Depression Anxiety and Stress Level Amon

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Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.

6954952, ISSN 2822-4353

Research Article

Depression, Anxiety and Stress Level Among Persons Deprived of Liberty, a Year after
COVID-19 Pandemic: It’s Implication to Jail Management

May S. Ramones*, Arthur B. Gubia-On, Peter Paul S. Cagatao

For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

This study aimed to investigate the level of depression, anxiety, and stress among persons deprived of liberty, after a year of
the COVID-19 pandemic in the Municipal Bureau of Jail Management and Penology in the Province of Quirino. The
descriptive, cross-sectional survey research method was used in this study. Participants in the study were persons deprived of
liberty who have been imprisoned since the COVID-19 pandemic. The researcher used questionnaire to collect data. Results
revealed that majority of the persons deprived of liberty (PDL) belong to age range 36-40 years old, married, having their cases
investigated. In addition, the PDL have mild level of depression and anxiety and normal level of stress a year after the
COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the study showed that there is no significant difference in their levels of depression when
the participants are grouped according to age, civil status, and classification. However, it is revealed that there is significant
difference in the levels of anxiety when they are grouped according to age and there is no significant difference when they are
grouped according to civil status and classification. Meanwhile, the study revealed that there is significant difference in the
levels of stress when they are grouped according to age and civil status and there is no significant when grouped according to
classification. Based on the results and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are given: For the Bureau of
Corrections and Penology (BJMP) to create relevant administrative internal protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in
prison environments, to increase mental health surveillance to help reduce the risks of developing mental diseases caused by
the pandemic for the prison population, and to design necessary intervention strategies to ensure the safety and health of those
deprived of liberty; For BJMP officials to formulate mental health policies that take into account the most affected people who
were detained during the pandemic, as well as to design the most effective platform for providing reliable information about
the pandemic and mitigating its psychological effects; For Jail Wardens to provide welfare efforts that emphasize prevention
and direct intervention in order to promote long-term mental health services, provide individualized treatment plans on time,
and maintain a safe and healthy jail environment; For Prison Medical Personnel to contribute to the development and
improvement of prison health facilities by sustaining the quality of care for people who have been deprived of their liberty
through provision of appropriate mental health programs, treatment and care, implementing strategies for health maintenance,
mental health promotion, and disease prevention; For Persons Deprived of Liberty to actively participate in self-enrichment
mental health activities provided by BJMP personnel in order for them to have a better understanding of their mental well-
being and mental health needs, allowing them to have a quality of life even while incarcerated; and Future researchers should
conduct additional research to shed light on the growing mental health status of people detained in Philippine jails, consider
other potential factors not mentioned in this study to gain a better understanding of the mental health and life situations in the
future in another pandemic context.

Keywords: Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Jail Management, COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction worldwide (WHO, 2020).

The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a mild- On January 30, 2020, the first COVID-19 case was
to-severe respiratory illness (genus: Betacoronavirus). reported in Kerala, India, and by May 19, the number
It is primarily transmitted through contact with of cases had surpassed 100,000. By September 7, India
infectious material, such as respiratory droplets, and is had surpassed the United States of America as the
characterized by fever, cough, and shortness of breath. world's second worst-affected country, with 4.2 million
It has the potential to progress to pneumonia and confirmed COVID-19 cases, and had recorded 71,642
respiratory failure. deaths (The New York Times, 2020). To date, the
virus that causes COVID-19 disease has infected 213
COVID-19 is a new strain discovered in Wuhan, countries and territories worldwide, resulting in 14
China, in 2019. The World Health Organization million cases and 500,000 deaths (WHO, 2020).
declared the COVID-19 outbreak a public health
emergency of international concern (PHEIC), and it The Covid-19 outbreak arrived in Brazil on February
was declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020. 26, 2020. On May 13, the country had 177,589
COVID-19 has currently infected over 18 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and 12,400 related deaths,
people and claimed the lives of over 600,000 people for a fatality rate of 7.0 percent. Almost 60,000 cases
were estimated a week later, one of the world's highest

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

virus transmission rates (Rede CoVida, 2020). As of In another report of the World Health Organization
May 18, the Ministry of Public Health in Thailand (WHO, 2021), the global cumulative number of cases
reported 3028 confirmed cases, or fewer than 50 cases has reached 108.2 million, with over 2.3 million deaths
per million population, and 56 deaths (Department of since the pandemic began. The first wave of COVID-
Disease Control, 2020). 19 in Mexico occurred from March to July 2020, and
there were 2 million cases as of February 2021
Research Questions (Ministry of Health of Mexico, 2021).

1. What is the demographic profile of the participants Due to the widespread and disruptive effects of
in terms of: COVID-19, various countries around the world have
1.1 age; taken various prevention and strict disease control
1.2 civil status; and measures, such as locking down their population for
1.3 classification? several weeks to limit virus transmission, closing and
2. What is the level of depression of the participants a suspending transportation, avoiding public gatherings,
year after the COVID-19 pandemic? and even holding various public service works for
3. What is the level of anxiety of the participants a business and industry. More than 3 billion people
year after the COVID-19 pandemic? worldwide were abruptly confined to their homes and
4. What is the level of stress of the participants a year forced to deal with major changes in their daily lives,
after the COVID-19 pandemic? including work, education for their children, and much
5. Is there a significant difference in the level of more (Alleaume et al., 2021).
depression of the participants when they are grouped
according to demographic profiles? Furthermore, other countries implemented a number of
6. Is there a significant difference in the level of measures to break the chain of infection and control
anxiety of the participants when they are grouped the pandemic, including local and international travel
according to demographic profiles? bans, bans on large religious gatherings, suspension of
7. Is there a significant difference in the level of stress public transportation, closure of schools and
of the participants when they are grouped according to universities, social distancing, stay-at-home orders,
demographic profiles? and curfews (Khatatbeh, 2020). These limitations,
combined with the disease's erratic course, can have a
significant impact on mental health. People are scared,
Literature Review worried, and stressed (Lancet, 2020). As a result,
experts have expressed concern about COVID-19's
The COVID-19 Pandemic potential psychological impact (Hao et al., 2020). To
limit the dangers and repercussions of the COVID-19
In December 2019, Wuhan, a city in China's Hubei pandemic, the local government has implemented a
Province, became the epicenter of the coronavirus number of hard public health measures, such as
disease 2019 (COVID-19), which was caused by the mandatory quarantines for those coming from
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 overseas, work-from-home arrangements, school
(SAR-CoV-2) (Wang et al., 2020). The coronavirus suspensions, and the shutdown of non-essential
disease 2019 is thought to have originated in late services (Choi et al., 2020)
December 2019 at a seafood wholesale market, and the
number of cases has since increased exponentially COVID-19 and Mental Health
within and beyond Wuhan, spreading widely around
the world (Ho et al., 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic is a national and
international public health emergency. According to
COVID-19 is a coronavirus-based infectious disease. Liu et al. (2020), during the COVID-19 epidemic,
Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that emphasis should be made to public psychological
cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to life- stress, particularly in persons who appeared to be at
threatening diseases. They include fever, dry cough, risk of experiencing psychiatric difficulties.
shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, tiredness Furthermore, disinformation about the current
with aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, pandemic, particularly on social media, may have an
sore throat, or diarrhea (WHO.2020a). According to impact on people's mental health, including anxiety
WHO (2020b), this virus had reached 202 countries, and sadness (Mamun & Griffiths, 2020). Several
areas, or territories as of March 31, 2020, with 693,224 studies have discovered a link between crises and the
confirmed cases and 33,391 deaths. onset of mental diseases such as melancholy, anxiety,

