Multilin N60 Brochure EN 12758M LTR
Multilin N60 Brochure EN 12758M LTR
Multilin N60 Brochure EN 12758M LTR
Multilin N60
Synchrophasors, Load Shedding, Protection & Control
Remedial Action, Special Protection Schemes • Under/over fequency, df/dt, under/over
voltage and synchrocheck
The MultilinTM N60 network stability and synchrophasor measurement system is a flexible device
• Three phase undervoltage and one phase
intended for the development of load shedding, remedial action, special protection schemes and wide overvoltage elements
area monitoring and control.
• FlexMath for automated network control
Special protection schemes are unique to each installation and are carefully matched to a given system enabling automatic load shedding, power
topology, operating practices and system protection philosophies of a given utility. The N60 provides an balancing and remedial action schemes
exceptionally flexible platform to easily integrate and facilitate the specific special protection schemes • High density inputs/outputs to support the
needed for a wide range of applications. control of many switchyard assets – all from
one powerful device
Key Benefits • Integrated large, full color display, for real-time
• Scalable synchrophasor measurements with up to 6 PMUs per relay reducing synchrophasor cost by up to 80% visualization and control of the protected bay
• Real-time access to remote analog data, providing for advanced wide area applications and
enhanced system security Advanced Communications
• Exceeds latest IEEE C37.118 (2011) standard for PMU measurement devices with a TVE of less than
• Synchrophasor streaming over Ethernet, up
1%, protection and metering class synchrophasors and multi-cast IEC® 61850-90-5 support to four PDCs simultaneously, reporting rates
• Uninterrupted synchrophasor measurements during fault and disturbances, providing highly reliable from 1 to 120 phasors/sec
capture of data for critical control functions and post-mortem analysis • 3 independent Ethernet ports for simultaneous
• Simplified system integration with direct connection to JungleMUX SONET, TN1U SDH and TN1Ue SDH & dedicated network connections with
networks IEEE 1588 support
• Advanced IEC 61850 Ed. 1 and Ed. 2 certified implementation, complete settings via SCL files and • N60-to-N60 communications using direct fiber
comprehensive process bus support (IEC 61850-9-2LE or IEC 61869 or IEC 61850-9-2 Hardfiber) ensures or through multiplexers using G.703, RS422, or
interoperability, device managing optimization and reduced cost of ownership C37.94 interfaces
• Routable GOOSE (R-GOOSE) enables customer to send GOOSE messages beyond the substation, which • IEC 61850-9-2LE/IEC 61869 networked or
enables WAPC and more cost effective communication architectures for wide area applications IEC61850-9-2 Hardfiber process bus support
• Increased network availability via failover time reduced to zero through IEC 62439-3 “PRP” support
• Supports IEEE C37.111-1999/2013, IEC 60255-24 Ed 2.0 COMTRADE standard Cyber Security
• Multi-range Signal Oscillation Detector (MSOD) • CyberSentry™ provides high-end cyber
security aligned to industry standards and
services (NERC® CIP, AAA, Radius, RBAC, Syslog)
• Decrease blackouts by identifying network instabilities and taking fast preventative action
• Increase utilization of existing investments by identifying power transfer capability on existing lines
Monitoring & Metering
• Synchrophasor recording: 12MB of memory
• Facilitate contingency planning through continuous synchrophasor data collection and postmortem analysis
with multiple recording and triggering options,
• Provides enhanced state estimation for SCADA to optimize system-wide load shedding and remedial 46 configurable channels
action schemes
• Advanced recording capabilities with high-
• Forced Oscillations (NERC), frequency, magnitude, phase and damping Oscillation detection capacity event recorder, configurable and
extended waveform capture and data logger
• Metering: current, voltage, power, energy,
frequency, and harmonics
N60 Network Stability and Security System
The N60 is also a source of synchronized phasor
measurements known as synchrophasors.
The N60 meets all and exceeds many
of the requirements of the IEEE C37.118
synchrophasors for power systems standard.
