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Interdisciplinary Approach: Home Visitation, Parental Involvement, and Students

Assessment Feedback as Tools for Effective Modular Instruction

I. Context and Rationale

It is undeniably challenging for the educational sector to deliver inclusive and equitable
quality education in this time of the pandemic. It is uncertain to push the face to face classes
despite the development of the vaccination due to the arising of COVID-19 cases. That is why
the Department of Education is continually pursuing the implementation of the learning
continuity plan (LCP) where distance mode of learning was still reinforced.

With this, one of the promising approaches that DepEd is using to reach all type of
learners is the modular learning approach or the modular type of instruction. It is the most
recommended approach that is applicable and accessible to many. As defined by Nardo (2017),
modular instruction is an alternative instructional design that uses developed instructional
materials based on the needs and capacity of the learners. It is made to provide lessons and
activities that will maintain the focus and attention of the learners, which encourages the self or
the so called independent study. In this case, teachers were the key players of implementing this
mode of learning as they facilitate the learning process, fostering the learners to do their task, by
clarifying and explaining how things should be done, and organizing learning resources
particularly modules that will serve as the major aid for the learning of the students.

Additionally, Salandanan (2009) mentioned that self-instructional materials were able to

distinguish as self-contained, which the manner of presentation is such that the learning activities
can be undertaken individually or in small groups. These materials are most effectively used in
individualized instruction programs. The self-instructional module helps in providing remedial
instruction for slow learners and enrichment materials for fast learners. Topics can be presented
through the creation of the self-instructional materials. Through this, the students have their
ample time to finish the prescribed learning activity in their own pace.

As mentioned above, modules in the principles and methods of teaching will include
lessons and topics that intend to meet the requirements of authorities in teacher education. The
contents of the modules reflect the most important aspects of what is being taught. The modules
provide evaluation activities, which relate to the content and objectives of the lessons.
According to Kemp and Smelie (1989; cited by Lim, 2016), individualizing instruction
plays a big role in modular instruction. Its main attributes include the individual assuming
responsibility for their own learning, proceeding with activities and materials at their own pace.
This principle is in connection with Thorndike’s Law of readiness and law of effect where the
law of readiness states that when a person is prepared to respond or act, giving the response is
satisfying and being prevented of doing so is annoying.

Moreover, one of the greatest advantages brought by the modularization is flexibility.

Vickers (1994; cited by Cornford, 2006) found out that the employment of modularization in
both Scotland and Sweden is effective in linking secondary schooling, adult education and
training. Self-contained instructions lend them to advantages in terms of scheduling, choice of
modules to satisfy the training needs of individuals and individual employers, and review of
courses to ensure technological currency. Further, Ainley (1993, cited by Cornford, 2006),
considers that “independent and individual study across traditional subject boundaries will be
facilitated” through employment of modular systems. Also, there is the potential to meet the
needs of industry relatively quickly as modules can be designed to satisfy employer demands for
skills and knowledge which are required to be developed immediately.

Modularization is the only and primary key of the public school teachers to reach out
struggling learners from remote areas. With this, teacher should craft interventions to help
struggling learners during this very challenging pandemic.

An experimental study by Tullis and Benjamin (2011) gave evidence on the effectiveness
of self-paced learning, which the modules were able to use. The study investigates the
consequences of allowing learners to self-pace study of a list of words on later recognition, and
show that learners with control of study-time allocation significantly outperformed subjects with
no control, even when the total study time was equated between groups (Experiments 1 and 2).
Self-pacing can improve memory performance, but only when appropriate allocation strategies
are used. In ―A Meta-analysis of Research Findings on Individualized Instruction in
Mathematics, a subject which Production Management has an element, several studies prove the
effectiveness of the approach (Horak, 1981).

Besides, there is a research on the students’ academic achievement taken the form of
finding human or environmental variables in the academic performance of the learners, which
can be used as predictors of teachers to increase the academic performance of the learners
(Bassey, 2006).