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

and stress (LeMoult et al., 2020). Rajkumar, 2020b). Salari et al. (2020) conducted a
systematic review and meta-analysis of the general
While the world's authorities appear to be focusing on population in Asia and Europe and discovered that the
the infectious side of the pandemic, an increase in prevalence of stress was 29.6 percent (95 percent
mental health disorders has been reported (Brooks, et confidence interval, 24.3-35.4), anxiety was 31.9
al., 2020; Holmes, et al., 2020). In the midst of this percent (95 percent confidence interval, 27.5-36.7),
ongoing health crisis, people suffering from emotional, and depression was 33.7 percent (95 percent
behavioral, and psychiatric disorders outnumber those confidence interval ,27.5-40.0).
suffering from COVID-19. The emotional stress
associated with the current circumstance has the ability The COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate or induce
to aggravate previous psychiatric illnesses or to induce psychological illnesses such as anxiety, depression,
their symptomatology (Yao et al., 2020), or it has the and stress (Dubey et al., 2020; Islam et al., 2020). A
potential to lead to grave psychological consequences nationwide survey in China with over 52 thousand
such as suicide (Mamun et al, 2020). In contrast, participants found that 53.8 percent of respondents
according to a survey conducted in the United rated the psychological impact of the outbreak as
Kingdom, the fear of getting COVID-19 does not moderate or severe; 16.5 percent reported moderate to
appear to be as strong as fears about the psychological severe depressive symptoms; and 28.8 percent reported
and social impact of the pandemic (Mental Health moderate to severe anxiety symptoms (Qiu et al,
COVID-19, 2020). 2020). Wang et al, (2020) found out that the
psychological impact of the epidemic was regarded as
An individual's general mental health well-being may moderate or severe by 53.8 percent of responders; 16.5
suffer as a result of infection or the death of family and percent reported moderate to severe depressive
friends (Ahmed et al., 2020). Patients who are symptoms; 28.8 percent reported moderate to severe
confined or suspected of having COVID-19 may sense depressed symptoms; and 8.1 percent expressed
fear, but those who are quarantined may experience moderate to severe stress levels.
boredom, loneliness, and rage (Xiang et al., 2020).
Overwhelming severe mental pain caused by the During the COVID-19 pandemic, emerging psychiatric
epidemic and lockdowns has even led to the suicide of illnesses and mental well-being were identified as
the most susceptible persons (Mamum & Griffiths, research topics (Tan et al., 2020). According to a
2020; Miller, 2020). recent systematic study, relatively significant rates of
depression, anxiety, and stress were recorded in the
The COVID-19 virus, according to Televi (2020), has general population worldwide during the COVID-19
impacted the physical health of millions of people pandemic (Xiong, et al., 2020).
globally and is projected to cause mental health
problems. The fear of becoming ill, the loss of a loved In fact, studies assessing the immediate psychological
one, and the sense of social isolation during the impacts and associated factors during the COVID-19
COVID-19 pandemic heightened alertness for outbreak in China's general population found that
prospective dangers, which may have affected the 28.88 percent of respondents had rates corresponding
formation of anxiety symptoms (Hawkley & Cacioppo, to moderate to severe anxiety symptoms, and 6.5
2011). percent had rates corresponding to moderate to severe
depressive symptoms (Wang et al., 2019).
Anxiety symptoms can become chronic as a result of
genetic predisposition, persistent adversity, and a lack According to the study conducted by the World Health
of treatment, leading to depression or other mental Organization (2017), the Brazilian population had one
diseases (Craske et al., 2017). Anxiety can also trigger of the highest prevalence of anxiety (9.3 percent) and
depressive symptoms by creating persistent anxieties, depression disorders (5.8 percent) when compared to
pessimistic expectancies, and thoughts of death (Rossi the rest of the world, especially when compared to
et al., 2020). industrialized countries. Feder et al, 2021) discovered
a significant rise in anxiety, from 3.9 percent to 29.1
COVID-19 and Depression, Anxiety and Stress percent, and depression symptoms, from 4.5 percent to
37.8 percent, in a retrospective cohort research aiming
With the novel coronavirus wreaking havoc on the at evaluating the incidence of depression and anxiety
planet, there were many unknowns about the disease, symptoms before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
including the likelihood of a catastrophic conclusion.
There have been reports of anguish, worry, and COVID-19 may also have harmful psychological
sadness in the general public (Wang et al., 2020a; consequences, according to recent literature studies.

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Anxiety, sadness, self-harm, and suicidal ideation were While an infected individual infects another two or
found to be highly related with social isolation three persons in a three-person community, the
(Matthews et al., 2019). Boredom, frustrations, fears of conditions of confinement cause an infected person to
getting the infection, a loss of independence, and infect up to ten people. According to this estimate, a
concerns for family and friends are just a few of the cell with 150 people detained for 14 days would have
variables that could have an impact on mental health 67 percent of its inhabitants polluted, putting these
during a pandemic (Brooks, et al., 2020). According to people at an increased risk of getting severe COVID-
a recent study conducted during the COVID-19 19 symptoms (Sanchez et al., 2020).
outbreak in India, one-fifth of adults suffer from
melancholy and stress, and one-fourth suffer from According to the media, the Chinese government
anxiety (Saikarthik et al., 2020). responded to the outbreak among convicts by closing
impacted jails, restricting commodities transit, testing
COVID-19 and Prison inmates who had contact with diagnosed wardens, and
establishing a committee to investigate the virus's
The scientific community does not appear to have spread among detained individuals (Caixing, 2019).
properly investigated the vulnerability of the prison However, it has been documented that imprisonment
population in the COVID-19 pandemic (Hewson et al., raises vulnerabilities to chronic medical disorders
2020). Furthermore, as a result of the COVID-19 (Wilper et al., 2009), erodes living and cognitive skills
pandemic, these individuals have experienced less (Wolff et al., 2011), and worsens mental ill health
social connection with other detainees and outside (Fazel & Danesh, 2002), which may be compounded
visitors, notably their families, as well as the further by the stress of imprisonment (Beynon &
suspension of jury trials and delays in court hearings Drew, 2011).
and occupational prison programs According to this
scenario, inmates are more prone to experience wrath, Last March 24, 2020, the chairs of ten United Nations
despair, anxiety, irritability, frustrations, paranoia, fear Human Rights Treaty Bodies (2020) called for a
of contamination, exacerbation of preexisting mental human rights approach in combating COVID-19,
disease, and suicidal behavior (Fovet, 2020; urging global leaders to ensure human rights are
Tozzo, 2020). respected when governments plan measures to combat
the public health threat posed by the epidemic and
It should not be overlooked that psychological care ensure access to healthcare for all who need it, without
must be offered not only to affected persons in the discrimination and with special attention paid to the
general population, but also to vulnerable groups such vulnerable, including the elderly, individuals with
as people in asylum and detention centers such as jails disabilities, minorities, indigenous peoples, refugees,
(Liebrenz et al., 2020). migrants, and persons deprived of their liberty.

The right to health is an internationally recognized Cahapay (2020) revealed that the population that has
human right, according to the United Nations grown vulnerable, especially in countries with a
Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights congested penal system like the Philippines, is the
(2000). It has emphasized that the right to health is an group of persons deprived of liberty (PDLs). As
inclusive right that includes not only timely and legally defined in the Revised Implementing Rules and
appropriate health care but also underlying health Regulations, according to Section 23 of Republic Act
determinants such as access to adequate sanitation, No.10575, otherwise known as the “The Bureau of
healthy occupational and environmental conditions, Corrections Act of 2013,” persons deprived of liberty
and access to health-related education and information. refer to “detainee, inmate, or prisoner, or other person
under confinement or custody in any other manner.”
People in correctional facilities are particularly
vulnerable to the COVID-19 epidemic. During a According to McCarthy (2020), the Philippine
pandemic, the incarcerated population faces numerous correctional system is one of the most congested in the
vulnerabilities, including high incidence of mental world. According to the data published in the World
disorders (Hawks, 2020). Evidence suggests that Prison Brief (2020), the country's prison population is
such disorders may render people more sensitive not rising. In 2012, the overall prison population was
just to physical symptoms like headaches and sore 106,323, with a prison population rate of 111; by 2016,
throats (Chew et al., 2020), but also to mental health the total prison population had risen to 142,168, with a
burdens like anxiety, sadness, and stress (Brooks et al., jail population rate of 140; and by 2019, the entire
2020; El Hage et al.,2020). prison population had risen to 215,000, with a prison

