UTS B.ING - Rima Widiastuti - PGSD E 2020

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NIM 1201111045


1. Describe the important of learning English in elementary school

2. Make a lesson plane, teaching materials, student workshit, learning media and
assesment instrument
3. Make the summary of the English learning book in elementary scholl and answer the
question from that

Answers :

1. An Important Surprise in Learning English for Elementary School Children

Covers the importance of learning English for elementary school children, for as a first
step where reasoning is applied so that it can become an initial provision for later use for
each student, among other things being able to understand the use of language, vocabulary,
(vocabulary) pronunciation accents. Where the basic things are quite easy to apply to
teachers and students in elementary schools. English is a universal language that has been
used in several parts of the country as their main language. In addition, English is an
international language which is very important for us to learn and understand. Even
though in Indonesia English is a foreign language, English places an important position in
our lives. This can be seen in the world of education in Indonesia. One of the subjects taught
at elementary to university level is English. English lessons at the basic level are expected
so that students can get to know English as early as possible.

By mastering English, children can more easily access information from various
sources, such as books, films, music and the internet. English is also the language of
instruction in many fields, such as technology, business and science. Learning English from
an early age can also help children acquire better language skills in general, including the
ability to understand grammar and correct sentence structure. This can help improve the
ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to introduce English to children from an early age

and provide opportunities to learn English in a structured way through elementary schools
or English language courses.
2. A. Lesson plan








A. Learning Objectives

1. Through the pictures / video, students can correctly vocabulary about body parts
2. Through the examples, students can pronounce body parts vocabulary confidently

B. Learning Steps

Activity Learning Activities Time

Introduction - Class starts with greetings, asking about students' 2 Minutes

news andattendance through Google Classroom.
- The class continues with a prayer
- The teacher conveys the objectives and benefits of
learningabout the topic to be studied.
- The teacher conveys the scope of the outline of the
material tobe studied.

Core 1. Students are invited to sing the song "head and 6 Minutes
shouoldrs"Link :
o44ucVgtIYoutube : Edukasi Anak
2. Students observe a video about limbs delivered by
Link :
: ELF Kids Videos
3. The teacher gives students the opportunity to ask
questions that they don't understand
4. Students are asked to make a video of using body
parts, then send the video results via Whatsapp
or Google Classroom.
5. The teacher conducts an assessment to measure
student knowledge by sharing assignment links
in the class WA group.
6. Follow-up plan: Students practice pronouncing
the parts of the body and their uses at home.
Closing - The teacher and students reflect 2 Minutes
- The teacher conveys the lesson plan at the meeting
andthe closing prayer

C. Evaluation
1. Knowledge: multiple choice
Students are asked to study daily test questions with the topic: part of body,
link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkiiYx03B_IYoutube : ALFONS
RAHMATLink online
T 0zrC bnEIdSZHTvGQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

2. Skills :

Technique : Performance
Intrument : Grading Rubric: recite the limbs

Know by, Medan, 15 May 2023

Headmaster Elementary School 01 English Teacher

Rima Widiastuti FADILA, S. PD., M. PD

B. Teaching Material

Parts Of Body

Read and memorize the vocabulary below

 head = kepala
 hair = rambut
 face = wajah
 forehead = kening
 eye = mata
 eyebrow = alis
 eyelashes = bulu mata
 ear = telinga
 nose = hidung
 chin = dagu

 cheek = pipi
 neck = leher
 lips = bibir
 tooth = gigi
 tongue = lidah
 mouth = mulut
 elbow = sikut
 arm = pergelangan tangan
 hand = tangan
 finger = jari
 thumb = jempol
 index finger = jari telunjuk
 middle finger = jari tengah
 ring finger = jari manis
 little finger = jari kelingking
 shoulder = bahu
 chest = dada
 stomach = perut
 waist = pinggang
 skin = kulit
 knee = lutut
 leg = pergelangan kaki
 foot = kaki
 ankle = mata kaki
 heel = tumit
 toes = jari kaki
 back = punggung
 thigh = paha
 calf = betis
 bottom = pantat

Exercise :

1. Alia : “Is that your

nose?” Sinta : “No,.....................”
a. That is not
b. That not is
c. Is that not
d. Not that is

2. Dina : “Is this your foot?”

Kusuma : “Yes,.................................”
a. This not
b. This is not
c. This is
d. Is this

