on the adjacent line/lines run in
both the directions: -
Unless it is obvious that no adjacent line is obstructed, the loco
pilot shall protect the adjacent line/lines in front and the guard
shall protect adjacent line/lines in the rear in the manner
prescribed in clause(i) above. Only after taking this action shall
the guard proceed ahead to assist and ensure protection of the
adjacent line/lines in front.
(v) Protection of line on which the affected train is standing
on section of double/multiple lines:
Only after protecting the adjacent line/lines in the manner
prescribed in clauses(ii), (iii) and (iv) above shall the action be
taken to protect the line on which the affected train is standing
both in front and in the rear.
(vi) Action to locate and remove the cause of stoppage:
Action to locate and rectify any defect either in the engine
or a vehicle or to remove any other obstruction which might have
caused the stoppage shall be taken, if practicable, only after
having assured that the train has been protected properly in
accordance with the procedure laid down above.
(vii) Removal of protection from adjacent lines:
If subsequently, the adjacent line/lines are found to be free
of obstruction, the protection may be removed except where it is
desired to stop an approaching train to obtain assistance.
2 (i) In the case of a train without a guard, the duties of the
guard as laid down in this rule, shall devolve on the loco pilot or
on a railway servant deputed by him.
(ii) in the event of any disability of the loco pilot, the duties
devolving on the loco pilot, as laid down in these rules, shall
devolve on the guard or on a railway servant deputed by him.
SR. 6.03.01.— (a) When train is stopped between stations on account
of accident, failure obstruction or other exceptional cause and the Loco Pilot

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

finds that his train cannot proceed, he shall immediately switch ‘ON’ the
Flasher-light, if provided, on his engine and switch off the head light to attract
the attention of the Loco Pilot of a train approaching from the opposite
direction and sound four short whistles repeatedly to apprise the Guard of his
inability to proceed and display red flag by day
and red light by night or in thick or foggy weather when visibility is impaired.
(b) On hearing the engine whistle mentioned above, Guard shall
acknowledge it by waving a red hand signal up and down vertically, which
shall be understood to mean. “I am aware that you cannot proceed and I am
now going back to protect the train.” The Loco Pilot shall acknowledge the
Guard’s signal by a long whistle. By day, the Guard shall then secure a red
flag to the side lamp bracket or to the handrail of the brake-van which can
easily be seen by the Loco Pilot. At night, he shall reverse his brake van side-
lamp where provided under GR 4.15 (1) (a), as an additional indication to the
Loco Pilot. The Guard shall also ensure that during day the tail board is in
position and at night the Tail lamp and the side lamps, where provided are
burning brightly. The Guard & Loco Pilot shall also take action for protection of
line per GR 6.03 without any loss of time.
(c) When an accident occurs on a section having two or more parallel
running lines and the protection as per GR 6.03 cannot be complied with for
any reason, the following action shall be taken, in addition to observance of
stipulation contained in para (a) & (b) above.
(i) The loco pilot/Asst. Loco pilot of the disabled train shall give a
continuous series of short sharp whistles which he shall continue to sound
until the approaching train on the adjacent line has been brought to a stand. In
addition, the Guard and loco pilot shall exhibit stop hand signals towards the
approaching train.
(ii) At night or when visibility is not clear, the Guard and the Loco Pilot
shall immediately light up and hold aloft a Warning signal(red flashing hand
signal lamp at night or a red flag during day) so as to be clearly visible to
the Loco Pilot of an approaching train.
Note :– The Guard & Loco Pilot working trains on single line ghat section
must use the Warning signal also at night or when visibility is not clear, to
protect the train.
(d) The flasher light shall be switched off and actions as mentioned in
sub-rule (c) (i) & (ii) above shall not be considered necessary, only when the
Loco Pilot & Guard have satisfied themselves that their train is in a position to
proceed or that the adjacent line(s) is/are free from all obstruction and it is not
necessary to stop any approaching train to obtain assistance.
(e) When the Loco Pilot of any approaching train sees the flasher light
or the light of Warning signal or hears the danger whistle code as contained
in SR 4.50.01 (16), he shall at once stop his train, take all precautions as

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

contained in GR 3.78 (2) and shall also render all possible assistance to the
affected train as required.
(f) If the Guard or the Railway servant so deputed is recalled by the
Loco Pilot by sounding a long continuous whistle, he shall return after
complying with GR 6.03 (1) (i) (f) and remove the red flag which he fixed on
the brake-van or put back the side lamp where provided, to its
normal position, and give starting signal to the Loco Pilot. The Loco Pilot shall
not start the train until he has received from the Guard, the signal to start and
on starting, shall exchange hand signal with him. If due to curvature,
obstruction or any other cause the visibility is impaired and it is not possible to
exchange signals, the Loco Pilot shall start the train on getting verbal
permission from the Guard through his Assistant loco pilot.
(g) EMU Trains :– When an EMU train is stopped between stations on
account of accident, failure, obstruction or other exceptional cause and it
cannot proceed, the Motorman and Guard of the train shall take all the
relevant precautions as contained in para(a), (b), (c), (d), (e) (f) above,
However, the Motorman shall sound the bell four times instead of sounding
the whistle and the Guard shall acknowledge it by ringing the bell four times.
The Motorman must repeat the bell signal till it is acknowledged, and should it
is not be acknowledged within a reasonable time the Motorman must make
efforts to contact with the Guard with the assistance of person(s) available.
The Guard shall be responsible for immediate switching ON of the Flasher-
light in rear and also for switching it ‘off’ when it is no longer required in terms
of para (d) above.
The description of the Warning signal, its use, knowledge and possession is
given in GR 3.65 to 3.67.

6.04. Trains unusually delayed.–

(1) If a train carrying passengers does not arrive within 10
minutes or if a goods train does not arrive within 20 minutes after
allowing for its normal running time from the station in rear, the
Station Master at the station in advance shall immediately advise
the station in rear and the Control of this fact. Thereafter on
double or multiple lines, the Station Masters at either end of the
block section shall immediately stop all trains proceeding into the
block section on adjacent line or lines in either direction and warn
the Loco Pilots and guards of such trains by issue of suitable
caution orders and shall also ascertain the whereabouts and the
condition of the delayed train.
(2) The action mentioned above shall be taken earlier, should the
circumstances so require.

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

SR. 6.04.01.– The following procedure shall be adopted in the event

of a train being detained between two block stations.
(i) In addition to the action taken by the Station Master as stipulated in
GR 6.04 each of them shall arrange to send one railway servant out into the
block section to collect information from the train crew about the whereabouts
and condition of the train and nature of assistance, if any, required. The
railway servant so deputed shall bring full particulars of the cause to the
nearest Station Master who shall intimate the same to the Station Master at
the other end of the block section and to the Section Controller simultaneously
and then take action according to the circumstances of the case.
(ii) The Section Controller or the Deputy Chief Controller shall keep in
constant touch with the situation and take such action as is necessary.
(iii) Guards and Loco Pilots are responsible for sending information
promptly to the nearest station or to controller by using the field telephone or
by any other means.
SR. 6.04.02.– In the event of a train coming to a stand on a gradient,
owing to the inability of the engine to haul the train forward, the Loco Pilot
shall, as a rule, divide his train, taking all the precautions as prescribed in GR
6.09(2) and (3) but, should the Loco Pilot finds that by pushing back he would
be able to get over the gradient, he may do so, but shall take the following
precautions :–
(a) On no account shall he push back till the Guard has been warned.
No pushing back shall, however, be done on sections provided with automatic
signalling or Intermediate Block signalling except as provided in SR 3.75.04.
(b) After pushing back, the train shall not be moved forward until he
receives a green signal from the Guard to do so, and the latter shall not give
such signal until the train has come to a standstill. When moving forward, the
Guard shall be ready to apply the brake in case of necessity.
(c) In the case of a train coming to a stop over the spring points
(trailing direction) no backing is permitted unless the Station Master
authorised such backing by the issue of a written memo after the points are
set, clamped and padlocked for the running line. In all such cases the train
shall be hand signalled by the Guard.
(d) (i) If for any reason, a train is brought to a stand for a period longer
than 15 Minutes, the hand brakes of the locomotive shall be applied in
addition to the application of vacuum/air brake etc. If such stoppage happens
to be, of train having vehicles with roller bearings on a sections with a grade of
1 in 150 and steeper, and train having vehicles other than roller bearings on a
section with a grade 1 in 100 and steeper, the following additional precautions
shall be taken–
On trains carrying passengers, the guard shall apply hand brakes in
the brake-van and sprags or wedges or scotch blocks as the case may be, to
the wheels of two vehicles nearer on to the descending steep incline. On

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

goods trains, hand brakes of at least one-third of the wagons on the train or
10 wagons behind the engine and 5 wagons inside the brake van, whichever
is more, shall be pinned down, in addition to the application of guard’s hand
brake in the brake van.
Special care shall be taken for the train with special type of wagons such as
BOX, BOBS, BOI, BRH, CRT etc. which are fitted with roller bearings, while
taking the above precautions.
(ii) When the train is expected to start, proper vacuum/air pressure
must be re-created/re-charged, as the case may be, and the vacuum brake/air
brake must be applied before the sprags or wedges or scotch blocks removed
and/or hand-brakes released. Thereafter, the vacuum/air brakes may be
released to start the train.
(iii) The Loco pilot himself or, on his direction, the Assistant Loco Pilot,
shall be responsible for application and release of the hand brakes of wagons
behind the engine. The guard shall be responsible for similar action in regard
to the wagons inside the brake-van.
(iv) Considering the condition of brake power on train, the Loco Pilot
may take additional precautions as mentioned in sub-rule (i) above, during the
stoppage of his train on section flatter than 1 in 150 or 1 in 100 to avoid run

6.05. Sending advice of accident or break down.–

If the engine is, for any reason unable to proceed, the
Guard or in his absence the Loco Pilot, shall convey, by the most
expeditious means, advice to the nearest station, stating the
location, nature and cause of the accident and if assistance has
been asked for, the train shall not be moved until such
assistance arrives, provided that if the train is subsequently able
to move, it may do so at walking pace, but not unless a
competent railway servant has been sent with hand signals and
detonators to protect the train, such railway servant keeping at
least 400 meters in advance of the train, the other end of the
train being protected in a similar manner.
SR. 6.05.01.– (1) If a train is stopped between stations on account of
accident or breakdown or for any other reason, both the Guard and Loco Pilot
of such train after protecting the train in accordance with GR 6.03 shall advise
the Control office by means of portable control telephone set provided on the
train. In case this is not possible due to any reason, a train passing on the
other line should be stopped and given a written report for onward
transmission to the next station. In other cases written report of the accident
or breakdown should be sent through the Assistant Loco Pilot or the Asstt.

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

Guard duly signed by the Guard and/or Loco Pilot. On receipt of the
Guard/Loco Pilot's message, the Station Master on duty shall, if the station is
connected with control, relay the message through the Control phone to the
Power Controller for necessary assistance. In case of non-controlled section,
necessary telegram shall immediately be sent to the nearest Loco Foreman.
(2) (i) In the case of a train engine becoming disabled in midsection
and if the Loco Pilot is of the opinion that the defect cannot be rectified in 30
minutes, he shall inform the Guard immediately of this fact so that intimation
can be sent to the nearest station asking for relief engine/assistance.
(ii) If the Loco Pilot is of the opinion that the defect can be rectified
within 30 minutes, but finds at the end of 30 minutes that he has been unable
to do, he shall immediately inform the Guard so that
the nearest station can be informed asking for a relief engine/assistance.
(3) If before the arrival of the relief engine, the Loco Pilot finds that he
is able to move his train, he may do so by following GR 6.05 strictly.
6.06. Train in a block section without authority to proceed.–
(1) When a Loco Pilot becomes aware in a block section
that he does not have an authority to proceed or a proper
authority to proceed, he shall immediately stop the train.
(2) The train shall be treated as an obstruction in the block
section and protected as such, in accordance with Rule 6.03.
(3) The Guard, or in his absence the Loco Pilot, shall
convey the report of the occurrence to the nearest block station
by the most expeditious means and the train shall thereafter
move only in accordance with the instructions which may be
issued by the Station Master to whom the occurrence has been
reported :
Provided that when a proper tangible authority to proceed
is lost on the run, the Loco Pilot may proceed to the next station
and report the occurrence to the Station Master.
SR. 6.06.01. (c/slip123 added)

SR. 6.06.01:

I. Duties of Loco Pilot or Motorman

When a LP/MM, first becomes aware of the fact that he does not have an
Authority to proceed while in the block section, following action shall be

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

1. Loco Pilot shall stop the train immediately,

2. Loco Pilot shall sound the prescribed code of whistle repeatedly
(0____0) one short one long one short, which shall be acknowledged
by the Guard by waving red hand signal up and down.
3. Thereafter, the Guard and LP shall arrange to protect the train as per
GR 6.03(1)(i) (g) and SRs there under.
4. Information may be sent on the portable telephone or any approved
means of communications, if available, or by sending ALP or any
other railway servant to the nearest station to obtain written
permission or by sending information through the Guard /LP of train
passing over the adjacent line with the request to send written
permission through one of the staff.
II. Duties of SM :
1. The SM who receives such information on VHF or any other approved
means of communication regarding the train entered into block
sections without authority he shall at once inform the SM in advance
and the Section controller. He shall issue a written authority, in
consultation with the SM at the other end of the block section, to the LP
of the train to go ahead to the next station or to push back to the
station from where the train started, by issue of Caution Order.
2. When a train enters after passing approach (C Class Stations) and
or departure signals of a station and enters into the block section
without Authority to proceed, SM will immediately advise the station
in advance by giving prescribed bell code Six pause Five on double
line and Six pause Four on single line, on block phone saying Train
running without Authority to proceed loudly.
Section controller should also be advised and the gateman en-route
should be informed to stop the train by showing red hand signal as far
as possible.
3. On electrified section, the Traction Power Controller shall be either
directly or through the section controller, under exchange of Private
number informed immediately to switch off the OHE power of the
affected section (if TPC phone is available) wherever necessary. In
case, TPC has been directly informed first, Section controller has also
to be informed subsequently. It is the foremost duty of the Section
controller to repeat this to TPC when he gets such information first,
without fail. On getting information, TPC will switch off the concerned
section OHE immediately.
4. Advance Station SM in the train going direction will immediately
ensure that all signals are in ON position and the route is set and
locked for the clear line preferably main line, and arrange to place
3detenetors 10 meters apart as far away from the starter signal
(between home and a starter) as possible. The train shall not be turned
into dead end siding or derailed, unless it is necessary to do to avoid a

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

more serious accident. Vehicles which contain passengers or livestock

must not be derailed in this manner.
See BWM paras 2.07 (13, 14 &15) and SR 4.42.02(d)/SR 17.09.01(5)
(i) and SR 6.11.02 for detailed guidelines.
5. In the meantime, if train arrives and stops at or outside First Stop
Signal of next station, reception of the train should be done as per rule.
He can then arrange to remove detonators placed on the line before
admission of the train on that line.

6. Till the vehicles or train reaches to next station or clears the block
section affected both end block instruments shall be kept at “train on
line” position and signals at ON of the line concerned.
III. Duties of Guard:
In case the LP fails to stop and runs through disregarding approach
signal (in case of C-Class station) and or departure signals (in case of
other stations), the station staff should try to attract the attention of the
Guard. The guard on receiving danger signal from the station staff or
gate man, will try to attract the attention of LP and stop the train as
per GR 4.45.

6.07. Report of conditions likely to affect running of trains to

Controller or Centralised Traffic Control Operator.–
(1) Loco Pilots, Guards and Station Masters shall advise
the Controller or the Centralised Traffic Control Operator of any
known conditions or unusual circumstances likely to affect the
safe and proper working of trains.
(2) The Controller or the Centralised Traffic Control
Operator, on becoming aware of such defect or failure, shall
inform the same to the railway servant responsible for the
maintenance of the equipment and other railway servant
USR. 6.07(1)- In the event of the Loco pilot and/or Guard experiencing
any abnormal condition in the track over which his train has passed and he
considers that the portion of the track over which his train has passed is
detrimental for safe running of subsequent trains will take action as under:-
(a) Stop his train at next block station without clearing the block section
and inform the Station Master through available means of communication not
to permit any train from either end of the affected block section in case of
single line and from the rear in case of double line. In case of IBS and

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

automatic block territories, the Loco pilot must inform the Station Master and
Loco pilot of trains already left station in rear through available means of
communications to stop movement of trains;
(b) Proceed further, only after satisfying himself that Station Master has
clearly understood so as not to permit further movement over the line until a
written memo indicating the details of the occurrence is received by Station
Master from the Loco pilot. He will then again stop at the station at a
convenient place so as to deliver the written memo to the Station Master;
(c) the Station Master on receipt of such a memo must issue a message
addressed to the Station Master of the block station at the other end of the
block section, and Junior Engineer/ Section Engineer (P. Way), Assistant
Engineer, Divisional Engineer, Chief Controller and Divisional Operations
(d) arrange to dispatch by rail maintenance machine/tower wagon/light
engine or in their absence a train accompanied by an engineering official with
a caution order to the effect to stop dead sufficiently short of the expected
portion of the track. The engineering official accompanying will inspect the
track and shall allow the train to pass only after satisfying that the track is safe
for the passage of train. Advice the condition of the track and any restriction of
speed to be imposed to the Station Master personally or through written
memo which may be sent through the Loco pilot;
(e) in the absence of engineering officials, the train with a caution order
instructing the Loco pilot to stop dead before the affected kilometers and after
satisfying himself about the condition of the track pass over the track in
question at 10 kilometers per hour or if he finds the line unsafe to pass, return
to station in rear. If the Loco pilot is not able to detect any thing doubtful,
subsequent trains shall be dispatched with a speed restriction of 10 kilometers
per hour till the track is certified to be safe by engineering officials.
(f) if the condition as reported earlier is confirmed by the Loco pilot, no
train movement shall be allowed till certified to be safe by engineering
Note: In case the Guard of the train experiences any abnormal
occurrence in the track while working his train, he must inform the Loco pilot
of his train through Walkie-talkie or other available means of communication
between the Loco pilot and the Guard about the occurrence, after which the
Loco pilot shall take action as mentioned in USR 6.07(1)(a). In the event of
Guard unable to contact the Loco pilot, he should take action to stop the train
and inform the Loco pilot.
USR. 6.07(2) - As soon as information of sabotage or likely sabotage,
bomb blast explosion etc. to the track, bridges or other fixed installation is
received, the Station Master who becomes aware of it, will stop movement of
trains in the affected block section as well as on adjacent lines on
double/multiple line sections and will take action as per USR 6.07(1)(d) in
consultation with the Section Controller except that only rail maintenance

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

machine/tower wagon/light engine shall be sent to ascertain for the line to be

safe for the movement of the train.
USR. 6.07(3) - In the event of Loco pilot and/or Guard experiencing any
obstruction or any other unsafe condition, on or near the track adjacent to the
line over which his train has passed and which in his opinion is detrimental-to-
safe train running, will take the following remedial action:-
(a) immediately switch on the flasher light of his loco
(b) inform the Station Maser(s) concerned/control through the available
means of communication, and concurrently;
(c) stop his train and proceed with danger hand signals to protect the
line in question in terms of GR3.62;
(d) thereafter, he will continue journey to the next station cautiously
keeping flasher light on; and
(e) be prepared to stop any incoming train approaching on the affected
by communicating on Walkie talkie or other available means of
communication and exhibiting danger hand signal;
(f) on arrival at the next station he shall inform the Station Master
through a written memo about the occurrence;
(g) on receipt of such information the Station Master must take action
as per USR 6.07(1) (c) to (f).
6.08. Train parting.–
(1) If any portion of a train should, while in motion,
become detached–
(a) The Loco Pilot shall use his judgement to keep the
front portion in motion, if possible, until the rear portion has been
brought to a stand so as to avoid the chance of a collision
between the two portions; and sound the prescribed code of
whistle to inform the Guard of the parting.
(b) the Guard or Guards in the rear portion shall–
(i) do all they can to prevent a collision with the front
portion, and
(ii) promptly apply their hand-brakes, where provided, and
(c) the Loco Pilot of a banking engine, if any, shall bring
the rear portion to a stand and sound the prescribed code of
whistle to attract the attention of the Loco Pilot in the front
(2) As soon as the rear portion of a train has been
brought to a stand, the Guard of the train shall protect that
Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

portion in accordance with Rule 6.03 both in the front and the
rear, and take steps to secure the vehicles in stationary position
by pinning down hand brakes and wherever necessary and
prescribed by special instructions by use to sprags and chains
(3) The Guard shall indicate the parting of the train, by
waving in repeated motions a green flag by day, or a white light
by night, up and down vertically as high and as low as possible.
(4) When both portions of a parted train are brought to a
stand within sight of each other and it is possible and safe to
couple them, the train shall be coupled with due caution under
hand signals from the Guard provided necessary precautions
have been taken to secure the rear portion in the manner
described in sub-rule (2).
(5) If the Loco Pilot of the parted train has already reached
the block station in advance before he could bring the front
portion to a stop, he shall instantly warn the Station Master of the
parting as also the railway servant in charge of a cabin, if passed
on the way, and shall not give up the tangible authority to
proceed, if any, till the block section is cleared of all the vehicles
of his train.
(6) The duties of the Guard specified in this rule shall
devolve on the Loco Pilot in the absence of the Guard.
SR. 6.08.01.– (i) If there is a banking engine in the rear of the train, the
Loco Pilot of the banking engine shall arrange to protect the rear and the Guard
shall protect the front portion of the train left in midsection. The vehicles shall not
be moved till the train engine returns for them, or a relief engine arrives.
(ii) The Loco Pilot of the parted train shall warn the Guard by giving
one long, one short, one long, one short whistle ‘‘___ 0 ___ 0’’. Similar whistle
shall be given if the Loco Pilot of the parted train has already reached the
Block station in advance before he could bring the front portion to a stop.
6.09. Portion of train left in a block section.–
(1) When a train stopped in a block section has to be
divided in consequence of an accident or the inability of the
engine to take the whole train forward, the Guard of the train
shall immediately take steps to protect the rear portion of his
train in accordance with Rule 6.03.

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

(2) If the engine is capable of proceeding either with or

without vehicles, the Guard shall, after taking action as provided
for in sub-rule (1) and before uncoupling, put down the brakes
and shall, if necessary, otherwise carefully secure the rear
portion of the train to ensure its remaining stationary.
(3) When the Guard has taken action as provided for in
sub-rule (2), he shall give a written permission to the Loco Pilot to
uncouple and proceed to the next station and may, if he thinks fit
give him written instructions to return on the same line.
(4) On sections of the single line where token working is in
force, the Loco Pilot shall, before leaving any portion of his train
in a block section, hand over the token to the Guard from whom
he shall obtain a written receipt. The Guard shall retain the token
until the block section has been cleared of all vehicles of his
(5) At night or in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather
impairing visibility, as soon as the engine, whether with or without
vehicles is drawn forward, the Guard shall–
(a) Protect his train in the front also in accordance with
rule 6.03, and
(b) Also see that a red light is shown on the front vehicle of the
rear portion of the train.
(6) When the front portion of the train is taken forward, no
tail lamp or tail board shall be placed on the rear vehicle of that
portion of the train but the Guard shall give its number in full in
the written permission referred to in sub-rule (3).
(7) On entering a station with the knowledge that the block
section in rear is obstructed, the first duty of the Loco Pilot is
instantly to warn the Station Master of this fact. If a cabin is
passed on the way to the station, the railway servant in charge of
the cabin shall also be informed of the fact.
(8) When, under written instructions referred to in
sub-rule (3), the engine is to be brought back, the Guard shall,
until the arrival of the engine, continue to remain in rear of the
portion of the train left in the block section and shall not permit a

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

following train, if any, to move any of the vehicles under his

(9) (a) The Loco Pilot shall not bring his engine, with or
without vehicles, back on the same line unless he has received
written instructions under sub-rule (3) from the Guard to do so.
(b) In addition, on a multiple line section, the Loco Pilot
shall also have a written authority from the Station Master, who
shall ensure that no train is diverted on to or crossing the same
line on that portion of the track over which the said Loco Pilot
would be returning.
(c) The Station Master, before giving such written
authority, shall obtain necessary assurances as prescribed by
special instructions from the Station Master having diversion
facilities and also inform the Controller of the circumstances.
(10) On double or multiple line sections, the Loco Pilot
may under instructions from the Station Master, take the train
back on the proper line, according to the system of working until
he can cross on to the line on which he has left the rest of his
train and may then proceed by that line and after attaching the
engine shall work the train to the station to which he is directed.
(11) When ‘moving under written instructions against the
direction of traffic on a double line, or against the established
direction of traffic on a single line, the Loco Pilot shall proceed
cautiously and make frequent use of the prescribed code of
SR. 6.09.01.– (a) The Station Master shall verify the number of the
last vehicle of the portion of the train brought by the Loco Pilot with the
number mentioned by the Guard in the written permission mentioned sub-rule
(3) of GR 6.09 to ensure that the portion brought by the Loco Pilot is
(b) On Double line section provided with Lock and Block instruments
and on Single line section provided with Token less Block Instruments, or when
worked on paper line clear ticket, whenever a portion of a train has been
brought (other than the last portion by which the Block section is clear), the
Loco Pilot shall stop at the Home Signal while approaching the Block station
ahead and shall constantly sound one long, one short, one long and one short
whistle. The Station Master shall arrange to receive the portion of the train
(except the last portion) by piloting in, keeping necessary signals at ‘on’.

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

(c) For the purpose of sub-rule (7) of GR 6.09, it shall be necessary

for the Loco Pilot to inform the person in charge of the cabin in writing.
Signature of such person on the written permission issued by the Guard shall
be sufficient for this purpose.
(d) In case where Guard’s written permission to return has not been
given under sub-rule (3) of GR 6.09, the Station Master shall follow the
procedure as laid in SR 6.02.05.
(e) Guard’s written permission as mentioned in sub rule (3) of GR
6.09 shall be in the prescribed form no T/609.
SR. 6.09.02.– The ‘‘Train out of Block section’’ report shall not be
signalled to the Block station in rear unless the last portion of the train left in
the section clears the block section and Guard’s signature is obtained in the
Complete Arrival Register.
6.10. Fire.–
(1) A railway servant noticing a fire, likely to result in loss
of life or cause damage to property, shall take all possible steps
to save life and property, to prevent it from spreading and to
extinguish it.
(2) In case the fire is on or adjacent to any electrical
equipment, the railway servant shall, if he is competent in
handling electrical equipment and specially trained for the
purpose, have the affected part immediately isolated from its
source of supply of electrical energy.
(3) The occurrence of a fire shall, in every case, be
reported to the nearest Station Master by the most expeditious
means and the Station Master shall take such action as may be
prescribed by special instructions.
SR. 6.10.01.– (a) The Station Master, on receipt of the information
regarding a Fire accident shall intimate the nearest civil fire station and
Divisional Security Officer.
(b) Guards and Loco Pilots on seeing a sleeper, or any other
woodwork of the line on fire shall stop at once and extinguish the fire, taking
care that it is done effectively, and that nothing is left to smoulder when they
leave the spot. The nearest permanent way gang shall be advised of the
occurrence and it shall be reported at the first station at which the train stops,
unless, in the opinion of the train staff, there is reason to apprehend danger to
a train in passing over the spot, in which case, the train shall be stopped at
the first station and the matter reported. Further action shall be taken by the
Station Master in accordance with SR 2.11.01 (d) (ii) & (iii).

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

(c) The train staff may obtain the assistance of any passer-by or
adjacent villagers in case of emergency to obtain water, and assist in
extinction of fire, and may pay or promise to pay fair remuneration for such
(d) Any other Railway staff noticing fire shall take all possible steps
with available means to prevent it from spreading and to extinguish it.
SR. 6.10.02.– (a) In the event of a vehicle on a train being on fire, the
train shall be stopped and the burning vehicle isolated, a distance of not less
than 45 metres being left between it and the other vehicles of the train. The
train shall be protected in accordance with GR 6.03, if not protected by fixed
signals; every effort shall be made to extinguish the fire and to save the
wagon labels, seals and the contents of the vehicle.
Earth or sand, if available shall also be used. In case the fire is discovered
when the train is near a tank or a watering station, the Guard and Loco Pilot
shall use their discretion to proceed there, but no such attempt shall be made
until the portion of the train in rear of burning vehicle has been detached.
(b) In the case of fire occurring in a passenger train, the safety of the
passengers shall be first attended to. In case of postal van every effort shall
be made to save the mails.
(c) In an electrically fitted carriage, if the wood-work catches fire due to
short circuit, the electric couplers at both ends shall be disconnected and the
links from the battery fuse boxes removed.
(d) The fire appliances, available in the train and the engine shall be
made use of in all cases where fire has broken out.
(e) The practice of keeping a lighted ‘Chula’ or Stove in a carriage is
SR. 6.10.03.– (a) In the case of a fire on any part of any traction electrical
equipment, the affected part shall first be completely isolated from the distribution
system. If arcing continues due to feed from adjacent supply control posts, it shall
be got interrupted either by remote or local operation of switches. The fire shall be
extinguished by means of fire extinguishers provided. The Traction Power
Controller shall be informed immediately of the nature of the fire and the extent to
which it has affected supply.
(b) If any other person not specifically authorised notices a fire on or
adjacent to traction electrical equipment he shall make no attempt to
extinguish the fire but report the occurrence to the Traction Power Controller
by means of emergency telephone or to the nearest Station Master. In the
event of a Gang man noticing fire on or adjacent to traction electrical
equipment he shall inform any passing train or trolly. If there be more than one
gang man, the occurrence shall be reported to the
Station Master on either side.

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

(c) The Station Master on receipt of such information shall immediately

inform the Traction Power Controller who shall arrange for isolation of the affected
portion of the equipment and for extinguishing the fire.
SR. 6.10.04.– (a) In the event of fire on an electric engine, the Loco
Pilot shall immediately switch off the circuit breaker and lower the pantograph.
The train shall then be brought to a stand at once.
(b) After disconnecting the electric supply to the affected circuits, the
Loco Pilot shall take necessary action to put out the fire.
(c) If fire cannot be extinguished by the above means the Loco Pilot
shall advise the Traction Power Controller through the emergency telephone
to arrange for the affected section of the overhead equipment to be made
(d) The Guard and any other staff available shall render all possible
assistance to the Loco Pilot in putting out the fire.
(e) Fire extinguishers of an approved type for use on electrical fire
shall be provided on each electric engine/train and the Loco Pilot shall make
himself familiar with the location and use of these extinguishers. During the
periodical inspection of a locomotive the extinguishers shall be examined by
the locomotive inspecting staff.
SR. 6.10.05.– (a) Ordinary Fire extinguishers or water from a hose
pipe shall on no account be used to extinguish fire on live wire or electrical
equipment. If the services of the fire brigade are required, the brigade shall
not be allowed to commence operations until all electrical equipment in the
vicinity of the fire have been made dead.
(b) Fire extinguishers which have been used shall be replaced or
recharged with least delay.
(c) Sand bins are provided at Supply Control Posts, stations and signal
cabins. The supervising official in-charge shall see that the sand is kept dry and
clean and is not used for any other purpose.
6.11. Vehicles escaping from station. – If any vehicle escapes
from a station, the Station Master shall take immediate steps to
warn the other stations or persons concerned, as far as
practicable, to prevent an accident.
SR. 6.11.01.– (a) The Station Master shall advice the station in the
direction in which the vehicle has escaped, to take measures to stop the run-
away vehicle. In cases, when a vehicle has attained a high speed the Station
Master may stop it by taking means to derail it, vehicle which contains
passengers or live-stock must not be derailed in this manner.
• (b) See Block Working Manual also para 2.07 (13) (14) (15).

Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

SR. 6.11.02 (a): Precautions and preventions while vehicles (not containing
passengers or live stock) escaped from station (c/slip 123 added)

a) SM to immediately advise the station in the direction in which the

vehicle(s) has escaped by sending the prescribed signals on the block
instruments, where provided and also advise him on the telephone /
block phone.
b) Both the SMs shall immediately place signals at ON relating to the
block section into which the vehicle(s) has escaped and maintain them in
this position until they have satisfied themselves that the block section is
c) On double line sections, if the vehicle(s) has escaped on the wrong
line, stop trains proceeding in the direction on the right line, until it has been
ascertained that the escaped vehicle(s) is not the fouling the adjacent line.
d) The SM of the station towards which the escaped vehicle(s) is
travelling shall make every endeavor to stop it by covering the rails heavily
with sand earth or small stones for as great a distance as possible. If he does
not succeed in this attempt, he shall try to divert the vehicle into clear loop or
siding. Alternatively, the vehicle(s) may be permitted to run through the next
station provided the block section in advance is clear and is not on a falling
gradient. Next station should be advised immediately and the vehicle running
away signal must be given to the station ahead.
e) The vehicle may as a last resort, be derailed by placing a sleeper or
other obstacle on the line.

SR. 6.11.02 (b): Precautions and preventions while vehicles (containing

passengers) escaped from station.

As far as possible, the vehicle containing passengers should not be derailed

or turned into a derailing siding. If the block section ahead is clear and line is
not on a falling gradient, the vehicle may be allowed to run through the station
and the “vehicle running away” signal must be given to the stations ahead.
See BWM paras 2.07 (13, 14 &15) and SR 4.42.02(d)/SR/SR6.11.01/02 (a) &
17.09.01(5) (i) for broad guidelines.


Chapter- VI
Accidents and Unusual Occurrences

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Chapter- VII
System of Working


7.01. Systems of working –
(1) All trains working between stations shall be worked on one of
the following systems, namely: –
(a) The Absolute Block System.
(b) The Automatic Block System,
(c) The Following Trains System,
(d) The Pilot Guard System,
(e) The Train-staff and Ticket System, or
(f) The One Train Only System.

(2) The Absolute Block and the Automatic Block Systems alone
shall be used on every railway, except any railway or portion of a
railway on which the use of any other system of working
mentioned in sub-rule (1) may be sanctioned under special
instructions subject to the conditions applicable to each system
as described in these rules.

SR 7.01.01.–The Absolute Block System is in force in this railway in all

sections, except the following– (SR updated data based on information by divisions after
issuing of c/slip 135, under permission of authorized officer).

Section System of working in force

a) Ranchi Division
i) Ranchi- Namkom-Tatisilvai –
( UP & DN directions)- Automatic block system

b) Kharagpur Division
i) Tikiapara-Santragachi-
4 lines (Quadruple) Section- Automatic block section
ii) Santragachi-Kharagpur-
3 lines (Triple) Section- Automatic block section
iii) Bhanjpur-Bangriposi- One train only system

Chapter- VII
System of Working

c) ADRA Division
i) Bowaichandi-Masagram – One train only system

d) Chakradharpur Division
i) Tata –Adityapur- Double line Automatic block system
ii) Adityapur-Rajkharsawan -3 lines (Triple) Automatic block system
iii) Chandil-Sini- Double line Automatic block system
iv) Aunlajhari-Badampahar - One train only system
v) Aunlajhari-Gorumahisani- One train only system

The following may be added as a new SR below SR.7.01.01:

SR.7.01.02: Twin Single line working is in force in the following sections of the
Railway under Absolute Block system:
i) Govindpur Road-Karra- } (RNC Division)
ii) Balsiring-Lodhma }

iii) Kharagpur-Gokulpur-Midnapur- } (KGP Division)

iv) Santragachi-Shalimar } (KGP Division)
v) Kharagpur-Hijli-Kharagpur (via Up Joint line and via Departure
Yard Dn Joint line)

vi) Sudamdih-Bhowrah, }
vii) Radhagaon-A cabin of Bokaro steel city, }
viii) Tupkadih-Rajabera } (ADA Division)

ix) Barbil-Barajamda } (CKP Division)

x) Manoharpur-Goilkera – 3lines (joint line-1 (Dn), Joint line-2 (Up),
Joint line 3 (3rd line) } (CKP division)

7.02. Applicability of General Rules referring to the working

of signals and trains– All rules referring to the working of
signals and trains also apply to the systems of working detailed
in these rules, except where otherwise provided.

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System



A. Essentials
8.01. Essentials of the Absolute Block System. —
(1) Where trains are worked on the Absolute Block
(a) no train shall be allowed to leave a block station unless
Line Clear has been received from the block station in advance,
(b) on double lines such Line Clear shall not be given
unless the line is clear, not only up to the first Stop signal at the
block station at which such Line Clear is given but also for an
adequate distance beyond it ;
(c) on single lines such Line Clear shall not be given
unless the line is clear of trains running in the same direction, not
only up to the first Stop signal at the block station at which such
Line Clear is given, but also for an adequate distance beyond it,
and is clear of trains running in the direction towards the block
station to which such Line Clear is given.
(2) Unless otherwise directed by approved special
instructions, the adequate distance referred to in clauses (b) and
(c) of sub-rule (1) shall not be less than—
(a) 400 meters in case of two-aspect lower quadrant
signaling or two-aspect colour light signaling and
(b) 180 meters in case of multiple-aspect signaling or
modified lower quadrant signaling.

B. Conditions for granting Line Clear

8.02. Conditions for granting Line Clear at a class ‘A’
station. —

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

At a class ‘A’ station on single line or double line, the line

shall not be considered, clear and line clear shall not be given,
unless -
(a) the whole of the last preceding train has arrived
(b) all signals have been put back to’ ON’ behind the said
(c) the line on which it is intended to receive the incoming
train is clear up to the Starter; and
(d) all points have been correctly set and all facing points
have been locked for the admission of the train on the said line.
8.03. Conditions for granting Line Clear at a class ‘B’
station. —
(1) At a class ‘B’ station on double line, the line shall not
be considered clear and Line Clear shall not be given, unless—
(a) the whole of the last preceding train has arrived
complete inside the outermost facing points or the Block Section
Limit Board, if any.
(b) all necessary signals have been put back to ‘ON’
behind the said train; and
(c) the line is clear-
(i) at stations equipped with two-aspect signaling-up to the
Home signal, or
(ii) at stations equipped with multiple-aspect signaling or
modified lower quadrant signaling-up to the outermost facing
points or the Block Section Limit Board (if any).
(2) At a class ‘B’ station on single line, the line shall not be
considered clear and Line Clear shall not be given unless
(a) the whole of the last preceding train has arrived
(b) all necessary signals have been put back to’ ON’ behind
the said train; and

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

(c) the line is clear —

(i) at stations equipped with two-aspect signaling-up to the
Shunting Limit Board or Advanced Starter (if any) at that end of the
station nearest to the expected train.
up to the Home signal if there is no Shunting Limit Board
Advanced Starter,
up to the outermost facing points if there is no Shunting
Limit Board or Advanced Starter or Home signal;

(ii) at stations equipped with multiple-aspect signaling or

modified lower quadrant signaling-
Up to the Shunting Limit Board or Advanced Starter (if
any) at the end of the station nearest to the expected train,
up to the outermost facing points if there is no Shunting
Limit Board or Advanced Starter.
Note.— At a class ’B’ single line station, this rule does not forbid direct
reception of a train from one side, when Line Clear has been given to the
block station on the other side provided the distance between the Home signal
and outermost facing points in multiple -aspect signaling, or modified lower
quadrant signaling is not less than the sum-total of the adequate distances
prescribed in Rule 8.01in regard to conditions for granting Line Clear and Rule
3.40 in regard to conditions for taking ‘OFF’ Home signal for the admission of
a train even where Shunting Limit Boards or Advanced Starters have not been
provided as prescribed in sub- rule (1) of Rule 3.32.

See illustrative diagrams of GR 8.16 (Pages ________ to _________)

8.04. Conditions for granting Line Clear at a class ‘C’

station, — At a Class ‘C’ station on single line or double line in
two-aspect, multiple-aspect or modified lower quadrant signaling
the line shall not be considered clear and Line clear shall not be
given, unless—
(a) The whole of the last preceding train has passed
complete at least 400 meters beyond the Home signal and is
continuing its journey; and

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

(b) All signals taken off’ for the preceding train have been
put back to ‘ON’ behind the said train;

Provided that on a single line the line is also clear of trains

running in the opposite direction towards the block hut from the
block station at the other end.
C. Obstruction-Double Line

8.05. Obstruction on double line at a block station when a train

is approaching. —
(1) Class ‘A’ station—When Line Clear has been given no
obstruction shall be permitted outside the Home signal, or, on the
line on which it is intended to admit the train, up to the Starter
pertaining to the said line.

(2) Class ‘B’ station-When Line Clear has been given, no

obstruction shall be permitted outside the station section but
shunting within the station section may go on continuously,
provided the necessary signals are kept at’ ON’.

(3) When signals have been taken ‘OFF’ for an incoming

train on to a line which is not isolated no shunting movement
shall be carried on towards the points over which the incoming
train will pass.

SR. 8.05.01.-- Shunting at a station after taking off signals for an

incoming train on to a line which is isolated in accordance with GR 4.11 may
be prohibited or restricted in the Station Working Rules, keeping in view the
local conditions.

8.06. Obstruction on double line in the block section. -

(1) When Line Clear has been given, no obstruction shall
be permitted in the block section in rear.

(2) Shunting or obstruction for any other purpose shall not

be permitted in the block section in rear unless it is clear and is
blocked back.

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

(3) Shunting or obstruction for any other purpose shall not

be permitted in the block section in advance unless it is clear and
is blocked forward:

Provided that when the block section in advance is

occupied by a train traveling away from the station, shunting or
obstruction may be permitted behind the train under special
instructions taking into consideration the speed, weight and
brake power of trains and the gradients on the section, and as
soon as intimation has been received that the train has arrived at
the block station in advance the line shall be blocked forward if it
is still obstructed.
NOTE- See Rule 8.14 also.

SR. 8.06.01.--Special instructions referred to in GR 8.06(3) shall be

incorporated in the Station Working Rules.
D. Obstruction -Single Line

D. 1. Class ‘A’ Stations

8.07. Obstruction on single line at a class ‘A’ station when a

train is approaching. —When Line Clear has been given, no
obstruction shall be permitted outside the Home signal or on the
line on which it is intended to admit the train, up to the Starter
which controls the train.
8.08. Obstructing the block section at a class ‘A’ station on
single line. — The block section shall not be obstructed for
shunting purposes, unless -

(a) the Station Master has received Line Clear from the
Station Master at the other end of the block section, or

(b) the block section is blocked back, or

(c) is occupied by a train traveling away from the block

station at which the shunting is to be performed which shunting
may be permitted under special instructions taking into
consideration the speed, weight and brake power of trains and
Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

the gradient on the section. As soon as intimation has been

received that the train has arrived, the block section shall be
blocked back, and

(d) the Loco pilot or other person in charge of the shunting

operations has received distinct orders from the Station Master
to shunt in a manner directed by special instructions.

SR. 8.08.01.—Special instructions shall be incorporated in the Station

Working Rules.

D.2 Class ‘B’ Stations

8.09. Obstruction in face of an approaching train at a class

’B’ station on single line.- The line outside the Home signal in
two-aspect signaling territory or outermost facing points in
multiple-aspect or modified lower quadrant signaling territory in
the direction of a train for which Line Clear has been given, shall
only be obstructed when a Shunting Limit Board or an Advanced
Starter is provided and under special instructions which take into
consideration the speed, weight and brake power of trains, the
gradients , the position of the first Stop signal and the distance
from which that signal can be seen by the Loco pilot of an
approaching train.

SR. 8.09.01.--Special instruction shall be incorporated in the Station

working Rules.

SR. 8.09.02.--(a) At ‘B’ class stations where shunting Limit Boards or

Advanced Starters are provided, shunting in face of an approaching train is
permitted under the three following conditions namely: -

(i) That at such station shunting has been authorised by the Divisional
Safety officer.

(ii) The shunting can be completed within the period of time fixed by
the Divisional Safety Officer as the limit up to which shunting may be
performed after “Line Clear” has been given for a train. Once this limit
of time is reached shunting shall be stopped whether the train due to
arrive is in sight or not.

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

(iii) That shutting is performed between the limits of the Shunting Limit
Board or Advanced Starters.

(b) (i) Before commencing such shunting, Station Masters and Guards
must consider whether the shunting can be performed in such a way
as to avoid doing it in the face of an approaching train.