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

population rate of 200. (Cabrera & Nonato, 2020). account the accompanying mental health concerns
(Stewart, 2020). According to Blaauw and Van Marle
With the COVID-19 pandemic, visits had been (2007), it is critical to ensure that all persons detained
restricted as the virus spread. The jail's entry point has have their most fundamental needs and human rights
already been controlled with screening using thermal satisfied, including their mental health well-being.
temperature guns. All visitors were required to wash
their hands before entering the jail, and sanitizers were Furthermore, World Health Organization (2002),
available at the entrance to each subsequent facility on declared that mental health issues are one of the top
the grounds. Mobility within the prison had already causes of disability globally. Severe mental health
been restricted, and a complete track of all moves was issues interfere with people’s emotional, cognitive, and
already kept (Ayyaz et al., 2020). social capacities, which can lead to decreased
productivity (Slade 2007). Mental disorders
As of June 2020, more than 700 convicts had tested account for 11% of the total disease burden in Ethiopia
positive, and given the “locked away nature of their (Abdulahi et al., 2001). These disorders are very
illness, with a lack of resources and non-allegiance to common among prison populations (Brinded et al.,
minimum health standards,” the inmates are hidden 2001).
victims of the COVID-19 epidemic. The causes of
concealed health concerns can frequently lead to Under normal conditions, the psychological care of
complex mental difficulties (Kahambing, 2020). inmates is already a big burden for many health-care
systems; a problem that becomes even more apparent
Mental Health and Persons Deprived of Liberty in times of crisis, as is currently being observed.
Difficulties develop at several levels and influence
The pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019
incarcerated individuals (Chen, et al., 2020).
(COVID-19) poses significant challenges to global
According to Nurse et al. (2003), persons deprived of
health and social care systems. Mental health services
liberty’s mental health suffers as a result of being
have encountered service delivery constraints, putting
locked away with minimal activity or mental
already vulnerable people at risk of worsening
stimulation, as well as the prison atmosphere.
(Kothari, et al., 2020).
According to the incidence of mental disorders among
According to Pedrosa et al. (2020), the COVID-19
prisoners in Western countries, one out of every seven
pandemic poses new problems to humans. Not only
prisoners suffer from some form of psychiatric
does the virus transmission and illness mortality affect
disorder, with depression being the most common
vulnerable groups, but it also has an emotional,
(Fazel, and Danesh, 2002). In the 24-country study,
behavioral, and psychological influence on the
10.20 percent of male convicts and 14.1 percent of
population. Containment measures such as quarantine,
female prisoners were depressed (Fazel & Seewald,
social isolation, and social separation may influence
population behavior and contribute to psychological
problems. The pandemic itself causes a number of
In the United States (US), around 23% of state
emotional and psychological problems like fear,
prisoners and 30% of jail inmates were found to be
worry, sadness, and suicide ideation.
depressed (James & Glaze, 2006) According to one
The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledged study from Sub-Saharan Africa, the prevalence of
in May 2020 that the COVID-19 pandemic had a depression among convicts is 42.2 percent, with lower
significant influence on the mental health of many educational status and singles being the most afflicted
social segments. As a result, it highlights the groups (Fatoye, et al., 2006).
importance of incorporating mental health assistance
as a component in national pandemic coping efforts, Depression, Anxiety and Stress and Persons
given that there is no health without mental health Deprived of Liberty
(Organizacao Mundial da Saude, 2020).
A growing number of studies conducted around the
Mental health problems affect the entire community, world indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic has
and no one group is immune to mental illnesses (Slade resulted in higher levels of depression in the general
et al., 2007). Prisons are an essential component of the population (Novoticol et al., 2020) Depressive
worldwide public health response to COVID-19. As a disorders are the biggest cause of worldwide disease
result, in order to avoid negative repercussions for burden, according to the World Health Organization
people in jail, the reaction to COVID-19 must take into (WHO) (WHO, 2001). Statistical data on the

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic of depression was around twice as high among women,
show a rise in psychological discomfort (stress, dread, and that there are disparities in characteristics related
and anxiety) (Droit-Volet, 2020). with depression between men and women (Santos et
al., 2017).
Depression is an emotional state that is marked by
feelings of low self-worth or guilt and a reduced Anxiety is a typical occurrence in daily life. Anxiety
ability to enjoy life. A person who is depressed usually about certain things is reasonable and necessary for
experiences several of the following symptoms: adaptation and survival. However, the level of anxiety
feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or pessimism; that some people experience can be extreme, affecting
lowered self-esteem and heightened self-depreciation; their functioning abilities and even becoming
a decrease or loss of ability to take pleasure in ordinary debilitating (Dadi et al., 2016).
activities; reduced energy and vitality; slowness of
thought or action; loss of appetite; and disturbed sleep Anxiety can occur in response to seemingly harmless
or insomnia (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2021). conditions, or it can be the result of subjective, internal
emotional conflicts, the reasons of which may be
Depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, decreased obscure to the individual (Encyclopedia Britannica,
energy, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed 2015) Prisoners on trial experience anxiety as a result
sleep or appetite, poor concentration, difficulty of their sudden insecurity about the future, isolation
thinking and making decisions are all symptoms of from their known environment, and the shock of jail.
depression. Mild to moderate depressed moods are
more common than severe depression (Bilal & Saeed, Anxiety is intimately linked to depression, therefore
2011). Fazel and Danesh (2002) discovered an average depressed persons are more anxious (Ballenger et al.,
frequency of 10% serious depression among male 2001). They are overcome with grief, fatigue, and a
prisoners and 12% among female prisoners, with loss of interest in activities (Santini et al., 2015). The
variances depending on the prisoner's status (remand prevalence of psychotic disorders in European jails is
or sentenced). According to Khan et al. (2012), the roughly 5%, with depressive or anxiety disorders at
incidence of depression among female convicts is around 25%. (Blaauw & Kerkhof, 2000).
higher in middle-aged and married women.
Furthermore, their research found that female inmates Anxiety and eventually depression are major issues,
with four or more children who live in cities have a and psychological disturbance in inmates' lives can
higher risk of depression than those who live in rural develop to more serious mental disease if ignored.
locations. Furthermore, increased stress and untreated anxiety
can lead to more significant mental health issues
In the study of Abdu et al. (2018), it was indicated that
(Alshammart, 2019).
the prevalence of depression among convicts is
extremely high. Having a family history of mental
Anxiety and anxiety-related disorders were extremely
illness, having chronic physical illness, believing life
common among convicts (27 percent and 91 percent,
is difficult, and having a lack of social support were
respectively). These manifest as disturbed sleep
discovered to have an impact on the occurrence of
(Nesset et al., 2011), overthinking, and emotional
states (Wolff, et al., 2011). In Birmingham (2003),
Shrestha et al. (2017) discovered a significant 36% of all convicts examined had an anxiety disorder
frequency of depression among Nepalese convicts in in the 12 months preceding the interview.
their study. The findings indicate that immediate
The prevalence of anxiety disorder was comparable in
attention is required to treat convicts' mental health
the receiving and sentencing groups (38 percent versus
problems through thorough diagnosis and
management, as well as the utilization of rehabilitation 33 percent) and much greater in women than males (55
programs to assure the continuation of psychiatric care percent versus 32 percent). He went on to say that
following release. These initiatives have the potential women were more likely than men to suffer from
to further reduce recidivism while also protecting anxiety disorders. Furthermore, prisoners with
individuals, families, and the community. generalized anxiety had higher levels of health worry.
As a result, people are more likely to confuse normal
In a comparison of depression among incarcerated men sentiments with COVID-19 symptoms, causing more
and women, it was discovered that the occurrence anxiety and suffering (Dubey, 2020).

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

According to Dadi et al. (2016), more than one-third of to-severe anxiety levels; and 13.4 percent reported
convicts suffer from anxiety disorder. The likelihood moderate-to-severe stress levels.
of anxiousness was 2.49 times higher among convicts
who reported having a miserable life before being Hao et al. (2020) used several scales to assess the
imprisoned. This could be because their incarceration psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in
added to the stress in their lives, or because their China on 76 psychiatric patients (with major
anxiety symptoms had been there for a long time. depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, and mixed
Current smokers had a 2.6-fold increase in anxiety. anxiety and depressive disorder patients) and 109
healthy controls, the patients had the worst outcomes
Stress on almost all variables dealing with depression,
anxiety, and stress. In terms of other mental symptoms
Selye (as cited by Convocar et al., 2020) defined stress mentioned in the survey, the patients expressed greater
as a mental health issue related with a variety of concerns about their physical health, more moderate to
physical and mental diseases, including depression; a severe anger and impulsivity, and more suicide
non-specific biological experience resulting from ideation.
stressful conditions. The loss of communication with
family and friends outside the jail, as well as the lack Bathelemy et al. (2020) discovered that the COVID-19
of personal choice within the prison environment, pandemic issue has placed a severe burden on the
would be substantial sources of stress for certain physical and psychological well-being of prisoners.
Crisis situations, such as the present epidemic, can
people deprived of their liberty (Shivani, 2013)
elicit exceptional emotional and behavioral responses
Mental stress is the most common environmental risk in prisoners. Disengagement from home and the use of
factor for psychiatric illnesses, and continuous inadequate coping skills might exacerbate the
sustained stress can raise the likelihood of depression heightened stress levels during important life events.
and other mental disorders (Zhu, et al., 2020). Fears, Adopting appropriate coping strategies and providing
anxieties, and uncertainties, particularly in isolated oneself with the necessary coping and stress
patients, might lead to a rise in stress-related disorders management skills may help to reduce the related high
(Duan & Zhu, 2020). levels of felt stress and anxiety.