The instructional cycle and intensive coaching enabled most instructors to change their
practices, shift their focus from teaching to learning, and enhance their knowledge of student
learning difficulties (Gallos et al., 2005). Researchers and teachers have found that no single
teaching approach works in all situations. That is, the effective teaching strategy (or model)
depends on the teacher (e.g., personality traits, teaching strengths, and preferences), the student
(e.g., interests, learning strengths and limitations, dominant learning style), and the content to be
taught. A teacher should choose a particular strategy (e.g., mastery learning, direct instruction,
inquiry training) depending on the combination of each of these three factors (Eggen and
Kauchak, 1988; Joyce and Weil, 1986; Slavin, 1991).

Through action research, teachers can craft interventions to help the learners. As we all
know, face to face classes is not reliable most especially nowadays that there a new variant of the
said contagious disease. That is why teachers should think of a something that would integrate
home visitation, parental involvement, and student assessment feedback as tool for effective
modular instruction. This idea will help the academe to uplift the academic performance of the
learners despite the circumstance brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Ilhan et al. (2019), home visitation and parental involvement have a large
influence on the academic achievement of students. They have found out that home visits and
family engagement have positive impacts on students’ academic achievements and attitudes in
learning. Besides, Gatilogo & Tan (2019) suggested in their findings that home visitation should
be done before the school year begins to help the teachers find and have a better understanding
of the various strengths and challenges faced by each student and to address their needs in
achieving good grades. They have indicated in their findings that home visitation program may
be strongly implemented by the schools to ensure the security of the teachers as part of its
responsibilities especially during weekends. Wright et al. (2018) discovered the same findings
with them as their findings showed that the teacher home visit group had statistically
significantly higher levels of academic achievement in mathematics and English/language arts
courses, higher levels of positive classroom behaviour, and higher levels of parent involvement.
Likewise, Topor et al. (2010) mentioned that parent involvement in a child's education is
consistently found to be positively associated with a child's academic performance. Results of
their study indicated a statistically significant association between parent involvement and a
child's academic performance, over and above the impact of the child's intelligence. Also, Cole
(2017) argued that the more parental involvement, the more students are likely to become
productive members of society as well as excel in academics. On the other hand, Tawafak (2018)
found out that student assessment feedback help to improve teaching method environment and
learning outcomes of the student. As mentioned by Cleaver (2019), it is one method of providing
teachers with the skills necessary to implement effective instructional strategies.

In this paper, the researcher will be using home visitation, Parent-Assisted Learning
Program (PALP) for the parental involvement, and student assessment feedback as tools for
effective learning in this modular instruction. Some of these were already used traditionally in
the context of face to face classes. Hence, the researcher will incorporate some modification to
implement it in the modular instruction this time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As teachers in this time of the crisis, we are all responsible to continue our initiatives in
uplifting the academic performance of the learners in a way where no one will be left behind –
through the use of the modular type of learning. In order to do that, it is indeed important to
understand the interventions that we will implement in our teaching profession. That is why the
researcher will attempt to immerse the learners in the intervention to strengthen their academic
performance in the modular instruction.

II. Action Research Questions

1. What is the performance of the learners prior to the implementation of the intervention?
2. Is there a significant relationship between the pre-test and post-test scores of the learners
after immersing the research participants in the intervention?
3. What are the challenges in the duration of the implementation of the intervention?
III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

Modular Instruction – this type of learning is applicable and accessible to all learners. Because
of the COVID-19 and there will be no face-to-face classes, modular learning set-up is the most
accessible type of learning that Department of Education will be implemented. With accordance
to this, the teacher will provide modules containing reading passages and worksheets for the
learners. It is also important to contact the parents of the learners so they will be oriented in order
to guide their children in a modular learning set-up.

Home Visitation – is a strategy that is traditionally implemented by DepEd where teachers were
tasked to visit learners in their homes and talk with their parents regarding the procedures on
implementing the PALP.

Parent-Assisted Learning Program (PALP)

PAL enables school personnel especially teachers to establish a system whereby parents
effectively instruct and assist their children basic learning skills at home. PAL will be
implemented using the following procedures (Niedermeyer F. C., 1969).

90-minture Parent’s Training Session. To participate in the PAL Program, parents were required
to attend a 90-minture training session. About a week before the scheduled training session, a
letter of invitation from the principal and teacher was sent to the parents of the learners. Since we
are now in the midst of the pandemic, training session will be held by the teachers who created
the modules through Focal Group Discussion (FGD). Further, the objective of this training is to
instruct parents how they will be expected to behave when conducting the learning intervention
for struggling learners.