(ii) Provisions in the Station Working Rules permitting such shunting

operation shall take into consideration the gradient within Station
Limits, and leading out of Station Limits, but under no circumstances
shall such permission be granted where the following conditions exist:
(a) If a falling grade within a station yard is steeper than 1 in 400 and
is followed up to and beyond the Station Limit by a falling gradient
steeper than 1 in 400.

(b) If a gradient in a station yard (whether falling or rising) is flatter

than 1 in 400 and is followed by a falling grade steeper than 1 in 260
starting from a point at a distance less than 240 meters from the limits
of the Station Yard.

NOTE: - For purpose of this rule a motor trolly shall not be treated as a train.

8.10. Obstruction within station section at a class ‘B’ Station

on single line. —
(1) If the necessary signals are kept at’ ON’ shunting may
be carried on within the station section, provided the provisions
of Rule 8.09 are complied with for shunting up to Shunting Limit
Board or Advanced Starter, where provided.

(2) When signals have been taken’ off’ for an incoming

train on to line which is not isolated, no shunting movement shall
be carried on towards the points over which the incoming train
will pass.

8.11. Obstruction outside station section at a class ’B’ single

line station equipped with two- aspect signals. - The line
outside the station section and up to the outer signal shall not be
obstructed unless a railway servant specially appointed in this
behalf by the Station Master is in charge of the operations, and
unless —

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

(a) The block section into which the shunting is to take

place is clear of an approaching train and all relevant and
necessary signals are at ‘ON’ position, or
(b) If an approaching train has arrived at the Outer signal,
the Station Master has personally satisfied himself that the train has
been brought to a dead stand at the signal:

Provided that the line shall not be obstructed under clause

(b) in thick, foggy or, tempestuous weather impairing visibility, or
in any case unless authorised by special instructions.

SR. 8.11.01.—Special instructions shall be incorporated in the Station

Working Rules.

8.12. Obstruction outside station section at class ‘B’ single

line station equipped with manually operated multiple
aspect signals. — The line outside the station section and up to
the first Stop signal shall not be obstructed unless a railway
servant specially appointed in this behalf by the Station Master is
in charge of the operations, and unless the block section into
which the shunting is to take place is clear of an approaching

8.13. Obstruction outside the first Stop signal at a class ‘B’

station on single line. —The line outside the first Stop signal
shall not be obstructed unless the line has been blocked back.

E. General Provisions

8.14. Block back or Block forward. — Block back or block

forward shall be done only in accordance with the procedure
prescribed by special instructions.
SR. 8.14.01.-- The procedure of Block back and Block forward are
prescribed in the Block Working Manual.

8.15. Authority for shunting or obstruction in block section.

— While permitting shunting or obstruction in the block section,
the Loco pilot shall be given authority for shunting in the block
Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

section as prescribed under special instructions which authority

may be. —

(a) either a shunting arm of prescribed size and design on

the same post as under the last Stop signal, or

(b) a token of prescribed design, or

(c) a written permission to shunt.

SR. 8.15.01.-- (a) The authority for shunting in block section shall be
in the prescribed form T-806 except as mentioned in sub-rule(b).

(b) At stations provided with Token less single line Block Instrument, the
authority of shunting in block section shall be the ‘OCC key’ or ‘SKB’ (SH key-
new key in Daido) as the case may be except that when permitting shunting in
terms of Rule 8.11 (b) the authority shall be as indicated in sub-rule(c) below.

(c) Whenever shunting is allowed in terms of GR 8.11,8.12. and under

provision to GR 8.06.(3) i.e., rear of a traveling away train, the circumstances
under which such shunting is allowed shall be endorsed on the prescribed
form T-806.

(d) Whenever the authority mentioned in sub-rule (a) is issued after

block back or block forward in terms of GR 8.06 (2) , 8.13 and 8.06 (3) . the
private Number received from the Station Master at the other end of the
concerned section, shall be recorded on it.

8.16. Illustrative diagrams. — Class ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ stations on

single line and double line are illustrated in the following diagrams,
which are not drawn to scale.

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

C class double line station in multi aspect with distant & home
multi distant

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

C class single line station in two aspect with warner and home
signals: -

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System

Chapter- VIII
The Absolute Block System


The Automatic Block System




A. Rules applicable to Double Line

9.01. Essentials of the Automatic Block System on Double
(1) Where trains on a double line are worked on the
Automatic Block System.—
(a) The line shall be provided with continuous track
circuiting or axle counters,
(b) The line between two adjacent block stations may,
when required be divided into a series of automatic block
signaling sections each of which is the portion of the running line
between two consecutive Stop signals, and the entry into each of
which is governed by a Stop signal, and
(c) The track circuits or axle counters shall so control the
Stop signal governing the entry into an automatic block signaling
section that—
(i) The signal shall not assume on ‘off’ aspect unless the
line is clear not only up to the next Stop signal in advance but
also for an adequate distance beyond it, and
(ii) The signal is automatically placed to’ ON’ as soon as it is
passed by the train.
(2) Unless otherwise directed by approved special
instructions, the adequate distance referred to in sub- clause (i)
of clause (c) of sub-rule (1) shall not be less than 120 meters.

"(3) (a) under special instructions, one of the automatic stop

signal between two stations in the automatic block signaling
territory in each direction may be made as modified semi-
automatic stop signal;

The Automatic Block System

(b) the mid-section modified semi-automatic stop signal

so provided shall be interlocked with the signals of the station
ahead through track circuits or axle counters or both and shall be
controlled by the Station Master of the station ahead, the
relevant indications whether the signal is in normal automatic
mode or modified semi-automatic mode shall be available to the
Station Masters at both the ends;
c) Advanced starter signal of the station in rear shall be
interlocked with the mid-section modified semi-automatic stop
signal in such a way that when working with 'A' sign
extinguished, the Advanced starter shall assume 'off’ aspect or
be taken 'off’ only when the line is clear up to an adequate
distance beyond the mid-section modified semi-automatic stop
signal; similarly the mid-section modified semi-automatic stop
signal shall assume 'off’ aspect automatically or be taken 'off’
only when the line is clear up to an adequate distance beyond
the Home signal of the station ahead;
(d) during abnormal conditions like fog, bad weather
impairing visibility, the mid-section modified semi-automatic stop
signal may be worked by extinguishing ‘A' marker in the manner
prescribed under special instructions and this action shall also
ensure that the 'A' marker of the Advanced starter signal of the
station in rear and Home signal of the station in advance shall
also be extinguished;
(e) the adequate distance mentioned under clause (c)
shall not be less than as prescribed under sub-rule (2);
(f) during normal conditions, mid-section modified semi-
automatic stop signal shall work as normal automatic stop signal.
(4) (a) when the Loco Pilot finds mid-section modified semi-
automatic stop signal with 'A' marker extinguished in 'on'
position, he shall stop his train in the rear of the signal and inform
this fact to the Station Master of the station ahead on approved
means of communication as prescribed under special
(b) the Station Master of the station ahead may authorise
the Loco Pilot to pass the mid-section modified semi-automatic

The Automatic Block System

stop signal working with 'A' marker extinguished in 'on' position

through approved means of communication after ensuring
conditions and procedure prescribed under special instructions;
(c) in case the Loco Pilot is unable to contact the Station
Master of station ahead, he shall pass the signal at 'on' after waiting
for five minutes at the signal and proceed cautiously and be
prepared to stop short of any obstruction, at a speed not exceeding
ten kilometers an hour up to the next Signal and act as per aspect
of this signal; and
(d) the Loco Pilot shall report the failure of mid-section
modified semiautomatic stop signal to the Station Master of the
station ahead."

9.02. Duties of Loco pilot and Guard when an Automatic

Stop signal on double line is to be passed at ‘ON’.-
(1) When a Loco pilot finds an Automatic Stop signal with
an ‘A’ marker at ‘ON’, he shall bring his train to a stop in the rear
of the signal. After bringing his train to a stop in the rear of the
signal, the Loco pilot shall wait there for one minute by day and
two minutes by night.
If after waiting for this period, the signal continues to
remain at ‘ON’, he shall give the prescribed code of whistle and
exchange signals with the Guard and then proceed ahead, as far
as the line is clear, towards the next Stop signal in advance
exercising great caution so as to stop short of any obstruction.
(2) The Guard shall show a Stop hand signal towards the
rear when the train has been so stopped at an Automatic Stop
signal, except as provided for in sub-rule (4).
(3) Where owing to the curvature of the line, fog, rain or
dust storm, engine working the train pushing it, or other causes,
the line ahead cannot be seen clearly, the Loco Pilot shall
proceed at a very slow speed, which shall under no
circumstances, exceed 10 kilometers an hour. Under these
circumstances, the Loco Pilot, when not accompanied by an
Assistant Loco Pilot, or if he considers necessary even

The Automatic Block System

otherwise, may seek the assistance of the Guard by giving the

prescribed Code of whistle.
(4) When so sent for by the Loco Pilot, the Guard shall
accompany him on the engine cab, before he moves forward, to
assist the Loco pilot in keeping a sharp look-out.
(5) When an Automatic Stop signal has been passed at
‘ON’, the Loco pilot shall proceed with great caution until the next
Stop signal is reached. Even if this signal is ‘OFF’, the Loco pilot
shall continue to look out for any possible obstruction short of the
same. He shall proceed cautiously up to that signal and shall act
upon its indication only after he has reached it.

SR. 9.02.01. – (a) When a Loco pilot finds an Automatic Stop signal
with an ‘A’ Marker at ‘on’, he shall, while bringing his train to a stop in rear of it,
draw his train as close as possible in rear of the signal.
(b) (i) After the signal has been passed at ‘On’ and while taking the train
under sub-rule (1) of General Rule 9.02, the Loco Pilot shall so regulate the
speed of his train so as to be able to stop within half the distance up to which
the line ahead can be seen clearly. But in any case, subject to the observance
of speed limit prescribed under sub-rule (3) of General Rule 9.02, the speed of
the train shall NOT exceed 15 kilometers per hour even in normal conditions of
visibility until the next Stop signal is reached looking out for any possible
obstruction/train and be prepared to stop short of the same. In all cases after
passing an Automatic Stop signal at ‘On’, the Loco Pilot of the following train
shall ensure that a minimum distance of 150 meters or two clear OHE masts is
maintained between his train (in clear weather) and the preceding train, if any,
or any obstruction on the line ahead. However, in the case of EMU trains the
minimum distance of 75 meters or one OHE mast shall be maintained between
EMU train and a preceding train if any or any obstruction on line ahead.
However, during dense fog, after passing an Automatic Stop Signal at ‘On’
(Red), the Loco Pilot / Motorman of the train hauled by any locomotive including
EMU train shall, while moving at a speed not exceeding 10 kmph, should
ensure that he maintains a reasonable distance at which he is able to observe
the flashing tail lamp of the train ahead or the obstruction, as the case may be.
While doing so he may control the speed of the train/EMU, MEMU, DEMU etc.
so as to be able to stop adequately short of the train or obstruction. In special
circumstances like floods etc. The following train may of course, be pulled
closer to the preceding train or obstruction.
(ii) a) The Guard of a train shall watch that the Loco Pilot/Motorman
does not exceed the speed prescribed under sub-rule (3) of GR 9.02 and
clause (i) sub-rule (b) of SR 9.02.01.

The Automatic Block System

b) In the case of EMU trains if the Motorman exceeds the speed

prescribed, the Guard (when not travelling with the Motorman) shall give three
pause three rings on the bell code to warn the motorman and take action as
prescribed in GR 4.45.

c) In case of other trains if the Loco Pilot exceeds the speed

prescribed, the Guard shall take action as per GR 4.45.
SR. 9.02.02. – When a Loco Pilot comes across an Automatic stop
signal which is flickering/bobbing, he shall treat the signal to be showing its
most restrictive aspect and bring his train to a stop in rear of the signal. If the
signal assumes a steady aspect and remains steady for at least 60 seconds, he
shall act according to the steady aspect so displayed by the signal. But if the
signal continues to flicker or bob and does not assume steady aspect for at
least 60 seconds, he shall treat the signal as defective and take action in
accordance with General Rule 9.02 and Subsidiary Rule 9.02.01.

B. Rules applicable to Single Line

9.03. Essentials of the Automatic Block System on single

(1) Where trains on a single line are worked on the
Automatic Block System.—
(a) The line shall be provided with continuous track
circuiting or axle counters,
(b) The direction of traffic shall be established only after
Line Clear has been obtained from the block station in advance.
(c) A train shall be started from one block station to
another only after the direction of traffic has been established.
(d) It shall not be possible to obtain Line Clear unless the
line is clear, at the block station from which Line Clear is
obtained not only up to the first Stop signal but also for an
adequate distance beyond it,
(e) The line between two adjacent block stations may, where
required, be divided into two or more automatic block signaling
sections by provision of Stop signals.
(f) After the direction of traffic has been established,
movement of trains into, through and out of each automatic block
The Automatic Block System

signaling section shall be controlled by the concerned Automatic

Stop signal and the said Automatic Stop signal shall not assume
‘off’ position unless the line is clear up to the next Automatic Stop
signal; Provided further that where the next Stop signal is a
Manual Stop signal, the line is clear for an adequate distance
beyond it, and
(g) All Stop signals against the direction of traffic shall be
at ‘on’.
(2) Unless otherwise directed by approved special instructions,
the adequate distance referred to in clauses (d) and (f) of sub-rule (1)
shall not be less than 180 meters.

"(3)(a) under special instructions, one of the automatic stop

signal between two stations in the automatic block signalling
territory In each direction may be made as modified semi-
automatic stop signal;
(b) the mid-section modified semi-automatic stop signal so
provided shall be interlocked with the signals of the station ahead
through track circuits or axle counters or both and shall be
controlled by the Station Master of the station ahead, the
relevant indications whether the signal is in normal automatic
mode or modified semi-automatic mode shall be available to the
Station Masters at both the ends;
(c) Advanced starter signal of the station in rear shall be
interlocked with the mid-section modified semi-automatic stop
signal in such a way that when working with 'A' sign
extinguished, the Advanced starter shall assume 'off’ aspect or
be taken 'off’ only when the line is clear up to an adequate
distance beyond the mid-section modified semi-automatic stop
signal; similarly the mid-section modified semi-automatic stop
signal shall assume 'off’ aspect automatically or be taken 'off’
only when the line is clear up to an adequate distance beyond
the Home signal of the station ahead;
(d) during abnormal conditions like fog, bad weather
impairing visibility, the mid-section modified semi-automatic stop
signal may be worked by extinguishing 'A' marker in the manner
The Automatic Block System

prescribed under special instructions and this action shall also

ensure that the 'A' marker of the Advanced starter signal of the
station in rear and Home signal of the station in advance shall
also be extinguished;
(e) the adequate distance mentioned under clause (c)
shall not be less than as prescribed under sub-rule (2);
(f)during normal conditions, mid-section modified semi-automatic
stop signal shall work as normal automatic stop signal.
(4) (a) when the Loco Pilot finds mid-section modified semi-
automatic stop signal with 'A' marker extinguished in 'on'
position, he shall stop his train in the rear of the signal and inform
this fact to the Station Master of the station ahead on approved
means of communication as prescribed under special
(b) the Station Master of the station ahead may authorize
the Loco Pilot to pass the mid-section modified semi-automatic
stop signal working with 'A' marker extinguished in 'on' position
through approved means of communication after ensuring
conditions and procedure prescribed under special instructions;
(c) in case the Loco Pilot is unable to contact the Station
Master of station ahead, he shall pass the signal at 'on' after waiting
for five minutes at the signal and proceed cautiously and be
prepared to stop short of any obstruction, at a speed not exceeding
ten kilometers an hour up to the next Signal and act as per aspect
of this signal; and
(d) the Loco Pilot shall report the failure of mid-section
modified semiautomatic stop signal to the Station Master of the
station ahead.

9.04. Minimum equipment of fixed signals in Automatic

Block territory on single line.— The minimum equipment of
fixed signals to be provided for each direction shall be follows —
(a) Manual Stop signals at a station —
(i) a Home,

The Automatic Block System

(ii) a Starter.
(b) An Automatic Stop signal in rear of the Home signal of the

NOTE - Under approved special instructions, the Automatic Stop signal may be
dispensed with.

9.05. Additional fixed signal in Automatic Block territory on

single line.—
(1) Besides the minimum equipment prescribed in Rule
9.04 one or more additional Automatic Stop signals, as are
considered necessary, in between block stations, may be
(2) In addition, such other fixed signals as may be
necessary for the safe working of trains may be provided.

9.06. Conditions for taking ‘OFF’ Manual Stop signals in

Automatic Block territory on Single line.—
(1) Home signal— When a train is approaching a Home
signal otherwise than at terminal station, the signal shall not be
taken ‘OFF’ unless the line is clear not only up to the Starter but
also for an adequate distance beyond it.
(2) Last Stop signal— The last Stop signal shall not be
taken ‘OFF’ for a train unless the direction of traffic has been
established and the line is clear up to the next Automatic Stop
signal, or when the next Stop signal is a Manual Stop signal for
an adequate distance beyond it.
(3) The adequate distance referred to in sub-rules (1) and
(2) shall never be less than 120 meters and 180 meters
respectively unless otherwise directed by approved special
Instructions. A sand Champ of approved design or subject to the
sanction of the Commissioner of Railway Safety, a derailing
switch shall be deemed to be an efficient substitute for the
adequate distance referred to in sub-rule (1).

The Automatic Block System

9.07. Duties of Loco pilot and Guard when an Automatic

Stop signal on single line is to be passed at ‘ON’.-
(1) When a Loco pilot finds an Automatic Stop signal with
an ‘A’ market at ‘ON’ he shall bring his train to a stop in rear of
that signal and wait there for one minute by day two minutes by
(2) If after waiting for this period the signal continues to
remain at ‘ON’ and, if telephone communication is provided near
the signal, the Loco pilot shall contact the Station Master of the
next block station or the Centralised Traffic Control Operator of
the section where Centralised Traffic Control is provided, and
obtain his instructions. The Station Master or the Centralised
Traffic Control Operator, as the case may be, shall after
ascertaining that there is no train ahead up to the next signal and
that it is otherwise safe for the Loco pilot to proceed so far as is
known, give permission to the Loco pilot to pass the signal in the
‘ON’, position and proceed up to the next signal, as may be
provided under special instructions.
(3) If no telephone communication is provided near the
signal or if the telephone communication provided near the signal
is out of order and cannot be made use of, the Loco pilot shall
give the prescribed code of whistle and exchange signals with
the Guard and then proceed past the signal as far as the line is
clear, up to the next stop signal in advance, exercising great
caution so as to stop short of any obstruction.
(4) The Guard shall show a Stop hand signal towards the
rear when the train has been so stopped at an Automatic Stop
signal, except as provided for under sub-rule (6).
(5) Where owing to the curvature of the line, fog, rain or
dust storm, engine working the train pushing it, or other causes,
the line ahead cannot be seen clearly, the Loco Pilot shall
proceed at a very slow speed, which shall under no
circumstances exceed 10 kilometers an hour. Under these
circumstances, the Loco Pilot, when not accompanied by an
Assistant Loco Pilot, or if he considers it necessary even

The Automatic Block System

otherwise, may seek the assistance of the Guard by giving the

prescribed code of whistle.
(6) When so sent for by the Loco pilot, the Guard shall
accompany him on the engine cab before he moves forward to
assist the Loco pilot in keeping a sharp lookout.
(7) When an Automatic Stop signal has been passed at’
on’, the Loco pilot shall proceed with great caution until the next
Stop signal is reached. Even if this signal is ‘off’, the Loco pilot
shall continue to look out for any possible obstruction short of the
same. He shall proceed cautiously up to that signal and shall act
upon its indication only after he has reached it.
SR. 9.07.01. – (a) When a Loco Pilot finds an Automatic Stop Signal with
an ‘A’ Marker at ‘on’, he shall, while bringing his train to a stop in rear of it, draw
his train as close as possible in rear of the signal.

(b) (i) After the signal has been passed at ‘on’ and while taking the
train under sub-rule (3) of General Rule 9.07, the Loco Pilot shall so regulate
the speed of his train so as to be able to stop within half the distance up to
which the line ahead can be seen clearly. But in any case, subject to the
observance of speed limit prescribed under sub-rule (5) of General Rule 9.07,
the speed of the train shall NOT exceed 15 kilometers per hour even in
normal conditions of visibility until the next Stop signal is reached, looking out
for any possible obstruction/train and be prepared to stop short of the same.
In all cases after passing an Automatic Stop signal at ‘On’, the Loco Pilot of
the following train shall ensure that a minimum distance of 150 meters or two
clear OHE masts is maintained between his train and the preceding train, or
any obstruction on line except in the case of EMU train following where the
above distance may be reduced to 75 meters or one clear OHE span.
However, during dense fog, after passing an Automatic Stop Signal at ‘On’
(Red), the Loco Pilot / Motorman of the train hauled by any locomotive
including EMU train shall, while moving at a speed not exceeding 10 kmph,
should ensure that he maintains a reasonable distance at which he is able to
observe the flashing train lamp of the train ahead or the obstruction, as the
case may be. He shall control the speed of the train/EMU, MEMU, DEMU etc.
so as to be able to stop adequately short of the train or obstruction. In special
circumstances like floods etc. the following train may of course, be pulled
closer to the preceding train or obstruction.
(ii) a) The Guard of a train shall watch that the Loco Pilot/Motorman
does not exceed the speed prescribed under sub-rule (5) of General Rule
9.07 and clause (i) sub-rule (b) of SR 9.07.01.

The Automatic Block System

b) In the case of EMU trains if the Motorman exceeds the speed

prescribed, the Guard (when not travelling with the Motorman) shall give three
pause three rings on the bell code to warn the motorman and take action as
prescribed in GR 4.45.

c) In case of other trains if the Loco Pilot exceeds the speed

prescribed, the Guard shall take action as per GR 4.45.

SR. 9.07.02. – When a Loco Pilot finds an Automatic stop signal

flickering/bobbing, he shall take action in accordance with SR 9.02.02 except
that when the signal continues to flicker or bob and does not assume steady
aspect for at least 60 seconds, he shall treat the signal as defective and take
action in accordance with General Rule 9.07 and Subsidiary Rule 9.07.01.

9.08. Person in charge of working trains on Automatic Block

System on single line.—
(1) Except where Centralised Traffic Control is in
operation, the Station Master shall be responsible for the working
of trains at and between stations.

(2) On a section where Centralised Traffic Control is in

operation, the Centralised Traffic Control operator shall be
responsible for the working of trains on the entire section except
as provided for in sub-rule (3).

(3) On a section where Centralised Traffic Control is in

operation, the working of trains at a station or part of a station
may be taken over by or handed over to the Station Master
during emergency or as prescribed by special instructions. When
such emergency control is transferred, the Station Master shall
be the person in charge of working trains at the station or part of
the station and the station shall be worked in accordance with
sub-rule (1).

C. Rules applicable to both Double and Single lines

9.09. Working of trains on Centralised Traffic Control

territory. - On a section where Centralised Traffic Control is in

The Automatic Block System

operation, the working of trains shall be governed by special


9.10. Protection of a train stopped in an automatic block

signaling section. —

(1) When a train is stopped in an Automatic block

signaling section, the Guard shall immediately exhibit a Stop
hand signal towards the rear and checkup that the tail board or
tail light is correctly exhibited.

(2) If the stoppage is on account of accident, failure or

obstruction and the train cannot proceed, the Loco pilot shall
sound the prescribed code of whistle and the train shall be
protected immediately as per Rule 6.03 except that for the
protection of the occupied line one detonator shall be placed at
90 meters from the train on the way out and similarly two
detonators, 10 meters apart, not less than 180 meters from the
train or at such distance as has been fixed by special

9.11. Loco pilot to report failures. —

(1) When a Loco pilot has to pass an Automatic stop signal
at ‘ON’, he shall stop his train at the next reporting station or cabin
as prescribed by special instructions and report particulars of
Automatic Stop signals passed at ‘ON’ by him.
(2) The Station Master or person in charge of the reporting
station or cabin shall promptly report the fact to the signal and
operating officials concerned.
SR 9.11.01. – The Loco Pilot shall report to the Station Master at
stations given below about the failure of an Automatic Stop signal, in writing,
quoting the signal number.
Section Stations
Howrah-Kharagpur (i) Suburban trains Up/Dn at terminating
(ii) Dn goods trains at Santragachi.
(iii) Dn coaching trains – Howrah.

The Automatic Block System

(iv) Up Goods/Coaching trains – Kharagpur

Tatanagar- Tatanagar, Gamharia, Sini, Rajkharswan

Chandil-Sini Chandil, Kandra, Sini.
HTE-MURI RNC, NKM, TIS (Up & Dn) [c/slip 133 added]

SR. 9.11.02. – The Station Master on receipt of signal failures shall at

once advise by telephone the Signal Maintainer, the Controller and the Station
Master in rear and other concerned giving correct number of the signal and
time of failure in accordance with SR 3.68.01.
SR. 9.11.03. – After failure has been rectified, the Signal Maintainer
shall immediately advise the Station Master on duty of the nearest station who
will inform the Controller and other concerned giving them the time when
failure was rectified.
SR. 9.11.04. – Whenever any Automatic Signal is passed at ‘ON’ the
Guard shall record in his journal the time of passing the next signal. All such
cases of passing the Automatic Stop signal at ‘on’ together with the timings of
passing the two signals, shall be recorded in a special Register to be
maintained in Control Office, and this shall be periodically scrutinized by the
Operating Officers to ensure that the Loco Pilots take not less than the
minimum running time required for observing the speed restrictions and
cautious driving.
SR. 9.11.05 – When a Loco Pilot / Motorman finds an Automatic Stop
signal with an ‘A’ Marker or a Semi-Automatic Stop signal when working as
Automatic Stop signal displaying more than one aspect simultaneously other
than what have been prescribed under General Rules 3.08(4) (b) in the three-
aspect signalling territory and 3.08(4) (c) in four-aspect signalling territory, he
shall obey the most restrictive aspect. Out of the aspects displayed by the
signal. He shall also make a report in this regard in terms of SR 9.11.01.

9.12. Procedure during failure of Automatic signaling.—

When a failure of Automatic signaling is likely to last for some
time or cause serious delay, trains shall be worked from station-
to-station over the section or section concerned under special
SR. 9.12.01. – Procedure for working of trains during failure of all or
series of signals in the Automatic Block System (Double Line) likely to last for
some time and cause serious delay while means of communications are
available –

The Automatic Block System

In the event of failure of all or series of signals in an area consisting of

two or more stations worked under Automatic Block System (Double Line), the
concerned official of the Signal Department shall take immediate steps to
inform all concerned, and the procedure detailed in these rules shall be
adopted for train passing.

(a) The Station Master shall inform the controller and the concerned
Station Master of the affected section.

(b) Before the train is allowed to enter the affected section it shall
brought to a stand and the Loco Pilot and the Guard of the train advised of the
circumstances by the Station Master.

(c) The Station Master on duty at the station in rear of the affected
section shall obtain ‘Line Clear’ for each train by one of the following means
indicated below in order of preference:-

i) Station to station fixed telephones wherever available.

ii) Fixed telephone such as Railway auto-phones & BSNL
phones (with caller ID wherever feasible).
iii) Control telephone.
iv) VHF set.
(d) The Station Master on duty at the station in advance shall not give
such ‘Line Clear’ unless –
(i) the whole of the last preceding train has arrived ;

(ii) the line on which it is intended to receive the train is clear up to

the starter and for a distance of 180 meters beyond it,

(iii) all signals behind the said train have been put back to ‘on’.

iv) all points have been correctly set and all facing points locked
for the admission of the train on the said line.

NOTE – The granting of line clear shall be supported by a Private

Number and by exchange of identification Number also.
(e) (i) The Station Master on obtaining ‘Line Clear’ from the station in
advance shall give the Loco Pilot/Motorman of each train an Authority
to proceed on Automatic Block System during prolonged failure of
signals.(T/D 912)

(ii) A Caution order shall invariably be issued to the Loco

Pilot/Motorman and Guard as prescribed in sub-rule (g) (i) and (ii)
(f ) Before handing over the ‘Authority to Proceed’ all the points over
which trains will pass shall be correctly set and all facing points

The Automatic Block System

locked. Whenever any power operated points have to be operated for

diverting trains these may be released and operated as per the
instructions contained in the Operating Manual.

(g) (i) The Loco Pilot/Motorman of the first train entering the affected
section shall proceed with utmost caution and shall not run at a speed
exceeding 25 KM per hour under any circumstances subject to other
restrictions in force and continue to look out for any obstruction until
he reaches the station ahead.

(ii) After ensuring that the first train has arrived safely at the station in
advance, the Loco Pilot of the subsequent train may run at normal
speed subject to the observance of any other speed restrictions in
force exercising great caution, bearing in mind the possibility of level
crossing gates being open to road traffic and other obstructions and
stop short of any obstruction that he may encounter on the run.

(h) When approaching the next station the Loco Pilot/Motorman shall
obey aspect of the first Stop signal. The Station Master after satisfying
himself that all is safe shall arrange to receive the train by taking ‘off’
the relevant reception signal or pilot the train if the situation warrants.

(i) Clearance of the section by each train shall be intimated to the

station in rear supported by a Private Number.

(j) Train Signal Register Book shall be brought into use and all entries
regarding train working recorded therein. Controller shall be kept
advised of movement of all trains in the affected section.

(k) As soon as signals are put right by the competent authority,

normal working of trains on Automatic Block System shall be resumed
after exchanging messages with Private Numbers by the Station
Masters concerned assuring that the section is clear. Controller’s
advice shall be obtained before resumption of normal working.

(l) All records in connection with Train working on this system shall be
retained at the station for inspection by the Transportation Inspector
of the section.

SR. 9.12.02. – Failure of all signals likely to last for some time and
cause serious delay when no means of communications are available.

In the event of failure of all signals occurring in an area consisting of

two or more stations working under Automatic Block System (Double
Line) the following procedure shall be adopted for working of trains
between stations:-

The Automatic Block System

(a) (i) Before any train is allowed to enter in the interrupted section, it
shall be brought to a stand and the Loco Pilot as well as the Guard of
the train shall be advised of the circumstances by the Station Master.

(ii) All the points over which trains will run within the affected area
shall be correctly set and facing points locked before the movement of
any train is authorized over them. Whenever any power operated
points have to be operated these may be released and operated
locally as per the instructions contained in the Operating Manual.

(b) The Station Master shall give the Loco Pilot of each train:-
(i) An Authority to proceed without line clear on Automatic Block
Signalling territories which shall include

(1) An Authority to proceed without line clear.

(2) An Authority for the Loco Pilot to pass the intervening Automatic,
Semi-Automatic/Manually operated stop signals between the two
stations at ‘ON’ provided that the Semi-Automatic Signals and Manually
operated signals shall be hand signalled past by a railway employee in
uniform deputed for the purpose and the loco pilot after passing a gate
stop signal, shall proceed cautiously up to the level crossing where the
Loco Pilot shall ascertain that the gates are locked and hand signals
are displayed by the gateman before he proceeds further. The
individual distinguishing number of each Automatic, Semi-Automatic,
manually operated and gate signal shall be indicated on this authority.

(3) A caution order restricting the speed to 25 KM per hour over

straight and to 10 KM per hour when approaching or passing any
portion of the line where the view ahead is not clear due to tunnel,
curve, obstacle, rain fog and dust storm or for any other cause subject
to the observance of other speed restrictions in force.

(c) In the event of the Loco Pilot approaching or passing any portion
of the line where the view ahead is not clear, the Asstt. Loco Pilot or
the Asst. guard / Guard with hand signals shall be sent in advance to
guide the further movement of the train. A sharp look out ahead shall
be kept and the engine whistle used freely.

(d) No train shall be allowed to enter the affected section until there is a
clear interval of 15 minutes between the train about to leave and the train
which has immediately preceded.

(e) Manually operated fixed signals with the exception of the last Stop
signal may be taken ‘off’, for the reception and departure of trains.

The Automatic Block System

First Stop signal shall, however be taken ‘off’ only after the train has
been brought to a stand outside it.

(f) The Guard shall keep a sharp look out in the rear and be prepared
to exhibit a Stop Hand signal and warning signal as indicated in GR
3.65 to prevent the approach of a train from the rear and to protect it,
if necessary as per extant rules.

(g) When approaching the station ahead the Loco Pilot shall bring his
train/engine to a stop outside the First Stop signal and sound one long
continuous whistle. If within 5 minutes neither the signal is taken ‘off’ nor
any one turns up from the station, the Loco Pilot and the Guard shall take
action as prescribed under GR 4.44 and Subsidiary Rules thereto.

(h) The Loco Pilot of all trains shall make handover “Authority to
Proceed without Line Clear on Automatic Block Signalling Territories”,
immediately to the Station Master at the end of the affected section.
These shall be kept by the Station Master in his personal custody for
inspection by the Transportation Officials.

(i) Records of all trains worked over the affected section on “Authority
to proceed without Line Clear on Automatic Block Signalling
Territories” shall be maintained in the Train Signal Register books at
both stations concerned.

(j) Trains shall continue to work on this system until either the signals are
put right or any one of the authorized means of communications is
restored by the competent authority.

(k) As soon as the signals are put right trains shall be worked in
accordance with the instructions contained in SR 9.12.05. But where
signals continue to remain inoperative and any one of the authorized
means of communications is restored, trains shall be worked in
accordance with the instructions contained in SR 9.12.01 after
exchanging a message with the Station Master at the other end of the
affected section on the following form :-

From : Station Master ‘A’

No……………… Train (Number and

description)…………………………………arrived complete
at………………hours……………… Last
Train…………………………………(Number and
description)…………………despatched to your station……………
at…………… hours. Propose to cancel present method of working of trains.

The Automatic Block System

Line Clear shall hereafter be obtained by means of

…………………Acknowledge. Private Number………………………

On receipt of the above message, the Station Master ‘B’ shall not
acknowledge the same unless he is satisfied from his record about the
complete arrival of the last train despatched from Station ‘A’ and also the
complete arrival at Station ‘A’ of the last train despatched from Station ‘B’. On
thus being satisfied he shall reply in the following form :-

From : Station Master ‘B’

No…………… Your No……………… understand that train

(Number and description)…………… which was the last train to leave my
station has arrived complete at your station. Train No…………………which left
your station has arrived complete at my station at…………… hours. Present
system of train working is cancelled. Line Clear for the next train shall be
obtained by means of………………… Private Number.

(1) The Station Master at Station ‘A’ shall not resume working of train
by means of communication so restored unless he has verified from his
records about the clearance of both Up and Down lines. The Section
Controller shall also be informed about the trains worked on “Authority to
proceed without Line Clear on Automatic Block Signalling Territories”
whenever control working is resumed.

SR. 9.12.03. – Working of trains under Automatic Block System

(Double Line) during obstruction of one line when signals are operative and
communications are available –

(a) Whenever an accident to a train or other obstruction precludes the

use of the lines on a double line on obtaining Line Clear by means of the
electrical communication instruments which shall be used in order of
preference given below :

(i) Station to station fixed telephones wherever available.

(ii) Fixed telephone such as Railway auto-phones & BSNL
phones (with caller ID wherever feasible).
(iii) Control telephone.
(iv) VHF set.

(b) When it is desired to introduce temporary single line working, the

Station Master at one end of the affected section shall, on receipt of the
information in writing from Guard / Loco Pilot / PWI / Traction Foreman that
one line is clear and on being satisfied that no train is on run on the section
over that line, takes steps to introduce temporary single line working on that

The Automatic Block System

line in consultation with the Section Controller and the Station Master of the
station at the other end of the sections.
(c) (i) If there is reason to suspect that the line over which temporary
single line working is to be introduced is fouled or damaged, such working
shall not be introduced until a responsible Engineering official of the rank not
less than that of an Inspector has inspected the section and certified that the
line is safe for the passage of trains;

(ii) Single line working shall not be introduced on a section of double

line on which Engineering or OHE operations require display of Engineering
signals as laid down in GR 15.09 without the concurrence of the Engineering
or the OHE official in charge. Such concurrence shall be obtained by the
Station Master by exchange of messages / memos with the concerned official.

(d) Single line working shall be introduced between the nearest

stations provided with crossovers between Up and Down lines on either side
of the obstruction.

(e) If for any reason other than introduction of single line working it
becomes necessary to run an engine or a train against the normal direction of
traffic, the provision given in sub-rule (g) of SR 6.02.05 shall be followed.

(f ) After ascertaining that one of the lines is clear for passage of

traffic, the Station Master proposing to introduce single line working shall
issue a message supported by a Private Number, containing the following
information to the Station Master at the other end of the affected section –

(i) Cause of introduction of single line working;

(ii) The line on which single line working is proposed;
(iii) The source of information that the said line is clear;
(iv) Place of obstruction with KM;
(v) The number and timings of the last train which arrived / left
the block station issuing the message, on the line on which single line
working is to be introduced;

(vi) Enquiry regarding temporary speed restrictions if any on the

said line.

(g) On receipt of the acknowledgement from the Station Master at the

other end accompanied by the required particulars and confirmed by a Private
Number Single line working shall be introduced.

(h) (i) All trains running in the wrong direction shall be worked in
accordance with the rules for the use of electrical communication instrument
on single line and line clear shall be obtained on the means of communication

The Automatic Block System

mentioned in sub-rule (a) above supported by Private Number. Identification

Number shall also be used while obtaining Line Clear.

(ii) Line Clear referred to in clause (i) above shall not be given unless
the whole of the last preceding train has arrived complete and unless
the line on which the train is to be received is clear up to the fouling
mark or Starter, if any, at the trailing end. All points at the approaching
end are correctly set in favour of the intended line and the facing
points are locked.

NOTE – For each first train to run in the wrong direction after the
complete arrival of right direction train / trains, line clear shall not be
asked for nor given unless both the Station Masters have assured
under exchange of Private Numbers that all trains running in the right
direction have already arrived complete at the station in advance.

(i) For each first train to run in the right direction, line clear shall be
obtained in accordance with the procedure laid down in sub-rule (h)
above, except that line clear shall be given only when the line is clear
for at least 180 meters beyond the first Stop signal and the last train
running in the wrong direction has arrived complete at the station at the
other end of the affected section for which Private Number shall be
exchanged between the Station Masters concerned.

(j) Subsequent trains to run in the right direction shall be allowed to

follow each other on Automatic Signals indications provided the
Station Master of the station in rear has intimated the Station Master
of the station in advance of the fact that former is permitting particular
trains(s) to follow and has ascertained the latter’s readiness to receive
it/them and obtain Private Number for each such train.

(k) Loco Pilot of all trains to run in the wrong direction, as also the first
train in the right direction, shall be given –

(i) a paper line clear ticket on prescribed form,

(ii) an authority on prescribed form T/A 912 authorising the Loco Pilot to
pass the intervening non-governing / governing Automatic; Semi-
Automatic and manually operated signals provided that the Semi-
Automatic and Manually operated signals shall be hand signalled past
by a Points man / any other competent railway servant in uniform
deputed for the purpose. The distinguishing number of each signal shall
be indicated on this authority. In case of Semi-Automatic gate signal the
train shall be drawn cautiously up to the level crossing where the Loco
Pilot shall ascertain that the gates are closed and locked and ‘proceed’
hand signal is displayed by the Gateman at the level crossing before he

The Automatic Block System

proceeds further. The Loco Pilot shall also ascertain that the points of
the outlying sidings are correctly set and locked and proceed hand
signal is displayed at such points by a complete railway servant before
passing over them.

(iii) A caution order indicating –

(a) the line on which single line working has been introduced;
(b) the Kilometrage at which the obstruction exists on the other line;
(c) speed restriction, if any.

(l) An endorsement shall also be made in the Caution Order issued to

the Loco Pilot of the first train after introduction of single line working
to stop and inform all Gatemen, Gang men and Keymen working on
the line about the introduction of single line working specifying the line
on which the trains shall run.

(m) The speed of the first train passing over the temporary single line
shall be restricted to 25 km / h subject to the observance of any other
restriction already in force. Subsequent train(s) may run at normal
speed subject to observance of any other restriction already in force.

NOTE – In case there is any speed restriction on the line over which
temporary single line working has been introduced, the Station Master
concerned shall issue a message to the concerned PWI to arrange for
showing of engineering signals as required vide GR 15.09 for trains in
the wrong direction.

(n) All trains to run in the right direction, except the first train of a
group of trains shall be given a caution order as detailed in clause (iii)
of sub-rule (k) above.
(o) All trains in the right direction shall run at booked speed subject to
the observance of speed restriction, if any.

(p) All fixed signals governing the movement of the trains in the right
directions shall be taken ‘off’. Trains in the wrong direction shall be
piloted out at the despatching station in accordance with the
procedures detailed in SR 3.70.01, except that in lieu of form T-
369(3b), an authority on form T/A-912 shall be issued. These trains
shall also be piloted in, at the receiving station in accordance with the
procedures detailed in GR 5.09 & SR there to.

(q) While approaching the station ahead Loco Pilot of each train
proceeding in the wrong direction shall bring his train to a stop
opposite to the first Stop signal pertaining to the correct line or at the

The Automatic Block System

last Stop signal pertaining to the wrong line on which he is running,

whichever he comes across first, and whistle.

(r) Train (Signal/Log) Register Book shall be introduced at the stations

for the duration of such working.

(s) Resumption of normal working :-

(i) On receipt of a written certificate from a responsible Engineering

official not below the rank of an Inspector or Traction Foreman, in
case of accident pertaining to OHE and Guard / Loco Pilot in case of
engine failure, that the obstructed track is free for passage of trains,
the Station Master shall issue a message to other stations as the case
may be under exchange of Private Numbers and decide, in
consultation with the Section Controller, the train after the passage of
which normal working shall be introduced ;

(ii) An entry shall also be made in the Train Signal Register books of
the stations concerned showing the time at which double line working
was suspended, single line working was introduced and normal
working resumed.

(iii) A message shall also be issued to the concerned PWI if action

was initiated as per note below sub-rule (m) above for removal of the
indicators which were provided temporarily.

(t) All records in connection with temporary single line working shall
be retained at the station for inspection by the inspecting officials.

SR. 9.12.04. – Procedure for working trains under Automatic Block

system (Double Line) during obstruction of one line when no means of
communications are available.

Whenever an accident to train or other obstruction precludes the use

of one line on a double line (worked under Automatic Block system)
during total failure of communications, traffic may be temporarily
worked on the unobstructed line by introducing single line working in
accordance with the procedure detailed below :-

(a) Before introducing single line working the Station Master at one
end of the affected section must have an information in writing from
the Guard / Loco Pilot / PWI/Traction Foreman that one line is clear.

(b) On receipt of information about the obstruction by the Station

Master of the station in advance of the obstructed section, he shall
arrange to send a message as indicated in SR 9.12.03(f) to the

The Automatic Block System

Station Master of the block station controlling the entry of trains into
the said obstructed line through the Guard of any train which is to
proceed to that station as per the procedure laid down in SR 9.12.02.
In case no train is waiting or no train is expected, the message shall
be sent through one of his station staff / gang man who may proceed
either on foot or by using a push trolley or by using any public

(c) After sending out the message, the Station Master shall not
despatch any train in terms of SR 9.12.02 before the arrival of any
engine / engines with brake van / empty rake of EMU stock from the
opposite direction. He may, however, send a train engine / light
engine / engine with brake van / empty rake of EMU stock in the
manner laid down in SR 9.12.06.

(d) On receipt of the message indicated in sub-rule(b) above, the

Station Master of the station controlling the entry of trains into the
obstructed section shall arrange to send the acknowledgement
thereof through –

(i) The Loco Pilot of train engine / light engine / engine with Brake van
/ Empty rake of EMU stock, if any is waiting / expected which may be
sent in accordance with the procedure laid down in SR 9.12.06, or

(ii) The Loco Pilot of Engine / Empty rake of EMU stock sent by the
Station Master at the other end which is to return to that station as per
procedure laid down in SR 9.12.06.

(e) In case the information about the obstruction is received by the

Station Master of the Block controlling the entry of trains into the
obstructed section, he shall immediately arrange to send a message
as indicated in SR 9.12.03 (f) to the Station Master at the other end of
the affected section. If situation necessitates, the Station Master shall
also send a Line Clear Enquiry message for the train which may be
waiting / expected at his station. The message and the Line Clear
Enquiry message shall be sent through one of his station staff / Gang
man who may proceed to such station either on foot or by push trolley
or by using any public transport.