A modest level of stress is a typical adaptation to daily Alleume et al. (2020) stated that during a pandemic,
public health officials should pay more attention to
challenges; nevertheless, severe levels indicate
individual requirements for psychological assistance.
psychological anguish, with varying physical and
Furthermore, their research revealed that healthcare
emotional responses depending on the stage (Men,
practitioners must be prepared to deal with new needs
2003). Indeed, suffering from acute or chronic stress in
of a certain community. Efforts should be made for
a prison setting is closely linked to depression, is more
persons who have anxiety or depression symptoms but
common among new convicts, and makes them more
do not feel the need for help, as well as for those who
prone to suicidal ideation (Mazlan, 2014).
have no anxiety or depressed symptoms but
Several studies have revealed that depressive illnesses nonetheless report needing psychological care.
are more prevalent in prison than in the general
According to Majundar and Acharya (2016), prison
community. Globally, around 450 million people
inmates are at a significant risk for depression, anxiety,
suffer from mental or behavioral illnesses (WHO,
and stress. The psychological impact of incarceration
2010). This disorder is extremely common in prison
might differ from person to person and over time. At
populations (Brinded, 2001). According to the WHO
the very least, incarceration is terrible, and those who
(2008), at least 1 million (11%) of the 9 million are imprisoned suffer from mental health issues. The
prisoners worldwide suffer from serious mental findings suggest that inmates should be provided with
diseases, with sadness and anxiety being the most professional and psychological help in order to reduce
common. A systematic assessment of 23,000 prisoners the likelihood of reoffending when they return to the
from 62 surveys on significant mental diseases found community.
that 3.7 percent of men had psychotic illness and 10%
had major depression. According to the findings of Choi et al. (2020) discovered that COVID-19 had a
Tee et al. (2020), 16.3 percent of respondents rated the significant impact on people's mental health. During
psychological impact of the outbreak as moderate-to- the COVID-19 pandemic, 19% of respondents
severe; 16.9 percent reported moderate-to-severe experienced depression and 14% experienced anxiety.
depressive symptoms; 28.8 percent reported moderate- Furthermore, persons who were concerned about

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

becoming infected with COVID-19 and those who The Philippines abides by the provisions of the United
were more concerned about not being able to work Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of
from home had poorer mental health. One policy Prisoners and the United Nations Standard Minimum
conclusion of the research is that governments should Rules for Non-Custodial Measures (the Tokyo
give psychological support to citizens during a Convention), as well as other international human
pandemic, such as developing brief, home-based rights instruments that define and guarantee inmates'
psychological therapies to mitigate the negative effects rights. Article II (Declaration of Principles and State
of COVID-19 on mental health. Policies), Article III (Bill of Rights), and Article XIII
of the Philippine Constitution previously had some of
Passos et al. (2020) revealed that the prevalence of these clauses (Social Justice and human Rights).
mental illness was much greater than pre-COVID-19
levels in both Portugal and Brazil. Anxiety was present The Philippines' Criminal Justice System recognizes
in 71.3 percent of the respondents (moderate anxiety the importance of rehabilitating and reintegrating
was present in 43.1 percent), depression was present in condemned offenders into society. Correction, as one
24.7 percent of the respondents, and 23.8 percent of of the foundations of the Philippine Criminal Justice
the respondents reported both depression and anxiety. System (PCIS), has implemented a variety of
The authors urge that governments adopt and rehabilitation programs, including the following: a)
strengthen mental health public policies as part of their Moral and Spiritual Program; b) Education and
reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, along with a Training Program; c) Work and Livelihood Program;
commitment to support and care for afflicted persons. d) Sports and Recreation Program; e) Health and
Furthermore, mental health as part of universal health Welfare Program; and f) Behavior Modification
care, mental health services must be extended and Program.
extensively supported, and mental health practitioners
The Philippine Corrections System is made up of
must be aware about the risk factors and protective
institutions from the government, civil society, and the
factors of mental disorders and be able to give in-
private sector that are involved in the incarceration,
person or virtual counseling or therapy.
correction, and restoration of people who have been
charged with and/or convicted of delinquent conduct
According to Zakaout et al (2020), non-Saudi
or crimes. The Philippine Correctional System is
participants had greater mental health prevalence rates
overseen by three primary government agencies: the
than Saudi participants, such as 50.74 percent vs.
Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of Social
30.40 percent for depression, 34.23 percent vs. 13.51
Welfare and Development (DSWD), and the
percent for anxiety, and 59.70 percent vs. 27.70
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG).
percent for stress. Approximately 55.8 percent of
The Department of Justice manages national prisons
individuals believed that significant media coverage of
through the Bureau of Corrections, administers the
COVID-19 new caused increased mental anguish.
parole and probation system through the Parole and
They urge that special mental health care programs be
Probation Administration, and helps the President in
developed to address the psychological concerns
granting executive clemency through the Board of
associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. These
Pardons and Parole. Through the Bureau of Child and
programs can use social media and the internet as
Youth Welfare, the DSWD monitors regional
powerful methods to reach out to certain populations rehabilitation centers for young offenders. Through the
in an efficient and successful manner. provincial governments and the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology, the DILG regulates
Alemayehu et al. (2019) discovered a high level of
province, district, city, and municipal jails.
depression among inmates in their study. Prisoners
with children, those who were unsatisfied with their The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
overall health, and those condemned for more than a
year had higher rates of depression than their peers. As The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology was
a result, programs that reinforce effective coping established on January 2, 1991, by Republic Act 6975,
techniques, improve prisoners' close relationships with to replace the defunct Philippine Constabulary
their families, and promote satisfaction with their Integrated National Police's Jail Management and
overall health are likely to improve inmates' Penology Service. BJMP envisions itself as a vibrant
psychological well-being. institution known for its long-term humane care and
development of inmates. It is a branch of the
The Criminal Justice System in the Philippines Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG).

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The BJMP has authority over all district, city, and administrative administration of the institution. A
municipal jails. As such, it must ensure the district jail is a facility or site of detention for inmates
establishment of secure, clean, and adequately from a city or group of municipalities who are
equipped sanitary facilities, as well as the provision of awaiting or serving a sentence of one (1) day to three
quality services for the custody, safekeeping, (3) years.
rehabilitation, and development of inmates, any
fugitive from justice, or person detained awaiting or The BJMP operates and maintains city and municipal
undergoing investigation or trial, and/or transfer to the jails, which are each led by a city or municipal warden,
National Penitentiary, and/or violent mentally ill depending on the situation. A city jail is a facility of
person who, pending transfer to a mental hospital, incarceration for inmates who have been sentenced to
endangers himself/herself or the safety of others, as a term of imprisonment ranging from one (1) day to
confirmed by the appropriate medical or health three (3) years. A municipal jail is a facility or a place
authority. of incarceration for persons sentenced to a period of
imprisonment of no more than six (6) months
In accordance with its mission, the Bureau strives to (Sections 1-17 of the BJMP Manual, 2015).
perform the following functions: (a) to regularly
enhance and upgrade organizational capability, thereby
keeping all BJMP personnel up to date on all Methodology
advancements in law enforcement, resulting in greater
crime solution efficiency and a lower inmate Research Design
population; (b) to put in place strict security measures
to keep convicts under control; (c) to meet inmates' The descriptive, cross-sectional survey research
basic necessities; and (d) to carry out rehabilitative method was used in this study. Kumar (2014) defines
activities. descriptive research as systematically describing a
situation, problem, phenomenon, service, or program,
The Bureau's broad objectives are as follows: (a) to or providing information, or describing an attitude
improve offenders' living conditions in accordance toward an issue.
with accepted United Nations standards; (b) to
improve offenders' safekeeping, rehabilitation, and According to Eduardo (2018), a descriptive method is
development in preparation for their eventual a purposeful process of gathering, analyzing,
reintegration into society upon release; and (c) to classifying, and tabulating data about current
professionalize jail services. A person accused of conditions, practices, beliefs, processes, trends, and
violating or transgressing laws and ordinances enacted cause – effect relationships, and then making adequate
by competent authorities in the Philippines is referred and accurate interpretations about such data with or
to as an offender. without the assistance of statistical methods.

