CS01 WhatIsHealth Bio5-2

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Health and Wellness

But first, some definitions

• What is health?
• Level of functional or metabolic efficiency of an
• Or, lack of disease
• In humans, the condition of a person’s mind
and body, usually free from illness, injury, or
• Partially controllable by life choices
• What is wellness?
• An active process through which people
become aware of, and make choices toward, a
more successful existence
• So how do health and wellness differ?
• Health is the goal, wellness is the lifestyle you lead that
contributes to your overall health
• Largely controlled by lifestyle choices
• Dimensions of Wellness
• Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Interpersonal, Spiritual,
How do you be healthy?
Is that all?

Is everything about our health completely under our control?

Models of Health
• Medical – individual centric, status depends on the function of a person’s
organs and tissues
• Public Health – considers everyone, not just the individual
• Status depends on the interaction of a person with their social and
physical environment
• Allows policy to be built to account for external health factors
• COVID-19; Flint water crisis; Erin Brockovich, PG&E, and chromium VI;
• Under the Public Health model, it’s not just “a lack of diseases”
• There are many other dimensions that contribute to your overall health.
Dimensions of Health
Ability to think clearly,
reason objectively
Ability to have a
broad social Feel & express
network and emotions
maintain satisfying appropriately. Self-
personal esteem, self-
relationships confidence, trust,
and love

Creating and Understanding how

expressing the health of the
meaning and environment
purpose in your affects you;
working to improve
life environmental
Ability to perform
activities of daily
living Looks suspiciously like exam material!
Wellness Continuum
Why be healthy?
• Short term?
• Feel better
• More energy
• Happier
• Long term?
• Infectious disease
• Life expectancy
• Chronic disease
Health today
• Generally, health is up. Generally.
• Infectious disease vs. chronic disease
• Chronic disease begins slowly, progresses,
• Paradigm shift in ~1930s?
• Leading causes of death
overall are chronic diseases
• Leading cause of death ages
15 – 44 is accidents
• The top 4 CoDs are ~60% of total deaths in the survey
• The things you can control
• Diet/weight
• Exercise
• Activity level
• Sleep
• Reduce stress
• Vaccinate / wear a mask!
Contributing Factors
Healthy People Initiative
• 10-year agendas and census reports for American
• Increase adults with healthy weight, health insurance,
sufficient sleep
• Increase treatment of adults with mental health
• Reduce hypertension, excessive drinking, smoking,
sedentary lifestyle
Health Factors in a Diverse
• Genetics -- ?
• Sex
• Sexual orientation
• Ethnicity – Sickle cell anemia; blood pressure
• Income
• Education
• Disability
• Geographic location
Men vs. Women
• Life Expectancy
• Men die earlier – heart disease, homicide, suicide
• Disabling health problems in women (Arthritis, Alzheimer’s,
osteoporosis, etc.)
• Height and Weight
• Alcohol consumption?
• Heart Attacks
• Women later, poorer prognosis
• Smoking
• Women = lower rate, but higher cancer risk
What can we do to promote good
• Policymaking

• Water Quality
• Air Quality
• Workplace Protections/Job Programs
• Healthcare
• Mental Healthcare
• Protections against discrimination?
• Food Regulations/Programs
• Housing Regulations/Programs
Transtheoretical model of behavior
1. Precontemplation – I have no problem
2. Contemplation – I have a problem
3. Preparation – Let’s fix this
4. Action – Fixing it
5. Maintenance – Fixed for ~6 months
6. Termination – no more temptation

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