(f) On receipt of the message indicated in the sub-rule (e) above, the
Station Master shall arrange to send the acknowledgement thereof by
returning the said railway servant who shall proceed either –

(i) by any train / Engine which is to proceed to that station in

accordance with the procedure laid down in SR 9.12.02, or

The Automatic Block System

(ii) on foot / using public transport / push trolley if no train or Engine is

to proceed as indicated in clause (i) above.

(g) If Line Clear Enquiry has been sent by the Station Master at the
other end, a Conditional Line Clear Reply message shall also be sent
through such person mentioning the number & description of the last
train after the complete arrival of which the line shall be considered as
clear for the train for which Line Clear has been asked for.

(h) After the acknowledgement has been sent as indicated in sub-rule

(f) above, trains over the line proposed for single line working may be
worked in accordance with the instructions contained in SR 9.12.06.
But if Conditional Line Clear Reply message has been given, no train
or Engine shall be despatched until the arrival of the train for which
Conditional Line Clear has been given.

(i) On receipt of the acknowledgement mentioned in sub-rule (f)

above, the Station Master of the station controlling the entry of the
train into the obstructed section, may resume working of trains over
the un-obstructed line in accordance with the procedure laid down in
SR 9.12.06. A caution order in accordance with clause (iii) of sub-rule
(k) and sub-rules (l) and (m) of SR 9.12.03 shall also be issued.

(j) After the Station Masters of the stations at either end of the
obstructed section have become aware of the obstruction in the
manner detailed above, trains shall continue to work in accordance
with the procedure detailed in SR 9.12.06 over the unobstructed line
between the stations concerned until –

(i) Both the Station Masters have been informed of the obstruction
having been removed, in which case procedure detailed in SR
9.12.02 shall be observed, or

(ii) Any one of the means of communication is restored in

which case the procedure laid down in SR 9.12.03 shall be observed.

SR. 9.12.05. – Working of trains under Automatic Block

System (Double Line) during failure of the means of communications
when signals are operative.

(a) The Station Master of the station in rear of the affected section shall
in consultation with the Section Controller, or with the Station Master of
the station immediately in rear of his station, if Section Controller is not
available, ascertain the number and description of train(s) in the section
and the expected time of arrival at his station. He shall then decide the
sequence for allowing the trains into the affected section keeping in

The Automatic Block System

view the order of precedence and make out a list in duplicate under his
stamp and signature indicating the number and description of the trains
in the sequence in which the trains shall be allowed to leave his station.

(b) Before the first train of the series so listed, is allowed to

enter the affected section, it shall be brought to a stop. A caution
order shall be issued to the Loco Pilot and the Guard detailing the
circumstances and advising the Loco Pilot to bring his train to a stop
outside the first stop signal of the station in advance and sound the
prescribed code of whistle and thereafter be guided by the instruction
of the Station Master of the station in advance. The Loco Pilot shall
also be given a copy of the list (mentioned in sub-rule (a) to be
handed over to the Station Master of the station in advance.

(c) On arrival of the train at the station in advance of the

affected section, the Loco Pilot shall handover the list to the Station
Master and the latter shall paste the same and make necessary
entries in the log-register about the number and description of the
trains according to the sequence shown therein. As and when the
train actually passes / arrives his station he shall score out the train
number and description from the list indicating the time of its arrival /
passing, until and unless he is advised otherwise by the Station
Master of the station in rear in the similar manner.

(d) After sending out the list through the Loco Pilot as per
sub-rule (b) above, the Station Master of the station in rear shall paste
the other copy in his Train Log-register. Subsequent train(s) of the list
need not be stopped out of course, provided they are allowed to enter
the affected section in the same sequence as detailed in the list. As
each train enters the section, he shall also score out the train number
and description from his list.

(e) If due to any operational exigencies, it becomes necessary

to change the sequence for running of the trains in the affected section
or on the completion of the movement of all the trains in the list already
sent, a fresh list shall be prepared with necessary remark for any
change in the sequence of the previous list and action taken for working
of the subsequent trains as per fresh list in the same manner as
indicated in sub-rule (b) to (d) above.

SR. 9.12.06. – Procedure for working of trains under Automatic

Block System (Single Line) during suspension of the panel working and
when no means of communications are available.

In the event of suspension of the panel working between two

consecutive block stations when direction of traffic cannot be

The Automatic Block System

established and when no means of communication are available,

trains shall be worked between the stations concerned in the manner
laid down in SR 6.02.04 except that in lieu of T/369 (3b), the authority
in the prescribed form T/A-912 shall be issued. This form shall
indicate the individual number of Automatic / Semi-Automatic /
manually operated departure and gate signals which are to be passed
by the Loco Pilot. In case of departure signal(s), the Loco Pilot shall
pass such signal(s) only on being hand signalled past by a competent
railway servant. In case of Gate signal(s), the Loco Pilot shall pass
such signal(s) cautiously up to the level crossing where he shall
ascertain that the gates are closed and locked against the road traffic
and proceed hand signal is displayed by the Gateman before he
proceeds further.

SR. 9.12.07. – Procedure for working of trains on Automatic

Block system (single line) during suspension when direction of traffic
cannot be established but line clear can be obtained from the block
station in advance by one of the following means which shall be used
in the order of preference laid down below :-

(i) Station to station fixed telephones wherever

(ii) Fixed telephone such as Railway auto-phones &
BSNL phones (with caller ID wherever feasible).
(iii) Control telephone.
(iv) VHF set.

Whenever line clear is obtained by using the communication

instrument listed as above, identification Numbers shall be exchanged
in addition to the use of Private Number. Line clear Enquiry and reply
books in the prescribed form T/A-1425 shall be brought into use.

The following procedure shall be adopted for train passing :-

(a) Before any train is allowed to leave the block station, it

shall be brought to a stand and the Guard and the Loco Pilot of the
train shall be advised of the circumstances by the Station Master.

(b) The Station Master shall ask for and obtain “Line Clear”
for the train from the Station Master of the block stations immediately
in advance of the affected section.

(c) The Station Master of the block station at the other end of
the affected section shall not grant “Line Clear” unless the conditions
prescribed under sub-rule (2) of General Rule 8.03 are complied with.

The Automatic Block System

(d) On receipt of “Line Clear”, the Station Master shall deliver

of each train:-

(i) A ‘Paper Line Clear Ticket’ on the prescribed form, T/C-

1425 or T/D-1425 as the case may be.

(ii) An authority on the prescribed form T/A-912 indicating

individual number of Automatic / Semi-Automatic / Manually operated
departure and Gate signals which are to be passed by the Loco Pilot.
In case of departure signal(s), the Loco Pilot shall pass such signal(s)
cautiously up to the level crossing where he shall ascertain that the
gates are closed and locked against the road traffic and proceed hand
signals is displayed by the Gateman before he proceeds further.

(iii) A Caution Order shall also be issued advising the Loco

Pilot to be on the lookout for any possible obstruction and exercising
greater caution. Speed of the first train entering the affected section
shall be restricted to 25 KM/h subject to other restrictions in force.

(e) Before the authorities mentioned in sub-rule (d) above are

handed over to the Loco Pilot, it shall be responsibility of the Station
Master to ensure that the points over which the train shall run are
correctly set and facing points are locked.

(f) Except the first train the Loco Pilot of the subsequent
train(s) may run at normal speed subject to the observance of any
other speed restriction in force exercising great caution bearing in
mind the possibility of level crossing gates being opened to the road
traffic and other obstructions and stop short of any obstruction that he
may encounter on the run.
(g) When approaching the next station, the Loco Pilot shall
obey the aspect of the First Stop signal. The Station Master after
satisfying himself that all is safe, shall arrange to receive the train by
taking ‘off’ the relevant reception signal(s) or pilot the train if the
situation warrants.
(h) Train Signal Register Book shall be brought into use and
all entries regarding trains working under this system shall be
recorded therein.
(i) As soon as the panel is put right by the competent
authority, normal working of trains on Automatic Block system (Single
line) shall be resumed after exchanging messages with Private
Numbers by the Station Masters concerned, assuring that the section

The Automatic Block System

is clear. Controller’s permission shall be obtained before resumption

of normal working unless control is suspended.
(j) All records in connection with train working on this system
shall be retained at the station for inspection by the Transportation
Inspecting officials.

SR. 9.12.08. – Rules and regulation for working of trains on

the obstructed line in case of obstruction or accident on the “authority
of Block Tickets/Authority to proceed for Relief Engine/Train into an
Automatic Block Signalling section” (T/C-912).

When it becomes necessary to work trains on the obstructed

line on the authority of Block Ticket/Authority to proceed for Relief
Engine/Train into an Automatic Block Signalling Section, all the
instructions contained in SR 6.02.05 shall be followed except, in lieu
of prescribed form No. T/A-602, T/C-912 shall be used.
SR. 9.12.09:- In view of introduction of 3rd line (c/slip 93)
In case of piloting out of trains for failure of last stop signal of
the station either starter or advanced starter signal, as the case may
be, on single line (auto section) when direction of traffic is established,
the authority to proceed should be T/A 912 & T/511 in reference to
BWM 6.23 (iv).

9.13. Movement of trains against the direction of traffic on

the Automatic Block System.- In Automatic signaling territory,
trains shall run in established direction of traffic only. Movement
of trains against the established direction of traffic is not
permitted. When in an emergency it becomes unavoidably
necessary to move a train against the established direction of
traffic., this shall be done only under special instructions which
shall ensure that the line behind the said train up to the station in
rear is clear and free from obstruction.

SR 9.13.01. – When a train is required to be pushed back, the

procedure laid down in SR 4.12.01 shall be followed. The Station Master
before giving the assurance referred to in SR 4.12.01 (a) (i) shall ensure that
no train has been allowed or shall be allowed in rear of the train for which
permission is being given to push back.

9.14. Procedure when Semi-Automatic Stop signal is ‘ON’.—

The Automatic Block System

(1) When a Semi -Automatic Stop signal is worked as an

Automatic stop signal, Rule 9.02 or 9.07 shall apply as the case
may be
(2) When a Semi-Automatic stop signal is working as a
Manual stop signal and becomes defective. It may only be
passed under relevant rules detailed in Chapter -III Section ‘H’.
(3) When a Loco pilot is authorised to pass a Semi-
Automatic stop signal at ‘ON’ by taking ‘OFF’ the calling- on-
signal fixed below it, he shall follow the precautions stipulated in
Rule 9.02 or 9.07 as the case may be.

SR 9.14.01. – (a) In case of Semi-Automatic Stop signal governing

the approach of a train to a station when working as a manual Stop signal and
becomes defective it shall be passed only in accordance with the procedure
detailed in SR 3.69.03.
(b) At stations on the Automatic Signalling territory (Double Line) when
the last stop signal which may either be a Manual Stop signal or a Semi-
Automatic Stop signal working as a Manual Stop signal governing the departure
of a train from a Station becomes defective, the Station Master shall handover to
the Loco Pilot a written authority on the prescribed form T/A-912; authorizing him
to pass such signal at ‘on’ or when defective the written authority shall not be
given, unless all the points for the departure of the train have been set and the
facing points locked. Hand signal shall also be shown to the departing train in
accordance with General Rule 3.70. The Loco Pilot after passing such signal at
‘on’ or when defective, shall take his train up to the next signal in advance in the
manner as laid down in General Rule 9.02 and subsidiary Rule 9.02.01 (b).

Provided that, where there is / are no intervening Automatic / Semi-

Automatic Stop signal(s) between two consecutive stations, action shall be
taken in accordance with subsidiary Rules 9.12.01 for passing trains.
SR. 9.14.02. – When a Loco Pilot finds a Semi-Automatic Stop signal
with illuminated ‘A’ Marker to flicker / bob, he shall act in accordance with SR
9.02.02 or 9.07.02 as may be applicable.
9.15 Passing a gate Stop Signal at ‘ON’ in Automatic
Signalling territory.— If the Loco pilot finds a Gate Stop signal
at ‘ON’ in an Automatic signalling territory.— he shall comply with
the provisions of Rule 9.02 or 9.07. as the case may be , if the ‘A’
marker is illuminated, or

The Automatic Block System

(b) (i) If the ‘A’ marker light is extinguished, he shall

sound the prescribed code of whistle to warn the Gateman and
bring his train to a stop in rear of the signal, and
(ii) If after waiting for one minute by day and two minutes
by night, the signal is not taken ‘off’, he shall draw his train ahead
cautiously up to the level crossing, and

(iii) If the Gateman is available and exhibiting hand

signals, proceed further past the level crossing gate cautiously,

(iv) If the Gateman is not available, or is available but not

exhibiting hand signals, stop in rear of the level crossing and
after ascertaining that the gates are closed against road traffic
and on getting hand signals from the Gateman, and in his
absence from Assistant Loco Pilot, the Loco Pilot shall sound the
prescribed code of whistle and cautiously proceed up to the next
Stop signal complying with the Rule 9.02 or 9.07 as the case
may be.

9.16 Illustrative diagrams.— Automatic change of sequence of

aspects behind the train in three-aspect and four-aspect
signaling is illustrated in the following diagrams, which are not
drawn to scale.

The Automatic Block System


Chapter- X, XI, & XII
The Following Trains System, The Pilot Guard System & The Train-
Staff and Ticket System



10.01 Essentials of the Following Trains System.–

(1) Where trains are worked on the Following Trains System,
they may be despatched from one station to the next, following
each other in succession in the same direction on the same line
in such manner and at such intervals of time as may be
prescribed by special instructions.
(2) Trains shall not be worked on the Following Trains System
unless the Station Master of the block station in advance has
exchanged messages regarding his readiness to receive the
trains and has, in addition, given his assurance that no train will
be allowed to leave his station for the station from which the
following trains are to be despatched, until the latter have all
arrived at his station and until he has received permission to
despatch trains in the opposite direction.

10.02. Report to the Commissioner of Railway Safety. –

When the Following Trains System is introduced on any portion
of a railway under Rule 7.01 a report shall be sent by telegram to
the Commissioner of Railway Safety.

10.03. Conditions to be observed in working trains on the

Following Trains System.– When the Following Trains System
is adopted, the following conditions shall be observed, namely :–
(a) no train shall start until the loco pilot has been given a written
authority to proceed in the form prescribed for the purpose and a
written acknowledgement thereof has been obtained from him, the
train being stopped for the purpose, if not booked to stop.
(b) the authority to proceed shall state the station at which the
train is next to stop, the speed at which it is to run and the actual
time of departure of the preceding train.

Chapter- X, XI, & XII
The Following Trains System, The Pilot Guard System & The Train-
Staff and Ticket System

(c) the Loco pilot and Guard of each preceding train shall have
been informed of the fact that a train will follow, and of the
probable period which will elapse before the following train shall
(d) a train shall not follow another from a station unless there has
elapsed since the departure of the previous train, an interval of
not less than 15 minutes, or such shorter interval as may be fixed
by special instructions.
(e) all the trains following the first train shall be timed to run at the
same speed and such speed shall not exceed 25 kilometers an hour
except under special instruction,
(f) the actual time of the departure of each train shall at once be
intimated to the block station in advance and the actual time of
arrival of each train shall at once be intimated to the block station
in rear, and
(g) the number of following trains running at the same time
between any two block stations shall not be more than one for
each 5 kilometers of station interval; and unless permitted by
special instructions, shall never exceed four, whatever may be
the length of the station interval.
10.04. Delivery of authority to proceed to Loco pilot or
Guard on the Following Trains System. –
(1) Every authority to proceed shall be delivered to the Guard or
Loco pilot by the Station Master, or by some railway servant
appointed in this behalf under special instructions.
(2) When such authority to proceed is delivered to the Loco pilot
under sub-rule (1), a duplicate shall be given to the Guard.
(3) When an authority to proceed is delivered to the Guard under
sub-rule (1), it shall be either–
(a) handed personally by the Guard to the Loco pilot; or
(b) counter signed by the Guard and then handed to the Loco
pilot either by the Station Master or by some railway servant
appointed in this behalf by special instructions.
Chapter- X, XI, & XII
The Following Trains System, The Pilot Guard System & The Train-
Staff and Ticket System

(4) An authority to proceed shall not be handed to the Loco pilot

under sub-rule (2) or (3)–
(a) until the train is ready to start, and
(b) if the train is waiting to pass another train, until the whole of
the latter train has come in and is clear of the running line for the
former train.
10.05. Authority to proceed on the Following Trains
System.–The written authority to proceed for use on the
Following Trains System shall be in the following form–
S. No.... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... ... ... .... .... .... .... ..... ... .. Railway


Train No...................... Up ( or Down ) Date....................
To Loco pilot and Guard.
(1) You are hereby authorised to proceed with your train from
Train No......................ahead of your train left this station at.........................
*(3) Train No.................shall follow your train from this station
(4) You are required to observe a speed restriction
of.....................................Kilometers an hour.
Station Master at....................
(Station Stamp)

Chapter- X, XI, & XII
The Following Trains System, The Pilot Guard System & The Train-
Staff and Ticket System

Signatures of Guard at........................................................station.

* Strike out whichever is inapplicable.
This ticket shall be given up by the loco pilot immediately on arrival to the
Station Master or other person authorised to receive it and such person shall
immediately cancel it and place it on record.

10.06. Responsibility as to proper preparation of authority to

proceed on the Following Trains System.–
(1) When an authority to proceed is delivered to the Loco pilot
under sub-rule (1) of Rule 10.04, the Station Master shall see —
(a) that it is properly filled up in the form prescribed for the
purpose, and
(b) that it is signed in full and in ink.
(2) When the authority to proceed is delivered to the Loco pilot
under sub-rule (1) of Rule 10.04, he shall satisfy himself that the
authority to proceed delivered to him has been correctly and
completely prepared in the form prescribed for the purpose and
he shall not proceed with his train until he has done so and the
mistake or omission, if any, has been rectified.
(3) When an authority to proceed is delivered to the Guard of the
train under sub-rule (3) of Rule 10.04, he shall, before it is
handed to the loco pilot, satisfy himself similarly.
10.07. Obstruction in face of approaching train or trains on
the Following Trains System.–The line shall not be obstructed
outside the outermost facing points in face of an approaching
train as long as this system of working is in force.
10.08. Cessation of working on the Following Trains
System.–When it is intended that no more following trains shall
be despatched in the same direction, the Station Master shall
intimate such intention by a message to the block station in
advance, after which no more trains in either direction shall be
Chapter- X, XI, & XII
The Following Trains System, The Pilot Guard System & The Train-
Staff and Ticket System

despatched between the two stations until the last train has
arrived at the block station in advance and the line has been
cleared between the two stations.
10.09. Protection of trains on the Following Trains System.–
(1) When a train is stopped between stations and if the detention
exceeds or is likely to exceed five minutes, it shall be protected
in accordance with the provisions of Rule 6.03, except that the
Guard going back to protect the train shall place one detonator,
at 250 meters from the train on the way out, and two detonators,
10 meters apart, at 500 meters from the train, irrespective of
(2) In case the train, stopped between stations, is unable to
proceed on account of accident, failure, obstruction or any other
exceptional cause, the loco pilot shall also arrange to protect the
train in the front in the manner laid down for the Guard.


Chapter- X, XI, & XII
The Following Trains System, The Pilot Guard System & The Train-
Staff and Ticket System



11.01. Essentials of the Pilot Guard System.–

Where trains are worked on the Pilot Guard System.–
(a) a railway servant (hereinafter called a Pilot Guard) shall be
specially deputed to pilot trains; and.
(b) no train shall leave a station except under the personal
authority of the Pilot Guard.
11.02. Conditions to be observed for following trains on the
Pilot Guard System.–Trains shall not follow one another in the
same direction between stations, unless–
(a) the loco pilot has been properly warned of the time of
departure of the preceding train and of the place at which it will
next stop;
(b) all the trains are timed to run at the same speed, and such
speed shall not exceed 25kilometers an hour except under
special instructions; and
(c) an interval of fifteen minutes has elapsed since the departure of
the preceding train.
11.03. Pilot Guard’s dress or badge.–The pilot Guard shall be
distinguished by a red dress or badge.
11.04. Pilot Guard to accompany train or give authority to
(1) No train shall be started from a station unless the loco pilot
sees that it is accompanied by, or that the authority to proceed is
given personally by the pilot Guard wearing the dress or badge
prescribed in Rule 11.03.
(2) The pilot Guard shall accompany every train:
Provided that when it is necessary to start two or more trains
from one end of the section before a train has to be started from

Chapter- X, XI, & XII
The Following Trains System, The Pilot Guard System & The Train-
Staff and Ticket System

the other end, the pilot Guard shall accompany only the last such
trains, and shall personally give the authority to proceed for the
preceding trains.
(3) When accompanying a train, the pilot Guard shall ride on the
foot-plate of the engine.
11.05. Pilot Guard’s Tickets.–
(1) When the pilot Guard does not accompany a train, he shall
deliver to the Guard (or, if there be no Guard, to the loco pilot) a
pilot Guard’s ticket on a printed form properly filled up and signed
in ink, as the authority to proceed.
(2) Every such ticket shall apply only to the single journey to the
station named on it.
(3) If the train is in charge of a Guard, he shall, before the train is
started, deliver the ticket to the loco pilot.
(4) Immediately on the arrival of the train, the loco pilot shall
deliver the ticket to the Station Master who shall at once cancel
11.06. Protection of trains on the Pilot Guard System.–In the
event of a train, which is followed by another train, stopping on
the line between stations, the Guard and the loco pilot shall take
action to protect the train in accordance with the provisions of
Rule 10.09.

Chapter- X, XI, & XII
The Following Trains System, The Pilot Guard System & The Train-
Staff and Ticket System




12.01. Essentials of the Train-staff and Ticket System.–

Where trains are worked between two stations on the Train-staff
and Ticket System.–
(a) a single Train-staff shall be kept at one of such stations, and
(b) no train shall start from either of such stations to the other
unless the said Train-staff is at the station from which the train
starts and has either been handed to or shown to the loco pilot by
the Station Master when giving such permission.
12.02. System where applicable.–Trains may be worked on the
Train-staff and Ticket System only when the line is single and
only between such stations as have been declared by special
instructions to be Train-staff stations.
12.03. Conditions to be observed for following trains on the
Train staff and Ticket System.–Trains shall not follow one
another in the same direction between Train-staff stations,
(a) the loco pilot has been properly warned of the time of
departure of the preceding train and of the place at which it will
next stop;
(b) all the trains are timed to run at the same speed, and such
speed shall not exceed 25kilometers an hour except under
special instructions; and
(c) an interval of fifteen minutes has elapsed since the departure
of the preceding train.
12.04. Loco pilot to have Train-staff or Train-staff Ticket. –
No train shall be started from a station unless the loco pilot has
in his possession to be carried with him on the journey, either the

Chapter- X, XI, & XII
The Following Trains System, The Pilot Guard System & The Train-
Staff and Ticket System

Train-staff or a Train-staff Ticket, for the section of the line over

which the train is about to travel.
12.05. Train-staff or Train-staff Ticket: - by whom to be
delivered to loco pilot. – The Train-staff or Train-staff Ticket shall
be delivered to the loco pilot by the Station Master or by some
railway servant appointed in this behalf by special instructions.
12.06. Train-staff or Train-staff-Ticket: - When to be delivered
to loco pilot.–
(1) When no other train is intended to follow before the Train-
staff will be required for a train running in the opposite direction,
then subject to the provisions of sub rule (3), the Train-staff shall
be delivered to the Loco Pilot.
(2) When other trains are intended to follow before the Train-staff
can be returned then, subject to the provisions of sub-rule (3), a
Train-staff Ticket indicating that the Train-staff is following, shall
be delivered to the Loco pilot of each train except the last; and
the Train-staff shall be delivered to the loco pilot of the last train.
(3) When a train is assisted by a second engine in the rear, a
Train-staff Ticket shall be delivered to the loco pilot of the front
engine and the Train-staff shall be delivered to the loco pilot of
the rear engine:
Provided that if both the engines attached to the train are to
travel over the entire length of line to which the Train-staff
applies, and the train is to be followed by other trains, a Train-
staff Ticket shall be delivered to the loco pilot of each of the
engines attached to the first mentioned train.
(4) When a train is assisted by a second engine in the front, the
Train-staff or a Train-staff Ticket, as the case may be, shall be
delivered to the Loco Pilot of the leading engine.
(5) When a material train has to stop between stations, the Train-
staff shall be delivered to the loco pilot.
(6) The Train-staff or a Train-staff Ticket shall not be delivered to
loco pilot of any train until the train is ready to start.

Chapter- X, XI, & XII
The Following Trains System, The Pilot Guard System & The Train-
Staff and Ticket System

(7) The loco pilot shall not accept a Train-staff Ticket unless he
sees the Train-staff at the same time in the possession of the
person who delivers the Train-staff Ticket to him.
12.07. Train-staff to be kept on engine.–When the Train-staff is
delivered to the loco pilot of a train, he shall place it in a
conspicuous place provided for the purpose on the engine.
12.08. Trains not to be started until Train-staff returned.–
When the Train-staff has been taken away from a station by the
loco pilot of a train, no other train shall be started from that
station to follow the first mentioned train until the Train-staff has
been returned to the station.
12.09. Train-staff or Train-staff Ticket to be given up and
Ticket to be cancelled on arrival of train.–
(1) Upon the arrival of a train at the station to which the Train-staff
or a Train-staff extends, the loco pilot shall immediately give the
Train-staff or Train-staff Ticket to the Station Master, or to some
railway servant appointed by special instructions to receive it.
(2) The person to whom any such Train-staff Ticket is so
delivered shall immediately cancel the same.
12.10. Procedure when engine is disabled on the Train-staff
and Ticket System.–
(1) If an engine which carries the Train-staff breaks down
between two stations, the Asst. Loco Pilot shall take the Train-
staff to the Staff-station in the direction whence assistance can
best be obtained in order that the Train staff may be available at
that station for delivery to the Loco pilot of the assisting engine.
(2) If an engine which carries a Train-staff Ticket breaks down
between two stations, assistance shall ordinarily be obtained
only from the station at which the Train-staff has been left; but if
assistance can more readily be obtained from another station in
the opposite direction, immediate steps shall be taken to have
the Train-staff transferred to the other end of the section.

Chapter- X, XI, & XII
The Following Trains System, The Pilot Guard System & The Train-
Staff and Ticket System

(3) Whenever an engine has broken down between two stations,

the Asst. Loco Pilot shall accompany the assisting engine to the
12.11. Train-staff Tickets: how kept.–Train-staff Tickets shall
be kept in a ticket-box provided for the purpose and fastened by
an inside spring, the key to open the box being the Train-staff to
which the tickets apply.
12.12. Train-staff: how kept.–The Train-staff, when at a station,
shall not be left in the box but shall be kept by the Station Master
in safe custody.
12.13. Distinguishing marks on Train-staff Tickets an
(1) Each Train-staff shall have shown upon it the name of the
Train-staff station at each end of the portion of line to which it
(2) The Train-staff and Train-staff Tickets and boxes for the
different portions of the line shall be distinguished by different
(3) ‘‘Up’’ and ‘‘Down’’ Train-Staff Tickets shall also have
distinguishing marks.

12.14. Form of Train-staff Ticket. – Every Train Staff Ticket

shall be in the following form.–
Ticket No._________________ _____________________________Railway
Up (or Down)
Train No. ______________________
Time _______________ Hours ____________ Minutes
To loco pilot and Guard. You are authorised to proceed from

Chapter- X, XI, & XII
The Following Trains System, The Pilot Guard System & The Train-
Staff and Ticket System

_________________________station to ______________station and the

Train-staff will follow.
Train No. ____________________________ in front left _______________
________________________________ hours
Signed _______________________________
Station Master at _______________________
(Station stamp) ________________________
Date ___________________
The loco pilot shall not accept this ticket unless he sees the Train-staff for the
portion of line which he is about to enter.

This ticket shall be given up by the loco pilot, immediately on arrival, to the
Station Master or other person authorised to receive, it, and such person shall
immediately cancel it.

12.15. Record of Train-staff Tickets issued.–The Station

Master shall keep a record in a book of each Train-staff Ticket
issued, showing the number of each ticket and the particular train
for which it was issued.
12.16. Obstruction outside the Home signal.–The line outside
the Home signal shall not be obstructed unless the Train-staff of
the portion of the line to be obstructed is at the station.
12.17. Protection of trains on the Train-staff and Ticket
System.–In the event of a train, which is followed by another
train, stopping on the line between stations, the Guard and the
loco pilot shall take action to protect the train in accordance with
the provisions of Rule 10.09.


Chapter- X, XI, & XII
The Following Trains System, The Pilot Guard System & The Train-
Staff and Ticket System

Empty page

Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working



13.01. Use of the one train only system.–Trains may be worked
on the one Train only System, only on short terminal branches
on the single line.
SR. 13.01.01.–Sections where trains are worked on the one Train
only System in the S.E.Rly are (1) Aunlajhori-Gurumahishani, (2) Aunlajhori-
Badampahar (3) Bowaichandi-Masagram (4) Bhanjpur-Bangriposi (c/s 135 added)
13.02. Essentials of the One Train Only System.– Where trains
are worked on the one Train Only system, only one train shall be
on the section on which this system is in force, at one and the
same time.
13.03. Authority to enter the section.–A loco pilot shall not take
his train into the section unless he is in possession of the
authority to proceed as prescribed by special instructions.
SR. 13.03.01.– The Authority to proceed shall be a metallic badge
with the inscription: -
Authority for the loco pilot / Motorman to proceed from _____________ to
___________and return to ______________________.

Name of the Controlling station.

The badge should normally to be in the custody of S. M. on duty at the

controlling station. In case of loss of the metallic badge, a Line Clear Ticket
shall be issued under signature of the S. M. on duty with time, date and train
number with Station Stamp. The fact that the badge is lost shall be recorded.

13.04. Procedure in case of accident or disablement on the one

Train only system.–
(1) (a) If the train becomes disabled and require ; assistance or if
an accident occurs which renders it impossible for the train to
proceed, the train shall be protected in accordance with the
provisions of Rule 6.03 in the direction from which assistance, if
necessary, is being obtained.

Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

(b) The Guard of the train shall convey advice of the

circumstance, under which the train has become disabled and is
not able to proceed, to the Station Master of the station from
which assistance can best be obtained, and if it is necessary for
such Guard to proceed to such station, he shall instruct the loco
pilot in writing to keep the train stationary until his return, and
obtain his written acknowledgement.
(2) (a) Such Station Master, if he is not the Station Master of the base
station, shall communicate this information to the Station Master of the
base station. On receipt of such information, the Station Master of the
base station may allow another engine to enter the line.
(b) The engine so sent shall either be accompanied by the Guard
of the disabled train, who shall explain to the loco pilot where and
under what circumstances the disabled train is situated and such
other particulars as may be necessary to enter the line
unaccompanied by the Guard of the disabled train.
(3) The Guard of the disabled train shall be responsible for the
safe and proper working of the line until the disabled train has
been moved and any other engine sent to the assistance of the
disabled train has been returned to the base station.
(4) If there is no Guard of a disabled train, the Assistant Loco
Pilot or, if necessary, the Loco Pilot shall perform the duties
imposed by this rule on the Guard, provided that the engine is
not left unmanned in terms of Rule 4.20.
SR. 13.04.01.– If a train becomes disabled in mid-section and is
unable to proceed, the Guard shall convey a written advice of the
circumstances through Assistant Loco Pilot to the Station Master of the station
from which assistance can be obtained. In absence of Assistant Loco Pilot
sub-para 1 (b) of Rule 13.04 shall be complied with.


Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working



A. General Provisions
14.01. Means of granting or obtaining Line Clear.–The
running of every train shall, in its progress from one block station
to another, be regulated by means of any one of or a
combination of the following–
(a) electrical block instruments of token or token less type,
(b) track circuits,
(c) axle counters, or
(d) electrical communication instruments.
SR. 14.01.01 The following electrical communication instruments shall
be used for obtaining\granting line clear\as per their availability and strictly in
order of preference.
1. Block instruments, Track circuits or Axle counters.
2. Telephones attached to Block instruments.
3. Station to station fixed telephones wherever available.
4. Fixed telephone such as Railway auto-phones and BSNL Phones
(with caller ID facility wherever feasible).
5. Control Telephone and
6. VHF sets.
SR. 14.01.02 (a) Use of VHF set as the sole means of
(i) This shall be used only in specified sections and sidings where only
freight trains run over sections and where passenger trains run, this shall
never be used.
(ii) Wherever GSMR has been\is being provided, the use of VHF sets
for the purpose of line clear should not be permitted.

Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

(iii) Identification sheets shall be used during line clear transactions

through VHF sets.
(b) Use of VHF set during failure of all other means of
(i) In case of failure of all other means of communications, leaving
VHF sets as the only alternative, it can be used for line clear till restoration of
any one of the other prescribed means of communication.
(ii) The use of VHF sets for prolonged duration will be permitted only
in presence of supervisory staff.
(iii) Identification sheets shall be used during line clear transactions
through VHF sets.
14.02. Provision of instruments.–
(1) Electrical communication instruments shall be provided at
every station, except at class ‘D’ stations where they may be
provided under special instructions.
(2) (a) The electrical block instruments, where provided, and
electrical communication instruments at any station shall be of a
type approved by the Commissioner of Railway Safety and shall
not be brought into use in the first instance unless they have
been passed by him.
(b) The person in charge of the maintenance of electrical block
instruments shall not without the approval of the Commissioner of
Railway Safety, permit the substitution, for the instruments and
installation brought into use in the first instance, of any instruments
or installation which do or does not satisfy the conditions prescribed
in clause (a).
14.03. Consent required before interfering with Block
working equipment. – No railway servant shall interfere with the
block working equipment, or their fittings for the purpose of
effecting repairs, or for any other purpose except with the
previous consent of the Station Master.
SR. 14.03.01.– For detailed procedure for effecting repairs of Block
working equipment, see Block Working Manual.
B. Block Stations at which Electrical Block Instruments,
Track Circuits or Axle Counters are provided.
14.04. Certificate of competency.–
Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

(1) No person shall operate the electrical block instruments until

he has passed a test in the operation of block instruments and
unless he holds a certificate of competency granted by a railway
servant appointed in this behalf by the Railway Administration.
(2) The certificate of competency referred to in sub-rule (1) shall
only be valid for a period of three years or such longer period as
may be laid down by special instructions.
SR. 14.04.01.–The Principal, Zonal Railway Training Institute, Sini, is
authorised to examine and to issue the certificate of competency referred to in
sub-rule (1) Of GR 14.04 which shall only be valid for a period of three years
in case of Station Superintendents. Deputy Station Superintendents, Station
Master, Asstt. Station Masters and Switchman from the date of test as shown
in the certificate.
The Principal of ZRTI in case of Group C staff and Instructor In-
Charge of DTTC in case of Group D staff, are authorized to examine, issue
and renew the certificate of Initial training /Refresher course training attended
by the railway staff at ZRTI/DTTC. However, this training attended certificate
issued to Group C transportation staff may be extended locally by an officer
not below the rank of AOM/ATM, in exceptional cases. Such extension will be
valid for a period of Six months and in no case shall the validity be extended
any further. (c/slip 126 added)

ASMs/SMs within 6 months of retirement may not be deputed for

Refresher course subject to extension of competency by AOM for up to 6

Likewise, STJM/PM/CM may not be deputed for Refresher course

within 6 months of retirement subject to competency certification by Sectional
DTIs. (c/slip 93 added)

SR. 14.04.02.-Competency certificate for working Block

Instrument/PI/RRI/EI/BPAC or SSI (VDU also): OP/T- 1B issuing by ZRTI/Sini
should include the following in their format: PI/RRI/EI/SSI (VDU also) and
SSDAC/MSDAC/BPAC etc. and one day study tour may be arranged for
trainees to acquaint themselves for watching and observing these instruments
during their tenure at ZRTI/Sini, if these instruments are not available
presently at the model room of ZRTI. (c/slip 128 added)

Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

14.05. Bell code.–For the signalling of trains, the prescribed

code of bell signals as detailed below, shall be used, and a copy
thereof shall be exhibited in each block station near the place of
operation of the block working equipment–

Ref. Indication code How signalled How

No. acknowledged.
1. Call Attention, One One
Or Attend stroke stroke
Telephone 0 or beat or beat
2. Is Line Clear,
or Line Clear 00 Two Two
3. Train Entering 000 Three Three
Block Section
4. (A)Train Out
Of Block
(B)Obstruction 0000 Four Four
5. (A)Cancel Last
(B)Signal 00000 Five Five
Given in
6. (A)Obstruction 000000 Six Six
(B)Stop and 000000-0 Six Pause one Six Pause one
(C)Train Passed 000000-00 Six Pause Two Six Pause Two
Without Tail

Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

Lamp or Tail
(D)Train Divided 000000-000 Six Pause Three Six Pause Three
(E)Vehicles 000000-0000 Six Pause Four Six Pause Four
Running Away
In Wrong
Direction On
Double Line
Or into the
Block Section
On Single Line
(F)Vehicle 000000-00000 Six Pause Five Six Pause Five
Running Away
In Right
Direction on
Double Line
7. Testing 0000000000000000 Sixteen Sixteen

Note. – (1) ‘0’ indicates a stroke or a beat and ‘_’ indicates a

(2) Each signal shall be given slowly and distinctly.
(3) Exchange of bell codes under reference numbers 3 and 4 are
not required in a section provided with block proving axle counter
or track circuit having complete track circuiting of station yard
excluding non-running lines on either end.
14.06. Acknowledgement of signals.–
(1) Each signal received shall be acknowledged by sending its
authorised acknowledgement.
(2) No signal shall be acknowledged until it is clearly understood.
(3) A signal shall not be deemed to be complete until it is

Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

(4) If the station to which a signal is sent does not reply, the
signal shall be repeated at intervals of not less than 20 seconds
until reply is received.
14.07. Train Signal Register.–
(1) A Train Signal Register shall be kept by the Station Master or
under his orders.
(2) All signals received or sent on the electrical block instruments
and the timings of receipt and despatch shall be entered therein,
immediately after acknowledgement, by the person operating the
block instrument.
(3) The timings entered in the register shall be the actual timings,
except that any fraction of a minute shall be counted as one.
(4) All entries in the register shall be made in ink.
(5) No erasure shall be made in the register, but if any entry is
found to be incorrect, a line shall be drawn through it, so that it
may be read at any time and the correct entry shall be made
above it.
(6) The person who keeps the register for the time being shall be
responsible for all entries made therein and for correctly filling in
each column thereof.
SR. 14.07.01.– (a) The Station Master who makes an entry for a train,
shall continue on duty till all entries affecting that train are complete. The
Station Master who gives line clear for a train shall remain on duty till the train
has arrived and the ‘Train out of Block Section’ signal has been given by him
to the station in rear and acknowledged. Similarly, the Station Master who
receives line clear shall remain on duty till the ‘‘Train out of Block Section’’
signal is received from the station in advance and is acknowledged by him.
Except as indicated above, the change of duty should follow the
prescribed roster.
(b) Whenever the Station Master changes duty, a line shall be drawn
right across the Train Register, and the outgoing Station Master shall sign his
name eligibly and enter the time above the line or make any of the following
endorsements as may be appropriate in the event of his having to sign off at
any time after his rostered duty hours terminate:–
Signed off at ____________ hours in order to admit __________
train, arrived at __________ hours or Signed off at_________ hours in order
to receive train out of Block section report for __________train despatched to
Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

____________ station, arrived there at _________ hours. Similarly, the

incoming Station Master shall sign his name legibly and enter the time below
the line.
(c) In the event of another train being signalled after the incoming
Station Master has reported and before the outgoing Station Master has
signed ‘off’ the Line Clear shall be given by the former and latter need not wait
for completing the transactions in respect of that train.
(d) Sub-rule (a) above shall not apply if the detention to a train in
block section due to an accident or for any other exceptional reasons exceeds
by more than one hour beyond the normal running time. In such case the
Station Master may sign ‘off’ after making the following entries in red ink in the
Station Master’s diary as well as in the Train Signal Register :–
(i) On the double line __‘‘Up or Down Line (as the case may be)
occupied by No. __________ train left ___________at ________Hrs.’’
(ii) On the single line __ ‘‘Block section between _________ and
____________ occupied by No. __________ Up/Down train left _______ at
The above entry shall be signed jointly by the Station Master who
goes off duty and the Station Master who relieves him.
14.08. Authority to proceed.–The Loco Pilot shall not take his
train from a block station unless he has been given an authority
to proceed–
(a) On the double line, by the taking ‘off’ of the last Stop signal
(b) On the single line, either–
(i) by a token for the block section, taken from an electrical block
instrument, or
(ii) by a Line Clear Ticket duly signed by the Station Master, or
(iii) by any document prescribed in this behalf by special
instructions, or
(iv) by the taking ‘off’ of the last Stop signal in lieu of tangible
authority as mentioned in sub clauses (i) to (iii) on sections
provided with electrical block instruments of token less type or
track circuits or axle counters.
SR. 14.08.01.– For special instructions see Block Working Manual.
14.09. Loco Pilot to examine authority to proceed.–

Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

(1) The Loco Pilot shall ensure that the authority to proceed given to
him is proper authority under the system of working and refers to the
block section he is about to enter, and if the said authority is in
writing that it is complete and duly signed in full and in ink.
(2) If the conditions mentioned in sub-rule (1) are not complied
with, the Loco Pilot shall not take his train past or start from the
station until the mistake or the omission is rectified.
14.10. Conditions for closing the block section.–
(1) When the block section has been cleared by the arrival of the
train or by the removal of the cause of blocking, the block section
shall be closed by the block station in advance by giving the
prescribed bell code signal.
(2) Before such signal is given, the Station Master shall satisfy
himself as per the prescribed special instructions–
(a) that the train has arrived complete, or the cause of blocking
the section has been removed, and
(b) that the conditions under which Line Clear can be given, are
complied with.
(3) The provision of clause (b) of sub-rule (2) may be relaxed at
class ‘A’ single line crossing stations. In such cases, the Station
Master shall satisfy himself that the train is standing at its Starter
clear of the line on which the second train is to run.
(4) Where in a section, a block proving axle counter or
continuous track Circuiting between block stations and complete
track circuiting of station section excluding non-running lines or
the receiving stations is installed and is functioning and there is a
clear indication of clearance of block section as well as complete
arrival of the train as per indication given, it would be taken as
assurance for complete arrival of a train to the Station Master.
14.11. Responsibility of Station Master as to authority to
(1) An authority to proceed shall not be given to the Loco Pilot until the
procedure prescribed for the purpose, so far as it is applicable in the
particular case, has been followed.

Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

(2) An authority to proceed shall not be given to the Loco Pilot

except by the Station Master or by some railway servant
appointed in this behalf by special instructions.
(3) The Station Master shall see that the authority to proceed given
to a Loco Pilot is accurate and that, when it is in writing, it is
complete and is signed in full and in ink.
(4) If the train stops at the station and is waiting to cross another
train, the authority to proceed shall not be given to the Loco Pilot
until the whole of the latter train has arrived and is clear of the
running line for the former train.
(5) If two engines are coupled together or if one engine is in front
and another in rear of the train, the authority to proceed shall be
given to the Loco Pilot of the leading engine.
14.12. Special responsibility as to electrical token
instruments and to the token.–
(1) The Station Master shall be responsible to ensure that–
(a) no one but himself operates the electrical block instruments.
(b) the procedure regarding bell signals and, in addition any
communication made by electrical communication instruments
including the use of a private number, as laid down under special
instructions, is correctly carried out,
(c) in the case of stopping trains, the incoming token is
surrendered by the Loco Pilot before an outgoing token is
delivered to him.
(d) when he receives the token of an incoming train, it is put in
the electrical block instrument immediately, and
(e) no one except the person authorised by special instructions
opens the electrical block instruments.
(2)(a) a token shall not be taken out of an electrical block
instrument earlier than necessary and when taken out, its
number shall be recorded in the Train Signal Register, and it
shall be kept in the personal custody of the Station Master till
issued to a Loco Pilot or returned to the instrument.

Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

(b) On arrival of the train at the block station in advance, the

Loco Pilot shall give up the token in accordance with special
instructions, and his token shall then be placed in the electrical
block instrument at that station.
(c) If the train has to return to the block station from which it
started, the token shall, on such return, be replaced in the
electrical block instrument from which it was extracted.