The N60 can simultaneously stream P and M
class synchrophasors over its Ethernet ports The N60 is the single point for protection, control, metering, and monitoring in one integrated device
at configurable discrete rates of 1 to 120 that can easily be connected directly into DCS or SCADA monitoring and control systems like Viewpoint
frames per second. In addition to streaming Monitoring as shown.
synchrophasors, the N60 can be controlled
through programmable triggers to store
snapshot records of synchrophasor data in the IEC 61850 GOOSE mechanisms where digital • Controlled openings of interconnections
12MB of onboard memory. point-to-point messaging can be achieved in • Controlled islanding of the local system
4ms. Further operational sophistication can be
• Load shedding
Peer-to-Peer Communications achieved by using the analog GOOSE capability
to transfer analog values between local devices. • Fast-valving
The N60 provides two distinct methods,
direct I/O and IEC 61850 GOOSE, for sharing • Tripping of generators
Special Protection Schemes
information about the state of a local station • Fast dispatch of generation
to other local or remote N60’s. Using direct The advanced local and remote communications
• HVDC power control adjustments
I/O messaging, the N60’s can share real-time ability of the N60, along with its superior
automation control functions, provide a flexible • Series capacitor Automatic Voltage Regulator
analog information and local control decisions
platform for addressing a broad range of (AVR) setpoint and tap change control
with other remote sites to facilitate a desired
control action. In addition, local control network stability applications including: • Multi-range Signal Oscillation Detector
commands can be sent to other IEDs via the (MSOD)
52 2 3 4 5 25 Synchrocheck
27P Phase Undervoltage
32 Sensitive Dir Power
49 Thermal Protection
Same Functions as Breaker 1 50DD Disturbance Detector
50P Phase Inst Overcurrent
59P Phase Overvoltage
For Breaker 1 68 Power Swing Blocking
81O Overfrequency
81U Underfrequency
50DD 50 49 32 68 27P 59P 81U 81O 81R 81R Rate of Change of Frequency
FlexElement TM
N60 Network Stability and Security System
Figure 1 Figure 2
N60’s can be directly connected to other N60’s in a ring configuration, providing network redundancy as seen in Figure 1, or an open ring configuration to span
long distances, as seen in Figure 2. 3
N60 Network Stability and Security System
N60 Network Stability and Security System
Network Communications Diagnostics from up to 64 remote devices, and reports the system to counter the effect of impending
to support different organizational needs for system problems. Frequency elements include
The N60 direct I/O and direct analogs incorporate
data transfer and reduce dependency on underfrequency, overfrequency, and rate of
sophisticated self-monitoring and diagnostic
generic logical nodes change of frequency.
functions that can be monitored and evaluated
to identify problems with the integrity of the • Configures GE Systems based on IEC 61850
using universal 3rd party tools Power Swing/Out-of-Step
communications network. Included in these
diagnostics features are a 32-bit CRC, an • Multicast IEEE C37.118 synchrophasor The power swing blocking element provides the
unreturned messages count, and a count of the data between PMU and PDC devices using blocking of protection elements under power
total number of lost packets. IEC 91850-90-5 swing conditions. Negative sequence current
supervisors provide extended selectivity for
• R-GOOSE enable customer to send GOOSE
Communications messages beyond the substation, which detecting evolving faults that may appear as
enables WAPC and more cost effective a power swing event (faults with slow moving
The N60 embraces the most advanced
communication architectures for wide area impedance locus). Additionally, the out-of-step
communication technologies available today
applications tripping element can be used for tripping the
for remote data and engineering access that
generator when an unstable power swing
provide an easy method of integrating information
LAN Redundancy is detected.
from around a network into new or existing
infrastructures. Direct support for redundant Substation LAN redundancy has been
Directional Power
fiber optic Ethernet provides high-bandwidth traditionally accomplished by reconfiguring
communications allowing for low-latency controls the active network topology in case of failure. Two separate directional power elements
and high-speed file transfer of synchrophasor and Regardless of the type of LAN architecture (tree, are provided to detect reverse power and low
event recording information transfers in a cost- mesh, etc), reconfiguring the active LAN requires forward power to interconnections that involve
effective fault tolerant network. time to switchover, during which the LAN is co-generation. Each element can be used to
unavailable. UR devices deliver redundancy as provide both alarming and tripping upon the
The N60 supports the most popular industry detection of undesired power flow conditions.
specified by PRP-IEC 62439-3, which eliminates
standard communications protocols enabling
the dependency on LAN reconfiguration and the
easy, direct integration into SCADA systems. Synchrocheck
associated switchover time. The UR becomes a
• IEC 61850 Ed. 1 and Ed. 2 Station Bus, dual attached node that transmits data packets The N60 provides ten synchrocheck elements
IEC 61850-2-2LE / IEC 61869 networked or over both main and redundant networks that monitor voltage difference, phase angle
IEC 61850-9-2 HardFiber Process Bus, and simultaneously, so in case of failure, one of the difference and slip frequency taking the CB
IEC 61850-90-5 PMU over GOOSE support data packets will reach the receiving device with closing time into account to ensure proper
• DNP 3.0 (serial & TCP/IP) no time delay. breaker closure as per user requirements.