There is a distinction in the Philippines between a This method is appropriate because the goal of the
"jail" and a "prison." A jail is a site of imprisonment study is to describe the level of depression, anxiety,
for inmates who are under investigation, on trial, or and stress among people who have been imprisoned
serving short-term sentences. The Provincial for a year following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Government and the Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology oversee and monitor provincial jails, and the Study Site and Participants
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology supervise
district, city and municipal jails. The term "prison" The research was carried out at the Bureau of Jail
refers to the national prisons or penitentiaries Management and Penology in the Province of Quirino.
controlled and supervised by the Bureau of Participants in the study are persons deprived of liberty
Corrections, a Department of Justice entity. An inmate who have been imprisoned since the COVID-19
is a general phrase for a prisoner or detainee. A pandemic.
prisoner is an inmate who has been convicted by final
judgment. A detainee is an inmate who is being Population, Sample and Sampling Method
investigated/tried or who is awaiting final judgment.
As of May 20, 2021, there are 162 persons deprived of
A district jail, led by a district warden, may be built in liberty incarcerated in the Bureau of Jail Management
big cities or grouped communities. A jail warden is a and Penology in the Province of Quirino, with the
person in charge of the overall operational and following distribution: 55 in Maddela Municipal Jail

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

and 106 in Cabarroguis District Jail. One hundred The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DSS-21)
sixty-two persons who have been deprived of their and the calculation of scores was based on a previous
liberty were chosen as participants in the study using Asian study (Le et al., 2019). Among Asian population
simple random sampling with the permission of their the tool exhibits a reliability measure of internal
respective Jail Wardens. consistency of a =. 86 for depression; a=.81 for
anxiety; and a=.70 in the stress scale; and overall
Instruments DASS-21 with a=.91 (Oei et al., 2013). The DASS-21
has been demonstrated to be a reliable and valid
A validated questionnaire was used to collect data. The measure in assessing mental health in Filipinos
questionnaire is divided into two parts. The first part (Cheung et. al, 2019). Furthermore, for this study the
elicited information about the participants' questionnaire was validated through a pilot study on
demographic profiles in terms of age, civil status, and persons deprived of liberty in a municipal jail outside
classification. The second part is an adopted Quirino Province.
questionnaire from Lovibond and Lovibond (1995)
Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS 21). The researcher also made use of communication letters
Because the DASS-21 questionnaire is in the public and documentary analysis to validate the observation
domain, no permission is required to use it. and strict implementation on the memorandums
furnished by the Bureau of Jail Management and
The DASS-21 is a self-administered tool that includes
Penology Head Quarters and Regional Office.
21 items that are used to rate the severity of
depression, anxiety, and psychological stress D a t a G a t h e r i n g Procedure
symptoms on a four-point scale. Each item is scored on
a Likert Scale from 0 to 3, with 0 indicating that it does Prior to collecting data, the researcher obtained
not apply to me at all, 1 indicating that it applies to me permission from the Jail Warden of the Bureau of Jail
to some degree, 2 indicating that it applies to me to a Management and Penology in the Province of Quirino
considerable degree, and 3 indicating that it applies to to conduct of the study. Permission was also sought
me very much, or most of the time. The cumulative from the City Jail Officers to distribute the survey
score of each subscale is calculated by adding all item questionnaires to the participants. A letter addressed to
scores and multiplying by two. As a result, each
the participants was attached to the survey
subscale's score ranges from 0 to 42, and the total
questionnaire to provide information on the purpose of
score ranges from 0 to 129. A higher (lower) score
the study,
indicates that the depression, anxiety, or psychological
stress is more severe (less severe). Due to visitation restrictions in prison units throughout
the Province of Quirino, the survey questionnaires and
The depression scale assesses a variety of depressive
Informed Consent Form (ICF) were given to the Jail
syndromes such as life devaluation, self-deprecation,
Warden, who delegated its administration to the
anhedonia, and inertia. The higher the score, the
prison's Health Team, in order to continue the study.
greater the level of depression, which is classified as
normal (0-9), mild (10-13), moderate (14-20), and
Persons deprived of liberty who were interested and
severe (21-27); scores of 28 and above indicate
willing to participate in the study filled out the
extremely severe depression.
questionnaire anonymously during the study period.
They were instructed to respond to the instrument in
The anxiety scale measures arousal, muscle effects,
situational anxiety, and subjective experience of one room, three at a time, with a 1.5-meter space
anxious effect. Scores are classified as normal (0-7), between each participant. The administration of
mild (8-9), moderate (10-14), and severe (15-19), with questionnaires began after the purpose of the study was
scores of 20 or more indicating extremely severe read and the Informed Consent Form was signed.
Throughout the data collection process, the
The stress scale is sensitive to levels of chronic non- participants' autonomy, freedom, and confidentiality
specific arousal. It assesses the ability to relax, nervous were respected. Following the survey, the
arousal, and being easily upset. Scores are classified questionnaires were collected and kept confidentially.
as normal (0-14), mild (15-18), moderate (19-25), and The data gathered was only used for academic
severe (26-33 ), with scores of 34 or more indicating purposes.
extremely severe.

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Data Analysis

The collected data were tallied, classified and tabulated Table 1. Demographic Profile of the Participants as to
in order to achieve accurate information, and they were Age
statistically tested in order to analyze the answers to
the study's problem.

To determine participant profiles in terms of age, civil

status, and classification, descriptive statistics such as
simple frequency distribution and percentage were
used. Means and standard deviation were used to
calculate the participants' levels of depression, anxiety,
and depression. The ANOVA and t-test were used to
determine whether there was a significant difference in
the levels of depression, anxiety, and stress among the
participants based on their age, civil status, and As shown in Table 1, a meager number of participants,
33 or 20.50 percent belong to age range 36-40 years
old, 26 or 16.15 percent each belong to age range
Ethical Considerations
41-45 years old, 21 or 13.04 percent belong to age
The study was carried out in accordance with research range 26 -30 years old, 19 or 11.80 percent belong to
principles and ethics. Aside from the letter attached to age range 51- 55 years old, 18 or 11.19 percent belong
the questionnaire, the participants were given a to age range 20-25 years old, 15 or 9.32 percent
thorough explanation of the study during a briefing belong to age range 31-35 years old, 12 or 7.45 percent
process prior to the start of data collection by the jail belong to age range 46-50 years old 11 or 6.83
warden. percent belong to age range 61-65 years old and 6 or
3.72 percent belong to age range 56-60 years old. This
Prior to the administration of the questionnaire, the implies that majority of the persons deprived of liberty
participants were asked to sign an Informed Consent are adults and mature individuals.
Form. Persons deprived of liberty were assured of the
confidentiality and informed that their participation in Civil Status. Table 2 shows the demographic profile
the study was entirely voluntary and that they could of the participants according to their civil status.
withdraw at any time without explanation.
Table 2. Demographic Profile of the Participants as to
The participants were also informed that their Civil Status
participation in the study has no bearing on their
incarceration or eligibility for parole. To avoid the risk
of a breach of confidentiality, the names of the
participants were not written in the questionnaire.

The researcher assured the participants that their

personal responses would not be shared with any
prison personnel. Only the adviser and the researcher
had access to the hard copy of the research data which As presented in Table 2, majority of the participants,
was kept in secured files and folders. 83 or 51.56 percent are married, 69 or 42.85 percent
are single and 9 or 5.59 percent are widower. This
implies that majority of the persons deprived of liberty
Results and Discussion have partners in their lives.

Demographic Profile of the Participants Classification of Participants. Table 3 shows

demographic profile of the participants according to
Age. Table 1 shows the demographic profile of the classification.
participants according to their age.

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 3. Demographic Profile of the Participants as to


Level of Anxiety of the Participants a year after

COVID-19 Pandemic

Table 5 shows the level of anxiety of the participants a

year after COVID-19 pandemic.

