Universal Recloser Control: Key Benefits
Universal Recloser Control: Key Benefits
• Three phase autorecloser applications • Dynamic network restoration
• Primary protection and control for feeders on solidly • Bus blocking/Interlocking schemes
grounded, impedance grounded or resonant (Peterson Coil) • Distribution load shedding schemes based on voltage and
grounded systems frequency elements
Protection and Control Monitoring & Metering
• Three phase autorecloser with synchronism check • Metering - current, voltage, power, energy, frequency and
• Directional time, instantaneous phase & ground overcurrent harmonics
protection • Oscillography - analog and digital parameters at 64 samples/
• Load encroachment supervision cycle
• Wattmetric ground fault detection • Event Recorder - 1024 time tagged events with 0.5ms scan of
• High impedance fault detection (Downed Conductor digital inputs
Detection) • Data Logger - 16 channels with sampling rate up to 1 sample
• Breaker control and breaker failure / cycle
• Abnormal frequency protection (Rate of change, under and • Breaker monitoring: contact wear, continuous trip coil
over frequency) monitoring
• Advanced relay health diagnostics
Communications • Setting Security Audit Trail for tracking changes to relay
• Networking interfaces - 100Mbit Fiber Optic Ethernet, RS485, configuration
• RS232, RS422, G.703, IEEE C37.94 EnerVista™ Software
• Multiple Protocols - IEC61850, DNP 3.0 Level 2, Modbus TCP/ • State of the art software for configuration and
IP, IEC60870-5-104 commissioning GE Multilin products
• Direct I/O - secure, high-speed data exchange between URs, • Graphical Logic Designer and Logic Monitor to simplify
for DG, distribution automation applications designing and testing procedures
• Document and software archiving toolset to ensure
reference material and device utilities are up-to-date
Digital Energy
URC Universal Recloser Control
Protection and Control and insulation fault in underground • Choice of 17 curve shapes (including
cables. This unique, field proven algorithm FlexCurves™) and curve multipliers
The URC is designed to provide distribution incorporates artificial intelligence ensures
feeder protection, control, monitoring • Instantaneous or linear reset time
performances. Key benefits of Hi-Z detection
and metering in one integrated package. characteristic to coordinate with
in F60:
Protection features include: upstream transformer damage curves
and downstream reclosers and fuses.
• Reliable detection of faults caused by
Three Phase Autoreclosing • Voltage restraint to increase sensitivity
downed conductors
The majority of faults in the distribution applications
Distribution Feeder Protection
Recloser Control
Wireless up to 4 miles
366 www.GEDigitalEnergy.com
URC Universal Recloser Control
For neutral directional sensing, the residual Multiple Recloser Support in One FlexLogic™
current of the phase CTs is used as the Box: FlexLogic™ is the powerful UR-platform
operating current. For current polarization,
Using the F35R models, 2 or 3feeders programming logic engine that provides
a residual CT is used to measure zero-
can be protected using one F35R control the ability of creating customized
sequence current. For voltage polarization,
cabinet. Multiple three phase currents and protection and control schemes thereby
the calculated or measured zero sequence
voltages can be wired to the URC. Multiple minimizing the need, and the associated
voltage can be used. The maximum torque
(up to 6) phase, ground and neutral time costs, of auxiliary components and wiring.
angle is programmable.
overcurrent elements are included to Using FlexLogic™, the F60 can be
R 79
Recloser 50P 50_2 51_2 50BF 51P/V 67P 67_2 32 50N 51N 67N/G 50NBF 4
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Flexible Load Encroachment characteristic in F60 2
can be set by adjusting the load angle and the 59P
reach. FlexElement Inputs
www.GEDigitalEnergy.com 367
URC Universal Recloser Control
• Flexible, modular I/O covering a broad The very high sampling rates and large creating fault tolerant communication
range of input signals and tripping amount of storage space available for data architectures in an easy, cost-effective
schemes recording in the F60 can eliminate the need manner without the need for intermediary
for installing costly standalone recording communication hardware.
• Types of digital outputs include trip-
rated Form-A and Solid State Relay (SSR)
mechanically latching, and The F60 supports the most popular industry
Advanced Device Health Diagnostics standard protocols enabling easy, direct
Form-C outputs
The F60 performs comprehensive device integration into DCS and SCADA systems.
• Form-A and SSR outputs available with
health diagnostic tests during startup and
Distribution Feeder Protection
Reverse zone interlocking protection - By using the IEC61850/GOOSE or hi-speed Direct I/O capability
blocking signals can be transferred upstream, allowing minimal coordination delays. Fast clearance can be
provided for Fault 1 and still maintain coordination for Fault 2.
368 www.GEDigitalEnergy.com
URC Universal Recloser Control
• Integrate GE Multilin IEDs and generic Multi-Language Launchpad allows configuring devices in
IEC61850-compliant devices seamlessly The F60 supports English, French, Russian, real-time by communicating using serial,
in EnerVista™ Viewpoint Monitoring and Chinese languages on the front panel, Ethernet, or modem connections, or offline
EnerVista™ setup software, and product by creating setting files to be sent to
Direct I/O Messaging manual. Easily switch between English devices at a later time.
Direct I/O allows for sharing of high-speed and an additional language on the local Included in Launchpad is a document
digital information between multiple UR displays without uploading new firmware. archiving and management system
relays via direct back-to-back connections that ensures critical documentation is
up-to-date and available when needed.
www.GEDigitalEnergy.com 369
URC Universal Recloser Control
• Trending Reports • Device Health Report Options include test switches, wired
• Single Click Fault Data Retreival voltage, HiZ detection, heating/cooling,
• Automatic Event Retrieval
Ethernet communications (10BaseT/
• Automatic Waveform Retrieval
EnerVista™ Integrator 10BaseF), aluminum or stainless steel
enclosure, user specified cable lengths and
Viewpoint Engineer EnerVista™ Integrator is a toolkit that allows
connectors, or other user requirements. GE
Viewpoint Engineer is a set of powerful seamless integration of GE Multilin devices
Multilin will also customize the URC to meet
tools that will allow the configuration into new or existing automation systems.
your requirements.
and testing of UR relays at a system level Included in EnerVista™ Integrator is:
Distribution Feeder Protection
N N N R N N N 1 B
* * * * * * * * *
F60R Single recloser control with F60
F35R1 Single recloser control with F35
F35R2 Double recloser control with F35
F35R3 Triple recloser control with F35
No voltage function
Voltage functions
No test switches
Test switch GE 515
No climate control
Heater with thermostat
Steel enclosure
N No ethernet port
Ethernet port
Redundant Ethernet port
N No Hi-Z
Z Hi-Z (F60 only)
No Amphenol Plug
Amphenol Plug
1 1A Current Input
5 5A Current Input
L 24-48 Vdc OC Input (no internal battery or charger)
M 125-250 Vdc Input (no internal battery or charger)
B 24 VDC Battery and charger
370 www.GEDigitalEnergy.com