• Ethernet Global Data (EGD) Any of the ten synchrocheck elements can be
Multi-Language dynamically blocked or unblocked by other
• IEC 60870-5-103 and IEC 60870-5-104
UR devices support multiple languages: English, elements or user logic.
• Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP French, Russian, Chinese, Turkish and German.
• HTTP, TFTP, SFTP and MMS file transfer These language options are available on the
Advanced Automation
• IEEE 1588 and redundant SNTP for time front panel, in the EnerVista setup software, and
synchronization in the product manuals. Easily switch between FlexLogic
English and an additional language on the local
• PRP as per IEC 62439-3 FlexLogic is the powerful UR-platform
displays without uploading new firmware.
programming logic engine that provides the
• Supports Routable GOOSE (R-GOOSE)
ability to create customized protection and
Protection and Control control schemes based on information measured
Interoperability with Embedded locally by the N60 and received from remote
The N60 incorporates a wide range of protection
IEC 61850 Ed. 1 and Ed. 2 and control functions that are typically
N60’s sent to it over the communications network.
The new IEC 61850 implementation in the UR With 1024 lines of FlexLogic, the N60 can use the
required for special protection schemes. These
Family positions GE as an industry leader in this status of measured inputs, along with the output
protection and control elements along with
standard. of the protection elements, FlexElements and
the use of the advanced FlexLogic, FlexMath,
FlexMath summators, in Boolean logic equations
• Implements, user selectable, Ed. 1 and Ed. 2 and FlexElements, allow for the creation of
to perform automated functions for customized
of the standard across the entire UR Family automated system controls for customized
special protection schemes.
special protection schemes.
• Provides full relay setting management via
standard SCL files (ICD, CID and IID) Abnormal Frequency Protection FlexMath
• Enables automated relay setting FlexMath uses a summator function to analyze
Detecting changes in the frequency at a
management using 3rd party tools through and compare analog information that has
particular location and relaying that information
standard file transfer services (MMS and SFTP) been measured locally by the N60 and analog
to other N60’s deployed across the network can
• Increases the number of Logical Devices and information that has been sent to it from remote
allow for creating customized schemes such
data mapped to them, GOOSE messages N60’s. Using summators, the N60 can identify
as shedding some load or islanding parts of 5
N60 Network Stability and Security System
differences in power quantities measured across range from 30Hz to 90Hz with little effect on lead to system instabilities, equipment damage,
the network and be configured to make smart TVE and the new P & M class synchrophasor. or system blackout if such oscillations are not
decisions on this information, such as, what A special feature of the N60 synchrophasor detected and action not taken. Additionally, the
breakers to automatically close to restore power implementation is the ability to apply magnitude North American Electric Reliability Corporation
to non-energized parts of the system. Each and phase angle correction on a per-phase (NERC) has identified a new type of oscillation,
FlexMath equation is executed every power basis for known CT and PT magnitude and phase which they call Forced Oscillations, resulting from
system cycle, which allows the N60 to react in errors. The N60 can apply magnitude correction the interaction of switched devices within the grid.
