Physical Topology
Physical Topology
Physical Topology
*As a rule, parallel transmission is used for short- DATA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK
distance data communications and within a ARCHITECTURE
computer, and serial transmission is used for
long distance data communications. In general terms, computer networks can be
classified in two different ways: broadcast and
Simplex - in simplex mode, the communication is 1. Broadcast - With broadcast networks, all
unidirectional. Only one of the two devices on a stations and devices on the network share a
link can transmit, the other can only receive. communications channel. Data are propagated
through the network in relatively short messages
Full Duplex - In full-duplex mode (also called sometimes called frames, blocks, or packets.
duplex), both stations can transmit and receive Many or all subscribers of the network receive
simultaneously. transmitted messages, and each message
contains an address that identifies specifically
Full/full duplex - In the full/full duplex mode, which subscriber/s is intended to receive the
transmission is possible in both directions message. When messages are intended for all
simultaneously, but not between the same two subscribers on the network, it is called
stations (ie one station is transmitting to a broadcasting, and when messages are intended
second station and receiving from a third for a specific group of subscribers, it is
station.) multicasting.
• The term physical topology refers to the way
in which a network is laid out physically Two
or more devices connect a link, two or more
devices form a topology. Bus Topology
• Topology of a network is the geometric • A bus topology, on the other hand, is
representation of the relationship of all the multipoint. One long cable acts as a
links and linking devices (usually called backbone to link all the devices in a network
nodes) to one another. • Nodes are connected to the bus cable by
There are four basic topologies possible: mesh, drop lines and taps.
star, bus, and ring. • A drop line is a connection running between
the device and the main cable.
Mesh Topology • A tap is a connector that either splices into
• In a mesh topology, every device has a the main cable or punctures the sheathing of
dedicated point-to-point link to every other a cable to create a contact with the metallic
device. core.
• The term dedicated means that the link
carries traffic only between the two devices
it connects.
• To find the number of physical links in a fully
connected mesh network with n nodes, we
first consider that each node must be
connected to every other node. Ring Topology
• In other words, we can say that in a mesh
• In a ring topology, each device has a
topology, we need n (n – 1) / 2 duplex-mode
dedicated point-to-point connection with
only the two devices on either side of it.
• A signal is passed along the ring in one
direction, from device to device, until it
reaches its destination.
• Each device in the ring incorporates a
repeater. When a device receives a signal
intended for another device, its repeater
regenerates the bits and passes them along.
Star Topology
• In a star topology, each device has a
dedicated point-to-point link only to a
central controller, usually called a hub.
• The devices are not directly linked to one
another. Unlike a mesh topology, a star
topology does not allow direct traffic
between devices.
• The controller acts as an exchange: If one
device wants to send data to another, it
sends the data to the controller, which then
relays the data to the other connected
Hybrid 2. The server provides a shareable virtual
disk to the users (client).