Table 5. Level of Anxiety of the Participants a Year

As revealed in Table 3, majority of the participants, after the COVID-19 Pandemic
126 or 78.26 percent are undergoing investigation, 28
or 17.39 percent are awaiting final judgment and 7 or
4.35 percent are awaiting. This implies that majority of
the person deprived of liberty are having their cases

Level of Depression of the Participants a year after

COVID-19 Pandemic

Table 4 shows the level of depression of the

participants a year after COVID-19 pandemic.
As shown in Table 5 indicator number 4 or “I was
Table 4. Level of Depression of the Participants a Year
worried about situations in which I might panic and
after COVID-19 Pandemic
make a fool of myself,” had the highest mean which is
0.93 (moderate). Indicator number 5 or “I felt I was
close to panicking,” had the second-highest mean
which is 0.80 (moderate). It was followed by indicator
number 6 or “I was aware of the action of my heart in
the absence of physical exertion (e.g., sense of heart
rate increase, heart missing a beat),” which had a mean
of 0.78 (moderate), indicator number 3 or “I
As revealed in Table 4 indicator number 4 or “I felt experienced trembling (e.g., in the hands),” which had
downhearted and blue,” had the highest mean which is a mean of 0.69 (moderate), indicator number 7 or “I
1.24 (moderate). Indicator number 5 or “I was unable felt scared without any good reason,” which had a
to become enthusiastic about anything,” had the mean of 0.61 (mild), indicator number 2 or “I
second-highest mean which is 0.80 (mild). It was experienced breathing difficulty (e.g., excessively
followed by indicator number 3 or “I felt that I had rapid breathing, breathlessness in the absence of
nothing to look forward to,” which had a mean of 0.78
physical exertion),” which had a mean of 0.45
(mild), indicator number 1 or “I couldn’t seem to
(normal), and indicator number 1 or “I was aware of
experience any positive feelings at all,” which had a
the dryness of my mouth,” which had the lowest mean
mean of 0.76 (mild), indicator number 6 or “I felt I
of 0.42 (normal). With a mean total of 9.36, this
wasn’t worth much as a person,” which had a mean of
implies that people who have been deprived of liberty
0.76 (mild), indicator number 7 or “I felt that life was
meaningless,” which had a mean of 0.75 (mild), and have a mild level of anxiety a year after the COVID-19
indicator number 2 or “I found it difficult to work up pandemic.
the initiative to do things,” which had the lowest mean
of 0.72 (mild). With a mean total of 11.62, this implies Level of Stress of the Participants a year after
that people who have been deprived of liberty have a COVID-19 Pandemic
mild level of depression a year after the COVID-19
pandemic. Table 6 shows the level of stress of the participants a
year after COVID-19 pandemic.

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 6. Level of Stress of the Participants a Year

After the COVID-19 Pandemic

As shown in Table 7, with regard to age, the value of F

in the age variable is 1.626 which does not reach
significance with a p-value of .061 (which is greater
than the .05 alpha level). Therefore, the null hypothesis
is accepted. This means that there is no statistically
As presented in Table 6 indicator number 2 or “I
significant difference between the levels of depression
tended to overreact to situations,” had the highest
of participants when they are grouped according to
mean which is 0.88 (normal). Indicator number 7 or “I
felt that I was rather touchy,” had the second-highest
mean which is 0.85 (normal). It was followed by
With regard to civil status, the value of F in the civil
indicator number 3 or “I felt that I was using a lot of
status variable is 1.402 which does not reach
nervous energy,” which had a mean of 0.75 (normal),
significance with a p-value of .139 (which is greater
indicator number 4 or “I found myself getting
than the .05 alpha level). Therefore, the null hypothesis
agitated,” which had a mean of 0.74 (normal),
is accepted. This means that there is no statistically
indicator number 1 or “I found it hard to wind down,”
significant difference between the levels of depression
which had a mean of 0.67 (normal), indicator number
of participants when they are grouped according to
6 or “I was intolerant of anything that kept me from
civil status.
getting on with what I was doing,” which had a mean
of 0.63 (normal), and indicator number 5 or “I found it With regard to classification, the value of F in the
difficult to relax,” which had the lowest mean of 0.61 classification variable is .492 which does not reach
(normal). With a mean total of 10.26, this means that significance with a p-value of .958 (which is greater
people who have been deprived of liberty have a than the .05 alpha level) therefore, the null hypothesis
normal level of stress a year after the COVID 19 is accepted. This means there is no statistically
pandemic. significant difference between the levels of depression
of participants when they are grouped according to
Significant Difference in the Level of Depression
and Demographic Profile of Participants
This implies that persons who have been deprived of
Table 7 shows the significant difference in the level of their liberty when grouped according to their
depression of participants when they are grouped demographic profiles, such as age, civil status, and
according to demographic profile variables.
classification, have no substantial variation in their
levels of depression. Hence, regardless of their
Table 7. Significant Difference in the Level of
demographic characteristics, they continue to suffer
Depression of Participants When Grouped According from mild depression after a year of the COVID-19
to Profile Variables pandemic.

Significant Difference in the Level of Anxiety and

Demographic Profile of Participants

Table 8 shows the significant difference in the level of

anxiety of participants when they are grouped
according to demographic profile variables.

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 8. Significant Difference in the Level of Anxiety Table 9 shows the significant difference on the level of
of Participants When Grouped According to Profile stress of participants when they are grouped according
Variables to demographic profile variables.

As presented in Table 9, with regard to age, the value

of F in the age variable is 2.357 which reaches
significance with a p-value of .004 (which is less than
the .05 alpha level). Therefore, the null hypothesis is
rejected. This means that there is a significant
difference between the levels of stress of participants
when they are grouped according to age.

Table 9. Significant Difference on the Level of Stress

of Participants When Grouped According to Profile

As revealed in Table 8, with regards to age, the value

of F in the age variable is 2.314 which reaches
significance with a p-value of .005 (which is less than
the .05 alpha level). Therefore, the null hypothesis is
rejected. This means that there is a statistically
significant difference between the levels of anxiety of
participants when they are grouped according to age.

With regard to civil status, the value of F in the civil

status variable is 1.316 which does not reach
significance with a p-value of .195 (which is greater
than the .05 alpha level). Therefore, the null hypothesis
is accepted. This means that there is no significant With regards to civil status, the value of F in the civil
difference between the levels of anxiety of participants status variable is 1.906 which reaches significance
when they are grouped according to civil status. with a p-value of .024 (which is less than the .05 alpha
level). Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. This
With regard to classification, the value of F in the means that there is a statistically significant difference
classification variable is 1.344 which does not reach between the levels of stress of participants when they
significance with a p-value of .179 (which is greater are grouped according to civil status.
than the .05 alpha level). Therefore, the null
hypothesis is accepted. This means that there is no With regard to classification, the value of F in the
statistically significant difference between the levels of classification variable is 1.134 which does not reach
anxiety of participants when they are grouped significance with a p-value of .329 (which is greater
according to classification. than the .05 alpha level). Therefore, the null hypothesis
is accepted. This means that there is no statistically
This implies that when people who have been deprived significant difference between the levels of stress of
of liberty are grouped based on their age, there is participants when they are grouped according to
significant difference in their levels of anxiety, classification.
meaning their levels of anxiety vary on age.
Meanwhile, when people who have been deprived of This implies that when people who have been deprived
liberty are grouped according to civil status and of liberty are grouped based on their age and civil
classification, there is no significant difference in their status, the significant difference in their levels of stress
levels of anxiety, Hence, mild anxiety persists vary. Meanwhile, when people who have been
regardless of civil status and classification a year after deprived of liberty are grouped according to
the COVID-19 pandemic began. classification, there is no significant difference in their

Significant Difference on the Level of Stress and

Demographic Profile of Participants

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

levels of stress, meaning normal stress level persists a chronic physical illness, believing life is difficult, and
year after the COVID-19 pandemic began regardless having a lack of social support were discovered to
of classification. have an impact on the occurrence of depression.

However, the study showed that people who have been

Conclusion deprived of liberty have a normal level of stress a year
after the COVID-19 pandemic. The study is confirmed
by the study of Men (2003) showing a modest level of
The purpose of this is to investigate the level of
stress is a typical adaptation to daily challenges;
depression, anxiety, and stress among persons deprived
nevertheless, severe levels indicate psychological
of liberty after a year of the COVID-19 pandemic in
anguish, with varying physical and emotional
the Municipal Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology in the Province of Quirino. responses depending on the stage.