real-time to changing power system events. of up to +/- 5% and phase correction of up to
The new N60’s Multi-range Signal Oscillation
+/- 5 degrees, both of which can be applied to
Detector (MSOD) meet the need for power system
FlexElements each phase. The N60 also provides the ability
oscillation detection and features:
FlexElements can be used to create user- to adjust for delta-wye phase angle shifts or
defined protection elements that are based polarity reversal in the synchrophasor reporting • Voltage and/or current measurement for each
on analog parameters measured by the N60, of the sequence of voltages and currents. of the four oscillation bands
including currents, voltages, power, frequency • Fast oscillation detection
and power factor. Each FlexElement will analyze Synchrophasor Records
• High resolution measurements
the programmed analog parameter for absolute The N60 has the ability to record files of
• Customizable and flexible, whereby customized
changes in the input, the rate of change of the synchrophasor-measured data when instructed
bands for oscillation can be selected, be they
input, or by comparing the difference between to, by user-configurable digital and analog
broad or narrow
two measured inputs. triggers. The storing of synchrophasor data can
programmed to record events of a pre-defined • Advanced actionable measurement, including
Scalable Hardware phase angle and damping ratio
length, or have a dynamic recording length that
The N60 is available with a multitude of I/O will continue recording as long as the trigger
configurations to suit the most demanding remains either in the high state or until the EnerVista Software
application needs. Each N60 can be configured internal memory of the N60 is filled. The user The EnerVista suite is an industry-leading set of
to monitor up to 6 power system circuits, and can select to have old synchrophasor records software programs that simplifies every aspect of
when connected to other N60’s using inter- to be automatically overwritten when new data using the N60 relay. The EnerVista suite provides
IED communications modules, can create is available, or have them protected until later all the tools to monitor the status of your system,
a distributed logic scheme with each N60 and cleared manually. Synchrophasor records maintain your relay, and integrate information
measuring and protecting a particular portion can be analyzed using the COMTRADE viewer measured by the N60 into DCS or SCADA
of the system. included with the EnerVista software. monitoring systems. Convenient COMTRADE and
• Multiple CT/VT configurations allow for SOE viewers are an integral part of the UR setup
Fault and Disturbance Recording
measuring inputs from up to 6 power system software included with every UR relay, to carry out
circuits The advanced disturbance and event recording postmortem event analysis and ensure proper
features within the N60 can significantly reduce protection system operation.
• Types of digital outputs include trip-
the time needed for postmortem analysis
rated Form-A and Solid State Relay (SSR)
of power system events and the creation of EnerVista Launchpad
mechanically latching, and Form-C outputs
regulatory reports. Recording functions include: EnerVista Launchpad is a powerful software
• RTDs and DCmA inputs are available to
• Sequence of Event (SOE) - 1024 time stamped package that provides users with all of the setup
monitor equipment parameters such as
events and support tools needed for configuring and
temperature and pressure
maintaining Multilin products. The setup software
• Oscillography
- Supports IEEE C37.111-1999/2013, within Launchpad allows for the configuration
Monitoring and Metering IEC 60255-24 Ed 2.0 COMTRADE standard of devices in real-time by communicating
The N60 includes high accuracy metering and - 64 digital & up to 40 analog channels using serial, Ethernet, or modem connections,
recording for all AC signals. Voltage, current, - Events with up to 45s length or offline by creating setting files to be sent to
and power metering are built into the relay as a devices at a later time. Included in Launchpad is
standard feature. Current and voltage parameters Multi-range Signal Oscillation (MSOD) a document archiving and management system
are available as total RMS magnitude, and as Voltage and current oscillations are always that ensures critical documentation is up-to-date
fundamental frequency magnitude and angle. present in power systems due to the and available when needed. Documents made
electromechanical nature of the electric grid. available include:
Synchrophasors Many of the oscillations are due to generator • Manuals
With the ability of having up to 6 PMU elements rotor masses swinging relative to one another
• Application Notes
in one device, the N60 permits accurate and are usually well-damped.