14.13. Failure of electrical block instruments or track circuits

or axle counters.–
(1) If the electrical block instruments, track circuits or axle
counters or their electric connections fail. Line Clear shall be
obtained through the electrical communication instruments.
(2) When Line Clear has been so obtained, an entry to that effect
shall be made in the Train Signal Register, and the train may be
allowed to proceed on the issue of a written authority to proceed,
which shall also bear a remark to that effect.
14.14. Closing of Intermediate Block Post.–If the electrical block
instruments provided at the stations on either side of an
Intermediate Block Post or the track circuiting provided beyond the
last Stop signal, or the axle counters provided at either end of block
section, fail, the Intermediate Block Stop signal, shall be treated as
defective and the Intermediate Block Post shall be deemed to be
closed and section between the stations on either side of the
Intermediate Block Post shall be treated as one block section.
C. Block Stations at which Electrical Block Instruments are
not provided.
14.15. Transmission of signals.–For the working of trains at
such stations where electrical block instruments are not
provided, signals as prescribed under special instructions shall
be transmitted, as occasion may require on the electrical
communication instruments.

Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

14.16. Train Signal Register.–The Train Signal Register

referred to in Rule 14.07 shall also be maintained at block
stations where block instruments are not provided.
14.17. Forms for messages and written authority to
(1) All messages despatched in connection with the working of
trains, and all written authorities to proceed, shall be written on
forms specially provided for the purpose by the Railway
(2) Such forms shall be bound up in books and kept at each
block station by the Station Master, or by some railway servant
appointed in this behalf by special instructions.

14.18. Distinction of messages.–

(1) Every message despatched in connection with the working of
a train shall distinctly describe the train to which it relates.
(2) For every train a separate inquiry and reply shall be sent.
14.19. Writing and signing of messages and written
authorities to proceed.–
(1) All messages despatched in connection with the working of
trains, and all written authorities to proceed, shall be written up in
ink and signed by the person authorised to despatch or issue the
(2) No message or written authority to proceed shall be written
out, either in full or in part, or signed, until necessary.
14.20. Completion of messages–No part of any message shall
be despatched or acted upon until the whole message has been
written out except with a view to the prevention of an accident, or
in some other case of emergency.
14.21. Preservation of messages and written authorities to
proceed.–Messages and written authorities to proceed shall be
destroyed at such time after issue as may be prescribed by
special instruction:

Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

Provided that no message or written authority to proceed shall be

destroyed before one month after issue.
SR. 14.21.01. – Retention of Train message Books. – Train message
books after completion and other messages received and despatched under
these Rules shall be retained for six months at the station. After six months they
may be disposed of as prescribed unless required to be preserved any longer in
connection with a pending case.
14.22. Cancellation of Line Clear.– On a single line when a
Line Clear has been cancelled, no train shall be allowed to leave
in the opposite direction until a message has been received
acknowledging such cancellation and stating that the train for
which the Line Clear has been given is and shall be detained.
14.23. Loco Pilot to have authority to proceed.–The Loco Pilot
shall not take his train from a station unless he has in his
possession, as his authority to proceed, a Line Clear Ticket duly
signed by the Station Master.
14.24. Authority to proceed: when to be given to Loco Pilot –An
authority to proceed shall not be given to the Loco Pilot until the
procedure prescribed for the purpose, so far as it is applicable in
the particular case, has been followed.
SR. 14.24.01.– For procedure of Delivery of Authority to proceed
Block Working Manual Rule shall be referred to.
D. Line Clear Tickets
14.25. Line Clear Tickets.–
(1) When owing to failure or non-provision of electrical block
instruments the authority to proceed is a Line Clear Ticket, it shall,
except under special instructions, be in the following form–
Form No. T/C 1425 (UP)
__________________________ RAILWAY
Sr. No. _________________

(Loco Pilot / Record)
Up (T/C-1425)
Number of Train ……………………………… Up (Description)
Date …………………… Time ……………… hours ……………..
From Station Master ………………

Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

To The Loco Pilot of Train No. …………………….Up

The line is clear and you are authorized to proceed to ……………….
Last Train No. ………………….. cleared section at …………………
Private No. (in words) …………………….. (in figures) ………………

Authority to pass signal at ‘on’ position

You are authorized to pass Last stop Signal in danger, when the signal is
interlocked with Block Instrument.
Signature of Station Master
Station Master’s Stamp
Strike out whichever is not applicable.
Form No. T/D 1425(DN)
________________________ RAILWAY
Sr. No. ______________


(Loco Pilot / Record)
Down (T/D-1425)
Number of Train ……………………………… Down (Description)
Date …………………… Time ……………… hours ……………..
From Station Master ………………
To The Loco Pilot of Train No. ……………………. Down
The line is clear and you are authorized to proceed to ……………….
Last Train No. ………………….. cleared section at …………………
Private No. (in words) …………………….. (in figures) ………………

Authority to pass signal at ‘on’ position

*- You are authorized to pass Last stop Signal in danger, when the signal is
interlocked with Block Instrument.

Chapter- XIII & XIV
The One Train Only System & Block Working

Signature of Station Master
Station Master’s Stamp
Strike out whichever is not applicable.
(2) Each such ticket shall bear a serial number which shall be recorded in the
Train Signal Register, the numbers for the Down direction being clearly
distinguished from those for the Up direction.
(3) The ticket referred in Sub-rules (1) and (2) shall be printed on white paper
with blue font. To distinguish paper line clear ticket for up and down directions,
water mark arrow pointing "Up" and "Down" shall be printed on the ticket.

E. Use and Operation of Block Working Equipment

14.26. Use and operation of block working equipment.–The

use and operation of electrical block instruments shall be
governed by special instructions to be issued with the prior
approval of the Railway Board.


Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous


A. Railway Servants Employed on the Permanent Way or

15.01. Condition of Permanent Way and Works.— Each
Inspector of way or Works shall be responsible for the condition of
the permanent way and works under his charge.
SR. 15.01.01.— For the purpose of this Chapter, the term Inspector of
Works shall be taken to include Bridge Inspectors also.
15.02. Maintenance of line.— Each Inspector of Way or
Works shall—
(a) see that his length of line or works in his charge are efficiently
maintained, and
(b) promptly report to the Engineer-in-charge all accidents to, or
defects in the way or works, which he considers likely to interfere
with the safe running of trains, at the same time taking such
action as may be necessary to prevent accidents.
SR. 15.02.01.— The Engineer-in-charge referred to in this Chapter
shall mean the Assistant Engineer or other officer in immediate
charge of the section concerned.
15.03. Keeping of material.— Each Inspector of Way or Works
shall see to the security of all rails, chairs, sleepers, and other
material in his charge, and ensure that properly stacked clear of
the line so as not to interfere with the safe running of trains.
SR. 15.03.01.— Loose permanent way materials, tools, etc. shall not
be left by the side of the line where they might be made use of by miscreants
to form dangerous obstructions. Such materials shall be collected at gate
lodges or gang huts and subsequently taken to a proper depot at the earliest
opportunity. This does not apply to the case of remodelling of yards or
relaying where special watchmen are engaged.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 15.03.02.— Stacks of wooden sleepers shall be covered with a

layer of earth and all grass around the stacks cut closely for a distance of 7.5
m. as a precaution against fire.
SR. 15.03.03.— Railway materials such as carriage and wagon parts
found lying alongside the line shall be collected by the Permanent Way
Inspectors and made over to the nearest Station Master for despatch to the
nearest Train Examiner.
15.04. Inspection of Permanent Way and Works.—
(1) Every portion of the permanent way shall be inspected daily
on foot by some railway servant appointed in this behalf by
special instructions:
Provided that the interval between such inspections may under
approved special instructions, be increased to once in two day in
the case of lines with light and infrequent traffic.
(2) All bridges and works including signals, signal wires,
interlocking gear, points and crossings, overhead equipment and
any other equipment affecting the safety and working of trains
shall be inspected regularly in accordance with special
SR. 15.04.01.— The keyman of each gang shall walk daily over the
length of each running track in his charge, starting at or soon after sunrise,
and, when necessary, more than once daily. He shall tighten or replace any
loose keys or other fastenings, as required, and examine the state of the track
SR. 15.04.02.—Permanent Way Inspectors in independent charge shall
inspect the full length of their sections at least once a week by trolly and
Permanent Way Inspectors (Grade III) working under them shall do so at least
two times a week, except when unavoidably prevented, in which case a report
shall be sent at once to the Engineer-in-charge.
SR. 15.04.03.— Permanent Way maintenance staff shall be
responsible for seeing that signal wires are kept clear of all obstructions. This
duty shall clearly be impressed on Gang men and Key men by the Permanent
Way Inspector.
SR. 15.04.04.— Inspectors of Way and Works shall inspect each
bridge or culvert in their section at regular intervals, the nature and periodicity
of such inspections being as prescribed in the Indian Railways Way & Works
Manual. Any serious defect noticed during their inspections shall at once be
reported to the Engineer-in-charge.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 15.04.05—Signal Inspectors shall visit each interlocked station and

interlocked level crossing at least once a month and carefully inspect the working
of all signals, points and other appliances.
SR. 15.04.06. — Permanent Way Inspectors and Signal Inspectors
shall pay particular attention to the correct adjustment of interlocked points. If,
at any set of points, it is found possible to lock them in either direction with a
gauge test piece 5mm thick inserted at 15 cm from the toe of switch, such
points shall be treated as defective and worked as non-interlocked points, until
necessary adjustments are made to ensure their proper setting.

15.05. Patrolling of lines.—

(1) In addition to the inspection referred to in Rule 15.04.
Whenever any portion of railway is likely to be endangered by
abnormal conditions such as heavy rains, breaches, floods,
storms and civil disturbances, the line shall be patrolled in
accordance with special instructions.
(2) When a railway servant deputed to patrol the line notices any
condition likely to affect the safety of trains or otherwise
apprehends danger, he shall take action in accordance with
special instructions prescribed for the purpose to protect the
obstruction on line and thereafter inform the nearest Station
Master by the most expeditious means.
See also Rule 3.62.
SR. 15.05.01.— During monsoon, the Divisional Engineers shall
arrange for regular patrolling of the line wherever considered necessary.

SR. 15.05.02.— In case of exceptionally heavy rain or abnormal

floods occurring during the monsoons or a sudden severe storm during the
non-monsoon period, the Permanent Way Inspectors, Permanent Way
Mistries and Gang mates shall, on their own initiative, organise patrolling by
the gangs of those portions of the line which are likely to be affected thereby,
until the danger passes. This shall be done irrespective whether regular
monsoon patrolling by patrolmen is in force or not. In case of heavy rainfall
and floods, the gang patrols shall pay special attention to known points of
danger, such as banks and cuttings which are liable to slips or subsidence,
bridges and their approach banks likely to be affected by floods and portions
of the line which may be endangered by railway affecting tanks. In case of
cyclone or heavy gale, the patrol shall also inspect the lengths of track which
are likely to fouled by falling of trees etc.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 15.05.03.— The Divisional Engineer shall decide the sections

where regular monsoon patrolling is necessary and divide them into suitable
beats for individual patrols. The beats shall be numbered serially from one
end to each P.W. Inspector’s sections to the other end. In addition, vulnerable
locations requiring stationary watchmen shall also be identified and listed.
SR. 15.05.04.— In respect of mobile patrol beats extending from station
to station, he shall arrange to prepare and supply patrol charts in sufficient
numbers to the concerned Asstt. Engineers and P.W. Inspectors and also to the
Divisional Operations Manager, Divisional Mechanical Engineer and, in case of
electrified sections, to the Divisional Electrical Engineer (RS), for distribution
among the concerned Station Masters, Control Office, Loco Shed Foremen,
Traction Foremen etc. These charts shall be exhibited at a conspicuous place.
The Foremen concerned shall be responsible for acquainting the Loco Pilots of
passenger trains as to when to expect to pass the patrolmen if running to time.
SR. 15.05.05.— A patrol book containing sufficient number of pages
shall be supplied to each patrol, with a tin case. The book shall be serially
numbered to correspond with the number of the patrol on each section. The first
page of the book shall contain the number and kilometrage of patrol beat and
the names of the Patrolmen. The remaining pages shall contain columns for
date station name, time of arrival and departure and signature of Station
Master/Switchman. Where the patrolling is done only by night, the patrol books
shall remain in the custody of the Station Master/Switchman during the day.
SR. 15.05.06. — The Patrolman shall, during his duty hours, patrol his
beat as specified by the Divisional Engineer. A Patrolman whose beat
terminates at a station shall, on reaching there, present his patrol book to the
Station Master/Switchman, who shall enter therein the time of his arrival and
departure and sign the book. The name of the patrolman and his time of
arrival/departure shall also be recorded in Station Diary. At the other end of
the beat where there is no station, the Patrolman shall exchange his patrol
book with the Patrolman of the next beat and shall then re-trace his beat. The
intermediate Patrolmen shall also exchange the patrol books accordingly. In
this way, each Patrol book will be conveyed from one Station to the other and
SR. 15.05.07.— If a Patrolman, on arrival at the end of his beat in the
mid-section, does not find the next Patrolman to take over his patrol book, he
shall, after waiting for 15 mts., proceed ahead until he meets him or the
Patrolman of the next beat further ahead, and exchange the patrol book with
him. The Patrolman shall report such cases of absence of Patrolman from the
nominated beat to the Gangmate on the following day. If there be any gang
hut on the way, he shall advise the Gangmate immediately for deputing
another Gang man for patrolling.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 15.05.08.— Station Master/Switchman shall verify whether the

Patrolmen coming on duty are sober and fully equipped, that their lamps are
trimmed and filled with oil and that they leave for their beats on time.
SR. 15.05.09.— Each Patrolman shall be provided with the
following equipment and such others as may be prescribed by special
(i) 1 staff
(ii) 1 number plate
(iii) 1 patrol book in tin case
(iv) 1 haversack
(v) 1 tin case containing 10 detonators
(vi) Hand signal flags — 2 red and 1 green (for day patrols only.)
(vii) 2 Hand signal lamps
(viii) 1 three-cell electric torch (for night patrols only.)
(ix) 1 match box
(x) 1 Whistle
(xi) Protective clothing, according to local dress regulations.
NOTE :— When men have to patrol in pairs, the equipment need not
be duplicated; but an extra hand signal shall be carried.

SR. 15.05.10.- If a Patrolman does not turn up within 15 minutes of

his scheduled arrival, the Station Master on duty shall take the following action
(a) He shall stop run-through trains proceeding into the next Block
Section, out of course;
(b) He shall advise the Station Master at the other end of the section
to take similar action and also advise the Section Controller;
(c) He shall issue a Caution Order in form T\B409 to every train
proceeding into the Block Section, advising the Loco Pilot to be on the alert and
to observe a speed restriction of 40 Km/h during the day when visibility is clear
and 15 km/h during the night or when visibility is impaired. The Caution Orders
shall be issued until the Patrolman arrives and reports that the line is safe for
passage of trains;
(d) He shall send out a Station staff/Gang man to ascertain the
whereabouts of the Patrolman and the reason for delay and, in case the
Patrolman is not found, the Station Master shall immediately contact the
concerned Gangmate/PWI to arrange for another Patrolman.

SR. 15.05.11.— Duties of Patrolman in regard to safety of the line :–

(a) The Patrolman shall walk to and fro, over his beat in accordance
with the chart pertaining to the beat, looking out for subsidence, slips, signs of
erosion, trees blown across the track during storms or any other cause likely
to endanger the safety of the line. Bridges and their approaches shall be
specially watched.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(b) He shall apprehend damage to the line when :–

(i) the flood level reaches or is higher than the danger level marked on
any of the bridges;
(ii) the water on one side of the embankment is at a much higher level than
on the other side:
(iii) any obstruction, such as a fallen tree, is blocking the water-way of
a bridge;
(iv) the track shows signs of settlement; or
(v) failure of any part of bridge structure or its approach, which may
endanger the safety of the bridge, is likely.
(c) He shall take immediate steps, in accordance with the instructions
given in GR 15.05.11(h) below, to stop trains when any portion of the line is
rendered unsafe or is likely to be rendered unsafe due to abnormal rain or
flood or any other cause.
(d) When no danger is apprehended, the patrolman shall stand on the
cess on the left hand side of the train and facing it and exhibit his number
plate, turning the light of his lamp on to it so that the number can be seen from
the passing trains. He shall also whistle continuously during passage of the
whole train.
(e) He shall obtain the signature of the Station Master or Switchman
on duty at the station concerned for his arrival and departure and exchange
patrol book with adjacent patrolmen, as the case may be.
(f) He shall exchange information with adjacent Patrolmen and
Stationary Watchmen about the condition of their beats.
(g) He shall need instructions from Loco Pilots in respect of any
dangerous condition noticed enroute by the latter and proceed to the place
indicated and take necessary measures.
(h) In the event of any portion of the line being breached or otherwise
rendered unsafe for traffic, the Patrolmen shall act as follow:–

(A) In cases where two Patrolmen are employed: –

(i) Danger signals shall be shown at once in both directions:
(ii) The two Patrolmen shall then proceed in opposite directions,
showing danger signal, and at 600 meters from the point of obstruction in the
case of Broad Gauge each shall place one detonator on the rail and,
thereafter, proceed to a distance of 1200 meters from the point of obstruction
where he shall place three detonators on the rail about 10 meters apart. On
double/treble line section, the detonators shall be placed on the line on which
trains would normally approach. On the Narrow Gauge the first detonator shall
be placed at 400 meters and the latter three detonators at 800 meters from
the obstruction, spaced about 10 meters part.
(iii) One Patrolman shall then remain at the place where he has fixed
three detonators and continue to show the Stop hand signal, while the other
Patrolman, who is closer to the nearest Block station, shall proceed with all
haste to that station, exhibiting Stop hand signal. If there be any gang on the
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

way, he shall inform the Gang Mate of the occurrence. The Mate shall
immediately proceed with his gang to the affected spot and ensure proper
protection of line and attend to such repairs as are within his competence. On
reaching the station, the Patrolman shall inform the Station Master/Switchman
about the danger. He shall, there-after, return to the site of obstruction and
shall continue to protect the line till he is relieved by the Gang Mate.
(iv) Should the nature of the obstruction be such as to render it
absolutely impossible for either of the Patrolmen to get across the same, as
for instance a wash away with strong current, one of the men shall remain at
the site of obstruction and show Stop hand signal and endeavour to stop
trains approaching from the opposite side, while the other patrolman shall
proceed towards the station in the rear, taking action as described in para (ii)
and (iii) above.

(B) In case where a single Patrolman is employed and the damage or

obstruction is detected on single line:-

(i) The Patrolman shall place a red hand signal at a prominent place
to warn any train which may approach from one direction and then proceed in
haste in the opposite direction and in the case of Broad Gauge, place one
detonator at 600 meters and three detonators about 10 meters apart at 1200
meters from the obstruction. On Narrow Gauge the first detonator shall be
placed at 400 meters and the latter three detonators at 800 meters from the
obstruction, spaced about 10 meters apart.

(ii) He shall thereafter return immediately and protect the other side
with detonators in a similar manner.

(iii) In the event of it being absolutely impossible to get to the other

side of the obstruction (as in a wash away with strong current), the Stop hand
signal shall be placed in such a position that it may be seen from as long a
distance as possible by a train approaching from the opposite direction.

(C) In cases where a single Patrolman is employed and the damage

or obstruction is detected on a double line section:–
(i) When obstruction is only on one line, the Patrolman shall place a
red hand signal on the opposite side near the site of obstruction and run in the
direction from which trains would approach and place detonators as described
in sub-para B (i).

(ii) When both the lines are blocked, the Patrolman shall place a red
hand signal at a prominent place so as to warn any train approaching on one
track. Then he shall run along the other track in the direction from which trains
would approach and place detonators as described in sub-para (B) (i). He
shall, thereafter, run back immediately and protect with detonators the other
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line (on which the red hand signal had earlier been placed) by placing
detonators as described in sub-para (B) (i). After having protected both the
lines, the Patrolman shall proceed with all haste towards the nearest station,
exhibiting the Stop hand signal. If he finds it impossible due to the station on
the other side and report the matter on arrival, to the Station
Master/Switchman on duty. If, on the way, he passes by a gang he shall
intimate the Gang Mate of the obstruction and the latter shall proceed with his
gang to the site of obstruction and ensure proper protection of line and attend
to such repairs as are within his competence.
(iii) In all cases mentioned in sub-rule (h) above, after having
protected the line and summoned assistance, the Patrolmen shall resume
patrolling of their beat.
SR. 15.05.12.— The Divisional Engineer shall, when he considers it
necessary, arrange for other types of patrolling of the line, such as hot
weather patrolling where buckling of track is apprehended or security
patrolling on apprehension of civil disturbances or for any other reason. Such
patrolling shall be done in accordance with special instructions. The protection
of line in case of any damage or obstruction shall be done in the same
manner as indicated in SR 15.05.11 (h).

SR. 15.05.13.— P.W. Inspectors shall be responsible for ensuring

that all Patrolmen under them are fully conversant with the rules and
instructions regarding patrolling of the line and are properly drilled in their
duties in respect of protection of the line.

15.06. Work involving danger to trains or traffic.— A gang

shall not commence or carry on any work which will involve
danger to trains or to traffic without the previous permission of
the Inspector of Way or Works, or of some competent railway
servant appointed in this behalf by special instructions; and the
railway servant who gives such permission shall himself be
present to superintendent such work, and shall see that the
provisions of Rule 15.08 and 15.09 are observed :

Provided that, in case of emergency, when the requirements of

safety warrant the commencement of any such work before the
said railway servant can arrive, the Gang mate may commence
the work at once and shall himself ensure that provisions of Rule
15.09 are observed.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

15.07.Work in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather

impairing visibility.— In thick, foggy or tempestuous weather
impairing visibility, no rail shall be displaced and no other work
which is likely to cause obstruction to the passage of trains shall
be performed, except in cases of emergency.

15.08. Precautions before commencing operations which

would obstruct the line.—
(1) No person employed on the way or works shall change or
turn a rail, disconnect points or signals, or commence any other
operation which would obstruct the line until Stop signals have
been exhibited and where prescribed detonators used; and if
within station limits, he has also obtained the written permission
of the Station Master and all necessary signals have been placed
at ‘on’:

Provided that the exhibition of Stop signals may be dispensed

with, if such operations are performed or carried out after the
necessary signals, other than Automatic Stop signals, have in
addition to being placed in the ‘on’ position, been disconnected, so
that such signals cannot be taken ‘off’ again until it is safe to do so
and the corresponding adequate distance beyond such signals is
kept clear:

Provided further that when the area of work is controlled by

Automatic signals, the railway servant in charge of the work shall
post a competent railway servant at an adequate distance in rear
of the site of the work to stop and warn any train approaching the
affected area.

(2) No work involving removal of any rail from the track shall be
under- taken without traffic block, except as provided in sub-rule
(3) below.

(3) In emergent cases, the engineering official not below the rank
of PWI Grade III, undertaking such Operations shall first bring
the train to stop and advice the loco pilot of the train about the

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need to stop the train through a written memo. The engineering

official shall simultaneously arrange to send a message to the
station master for the need to block the track and obtain written
confirmation of the same. In such emergent cases, work may be
commenced only after bringing the train to a stop and the loco
pilot has been advised.

SR. 15.08.01.— When any operation involving interference with

permanent way or signalling/interlocking gear is to be undertaken, whether
within or outside station limits, and the work is of such nature as to require
blocking of the line or issue of caution order, the Engineering official
responsible for such operation shall issue an advice in writing to the Station
Masters concerned of his intention to undertake the work and obtain written
permission from the later. The work shall not be commenced until such
permission has been obtained from the Station Master concerned.

NOTE : The term Engineering official shall, for the purpose of this
chapter, be taken to include the concerned officials of the S & T and Traction
Distribution Departments also.

15.08.02—Procedure for arranging blocks and imposing speed

(a) The Divisional Engineer concerned shall send to the Divisional
Operations Manager by 15th of every month a forecast of speed restrictions and
block likely to be required during the following month.
(b) Speed restrictions :–
(i) Speed restrictions shall be classified as permanent, Semi-
permanent and temporary. Temporary restrictions are there which are purely
short term in nature and are not listed in the Working Time Table. The terms
“permanent” and “semi-permanent” as applied to speed restrictions, have
been defined in SR 15.09.03, which may be referred to.

(ii) The Divisional Engineer shall inform the Divisional Operations

Manager as soon as it becomes necessary to impose any speed restriction or
to lower the speed limit for an existing restriction. Where the necessity for the
same can be foreseen, 7 days’ notice shall be given, to enable the “Green
Notice” being issued (vide sub-rule (d) below).
(iii) In case of emergency, temporary speed restrictions may be
imposed by a Permanent Way Inspector by issue of a message to the Chief
Controller or to the Station Master concerned, to enable caution orders being
issued accordingly. Copies of the message shall be sent to all the concerned
officers of Engineering, Operating, S & T, Mechanical and Electric (Traction)
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

Departments, as well as to the Loco/Shed Foreman/ Traction Foreman (RS),

concerned and the Station Masters on either side and those of the notice
stations concerned.

(c) Blocking of line:–

(i) For urgent and unforeseen works required for safety, the requisite
blocks shall be arranged specially on requisition by the Engineering officials
concerned, even at short notice.
(ii) In the case of other works affecting running lines and involving
speed restrictions, blocks shall not be imposed unless all concerned have
been notified by a circular issued on green paper and known as “Green
Notice” (Vide sub-rule (d) below). For all such works the Divisional Engineer
or the Divisional Signal & Telecom. Engineer, as the case may be, shall give 7
days’ notice to the Divisional Operations Manager to enable him to issue the
“Green Notice”.

(d) Green Notice.—

(i) The object of the “GREEN NOTICE” is to afford advance
information to all concerned on the grounds of safety so as to arrange the
train services to suit the block or speed restrictions required for engineering or
signal work. It shall be issued by the Divisional Operations Manager on getting
necessary particulars from the Divisional Engineer or Divisional Signal and
Telecom. Engineer, as the case may be.

The Divisional Operations Manager, shall check with the Divisional

Engineer/Divisional Signal & Telecom. Engineer whether necessary provision
for the loss of time involved exists, failing which he shall make a reference
immediately to the Chief Operations Manager, advising the Divisional
Engineer/Divisional Signal and Telecom. Engineer about it.
(ii) The following items shall be incorporated in the “GREEN NOTICE”
1. Nature of work.
2. Probable duration of work.
3. Speed restriction to be imposed.
4. System of work such as signals, interlocking etc. to be introduced
during the progress of work.
5. Various stages in which the work will be undertaken and the
method of work in each stage
6. Nature of temporary signals which will be erected.
7. General and Subsidiary Rules to be observed.
8. Nature of Caution Order to be issued.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

9. Additional time required for Mail, Express, Passenger and Goods

Trains to cover the speed
10. Whether the work will be done and speed restriction applied
between sunrise and sunset
or during the entire 24 hours.
11. Currency of "GREEN NOTICE" –(maximum 3 months from the
date of issue).
SR. 15.08.03. General instructions regarding Blocking of line for
Engineering Works :–
(a) The time for blocking the line shall be such as to cause as little
interference as possible to train services.
(b) The period of line block shall, in all cases, be deemed to
commence immediately after clearance of the concerned block section by the
last train nominated to pass the work spot prior to commencement of the line
block, unless any later time than that is specifically stipulated in the line, block
(c) In cases where the location of the work spot is such that the
nominated last train, after passing the work spot, has to negotiate a long or
steep rising gradient before it clears the block section, no work obstructing the
line shall be commenced until it has actually been ascertained that the train has
cleared the section, or sufficient time has elapsed after its passage over the
work spot to ensure that there is no possibility of its stalling and rolling back to
the work spot. ( vide SR 15.08.04 (d).
(d) Line block orders, including Green Notices, issued by the
Divisional Operations Manager shall be addressed to the Station Masters of
the block stations on either side of the work spot, with copies to the Station
Masters or the notice stations and to the Engineering officials concern and the
same shall be acknowledged by the Station Masters under advice to the
Engineering officials. These orders shall invariably be entered in red ink in the
Train Register, the Caution Order Register and the Station Diary and be
carried forward day by day until the block actually taken effect.
(e) Train Controllers shall be responsible for taking care to see that no
extra train is ordered whose running would affect the line block or be affected
seriously by the same, and for taking all possible steps to ensure that the line
block can commence at the appointed time.

(f) While the line block is in force, no Traffic train shall be allowed to
enter the obstructed section under any circumstance whatsoever. The Station
Masters at both ends of the section shall not ask for or grant Line Clear during
the period for any train to enter the section.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(g) Material trains may be allowed to be taken into the obstructed

section on the responsibility of the Engineering official in charge of the work,
provided he is of rank not lower, than Permanent Way Inspector (Gr. III). For
the rules for their working, see SR 4.62.05.

(h) Motor trollies and lorries may also be allowed to enter the
obstructed section, provided they are treated in the same way as material
trains, except that the duties of both Guard and loco pilot shall devolve upon
the person in charge of the Motor Trolly or lorry.

(i) The running of Traffic trains over the section shall not be resumed
until all material trains or motor trollies/lorries as might have entered the
section under Sub-rules (g) and (h) above have cleared the section and
separate messages to this effect have been exchanged between and
acknowledged by the respective Station Masters in respect of each of such
trains or motor trollies or lorries.

(j) The obstructed portion of track shall, in all cases, be protected with
the use of banner flags and detonators in accordance with GR 15.09 (1) (a)
irrespective of whether temporary stop indicators and caution indicators are
provided or not.

(k) A line block, when once imposed, shall continue to be in operation

until a block removal message in the manner prescribed under these Rules is
received from the Engineering official in charge of the work by either of the
Station Masters concerned.

SR. 15.08.04. — Procedure for blocking the line when the work spot
is on a section not provided with Train Control or when the use of a field
telephone is not available to the Engineering official on a controlled section,
whether due to failure of control working or for any other reason :-

(a) When the section is about to be blocked in terms of the line

block orders received, the Station Master from whose end the last train to
pass the work spot is to enter the section shall issue to the Guard of that train
a “Last Train Certificate” in the following form in duplicate.


The line between ............................ and .................... will be blocked for
Engineering purposes from ........ *mts after this train, No....................... clears
the section, until…………………………………….
.................. hours on ................... 19 .............…………………..
Station........................................................……................ Date
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

Station Master

Station Stamp.

Note : The period of lapse to be filled in shall be 10 mts. for

passenger trains and 15 mts. for goods and mixed trains, for all cases coming
under the purview of sub-rule 15.08.03. (c) No such period need be indicated
in other cases.

The Station Master shall, in addition, hand over a Caution order to the
loco pilot, warning him to look out for a Stop hand signal from the Engineering
official in charge at the work spot. If the last train is a run-through train, it shall
be stopped out of course for the purpose.

No such Caution Order need, however, be issued to the loco pilot, if

the train timing is such that there would be no Engineering official yet at the
work spot. (Vide Note under sub-rule (b).

(b) The last train, as mentioned above, shall be stopped at the work
spot by showing of a Stop hand signal by the Engineering official in charge.
The Guard of the train shall also be on the look-out and, on the train being
stopped, deliver one copy of the Last Train Certificate to the same
Engineering official and obtain a receipt therefore. The Guard shall
subsequently deliver the duplicate copy to the Station Master at the other end
of the block section and obtain a receipt, the train being stopped out of course
for the purpose if booked to run through.

Note :– In cases where the last train is due to pass the work spot so
much in advance of the time of commencement of the work as to render it
inconvenient for the Engineering official to be present there during its
passage, the train need not be stopped at the work spot. Instead, it may run
through to the block station at the other end, where the Guard shall deliver
both copies of the Last Train Certificate to the Station Master and obtain a
receipt. It shall then be the responsibility of the Engineering official to obtain
his copy of the certificate personally from that Station Master and grant a
receipt for the same. The Station Master shall, in turn, advise the Station
Master at the other end by telephone or telegraph about this having been
done. Wherever this procedure is to be followed, it shall be the responsibility
of the Engineering official to advise all concerned in this regard, well in
(c) If, on the nominated train coming to a stand at the site of work, the
Guard is not in possession of the Last Train Certificate, nor of any message
advising deferment of the block, the Engineering official in charge shall, if he
deems it necessary to proceed with the work as programmed, send a
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

telegraphic message through the Guard, addressed to the Station Masters at

both ends of the block section, with a copy to the DOM, intimating that the
work is being proceeded with as arranged. Immediately on arrival at the block
station ahead, the Guard shall hand over the message to the Station Master
and obtain a receipt. The Station Master shall, before giving the “Train out of
Block Section” signal, Transmit the message to the Station Master at the other
end of the block section and obtain his acknowledgement.
(d) The Station Master who has issued the Last Train Certificate shall
immediately after acknowledging the “Train out of Block section” signal for the
same train from the Station Master at the other end, shall arrange to place a
‘Line Blocked’ label on the Block instrument and lever collar on the lever of the
last Stop signal and slide collar on Station Master’s slot slide for the last Stop
signal (where provided). The lever/ collar shall not be removed until the line
block is over and the section is clear for the resumption of normal running of
trains (vide sub rules (f) and (g).

(e) The Line Block shall not be considered to be in operation nor shall
any work obstructing the line be commenced by the Engineering official in
charge, until he is in possession of the Last Train certificate, or has issued the
message referred to the sub-rule (c) above.
(f) If the work spot is at the lower end of a steep or long gradient
which the last train has to negotiate after passing the spot, no work
obstructing the line shall be commenced until the period prescribed in the Last
Train Certificate as per Sub-rule 15.08.04 (a) has elapsed after the probable
time of clearance of the block section by the last train.
(g) Except in cases where the work is delayed for any unforeseen
reason, the Engineering official in charge shall be responsible for removal of
the block within the period stipulated in the Last Train Certificate. For this he
shall send a block removal message, in writing, to the Station Master of the
nearer block station and obtain acknowledgement thereof.
(h) If, for any reason, the line block is required to be extended beyond
the stipulated period, the Engineering official in charge shall, with all
expedition, send to the Station Master of the nearer block station, a written
message, stating the reasons for the delay and indicating the time up to which
the block has to be extended. The Station Master receiving such message
shall immediately advise the Station Master at the other end, as well as the
Divisional Operations Manager about such extension.
(i) The running of Traffic trains may be resumed only if a message as
per sub-rule (g) above, intimating removal of the obstruction, has been
received from the concerned Engineering official by either of the Station
Masters and it has been communicated by him to the other and got acknow-

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

ledged. This shall also be subject to the provisions of sub-rule 15.08.03 (i)
being complied with.
(j) For the first train to pass after completion of the block work, a caution
order for ‘stop dead’ at the kilometrage of the work spot shall invariably be issued.
For subsequent trains normal working may be allowed with such restrictions as
may have been indicated in the block removal message.

SR. 15.08.05. Blocking of line through field telephone on non-

electrified sections provided with Train Control :
(a) Before proceeding to the work spot, the Engineering official shall
obtain from the Station Master an Identification Cover. While taking the
acknowledgement for the same, the Station Master shall personally verify that
the Engineering official has been issued with the correct Identification Cover.
Thereafter he shall advise the particulars of the Identification cover to the
Station Master at the other end of the section to be blocked. The same
Identification Cover may be used for successive blocks.
(b) The Engineering official shall be responsible for ensuring that the
field telephone carried by him to the work spot is in good working order.
(c) Before commencing the block the Engineering official shall write
out a block message in the following form, addressed to the Station Masters
of the adjoining block stations :

“Please block the Up/Down* line between .............…………………….. and

.......... from the time train No. ................ Up/Down clears the sections
on.......................... (date) ........................ until ....................... hours on
.......................... (date).

Designation of Engg. Official

(Note : *Strike out either or both, as appropriate)

He shall thereafter contact the Section Controller on the field Tele-
phone, and through him the Station Master at the other end of the block
Section and transmit the message to the latter, supported by a Private
Number, after duly exchanging Identification Numbers.

(d) The Station Master, on receipt of the message and on being

satisfied about the correct identity of the Engineering official, shall obtain the
consent of the Section Controller and transmit the message to the Station
Master at the other end from where the Engineering official was issued with
the Identification Cover; obtaining his acknowledgement supported by a
Private Number. He shall thereafter make out a message, in the following

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

form and transmit the same, supported by Private Number, the Engineering
official at the work spot, after duly exchanging Identification Numbers.

“Reference your block message, the Up/Down line between ............ and
................... is allowed to be blocked after
train No.................................................. Up/Down clears the section
on........................ (date) until ........... hrs. on ................................... (date).
Station Master/ .................................”
(e) After the message mentioned in sub-rule (d) above has been
exchanged and after the last train referred to therein has passed the work
spot, the Engineering official shall remain in touch with the Section Controller
who, after duly ensuring that the train has cleared the block section, shall give
an Order Number to the former, signifying commencement of the block, and
also advise the same to the Station Masters at both ends.
(f) On the work being completed, and the Engineering official being in a
position to pass the traffic, he shall remove the block and impose such speed
restrictions as may be necessary, by transmitting a block removal message in the
following form to the Station Master concerned, supported by exchange of Private
Numbers, after duly exchanging Identification Numbers with him.

“Reference Control Order Number................................. Block on Up/Down line

between .......................................... and .............................. is hereby
removed. Issue caution order to loco pilots to observe the following :–
(state the restriction and location)

Designation of Engineering official”

(g) The Station Master, on receipt of the block removal message,
shall immediately transmit the same to the Station Master at the other end and
obtain his acknowledgement. He shall thereafter report the matter to the
Section Controller. The Section Controller, on being satisfied that the
messages have been correctly exchanged and the section is clear in terms of
sub-rule 15.08.03 (i) shall issue an Order Number to the Station Masters to
resume normal working.
(h) In the event of failure of Control working or of the field telephone at any
stage of the work, either before or during the block, the procedure laid down in
SR 14.08.04 shall be followed.

SR. 15.08.06 — Blocking of line through field telephone on electrified

sections:(Method - I with communications through Traction Power Controller)

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(a) Before proceeding to the work spot, the Engineering official shall
obtain from the Station Master an Identification Cover in the same manner as
laid down in sub-rule 15.08.05(a).

(b) The Engineering official shall be responsible for ensuring that the
field telephone carried by him to the work spot is in good working order.

(c) Before commencing the block, the Engineering official shall write
out the block message in the same manner as indicated in sub-rule
15.08.05(c). He shall thereafter contact the T.P.C. through one of the
telephone sockets provided alongside the line at intervals of approximately 1
Km and transmit the message to him, supported by an Identification Number,
duly exchanging Private Numbers with him.

(d) The T.P.C. on receipt of the aforesaid message, shall transmit it,
together with the Identification Number of the Engineering official, to the
Section Controller who, in turn shall transmit the same to the Station Masters
concerned and get their acknowledgements, supported by Private Numbers.
The Station Master holding the Identification Cover corresponding to that
issued to the Engineering official by the Station Master at the other end (vide
sub-rule (a) ) shall be responsible for verification of the authenticity of the
block message by tallying the Identification Number received with it, before
giving his acknowledgement to the Section Controller, supported by his own
matching Identification Number. The Section Controller shall, thereafter, issue
a confirmatory message in the same form as given under sub-rule 15.08.05
(d) indicating the duration of the block to be allowed and pass it on to the
T.P.C. supported by the Identification Number given by the Station Master, for
onward transmission to the Engineering official.

(e) The T.P.C. shall thereupon convey the message, along with the
Identification Number, to the Engineering official over the telephone, duly
exchanging Private Numbers. It shall be an important responsibility of the
Engineering official to tally the Identification Number received with the
message to satisfy himself about the correct identity of the Station Master who
has acknowledged his block message. In case of any discrepancy he shall
report the matter at once to the Section Controller through the T.P.C. and
await further instructions.

(f) After the message mentioned in sub-rule (e) has been correctly
received, and after the last train referred to therein has passed the work spot,
the Engineering official shall remain in touch with the T.P.C. who, after duly
verifying from the Section Controller that the train has cleared the block
section and obtaining from the latter the Order Number authorising
commencement of the block, shall transmit the same to the Engineering
official to enable him to proceed with the work.
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(g) On the work being completed and the Engineering Official being in
a position to pass the traffic, he shall remove the block and impose such
speed restrictions as may be necessary, by transmitting to the T.P.C. a block
removal message addressed to the Station Master concerned, in the same
form as indicated in sub-rule 15.08.05

(f), supported by another Identification Number, after duly exchanging

Private Numbers.

(h) The T.P.C. on receipt of the block removal message, shall

immediately pass it on to the Section Controller, who in turn, shall transmit the
same along with the Identification Number, to the Station Masters at both
ends and obtain their acknowledgements in the same manner as indicated in
sub-rule (d) above. The Section Controller shall, thereafter, satisfied, himself
that the section is clear in terms of sub rule 15.08.03 (i) and then issue an
Order Number to the Station Master to resume normal working.

(i) Sub rules (h) and (i) of SR 15.08.05. shall also apply in this case.

SR. 15.08.07. — Blocking of line through field telephone on electrified

sections (Method-II-With communications through a representative of the
Engineering official positioned near one end of the block section)

(a) Before proceeding to the work spot, the Engineering official shall post a
trusted representative of his, of rank not lower that PWI/Grade-III, to man a
field telephone at the T.P.C. socket nearest to either of the stations. The
representative shall carry a letter of authority, signed by the Engineering

(b) The Engineering official shall be responsible for ensuring that the
field telephone provided to the above-mentioned representative, as well as the
one carried by himself to the work spot, are both in good working order.

(c) Before commencement of the block, the Engineering official shall

write out the block message in the same manner as indicated in sub-rule
15.08.05 (c). He shall, thereafter, contact his representative over the T.P.C.
telephone and transmit the same message, with the latter shall write out
carefully. The representative shall then proceed to the station and deliver a
copy of the message to the Station Master.

(d) The Station Master, on receipt of the message and on being

satisfied about the correct identity of the representative delivering it shall
acknowledge the same and, thereafter obtain the consent of the Section
Controller. He shall then transmit the message to the Station Master at the
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

other end, obtaining his acknowledgement, supported by a Private Number.

He shall thereafter make out a message to the Engineering official in the form
indicated in sub-rule 15.08.05 (d) and deliver the same to the representative.

(e) The representative shall go back to the T.P.C. telephone socket

and transmit the message over the telephone to the Engineering official at the
work spot. He shall then proceed again to the station and, as soon as the last
train nominated has cleared the block section, obtain the order Number to be
issued by the Section Controller signifying commencement of the block. This
Order No. shall, in turn, be transmitted over the T.P.C. telephone to the
Engineering official at the work spot.
(f) On the work being completed and the Engineering official being in
a position to pass the traffic, he shall remove the block and impose such
speed restrictions as may be necessary by transmitting to his representative
over the T.P.C. Telephone a block removal message addressed to the Station
Masters concerned, in the same form as indicated in sub-rule 15.08.05(f) The
representative shall take down the message carefully and deliver the same to
the Station Master under acknowledgement.

(g) The Station Master receiving the block removal message shall
immediately transmit the same to the Station Master at the other end and,
after taking his acknowledgement shall report the matter to the Section
Controller. The Section Controller, on being satisfied that the section is clear
in terms of sub-rule 15.08.03 (i), shall issue an Order Number to both Station
Masters to resume normal working.
(h) Sub-rules (h) and (i) of SR 15.08.05 shall also apply in this case.

SR. 15.08.08.— Special precautions relating to electrified section.—

(a) Arrangement of Power Blocks — No work which involves the use
of cranes or is otherwise liable to infringe the safety clearance of the overhead
equipment shall be undertaken without the overhead equipment being made
dead. Arrangement of power blocks for such purpose shall be made in
accordance with GR 17.04. and Subsidiary Rules thereto.
(b) No excavation in the vicinity of an underground signalling/
telecommunication cable shall be undertaken without a representative of the
Signal and Telecommunication Department being present and without suitable
precautions being taken for the safety of the staff.