Parent’s Handouts. These will be given to the parents at the training session comprising
contingency management procedures to be employed by the parents.

Oplan-PALP Operation. This included 3-week home instruction cycle applicable to all PAL
learners regardless of parents’ assignments to school-to-home feedback and/or parent
accountability treatment groups.

First Week: A set of four Practice Exercises was sent home to all participating parents. The
exercises each week were selected coincide with the modules made by the teachers.

Second Week: Four more Practice Exercises were sent home on Monday. On Friday, as a
normal part of the program, teachers will administer a selected response criterion test designed to
indicate learner’s attainment on each of the four objectives for the 3-week home instruction
Third Week: The teachers will evaluate the practice exercises as well as the module of the
learners from the 3-week home instruction cycle. Reviews and assessments from the earlier
instruction cycle will be sent home on Monday.

Parents can decide what type of feedback conditions they are going to use in initiating
PALP. They can choose on the following described conditions:

School-to-Home Feedback Conditions. Since interventions will be implemented in a

modular learning set-up, parents will receive weekly information on the effect of modular
learning was having on their children’s academic performance. This feedback consisted of test
information and/or comments from the teacher. This was designed to be a systematic reinforcer
for the participating parents.

Parent Accountability. All participating parents will receive Record Cards with which to
keep track of pupil responses and establish contingent follow-up activities during the modular
type of learning. Parents under this condition, however, received Special Record Cards which
carried directions to the parents to signify completion of the exercise (by signing his name) and
to send the card back to the teacher during the Focal Group Discussion (FGD) or home
visitation. Gold stars were awarded for each signed record card of the learners returned by
accountability parents. Special “Good Work” badges received by the accountability pupils who
accomplished special record cards will be given every three weeks to their parents.

Students Assessment Feedback – is accomplished by the students to give their assessment and
feedback to the modular instruction that they are using. This is to enhance the student learning
experience in order to make continuous improvements to levels of their satisfaction and student
success as measured through retention, progression and achievement. The researcher will be
adopting the student assessment feedback published by Cardiff Metropolitan University (2020):


(Cardiff Metropolitan University, 2020)

The purpose of this student evaluation is to enable staff to monitor and revise the
effectiveness of the programme, programme component or module that they teach. Please think
carefully about your responses and wherever appropriate, provide additional information to
enable tutors to improve programme provision. Please circle the appropriate number to indicate
your response. If you wish, you may also add a brief comment underneath each of the questions.

With the exception of Q. 12, please use the following grade descriptions when
responding to questions:

1 = Very Good, 2 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 4 = Unsatisfactory

1. Please rate the standard of teaching on the module in enabling you to attain the learning
2. To what extent was the module appropriately structured?
3. Please comment on the relevance of the subject matter in furthering your academic
4. How effective were the assessment methods employed in identifying your strengths and areas
for future development?
5. How effectively were the learning outcomes and assessment model communicated to you?
6. How effective was the module in allowing you to develop at your own level of ability?
7. How effective was the module in raising your overall academic success?
8. Please rate the quality of module materials.
9. With reference to the module, please rate the quality of the given supplemental resources.
10. Please rate the overall success of the programme/module.

Please use the space below to add any bullet pointed comments highlighting strengths and
areas for improvement of the module. If you have rated any of the above as being 4, you
must supply your reasons for this.
IV. Scope and Delimitation


This study will be conducted in ________________. This is a public school located in


Time frame

The researcher will start conducting the study upon the approval of the evaluation
committee. The implementation of the intervention will be on _________ to _________. The
final manuscript will be done by ____________ 2021.


There will be _____ learners as participants of this study. They are all in the same grade
level. The researcher is also their teacher. The parents of the learners will be informed and ask
permission if they will allow their children to be part of the study.

