Poposed Instructional Scheme in The New Normal Education: Basis For Pedagogical Strategies Practices
Poposed Instructional Scheme in The New Normal Education: Basis For Pedagogical Strategies Practices
Poposed Instructional Scheme in The New Normal Education: Basis For Pedagogical Strategies Practices
The teacher, the primary key to learning institutions'' success, plays a critical role in shaping students' future
in times of crisis and conflicts to provide quality learning experiences among their students. He/she makes
learning possible no matter what the setting is. Also, a teacher is one of the essential inputs in any
educational system. The study was conducted to describe the teachers' instructional practices in the new
normal education setup and its implications on the student's academic performance at Sultan Kudarat State
University-Kalamansig Campus. Descriptive-Correlation method was utilized. Ten (10) teachers and one
hundred twenty-nine (129) first-year education students for the first semester participated in this study. A
total number of one hundred thirty-four (139) respondents participated in this study. The data were analyzed
using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Software V21 x64. Statistical tools used were the
frequency and percentages counts, mean, and grand mean. The Pearson-Product moment correlation
coefficient was also utilized.Teachers demonstrated effective instructional practices such as promoting a
flexible learning environment practices, instructional/teaching practices, and assessment practices. Moreover,
the student's performance in GE 702 and GE 704 was described as average. Further, the teachers'
instructional practices have no significant relationship with the student's performance in GE 702. On the
other hand, the teachers' instructional practices have a significant relationship with the student's performance
in GE 704. It is recommended that instructional practices be sustained and strengthened, especially among
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), to improve student performance in various academic disciplines.
teaching English) was a viable strategy for improving The data were collected using a self-made survey
educational results connected to critical thinking. This questionnaire, and the items were developed upon
is as significant as Smith et al. (2018)'s work and the reviewing the related literature and studies and
adequacy of the specified practices in the context of utilizing other sources such as journals and articles. A
this study (Alamri, 2011). It continues to be a problem panel of experts reviewed the questionnaire to analyze
due to the cultural and educational contrasts between the applicability and usefulness of the content and
their research environments and the Saudi Arabian format. The Sultan Kudarat State University grading
context. system was employed to determine the General
Weighted Average (GWA) of the students,
A novel strategy to promote critical thinking in an
academic setting was developed. Larsson (2017) made
the suggestion, focusing on phenomenography as a Results and Discussion
teaching approach. Phenomenography is described as
analyzing and contrasting several approaches to
Table 1. The Teachers’ Instructional Practices
comprehending specific information (Larsson, 2017).
Relative to Promoting a Flexible Learning
Nonetheless, the drawback of Larsson's (2017) study Environment Practices
was that this research concentrated on a single activity.
Cargas et al. (2017) proposed another novel strategy
for enhancing pupils' critical thinking abilities. The
researchers claim that developing demanding
performance tasks across academic disciplines in
which students are presented with a predetermined
problem and encouraged to discover their answers
promotes critical thinking. The authors, however, give
just a tiny sample of performance tasks.
4- The teacher employs various approaches, strategies, platform design for learning challenges both the
and methods in teaching to sustain and aid the teachers and the students, leading to a sudden change
teaching-learning process in the new normal. The in the teaching-learning process. They also said the
teacher uses various strategies, methods, and shift to online learning needs teachers to transform
techniques to sustain the students' interest. These their practices into innovative and effective ones.
activities were utilized during the new normal so that
students could understand the topic easily using the Table 2. The Teachers’ Instructional Practices
flexible learning modality. The next item that received Relative to Instructional/Teaching Practices
a higher mean was number 5, with an "observed"
description. Item 5 was maintaining online classroom
management to promote learning environment
practices (3.29). This means that the teachers sustain
the online classroom management, present rules and
regulations for the smooth flow of online classes, and
ensure that the students are in order while using the
flexible learning modality.
shift to online learning needs teachers to transform Table 3. The Teachers’ Instructional Practices
their practices into innovative and effective ones. Relative to Assessment Practices
participate actively in what may otherwise be a passive predetermined problem and encouraged to discover
learning process. When a new topic is taught, students their answers promotes critical thinking.