measurement of synchrophasors over an • Guideform Specifications
With the increased presence of power electronics,
extremely wide frequency range. The N60 • Brochures
growing interconnections of power grids, and
exceeds the IEEE C37.118 requirements for Total • Wiring Diagrams
increased load demand, the coupling between
Vector Error (TVE) less than 1% over a range of
synchronous generators in the system becomes • FAQ’s
40Hz to 70Hz. Additionally, the N60 can measure
weaker. As a result , some oscillations can
and report synchrophasors over a frequency • Service Bulletins
become poorly or negatively damped and can
N60 Network Stability and Security System
User Interface
LED indicators 7” large color graphic HMI
The N60 front panel provides extensive local HMI capabilities. The local
display is used for monitoring, status messaging, fault diagnosis, and device
configuration. User-configurable messages that combine text with live data
can be displayed when user-defined conditions are met. 7
N60 Network Stability and Security System
Typical Wiring
A B C F1a IA5
I P1a TC 1
P1 P1b
F1b IA P1c
I P2a
F1c IA1 P2 P2b
F2a IB5
I P3a
F2b IB P3 P3b TC 2
1 F2c IB1 I
P4 P4b
F3a IC5 V
F3b IC P5a
F3c IC1 P6a
F4a IG5
F4b IG P7a
F4c P7c
F5a IA5 P8c
F5b IA
F5c IA1
Digital Energy
F6a IB5
F6b IB
2 F6c IB1
F7a IC5
H1 H1b
F7c IC1 H1c
I H2a
F8a IG5 H2 H2b
F8b IG H2c
I H3a
F8c IG1 H3 H3b
M1a IA5 I H4a
M1b H4 H4b
M1c IA1 H5a
M2a IB5 H6a 1 1 8
M2b IB TXD 2 2 3 RXD
3 M2c IB1 H7a
H7c SGND 5 5 7 SGND
M3a IC5
H8a 6 6 6
M3b IC H8c 7 7 4
H7b 8 8 5
M3c IC1 9 9 22
M4a IG5
M5c IA1
W1 W1b
M6a IB5 W1c
I W2a
M6b IB W2 W2b
4 M6c IB1 I
M7a IC5
W3 W3b
M7b IC I W4a
W4 W4b
M7c V
IC1 W4c
M8a IG5
M8b IG W6a
M8c IG1 W5b
U1a IA5 W7a
U1b IA
U1c IA1 W8c
U2a IB5
U2b IB
U4c IG1
Tx1 10BaseFL * Optic
U5a VA
COM Tx2 10BaseFL
U5c VA 1 Rx2
10BaseT Shielded
U6a VB
U6c VB D1a Device
U7a VC com D3a
output BNC Co-axial
6 8 6 8 6 8 9 1
U5c VA
This diagram is based on the following order code:
U6a VB N60-H17-HLH-F8L-H6G-M8N-P6G-U8N-W6G
U6c VB This diagram provides an example of how the device
U7a VC is wired, not specifically how to wire the device. Please
U7c VC refer to the Instruction Manual for additional details
on wiring based on various configurations.
N60- * ** H * * F** H** M** P** U** W/X** For Full Sized Horizontal Mount
Base Unit N60 Base Unit
CPU E RS485 & RS485 (IEC 61850 option not available)
J RS485 + multimode ST 100BaseFX
K RS485 + multimode ST Redundant 100BaseFX
N RS485 + 10/100 BaseT
T RS485 + three multimode SFP LC 100BaseFX. Req FW v7xx or higher
U RS485 + two multimode SFP LC 100BaseFX + one SFP RJ45 100BaseT.
Req FW v7xx or higher
V RS485 + three SFP RJ45 100BaseT. Req FW v7xx or higher
W RS485 + two 100BaseFx Eth, Multimode ST + one 10/100BaseT Eth, RJ-452
Software Options1 00 No Software Options
03 IEC 61850
06 1 Phasor Measurement Units (PMU)
07 1 Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) + IEC 61850
14 2 Phasor Measurement Units (PMU)
15 2 Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) + IEC 61850
16 4 Phasor Measurement Units (PMU)
17 4 Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) + IEC 61850
A0 CyberSentry UR Lvl 1. Req UR FW 7.xx or higher
B0 IEEE 1588. Req UR FW 7.xx or higher
D0 IEEE 1588 + CyberSentry. Req UR FW 7.xx or higher
I0 6 x PMU
I1 6 x PMU + IEC61850
M0 IEC 61850 + PMU + 61850-90-5
Mount H Horizontal (19" rack) - Standard
A Horizontal (19" rack) - Harsh Chemical Environment Option
User Interface E 7” Graphical display, USB front port & programmable pushbuttons - Multi-Language (FW 7.6x or higher)
F Vertical Front Panel with English Display
I Enhanced German Front Panel
J Enhanced German Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
K Enhanced English Front Panel
L Enhanced English Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
M Enhanced French Front Panel
N Enhanced French Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
Q Enhanced Russian Front Panel
T Enhanced Russian Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
U Enhanced Chinese Front Panel
V Enhanced Chinese Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
W Enhanced Turkish Front Panel
Y Enhanced Turkish Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
H Enhanced Polish Front Panel2
O Enhanced Polish Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons2