V. Methodology


Purposive sampling will be utilized in this study because the researcher will implement
interventions. It is the purpose of the researcher to focus on the effectiveness of Home Visitation,
Parent Involvement, and Student Assessment Feedback as Tool for Effective Modular

Data Gathering Methods

 Pre-test – this will be given to the participants. It consists of questions related to the lessons.
It will measure the performance of the participants before the implementation of the
intervention. Since this will be done through modular learning set-up, assessment will be
included in the module.
 Post-test – this will be utilized in order to know the performance of the learners after
immersing them in the intervention. The test comprises questions related to the lessons
indicated in the module. This will be done in order to know the performance of the learners
after immersing them in the intervention. Pre-assessment and post-assessment have the same
target content.
 Study Lesson Checklist for Parents – the researcher will provide a checklist to the parents to
know if they were able to monitor their children. It will also determine if they were able to
assist their children on the implementation of the intervention. Teachers will have a strict
monitoring of the learners following the intervention study guide.
 Focus Group Discussion – parents will be interviewed about their views in the
implementation of intervention as well as issues and concerns in the study. This is very
important because the researcher will decide if there is a need to deviate from the finalized
intervention study guide.

Ethical Issues
A letter will be submitted to the Division Office explicating the intent of writing the
research as approved by the School Principal of ___________________. The confidentiality of
information will be valued in the conduct of this study. All the protocols will be strictly followed
in order to implement the research smoothly. Parents’ consent will be collected and they will be
informed about the objectives of the study.

Data Analysis

For the Quantitative part:

1. Mean, percentage, standard deviation, and frequency will be computed to interpret

performance of the learners.

2. T-test will be used to know the significant difference between the pre-test and post-test of the

For the Qualitative part:

1. Transcriptions will be used for the focus-group discussion with the parents. This will guide the
researcher to identify the arising themes.

2. Observation notes and checklist will be prepared in order to identify the actuations and
behaviour of the learners during the implementation of the proposed interventions.
Work Plan

Research Tasks Timeframe

Reviewing and editing of the manuscript after its approval.

Finalization of the questionnaire

Data gathering. Pre-assessment to respondents

Implementation of the selected approaches in teaching

Data gathering on post assessment

Analysis and computation of the data

Writing and analyzing the draft

Revision and finalization of the manuscript

Integrating pertinent recommendations and suggestions of the

manuscript after the Oral Defense

Cost Estimates

Conducting the survey to the respondents ---- 2,000

Producing the learning modules to the students ---- 2,000

Production of Assessment Materials ---- 4,000

Bond paper (8 Reams) ---- 4,000

Stapler and wire ---- 500

Folders and Envelop ---- 500

Manila paper and Cartolina ---- 500

Scotch tape, glue and scissors ---- 500

Transportation ---- 12,000

Contingency Fund ---- 2,000

TOTAL 30,000
Action Plan

Title: Interdisciplinary Approach: Home Visitation, Parental Involvement, and Students

Assessment Feedback as Tools for Effective Modular Instruction
Modular Instruction – this type of learning is applicable and accessible to all learners. Because of
the COVID-19 and there will be no face-to-face classes, modular learning set-up is the most
accessible type of learning that Department of Education will be implemented. With accordance to
this, the teacher will provide modules containing reading passages and worksheets for the learners.
It is also important to contact the parents of the learners so they will be oriented in order to guide
their children in a modular learning set-up.