SR. 15.08.09.—Special rules relating to the Track Renewals and

works connected with laying and maintenance of welded rails.—
(a) No work involving removal of any rail from the track shall be undertaken
without blocking the line.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(b) Through renewal of sleepers, along with or without deep screening

of ballast, and other works such as thermit welding not requiring removal of
rails may be done under caution order, subject to the provision of sub- rule (c)
below. But where ever, blocks can conveniently be arranged, such works as
may render the track unsafe for the passage of trains during their execution
may preferably be done under block for added safety.
(c) (i) Whenever any track renewal or welding work is to be done
under caution order, the PWI in charge shall give notice in the following form,
to the Station Master at either of the stations, of his intention to do such work.

No. .......................

From : PWI/.............. To : S. Ms/.................... and …………………..Work of

................................ will be in progress on the Up/Dn line between
.........................………………………………………………. …..and
......................... from ........………………………………………………………..
hrs. to
......................................... hrs. to day. Advise all Up trains/Dn. trains running
on the section from....................... hrs. till further advice to observe
Engineering signals at Km............................ /Km. ..............................
respectively and to be prepared to stop dead if required.
Date........................ (Signature)
Time........................ PWI/..........................

(ii) On receipt of the above mentioned notice the S.M. shall at once advise by
wire the SM of the other end of the block section and obtain his
acknowledgement supported by exchange of Private Numbers. He shall then
hand over to the PWI an acknowledgement for his notice in the following form


From : SM/____________ To : PWI/___________

Your Notice No ___________ date _________ Time _______

has been noted by me and the SM/_________ has also been advised

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

and his acknowledgement obtained.

Caution order will be issued to Up trains/Down trains in the

manner indicated by you.
Date______________ (signature)
Time______________ SM/______________

(iii) Subject to his receiving the acknowledgement from the SM, the PWI may
commence the work at the appointed place and time, taking the due
precautions for protection of the track is accordance with Rule 15.09.

(iv) The PWI shall, in all such cases, be responsible for ascertaining the
whereabouts and likely time of arrival at the works pot of all trains likely to
pass during the course of the work and for having the track ready for the
passage of all passenger trains without detention. Where deep screening is
undertaken, he shall provide himself with sufficient number of wooden blocks
so as to facilitate supporting of track temporarily for the safe passage of trains
at restricted speed.
(v) On completion of the day’s work, the PWI shall issue a message in the
following form to the nearest Station Master :

No. __________


From : PWI/____________ To : SM/___________

Track work mentioned in my Notice No._____________________

dated____________ has been completed. Issue Caution Order to all
trains to observe speed restriction of ________________ km/h at
Km______________ in the Up direction/Km.________________ in
the Down direction.
Date______________ (signature)
Time______________ SM/______________
(vi) On receipt of the abovementioned notice, the Station Master shall at once
transmit the same the Station Master at the other end and obtain his
acknowledgement. He shall thereafter give his acknowledgement to the PWI.
SR. 15.08.10. — Work in non-running lines in station yards.—
(a) In the case of ordinary track maintenance work in busy yards, two
look-out men with red hand signal flags shall be posted at suitable locations
on either side.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(b) In the case of any heavy repairs or renewals, two banner flags
shall be placed at suitable distances on either side, in addition to the two look
out men mentioned in sub-rule (a) above.
(c) The posting of men and placing of banner flags shall be decided
with due regard to the safety of the gang at work and minimising interference
with the normal working of the yard.
15.09. Showing of signals —
(1) Whenever due to lines being under repair or due to any other
obstruction it is necessary to indicate to the loco pilot that he has
to stop or proceed at a restricted speed, the following signals
shall be shown and, where prescribed, detonators used, if on a
double line in the direction from which trains approach, and if on
a single line in each direction—
(a) When the train is required to stop and the restriction is
likely to last only for a day or less— A banner flag shall be
exhibited at a distance of 600 meters on the Broad Gauge and
400 meters on the Meter Gauge and the Narrow Gauge and
three detonators shall be placed, 10 meters apart, at a distance
of 1200 meters on the Broad Gauge and 800 meters on the
Meter Gauge and the Narrow Gauge from the place of
obstruction. In addition, Stop hand signal shall be shown at
distance of 30 meters from the place of obstruction, at the
banner flag and at a distance of 45 meters from the three
detonators. The railway servant at the place of obstruction shall
give Proceed hand signal to indicate to the loco pilot when he
may resume normal speed after the train has been hand
signalled past the place of obstruction.
(b) When the train is required to stop and the restriction is
likely to last for more than a day — A stop indicator shall be
exhibited at a distance of 30 meters from the place of obstruction
and a caution indicator at 1200 meters on the Broad Gauge and
800 meters on the Meter Gauge and the Narrow Gauge from the
place of obstruction. In addition, termination indicators shall be
provided at the place where a loco pilot may resume normal
(c) When the train is not required to stop and the
restriction is likely to last only for a day or less— Proceed with
caution hand signals shall be exhibited at a distance of 30
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meters and again at a distance of at least 800 meters from the

place of obstruction. The distance of 800 meters shall be suitably
increased by special instructions, where required. The railway
servant at the place of obstruction shall give Proceed hand signal
to indicate to the loco pilot when he may resume normal speed
after the train has been hand signalled past the place of
(d) When the train is not required to stop and the
restriction is likely to last for more than a day — A speed
indicator shall be exhibited at a distance of 30 meters from the
place of obstruction and again a caution indicator at a distance of
at least 800 meters shall be suitably increased by special
instructions, where required. In addition, termination indicators
shall be provided at the place where a loco pilot may resume
normal speed.
(2) In case the place of obstruction is within station limits—
(a) the provision of sub-rule (1) may be dispensed with if
the affected line has been isolated by setting and securing of
points or by securing at ‘on’ the necessary manually controlled
Stop signal or signals and
(b) approach signals shall not be taken ‘off’ for a train
unless the train has been brought to a stop at the first Stop
signal, except in cases where the loco pilot has been issued with
a Caution Order at a station in rear, informing him of the
obstruction and the details thereof.
(3) If the place of work is situated in Automatic Signalling
territory, and if the distance between the place of obstruction and
the Automatic signal controlling the entry of train in the signalling
section concerned is less than 1200 meters on the Broad Gauge
and 800 meters on the Meter Gauge and provided the automatic
signal has been secured at ‘on’— (c/slip 116 added)

GR 15.09 (3) (a) the banner flag and three detonators

referred to in clause (a) of sub-rule (1) may be provided at 90
and 180 meters respectively; and
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(b) the caution indicator referred to in clause (b) of sub-

rule (1) may be dispensed with.
(4) The shapes and sizes of the indicators referred to in clauses
(b) and (d) of sub-rule (1) may be prescribed by special
SR. 15.09.01. (a) Whenever the place of obstruction is approached by
a descending gradient steeper than 1 in 300 on a broad gauge, the detonators
referred to in sub-rule 15.09.(1)(a) shall be placed at a distance of 1400
meters from the obstruction instead of 1200 meters, the caution indicator
referred to in sub-rule 15.09.(1)(b) shall be placed as usual at 1200 meters
from the obstruction. In such case the proceed with caution hand signals
referred to in 15.09(1)(c) and the caution indicators referred to in sub-rule
15.09(1)(d) shall be placed at a distance of 1200 meters from the obstruction
instead of 800 meters.
To maintain uniformity the caution indicators in all cases in BG will be
provided at a distance of 1200 meters. The first speed indicator will be
provided at a distance of 30 meters prior to the starting of first restriction zone.
(b) In cases referred to in Sub-Rule 15.09 (1) (a), if the outermost hand-
signalman’s view of the line beyond is not clear for at least 800 m, additional
hand signalmen may be deputed further ahead, as required, to repeat the stop
hand signal to the loco pilot of any approaching train, allowing him sufficient
sighting distance to stop the train short of the main hand-signalman and thus
minimise the chances of the detonators being burst.
SR. 15.09.02.— The various indicators referred to in subrule 15.09 (1)
(b) and (d) and their use on the line shall be governed by the following :–
(a) Caution Board — This shall be as per the details shown in fig.(a)
and shall consist of a horizontal board 1.40m wide and 0.40m deep, fish tailed
to the left and pointed to the right, painted yellow and black fixed to a vertical
post painted with 0.4 m high bands of black and white alternately, keeping the
lower edge of the board at a height of 2.0m above rail level. The indicator
shall be provided both for permanent and temporary restrictions, When used
for temporary restriction, it shall display two yellow lights, arranged
horizontally, for permanent restriction, no light need be displayed.

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Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(b) Speed indicator—This shall be as per details shown in fig- (b) and
shall consist of a equilateral triangular board with sides measuring 1.0m and
black figure 0.30m high, indicating the speed at which trains may proceed. The
Board shall be fixed to a vertical post painted with 0.4m high bands of white and
black alternately, keeping the lower edge of the board at a height of 2.0m above
rail level. The indicator shall be provided both for permanent and temporary
restrictions, and illuminated by night (for temporary restriction only) by fixing a
hand signal lamp in front of it, as shown in the figure.
FIG: Above
(c) Stop Indicator— This shall be as per details in fig. (c) and shall
consist of a horizontal board 1.40m wide 0.40m deep and painted with a red
and white vertical strips. The board shall be fixed to a vertical post, painted
with 0.40m high bands of white and black alternately, keeping the lower edge
of the board at a height of 2.0m above rail level. This indicator shall, by night,
display two red lights arranged horizontally.

A signal man shall be posted for hand signalling trains past the stop
indicator, after verifying that there is no danger to the trains if allowed at
restricted speed. As soon as the train stops the Signalman shall obtain the
signature of the loco pilot on the restriction book (Stop Order) and then allow
the train to proceed by showing a green hand signal. Engineering Stop Order
form E.D. 9.39 (for UP trains) and E.D. 9.40 (for Down trains) shall be used for
the restriction books maintained with the Signal man.
(d) Termination Indicators :–
(i) These indicators shall be as per details shown in Fig(d) (i) and Fig-
(d)(ii) and consist of yellow painted 1.00 M. diameter disc and bearing letters
T/G and T/P in black. These shall be fixed on a vertical post painted with
0.33m high bands of white and black, keeping the center of the board 2.15m
above the rail level.
(ii) The termination indicator bearing letters ‘T/P’ shall be located at a
distance beyond the restricted length equal to the length of the longest
passenger carrying train running on the section. Similarly, the termination
indicator bearing letters ‘T/G’ shall be fixed at a distance beyond the restricted
length equal to the length of the longest goods train running on the section.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

On broad gauge section, this distance shall be taken as 550m from TP board
and 700m for T/G board or length of the longest passenger and Goods trains
respectively, unless otherwise notified These boards shall indicate to the loco
pilot the point from which the normal speed may be resumed, except as
provided for in sub-rule (iv) below.

(iii) The termination indicator provided for temporary restriction shall

be illuminated at night by fixing a hand signal lamp. (iv) After passing the Zone
of speed restriction by the EMU trains, the guard shall give the bell-code
signal to the Motorman to pick up the speed as indicated in SR 4.51.01 (13).
(e) Caution and Termination indicators at Vulnerable locations.— (i) At
such of the bridges, where, during monsoon, water level may touch the danger
level mark, and also at other vulnerable locations as considered necessary (i.e.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

where there is likelihood of danger arising suddenly during monsoon), special

type of Caution boards as per details shown in Fig. (e) shall be provided to
enable the Loco pilots’ attention being drawn to the need for extra caution over
such locations. These boards shall be 0.6 m square, painted yellow and bearing
a 0.3 m high letter “C” in black, and fixed on vertical posts painted with 0.4m
high bands of white and black keeping the lower edge of the board 2m above
rail level. Such a board shall be fixed at a distance of 1200m in respect of the
point from which the vulnerable bridge or location starts. (ii) A Termination
Board, of the same description as the Caution Board, but bearing the letter “T”
instead of “C” shall be fixed at a distance beyond the vulnerable bridge of
length, equal to the length of the longest train running on the section. (iii) Where
the length between the “C” and “T” boards exceeds 1.6 km, a series of “C”
boards shall be provided at intervals of 800 m to remind the loco pilot that the
vulnerable length has not been passed completely. (iv) On single line sections,
the first and last boards may have the letter “C” and “T” painted on opposite
faces so that no separate “T” board need be provided. Intermediate boards, if
any, shall have the letter “C” painted on both faces. (v) These special Caution
and Termination Boards shall be fixed and maintained in position only during
the monsoon season and need not be lit up at night. (vi) when a Loco Pilot
comes across a, “C” Board, whether by day or by night, he shall remain
specially vigilant and be prepared at any moment to reduce the speed or to
stop, should he receive a signal from any Stationary watchmen, Patrolmen or
Gang man or should he himself observe any danger to the track. In the absence
of any indication to the contrary, the loco pilot may resume normal running on
his passing the “T” board.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(f) The caution indicator board, should not be hung from OHE must
and should be fixed on separate post using unserviceable rail post and fixed
at a distance clearing infringement of all moving dimensions.
SR. 15.09.03 — Permanent speed restrictions.—
(a) Speed restrictions which are likely to continue over a long period,
with no prospect of early removal, are termed as permanent restrictions and
these shall be notified in the Working Time Table. Semi-permanent
restrictions which, although of limited duration, are likely to extend for the full
period of the Working Time Table, shall also be notified therein. The rules
relating to permanent restrictions shall equally apply to semi-permanent
restrictions also.
(b) Any addition or alteration to the list of permanent restrictions
during the currency of a Working Time Table shall be notified through the fort
nightly gazette.
(c) All loco pilots shall make themselves fully conversant with the up-to-
date list of permanent restrictions and observe them meticulously. As an
indication to the loco pilots about the location of such restrictions, caution,
speed, stop and termination indicators shall be provided in the same manner as

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

laid down in SR 15.09.02 except that the indicators in such cases need not be
illuminated at night.
(d) Where a permanent restriction applies to a whole section, e.g. 15
km/h speed restriction over facing points on a non-interlocked section, or
where it is according to definite rules on the subject, no indicator need be
SR. 15.09.04.—
(a) A banner flag shall not be passed until it is removed.
(b) In emergencies when a banner flag cannot be obtained in time, a
hand signal shall be displayed at the distance at which the banner flag should
have been displayed in terms of Rule 15.09.
SR. 15.09.05.— "Temporary Engineering Indicators shall be
illuminated at night either by fixing hand signal lamp or shall be provided with
luminous point/fluorescent tape."
15.10. Assistance in protection of trains.— Every railway
servant employed on way or works shall, on the requisition of the
Guard of a train or the loco pilot thereof, render assistance for
the protection of the train.
15.11. Gangmate in each gang. — Each Inspector of Way or
Works shall see that in every gang employed in his length of line
there is a competent Gangmate.
15.12. Knowledge of signals and equipment of gang.— Each
Inspector of Way or Works shall see —
(a) that every Gang man and Gangmate employed under him
has a correct knowledge of hand signals and detonating signals;
(b) that every gang employed in his length of line is supplied with
a permanent way gauge, two sets of flag signals, two hand signal
lamps and twelve detonators, in addition to such other tools or
implements as may be prescribed by special instructions.
SR. 15.12.01.— The equipment of every gang shall also include—
(i) Two banner flags with staves for erecting the same across the
(ii) A level board with spirit level.
(iii) Spanners of sizes as required.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 15.12.02.— Every Keyman employed under a P. Way Inspector

shall have a correct knowledge of the rules for protection of track in an
emergency and shall be supplied with the following items of equipment :–
(i) Spanner and Hammer of required sizes.
(ii) H.S. Flags (2 Red and 1 Green).
(iii) Detonators — 8 (to be increased suitably on multiple lines)
(iv) H.S. lamps —2 (in case there is any long tunnel on the gang length).
15.13. Inspection of gauges, signals, tools and
(1) Each Inspector of way or works shall at least once in every
month inspect the permanent way gauges, flags, signal lamps,
detonators, tools and implements supplied to the gangs under
clause (b) of Rule 15.12 and ascertain whether the above
equipment is complete and in good order.
(2) He shall also see that any defective or missing articles are
15.14. Responsibility of Gangmate as to safety of line. —
Each Gangmate shall—
(a) see that his length of line is kept safe for the passage of
(b) that the signals supplied to him under clause (b) of Rule
15.12, are kept in proper order and ready for use;
(c) that the men in his gang each have a correct knowledge of
hand signals and detonating signals.
(d) endeavour to prevent any trespassing by persons or cattle on
his length of line or within the fences thereof, and
(e) when repairing, lifting or lowering the line or when performing
any other operation which shall make it necessary for a train to
proceed cautiously, himself be present at the spot and be
responsible that the caution signals prescribed in Rule 15.09 are
15.15. Blasting. — No railway servant employed on the way or
on any works shall carry on any blasting operations on or near
the railway except as permitted by special instructions.
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

15.16. Putting in or removing points or crossings.— Except

in cases of emergency, no railway servant shall put in or remove
any points or crossings otherwise than as permitted by special
SR. 15.16.01. — (a) In line used for trains carrying passengers, no
additional points or crossing shall be inserted without the prior sanction of the
Commissioner of Railway Safety. After the points or crossing have been put
in, and till such time as they have been handed over to a duly authorised
Traffic official, the Engineering official concerned shall be responsible for
taking the necessary precautions for the safe working of traffic over such
points, which shall be set, bolted/clamped, locked and spiked for the running
(b) In the case of points or crossing inserted in the running line
outside station limits, the Engineering official concerned shall provide men
properly equipped with hand signals and detonators to watch such points, by
day and night, until they are formally handed over to the Traffic Department.
He shall also advise the Station Masters of the block stations on either side,
as well as of the Notice stations concerned, at what speed trains may be
passed over the spot so that they may caution loco pilots accordingly.
(c) When it is necessary to put in points and crossing in line not used
for Passenger trains, the Divisional Engineer, after advising the Divisional
Operations Manager, may (subject to G.R.15.8 and Subsidiary Rules thereto)
do so on his own initiative. After they have been put in and till such time as
they are handed over to a duly authorised Traffic official, the Engineering
official concerned shall be responsible for taking the necessary precautions
for the safe working of traffic and the points shall remain set, bolted/clamped,
locked and spiked for the line in use. It will not be necessary to obtain the
sanction of the Commissioner of Railway Safety to bring these points and
crossings into use.
(d) When a new set of point is brought into use for traffic, or an old set
removed, the following officials shall be informed by telegram:-
Zonal headquarters Divisional Hd. Qrs. Remarks
DEE (T.R.D.)

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

Driving Inspector
LF or SF at either end
DTI of the section
@ to be advised in case of electrified section only.
* CRS need be included in the address only when the points are on a
Passenger running line.
(e) The code abbreviation for the address of such telegrams will be X.Z.C. SR
15.16.01 followed by the code initial of the stations concerned. If the message
is required to be delivered to other officials also, their code initials shall be
added after the standard address.
(f) The sending station shall be responsible for the accuracy of the address
and the receiving station for correct delivery.
SR. 15.16.02.— Each set of non-interlocked points on a running line
shall be provided with an approved locking apparatus and key. Signal
Inspectors shall see that suitable padlocking appliances are provided for
interlocked points, for use in the event of the interlocking going out of order.
Note: The Station Master shall be responsible for the custody of the clamps
and padlocks.
SR. 15.16.03.— The following rules apply to erection of interlocking
installations at station...
(a) When the work of interlocking a station has to be taken in hand,
the Divisional Signal and Telecom. Engineer shall give the Divisional
Operations Manager reasonable notice, and the S & T official in charge of the
work shall advise the Station Master in writing that he is about to commence
work, and shall obtain the Station Master’s signature on a notice in the form
S&T/DN vide SR 3.51.04.
(b) The Station Master and, in the case of points not yet handed over
to the Traffic Department, the Permanent Way Inspectors shall assist the S &
T official in charge of the work as far as possible, to unlock any locked points
without danger to traffic and to correctly adjust facing point locks, other fittings
and connections.
(c) All points which were locked by padlocks before the interlocking
work was commenced, shall continue to be so locked for the running of trains
and the key retained by the Traffic or Signal & Telecom staff as before, until
the interlocking is tested and brought into use.
(d) Until the interlocking is tested and brought into use all trains shall
be controlled by the old signals or by hand signals.

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Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(e) The S & T official in charge of the work and his men shall render
all assistances possible in instructing the Traffic staff to work the interlocking
(f) When it is necessary to test signals or interlocking outside the
limits of an existing station, as for instance at a new station; the line shall be
treated as obstructed under GR 15.08 and the necessary Stop signal
displayed by the S & T official in charge of the work.
(g) When new interlocked installations are brought into use,
or existing installations are put out of use, or alterations in them
introduced, the following officials shall be informed by telegrams :–
Hd. Qrs. (GRC) Divil Hd. Quarters
* DEE (Tr. D)
S. Ms on either side
L. F or S.F (as the case may be) on either side.

Hd. Qrs. (GRC) Divil Hd. Quarters

D T I of the Section.
P W I of the section
* T F O (RS)
* To be advised in case of electrified sections only.
(h) The code abbreviation for the address of such telegrams will be :– X.Z.C.
SR 15.16.03 followed by the Code initials of the stations at which the
addresses are headquartered. If the message is required to be delivered to
other officials also their code initials shall be added after the standard
(i) The sending station shall be responsible for the accuracy of the address
and the receiving stations for correct delivery.
SR. 15.16.04.— No new points, signals or interlocking arrangements
shall be taken over from the Engineering/S & T Department without the prior

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

permission of the Divisional Operations Manager and, in the case of new

stations and sidings, to the Divisional Commercial Manager also.
SR. 15.16.05. — The following shall be the procedure for handing
over/taking over of new points signals or interlocking arrangements.
(a) At new stations to be used as block station, the telegraph or block
instruments shall be fitted up and the system of Rules shall be brought into
(b) All the points shall remain spiked until they are handed over to the
Traffic Department. When these are to be handed over, the Divisional
Operations Manager, shall depute the Divisional Transportation Inspector to
proceed to the station who will along with Engineering official concerned have
the spikes removed.
(c) The Divisional Transportation Inspector, after a careful
examination in the presence of the Station Master concerned, shall see that
all traffic requirements have been complied with and that everything is in
working order. He shall then give the Engineering/S & T, a receipt for the
works in the following from (E.D. 9.22): –

Received from the ................................................................ of

..................................................... division the undernoted works in good order
at .......................... station, I understand the working of them
Dated Designation
(d) When this has been done, the responsibility of the Engineering/S & T
departments shall cease and the responsibility of the Station Master shall
(e) After instructing the staff as to the working of the points and signals, and
seeing that they clearly understand their use, the Divisional Transportation
Inspector shall hand them over to the Station Master, obtaining from him a
certificate in the same form as he has previously given to the Engineering/S &
T departments.
(f) In case of points on lines used by passenger trains or of new interlocked
signals, the Divisional Transportation Inspector shall not leave the station until
he has personally seen the first train safely passed, and he shall be jointly
responsible with the Station Master for its safe passage.
(g) When a new station or siding is opened for traffic or an
old station or siding closed, the following officials shall be informed by
telegram: –
Zonal Hd-Quarter. Divisional HD. Qtrs.
GM DRM SMs on either side
CRS DEN LF or SF (as the case may be) on either side.
COM DOM DTI & TI of the section.
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Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

CSTE DSTE PWI of the section
FA & CAO DEE (Tr. D) TFO (Tr. D)
* To be advised in case of electrified sections only.

(h) The code abbreviation for the address of such telegrams will be: –
X.Z.C. — SR 15.16.05 followed by the code initials of the station concerned. If
the message is required to be delivered to other officials also, their code
initials shall be added after the standard address.
(i) The sending station shall be responsible for the accuracy of the address
and the receiving station for correct delivery.
SR. 15.16.06.— (a) When a new installation of interlocked signals or
additions or alterations to the existing interlocked at any station is ready to be
brought into use, the Signal Engineer in charge of the work shall arrange with
the Divisional Operations Manager to bring it into use on a specified date.
(b) In the case of new installations, or additions or alterations to the
existing interlocking at any station, temporary speed restrictions, as
considered necessary, shall be imposed by the Signal Engineer in charge of
the work for the minimum period required.
(c) In case where Commissioner of Railway Safety has intimated his
desire to inspect the installation prior to opening, the temporary speed
restrictions imposed, if any, shall not be removed until the Commissioner of
Railway Safety has inspected and passed the installation.
(d) New interlocking installations and major alterations to the existing
interlocking shall be taken over by the Assistant Operations
Manager/Divisional Operations Manager, as far as possible.
15.17. Duties of Gangmate and Gang man when
apprehending danger. — If a Gangmate or Gang man
considers that the line is likely to be rendered unsafe, or that any
train is likely to be endangered unsafe, or that any train is likely
to be endangered in consequence of any defect in the way or
works or of abnormal rain or floods or any other occurrence, he
shall take immediate steps for securing the stability of the line
and the safety of trains, by using the prescribed signals for trains
Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

to proceed with caution or to stop, as necessity may require; and

shall as soon as possible report the circumstances to the nearest
Station Master and the Inspector of Way or Works.
SR. 15.17.01. (a) If a rail is badly fractured, no train shall be
allowed to pass over the affected portion of track until the fractured rail
is replaced or otherwise made safe by an official not below the rank of
PWI and certified fit by him.
(b) For the purpose of sub-rule (a), a rail shall be considered badly fractured
when :
(i) A gap of more than 75 mm (25 mm in the case of outer rail of a curve) has
been formed in the rail head portion, or is likely to be formed, either due to the
breaking off of a portion of the rail or due to the broken rail ends moving apart,
thereby affecting the continuity of support and guidance for wheels.
(ii) There is more than one fracture in a length of 1 m measured along the rail
(iii) A length of more than 150 mm of the rail foot is broken off or is likely to
break off completely under the passage of wheels.
(iv) The fracture, irrespective of its nature, has occurred on a girder bridge.
SR. 15.17.02.— (a) In case of a rail fracture less serious in nature than
what has been indicated in SR 15.17.01, the Mate/Keyman may allow trains at
a speed not exceeding 20 KMPH, but only after making the rail safe for purpose
by using Special/joggled fish plates, if available and/or by shifting the nearest
sleeper closer together or by providing an extra wooden sleeper/block under the
fractured location and fastening both the fractured ends firmly to the same, duly
ensuring that the sleepers are well packed and remain in proper alignment,
providing adequate support during passage of trains.
(b) Until the track has been made safe in the manner indicated in sub-rule (a)
above, no train shall be allowed to pass over the affected portion.
SR. 15.17.03.— (a) The Station Master, on receipt of the information
about a rail fracture, whether it is a case of bad fracture or not, shall at once
advise the Section Controller, the Station Master at the other end, the PWI
and other concerned officials.
(b) In case of a bad fracture, as defined in SR 15.17.01. the section
shall remain blocked until certified fit by the concerned PWI.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(c) In other cases, as covered by SR 15.17.02, the Station Master

concerned shall issue caution orders to the loco pilots and Guards of trains to
observe a speed restriction of 20 km/h over the affected portion and to obey
Engineering signals.
SR. 15.17.04.— If, for any reason, it is necessary to insert a rail
closure of length shorter than 5.5 m in a running track, the speed over it shall
be restricted to 15 km/h, with the prescribed signals shown by day and night in
accordance with GR 15.09.

B. The Working of Lorries, Trollies and Motor Trollies

15.18. Distinction between trolley, lorry and motor trolly.—
(1) A vehicle which can be lifted bodily off the line by four men
shall be deemed to be a trolly and any similar but heavier vehicle
shall be deemed to be a lorry.
(2) Any trolly which is self-propelled, by means of a motor, is a
motor trolly.
(3) A trolly shall not, except in cases of emergency, be used for
the carriage of permanent way or other heavy material; and
when a trolly is so loaded, it shall be deemed, for the purpose of
these rules, to be a lorry.
SR. 15.18.01.— The classification of trollies, lorries and motor trollies
on this Railway shall further be governed by the following: –
(a) A vehicle, of which the total weight including the seat does not
exceed 220 Kg, shall be termed as a “trolly” if it is worked by hand power and
is capable of being lifted bodily off the track by four men.
(b) A self-propelled vehicle which has a total weight not exceeding
165 kg and is capable of being lifted bodily off the track by three men shall be
termed as a “light motor trolly”. Moped trollies and motorised light trollies
which satisfy these conditions will come under this category.
(c) The term “motor trolly” shall be taken to mean a self-propelled
vehicle which has a total weight exceeding 165 kg, or which cannot be lifted
bodily off the track by three men.
(d) A “dip lorry”, which consists of two separate four-wheeled units
that can be joined together to form a single vehicle for the conveyance of
materials and equipment, shall be treated as a lorry even when run light,
whether as single units or in pairs coupled together.

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Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(e) The term “material trolly”, which is commonly in use on this

Railway, shall be taken as synonymous with the term “lorry” used in this
Chapter, subject to the provision that, when run light, it may be treated as a
“trolly” if it satisfies the conditions set forth in (a) above.
SR. 15.18.02.— Every trolly or lorry in use on the line shall be
registered in the Division and shall have marked on it, its registration number
and the designation and the code names of the headquarters station of the
holder and of the Division to which it belongs.
15.19. Red flag or light to be shown — Every lorry or trolly when
on the line shall show a red flag by day and a red light by night,
during thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility or in
a tunnel in the directions from which a train may come.
SR. 15.19.01.— (a) As soon as a trolly, lorry or motor trolly has been
removed from the line and placed clear of it, the red flag or lamp, as the case
may be shall be removed but before doing so, it shall be ensured that line has
been cleared of all obstructions Until the line has so been cleared, the flag or
lamp shall conspicuously be displayed.
(b) The person in charge of a trolly, lorry or motor trolly shall be
responsible for ensuring that the flags and lamps are trimmed and the
dubbers with sufficient kerosene oil, and that the lamps, when in use, burn
15.20. Equipment of trolly, lorry or motor trolly.— Each trolly,
lorry or motor trolly shall have the following equipment :–
(a) two hand signal lamps,
(b) two red and two green hand signal flags,
(c) sufficient supply of detonators,
(d) a chain and a padlock,
(e) a copy of the Working Time Table and all correction slips and
appendices, if any, in force on that section of the railway over
which the trolly, lorry or motor trolly is to run.
(f) a motor horn and a search light (for motor trolly only).
(g) two banner flags (for lorry only) and
(h) such other articles as may be prescribed by the Railway
Administration in this

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

NOTE: — The official in charge of the trolly, lorry or motor trolly shall also be
in possession of a watch in addition to the prescribed equipment.
SR. 15.20.01.— Every trolly, lorry or motor trolly shall be provided
with the following equipment, before it is put on the line: -
(i) Two hand signal lamps;
(ii) Three red and three green hand signal flags;
(iii) Detonators – 10 in a case;
(iv) A copy of the Working Time Table;
(v) One lamp (by night) to show red to the front and rear on single line
working, and red to face approaching trains and white in the opposite direction
in double line working.
One red flag (by day), —
One staff with a socket or other arrangements for erecting the same to display
conspicuously the lamp or flag, as the case may be.
(vi) For motor trollies only;
A powerful electric torch of approve quality, or a powerful headlight, in good
working order.
An efficient horn.
(vii) For lorries only;
One skid or one wooden wedge.
Two red banner flags,
Material trolly notice books (Form A and Form B)
(viii) Oil can and other accessories or tools as needed for the vehicle.
SR. 15.20.02.— Trollies, lorries or motor trollies which are to be run in
track-circuited are as shall be insulated.
15.21. Efficient brakes.— No lorry or trolly shall be placed on
the line unless it is fitted with efficient brakes.
SR. 15.21.01.— The person in charge of the trolly/lorry/motor trolly
shall be responsible to see that the brakes are in proper order and shall test
them at the commencement of each journey.
SR. 15.21.02.— When two or more trollies, lorries or motor trollies
follow one another, the distance between them shall be sufficient to bring any

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

following one to a stop by application of the brake, particularly on falling

gradients, curves, cuttings etc., without coming into contact with the one in front.
This distance shall be laid down by the Divisional Railway Manager for the
individual sections taking into account the gradients, the speed of the vehicles
and other local conditions.
15.22. Qualified person to be in charge of lorry or trolly
when on the line,—
(1) No lorry or trolly shall be placed on the line except by a
qualified person appointed in this behalf by special instructions.
(2) Such qualified person shall accompany the lorry or trolly, and
shall be responsible for its proper protection and or its being
used in accordance with special instructions.
SR. 15.22.01.— No trolly, lorry or motor trolly may be used on the
running lines or in Station Yards unless it is accompanied by a person holding
the necessary permit issued by the Chief Operations Manager or the
Divisional Railway Manager and unless it is also accompanied by adequate
number of men as prescribed in these rules.
SR. 15.22.02.— Permits to work trollies, lorries or motor trollies shall
be granted only in accordance with the following conditions: –
(a) Application for permit to work trollies, motor trollies or lorries by
officers or staff belonging to the different departments shall be made to the
Divisional Railway Manager of the respective Divisions on which they are
working at the time of application.
(b) On receipt of such application, the Divisional Railway Manager
shall, either himself set a written paper, or authorise a competent officer under
him to do so. The applicant, after undergoing the written test, shall also be
given an oral test by the Divisional Railway Manager or by such officer, as has
been deputed by him.
(c) If the applicant passes both the written and oral tests the case
shall be put up to the Divisional Railway Manager for issuing the competency
certification. The certificate of competency (permit) so issued shall be valid for
a period of one year only.
(d) In the case of illiterate employees, the written examination will be
done away with, but the oral examination shall be thorough and searching.
The requirement of executing the annual certificate as detailed in SR 15.22.03
shall be obligatory on such employees, as well.

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Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(e) Trolly and motor trolly permits to officials at the zonal

Headquarters shall be issued by the COM, in the same manner as prescribed
in sub-rule (a) to (d) above.
(f) Officers and Inspectors of the Engineering, Electrical (Traction),
Operating, Commercial and Signal & Telecom departments and such other
Railway officials as may be specified by the Chief Operations Manager, the
Chief Engineer, the Chief Elect. Engineer, the Chief Signal &Telecom. Engineer
or the Divisional Railway Manager alone are allowed to use trollies/motor trollies
in course of their duties.
(g) The use of lorries shall normally be confined to employees of the
Engineering Department.
(h) It is essential for trolly, lorry and motor trolly permit holders to know
the special conditions, if any obtaining on the various section on which they have
to operate their trollies, lorries or motor trollies.
SR. 15.22.03.— (a) Before the end of December every year, each
trolly, lorry or motor trolly permit holder shall submit a certificate to the
Divisional Railway Manager, in the following form.
I (Name) .......................................................... working in the capacity
of (designation) ........................... at (station) ........................................ hereby
certify that I am fully conversant with all the sections on which I have to use
my trolly/lorry/motor trolly and also with all the rules in respect of working
trollies/lorries/motor trollies, as well as the latest changes made in the rules,
and undertake to comply meticulously with the same. In the event of my
failure to comply with these rules, I alone shall be held responsible.


(b) These certificates shall be carefully examined in the Divisional

Railway Manager’s office. If a permit-holder fails to submit it in time, he shall
be treated as having forfeited his right to use the permit until such time the
certificate is submitted by him, apart from rendering himself liable to
disciplinary action for such failure.

SR. 15.22.04.— Supervising officials shall test the permit holders in

their knowledge of rules relating to driving trollies, lorries and motor trollies, as
often as possible.
SR. 15.22.05.— In the event of an officer or staff getting transferred
from one station to another it shall be necessary for him to acquaint himself
with all the rules in regard to any special conditions obtaining on any of the
sections within his new jurisdiction.

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Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 15.22.06.— (a) Trollies and motor trollies are meant primarily for
the conveyance of railway employees in the discharge of their duties.
Authorised person however, also carry on their trollies/motor trollies other
employees of the Railway and persons requiring urgent medical aid, as well
as contractors or agents of contractors working on the section.
(b) Government officials (non-Railway) and persons not employed on
the Railway, may be permitted to travel by trolly/motor trolly at the discretion
of the Divisional Officer of the concerned department holding the trolly; but
such trolley/motor trolly shall invariably be accompanied by an authorised
person. The permission may be for a single trip or a specified period.
Authorised person carrying such persons are responsible for ensuring that the
necessary permission has been given by the Divisional Officer, but in cases of
urgency, as in the case of persons needing urgent medical aid, they may act
on their own discretion, reporting the matter subsequently to the Divisional
Officer concerned.
(c) Any Government official (non-Railway) or any other person not
employed on the Railway, who is permitted to travel on a trolly or motor trolly
under the circumstances mentioned under subrule
(b) above, shall be required to execute a stamped indemnity Bond on
the prescribed form, unless specially exempted under extant orders from the
(d) Lorries are meant exclusively for carrying materials and no person
shall ride on the same. These shall work only under the orders and direct
personal supervision of a competent Engineering official holding the
necessary permit as per SR 15.22.01.
(e) The maximum number of persons allowed to travel by a trolly or a
motor trolly shall not exceed eight, including the complement of staff
prescribed for the trolly, or such other limit as specially laid down by Chief
Engineer or Chief Elect. Engineer for any particular type of trolly.
SR. 15.22.07.— (a) The official in charge of a trolly shall be
responsible at all times for its safe working. When there are two or more
competent officials on the trolley, this responsibility shall devolve upon the
official who is actually in control of its working, for the time being.
(b) The person in charge of a trolly, lorry or motor trolly, while working
on a double or multiple line section, shall be responsible to see that no
adjacent line is fouled in any way. No motor trolly or lorry shall be place on
any line other than the one blocked or authorised for the purpose by the
Station Master on duty.
(c) All persons authorised to work a trolly, lorry or motor trolly shall be
conversant with the location of spring points, wherever they exist, and the
correct manner of negotiating them.
Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 15.22.08.— (a) Where license has been granted to the Manager
of all mill, colliery or other company to run a trolly on the Railway within
prescribed limits, the Head Trolly man in charge of the trolly shall be a
Railway servant appointed by the Divisional Railway Manager and shall hold a
current competency certificate.
(b) The head Trolly man appointed to have the charge of a private
trolly shall equip himself with a copy of the General & Subsidiary Rules and
with any special orders relating to the working of trollies on the section of line
to which the private trolly license applies and shall give an assurance for the
same to the Divisional Railway Manager concerned.
(c) A pass shall be issued for every private trolly, to be kept by the
Head Trolly man and shown on demand by the Station Master or any other
official of the Railway.
15.23. Attachment to train prohibited- No lorry or trolly shall be
attached to a train.
SR. 15.23.01.— Trollies or lorries shall always be pushed and not
pulled. Use of sails or any other unauthorised aid for their propulsion is strictly
SR. 15.23.02.— (a) no trolley, lorry or motor trolly shall be carried in a
train unless covered by a card pass issued by the Divisional Railway
(b) No trolley lorry or motor trolly shall be loaded into any vehicle of a
train without the consent of the Guard in charge of the train, who shall direct
where it is to be placed. Inspectors and other requiring their trollies to be
carried in trains shall give notice of the same to the Station Master sufficiently
in advance of the arrival of the train. The Station Master shall advise Control if
it is necessary to stop a goods train out of course and act upon instructions
(c) When there is room in a train the Guard shall not refuse to receive
a trolley/lorry/motor trolley.
15.24. Time of running.— A lorry shall ordinarily be run only by
day and when the weather is sufficiently clear for a signal to be
seen distinctly from an adequate distance, which shall never be
less than 800 meters.
SR. 15.24.01.— (a) Except in cases of accidents or of absolute necessity, no
lorry shall be run on the line by night or during fog, dust storm or any other
condition that prevents a good look-out being kept. If in such circumstances, the
lorry has to be run owing to absolute necessity, the line shall first be blocked.

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Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(b) If, during the course of working, the visibility is impaired and is
reduced to less than 800 M owing to any cause, the lorry shall immediately be
removed, unless working under block protection.
15.25. Motor Trolly, – A motor trolly shall only be run in
accordance with special instructions.
SR. 15.25.01.— (a) Motor trollies are issued to or placed in the
charge of particular officials; but their use is not restricted to those officials.
(b) No person shall drive motor trolly who has not been issued with a
motor trolly permit.
(c) A motor trolly shall not be used without the permission of the
official controlling it and without at least two of the regular crew.
SR. 15.25.02.— (a) At no time shall more than 8 persons be carried
on a motor trolly. (b) While a motor trolley is on the run, there shall be at least
two persons seated in front at all times.
(c) The provisions of SR 15.26.05 and SR 15.26.08 shall apply in
case of a motor trolley negotiating a level crossing when it is off the track.
SR 15.25.03.— A motor trolley shall be run either on line clear, or
following a train, a light engine, or another motor trolly, subject to the following
(a) On line clear. —
(i) When running on line clear, whether on single line or on double line,
the motor trolly shall obey all signals and shall be treated in the same manner
as a light engine in all aspects relating to ‘Authority to proceed’, ‘Caution Orders’
etc. subject, however, to the provisions of sub-clause (ii).
ii) At night, a motor trolly shall run at a speed not exceeding 30 km/h
and shall not pass any signal at danger. In addition, a powerful head light or
electric torch of approved quality shall be used.
(b) Following a train or a light engine or another motor trolly on single
or double line.—
(i) Such following movements of motor trollies shall be permitted during
the hours of day light only.
(ii) Subject to the provision of sub-clauses (v) and (vi) a motor trolley shall
obey the same signals as for the train or the light engine or the motor trolly it
is following and it shall, in this sense, be regarded as the last vehicle of a
train. In other words, the signals lowered for a train, light engine or motor trolly
preceding it shall not be put back to ‘on’ until the following motor trolley has
passed such signals. The motor trolley shall, in such case, be admitted on to
the same line as the train, light engine or motor trolley it is following. At
Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

stations with level crossing gates interlocked with the approach signals, when
road traffic is waiting at the gate if the following motor trolley does not arrive
closely after train, the reception signals may be put back to ‘on’ to pass road
traffic. After clearing the road traffic, the motor trolley may be admitted on
signals on any line which is clear. If a clear line is not available, arrangement
shall be made for admission of ‘motor trolley’ by piloting.
(iii) At stations where automatic reversers are in use in conjunction with track
circuiting, the signal levers shall not be put back to normal, and the road for
the reception of the preceding train, light engine or motor trolley shall not be
altered until the following motor trolley has been admitted on to the same line,
the person in charge of the Motor trolley being allowed to pass the signals in
the ‘on’ position with special caution.
(iv) Before a motor trolley is Permitted to follow a train, a light engine or
another motor trolley, the Station Master of the station from which it is about to
leave, shall advise the Station Master of the Station in advance under a
message supported by a Private Number and obtain his acknowledgement
supported by a Private Number. Thereafter a trolley following line clear
authority in the prescribed form No. T/1525 shall be delivered to the official in-
charge of the motor trolley as his authority to follow the train, light engine or
motor trolley.


.............................. Station
(Designation of the official in-charge of the motor trolley).
You are hereby permitted to take your motor trolley into the block section
between ......................................... (station) and ........... .................. (station)
and proceed cautiously up to .............................. (station) following train
................ which left............... (station) at ................... hours ..................... on
On arrival at ......................................... (station) you are required to hand over
this AUTHORITY to the Station Master.
Signature.......................................... Private
Designation...................................... Station Master’s

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

Note :— (i) In the train register, Station Diary and Line Clear book at both the
station, an entry in red ink shall be made to the effect that motor trolly’ is

(ii) A board with legend ‘motor trolly on line’ shall be placed on the block
instrument at the receiving station.
The report of arrival of the train, light engine or leading motor departure (i.e.,
station in rear), till the following motor trolly has also arrived and the “motor
trolly following” authority held by the official in charge of the following motor
trolly and the Station Master of the station in advance has signalled to the
station in rear, a ‘Train out of Block Section’ message in the following form:-
“No.............................. Your No.............................. and My No..........
......................... Motor trolley of ................................... following train/motor
trolley/light engine No....................................... arrived here
intact at............................................... and the section between
stations.................. ........................ and .................... is now clear of all

Till receipt of this message, the Station Master of the station allowing a motor
trolley to follow a train/a light engine/a motor trolly shall not give ‘Line Clear’
for another train or light engine. Copies of all messages exchanged shall be
pasted in the Station Diary.

(v) The person in charge of the motor trolley shall, as far as possible, keep
reasonably close behind, but at a safe distance from the train, light engine or
motor trolly that is being followed than 10 mts after the arrival of the later. This
may, however, be relaxed in the case of Engineering motor trollies if the Section
Controller permits the person in charge of the motor trolley to occupy the
section for any longer period, and provided that, on single line sections worked
by token instruments, the trolley user shall lock the token of the train or light
engine he intends following, by the use of a clamp of approved design, and
retain the key in his possession to prevent insertion of the token into the block
instrument till his arrival at the station ahead.