3. Saya punya dua kaki

The English sentence is ….
a. I have two ears
b. I have two Foots
c. I have two elbows
d. I have two heads

4. Mulut adalah bagian dari

wajah The english sentences is
a. Mouth is part of face
b. Teeth is part of face
c. Lip is part of face
d. Chin is part of face

5. We talk wit our ….

a. Cheek
b. Head
c. Knee
d. Mouth
C. Student worksheet


Name : Subject : English

Class : Topic : Part of body


D. Learning Media

*di halaman paling akhir

E. Assement

Penilaian Hasil Belajar

a. Penilaian Sikap : selama proses pembelajaran dalam bentuk Observasi

b. Penilaian Pengetahuan : menjawab pertanyaan dalam Lembar Kerja
c. Penilaian Ketrampilan : kemampuan anak dalam diskusi dan presentasi

Instrumen Penilaian
a. Penilaian Sikap - Penilaian Observasi
Penilaian observasi berdasarkan pengamatan sikap dan perilaku peserta didik dalam
proses pembelajaran.

NO. Nama Siswa Aspek yang Jumlah Skor Skor yang Kode nilai
dinilai dinilai

Keterangan :

 BS : Bekerja Sama
 KK : Komunikatif
 A : Aktif
 TT : TelitiCatatan

3. Part Of the Jobs

A. Meaning Of jobs

Job in Indonesian is work. In this life we must have a job, whether it's a teacher, doctor,
writer, trader, even those of you who are students are also a job. We can also make the job
we want as our goal in the future
B. Vocabulary Related to Jobs

To teach students to recognize vocabulary related to Jobs, the teacher needs to teach
simple vocabulary, which will then develop into more complex words or sentences. Here
are some lists of vocabulary related to Jobs.

Teacher = Guru

Doctor = Dokter

Author = Penulis

Architect = Arsitek

Actrees = Aktris

Actor = Actor

Butcher = Tukang Daging

Mechanic = Mekanik

Labor = Buruh

Cashier = Kasir

Chef = Koki


Barber = Tukang Cukur

Coach = Pelatih

Pilot = Pilot

Journalist = Wartawan

Fisherman = Nelayan

Dentist = Dokter Gigi

Engineer = Teknisi

Sailor = Pelaut

Lawyer = Pengacara
Manager =

Manajer Driver =

Sopir Soldier =

Tentara Farmer =

Petani Policeman =


Stewardess = Pramugari

Waitress = Pelayan

Musician = Pemusik

Astronaut = Astronot

Nurse = Perawat

Builder = Pembangun

Examples of Job and Occupation sentences:

 I want to be a teacher (aku ingin menjadi seorang guru)

 I am a student of SDN 11 Siparmahan (aku adalah seorang murid SDN 1SD
 My uncle is a fisherman from Tomok, Samosir (pamanku adalah seoragur nelayan
dari Tomok, Samosir)
 Visit a dentist two times a year (aku mengunjungi dokter gigi dua kali selama
 A lawyer of Jessica Wongso is very good when delivered his arguments (seorang
pengacara dari jessica wongso sangatlah bagus ketika dia menyampaikan

C. Teaching Strategy

1. Guess the Job Name

These guesses are effective as ice breakers between materials. The trick, the teacher
describes a type of work, then students guess it. For the elementary level, the description
given can be as short as 2 sentences. As for the senior high school level, the description can
be longer and more complex. If you want to practice students' abilities, you can also ask
them to make their own guesses, either individually or in groups. Ask another student to
guess it. If necessary, the teacher can check the descriptions written by students to correct
their sentences.

2. Learn by using songs

Songs are effective for use as language learning media, especially listening because they
have two elements, namely music and lyrics. Music can facilitate language learning skills
because musical rhythms and sentence patterns have similar forms and have a
mathematical balance while lyrics help students understand and listen because they have
to be listened to carefully. For this reason, the use of songs during learning will make the
class conducive and not monotonous.

Sample questions about jobs:

Answer a job that being describe in the question below

1. Ani sister is singing on the stage, so sister Ani’s job is

? Answer : A ___ _ .

2. Who can work on ship?

Answer : A___ _ .

3. Who can fix your car?

Answer : A___ _ .

4. Who do you go to when you are

sick? Answer : I go to a_ _ .

5. Who can fly an airplane?

Answer : A___ _ _

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