According to the findings, persons deprived of liberty Possible explanations for the decreased levels of
who were imprisoned in the Municipal Bureau of Jail depression, anxiety, and stress were because of the
Management and Penology in the Province of Quirino many BJMP Memorandums directing All Regional
after a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, are between Directors of the Jail Bureau, Provincial Jail
the ages of 36 and 40 years old, married and their Administrators and Wardens to strictly implement
cases are awaiting or undergoing trial. various BJMP COVID-19 Advisories in support to the
BJMP Mental Health Programs particularly such as the
Furthermore, the study revealed that people who have BJMP COVID-19 Advisory # 8 : Mental Health
been deprived of liberty have a mild level of Support dated March 27, 2020, BJMP COVID-19
depression a year after the COVID-19 pandemic. The Advisory # 14: Supplemental Guide Re: Psychological
findings of the study are contrary to the study of Intervention Program for Personnel and PDL during
Alemayehu et al. (2019) who discovered a high level and After COVID-19 Jail Nationwide Lockdown,
of depression among inmates in their study. Prisoners dated April 07, 2020, BJMP COVID-19 Advisory # 22
with children, those who were unsatisfied with their Mental Health Strategies for Personnel Related with
overall health, and those condemned for more than a COVID-19 Crisis dated April 28, 2020 to name a few.
year had higher rates of depression than their peers. As The different BJMP COVID-19 Advisories encourage
a result, programs that reinforce effective coping collaborative efforts of various individuals and Jail
techniques, improve prisoners' close relationships with COVID19- Task Forces namely Jail Officers, BJMP
their families, and promote satisfaction with their Frontlines, and Wardens to reduce exposure to novel
overall health are likely to improve inmates' coronaviruses. Strategies mentioned in the
psychological well-being. Memorandums that promote sustained mental health
include but not limited to the following:
The study also revealed that people who have been
deprived of liberty have a mild level of anxiety a year In general, the BJMP has implemented an absolute
after the COVID-19 pandemic. The result of the study lockdown in all jail facilities since March 20, 2020,
is supported by the study of the following researchers: restricting PDL visitation privileges while personnel
Qiu et al., (2020). When a nationwide survey in China are deployed on lockdown status. The lockdown is a
with over 52 thousand participants found that 53.8 precautionary measure to prevent the spread of
percent of respondents rated the psychological impact COVID-19 in prisons.
of the outbreak as moderate or severe; 16.5 percent
reported moderate to severe depressive symptoms; and Jail Officers initiated calibrated activities for Persons
28.8 percent reported moderate to severe anxiety Deprived of Liberty (PDL) within strict security
symptoms, Wang et al., (2020) found out that the control to enforce COVID-19 protocols such as
psychological impact of the epidemic was regarded as maintaining social distancing among prisoners to avoid
moderate or severe by 53.8 percent of responders; 16.5 contamination of self, others, or the environment,
percent reported moderate to severe depressive regular hand washing / sanitizing, wearing of face
symptoms; 28.8 percent reported moderate to severe masks at all times, using hand sanitizers, respiratory
depressed symptoms; and 8.1 percent expressed (cough/sneeze) etiquette, promoting good hygiene
moderate to severe stress levels. However, the study of inside the prison, cleaning and disinfecting. Similarly,
Abdu et al., (2008) proved otherwise that the the Jail Officers advised the PDL to avoid watching,
prevalence of depression among convicts is extremely reading, or listening to news that made them feel
high. Having a family history of mental illness, having anxious or distressed, and to seek information only

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

from reliable sources rather than rumors and isolation were monitored, but in the same way, they
misinformation. Furthermore, jail officers are were given frequent information, advice, or updates on
encouraged to be empathetic to all those affected, to their medical status to avoid anxiety, depression, and
show kindness and compassion, to provide support feelings of discomfort.
when necessary to those who may require additional
assistance, and to seek opportunities to share positive PDL is allowed to communicate with any member of
and hopeful stories of people who recovered from and his immediate family via telephone or video call by
experienced COVID-19. schedule or appointment under close supervision and
monitoring of personnel in accordance with Standard
The BJMP Frontliners attempted and used coping Operating Procedure No. 2011-06 or the BJMP
strategies to assist PDL with intellectual, cognitive, Protocol on "E-Dalaw." However, all gadgets and
and psychosocial disabilities in managing their mental equipment to be used must be properly sanitized and
health and psychological well-being. For those PDL disinfected before and after each use. Ensured that a
who have underlying health conditions, they ensure medical mask is worn when using a telephone and that
that they have access to any medication they are the mask is properly disposed of.
currently taking in order to avoid becoming anxious,
angry, agitated, or withdrawn during the outbreak and Well-planned recreational and psychosocial activities
while in quarantine. While working with the PDL, they were still permitted to reduce boredom and allow for
shared simple facts about COVID-19, the risks emotional venting. Modified components of the
associated with coronavirus, the measures to prevent Therapeutic Community Modality Program were
contagion, the most recent official health advice, the observed, such as the regular shaking of hands,
effects of COVID-19 on mental health and well-being, brotherly or sisterly embraces, and holding of hands
the risk of mental health disorders, the psychological during community singing were strictly prohibited,
pressure generated by the pandemic, and how they can each static group shall consist of no more than 10
access psychosocial support and counseling programs PDL, limited indoor activities, television viewing and
when they are in need of assistance. Zhang et al. movie time were strictly regulated, after outdoor
(2020) confirmed the findings of this study when they activities such as gardening hand washing were
found that optimistic and positive thoughts and reiterated, and sunning activity to boost the body's
attitudes toward the spread of COVID-19 are also hydration was strongly encouraged. Congregation for
protective factors against depression and anxiety. religious activities is prohibited under these measures;
however, PDL are permitted to conduct bible studies
The Warden provided assistance to people affected by in small groups of no more than ten participants while
COVID-19 via the BJMP Mental Health Helpline, observing social distancing and to pray individually.
where contact numbers for BJMP Psychologists and
Psychometricians in their respective Regions were The modified implementation of welfare and
activ ated , and welco med PDL in need of development programs supplements the BJMP
telepsychology and tele counseling. They also handle COVID-19 Advisory #5, allowing the PDL to maintain
emergency mental health and neurological complaints a relatively normal community life while also
(such as severe anxiety or depression). They ensured addressing the psychological and socioeconomic
the deployment of trained and qualified healthcare effects of the absolute lockdown.
providers to provide social support and improve the
mental health of PDL. The study revealed that there is no significant
difference in the mild depression levels among people
The Unit Welfare and Development Officer, in who have been deprived of their liberty based on
collaboration with the Jail Nurse, conducted stress demographic profiles such as age, civil status, and
management seminars using special information, classification. In effect, it means that PDL continue to
education, and communication materials provided by suffer from mild depression after a year of the COVID-
the Mental Health Service team for the lockdown 19 pandemic, regardless of their age, civil status, or
period. classification. The results of the study corroborate with
the study of Shrestha et al. (2017) in bivariate analysis.
Persons Deprived of Liberty were involved in The rate of depression among inmates was not found to
widespread information and awareness-raising be associated with socio- demographic characteristics,
activities to ensure that they are aware of the such as age, religion, marital status, residential area,
procedures that will be implemented, why they are education, prior occupation and economic status. In
necessary, and how they will be carried out. PDL in addition, the

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

results of the study of Combalbert, et al. (2019) On Depression

revealed low levels of perceived health and quality of
life among the elderly inmates. They also showed that The term "depression" has become widely used in
age was not statistically associated with most of the modern society. However, depression is a more
dimensions of perceived health on the Nottingham nuanced topic than popular usage would suggest. For
Health Profile (NHP), with the exception of poor starters, not all cases of depression are alike. There are
mobility. By contrast, age was statistically associated various types of depression, and each can have a
with most of the dimensions of quality of life on the different impact on one's life. Depression is graded as
WHOQOL-Bref. Time spent in prison was only mild, moderate, or severe.
associated negatively with the “sleep” dimension of
It's normal to feel down from time to time, but
the NHP. One important implication is that it seems
depression is a distinct condition that should be treated
particularly important to assess the perceived health
with caution. Depression is known for causing feelings
and quality of life of elderly prisoners in order to
of hopelessness that do not seem to go away, in
ensure their appropriate treatment and management.
addition to general sadness.
According to the findings of the study, there is
According to the findings of this study, the
significant difference in the mild anxiety levels when respondents' depression level is classified as mild.
people who have been deprived of their liberty are Mild depression entails more than just feeling down for
divided into groups based on their age. It means to say a short period of time. Symptoms can last for days and
that their levels of anxiety vary with age. However, are severe enough to interfere with daily activities.
when detainees are divided into groups based on their
civil status and classification, there is no significant Jail Management should address mild depression
difference in their anxiety levels, implying that mild issues of persons deprived of liberty. Despite the
anxiety persists a year after the COVID-19 pandemic difficulties in diagnosis, mild depression is the most
began regardless of classification. easily treated. Certain lifestyle changes can help boost
serotonin levels in the brain, which can aid in the
Surprisingly, this study found that when people who treatment of depressive symptoms. Exercise on a daily
have been detained are divided into groups based on basis, stick to a sleep schedule, eat a balanced diet rich
their age and civil status, there is significant difference in fruits and vegetables, practice yoga or meditation,
in their levels of stress. Hence, the levels of stress vary and engage in stress-relieving activities are all
with age and civil status. When detainees are beneficial lifestyle changes. While medical treatment
classified, however, there is no significant difference may not be required, mild depression does not go away
in their stress levels, and their classification. This on its own. In fact, mild depression can progress to
indicates that normal stress levels persist a year after more severe forms if left untreated.
the COVID-19 pandemic began regardless of
classification. On Anxiety