(vi) If the motor trolley fails to arrive at the next station within ten minutes of
the arrival of the train, light engine or motor trolley that it is following, the
Station Master may put back the signals to ‘on’ to perform shunting or other
movements. The person in charge of the trolly shall, in such case, stop at the
first Stop signal and send a Trolly man ahead (displaying a red hand signal) to
the Station Master/Switchman/Cabin man asking the latter to arrange for the
admission of the motor trolly.

(vii) In case a motor trolley follows another motor trolley travelling on line
clear, the leading motor trolly shall, in addition to the usual “authority to
proceed”, be given a Caution Order to the effect that a second trolly in
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

following. The following line clear authority laid down in clause (iv) shall be
carried by the motor trolly which is following.

(viii) Two motor trollies may follow a train, a light engine or another motor
trolly under the conditions laid down in clauses (iv) and (v). In such case, the
leading trolly shall be given a Caution Order to the effect that a second trolly is
following and the following line clear authority laid down in clause (iv) shall be
carried by the last motor trolly. The Station Master of the Station from which
the motor trollies are about to leave shall, in his message with a Private
Number advising the Station Master of the station in advance, mention that
two motor trollies will follow and obtain his acknowledgement supported by a
Private Number. The Station Master of the station in advance shall, on arrival
of the motor trollies, report in his message to the Station Master in rear, the
arrival of both the motor trollies.

(ix) When a motor trolly follows another motor trolly travelling on line clear in
terms of clause (vii), or when two motor trollies follow a train, light engine or
motor trolly, in terms of clause (viii), the motor
trollies shall keep close to each other and leave and enter the station together.
The officials in-charge of the trollies shall be jointly responsible for this.
(x) When two motor trollies are running together in the same direction, they
shall be kept a sufficient distance apart so that the rear trolly may be stopped
within a safe distance if a Trolly man should slip from the front trolly, or if the
front trolley should be stopped suddenly. On the level, or on a rising gradient,
the distance between the trollies shall be not less than 100 m and on a falling
gradient or with a strong wind behind, it shall be not less than 200 m.
(xi) On sections where there is danger of the rear portion of a train rolling back in
the event of its parting, a motor trolly shall not follow any such train which is not
vacuum braked throughout; but it may follow a light engine or an engine with a
brake-van only, as also a train with a live light engine attached in rear.
(xii) When a Motor trolly has arrived at a station, it may be removed from one
line to another only with the concurrence of the Station Master. This may be
done either by a shunt movement or by de-tracking the motor trolly. If the trolly
user intends to leave the station precincts or to make a prolonged stay, the
motor trolly shall be removed clear of all lines. For re-starting, the trolly shall
not be placed on any line without the prior concurrence of the Station Master.
(xiii) On the undermentioned sections, due to sharp curves and cuttings,
motor trollies shall not be permitted to run on “following line clear”
1. Muri-Ranchi
2. Posoita-Mahadevsal
3. Rangra-Karampada

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

4. Barajamda-Gua
SR. 15.25.04 – (a) The speed of a motor trolly shall on no account exceed 15
kilometers per hour over points and crossings or when passing through yards.
(b) When a motor trolley, whether running on line clear or on a following line
clear authority, has to pass over any spring-loaded points set against it, a
caution order notifying the existence of such points shall be issued to the official
in charge of the motor trolly and it shall be his responsibility to ensure that the
points are negotiated safely, by lifting the motor trolly suitably, if required.
(c) On sections as are provided with axle-counters in lieu of track-circuits,
trollies, motor trollies, lorries etc. which are not insulated shall not be allowed
to run except on line clear.
SR 15.25.05.— (a) A motor trolly may be used within a section X-Y blocked
for Engineering purposes, provided that, before entering the section from
Station-X the official in charge of the motor trolly shall obtain an
acknowledgement from the Station Master at X as follows:-
“I am aware that motor trolly No................................ is in the blocked section
between Station-X and Station-Y and I certify that I shall not permit any train
to enter, or give line clear to any train to proceed on to his section, until you
have informed me, either by personally returning this authority or personally
cancelling it at station Y, that your motor trolly has cleared the section.”
(b) The Station Master at Station-X shall before making over the authority to
the official in charge of the trolly, advise the Station Master at Y by a message
that he is permitted a motor trolly to enter the blocked section and shall obtain
an acknowledgement from the latter supported by a Private Number.
(c) The official in charge of the motor trolly shall arrange to return or cancel
the aforesaid authority not later than the time at which the original block is due
to be cancelled.
SR. 15.25.06.— Great care shall be exercised by the official in charge of a
motor trolly while approaching cuttings or any other location where the view
ahead is obstructed, since danger is to be apprehended from push trollies
coming from the opposite direction, or from cattle crossing the track,
obstructions placed on the rails etc.
SR. 15.25.07.— (a) In the event of a motor trolly engine breaking down
between stations, the motor trolly shall be pushed into the nearest stations.
But should it become immobilised, it shall be removed clear of the tracks and
the ‘Line Clear Authority’ be sent to the nearest stations through a Trolly man
along with a memo reporting the nature of the breakdown and giving a
certificate to the effect that the trolly has been removed clear of the tracks.
(b) If, after sending the intimation of the break-down and removal of the motor
trolly to the nearest station, it is put back in order, the official-in-charge shall
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not place the same on the line unless a Trolly man is again sent to the nearest
station with a memo informing the Station Master about the rectification of the
motor trolly and asking permission for it to proceed to either of the stations.
The Station Master, after satisfying himself that there is no train in the block
section, shall give a written permission to the official in charge of the motor
trolly to proceed to either of the stations, after blocking back or blocking
forward as the case may be. Such permission shall specify the line on which
the motor trolly is to run and shall be supported by the Station Stamp, the
copies of message exchanged and a Private Number. On receipt of such
permission from the Station Master, the official in charge may proceed to the
station on the line specified. The Station Master of the station towards which
the motor trolly is allowed to proceed shall arrange to receive it by taking ‘off’
the reception signals if arriving on the proper line. On arrival of the station, the
official in charge of the motor trolly shall hand over the memo to the Station
Master for cancellation of the block, duly certifying its intact arrival and giving
the time of arrival. The Station Master shall then remove the block and restore
normal working.
SR. 15.25.08.— Running of motor trolly on Automatic Signalling section:–
(a) Normally Motor trolly shall be allowed to run on Automatic Signalling
section during day light hours following a train only. At night or in emergency
or when there is no train to follow, if it becomes necessary to run a motor
trolly, Automatic Block system shall be suspended by exchange of messages
supported by Private Numbers between the Station Masters of the concerned
stations. After obtaining ‘Line Clear’ from the station in advance supported by
a private Number, an authority in form T-369(3b) shall be issued to the Loco
Pilot. Working of trains on Automatic Block system between the station
concerned shall be resumed only on receipt of the arrival report of the motor
trolly supported by a Private Number from the station in advance.
(b) When the motor trolly follows a train/light engine, the following conditions shall
be observed:-
(i) The motor trolly shall be under the charge of an official holding necessary
trolly permit. It shall carry adequate number of Trolly men so as to enable its
being removed bodily from the line in case of necessity.
(ii) The motor trolly shall only follow directly behind and reasonable close to a
train or a light engine keeping it insight. In case it is not possible for the official
in charge of the trolly to observe this rule, the trolly shall be cut off from the
line and he shall make immediate arrangements to inform the nearest station
of the position.
(iii) The official in charge of the motor trolly shall not enter the Automatic
section without first advising the Station Master of the station controlling entry
into the Automatic section, in order that he may inform the station in advance
to report back to him on the safe arrival of the motor trolly at that station.
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

Unless the arrival report has been received, duly authenticated by a private
Number, the first train following the motor trolly into the automatic section shall
be issued with a Caution Order.
(iv) The official in charge of the motor trolly shall also be cautious and vigilant
while negotiating points and crossings. In the interest of safety, he shall stop
short of the above points and ensure their proper setting before proceeding
slowly over them. Where the route is set against the trolly, he shall arrange for
the trolly to be lifted and placed on the correct line.
SR. 15.25.09.— Light Motor Trollies.— (c/slip98 added)
Light Motor Trolley/Moped Trolley/Scooter Trolley is/are to be treated at par
with Motor trolley. Hence, all the rules applicable to the working of motor
trolley, as mentioned in SR 15.25.01 to 15.25.08, shall also be applicable to
the light motor trolley/moped trolley/scooter trolley. However, the light motor
trolley/moped trolley/scooter trolley shall be accompanied by a minimum of
three trolley men but in no case, the total no. of persons including trolley men
shall exceed six.

SR. 15.25.10.— Self-propelled Inspection Cars.— The working of

special heavy vehicles such as tunnel inspection cars shall be governed by
special instructions, issued where necessary. In all other respects, these shall
be worked in the same manner as light engines.

15.26. Protection of trolly on the line— The qualified person in

charge of a trolly shall, before leaving a station, ascertain the
whereabouts of all approaching trains, and shall, when a clear
view is not obtainable for an adequate distance—
(a) on a single line, in both directions, or
(b) on double line, in the direction from which trains may
approach, take such precautions for the protection of his trolly as
may be prescribed by special instructions.

SR. 15.26.01.– (a) The person in charge of a trolly shall, under all
circumstances, be responsible for its use and protection.
(b) Before a trolly is placed on line, the person in charge of it shall
advise the Station Master of this fact, except where it is impracticable to do
so. For this purpose, he shall obtain from the Station master the prescribed
certificate on Form E.D. 9-15, 9-16 or 9- 17, as the case may be. Such
certificate shall be obligatory where there are sharp curves or steep gradients.
After a trolly is placed on line, advising the Station Master on duty, the latter

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shall take all necessary precautions for its safety, if it is not running under
block protection. Whenever a trolly is to proceed into a block section, the
Station Master at the Station allowing such trolly shall inform the Station
Master at the other end of the block section and obtain his acknowledgement.
(c) if no information has been given to the Station Master by the person in charge,
the entire responsibility for the protection of the trolly and the men accompanying
it would devolve on the latter.
(d) On clearing a block section, the official in charge of push trolly shall hand
over a memo to the Station Master at that end, informing him of his arrival.
The Station Master shall at once intimate the Station Master at the other end
and keep a record in his diary.
SR. 15.26.02.— While a trolly is on line, a sharp lookout shall be kept
at all times, both in front and rear.
SR. 15.26.03.— Whenever any train, light engine or motor trolly is
found approaching on the same line, the trolly shall be removed clear of the
line, well in time, so as to ensure safety and to avoid detention to traffic.
SR. 15.26.04.— (a) Special caution shall be exercised at locations
where, on account of curves, tunnels, cuttings gradients or other causes, a
clear view of approaching trains is not obtainable. The principal requirement is
that a clear view of at least 10 telegraph posts on non-electrified sections and
16 masts lengths on electrified sections shall always be obtainable both in
front and rear on single line working and in the direction from which trains are
likely to approach, in the case of double line working.
(b) (i) At locations where the aforesaid requirement cannot be met, the trolly
shall be stopped at a point beyond which the prescribed visibility distance is not
obtainable. One trolly man carrying hand signals shall be left at this point and
another trolly man carrying hand signals shall be sent ahead for the purpose of
looking out for any train which may be approaching. from the rear and front.
respectively, and hand signalling or removal of the trolly in the event of any train
being found approaching. On double lines, such look-out will be necessary only
in the direction from which trains may approach. Where a man is sent ahead,
the trolly shall not proceed forward until the man has gained a lead of about 6
telegraph post lengths (or 8 mast lengths on electrified sections) or such
distance as is needed to obtain a clear view of an approaching train even while
it is at an adequate distance from the trolly as prescribed in sub-rule a above.
As the trolly moves ahead the man in front shall keep moving at the same
speed so as to maintain the required visibility conditions. The rear look out man
shall start following the trolly only after it has gone ahead by about 6 telegraph
post lengths (or 8 mast lengths on electrified sections). He shall thereafter keep
following the trolly at the same speed, maintaining a constant look-out towards
the rear and duly ensuring the required visibility conditions. The person in
charge of the trolly shall be responsible for a constant watch being kept of the
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lookout men, as the trolly moves along and for acting promptly on any signal
received from them. Where, on account of sharp curves, etc. the prescribed
visibility conditions cannot be met by deputing only one look-out man in either
direction, intermediate look-out men shall be deputed for relaying of signals
given by the former.
(ii) If a look-out man finds any train, light engine or motor trolly approaching,
either from the front or from the rear, as the case maybe he shall at once
signal towards the trolly by waying a red hand signal. On receiving such
signal, the person in charge of the trolly shall at once stop the trolly and have
it removed clear of the line. To facilitate prompt removal in such cases, extra
trollymen/gangmen/Khalasis shall be carried on the trolly so that the
prescribed minimum of four men required for lifting the trolly off the track are
available at all times. It shall be the responsibility of the person in charge of
the trolly to anticipate the extra requirements of men on this account and
make suitable arrangements in advance, before negotiating such locations
with poor visibility conditions.
(iii) In cases where, on account of cuttings, tunnels or bridges, any delay is
anticipated in removal of the trolly by taking it to the nearest trolly refuse, the
look-out men shall invariably carry three detonators with them and in the event
of any train or light engine approaching, they shall place the same on the track
after signalling for removal of the trolly. These detonators shall be taken off
only after the trolly has been removed clear of the line.
(iv) The look-out man in front may stop only on reaching a point from where
the visibility of the line ahead is clear for not less than the distance prescribed
in sub-rule (a).
(v) When the trolly has itself reached a point from where the visibility in the
rear is not less than the distance prescribed in sub-rule (a), it shall be stopped
there till the rear look-out man catches up and is picked up.
NOTE :- Persons in charge of trollies shall acquaint themselves with the
running of trains, especially mail/express and passenger trains and take care,
as far as possible, to avoid entering reaches with poor visibility while the trains
are due.
SR. 15.26.05.— While negotiating level crossings, whether manned
or unmanned, the person in charge of a trolly shall exercise extra caution so
as to avoid running into or obstructing the road traffic. Trollies removed from
the line at level crossings shall be kept in such a way as to cause no
obstruction to the movement of road vehicles.
SR. 15.26.06.— When two trollies proceeding in opposite directions
on the same line are to cross each other and there is any doubt as to which
should be removed to make way for the other, the following general
convention shall be observed.
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(a) On gradients steeper than 1 in 400, the trolly proceeding down the
gradient shall be removed.
(b) Elsewhere, on single line sections, the trolly proceeding in the Up
direction and on double line sections, the trolly proceeding against the normal
direction of traffic shall be removed.

SR. 15.26.07.— (a) Trollies may be worked under block protection on

other sections also, whenever it is possible to do so without interfering with
the running of trains.
(b) Patrol trollies shall be run on line clear only. The person in charge of
the trolly shall personally receive the line clear authority from the Station Master at
the starting station and personally deliver it to the Station Master at the other
end. The Station Masters at both ends shall be personally responsible to see that
the line clear authority is correct and complete in all respects.
SR. 15.26.08.— Whenever the trolly is removed from the line for the
passage of a train or for any other reason, or when it is marked in proximity to
the lines in a station yard, it shall be kept sufficiently clear of the line and
parallel to it, instead of at right angles, so as to avoid the possibility of its
rolling and fouling the track and thereby endangering passing trains.

15.27. Protection of lorry on the line.—

(1) whenever it is proposed to place a lorry, whether loaded or
empty on the line, the line shall, if it is possible to do so, without
interference with the working of trains, be blocked under the
rules for working of trains.
(2) Except under approved special instructions, when the line
has not been so blocked and a lorry, whether loaded or empty, is
placed on the line, the lorry shall be protected—
(a) on double line, by one or two men as required, at a distance
of 600 meters on the Broad gauge and 400 meters on the Meter
Gauge and the Narrow Gauge, carrying a banner flag across the
track and another man plainly showing a Stop hand signal at a
distance of not less than 1200 meters on the Broad Gauge and
800 meters on the Meter Gauge and the Narrow Gauge from the
lorry in the direction from which trains may approach, or
(b) on single line, by one or two men as required, following and
preceding the lorry at a distance of 600 meters on the Broad
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Gauge and 400 meters on the Meter Gauge and the Narrow
Gauge, carrying a banner flag across the track and another man
plainly showing a Stop hand signal at a distance of not less than
1200 meters on the Broad Gauge and 800 meters on the Meter
Gauge and the Narrow Gauge from the lorry on either side.
(3) Each man so following or preceding the lorry at a distance of
1200 meters on the Broad Gauge and 800 meters on the Meter
Gauge and the Narrow Gauge shall be provided with detonators
and place three on the line 10 meters apart, immediately the lorry
comes to a stand for the purpose of either unloading or loading
or should any train be seen approaching and continue to display
the stop hand signal.
(4) Then man or men carrying the banner flag shall immediately
fix the banner flag across the track immediately the lorry comes
to a stand or a train is seen approaching, and continue to display
the stop hand signal.
(5) In all cases where the flagmen in advance or in rear cannot
be kept in view from the lorry, additional intermediate flagmen
shall be posted to relay the signals.
(6) The stop signal and detonators shall not be removed until the
flagmen have received the orders to withdraw them from the
official-in-charge of the lorry.
SR. 15.27.01.— (a) Where the hand signal man’s view of the line
ahead or in the rear, as the case may be is not clear for at least 800m,
additional hand signal men may be deputed further ahead or in the rear, as
required, to repeat the stop hand signal to the Loco Pilot of any approaching
train, allowing him a sufficient sighting distance to stop the train short of the
main hand signal man and thus minimise the chances of detonators being
(b) Except when working under block protection it shall be ensured that even
after deputing signalmen in the manner proscribed above, sufficient men
remain with the lorry to enable its prompt loading or unloading and removal
from the track in the face of an approaching train.
SR. 15.27.02.— (a) Whether the line has been blocked or not a lorry working
between stations shall always be protected in the manner prescribed above.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(b) While working in station yards, banner flags shall be exhibited at such
distances on either side as will ensure safety.
SR. 15.27.03.— The speed of a lorry shall never exceed 10 km/h.
SR. 15.27.04.— An official of the Engineering Department, not below the rank
of Permanent Way Mistry, holding a valid permit for the working of lorries on
the section, shall be in charge of every lorry while in use and shall remain with
it for the whole of the time it is on the rails and until it is properly removed
clear of the line and secured.
SR. 15.27.05.— Working of lorries within station sections.— When a lorry is
required to work within the station section, the official in charge of the lorry
shall obtain the Station Master’s permission in writing to do so specifying the
period during which, and the line(s) on which, the lorry will work. On receipt of
this request and, if the working of the lorry does not interfere with the
movement of trains, the Station Master shall grant such permission to the
Official in charge, authorising him to work for the period specified and shall
also record the fact by a suitable entry in the Train Signal Register. The official
in charge shall be responsible for the removal of the lorry at the specified time.
The Station Master shall, while granting permission for trains to approach, or
authorising the taking ‘off’ of signals for reception, despatch or shunting
movements, satisfy himself that the routes concerned are not obstructed by
the lorry. Slide collars shall be used on those slides which control signals
pertaining to the line(s) on which the lorry would be working, and the
Switchman/Cabin men at both end shall be advised to protect the line by
using Lever collars, under exchange of Private Numbers.

SR. 15.27.06.— Working of lorries in block section:

(a) A Lorry shall normally be run under block protection in accordance with the
procedure laid down under SR 15.27.07. In case such block protection is likely
to cause detention to trains, the official in-charge of the lorry, after considering
the urgency of the work to be done, should decide whether to place the lorry
on the line without line clear being obtained or wait until line clear can be
obtained for it.
(b) Not withstanding anything contained in sub-rule (a) above, a lorry shall
invariably be worked under block protection when: —
(i) It is necessary during an emergency to run it at night or during thick, foggy
or tempestuous weather impairing visibility; (see also GR 15.24 and SR
(ii) It is loaded with rails or girders.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(iii) It is loaded with specially heavy materials which cannot be readily

unloaded; and
(iv) it is required to work on the sections indicated below:-
Division Section
Chakradharpur (a) Mahadevsal-Posoita
(b) Rangra-Karampada
(c) Barajamda-Gua
Ranchi Silli-Ranchi.
Ranchi Chandil-Gondabehar
SR. 15.27.07.— Procedure for working of lorries between stations under block

(a) The official in charge of the lorry, intending to put the lorry on line shall
give requisition to the Station Master, mentioning all relevant particulars in the
prescribed form No. T/1518; Part-A; with proper acknowledgement.
On receiving the requisition; the Station Master shall obtain permission from
the section controller with a Control Order Number. Then he will exchange
message with the Station Master of the other end block station supported by
private numbers accordingly. Thereafter, he will issue a written authority to the
in-charge of the lorry in the prescribed form No. T/1518, Part B, to work in the
(b) On single line token less territory the OCC key/Shunting key and on single
line token territory, the Ball token shall be handed over to the trolly along with
the written authority in case the block instruments are in normal working order.
(c) When a track on a double line section is blocked for a lorry, the official in
charge shall run the lorry only on the track that has been blocked and shall not
place it on the other track either on the outward journey or on the return
(d) When approaching a station, the leading hand signalman shall promptly
report his arrival to the Station Master, who shall make immediate
arrangements for the safe reception of the lorry either by taking ‘off’ the
approach signals or by piloting it from the first stop signal.
(e) When the lorry is removed from the line at a station the official in-charge
shall issue a trolly "Removal Report" to the Station Master in the prescribed
form T/1518, Part C. The Ball token/OCC key/Shunting Key if any shall also
be handed over to the Station Master with due acknowledgement.
(f) In case the lorry is removed in mid-section, the trolley Removal Report
along with the Ball Token/OCC key/Shunting key if any shall be sent to the

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nearest station and shall be handed over to the SM with due

(g) Trolley Removal Report in the prescribed form along with the Ball
Token/OCC Key/Shunting key if any, shall be the authority for the Station
Master to cancel the block and resume normal working of trains in the
concerned section.
(h) The official in charge of a lorry on a block section shall be responsible for
ensuring that the lorry is removed from the line at such time as to enable the block
being cleared within such period as stipulated originally, except in cases where an
extension of the duration of block has been authorised subsequently.
SR. 15.27.08-Procedure for the working of lorries between stations
without block protection:–
(a) The official in charge of the lorry, shall give a requisition to the Station
Master in the prescribed format T-1518, Part A, clearly endorsing on that the
trolley shall work without block protection. If there is any speed restriction for
trains to be followed, in the concerned section, shall also be endorsed on it.
(b) On receiving the requisition the Station Master shall exchange message
with the Station Master of the other end block station under exchange of
private numbers, in consultation, with the Section Controller. Thereafter, he
will authorize the trolley in charge in the prescribed format T-1518, Pt.-'B' to
work in the section without block protection.
(c) Until the "Trolley Removal Report" in the prescribed form T-1518, Part 'C' has
been received, the station Master at either end of the section shall stop all trains
entering the concerned section and serve caution orders to the Loco
Pilots/Guards, advising them that a lorry is working in the section.
(d) A Loco pilot, on receiving intimation that a lorry is on the sections, shall
work his engine or train at such a speed that he can, without difficulty, bring it
to a stand within a distance of 800 meters after sighting the first stop hand
signal protecting the lorry.
(e) A lorry shall be removed clear of the line at least 10 minutes before a train is
expected to pass that spot.
(f) No lorry shall be allowed to enter any long bridge or tunnel, or long and
narrow cutting unless there is sufficient time left for the lorry to clear the same
and to be removed from the line in compliance with sub-rule (e) above.
(g) Except by special authority of the Divisional Engineer, a lorry shall not be
placed on the line while any train working under Material Train Rules is in the
block section.
SR. 15.27.09.— The provisions of SR. 15.26.05 and 15.26.08, which
deal with the precautions, to be observed while a trolley is negotiating level
crossings and while it is off the track, respectively, shall also apply to lorries.
Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

15.28. Lorries and trollies out of use. — A lorry or trolly, when

not in use, shall be placed clear of the line, and the wheels
thereof be secured with a chain and padlock.
SR. 15.28.01.— When a trolly, lorry or motor trolly is placed on a
platform for being loaded into/after being unloaded from a train, it shall be kept
parallel to the track and in such a manner that it may not come in the way of
passengers or of railway staff working on the platform.

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Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous




16.01. Knowledge of signals.– No person shall be appointed to

be a Gateman unless he has a knowledge of signals.

SR. 16.01.01- Every gateman before he/she is put to work

independently at level crossing, shall be tested by the Section Engineer (P-
Way) or Transportation Inspector, as the case may be, to ensure that he/she
has a thorough knowledge of the rules pertaining to the working of gates,
sliding booms, gate signals, hand signals, detonators and other equipment
provided for the gateman and also the rules pertaining to the protection of the
line during an emergency.
For interlocked level crossings the certificate of competency shall be
issued jointly by Section Engineer (P.Way) / Transportation Inspector and
Section Engineer (Signal). For non-interlocked level crossings, a certificate of
competency, shall be issued by either Section Engineer (P.Way) or
Transportation Inspector, as per the case.
The competency certificate shall be valid for a period of 5 (five) years
and to be revalidated after due test, every five years.
The competency certificate form is given below:-

“Certified that I/We have examined

Sri/Smt/Kumari……………… S/o or W/o or D/o…………… Designation………
in the duties of Gateman. He/She is conversant in the working of the gates,
sliding booms, gate signals if any, hand signals, detonators and other
equipments provided at the gate. He/She is also conversant with the
procedure to be adopted during abnormal conditions.”
Gate at KM………….. Place………….. Dated……… …

Signature of:-Transportation
Inspector /Section Engineer (P.Way) Section Engineer (Sig).

{SR. 16.01.01. – (c/slip112 added above)}

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Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 16.01.02.– (a) The Gateman shall stand facing the track on the
gate lodge side of the approaching train and be prepared to repeat any signal
which the Guard may give to the Loco pilot as well as to show a Caution or
Danger signal should anything appear to be wrong with the train as it passes.
For this purpose he shall, by day, hold his flags furled on separate
sticks, the green in his left hand and the red in his right hand and, by night, be
shall carry a lighted hand signal lamp. The hand signals shall not be exhibited
in the direction of an approaching train, unless need arises.
However, at stations, on multiple line section where no cabins are situated
or where the SM’s office and the cabin(s) is (are) situated on the same side and
traffic gate lodge is at off side of station building, the gateman will follow the rules as
laid in SR 4.42.02 (b) (iii), SR 4.42.02 (c) and (d).
(b) ‘‘Every Guard, Loco Pilot / Motorman and Asstt. Loco pilot of
running train while passing through any manned level crossing shall keep a
good look-out for gateman’s signal. They shall exhibit a green hand signal
towards the gateman as an indication that they are alert except when the
gateman has exhibited a ‘stop’ hand signal or in the situation covered by GR
16.08. (c/slip 135 added)
However, the Motorman shall not exchange signal with the gateman.
16.02. Supply and care of equipment.– Every Gateman shall–
(a) be supplied with day and night hand signals, detonators and
other prescribed equipment, and
(b) keep such signal, detonators and other equipment in proper
order and ready for use.
SR. 16.02.01.– (a) Standard equipments to be provided at the mid-section
manned level crossings: –

Items Quantity / Numbers

1. Hand Signal Lamp Three (5 on Quadruple Line or twin

Tri colour single line)
2. Hand Signal Flag Green One- Mounted on sticks
3. Hand Signal Flag Red Three ( 6 on Quadruple line or twin
single line and 7 in case Hexable
Section mounted on sticks.)
4. Banner flag red Three ( 6 on quadruple line or Twin
Single Line)
5. Posts for exhibiting Red Two (4 on Q/Twin single line

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

banner flag and 5 on Hexable Section)

6. Spare chains with Two with stop mark.

7. Detonators 10 in tin case.
8. Gate lamps Two
9. Tommy Bar One
10. Mortar Pan One
11. Ranner One (in case of asphalt road this
may not be provided)
12. Pick Axe One (in case of asphalt road this
may not be provided)
13. Tin case for flags One
14. Can for oil One
15. Water pot/Bucket One
16. Canister for Muster Roll One
17. Set of spare spectacles
of gateman wearing glasses One
18. Board, demarcating One
protection of level crossing
gate diagram in case of
obstruction on gate
19. Basket One
20. Whistle One
21. Wall Clock One
22. Small Size Chain One
Note :– At level crossings with multiple lines, the number of hand signals,
detonators and banner flags shall be increased suitably.
(b) The Supervisory officials in-charge shall be held responsible to ensure that
all Gateman under them are correctly supplied with the above mentioned
equipment, and also that sufficient kerosene oil, wicks and matches are
supplied to enable the Gateman to keep their gate lamp and hand signal
lamps burning all night.
SR. 16.02.02.– The Gateman shall always keep their hand signal
lamps trimmed and ready for lighting and use at a moment’s notice. During
night, one of the hand signal lamps shall be kept lit throughout. At all times
when the level crossing is open to road traffic, this hand signal lamp shall be
kept set to the red aspect so as to be in readiness for being shown to an
approaching train if the need arises.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

When the level crossing is closed to road traffic, the lamp may be
burning at half wick, but whenever a train is expected, the wick shall be raised
and the lamp kept burning brightly for ready use.
At level crossings where LED tri colour hand signal lamps are only
provided, the gateman shall always ensure that their LED tri colour hand
signal lamps are in working condition and ready to display red aspect at a
moment’s notice.
SR. 16.02.03.– Each manned level crossing shall also be provided
with the following items and these shall be maintained up to date.–
Records to be kept at Gate Lodge :
In addition to the above equipment, following records shall also be
kept at the gate lodge.
1. Gate Working Instruction in Hindi/English
2. Gate Working Instruction in local vernacular language.
3. Gateman Rule Book in local vernacular language.
4. List for tools and books.
5. Duty Roster.
6. Certificate for working as gateman.
7. Bio-data particulars of Gatemen, including date of passing vision
test, initial/refresher
course, safety camp, etc.
8. Record of last census of road traffic at level crossing gate.
9. Public Complaint Book.
10. Inspection Book.
11. S&T Register in case of Interlocked Engineering Gate.
SR. 16.02.04– (a) The Cabin-operated level crossing gates shall be
provided with the following equipments and books.
(i) One red and one green hand signal flag,
(ii) 2 hand signal lamps,
(iii) 2 red banner flags with side props,
(iv) 10 detonators in a case,
(v) 2 gate lamps.
(vi) 2 Chains with pad locks for locking the gates.
(vii) 2 pad locks for the gate lamps.
(viii) 2 staves for fixing hand signal lamps.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(ix) Gate working rules.

(x) Level Crossing inspection book.
(xi) Complaint book.
(xii) A small size chain for use in case of failure of gate boom\leaf lock.
(b) The Supervisory Officials in charge of the gate/cabin shall be held
responsible for the similar action as contained in SR 16.02.01(b).
Note: At Traffic or Cabin operated gates on multiple lines, the number
of hand signals, detonators, banner flags and other required items shall be
increased suitably. (c/slip 129 added)

16.03. Road Traffic.–

(1) Subject to such special instructions in that behalf as are
permitted by these rules, all gates at level crossings shall be kept
constantly closed and securely fastened across the thoroughfare
on both sides of the railway and shall only be opened when it is
necessary and safe to open them for the passage of road traffic:
Provided that any Railway Administration may from time to time
issue special instructions for any particular level crossing or class
of level crossing and may be such special instructions permit the
gates at any level crossing or class of level crossing to be
normally kept open to road traffic and may therein prescribe the
conditions under which gates are to be kept closed against road
traffic for the passage of a train or trains or for the purpose of any
other railway operation; and all such special instructions so long
as they be not cancelled or superseded shall for the purpose only
of the Railway Administration issuing the same be deemed to be
General Rules within the meaning and subject to the provision of
section 47 of the Act.
(2) If for any reasons the gates at level crossings cannot be so
closed/fastened across the thoroughfares on both sides of the
track, action to prevent the approaching trains, if any, from
running into the gate may be taken in accordance with
stipulations laid down under General Rules 16.06."

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(3) Gatemen, where provided, shall at all level crossings be

prepared, whenever such level crossings be open to road traffic,
to show a Stop hand signal to any approaching train.
(4) Where no Gateman is specially provided for night duty at a
level crossing, the gates there at shall, subject to special
instructions, be locked at night and opened only to pass road
traffic in such manner as may be prescribed by special
SR. 16.03.01.– (a) All level crossing gates shall be so worked as to
cause the least possible inconvenience to vehicular traffic, consistent with
(b) In order to eliminate frequent and undue detention of road traffic at
important level crossings, such gates shall not normally be closed for more than
10 minutes at a stretch.
(c) At level crossings which are provided with telephone, the
Gateman, on receipt of information about a Motor Trolley being on line clear,
shall not close the gates immediately, but shall keep a look out for the motor
trolley and only when it is actually in sight shall be close the gates. The same
procedure shall also be followed by Cabin men in the case of gates operated
from the Cabins.
SR. 16.03.02.– (a) Gates of manned level crossings whether these be
situated inside or outside outer most stop signals, shall be provided with
lamps at night, which will show red to the road traffic approaching from either
direction, when either Gate is closed across the road. The lamps shall show
white to the road when the gates are open to road traffic, and shall be so
screened that they show no indication to approaching trains, whether the
gates be open or closed to road traffic.
(b) Gates shall be painted white except in the case of lifting barriers,
which shall be painted with alternate bands of yellow and black. In addition,
each gate shall be provided with a disc not less than 0.6m in diameter to
furnish a clear indication to road users during daylight hours. The disc shall be
painted red on both sides, irrespective of whether the gates are coupled or
SR. 16.03.03.– (a) (i) The mid-section gates of level crossings, which
are inter-locked with Gate Signals, may normally be kept open to road traffic.
Immediately after departure of the train, the Station Master/Switchman/Cabin
man shall inform the Gateman over telephone connected at his end the
number, description and expected time of passage of the train at the gate.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(ii) If the telephone is connected with the Station/Cabin at the

receiving end, this advice shall be given by the Station
Master/Switchman/Cabin man to the Gateman over telephone as soon as he
receives train entering section advise from the despatching station.
(iii) If the actual running time of the train from either end of section
upto the LC gate is less than 10 minutes, Station Master/Switchman/Cabin
man will convey this advice to the Gateman before obtaining/granting line
(iv) It should be the duty of the Gateman to ensure that the gate is
closed in time, so that there is no detention to the train or excessive detention
to road traffic.
(b) (i) In the case of level crossings situated within outer most stop
signals, where telephone communication is provided between the Gateman
and Station Master / Switchman / Cabin man Private Number shall be issued
by the Station Master/Switchman/Cabin man to the Gateman to close the
gates. The Gateman shall, thereupon, closes the gates and confirm having
done so by giving his Private Number to the Station Master/Switchman/Cabin
(ii) For mid-section level crossings, the Station Master/SWM/Cabin
man of the Station where telephone connection is provided will inform the
gateman supported by a private number about the expected time of departure
of UP/DN train from the stations on either side of the Block Section. Before
taking 'Off' last stop signal, the SM/SWM/Cabin man shall ensure from the
gateman that the gate is closed and shall obtain a private number as
assurance. On getting this assurance, the SM/SWM/Cabin man will then take
'Off' the last stop signal.
(For Engineering manned level crossing gates, non-interlocked, provided with
telephone, with normal position ‘Open to Road Traffic’).
On single line sections, gateman shall open the level crossing gate
after complete passage of train from gate by ensuring the train with tail
board\tail lamp\LVI.
The SM/SWM/Cabin man of the Station at the other end where
telephone connection is not provided with the gate shall not take 'Off' the last
stop signal for the train to enter into the Block Section unless he gets the
assurance, that the level crossing gate is closed from the SM/SWM/Cabin of
the station having telephone connection with the level crossing supported by a
private number.
(iii) The mid-section level crossing gate which is connected with
telephone and normal condition is closed to road traffic will be worked as

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(a) The Gateman must seek permission from Station

Master/Switchman/Cabin man for opening the gate.
(b) Station Master/Switchman/Cabin man shall ensure that there is no
train movement in that section. Thereafter, Station Master/Switchman/Cabin
man shall give his private number to the gateman allowing him to open the
gate for the purpose of clearing the road traffic.
(For Engineering manned level crossing gates, non-interlocked,
provided with telephone, with normal position “Closed to Road Traffic’).
On single line sections, if the gate is required to be opened to pass the
road traffic, the gateman shall exchange private number with the SM and confirm
that the train has passed completely from his gate, thereafter; the SM may allow
the gateman to open the gate.
(c) Suitable entries should be made by the Station
Master/Switchman/Cabin man in the Train Signalling Register/Cabin
Operation Register, Private number book, Log book in Red ink.
(d) After passage of road traffic the Gateman shall close the gate and
confirm this to Station Master/Switchman/Cabin man under exchange of
private number.
(e) Before any train is allowed to enter the block section again the
Station Master/Switchman/Cabin man must ensure that the private
number from the Gateman has been received in token of his having
closed the gate.
(iv) Private numbers are not required to be exchanged in case the
level crossing gates are interlocked with gate stop signals or stop signals
of the stations. However, Gateman should be intimated in advance by the
ASM/SWM/Cabin Master/Cabin man about the movement of the train on
the section.
SR. 16.03.03(b) (v) Traffic Gates: The traffic gates are ones within
outermost stop signals of the station.
SR. 16.03.03 b (vi): At non-interlocked, manned level crossing
gates (B & C class), where road traffic is heavy in relation to rail-borne
traffic and the number of trains is low, say up to 14 on per day basis, its
normal position may be changed to “open to road traffic” provided the
following conditions are satisfied.
1. The level crossing should not be on a suburban section.
2. The level crossing should be equipped with co-acting lifting barriers.
3. The section concerned should not have automatic block signaling.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

4. The level crossing should be provided with a telephonic connection

with the Station Master and should have a system of obtaining private
number from Gateman in token proof of having closed the gate.
5. The railway track at the level crossing should be straight on either
side to afford a clear view of an approaching train.
6. As long as the gate is kept open for road traffic a red flag by daytime
and a red-light during night should be displayed towards the
approaching train on either side of the level crossings.
7. The level crossing shall be provided with Whistle Board on either side
at an adequate distance to enjoin the Loco Pilot of approaching train
to give audible warning of the approach of train to the road users.

Such changes in the normal position of manned, non-interlocked

level crossing gate (B & C class) will necessarily require prior
approval of the PCOM and the PCE.
SR. 16.03.04.– In the event of failure of telephone communication
between the Station and mid-section level crossing gate which is not
protected by gate signal, or of failure to get Gateman’s acknowledgement over
the phone, the following procedure shall be adopted for passing trains :
(a) The Loco Pilot and the Guard of every train proceeding into the
affected section shall be served with a caution order, giving the number and
kilometrage of the level crossing and directing the Loco Pilot–
(i) To whistle frequently to attract the attention of the Gateman,
a) (ii) To approach the L C gate cautiously so as to be able to stop
short of the gate in case the gateman is not available or exhibits a
danger signal or does not show ‘green’ hand signals towards his train.
Should he find the gateman waving a ‘green’ hand signal for his train
to proceed, he may do so cautiously without stopping before the gate.
However, should the loco pilot not find the gateman displaying a
‘green’ hand signal towards his train, the procedure laid down in G R
3.73 (2)(c) shall be followed. (c/slip 90 (2) added)
(b). (i): While complying GR 3.73 (2) (c), the LP shall stop his train
short of the level crossing and shall ascertain if the Gateman is available and
is apparently in a fit condition to continue his duty and the gates are closed. If
so, the Loco Pilot shall arrange to advise the SM/SWM/CM, as the case may
be, of the fact using the telephone provided at the gate. The Station Master on
receipt of such an advice from the Loco Pilot shall discontinue issue of caution
order to the following trains provided the acknowledgement of the Gateman is
available over the telephone. (c/slip 90(3) added)

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(ii) In the above circumstance, the Loco Pilot should not stop his train
at the next station to advise the Station Master.
(c) (i) If the Loco Pilot does not find the Gateman at the level crossing
or if the Gateman is apparently unfit for duty and the gates are not closed, he
shall depute his Assistant Loco Pilot, to close the gates and give proceed
hand signal. In the absence of Assistant Loco Pilot, the Loco Pilot shall seek
assistance of the Asst Guard or Guard of the train.
(ii) The Loco Pilot, after being hand signalled, shall pass the level
crossing and stop clear of it by at least 2 bogie-lengths to pick up the
Assistant Loco Pilot or Asst. Guard/Guard, as the case may be. The Railway
servant deputed for closing the gate shall re-open it for road traffic after the
passage of the last vehicle of the train.
(iii) If, however, the telephone is out of order or the Gateman is not
available or is apparently unfit to continue his duty and intimation of the fact
could not be given to the Station from the Gate, the Loco Pilot shall stop his
train at the next station (even if it is through passing station) and give a memo
to the Station Master indicating the condition of the Gateman, Gate and
(iv) The Station Master on receipt of the Loco Pilot’s report regarding
absence or unfitness of the gateman, shall advise the Station Master in rear,
the Notice Station, the Section Controller, PWI, AEN concerned and the
Gangmate of the nearest gang for immediate posting of a Gateman. He shall
also inform the maintenance staff to attend and repair the telephone, if
required. Issue of caution order should continue till normal working condition
in the gate is restored.
(d) Before giving line clear to a train, the Station Master shall advise
the Station Master of the Station in the rear of the facts by message supported
by a Private Number, and obtain his acknowledgement with a Private Number.
The latter shall issue a Caution Order to the Loco pilot as detailed in para (a).
(e) Necessary entries shall be made in the Caution Order Register
and Diary by Station Masters at either end of the affected section. The Section
Controller shall also keep a note in his chart indicating the action taken by
SR. 16.03.05 – In the event of failure of telephone communication
between the station and mid-section level crossing gate, which is protected by
gate signal, or of failure to get Gatemen’s acknowledgement over the phone,
the procedure laid down in G R 3.73 shall be followed. In this case, there is no
need to issue caution order to trains entering into the affected section. (c/slip 90
(4) added).