Z Enhanced Japanese Front Panel2
X Enhanced Japanese Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons2
Power Supply H 125/250 V AC/DC
L 4 - 48 V (DC only)
CT/VT DSP Required for PMU Option 8L 8L Standard 4CT/4VT w/ enhanced diagnostics
Required for PMU Option 8N 8N Standard 8CT w/ enhanced diagnostics
IEC 61850 Process Bus3,4 81 8 Port IEC 61850 Process Bus Module
85 -9-2LE & 61869 Process Bus, 2 x 1000BaseF
86 -9-2LE & 61869 Process Bus, 4 x 1000BaseF + 4 x 100BaseFx
87 -9-2LE & 61869 Process Bus, 4 x 100BaseFx
Digital I/O XX XX XX XX XX XX No Module
67 67 67 67 67 67 8 Form-A (No Monitoring) Outputs
6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 2 Form-A (Voltage w/ opt Current) & 2 Form-C Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6B 6B 6B 6B 6B 6S 2 Form-A (Voltage w/ opt Current) & 4 Form-C Outputs, 4 Digital Inputs
6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 8 Form-C Outputs
6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 16 Digital Inputs
6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 4 Form-C Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6F 6F 6F 6F 6F 6F 8 Fast Form-C Outputs
6L 6L 6L 6L 6L 6L 2 Form-A (Current w/ opt Voltage) & 2 Form-C Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6N 6N 6N 6N 6N 6N 4 Form-A (Current w/ opt Voltage) Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 6 Form-A (Current w/ opt Voltage) Outputs, 4 Digital Inputs
6R 6R 6R 6R 6R 6R 2 Form-A (No Monitoring) & 2 Form-C Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6S 6S 6S 6S 6S 6S 2 Form-A (No Monitoring) & 4 Form-C Outputs, 4 Digital Inputs
6T 6T 6T 6T 6T 6T 4 Form-A (No Monitoring) Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6U 6U 6U 6U 6U 6U 6 Form-A (No Monitoring) Outputs, 4 Digital Inputs
6V 6V 6V 6V 6V 6V 2 Form-A (Cur w/ opt Volt) 1 Form-C Output, 2 Latching Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6W 6W 6W 6W 6W 6W 30 Contact Inputs - Pin Terminals2
6X 6X 6X 6X 6X 6X 18 Form-A (No Monitoring) Outputs - Pin Terminals2
4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 16 Digital Inputs with Auto-Burnish
4L 4L 4L 4L 4L 4L 14 Form-A (No Monitoring) Latchable Outputs
Transducer I/O 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 4 dcmA Inputs, 4 dcmA Outputs
5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 8 RTD Inputs
5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 8 RTD Inputs
Inter-Relay Communications 2A 2A C37.94SM, 1300 nm singlemode, ELED, 1 Channel singlemode
2B 2B C37.94SM, 1300 nm singlemode, ELED, 2 Channel singlemode
2I 2I Channel 1 - IEEE C37.94, 820nm, multimode fiber, 64/128 kbps; Channel 2 - 1300 nm, singlemode, LASER
2J 2J Channel 1 - IEEE C37.94, 820nm, multimode fiber, 64/128 kbps; Channel 2 - 1550 nm, singlemode, LASER
7C 7C 1300 nm, singlemode, ELED, 1 channel
7H 7H 820 nm, multimode, LED, 2 Channels
7I 7I 1300 nm, multimode, LED, 2 Channels
7J 7J 1300 nm, singlemode, ELED, 2 Channels
7M 7M Channel 1 - RS422; Channel 2 - 1300 nm, multimode, LED
7R 7R G.703, 1 Channel
7S 7S G.703, 2 Channels
7T 7T RS422, 1 Channel
7V 7V RS422, 2 Channels, Dual ClockV
7W 7W RS422, 2 Channels, Single Clock
73 73 1550 nm, singlemode, LASER, 2 Channels
76 76 IEEE C37.94, 82 nm, multimode, LED, 1 Channel
77 77 IEEE C37.94, 820 nm, multimode, LED, 2 Channel
Ordering Notes:
1. T o view all the options available for N60, please visit GE’s On-Line Store
2. Option available soon
3. Process bus module requires empty slots next to it.
4. Conventional DSP and Process Bus modules cannot run simultaneously
IEC is a registered trademark of Commission Electrotechnique Internationale. IEEE is a registered
trademark of the Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers, Inc. Modbus is a registered trademark of
Schneider Automation. NERC is a registered trademark of North American Electric Reliability Council.
NIST is a registered trademark of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
GE, the GE monogram, Multilin, FlexLogic, EnerVista and CyberSentry are trademarks of General
Electric Company.
GE reserves the right to make changes to specifications of products described at any time without
notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
Copyright 2018, General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. GEA-12758L(EN)