Implications to Jail Management Anxiety has different levels, both subjectively and
biologically. Some people suffer from severe,
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic incapacitating anxiety that necessitates immediate
presents substantial challenges to global health and medical attention. Some people live with moderate
correctional systems. Prisoners, many of whom are anxiety that has a significant impact on their lives, but
physically vulnerable will have understandable worries they are still able to function on a daily basis. Others
suffer from mild anxiety, which they can manage
about infection, resulting in high mental health
relatively easily but makes their lives more stressful.
problems. According to Majundar and Acharya (2016),
prison inmates are at a significant risk for depression,
Almost no one experiencing constant anxiety would
anxiety, and stress. The psychological impact of describe their anxiety as "mild," and most people
incarceration might differ from person to person and experiencing subjectively mild anxiety are unlikely to
over time. At the very least, incarceration is terrible, believe they are experiencing anxiety at all.
and those who are imprisoned suffer from mental
health issues. The findings suggest that inmates should According to the findings of this study, the
be provided with professional and psychological help respondents' anxiety level is classified as mild. Mild
in order to reduce the likelihood of reoffending when anxiety is anxiety that can be managed without the use
they return to the community. of any additional techniques. By "manageable," it does

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

not mean "easy to get rid of." It means one can still go COVID-19 pandemic, the following should be
about his day without feeling anxious, that he can have considered:
a social life, and that he can even enjoy hobbies and
activities. He might even be optimistic about the 1. Prisoners’ right to health is a fundamental human
future. right recognized by numerous international
instruments. The right to health encompasses the right
Jail Management should respond to the mild anxiety to proper health care as mental well-being. Conditions
experience by the persons deprived of liberty. Simple such as overcrowded, poorly ventilated and unsanitary
lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, getting prisons in times of pandemic can induce depression,
enough sleep, and eating healthier, as well as anxiety and stress which may develop into more
counseling, should be maintained by jail serious mental disabilities, if appropriate action is not
administrators. These are extremely simple coping taken. Hence, the Jail Management should ensure an
strategies for mild anxiety, but they are generally efficient management of mental health risks by
effective and may suffice for those whose anxiety is providing inmates access to appropriate mental health
otherwise manageable. treatment and care especially those with pre-existing
mental health conditions such as they have been
On Stress isolated, no longer have social support/ in-home
assistance or have problems accessing their
Stress is a physical reaction that occurs when a prescription medicines during a lockdown. People
person’s confronted with a difficult situation. When experiencing mental health problems are often less
the body detects a challenge, it prepares to deal with it. able to cope because of the multiple stressors
generated by the pandemic. An increase of such
Incarceration exposes people to a great deal of stress.
experience may develop worsening mental health
According to qualitative research with formerly and
condition of depression and anxiety and may reduce
currently incarcerated people, the most commonly
functioning. Therefore, people of this kind should have
reported stressors during incarceration are
access to assessment, treatment, and (if necessary)
interpersonal interactions that are unique to the prison
referral as part of the general health services available
to all prisoners. The mental health services provided to
According to the findings of this study, the prisoners should, at the very least, be on par with those
respondents' stress level is classified as normal. Short- provided in the community. This can be accomplished
term stress is what most people think of when they by providing mental health training to prisoners and
think of stress. This happens in bursts. The heart rate, prison health workers in the recognition and basic
muscle tension, and blood pressure may all rise management of common mental health disorders, as
significantly at this time. One tends to recover quickly well as establishing regular visits to prisons by
from acute stress. community mental health teams.

Meditation and breathing exercises, talking it out, 2. Equivalence of health care is a principle that applies
journaling, exercise, adequate sleep, social support, to all prisoners, who are entitled to receive the same
and laughing should all be part of jail management quality of medical care that is available in the
practices. Laughter is truly the best medicine, community. Therefore, the Jail Management should
especially when it comes to stress. ensure the availability of mental health care services
and psychosocial support to prisoners from range of
Stressful life events, as well as the use of social mental health professionals including psychiatrist,
support networks to cope with stress, should be psychologists, counselors, nurses and occupational
addressed in the context of correctional treatments in therapists to provide prisoners the same access to
order to reduce suicide during incarceration. psychotropic medication for the treatment of
depression, anxiety and stress as people in the general
The detection, prevention, and proper treatment of community.
mental disorders, as well as the promotion of good
mental health, should be part of the prison's public 3. Provide training to all people involved in prisons
health goals, and also central to good prison including prison administrators, prison guards and
management. The study's findings imply that in the health workers in the recognition and prevention of
management of jail focus on protecting the mental mental health issues to enhance understanding and
health and well- being of prisoners as well as to help have more specialized skills ion identifying and
address the risks and challenges in the context of the managing mental disorders in times of pandemic

Ramones et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6954952, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

situations. to promote long-term mental health services, provide

individualized treatment plans on time, and maintain a
4. Provide information/education to prisoners and their safe and healthy jail environment.
families on mental health issues. Jail Management are
encouraged to provide information/education to 4. For Prison Medical Personnel to contribute to the
prisoners and their families to better understand their development and improvement of prison health
emotional responses and give practical strategies on facilities by sustaining the quality of care for people
how to minimize the negative effects on their mental who have been deprived of their liberty through
health and inform them as when and how to seek help provision of appropriate mental health programs,
when they are experiencing depression, anxiety and treatment and care, implementing strategies for health
stress. maintenance, mental health promotion, and disease
5. Promote high standards in prison management. The
mental health of all prisoners, including those with 5. For Persons Deprived of Liberty to actively
mental health issues, will be enhanced by appropriate participate in self-enrichment mental health activities
prison management that promotes and protects human provided by BJMP personnel in order for them to have
rights. Attention to areas of sanitation, adequate foods, a better understanding of their mental well-being and
access to open air, pandemic health protocols, mental health needs, allowing them to have a quality
meaningful physical activity, and promotion of social of life even while incarcerated.
networks are essential and contribute to the promotion
of good mental health. It is also encouraged that 6. Future researchers should conduct additional
prison-specific guidelines for managing epidemic at research to shed light on the growing mental health
the time of pandemic should be collaboratively status of people detained in Philippine jails, consider
d evelop ed for future ou tbreak to includ e other potential factors not mentioned in this study to
epidemiological surveillance, screening for contagious gain a better understanding of the mental health and
diseases, contract tracing and immunization programs. life situations in the future in another pandemic
context, increase sample size to achieve a higher
6. Encourage inter-sect oral collaboration. Many goodness of fit, and use other research approaches and
problems and issues can be solved by bringing relevant designs to elucidate causal perspectives.
agencies and other actors together to discuss the needs
of prisoners with mental health disorders. Jail
management is encouraged to initiate meeting with
different stakeholders to discuss mental health in
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Affiliations and Corresponding Information
World Health Organization (2002). The world health report 2002: May Ramones, MS Criminology
Reducing risks, promoting healthy life. World Health Organization
San Mateo National High School
World Health Organization (2007). Mental health and prisons, Department of Education – Philippines
(Geneva World Health Organization.

World Health Organization (2008). Background paper for Trencin Arthur Gubia-On, PhD
statement on Prisons and mental health, Slovada, WHO Publications. Ifugao State University - Potia Campus
World Health Organization. (2011). Preventing suicide in prisons
and jails. WHO International Association for Suicide Prevention
(pp2-27). WHO Press, World health Organization, 20 Avenue appia, Peter Paul Cagatao, PhD
1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. University of La Salette, Inc.

Ramones et al.

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