SR. 16.03.06.– From sun-set to sun-rise and during thick, foggy

weather, heavy rain or dust storm or at any other time when a clear view of an
Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

approaching train is not obtainable along the railway for 800 m in either
direction, all non-interlocked gates shall be kept closed to the road and locked
and shall only be opened to pass road traffic when necessary. Extreme
caution shall be exercised to ascertain that no train is approaching before
opening the gates at such times.
SR. 16.03.07.– In case of ‘‘Special Class’’ level crossings where the
position of gates when open to road traffic is across the railway line, the level
crossing lamps shall show a red light along the railway track in each direction
when the gates are closed across the track.
SR. 16.03.08.– When the level crossing (inside or outside Outer most
stop signals) is opened to road traffic, the Gateman, in order readily to show
‘‘Stop’’ hand signal to an approaching train, shall at night keep his hand signal
lamp to show ‘Red’ and in day keep the red hand signal flag furled in his hand
throughout the period when the level crossing is opened to road traffic.
16.04. Gateman to observe passing trains.–
Except where otherwise prescribed under special
instructions, the Gateman shall observe all passing trains and be
prepared to take such action as may be necessary to ensure
safety of trains.
SR. 16.04.01.– (c/slip105 &135 added)
(a) The gateman at all level crossing gates should stand attentively at
the gate lodge, facing the track with furled red and green flags during day in
right and left hands respectively and at night hold the hand signal lamp with
the white light pointing towards the track.
“He shall watch all passing trains to see any abnormal /unusual
conditions like hot axles, hanging parts, vehicle/ wagon on fire, load shifted,
Open/hanging door, flat tyre, smoke, goods falling from a vehicle/wagon,
abnormal sound and all other conditions likely to endanger safety of the train,
and take prompt action to warn the Loco Pilot/ALP and Guard of the train by
showing a danger signal.”
The Loco Pilots and the Guards should be on the lookout for such
danger signals. The gateman also informs the SMs on telephone, if provided.
However, at station, on multiple line section, where no cabins are
situated or where the SM’s office and the cabin/cabin(s) is/are situated on the
same side and traffic gate lodge is at off side of station building, the gateman
will follow the rules as laid down in SR 4.42.02 (b) (iii), 4.42.02 (c) & (d).
(b) If the train is found passing ‘Normal’ the gateman must exchange
‘All Right Signal’ with guard and the guard shall in turn exchange of ‘All right

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

signal’ with Loco Pilot/Asstt. Loco Pilot after passing of train at all manned
crossing gates.
Note: The end cabins that are now used for controlling the Traffic L C
Gate only, the gateman/staff will follow the same procedure as detailed in (a)
and (b) above. (c/slip117added)

16.05. Channel for flange of wheels.–The Gateman shall see

that the channel for the flange of the wheels is kept clear.
SR. 16.05.01.– During the dry months of the year, in order to allay the
dust, level crossings where water is available from any nearby source shall be
thoroughly watered by the Gateman daily, both morning and evening, and also
immediately before Mail/Express and Passenger trains are due to pass.
SR. 16.05.02.– At unmanned and Cabin-operated level crossings the
keyman of the P. Way gang in whose beat the level crossing falls shall, in the
course of his daily rounds, ensure that the flange way channels are kept clear.
16.06. Defects at level crossings.– If any gate or the fastenings
thereof, or any fixed signal pertaining to the gate becomes out of
order, the Gateman shall–
(a) take action to close the gates, if possible, against road traffic.
(b) After closing the gates, hand signal the train movements past
the Level Crossing.
(c) (i) If the gates cannot be so closed put the banner flag or level
crossing flag in such manner as to warn the approaching train to
stop short of the gate and thereafter hand signal the train.
(ii) report the fact to his superior or the nearest gangmate.
SR. 16.06.01.– In the event of a gate signal becoming defective, the
Gateman shall maintain the signal in the ‘on’ position and close and lock the
gates across the road immediately on sighting a train.
At all non-interlocked manned level crossings and interlocked level
crossing gates when the gate is to be kept in open condition for passage of road
vehicles, during no light condition of the stop signal protecting it, the Gateman
shall ensure that during day time when visibility is clear, a Red Banner flag is
placed across the track and during night and day time in foggy weather
conditions, a Red light is fixed facing towards the approaching train. (c/slip 85

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Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 16.06.02.– In case of failure of Gate signal in the ‘off’ position, the
Gateman shall at once close and lock the Gates across the road, place a
detonator 90 meters away from the defective signal and renew it after the
passage of every train. The Gateman may open the gates to pass road traffic
only after the signal is so protected. If this condition happens at night or if it
continues after dark, the green glass of the signal arm in question shall be so
broken as to prevent a green light being seen by the Loco Pilot of an
approaching train.
SR. 16.06.03.– In either of the cases referred to in SRs 16.06,01 and
16.06.02 the Gateman shall also advise the fact over the telephone or through
the Loco Pilot of a passing train or through a Gang man to the Station Master
of one of the adjoining stations, who in turn shall advise the signal maintainer
and other concerned officials of the section for immediate rectification. The
Station Master shall also arrange for issue of caution orders to the Loco Pilots
of passing trains from both directions on the single line section or from the
concerned direction on the double/multiple line section till the defect is
rectified. Until the defect is rectified, the Gateman shall pass the trains over
the level crossing by showing ‘‘Proceed’’ hand signal provided the Gates are
closed and locked across the road traffic.
SR. 16.06.04. – (a) If a gate boom/barrier is damaged, the Gateman
(i) Close the level crossing against the road traffic with chain and
padlock immediately or before allowing the movement of train as the case
may be,
(ii) Report the fact over telephone or through the Loco Pilot of a passing
train or through a Gang man to the Station Master/Switchman/Cabin man of the
adjacent station and the nearest Gangmate.
(b) The Station Master on duty on receipt of the above information
shall arrange to issue caution orders to the Loco Pilots and Guards of all
trains entering into the section,
(i) To whistle frequently,
(ii) To stop 30m, short of the level crossing, and be guided by the
hand signal given by the Gateman.
(c) The Station Master shall intimate the fact to the Station Master at
the other end of the block section for issue of caution order with the similar
instructions as mentioned in (b) above.
The caution order shall continue to be issued till the defect is rectified. The
Station Master shall also advise the Signal Inspector, PWI and other officials
concerned for immediate rectification and other necessary action.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(d) The Loco Pilots shall ensure that the level crossing is not
obstructed and on being hand signalled by the Gateman, negotiate the level
crossing cautiously.
(e) Necessary entries shall be made in the Caution Order Register
and Station Diary by the Station Masters at either end of the affected section.
SR. 16.06.05.- In case of failure of locking arrangement of Gate
Boom\Leaf, the gate boom or leaf should be properly secured by using a small
chain and padlocked.
16.07. Obstructions at level crossing–Every Gateman on
noticing any obstruction on the line, shall at once remove it or, if
unable to do so shall–
(a) take action to ensure that the fixed signals, if any, protecting
the gate are kept at ‘on’,
(b) show stop hand signal and do his best to stop approaching
trains; and
(c) shall protect the obstruction as per Rule 6.03.
SR. 16.07.01.– In case of an obstruction on the line at a level crossing
not protected by station signals, the Gateman shall maintain the gate signals,
if provided, in the ‘on’ position and, if unable to remove the obstruction
forthwith, he shall protect the line in the following manner:–
(a) On Double Line:–
(i) In case both lines are obstructed, he shall, during day light hours,
first plant a banner flag across the track in the direction from which a train is
expected to arrive first and then plant the second banner flag across the other
track, against any train in the opposite direction. The banner flag shall be
planted clear of the level crossing and at a distance of about 5 meters from
the edge of the road/obstruction.
(ii) He shall, thereafter, close and lock the gates.
(iii) At level crossings provided with telephones, the Gateman shall, if
time permits, inform the Station Master/Cabin man about the obstruction and
ascertain the position of trains, after he has taken action as per clauses (i) and
(ii) above.
(iv) The Gateman shall then proceed in haste, exhibiting a red hand
signal flag, towards the direction from which a train is expected first and place
one detonator on the track at a distance of 600 m on BG (400 m on N. G) and
three detonators 10m apart at distance of 1200m on B. G (800m on N. G)
from the level crossing. Having thus protected one line, he shall immediately
return to the level crossing, picking up the intermediate detonator on the way,

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

and then proceed, with the same haste, in the opposite direction and protect
the other line also in an identical manner. Having duly protected both the
lines, the Gateman shall return to the level crossing and endeavour to clear
the obstruction, mobilising any assistance locally available. He shall, however,
not leave the level crossing, but shall remain in position to warn the Loco Pilot
of any approaching train.
(v) In case only one line is obstructed the aforesaid protection need
be done only for the obstructed line.
(b) On Single Line:–
The Gateman shall take action as laid down in sub-rule (a), except
that the banner flags and the detonators shall be placed on the same line on
either side of the level crossing.
(c) On Multiple lines and parallel single lines:– The procedure for
protection shall be as indicated in sub-rule (a) or (b) above, as applicable, duly
amplified by local instructions as may be warranted in each case. Banner
flags shall be planted and detonators placed on each of the obstructed lines in
the directions from which trains are likely to approach.
SR. 16.07.02.– In case of an obstruction at a level crossing situated
between the outermost signals of a station, but not protected by the station
approach Stop signals, located at an adequate distance from and interlocked
with the gates, the Gateman shall, in addition to protecting the line in the
manner laid down in SR 16.07.01, inform the Station Master/Cabin man, who
shall there upon keep the relevant signals in the ‘on’ position. Placing of
detonators towards the station side may be dispensed with if it is assured by the
Station Master/Cabin man that no train shall be allowed to leave the station until
the obstruction is removed.
SR. 16.07.03.– In case of an obstruction at a level crossing protected
by station stop signals, located at an adequate distance from and interlocked
with the gates, which may also include cabin-operated level crossings, the
Gateman or Cabin man, as the case may be shall at once close the gates
across the road and ensure that the stop signals controlling the passage of
trains over the obstructed lines are maintained at ‘on’. In addition, banner flags
shall be planted in the manner indicated in SR 16.07.01 (a) (i). However, if in
the meantime he notices any train coming from either side, he shall be prepared
to stop the same by the use of hand signals and detonators.
SR. 16.07.04.– By night the Gateman shall use his hand signal lamps
exhibiting the red aspect in place of banner flags and red hand signal flags.
Since only two H. S. lamps are provided even on double lines, he shall, for the
purpose of hand-signal, pick up the H.S. lamp planted in lieu of the banner
flags in the direction in which he is proceeding to place detonators, and shall
exhibit the same as he goes along. He shall replace the lamp in position, on
his return.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 16.07.05.– In case of an obstruction on the line at a level crossing

situated in Automatic block signalling territory, the gates of which are inter-
locked with Semi-Automatic Gate Stop signal as pre sketch 9 of GR 3.17 (1),
the Gateman shall at once take steps to extinguish the ‘A’ marker of the Semi-
Automatic Gate Stop signal by operating its control lever/switch where provided.
But at such of the level crossings where the control of the ‘A’ marker is only
through the closing of the boom, the Gateman of such level crossings, shall
close the level crossing against thoroughfare by using spare gate leaves, if any
or by using the chains and pad locks. The Gateman, if unable to remove the
obstruction forthwith, shall protect the line in the following manner:–
(a) (i) On Double line, after taking action as detailed under clauses (i),
(ii) and (iii) of sub-rule (a) of SR 16.07.01, shall proceed in haste, exhibiting a
red hand signal towards the direction from which a train is expected first and
place one detonator on the track at a distance of 90m and two detonators 10m
apart at a distance of 180 m. from the level crossing. Having thus protected
one line, he shall immediately return to the level crossing and then proceed,
with the same haste, in the opposite direction and protect the other line also in
the identical manner. Having duly protected both the lines, the Gateman shall
return to the level crossing and endeavour to clear the obstruction, mobilising
any assistance locally available. He shall, however, not leave the level
crossing. But shall remain in position to warn the Loco Pilot of any
approaching train.
(ii) In case only one line is obstructed, the aforesaid protection need be
done for the obstructed line towards the direction from which normally trains
approach the level crossing.
(b) On single line, after taking action as contained in clauses (i), (ii)
and (iii) of sub-rule (a) of SR 16.07.01, action shall be taken to place
detonators and banner flags on the same line on either side of the level
crossing in the manner detailed under sub-rule (a) (i) above.
(c) On triple line section between Tikiapara to Panskura, the procedure
for protection as described under sub-rule (a) above shall be applicable for the
two outer-most tracks and the procedure described under sub-rule (b) above
shall be applicable for the middle line.
16.08. Parting of a train. – If a Gateman notices that a train has
parted, he shall not show a Stop hand signal to the Loco Pilot,
but shall endeavour to attract the attention of the Loco Pilot and
the Guard by shouting gesticulating or other means.
16.09. Trespassing.– Every Gateman shall as far as possible,
prevent any trespassing by persons or cattle.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

16.10. Transfer of charge of gate.– Except in accordance with

special instructions, no Gateman shall leave his gate unless
another Gateman has taken charge of it.
SR. 16.10.01.– (i) In case he is not relieved by another Gateman, the
Gateman shall not leave his level crossing until the Gangmate, in whose
length the level crossing falls, places a Gang man, competent to work as
Gateman, in charge of it.
(ii) In the case of traffic level crossings in similar circumstances, the
Station Master on receipt of such information, shall take necessary action to
relieve the Gateman.
SR. 16.10.02.– At level crossings where only one man is employed, he
shall not leave the level crossing, even for a short time, without closing them to
the road and locking them.
SR 16.10.03.– No person shall be allowed to perform the duties of a
Gateman unless he has been examined and found competent.

16.11. Height gauges.–

(1) Adequate arrangements shall be made to erect height
gauges on either side of the overhead equipment or other
equipment at level crossing so as to ensure that all vehicles and
moving structures passing under the height gauge also pass
under the overhead equipment of other equipment with adequate
(2) The adequate clearance referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be
sanctioned under approved special instructions.
(3) Vehicles and moving structures, which cannot pass under the
height gauge without striking or touching it, shall not be permitted
to pass the overhead equipment or other equipment except in
accordance with special instructions.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

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Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous




17.01. Applicability of General Rules:- All rules referring

to the working of trains shall also apply to the electrified sections
except as otherwise provided in the rules contained in the
SR. 17.01.01.— (a) All Subsidiary Rules which control the movement
and operation of diesel trains shall apply to the movement and operation of
electric trains, except as otherwise provided in these rules.
(b) All officials connected with movement of electric rolling stock shall
have a thorough knowledge of these rules. They shall also be responsible for
ensuring that staff working under them are thoroughly conversant with the
instructions relating to their work and the correct procedure to be followed
under normal conditions as well as in an emergency.
(c) Every railway employee, supplied with these rules shall make
himself thoroughly acquainted with the rules and shall be held responsible for
knowledge of an compliance with them. Ignorance of the rules will not be
accepted as an excuse for non-compliance.
17.02. Special definitions applicable to this Chapter. --
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires.-
(1) “Electrical way and works” means the traction
installations including overhead equipment and other connected
works provided on the electrified section of the railway;
(2) “Feeding post” means a supply control post, where the
incoming feeder lines from grid substation are terminated.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(3) “Neutral section” means a short section of insulated and

dead overhead equipment which separates the areas fed by
adjacent sub stations or feeding posts;
(4) “Power Block” means blocking of a section of line to
electric traffic only;
(5) “Supply control Post” means an assembly of
interrupters, isolator switches remote control equipment and
other apparatus provided for controlling power supply to
overhead equipment. It includes feeding posts, sectioning and
paralleling posts, sub-sectioning and paralleling posts and sub-
sectioning posts;
(6) “Tower wagon” means a self-propelled vehicle which is
used for the maintenance and repairs of overhead equipment;
(7) “Traction Power Controller” means a competent railway
servant who may for the time being be responsible for the control
of power supply on the traction distribution system.
SR. 17.02.01.-- (1) “Assistant Loco pilot” means the duly certified
Assistant Loco pilot of a single or multiple unit train or of an electric engine.
(2) “Brake Valve” means a valve which operates the automatic brakes
of the train.
(3) “Conductor” means a body or substance which offers a low
resistance to the passage of an electric current.
(4) “Phase Conduct” means a conductor which carries current to the
traction overhead equipment.
(5) “Return Conductor” means conductor which carries return current
from the tracks to the Sub-station.
(6) “Dead Equipment” means any electrical equipment which is not
electrically alive.
(7) “Dead Man’s Handle” means an emergency safety device fitted in
the handle of a Master Controller which, when released, automatically cuts off
the supply of electrical energy to the traction motors, and applies the brakes.
(8) “Distribution System” means a system of electrical equipment by
means of which electrical energy in the form of alternating or direct current is
distributed over a given area.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(9) “Traction Power distribution System” means a distribution system

provided for traction purpose. This is also referred to as “Power distribution
(10) “Motorman” means the duly certified Loco pilot of an Electric Single
of Multiple Unit coach (EMU).
(11) “Driving Trailer” means a coach which has a driving compartment
and which is not a motor coach.
(12) “Earth” means the conducting mass of the earth or of any
conductor in direct electrical connection therewith.
(13) “Earthed” or” Connected to Earth” means connections with the
general mass of earth in a such manner as to ensure at all times an
immediate discharge of energy without danger.
(14) “Earth” for the purpose of the overhead equipment only include the
track return circuit and the structures supporting the overhead equipment,
provided such structures are connected to “earth” or track return.
(15) “Electrical equipment” means any apparatus which is used for
generation, transmission or utilization of electrical energy.
(16) “Feeder” means a conductor connecting (a) a generating station
with Sub-station or feeding point, or (b) a Sub-station with a feeding points.
(17) “Feeder” also means a conductor connecting a supply control post
to a grid Sub-station and a supply control post or switch gantry to a feeding
(18) “High voltage” means a voltage which under ordinary working
conditions may exceed 650 volts.
(19) “Voltage” means the difference of electric potential measured in
volts between any two conductors or between any part of either conductors
and the earth as measured by a suitable voltmeter.
(20) “Independent Air-Brake Handle” means a removable handle
controlling the independent air-brake apparatus of electric engines.
(21) “Insulator or Insulating material” means material which offers
relatively high resistance to the passage of an electric current.
(22) “Live Equipment” means any electrical equipment which is
electrically alive.
Electrical equipment is alive when a difference of potential exists
between it and earth or when it is connected to another conductor or circuit in
which such a difference of potential exists.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(23) “Master Controller” means a controller in the driving compartments

of electric engines, motor coaches and driving trailers, which is not included in
the main circuit of the controlled motor or motors but which operates other
controllers or contractors by means of a control circuit, thereby controlling the
supply of electrical energy to the traction motors.
(24) “Motor Coach” means a coach equipped with traction motors and
with the necessary control and power apparatus for operating them.
(25) “Multiple Unit Train” means a train consisting of two or more single
unit trains coupled together and operated as one train.
(26) “Off Position” means the position of the reversing handle whereby
a Master Controller is locked “Off”, and whereby the dead man’s handle, if
provided, is rendered in effective.
(27) “Overhead Equipment” means the electrical conductors over the
tracks together with their associated fittings, insulators and other attachments
by means of which they are suspended and registered in position.
All overhead electrical equipment, distribution lines, transmission lines
and feeders may be collectively referred to as ‘overhead lines’.
(28) “Bond Impedance” means a bond, installed by S & T Deptt. which
provided a low impedance path for the traction return current and relatively
high impedance path for track-circuit current.
(29) “Bond Structure” means a bond connecting a traction mast,
structure or support to a rail by a mild steel strip of approximately 200sq. mm
(30) “Pantograph” means a collapsible device mounted on and
insulated from the roof of an electric engine or motor coach and provided with
a means for collecting current from the overhead equipment.
(31) “Permit-to-work” means a form of declaration signed and given by
an authorised person to a person in-charge of work to be carried out on or
adjacent to any electrical equipment, for the purpose of making known to such
person exactly what equipment is dead and earthed and safe to be worked on
or adjacent to.
(32) “Rail Bond” means an electrical connection across a joint in or
between adjacent lengths of rail.
(33) “Bond Continuity” means a rail bond used for maintaining continuity
of the rail return circuits at points and crossings.
(34) “Bond Cross” means a rail bond used for connecting together two
rails of a track or rails of adjacent tracks.
(35) “Bond Joint” means an electrical connection across a joints
between two adjacent lengths of rail as part of the track return.
(36) “Reversing Handle” means a handle which control the forward and
reverse running of the tractor motors and is fitted in such a manner that it can
only be removed when the Master Controller is locked ‘OFF’.
Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(37) “Single Unit Train” means the combination of a motor coach or

motor coaches and coaches adopted by a Railway Administration as an
operating unit.
(38) “Switch Electrical” means a device for opening or closing an
electrical circuit.
(39) “Switch Alternate Feed” means a switch used for connecting the
overhead equipment of a loop or siding or crossover to alternative sections of
the overhead equipment.
(40) “Switch Double Pole, Gang Operated, Earth type” means a special
switch used in Electric Loco Sheds, inspection pits and watering sections for
feeding two section and for making both sections dead simultaneously and
earthing one.
(41) “Switch, Inter-connecting Section or Isolator” means a switch used
to connecting or disconnecting adjacent elementary sections of overhead
(42) “Switch gear” means Isolator switches, Circuit Breakers
Interrupters, cut-outs & other apparatus used for the operation, regulation and
control of electric circuits.
(43) “Transmission Line” means bare overhead conductors supported
by Steel Structure by means of which electrical energy is transmitted between
various points of a distribution system.
(44) “Apparatus” means electrical apparatus and includes all machines,
fittings accessories and appliances in which conductors are used.
(45) “Assistant Electrical Engineer (Traction Distribution) A.E.E. (TRD)”
means an Assistant Executive officer, in-charge of maintenance and repairs of
the power distribution system in a division or in an area and responsible to the
Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction Distribution).
(46) “Assistant Electrical Engineer (Rolling Stock), A.E.E. (RS)” means
an Assistant Executive Officer in-charge of maintenance and repairs of
electric rolling-stock in a division or in an area and responsible to the Senior
Divisional Electrical Engineer (Rolling-Stock).
(47) “Assistant Electrical Engineer (Rolling Stock Operation) A.E.E.
(RS. OP)” means an Assistant Executive Officer-in-charge of operation and
outstation maintenance of Electric Rolling Stock in a division or in an area and
responsible to the Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer (Rolling Stock
Operation) or Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction).
(48) “Junior Engineer (Traction-Running)- means a Sub-ordinate
Supervisor under Section Engineer(traction) who is responsible for nomination
for booking Electric Crews in his shift and sanctioning periodical rest to the

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

Electrical Crew under him. He shall also be responsible for exhibiting the
roster for each day at the booking office. He shall also be responsible for
ensuring that the running staff when signing on duty is in the knowledge of the
road of the train for which he is booked has studied circulars, notices, Caution
order books and possesses two pairs of spectacles, if required under medical
advice. He also informs the Control about defective signals observed by
incoming crews immediately and details of time loss on loco account and
other duties assigned to him.
(49) Junior Engineer (Traction)- ‘when qualified as-
(a) “Overhead equipment -OHE” means sub-ordinate of the area
concerned responsible to the Traction Foreman for inspection and
maintenance of traction overhead line, rail bonds and for the staff employed
(b) “Power Supply Installations- (PSI)” means a sub-ordinate of the area
concerned responsible to the Senior Section Engineer /Traction(PSI & RS) for
inspection and maintenance of power supply installations at all supply control
posts and auxiliary transformers provided at different places for the purpose of
signalling and other purpose and for the staff employed thereon.
(c) “Sub-Station Equipment- (SS)” means a sub-ordinate of the area
concerned responsible to the Senior Section Engineer (Sub Station) for
inspection and maintenance of sub-station owned by Railways, rail bond
connected to the sub-station for return current and for the staff employed
(d) “Rolling Stock-RS” means a Sub-ordinate of the area concerned
responsible to Section Engineer (Rolling Stock) for the maintenance of rolling
stock and for the staff employed thereon.
(e) “Remote Control equipment-(R.C.)” means a Sub-ordinate of the
area concerned responsible to the Senior Section Engineer (RC & PSI) for
inspection and maintenance of remote control and allied equipments and for
the staff employed thereon.
(50) “Bare” means not covered with insulating material.
(51) “Cable”- (a) means a length of insulated single conductor (solid or
standed) or of two or more such conductors, each provided with its own
insulation which are laid up together.
(b) Such insulated conductor or conductors may or may not be provided
with an overall mechanical productive covering.
(52) “Caution Notice” means a notice attached to or placed near live
equipment calling attention to the danger of touching or interfering with such
equipment and bearing the words “Caution- Live Equipment”.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(53) “Electric Chargeman” means an authorised person in charge of a

gang of workmen, authorised to work on specific types of traction equipment
such as overhead equipment, electric rolling stock, etc.
(54) (a) “Circuit” means an arrangement of conductor or conductors for
the purpose of conveying electrical energy and forming a system or a branch
of a system.
(b) When they form a closed path through which a current can circulate,
the circuit is referred to as ‘closed’. When the path is not closed, the circuit is
referred to as ‘Open’.
(55) (a) “Senior Section Engineer (OHE)” means a senior Supervisor
under the control of Senior DEE (TR)/DEE (TR-D)/AEE (TR-D), who is
responsible for the proper and safe maintenance of 23 KV AC Traction over-
head equipment and return conductors.
(b) “Senior Section Engineer (PSI & RC)/Traction Foreman (General)”
means a Senior Supervisor working under the control of Senior DEE
(TR)/DEE (TR-D/DEE(SS)/ AEE(TR-D) and directly responsible for proper
operation and up-keep of the power supply installation & remote control
equipments which are vital for the efficient operation of the electrical traction
(c) “Senior Section Engineer (SS)” means a Senior Supervisor working
under the control of DEE (SS) and directly responsible for the operation and
up-keep of the Sub-station equipment including the maintenance of the return
conductors from the traction substation to the feeding posts.
(d) “Chief Traction Power Controller (CTPC)” means a Senior
Supervisor working under the control of Senior DEE (Traction (DEE)(TR-
D)/AEE(TR-D) and directly responsible for the proper operation of remote
control switches in orders to maintain reliability in the power supply to the
over-head equipment, arranging detection of the faulty sections in the event of
failures or break-down and a close co- ordination with the operating
department. He shall also be responsible for arranging the electric Power
block required by maintenance staff.
(56) “Circuit Breaker” means advice for closing and opening an
electrical circuit under all conditions unless otherwise specified, and so
designed as to open the circuit automatically under abnormal conditions.
(57) “competency Certificate” means a certificate issued to a person by
the Railway Administration authorising him to carry out specified duties
pertaining to his employment.
(58) “Contact Wire” means an overhead conductor from which electric
power is supplied to electric rolling stock.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(59) “Cut-out (fuse)” means any appliance for automatically Interrupting

the transmission of energy through any conductor when the current rise above
a predetermined value.
(60) “Danger” means danger to health or to life or any part of body from
shock, burn or other injury to persons or property, or from fire or explosion,
attendant upon transmission, transformation, conversion, distribution or use of
electrical energy.
(61) “Danger Notice” means a notice attached to dead equipment to
convey a warning against such equipment being made alive and bearing the
works “Danger-Men working.”
(62) “Danger zone” means the zone, lying within 2 meters of any live
equipment, in which no work is permitted, when the equipment is alive, Not-
withstanding the above, the Loco pilot of an electric loco is permitted to
change the head light bulb of the loco while standing on the buffer beam
projection at the floor level of the cab.
(63) (a) “Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction Distribution), DEE (TR-
D)” is the officer in immediate charge of the traction distribution section in a
division, responsible for all technical and organisational matters connected
with the efficient maintenance and operation of the power supply installations,
OHE and RC equipment.
(b) “Divisional Electrical Engineer (Sub-Station) -DEE (SS)” means an
Officer in immediate charge of 25 KV AC Traction Sub- station equipments in
a division, responsible for all technical and organisational matters connected
with the efficient maintenance and operation of the sub-station equipments.
(c) “Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer (Rolling Stock) means an
executive Officer responsible for all technical and organisational matters
connected with the maintenance of electric Loco/Electric Multiple Units (EMU
(d) “Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer (Rolling Stock- Operation) -
Sr. DEE (RS-OP)” means an executive Officer responsible for dealing all
technical and organisational matters connected with the operation of electric
rolling stock on behalf of the electrical department and a liaison Officer
between electrical and operating department.
(e) “Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction).- Sr. DEE\ (TR)”
means an executive Officer responsible for dealing all technical and
organisational matters connected with the efficient maintenance and operation
of the power supply installations, OHE and RC equipment and dealing all
technical and organizational matters connected with the operation of electric
rolling stock on behalf of the electrical department and a liaison officer between
electrical and operating department in a division.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(64) “Dropper” means a fitting used in overhead equipment construction

supporting the contact wire from the catenary.
(65) “Electrified Track” means track provided with overhead equipment.
(66) “Emergency Telephone:” means a telephone circuit provided for
contacting the Traction Power Controller.
(67) “Grid Sub-Station or Sub-stations” means an Electrical installation
inter connected with each other and equipped with transformer and Switch-gear
from which power in supplied for Electric Traction.
(68) “Guarded” means covered, shielded, fenced or otherwise protected
by means of suitable casing, barrier, rail or metal screens to remove the
possibility of dangerous contact or approach by persons or objects to a point
of danger.
(69) “insulated (Air-gap)- Overlap Span” means an arrangement of
overhead equipment over a track where two sets of traction conductors
overlap each other for a short distance providing for a smooth passage for the
pantographs of Electric Rolling Stock, the two sets of wires being insulated
from each other by an adequate air gap of 50 cms.
(70) “interruptor” means a single phase oil circuit breaker without an
automatic tripping device.
(a) “Bridging Interruptor” means an interruptor which is provided at a
neutral section to enable one Sub-station of feed a sector of the overhead
equipment normally fed by another substation during emergencies or when the
latter is out of use. This interruptor normally remains in the open position.
(b) “Sectioning Interruptor” means an interruptor which connects
adjacent Sub-sector together to maintain continuity of supply. This interruptor
normally remains in the closed position.
(c) “Paralleling Interruptor” means an interruptor which connects
overhead equipment of two different tracks. This interruptor normally remains
in the closed position to reduce voltage drop.
(71) “Junior Driving Inspector-(JDI)” means a supervisor responsible for
monitoring , counseling and educating the electric Loco pilots/Asstt. Loco
pilots on line for their knowledge in technical, safe working rules and the
trouble shooting technique of electric locos in case of defect/failures of them
on line.
(72) “Linesman” means a person authorised to inspect and work on the
overhead lines and switches in relation therewith.
Note :- This is the lowest grade of employee who is allowed to enter an
unattended supply control post unaccompanied by his superior.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(73) “Operator” means a person on duty who is in charge of a supply

control post.
(74) (a) “Remote Control Centre” means the center from which the
equipment at various supply control posts are remote controlled by the
Traction Power Controller.
(b) “Remote Control Cubicle” means a room in a supply control post in
which remote control equipment and batteries are erected for remote
operation of switch-gear located at the post.
(75) “Senior Loco Inspector-(SLI)” means a Supervisor for checking and
testing electrical Loco pilots on line, conducting enquiries, assisting DEE/RS-
OP in all technical and operating matters, conducting load trials and inter-
section running timings of goods and coaching trains, testing the performance
of electric locos on line and reporting their behaviour to sheds and any other
duties assigned to him by Sr. Division Electrical Engineer (TR) Sr. DEE (OP).
(76) “Section Insulator” means a device for dividing a contact wire into
electrical sections while maintaining mechanical continuity and a continuous
path for pantographs.
(77) “Sector” means a shortest section of overhead equipment of a
track from a feeding post to a sectioning post.
(a) “Sub-sector” mans the shortest section of overhead equipment
which can be isolated by opening of interrupters.
(b) “Elementary Section” means the shortest section of overhead
equipment which can be isolated from the rest of the system by switching
(78) (a) “Sectioning and Paralleling Post-(SP)”s means a supply control
post situated mid-way between two feeding posts at a neutral section and
provided with bridging and paralleling interrupters.
(b) “Sub-sectioning and Paralleling Posts-- (SSP)” means a supply
control post where sectioning and paralleling interrupters are provided.
(c) “Switching Station -(SS)” means a supply control post over a single
line section where only sectioning interrupters are provided.
(79) “Track-Return” means the track rails when used as the return
conductor for the traction return current to the sub-station.
(80) “Traction” means electric traction.
(81) “Engine Examiner” means an official responsible for inspection and
maintenance of Electric Rolling Stock at outstation Maintenance Depot.
(82) “Section Engineer/Traction” as qualified.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(a) “Overhead equipment-(OHE)” means a subordinate of the area

concerned responsible for the operation and maintenance of overhead
equipment and for the staff employed thereon.
(b) “Rolling Stock-(RS)” means a subordinate responsible to Assistant
Electrical Engineer (Rolling-Stock) for the maintenance and /or inspection of
electric rolling-stock and for the staff employed thereon.
(83) . “Section Engineer/Running-(TLC)” means an official who is in-
charge of Electric Crew and their and their establishments and responsible for
the out-station maintenance of Electric Locos.
(84) (a) “Traction Loco Controller-(TLC) “means an official under the
control of Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer (TR)/OP/ Assistant Electrical
Engineer (Rolling-Stock-Operation) who will be responsible for booking of
electric locomotives and running staff to meet the requirement of the traffic.
(b) “Assistant Traction Loco Controller- (ATLC)” means a supervisor
under the control of Traction Loco Controller responsible for charting the
movements of Electric Locos, checking the terminal/ sectional detention and
utilization of Electric Locos and assisting TLC in all other respects.
(85) (a) “Traction Power Controller- (TPC)” means an official who is
responsible for ensuring continuity of power supply and operations
appertaining thereto on the traction power distribution system. He co-
ordinates the requirement of traffic and electric power supply and arranges for
the issue of permits to work on or adjacent to overhead lines, cables and
switchgear connected thereto.
(b) “Assistant Traction Power Controller- (ATPC) “means an official
deputed for assisting the TPC.
(86) “Traffic Block” means blocking of a track against movement of all
17.03. Inspection of electrical Way and Works.- The electrical
way and works shall be inspected regularly in accordance with
special instructions by officials nominated for the purpose and in
accordance with the duties assigned to them.
SR. 17.03.01.— (a) The duties of SSE/SE/JE(P. Way) under rules
15.01 to 15.17 wherever applicable to electrical way and works shall devolve
on the Senior Section Engineer (Over Head Equipment) and Junior Engineer
(Over Head Equipment).
(b) Inspection/Maintenance of electrical works other than Over Head
Equipment shall be carried out by the Senior Section Engineer (Power Supply
Installation and Sub-station) and Section Engineer (Remote Control) as may

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

be applicable to them and as such specified in paras 0400 and 0617 of A C

Traction Manual.
(c) The duties of Gangmate, Keyman and Gang man wherever
applicable to overhead equipment shall devolve on the Overhead equipment
SR. 17.03.02. — (a) It shall be the responsibility of every railway
servant to report immediately any abnormalities which may come to his notice
on the OHE such as:-
(i) The whole or part of the OHE or a feeder or a cable falling down, and
or persons, animals or vehicles coming in contact with or likely to come in
contact with live equipment;
(ii) a damaged catenary or contact wire fouling the vehicle gauge.
(iii) pantograph of an electric rolling stock getting damaged and/or
entanglement of the same with the OHE;
(iv) damage to the track or structures of the overhead equipment.
(v) derailment or any other traffic accident; and
(vi) any defect/breakdown in the continuity bonds, joint bonds, cross
bonds and impedance bonds.
(b) The railway servant noticing any breakdown or defects mentioned in
sub-rule (a) above shall at once report the same to the Tractions Power
Controller either directly or through any Station Master or Section Controller or
through the nearest available telephone.
(c) In case of breakage of an overhead line, the railway servant
detecting it shall also ensure that no person comes in contact with the line
until an authorised official of the Electrical Traction Branch arrives on the spot.
The authorised official shall take immediate action to make the affected line
dead & earthed.
(d) If the damage to the OHE is heavy or the standard moving
dimension is infringed, the person observing such damage or infringement
shall take steps to show stop hand signal and place detonators in terms of GR
(e) The Station Master to when such breakdown or defects are reported
shall convey the information at once to the TPC either directly or through the
Section Controller as the case may be. In case of failure of communication, he
shall use his discretion to ensure safe movement of the traffic & advise the
nearest Traction official.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(f) The TPC on receiving the information about any breakdown/ defect
shall immediately arrange to cut off supply to the section affected and advise
the Section Controller of the section made dead by him.
The Section Controller in turn shall arrange with the concerned Station
Master for protection of the dead section in terms of SR 17.04.16.
SR. 17.03.03. -- (a) When any defect on the overhead equipment which
is likely to interfere with the smooth movement of the pantograph or cause
damage to it, is noticed ahead, the Loco pilot/ Motorman shall trip the circuit
breaker and immediately lower the pantographs by placing the pantograph
handle in” lower” position. If necessary, the train should be brought to a stop
short of such place.
(b) If the damage to the overhead equipment is slight, the Loco pilot
/Motorman man, if possible, coast through such damaged section.
(c) In all cases the defects so noticed shall be brought to the notice of
Traction Power Controller.
17.04. Permit-to-work on electrical equipment.- If work is to
be carried out adjacent to the electrical equipment or any other
part thereof by other than the competent railway servant, such
work shall be done only when and for such time as the person-
in-charge of the work has obtained a written permit-to- work, duly
signed and given by the railway servant authorised for the
purpose by special instructions. He, in turn shall issue the same
only with the knowledge of the Traction Power Controller.
SR. 17.04.01. -- Before commencing the work on any part of the
overhead equipment, or within 2 meters of live overhead equipment, a Permit-
to-work shall be obtained from the Traction Power Controller or authorised
person. Detailed instructions regarding power block and permit-to-work are
given in the rules here under.
SR. 17.04.02.-- Traffic and Power Block.- There are generally two types
of blocks required for maintenance work on Electric Traction Installations.—
(a) Traffic block.- Where a line is blocked against movement of all
vehicles/trains either Hauled by Electric or Diesel Locomotives. This will be
required whenever heavy repairs have to be carried out on the OHE
installations and shall be granted by the Section Controller in consultation with
the Traction Power Controller.
(b) Power Block -Whenever light repairs to or maintenance work of the
OHE have to be carried out and the movement of trains hauled by Diesel
locomotives, power blocks are obtained making a section of OHE dead by

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

switching off 25 KV electric supply of the OHE. Power block are granted by
the Traction Power Controller in consultation with the Section Controller.
Whenever Power blocks are granted on a given section of the OHE no
movement of electrically hauled trains shall be permitted on that section but
the movement of trains hauled by Diesel locomotives may be permitted
provided a caution order is issued to the Loco pilot and Guard of such train or
trains drawing their attention to the fact that the OHE staff are working at the
specified kilometrage and that the Loco pilot should exercise extra caution
and sound a long continuous whistle when approaching/passing such section
and obey such signals as may be displayed at the place of work.
(i) Power blocks are the three different types.—
(a) Emergency Power Block,
(b) Pre-arranged Power block, and
(c) Locally arranged Power Block.
Note: - Power blocks on the OHE of “secondary lines” that is siding,
yards sheds etc, are arranged by the Station Master. Yard Master, SSE/SE
(Shed) or Engine Examiners concerned locally and come under the category
(c) above.
SR. 17.04.03.— Emergency Power Block-(a) An emergency power
block shall be arranged by the TPC and 25 KV supply to the OHE affected
shall be out off by him immediately on receipt of an advice of any serious
breakdown of the OHE or injury to persons or damage to property specially
(i) The whole or part of the OHE or a feeder or a cable falling down
and/or persons, animals or vehicles coming in contact with or likely to come in
contact with live equipment.
(ii) A damaged catenary or contact wire infringes height gauges at level
(iii) An electric locomotive or an Electric Multiple Unit getting damaged
& rectification of which the Loco pilot/Motorman requires the OHE to be made
(iv) Derailment or any other accident to a train on the electrified lines
where cutting off of 25KV supply is considered necessary in the interest of
safety by the TPC on the Section Controller.
(b) The person giving information of breakdown on the OHE shall
invariably give all essential information such as his name, designation,
kilometrage where the abnormality has been noticed, the nature of the
abnormality & the place of his reporting. The reason for asking for an

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

emergency power block shall be brief and to the point but explicit. he shall not
leave the place/telephone without the permission of the TPC.
(c) The TPC on receiving the information shall at once arrange to switch
off the supply on the section affected and then obtain the details of defects
from the person reporting the same. The TPC shall simultaneously advice the
Section Controller on duty about the Section/sections made dead under
exchange of Private Number. The Section Controller in turn shall arrange with
the respective Station Master(s) to take protective measure as per the
instructions contained in the Station Working Rules.
(d) Once an emergency power block is imposed except in the case of
sub-rule (c) below, no work on the affected lines may be commenced until an
authorised OHE official arrives at the site and earths the line at two or more
points as required, Power supply to the section concerned shall not be
restored by the TPC until the authorised OHE official at the site issues a
message supported by a Private Number.
(e) (i) Whenever it becomes necessary for the Loco pilot of an Electric
Locomotive or the Motorman of Electric Multiple Unit train to obtain an
emergency power block from the Traction Power Controller for the purpose of
inspecting and/or securing the roof equipments including pantographs, he
shall ask for such emergency power block giving the particulars as contained
in sub-rule (b) above.
(ii) The TPC after making the section dead shall issue permit to-work to
the Loco pilot/Motorman supported by a Private Number and advise the
Section Controller. The TPC and the Section Controller shall also take actions
as per sub-rule (c) above.
(iii) The Loco pilot/Motorman shall then earth the OHE on both sides of
the Electric Rolling Stock before climbing on the roof. For this purpose, each
Electric Locomotive is equipped with two earthing rods. In the case of Electric
Multiple Unit trains the Motorman may obtain two earthing rods either from the
Station Master of any station or from the Loco pilot of another train which may
be on the run on the adjacent line. The earthing rods shall be returned to the
concerned Station Master/Loco pilot after the work is over.
(iv) Before asking the TPC supported by a Private Number to restore
the power supply on the section so made dead, the Loco pilot/Motorman shall
ensure that everything is in order, earthing rods have been removed & that no
person/material is on the roof of the locomotive.
SR. 17.04.04.— Pre-arranged Power/Traffic block —
(a) Officials of all departments in the electrified area who requires such
power blocks, traffic block or permit-to-work in the danger zone of traction
equipment, or who requires overhead line and/or bonding staff to be present
at site for schedule maintenance work, shall deliver at the office of the
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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction Distribution) not later than 11hrs. on

every Monday, statement in the prescribed form showing.—
(i) the nature of the work & the date on which it is to be performed;
(ii) by when the work is to be carried out;
(iii) location of the work and the sections of the lines to be blocked;
(iv) the trains between which the block is required and
(v) whether the track will be available for Diesel traffic.
(b) The requirements of all departments shall be coordinated in the
office of the Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction Distribution) and a
consolidated statement forwarded to the Divisional Operations Manager
concerned by 12 hrs. on every Wednesday for inclusion in the weekly
programme of traffic and power blocks.
(c) A weekly programme of work involving traffic block power block and
permit-to-work shall be prepared in the office of the Divisional Operations
Manager, and despatched to all concerned (TPC, TLC, CHC Station Master(s)
Yard Master (s) concerned in addition to the departmental officials who asked
for such blocks) by Friday latest, for the week commencing from Monday next.
(d) Works of urgent nature shall however be attended to by obtaining
emergency power blocks and permit-to-work from the Traction Power
SR. 17.04.05. — (a) After a pre-arranged power block has been notified
as per SR 17.04.04., the TPC on the specified day, shall ascertain from the
Section Controller at least two hours before the commencement of the work
whether power/traffic block will be available according to the pre-arranged
programme. He shall then inform the SSE/SE/JE/Chargeman of the
Maintenance gang that the traffic/power block as already programmed will be
available so that the maintenance gang can take steps to leave the depot with
necessary equipments and be available at the site at least half an hour before
the commencement of the work. On arrival at site the official-in- charge of the
working gang as well as the person (s) deputed to operate the isolator switch
(s) shall report their arrival to the TPC.
(b) On receipt of the information about the readiness of the field staff at
the site of work, the TPC shall send the Power Block message in part of the
prescribed form ETR-I. The Section Controller shall in turn advise the
concerned Station Master/officials in-charge of concerned Cabins/Yard
Masters to take action as laid down in SR 17.04.16 and in the Station Working
Rules supported by a Private Number.
(c) The concerned Station Master/Official in-charge of the Cabin/ Yard
Master shall after complying with the relevant provisions of SR 17.04.16 and

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

other provisions in this regard mention in the Station working Rules for electric
traction shall acknowledge the same. In case of Traffic Block in conjunction
with Power block it must also be ensured that there is no train between two
stations in which it is propose to impose Traffic Block. The concerned Station
Master/Official in-charge of the Cabin/Yard Master shall then give an
assurance to the Section Controller about the precautions taken in this regard
supported by Private Number.
(d) The Section Controller shall then return Part B of form ETR-1 duly
filled in.
(e) On receipt of the assurance from the Section Controller the TPC
shall open the concerned interruptors and advise the field staff for operation of
the required isolator (s) has/have been opened and locked in open position
the TPC shall close the interruptors thereby restoring power supply to all
portions except over the concerned elementary section where the work is to
be carried out. (See SR 17.04.15 also). He shall then issue a Permit-to-work
message in the prescribed form ETR-2 to the authorised person in-charge of
the maintenance work.
(f) The maintenance gang shall then commence work after earthing the
dead OHE as stipulated in para 0535 of the AC traction Manual and observing
the precautions laid down in GR 15.09 (1) 15.09 (2) and 15.09. (3) During the
entire period of block.
(g) On completion of the work, the person who received the permit-to-
work shall ensure that—
(i) all men and materials have been withdrawn from the electrical
equipment and its vicinity,
(ii) the earths provided for the protection of all the working parties are
removed, and
(iii) all staff, who have been deputed to work, are warned that the power
supply is to be restored.
He shall then inform the TPC under exchange of Private Number and
filling up Part ‘C’ of ETR-2 and cancel the permit-to-work previously issued. In
case the telephone communication with the TPC is interrupted, action shall be
taken in accordance with SR 17.04.10.
(h) The TPC shall, after restoring the normal supply to the OHE, cancel
the block and inform the Section Controller by sending Part ‘C’ of ETR-1 duly
filled up.
(i) The section Controller shall then advise the concerned Station
Master/Officials in-charge of the Cabins/Yard Master about the cancellation of
the block under exchange of Private Number.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 17.04.06.-- Work by other than authorised person.—