must communicate their objectives, requirements, and
criteria to obtain quality findings and notes. Table 4. The Distribution of the Students’ Grades in
GE 702 (Purposive Communication)
On the other hand, the mean of item 8 was 3.66,
described as "Highly Observed," which means that the
teachers embrace the assessment pedagogy and
method in the new normal. Also rated "Highly
Observed" (3.45) was item 7- The teacher provides
assessment tools to develop higher-order thinking
skills of the students in the new normal, and item 10-
The teacher uses various assessment tools such as
formative and summative to measure if lesson
objectives were attained or not. This shows that the
teacher uses tools that develop critical thinking and
other assessment types to measure whether the lesson
Table 4 displays the distribution of the student's grades
objectives were accurately met. Also, the respondents
in GE702. As displayed, there was one (1) student, or
perceived item 1- The teacher utilizes various online
0.77 percent, whose average grade ranged from 75-77
assessment tools to evaluate students' performance on
(3.0) with an equivalent description of "passing
assessment practice as "Observed" (3.39) by the
."Forty-two (42) or 32.55 percent of the students had
teachers. These findings imply that teachers use
an average grade ranging from 78-80 (2.75) (Passing).
various online assessment tools to measure students'
Thirteen (13), or 10.07 percent, had an average grade
performance during the new normal. Students were
ranging from 81-83 (2.50), (Average) while fifty-two
allowed to enhance their skills and competencies using
(52), or 40.31 percent of the students, had an average
online assessment tools.
grade ranging from 84-86 (2.25) (Average). The
remaining 16.27 percent or twenty-one (21) students
Moreover, HEIs have always been a rich source of
got an average grade ranging from 87-89 (2.0) (Above
highly skilled and professional workers, equipping
Average). The highest grade obtained was eighty-eight
them with the required competencies to practice their
(88), while the lowest was seventy-five (75). The
profession. These may be the primary reasons that
calculated mean grade was 82.71, described as
justify the results of item number 3- the teachers
employ performance-based assessment or PBAT to
measure students' performance authentically, Which is
Table 5. The Distribution of the Students’ Grades in
"Observed" (3.28) by the teachers and item 4 on
GE 704 (Science, Technology, and Society)
attending webinars/seminars related to the new
assessment scheme in the new normal was rated
"Observed" and received the mean score of 3.25. Item
7 states that the teacher provides performance tasks for
each cognitive domain. This provision of performance
tasks was "Observed" by the teachers. This finding
indicates that the teachers conduct regular performance
assessment in flexible learning that reveals how well
students have learned from teachers.
Table 5 shows the distribution of the student's grades meet current educational problems and needs. It may
in GE704. As seen in this table, there were seven (7)
also impact student learning or achievement.
students, or 5.42 percent, whose average grades ranged
from 75-76 (3.0), described as "Passing ."Twenty-
Meanwhile, there was a significant relationship
eight (28) or 21.70 percent of the students had an
average grade ranging from 78-80 (2.75), described as between the teachers' instructional practices and the
"Passing ."Fifty-six (56), or 43.41 percent of the student's performance in GE704. This was manifested
students, had an average grade ranging from81-83 by the computed r-value of 0.263, described as
(2.5), described as "Average," while twenty-three (23), significant. This further means that it fails to accept the
or 17.82 percent of the students, had an average grade hypothesis stating that there is no significant
ranging from 84-86 (2.25), described as "Average relationship between the teachers' instructional and the
."The 5.42 percent or seven (7) students got an average student's performance in GE704. This also means that
grade ranging from 87-89 (2.0), described as "Above the teachers’ instructional practices may positively
Average ."None of the students got an average grade impact or affect the student's performance in GE704.
of 90-92 (1.75). The other 5.42 percent, or seven (7) The higher the instructional practices, the higher the
students, got an average grade ranging from 93-95 students' mean grades. The more strategies or methods
(1.5), described as "Very Good," while the remaining the teachers employ, the better the student's
0.77 percent, or one (1) student, got an average grade performance. Darling-Hammond (2010) cited that
ranging from 96-98 (1.25), described as "Very Good using various strategies will enhance learning delivery
."The highest grade obtained was ninety-seven (97), and strengthen instructors' pedagogical knowledge and
while the lowest was seventy-five (75). The mean skills, enabling them to meet current educational
grade was 82.58 (2.5), described as "Average." problems and needs. It may also impact student
learning or achievement.
Table 6. The Correlation between the Teachers’
Instructional Practices and the Students’ Performance
in GE 702 and GE 704 Conclusion
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Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Movchan, S (2018, June 04). What makes a Good Learning
Environment? Retrieved from
https://raccoongang.com/blog/what-makes-good-learning-environme Fahad A. Salendab
nt/ Sultan Kudarat State University
Kalamansig Campus, Philippines
Petek, E., & Bedir, H. (2018). An adaptable teacher education
framework for critical thinking in language teaching. Thinking Skills
and Creativity, 28, 56-72.