Home Visitation – is a strategy that is traditionally implemented by DepEd where teachers were
tasked to visit learners in their homes and talk with their parents regarding the procedures on
implementing the PALP.
Parent-Assisted Learning Program (PALP)
PAL enables school personnel especially teachers to establish a system whereby parents
effectively instruct and assist their children basic learning skills at home. PAL will be implemented
using the following procedures (Niedermeyer F. C., 1969).
90-minture Parent’s Training Session. To participate in the PAL Program, parents were required to
attend a 90-minture training session. About a week before the scheduled training session, a letter of
invitation from the principal and teacher was sent to the parents of the learners. Since we are now in
the midst of the pandemic, training session will be held by the teachers who created the modules
through Focal Group Discussion (FGD). Further, the objective of this training is to instruct parents
how they will be expected to behave when conducting the learning intervention for struggling
Parent’s Handouts. These will be given to the parents at the training session comprising
contingency management procedures to be employed by the parents.
Oplan-PALP Operation. This included 3-week home instruction cycle applicable to all PAL
learners regardless of parents’ assignments to school-to-home feedback and/or parent accountability
treatment groups.
First Week: A set of four Practice Exercises was sent home to all participating parents. The
exercises each week were selected coincide with the modules made by the teachers.
Second Week: Four more Practice Exercises were sent home on Monday. On Friday, as a
normal part of the program, teachers will administer a selected response criterion test designed to
indicate learner’s attainment on each of the four objectives for the 3-week home instruction cycle.
Third Week: The teachers will evaluate the practice exercises as well as the module of the
learners from the 3-week home instruction cycle. Reviews and assessments from the earlier
instruction cycle will be sent home on Monday.
Parents can decide what type of feedback conditions they are going to use in initiating
PALP. They can choose on the following described conditions:
School-to-Home Feedback Conditions. Since interventions will be implemented in a
modular learning set-up, parents will receive weekly information on the effect of modular learning
was having on their children’s academic performance. This feedback consisted of test information
and/or comments from the teacher. This was designed to be a systematic reinforcer for the
participating parents.
Parent Accountability. All participating parents will receive Record Cards with which to
keep track of pupil responses and establish contingent follow-up activities during the modular type
of learning. Parents under this condition, however, received Special Record Cards which carried
directions to the parents to signify completion of the exercise (by signing his name) and to send the
card back to the teacher during the Focal Group Discussion (FGD) or home visitation. Gold stars
were awarded for each signed record card of the learners returned by accountability parents. Special
“Good Work” badges received by the accountability pupils who accomplished special record cards
will be given every three weeks to their parents.

Students Assessment Feedback – is accomplished by the students to give their assessment and
feedback to the modular instruction that they are using. This is to enhance the student learning
experience in order to make continuous improvements to levels of their satisfaction and student
success as measured through retention, progression and achievement. The researcher will be
adopting the student assessment feedback published by Cardiff Metropolitan University (2020):


(Cardiff Metropolitan University, 2020)
The purpose of this student evaluation is to enable staff to monitor and revise the
effectiveness of the programme, programme component or module that they teach. Please think
carefully about your responses and wherever appropriate, provide additional information to
enable tutors to improve programme provision. Please circle the appropriate number to indicate
your response. If you wish, you may also add a brief comment underneath each of the questions.

With the exception of Q. 12, please use the following grade descriptions when
responding to questions:

1 = Very Good, 2 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 4 = Unsatisfactory

11. Please rate the standard of teaching on the module in enabling you to attain the learning
12. To what extent was the module appropriately structured?
13. Please comment on the relevance of the subject matter in furthering your academic
14. How effective were the assessment methods employed in identifying your strengths and areas
for future development?
15. How effectively were the learning outcomes and assessment model communicated to you?
16. How effective was the module in allowing you to develop at your own level of ability?
17. How effective was the module in raising your overall academic success?
18. Please rate the quality of module materials.
19. With reference to the module, please rate the quality of the given supplemental resources.
20. Please rate the overall success of the programme/module.

Please use the space below to add any bullet pointed comments highlighting strengths and
areas for improvement of the module. If you have rated any of the above as being 4, you
must supply your reasons for this.
Long term impact: The learners will be able to strengthen their weaknesses and it will be their
scaffold to step up with higher learning competencies in the modular instruction brought by the new
normal way of learning.
Long term indication: The learners will be able to maximize their learning development and it will
lead to a strong partnership with the parent. Also, learners will be able to acquire and integrate tools
for effective learning in the modular instruction.

Annual Measure of Activity W W W W Members Date of

Objective indicator 1 4 7 11 in-charge implementation
to to to to
4 7 1 15
To help the 75% of the Immersing the Teachers
learners in learners under learners to the
uplifting the frustration home
their level of visitation,
academic accomplishing PALP for
performance their modules parent
using tools will engage to involvement,
for effective the and student
learning. implementatio assessment
n of the feedback
To 100% of the Home Teachers
maximize materials that visitation
the use of will be
modular developed by
instruction the researcher
for students’ will be given to
learning the learners.
To uplift 50% of parents Implementing Teachers
strong will participate PALP
partnership in the
with the intervention
parents implementatio
To provide 75% of the LAC Sessions LAC
research- teachers will online Session
based also implement Coordinato
intervention the r
as support intervention for
and help for Grade 7
struggling learners


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