(a) If any work is to be carried out on or adjacent to any part of the
electrical equipment by other than “authorised” person such work shall not
commence unless the person in-charge of the work is in possession of a
written permit-to-work issued by an ‘authorised’ person of the Electric Traction
Branch not below the rank of a Chargeman.
(b) The permit-to-work shall first be taken from the TPC for which the
TPC, the Section Controller, the authorised person of the Electric Traction
Branch and the Concerned Station Master shall follow the procedure detailed
in this regard under SR 17.04.05. After the “Permit- to-Work” has been
obtained from the TPC the authorised person of the Electric Traction
Department shall earth the electrical equipment specified and then issue a
Permit-to-work card on the prescribed form ETR-3 to the person in-charge of
the work keeping a duplicate copy in his personal custody.
(c) On completion of the work and when all men and materials have
been withdrawn from the electrical equipment and its vicinity, the ‘person in-
charge of the working party shall cancel his “Permit-to-Work” card filling Part
’C’ of form ETR-3 and return it to the authorised person who issued the same.
The authorised person shall in turn issue a message to TPC to cancel the”
Permit-to-Work” as detailed in SR 17.04.05. In case the telephone
communication with the TPC is interrupted, action shall be taken in
accordance with SR 17.04.10.
SR. 17.04.07.-- Multiple working parties.—
(a) Whenever work has to be carried out by more than one working
party, the ‘Permit-to-Work’ shall be issued by the Traction Power Controller
only to one authorised person who alone shall be responsible under this rule,
for work on the portion of electrical equipment, specified in the ‘Permit-To-
Work’ . Any additional party or parties may work on the same portion of the
Electrical Equipment only with the permission of this authorised person who
shall inform all parties of the total number of parties working on the same
portion of the electrical equipment. The authorised person shall cancel the
“Permit-To-Work” only when he is satisfied that all working parties have
withdrawn all men and materials and removed the earths form the electrical
(b) Where the two parties are working far from each other the party who
has to work for a longer period shall take the “Permit-To-Work” from the TPC
and permit the other party to start the work by a message supported by a
Private Number. The second party shall inform this party of completion of
work, removal of earths and withdrawal of men & materials similarly by a
message supported by a Private Number.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 17.04.08.-- Work inside Loco Shed or Car Shed-- In case the work
to be done inside the Loco Shed or Car Shed the application for permit-to-
work must be made to the SSE/SE or Chargeman (RS) who shall arrange for
the issue of the ‘Permit-to-Work’ after getting the switch of the inspection bay
or the feeders opened No intimation to the TPC is necessary, and the “Permit-
to-work” must be returned for cancellation by the person in-charge of the work
to the SSE/SE or Chargeman (RS) before the switches are closed.
SR. 17.04.09.-- Power supply for sidings which do not affect movement
of train on the running lines is controlled by manually operated isolators. The
keys for these isolators are generally kept under the custody of the Station
Master concerned. For obtaining power block on such sidings local
arrangements may be made by the authorised person of the Electrical
Traction Branch with the Station Master, Cabin Asstt. Station Master, Yard
Master and others responsible for the movement of traffic. For this purpose,
the form ETR-4 shall be brought into use. Before the concerned Station
Master/Cabin Asstt. Station Master/Yard Master signs the acknowledgement
on part’ B’ of the form ETR-4 and hands over the key for the isolator, he shall
take the precautionary measures detailed under SR 17.04.16. and also, as
specified in the Station Working Rules. The Traction Power Controller shall be
informed immediately before and after the shutdown is affected by the
authorised person responsible for carrying out the work. He shall not open the
isolator unless the precautions prescribed in paras 0800 and 0801 of the A C
Traction Manual are complied with and no work should commence unless
proper earthing as required under the rules is made.
SR. 17.04.10.-- If telephones communication with the Traction Power
Controller is interrupted, the person, to whom the permit-to- work was issued,
shall arrange locally for restoring to normal (live) conditions the portion of the
traction electrical or overhead equipment specified in the permit-to-work and
for cancelling the power block, if possible. Before this is done the authorised
person shall satisfy himself that no other party has been given a permit-to-
work for the same sections.
SR. 17.04.11.-- Each Traction Power Controller shall maintain a log
book in which he must enter the number of each permit-to- work issued
together with the particulars and time when the equipment is made dead for
the work and re-energised after completion of the work as per information
received on the telephone from the authorised person concerned.
SR. 17.04.12.— All messages relating to shut down and restoration of
power supply, permit-to-work, etc. issued over the telephone shall be made by
exchange of Private Number. The procedure to be followed is as detailed
below :-
(a) Every official who has to exchange such messages shall maintain a
Private Number book. As each message is sent, the Private Number used

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

should be scored out in the Private Number book, initialed and dated. The
message number should also be recorded. The Private Number book and
permit-to-work form shall be kept under the personal custody of the authorised
official of the electrical traction branch. The used Private Number book as also
all records for the issue of permit-to-work shall be carefully preserved for a
period of one year unless these are required for a longer period in connection
with enquiry or investigation.
(b) The message starts with the Private Number of the sender and ends
with the Private Number of the person who has received it. All messages in
connection with Power Blocks and permit- to-work shall he written out in full in
the prescribed form ETR-1 or ETR-2 or ETR-3 or ETR-4 as the case may be
before they are sent and the section on which power block is required should
be and clearly indicated as detailed in para 0810 of the AC Traction Manual.
The person who receives the message over telephone must records the name
on an identical form and repeat the same again for confirmation. The persons
exchanging Private Numbers should identify each other by names. Before
power supply is restored the power block shall be cancelled by the same
person who asked for and obtained the same.
(c) When the power block messages are exchanged between the TPC
and the Section controller, the messages shall be made out in duplicate and
sent to the Section Controller and his acknowledgement obtained in the
Carbon copy. In the event of they are located far apart, the message shall be
exchanged over telephone and recorded in the manner detailed above.
SR. 17.04.13.-- (a) The keys for all outdoor switching shall be kept in
locked glass fronted boxes in the custody of Station Masters. Cabin Assistant
Station Master or other persons stationed conveniently nearby the switches.
The keys shall be issued on demand only to the authorised person of the
electrical traction branch and his signature as a token of receipt shall be
obtained in the register maintained for the purpose.
(b) (i) All chambers of enclosures containing live equipment shall kept
normally closed and locked with the keys in the custody of the authorised
person of the electrical traction branch. A duplicate key shall be kept in a box
with a fixed glass fronted cover in places as notified by the Divisional
Electrical Engineer (Traction Distribution). In case of emergency, the key may
be removed by breaking open the glass cover of the box by the authorised
official of the electrical traction branch. A record shall be maintained of every
such use of the key.
(ii) In the event of breaking the glass of the key box, the key or keys
shall be kept in the safe custody of the Station Master or the Cabin Assistant
Station Master until the glass is replaced. The Traction Power Controller shall
keep a record where such keys are kept, so that in the emergency he will be
able to direct the parties.

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Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(iii) Whenever the glass cover is broken to obtain the duplicate key, the
concerned SSE/SE(Traction)(OHE) shall be immediately advised for its
replacement. The person replacing the glass shall obtain the signature of the
authorised person of the electrical traction branch indicating the date of its
(c) Any person while working in a chamber or enclosure containing
electrical equipment which under normal condition is alive, shall retain the
keys of the chamber or enclosure. These keys shall be returned to the person
in whose custody they are normally kept, immediately after the chamber or
enclosure has been closed.
(d) Permit-to-Work cards shall not be cancelled until the keys have
been returned to the box or to the person whose custody they are normally
SR. 17.04.14.— (a) In the event of a fault in the overhead equipment
necessitating isolation of a section in addition to the faulty one, the authorised
person of the electrical traction branch shall arrange with the Traction Power
Controller, to Isolate the healthy section. However, if necessary, he may
himself open these switches which can be operated conveniently without
endangering safety.
(b) Should the Traction Power Controller require to have any isolator
switch opened or closed, he shall normally ask any authorised official of the
electrical traction branch to carry out the required switching operation. In case
of emergency, he may, however, ask the Station Master or Cabin Assistant
Station Master to operate such isolator switches.
SR. 17.04.15.-- Operation of Isolator switches.—
(a) Manually operated isolator switches are provided at different points
on the main line to sectionalise the overhead equipment into elementary
sections and at large yards to isolate different elementary sections.
(b) The operating handle of every isolator switch shall always be kept
locked either in fully ‘open’ closed’ position. One key of such isolators is kept
with the SE/JE (OHE) in charge of the section and the other key with the
Station Master or the Cabin Assistant Station Master of the nearest station.
Any loss or damage of a lock or key shall be reported to the OHE section
Chargeman, SSE/SE/JE (OHE) and the Traction Power Controller.
(c) isolator switches shall not be opened when carrying any load.
The Traction Power Controller while initiating action as per SR 17.04.14 (b)
shall ensure that the corresponding sub-sector is made dead before he orders
opening of an isolator switch. The person operating the Isolator switch shall
not open it unless specifically ordered by the TPC by a clear message
supported by Private Number he has received a separate permit-to-work from

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

the TPC for the section which fully includes the elementary section controlled
by the isolator switch.
(d) Isolator switches, however, can be closed even if the adjacent
interruptors are closed i.e., on load, provided the closure is made swiftly in
one motion.
(e) Isolator switches provided for isolating sidings and yards and also to
feed OHE inside running sheds may be opened provided the official
concerned makes it absolutely certain
that —
(i) The entire section is visible and
(ii) There is no locomotive with raised pantograph in the section. Where,
however, it is not possible to get positively assurance on these points, action
shall be taken under sub-rule (c) above before opening the same.
SR. 17.04.16.-- Protection during Power Block- (a) All sections over
which power block has been granted, shall be protected against entry of
electric locomotives/electrical multiple unit train with pantograph raised from
other end of the section under power block or through any cross over leading
to the section under power block. during the period of block. Suitable lever
collars painted ‘RED’ shall be placed on the levers, operating signals (s)
and/or points controlling movements for the sections under power block. In
addition, slide collars shall also be placed on the concerned slot slide of the
SM’s slot box. At stations where panel/Route relay interlocking is provided
‘Red’ Button Collars’ shall be placed on the concerned switches operating
points and/or signals. These shall be placed on the concerned levers/slot
slides/switches prior to imposition of power block by the official responsible for
its/their operation. If the points and signals are locally operated, the same
should be locked and the keys kept in the personal custody of the Station
Master on duty.
(b) (i) If there is any electric locomotive/electric multiple unit train on the
section over which the power block is to be given, the Loco pilot/Motorman of
such locomotive/EMU train shall be given a memo by the Station Master on
duty to lower the pantograph and not to raise it until further instructions and
the Loco pilot’s /Motorman’s acknowledgement, obtained on the duplicate
(ii) The Loco pilot/Motorman shall be given a memo by the Station
Master on duty again to raise pantograph after the power block is cancelled.
(c) The Section Controller on receipt of power block message from the
Traction Power Controller shall repeat to all Station Masters, Cabin Assistant
Station Masters concerned the said message indicating the time from which
the block is to commence. Each Station Master or Cabin Assistant Station
Master shall record the same in the register specially maintained for the
Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

purpose. Before the acknowledgement is given, he shall take action as

mentioned in sub-rule (a) and (b) (i) above, In additions, he shall also make
such other precautions as may be stipulated in the Station Working Rules for
electric traction. In case of stations having Cabins, the Station Master shall
also obtain assurance under exchange of Private Numbers from the official in
charge of such cabins that they are fully aware of the section on which power
block is being given and that necessary lever collars have been placed on the
concerned levers in the cabin. The Station Master shall then give the
acknowledgement of the Power Block message supported by a Private
(d) Once power block is given and till such time it is cancelled, no
electric locomotive or any EMU trains with raised pantograph shall be allowed
to enter the dead section. In case a train hauled by Steam/ Diesel locomotive
is allowed to enter the dead section on which an electric locomotive with
pantograph lowered is attached, the person manning the electric locomotive
shall be specifically advised by the issue of a caution order for not raising the
(e) Station Masters and others responsible for conducting shunting with
electric locomotives shall ensure that under no circumstances should any
electric locomotive approach near the traction structures limiting the electrical
section over which the power block have been granted. Limit of each electrical
section at station are shown in the station sectioning diagram. Whenever it
becomes necessary for an electric locomotive to carry on shunting movement
towards the dead section, a Stop hand signal shall be exhibition at the point up
to which the electric locomotive is allowed to proceed and the Loco pilot is
specifically advised by the issue of a memo not to move the loco beyond the
(f) Goods or Passenger trains hauled by other than electric locomotive
(s) may be allowed to pass through the dead section provided —
(i) This is not prohibited specifically in the Power block message.
(ii) Diesel engine or trains hauled by such engines
shall be brought to a stand at the station proceeding the station/section
at which power block is granted and the Station Master of this station is
satisfied by personal inspection that there is no electric locomotive on the train
in question;
(iii) A caution order is issued to the Loco pilot of such engine/ train,
warning him of the power block ahead and to lookout for hand signals, and
(iv) The Station Master granting line clear or taking’ OFF’ signal for a
train has received an assurance supported by Private Number from the
Station Master of the preceding station that there is no electric locomotive or
pantograph wagon with its pantograph raised on the train.
Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

For permitting the movement of such Goods or Passenger trains or for

allowing the shunting movement under sub-rule (e) above or for permitting
shunt movement by any other locomotive other than electric locomotive the
lever collars/slot slide collars/Red button collars placed on the concerned
levers/slot slides/switches may be removed but the same shall be replaced
back immediately after the movement is completed.
SR. 17.04.17.-- (a) No. Steam or Hand Crane shall be worked adjacent
to traction overhead equipment unless such overhead equipment is first made
dead and earthed and electrical traction staff is present. All movement of the
crane jib shall be carefully controlled so as not to foul the traction overhead
equipment. Whenever possible the direct blast from the crane funnel to the
overhead equipment and particularly to the section insulators shall be
(b) Except in an emergency, 24 hours’ notice of intention to work a
crane adjacent to overhead equipment shall be given to the Divisional
Electrical Engineer (Traction Distribution) so as to enable the latter to keep his
staff standby. When possible, intention to work cranes shall be included in the
weekly programme detailed under SR 17.04.04. In an emergency, the TPC
shall be advised who shall make necessary arrangements for Electrical
Traction staff to standby.
17.05. Warning to staff and public.—
(1) All electrical equipment shall be regarded as being live
at all times and consequently dangerous to human life, save and
except in cases, where the electrical equipment has been
specially made dead in accordance with special instructions.
Caution notices shall be prominently fixed near all vulnerable
places to warn staff and public to exercise due caution.
(2) No person shall climb on the top of engines or tenders
or on the roofs of carriages or wagons when those vehicles are
located beneath overhead equipment except when the overhead
equipment is dead and earthed in accordance with special
SR. 17.05.01.-- (a) Work on pantographs and roof rolling stock shall be
carried on such sidings where switches are provided, for making the overhead
equipment dead and earthed.
(b) Traction Engine Examiner or other authorised person in charge shall
be responsible for making dead the overhead equipment over the tracks of
inspection lines in the Loco sheds and stabling sidings before permitting work
to be done on the roof of electric rolling stock. The overhead equipment over
these tracks shall not be energised except by the authorised person in charge,
Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

who shall be responsible for every precaution being taken to ensure that
everything is in order and that all staff and /or material are clear before
energising the equipment.
(c) In stations and yards, and authorised person shall arrange to make
dead and earth the overhead equipment and a permit-to- work card shall be
obtained by the staff concerned before work on the roof of rolling-stock or engine
is commenced. On completion of work, the card shall be returned to the
authorised person for cancellation. The authorised person shall then satisfy
himself that everything is in order and that all staff and/or materials are clear
before energising the overhead equipment.
SR. 17.05.02. - The procedure for isolating and making dead sections of
overhead equipment at stations where watering of carriages is done through top
fillings shall be strictly in accordance with the provisions as contained in paras
0909 to 0919 of A C traction Manual together with such other relevant
provisions that may be incorporated in the Station Working Rules of the station
concerned in this behalf.
17.06. Alteration to track- Before any alteration to alignment or
level or electrified tracks is commenced, due notice shall be given
to those responsible for the overhead equipment so that the
overhead equipment may be adjusted to conform to the new
SR. 17.06.01.- No SSE/SE/JE (P. Way) shall commence any work which
may alter the alignment or level of electrified tracks unless intimation has been
given to the concerned SSE(OHE) and /or SE (OHE) at least 3 days in advance
of the commencement of work. The SSE(OHE) and/or SE(OHE) shall be
responsible for proper adjustment of the overhead equipment so as to conform to
the new conditions.

17.07. Tripping of circuit breakers of locomotives and

electrical multiple units at neutral sections. - Unless
otherwise allowed by special instructions, the Loco pilot of the
locomotive or electrical multiple unit shall coast through the
neutral section, duly switching off power. Necessary indication
boards to this effect shall be provided to guide the Loco pilot to
switch off and switch on power.
SR. 17.07.01.-- (a) One first “Warning Board” as per Fig.1 facing to the
direction of movement of train is fixed on the OHE mast located at a distance

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

of not less than 500 meters from the place form where neutral section
commences. The Loco pilot on reaching this board shall put the Master
Controller to ‘O’ position. Provided that if the speed of the train while
approaching a neutral section is low, the Master Controller need not be
switching off at this board and power may be kept on till the circuit breaker is
tripped at the “cut off power “board as per Fig.3.
(b) A second “Warning Board” as per Fig. 2 facing to the direction of
movement of trains is fixed on the OHE mast located at a distance of not less
than 250 meters from the place from where neutral section commences. On
reaching this board the Loco pilot shall get ready to open the circuit breaker at
the “cut off power board”.
(c) A third indicator e.g., “cut off power board” as per Fig. 3 facing to the
direction of movement of trains is fixed on the OHE mast located immediately
in rear of the place form where the neutral section commences. On reaching
this board the circuit breaker must be tripped. In the event of the red pilot lamp
does not glow on tripping the circuit breaker, immediate action must be taken
to lower the pantograph.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

(d) A fourth indicator e.g. “Close circuit breaker board” as per Fig.4 facing to
the direction of movement of trains is fixed on the OHE mast located in
advance of the place at which the neutral section terminates. On reaching this
board the Loco pilot shall re-close the circuit breaker and resume normal

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 17.07.02. -- Lowering pantographs in emergency—

(a) There may be occasions when power supply from one substation is
interrupted and feed is extended from the adjacent substations or due to
minor damage to the OHE, the Loco pilot is required to coast through the
affected section with pantograph lowered. Under such circumstances it shall
be the responsibility of the OHE official-in-charge to take action under SR
4.09.06 as it may relate to him. The concerned Station Master on receipt of
such advice, shall take steps to issue caution order with suitable endorsement
in terms of SR 4.09.03. The Loco pilot on receiving such advice shall coast
through the specified zone by lowering and raising the pantograph at the
Kilometrages mentioned in the Caution Order.
(b) When this restriction is to be observed for more than a day, necessary
indication boards as per Fig. 5 & 6 facing to the direction of movement of trains
shall be fixed on the OHE mast at the appropriate kilometrage indicating to the
Loco pilot where the pantograph is to be lowered and raised.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

SR. 17.07.03.— Whenever it is necessary for the Loco pilot to take

action in terms of SR 17.07.01 or 17.07.02, the Asstt. Loco pilot, in case of
electric locomotives, shall assist the Loco pilot in sighting the boards as per
Fig. 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 above and call out their indication to the Loco pilot who
shall repeat the same after checking personally. This, however does not
absolve the Loco pilot from personally sighting the indication boards and
acting thereon.
17.08. TOWER WAGON. — The rules for the movement
and working of tower wagons shall be laid down by special
SR. 17.08.01.-- (a) The movement of tower wagon on tracks shall be
governed by rules and regulations governing movement of trains.
(b) On double lines where double line electric block instruments are
provided, the special rules applying to such sections are given in paras 5.11,
5.13 and 5.14 (2) of the Block Working Manual.
(c) On single line where token less electrical block instructions are
provided, the special rules applying to such sections are given in para 4.39 of
the Block Working Manual.
SR. 17.08.02.-- If a tower wagon after leaving a block station and on
completion of its work return to the starting station, the Loco pilot shall bring
the Tower wagon to a stop at the first stop signal in the case of single line
section and on double lines at the point opposite to the first stop signal
pertaining to the proper line/last stop signal pertaining to the line upon which it
is moving whichever is earlier. The Loco pilot shall then send one of his staff
to the Station Master informing him about the arrival of the Tower wagon. The
Station Master shall arrange for its admission by taking off the reception signal
(s) in the case of single line and by piloting in the case of double line.
SR. 17.08.03.— Normally a Tower Wagon should not be attached to
any train. In case of absolute a necessity it may be attached to a Goods train

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

only, if permitted by an official of the Operating Department not below the rank
of Chief Controller. Whenever a tower wagon is attached to any Goods train, it
shall be marshalled as a rearmost vehicle duly escorted by a competent
Traction staff and the speed of the train to which it is attached must not
exceed 40 KMPH.
17.09. Additional rules for electrified sections.— Special
instructions for working of trains on electrified section shall be
notified by the authorised officer.
SR. 17.09.01.-- Special precautions by Controllers, Traction, Power
Controllers, Station Masters and Train Crew when a section of OHE is found
faulty :
(1) In the event of OHE failure, the Traction Power Controller shall
immediately locate the faulty section and isolate the same. In case of Double
& Multiple line section he shall also isolate the healthy section on adjacent
tracks on the same route length as the faulty section. He shall then advise the
Section Controller of the section found faulty and the healthy section
temporally kept isolated.
(2) On receipt of the information under sub-rule (1) above from the
traction power controller, the section controller shall take the following
(i) Faulty section.— He shall under exchange of Private Numbers,
advise the Station Masters of all stations who are connected with the working
of trains in the affected section to treat the faulty section as if the same is
under emergency power block and the take action under SR 17.04.16.
(ii) For healthy section -- The section Controller shall immediately
inform the Station Masters of all the stations who are concerned with the
working of trains in the section in which healthy OHE is temporarily isolated,
under exchange of Private Numbers, that they shall not allow any train to
leave their stations unless both the Loco pilot and guard of the first train have
been issued with a caution order to the following effect.
(a) Proceed at a speed of 35 KMPH by day and 20KMPH by night
subject to the observance of other speed restrictions exercising great caution.
(b) Keep a sharp look out and be prepared to stop short of any
obstruction which may be due to any infringement from the adjacent line/lines
and also keep a sharp look out on the adjacent line/lines to see if there are
any OHE abnormalities; and
(c) Immediately on reaching the next station in advance report whether
or not the section over which they moved is safe for the movement of trains.
(3) After this, the Section Controller will advise the Traction Power
Controller to re-energise the temporarily isolated healthy section under
exchange of Private Number, unless based on information received

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

meanwhile from the site/station, it would be necessary to continue to keep

power ‘OFF’ from the healthy sections.
(4) After despatching the first train by the issue of caution order under
sub-rule (2) above, no subsequent train shall be allowed to enter the section
without permission from the Section Controller. Action to remove speed
restrictions shall be taken by the Section Controller in consultation with the
Station Masters on receipt of report from the Loco pilot and Guard of the first
train. The Section Controller shall also advise the TPC of the report of the Loco
pilot/Guard of the train indicating whether or not there are any infringements
and /or abnormalities in OHE. Till such time it is decided to remove speed
restrictions, the Section Controller may, however, permit the Station Masters
concerned to allow subsequent train (s) to enter the affected section after issue
of caution order under sub-rule 2 (ii) , above
After removal of the caution orders to the subsequent trains passing the
healthy Section Controller shall also keep Traction power controller advised
regarding resumption of normal traffic to the healthy sections.
(5) (i) Whenever station staff notice a train worked by an electric engine
passing with a hot axle/any wagon/coach running in dangerous condition or
smoke/fire emanating from a wagon/coach or with any other abnormality, in
the running train which is likely to endanger safety of the train/passengers, the
Switchman/Station Master shall immediately take steps to stop the train. In
case they fail to stop such train by normal means as laid in G & SR, then, they
shall immediately inform the Traction Power Controller either directly or
through the section controller to switch off the power supply of the OHE of the
affected section under exchange of Private Number. In case TPC has been
directly informed, section controller has also to be informed subsequently.
(ii) Whenever any train gets held up for more than 5 minutes in the
block section on account of no tension, the Loco pilot of the train shall depute
his Assistant Loco pilot to check the train in order to look for any abnormality
and to advise the Guard of no tension in OHE. Together with the Assistant
Loco pilot, the Guard shall then check the entire train.
If, in the meantime, power supply is restored, the Loco pilot shall call
back his Assistant Loco pilot to the Locomotive and resume journey.
Otherwise after the train is checked, the Loco pilot/Guard shall inform
the section controller /Traction Power Controller of the details of abnormality,
if any, or otherwise, and assistance required, through the nearest emergency
telephone circuit/by other available means.
Further, the Loco pilot and Guard shall arrange protection of the line
affected in accordance with GR 6.03 which deals with the protection of trains
stopped between stations. In case of Automatic territory, the lines must be
protected in accordance with GR 9.10.

Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

After ascertaining from the affected train of the nature of abnormality

decision regarding recharging of the OHE shall be taken by the section
controller in consultation with Dy. CHC. Guard, Assistant Loco pilot and
concerned Station Masters shall be advised accordingly. Necessary steps
shall be taken by Dy. CHC, thereafter, for clearance of the abnormality.
(iii) Restoration of OHE supply will be undertaken by Traction Power
Controller only on the advice of the Section controller under exchange of
Private Numbers.
(iv) In case the electric Loco pilot is unable to establish communication
with Section Controller/Traction Power Controller through emergency sockets,
he shall arrange to take the train cautiously to the next station, ready to stop in
case of any obstruction.
A speed restriction of 35 KMPH by day and 20 KMPH by night shall be
observed for this movement to the next station. On reaching the next station,
the Loco pilot shall contact SM/Section Controller.


Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous



18.01. Repeal and Saving: - The general rules issued under the
notification of the Government of India in the late Railway
Department (Railway Board) No. 1078-T, dated the 9th March,
1929, are hereby repealed except as respects things done or
action taken or omitted to be done or taken before such repeal.


Chapter- XV, XVI, XVII & XVIII
Permanent Way and Works, Level Crossing, Working of Trains on
Electrified Sections of Railways & Miscellaneous

Blank Page

(It should be clearly understood that the list of Rules applicable to each category given in the Appendix is only
intended to be of guidance and is by no means exhaustive. Staff are excepted to be conversant with all the Rules)
General and SM/ASMs Switchman Cabinman/Leverman/ Loco Pilot/Asstt. Guard PWI etc.
Subsidiary Rules. Pointsman Loco Pilot/
CHAPTER I Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter
CHAPTER II Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter
Except SR Except 2.11.01 Except SR Except 2.11.01 Except 2.11.01(a)
2.11.01 (b),(c),(e),(f), 2.11.01 (c),(d),(f), to (e),
(b),(c),(d),(f), 2.11.02(d), 2.11.02 2.11.02(b),(c) 2.11.02 2.11.03
2.11.02 (d), 2.11.03(a),(c), 2.11.03 2.11.03(b),(c) (a) & (b),
2.11.03 (a), (c), 2.11.04 (b). 2.11.04 2.11.04 (a). 2.11.04.
2.11.04 (b).
CHAPTER III Entire Chapter Entire Chapter GR 3.26 & its Entire Chapter Entire Chapter 3.34, 3.35
SR 3.31.01, 3.31 Except 3.39.02, 3.35.01, 3.57, 3.59,
GR 3.34 and its SR 3.30, 3.39.07, 3.39.08, 3.60, 3.61, 3.64,
3.33, 3.64.01, 3.64.02, 3.49 and its SR, 3.63, 3.65, 3.66,
3.64.03, 3.64.04(exclu- 3.50, 3.51, 3.67 and their
ding) (a)&(b), 3.64.05 to 3.51.01, 3.51.02, SR.
07, 3.65-67 & their SRs, 3.51.04, 3.51.05.
3.78, 3.79, 3.80, 3.81,
3.82, 3.83, 3.84, 3.85
their SRs.
CHAPTER IV Entire Chapter Entire Chapter 4.09 & its SRs, Entire Chapter Entire Chapter 4.02, 4.05, 4.06, 4.07
4.12, 4.13 and SRs, Except SR Except 4.04.03, & its SR, 4.08, 4.09
4.18, 4.19, 4.20, 4.21, 4.09.09-10, 4.09.09-10, and its SR, 4.10,
4.22 and their SRs 4.19.01 (a), 4.19.01 (a) & (d), 4.27, 4.28, 4.62,
4.28 to 4.41 and (b),(c), 4.25.03- 4.19.03, 4.20 and its 4.63, 4.64, 4.65 and
their SRs, 4.43, 4.52 40, 4.34 and its SR, 4.31, 4.32, their SRs.
to 4.63 and their SR 4.37, 4.60 4.32.01, 4.33, 4.38,
SRs. and its SR. 4.40, 4.40.01, 4.41,
4.52 and its SR, 4.53
& its SR 4.58 & its
SR. (contd. To 2)
General and SM/ASMs Switchman Cabinman/Leverman/ Loco Pilot/Asstt. Loco Guard PWI etc.
Subsidiary Rules. Pointsman Pilot/ Motorman
CHAPTER V Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter 5.06.01
except 5.01, except 5.01, 5.02 Except 5.01 to 5.08 Except 5.01, 5.02 & its
5.02 and its and its SR and their SRs , 5.19 SR, 5.06 and its SR,
SR and its SR 5.08, 5.09 & its SR,
5.04 and its SR, 5.03
and its SR, 5.19 and
its SR
CHAPTER VI Entire Chapter Entire Chapter 6.10 & its SR Entire Chapter Entire Chapter 6.02.01 (3) (a) (b)
6.11 & its SR Except 6.01 & 6.01.01 6.10 and its SR
CHAPTER VII ditto ditto - Entire Chapter ditto -
CHAPTER VIII ditto ditto Entire Chapter - ditto -
CHAPTER IX Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter -
CHAPTER X ditto ditto - 10.03, 10.04, 10.05, 10.03, 10.04, 10.05, -
10.06, 10,09 10.06, 10.09.
CHAPTER XI ditto ditto - Entire Chapter Entire Chapter -
CHAPTER XII ditto ditto 12.16 only ditto ditto -
CHAPTER XIII ditto ditto - ditto ditto -
CHAPTER XIV ditto ditto 14.04, 14.07, 14.08, 14.01, 14.08, 14.09, 14.01, 14.08, 14.09, -
14.10, 14.13. 14.13, 14.14, 14.23, 14.13, 14.14, 14.24,
14.24, 14.25 14.25
CHAPTER XV Entire Chapter All Rules 15.09, 15.23 and All Rules except 15.01 All Rules except Entire Chapter
Except 15.01 to except 15.01- their SRs. to 15.04m 15.11-15.16, 15.04, 15.11-15.16,
15.04, 15.11, 15.04, 15.11- 15.18-15.22, 15.24-26. 15.18-15.22, 15.24 to
15.12 15.13 to 15.15 & their 15.26 and their SRs.
15.15 and their SRs.
CHAPTER XVI Entire Chapter 16.03, 16.05, 16.03 and its SR, SR 16.10.02, 16.03.04, SR 16.10.02, ditto
16.07 & 16.10 16.05.02, 16.07 & 16.04 & its SR, 16.06 & 16.03.04, 16.04 & its
& their SRs. its SR 16.10 & its its SR, 16.07 & its SR, SR, 16.07 & its SR,
SR 16.08 16.08
CHAPTER XVII Entire Chapter 17.02 & its SR 17.02 and its SR, Entire Chapter except Entire Chapter except 17.01, 17.02 & its
17.04 & its SR 17.05 and its SR, 17.03, 17.06 and 17.08 17.03, 17.06 & its SR, SR, 17.03 & its Sr,
17.05 & its SR 17.08 & its SR. and its SR 17.08 and its SR. 17.05, 17.06 &
17.08 & its SR their SRs.
CHAPTER XVIII ditto Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter
Register of Addenda and Corrigenda

A & C No. Date of issue Date of receipt Date of Reference to rule and Page Signature of the
posting Rule No. Page No. inspecting official
(It should be clearly understood that the list of Rules applicable to each category given in the Appendix is only
intended to be of guidance and is by no means exhaustive. Staff are excepted to be conversant with all the Rules)
General and SM/ASMs Switchman Cabinman/Leverman/ Loco Pilot/Asstt. Guard PWI etc.
Subsidiary Rules. Pointsman Loco Pilot/
CHAPTER I Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter
CHAPTER II Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter
Except SR Except 2.11.01 Except SR Except 2.11.01 Except 2.11.01(a)
2.11.01 (b),(c),(e),(f), 2.11.01 (c),(d),(f), to (e),
(b),(c),(d),(f), 2.11.02(d), 2.11.02 2.11.02(b),(c) 2.11.02 2.11.03
2.11.02 (d), 2.11.03(a),(c), 2.11.03 2.11.03(b),(c) (a) & (b),
2.11.03 (a), (c), 2.11.04 (b). 2.11.04 2.11.04 (a). 2.11.04.
2.11.04 (b).
CHAPTER III Entire Chapter Entire Chapter GR 3.26 & its Entire Chapter Entire Chapter 3.34, 3.35
SR 3.31.01, 3.31 Except 3.39.02, 3.35.01, 3.57, 3.59,
GR 3.34 and its SR 3.30, 3.39.07, 3.39.08, 3.60, 3.61, 3.64,
3.33, 3.64.01, 3.64.02, 3.49 and its SR, 3.63, 3.65, 3.66,
3.64.03, 3.64.04(exclu- 3.50, 3.51, 3.67 and their
ding) (a)&(b), 3.64.05 to 3.51.01, 3.51.02, SR.
07, 3.65-67 & their SRs, 3.51.04, 3.51.05.
3.78, 3.79, 3.80, 3.81,
3.82, 3.83, 3.84, 3.85
their SRs.
CHAPTER IV Entire Chapter Entire Chapter 4.09 & its SRs, Entire Chapter Entire Chapter 4.02, 4.05, 4.06, 4.07 & its
4.12, 4.13 and SRs, Except SR Except 4.04.03, SR, 4.08, 4.09 and its SR,
4.18, 4.19, 4.20, 4.21, 4.09.09-10, 4.09.09-10, 4.10, 4.27, 4.28, 4.62,
4.22 and their SRs 4.19.01 (a), 4.19.01 (a) & (d), 4.63, 4.64, 4.65 and their
4.28 to 4.41 and (b),(c), 4.25.03- 4.19.03, 4.20 and its SRs.
their SRs, 4.43, 4.52 40, 4.34 and its SR, 4.31, 4.32,
to 4.63 and their SR 4.37, 4.60 4.32.01, 4.33, 4.38,
SRs. and its SR. 4.40, 4.40.01, 4.41,
4.52 and its SR, 4.53
& its SR 4.58 & its (contd. To 2)
General and SM/ASMs Switchman Cabinman/Lever Loco Pilot/Asstt. Loco Guard PWI etc.
Subsidiary Rules. man/ Pilot/ Motorman
CHAPTER V Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter 5.06.01
except 5.01, except 5.01, 5.02 Except 5.01 to 5.08 and Except 5.01, 5.02 & its
5.02 and its and its SR their SRs , 5.19 and its SR, 5.06 and its SR,
SR SR 5.08, 5.09 & its SR, 5.04
and its SR, 5.03 and its
SR, 5.19 and its SR
CHAPTER VI Entire Chapter Entire Chapter 6.10 & its SR Entire Chapter Entire Chapter 6.02.01 (3) (a) (b)
6.11 & its SR Except 6.01 & 6.01.01 6.10 and its SR
CHAPTER VII ditto ditto - Entire Chapter ditto -
CHAPTER VIII ditto ditto Entire Chapter - ditto -
CHAPTER IX Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter -
CHAPTER X ditto ditto - 10.03, 10.04, 10.05, 10.03, 10.04, 10.05, -
10.06, 10,09 10.06, 10.09.
CHAPTER XI ditto ditto - Entire Chapter Entire Chapter -
CHAPTER XII ditto ditto 12.16 only ditto ditto -
CHAPTER XIII ditto ditto - ditto ditto -
CHAPTER XIV ditto ditto 14.04, 14.07, 14.01, 14.08, 14.09, 14.01, 14.08, 14.09, -
14.08, 14.13, 14.14, 14.23, 14.13, 14.14, 14.24,
14.10, 14.13. 14.24, 14.25 14.25
CHAPTER XV Entire Chapter All Rules 15.09, 15.23 and All Rules except 15.01 to All Rules except 15.04, Entire Chapter
Except 15.01 to except 15.01- their SRs. 15.04m 15.11-15.16, 15.11-15.16, 15.18-
15.04, 15.11, 15.04, 15.11- 15.18-15.22, 15.24-26. 15.22, 15.24 to 15.26
15.12 15.13 to 15.15 & their and their SRs.
15.15 and their SRs.
CHAPTER XVI Entire Chapter 16.03, 16.05, 16.03 and its SR, SR 16.10.02, 16.03.04, SR 16.10.02, 16.03.04, ditto
16.07 & 16.10 16.05.02, 16.07 & 16.04 & its SR, 16.06 & 16.04 & its SR, 16.07 &
& their SRs. its SR 16.10 & its its SR, 16.07 & its SR, its SR, 16.08
SR 16.08
CHAPTER XVII Entire Chapter 17.02 & its SR 17.02 and its SR, Entire Chapter except Entire Chapter except 17.01, 17.02 & its
17.04 & its SR 17.05 and its SR, 17.03, 17.06 and 17.08 17.03, 17.06 & its SR, SR, 17.03 & its Sr,
17.05 & its SR 17.08 & its SR. and its SR 17.08 and its SR. 17.05, 17.06 & their
17.08 & its SR SRs.
CHAPTER XVIII ditto Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter Entire Chapter
Knowledgeable items

1. At ‘D’ Class halt / flag stations engine stop boards should be provided at a distance of 15-Metres
from the edge of the platform on either side in case of single line and at a distance of 15- Metres
from the edge of the platform or where the engine is required to come to a stand on double line to
indicate to the driver the place at which his engine is required to be stopped. The size of the board
should be 5 Ft. ´ 1 Ft. with the letters “ENGINE STOP” painted in black on a yellow back-ground over
7 Ft. high pole.

2. Advance Approach Warning system Boards are provided on sections where trains run at a
speed exceeding 120 KMPH except in Automatic signalling territory. A high speed
approach warning board shall be provided at a distance of 1800 Metres in rear of the first stop
signal/gate signal to warn the Driver of high speed train that he is approaching the first stop
signal/gate signal. The circular disc of the board shall have a diameter of 0.6 metres with
black diagonal bands on yellow background at a height of 2.1 metres from rail level. A track
ground magnet alongside the board and matching equipment on the engine of high speed trains
are provided so as to give an audio-visual warning inside the loco to the Driver compelling him to
lookout for the signal aspect. If within 5 seconds, the Driver fails to acknowledge the warning, brakes
shall be applied to bring down the speed of the train to 100 KMPH.

3. Sigma board:-

It is a retro-reflective strip (Reflects light back in the same direction as it is incident). It is placed two
masts before signals, generally in fog prone areas, but can be placed in other places too. It is a visible
sign that tells the LP that there is a signal up ahead. In this pic you can see the signal hidden just
behind the mast with the sigma strip. As the signal is on a curve, the sigma strip will be used to
indicate that there is a signal a short distance away. Greek letter sigma is written in yellow
fluorescent colour on it. This board is fixed at a distance of two OHE structure in the rear of any stop
signal, where the signal is not properly visible because of thick foggy weather.


11.5.1 A Maintainer shall attend to all failures in his section promptly proceeding by the first
available means on receipt of information. Before taking up work, he shall first obtain failure report/
message* from SM/ASM in writing in accordance with provision of G.R.3.68 for each failure
recorded in the signal failure register and then issue disconnection notice as per Para 11.4. He shall
make every endeavour to rectify the failures expeditiously and take all possible steps to prevent
recurrence. If a gear has failed on the unsafe side and the ASM has been unable to put the relevant
signal to 'ON', the Signal Maintainer shall take steps to disconnect/disable the relevant signal and
bring it to 'ON'.

11.5.2 All failures which are beyond his competence or control must be brought to the notice of the
SSE/SE/JE (Signal) in-charge by a message on control phone or by a telegram or by a messenger or

11.5.3 Record of the date and time of rectification and the nature of the fault removed must be
recorded in the **Signal Incidence and Inspection Register provided at each interlocked station.
(* signal failure memo; ** Signal failure register)

5. For CRS sanction, IRPWM chapter 13 and below link is to be consulted.



1302. Works requiring the sanction of Commissioner of Railway Safety and Notice therefore -

(1) Under section 20 of Indian Railways Act and chapter VI of the "Rules for opening of a Railway or
Section of a Railway for the public carriage of passengers,1933", the sanction of Commissioner of
Railway Safety is required for the execution of any work on the open line, which will affect the
running of trains carrying passengers and any temporary arrangement necessary for carrying it out,
except in cases of emergency.(Advance Correction Slip No. 111)

(2) For the commencement and opening of the following works, when they are connected with or
form part of Railway already opened, the sanction of the Commissioner of Railway Safety shall be

(a) Additions, extensions or alternations to running lines.

(b) Alterations to points and crossings in running lines.

(c) New signalling and interlocking installations or alterations to existing installations.

(d) New stations, temporary or permanent.

(e) The construction (but not the removal) of an ash pit on a running line.

(f) Heavy regrading of running lines involving lowering/ raising of track in excess of 500mm.

(g) New bridges including road over and under bridges, foot over- bridges, strengthening, raising;
reconstruction or extension of existing bridges, addition or replacement of existing girders, including
provision of temporary girders.(Advance Correction Slip No. 111), (Advance Correction Slip No. 127)

(h) Provision of new level crossing, shifting of existing level crossing on running lines, demanning and
downgrading of level crossing, manning of unmanned level crossings, upgrading of level crossing
involving changes in the method of working or operation (such as interlocking, provision of lifting
barriers in place of gates etc.) and closing down of level crossings.(Advance Correction Slip No. 121)
(i) Permanent diversion (deviation) more than 2 kms. in length without any station in between and
irrespective of length, when a new station is involved.

Note :- Permanent diversions more than 2 kms. in length, and irrespective of length when a new
station is involved, are to be treated as new lines covered by the provisions of section 17 to 19 of
Indian Railway Act.

(k) Temporary diversion irrespective of length, except those laid for restoration of through
communication after accident.

(I) Addition or alterations to the electrical installations of tracks equipped for electrical traction.

(3) Application for any alterations, reconstruction or additions that require the sanction of
Commissioner of Railway Safety should ordinarily be made 30 days in advance of the expected
commencement of such work.

If for any reason a sanctioned work is not taken in hand within 12 months from the date of sanction,
the Commissioner of Railway Safety should be approached for renewal of the sanction.

Links which gives more knowledge

6. Various sign boards are also available in the following links.

Indian Railways Sign Boards and Their Meanings - RailMitra › blog › indian-railways-sign...
Coloured figures
Equal meanings though different spellings:-















Abbreviations/meaning of words

GSMR-global system for mobile communication railway

MTRC- Mobile train radio communication

ZRTI/Sini (SINI)-zonal railway training institute


Train Register-Train signal/log register

Pataka ( read as Patakha)- not flag in chapter 3.

{ASM (old nomenclature) equals to Station Master and Guard (old nomenclature) equals to Train
manager, yet gazette is to be issued by Railway Board}.
Deputy Station Superintendent/ASM are now --SS/SM.

AOM post means -- ATM/ARM/Station Director (Gaz).

Instruments means Equipment also (SSDAC/MSDAC/BPAC etc).

STJM//PM A/B//CM also includes TGM.

ASM/AYM (old nomenclature) is equal to SM/YM now.

Guard (old nomenclature) is equal to Train Manager now.

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