Public Selection For Admission of Non-EU - Students Living Abroad To The Two-Year Master's Degrees in English

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Public Selection for admission of Non-EU - Students living abroad

to the two-year Master's Degrees in English


Academie Year 2023/24

English Transiation
The only binding version is the Italian

from 13 February 2023 12.00 (GMT +1) unti! 16 March 2023, 23.59 (GMT +1)
Online application:
degli STUDI

Art. 1 Public Selection

1. The University of Catania announces a public selection based 011 qualifications and (if
appropriate) interview, in order to select non-EU students living abroad for admission to the
first year of International Master's Degrees in:

Master's Degree Course Number of places

LM-17 Physics 15
LM-22 Chemical Engineering for Industrial Sustainability 20
LM-25 Automation Engineering and Control Of Complex Systems 20
LM-27 Communications Engineering 40
LM-28 Electrical Engineering for Sustainable Green Energy 20
LM -29 Electronic Engineering 20
LM-62 Global Politics and Euro Mediterranean Relations 40
LM-Data Data Science 25

2. Places remaining after the first round of selection will eventually be available for a second
round of selection andlor added, for the same category of students, to the selection reserved
for Italian, EU-citizens and non-EU citizens living in Italy;
3. The official language of the courses is English

Art. 2 Admission Requirements

1. Applicants should be citizens of non - EU Countries living abroad, who satisfy the foliowing
a. A bachelor' s or higher degree awarded abroad, afier at least 3 years of studies and
recognised suitable to enter the chosen Master degree course in the country where it
has been released (cfr Annex 1). Undergraduate candidates are also accepted,
providing that they will obtain their bachelor's degree before 31 July 2023;
b. Good knowledge of the English language as specified in each course information
sheet provided for in the Annexes;
c. Meet specific curricular requirements and, in accordance with the provisions
established by Italian Ministerial Decree n. 270/2004, have an adequate educational
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background, as further specified in each course information sheet provided in the Annexes.

Art. 3 Application procedures and submission dates

1. Candidates should register at (click on the flag on the up
right for English). At the end of the registration process each candidate will received by
email a username and password to bg in and a link to confirm the registration to the
University Students' Portai;
2. Candidates must bg in to the reserved area, complete the student personal detaiis, and
complete the onhine application form between 13' February 2023 12.00 (GMT +1) and 16th
March 2023, 23.59 (GMT +1;
3. To complete the online application, it is compulsory for candidates to upload the foliowing
a. Copy ofpassport (only the pages relating to personal information);
b. Copy of bachelor's degree certificate or registration certificate attesting the expected
graduation date (attach an official transiation if these documents are not in Italian or
c. Transcript incbuding. a list of all courses, exams and marks awarded (attach an
officiai transiation if these documents are not in Italian or English). The transcript
must include: the list of exams for the qualification to be awarded, with
the given grades, the minimum and maximum marks to pass the exam and possibby
the GPA;
d. Sylbabus containing the description of each exam taken, written on the University's
officiai letterhead stationary or validated with the University stamp;
e. Letter of reference, preferably written by a university lecturer, specificably for the
submission of the application for admission;
f. Curriculum vitae in English fobiowing the "European Model" (see
g. English language qualification;
h. Statement of purpose — brief personal statement in Engbish in which the candidate
supports her/his application (max. 4000 characters, spaces mcl.);
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i. Any other document the candidate considers useful for evaluation, inciuding a
Deciaration of Value or Statement of Comparability of the Bachelor's degree,
Masters, certification of summer courses, workshops, works experiences, etc.
j. Summary sheet

Art. 4 Selection and ranking

1. For each Master's degree, an admission board will be appointed, made up ofthree members,
nominated via Rectoral Decree, on the proposal of the Department Director, chosen among
the teaching staff of the course, that will ensure that the selection procedures are administrated
2. The admission boards will evaluate whether candidates fulfil the entry requirements set out in
each Master's degree course reguiation and specified in the Annexes;
3. Evaluation is carried out by allocating points (max 100) in accordance with the foliowing:
• Curriculum studiorum (max 40 points);
• Relevance ofprevious studies and experience to the course objectives (max 25 points);
• Reference letter (max 10 points);
• Statement ofpurpose Motivation (max 25 points).
Appiicants might be invited to take an onhine interview from the admission board;
4. Candidates awarded a score of 50/100 or more will be considered suitabie;
5. In the event that two or more candidates obtain the same score in the ranking list, preference
will be given to the youngest;
6. On completing the evaluation process the admission boards wili piace the candidates found
suitabie into a iist in order of ciassification for admission into each Master's course. These
iists will be pubiished at by th Aprii
2022. Suitabie candidates will be contacted by e-mail.

Art. 5 Admission and enrolment

1. Suitabie candidates who have passed the seiection procedure and are admitted to the course
wiii have to pay an enrolment confirmation fee of € 75,00 within 10 days from the
publication of the shortiist to confirm their acceptance of the piace. This payment will not be
refunded under any circumstances.
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2. The payment should be made through the PagoPA system. Detailed information on how to
proceed with the payment will be sent to candidates by e-mail.
3. Successful candidates who fail to complete the above steps shall be considered as having
given up their place which will be assigned to the next student in the ranking;
4. The students taking over, due to the scrolling of the ranking, will be notified by email and
should have to confirm their place by paying the enrolment confirmation fee within one
week (7 gg) from the email of admission;
5. Afier paying the enrolment confirmation fee, candidates will receive an admission letter in
order to present their pre-enrolment request to the Italian Diplomatic Office in their own
country. Pre-enrolment is compulsory in order to obtain a Study Visa for Italy and enrol at
the University. All candidates are advised to read carefully the procedures established by the
Italian Education Minister ( and contact the
Italian Diplomatic Office in their country as soon as possible.
6. In order to complete their enrolment, once in Catania students will have to consign to the
Foreign Students Office:
a. Copy ofpassport with Study VISA;
b. Italian Tax number;
c. Enic/Naric Statement of comparability and qualifications certification or Declaration
of Value of the title requested for the admission to the chosen degree course
(Bachelor) and of the High School Diploma;
d. Request of Residence Permit.

Art. 6 Tuition fees and Scholarships

1. The tuition fee for academic year 2023-43 for non-EU students living abroad is € 306,00
divided as foliows: €140,00 regional tax for the right to study, €16,00 stamp duty and
€150,00 annual all-inclusive contribution;
2. The regional tax for the right to study (140,00 €) and the stamp duty (16,00 €), for a total of
156,00 € must be paid upon arrival in Italy to complete the enrolment procedures. The
amount of € 75,00 paid as a confirmation fee will be deducted from the annual all-inclusive
fee and calculated as first instalment fee. The remaining € 75.00 (second instalment fee) will
have to be paid by Aprii 2024;
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3. The best 5 candidates on each degree course shortlist will be entitled to receive a
4. Scholarships will be worth € 2000,00 gross, to be subtracted from eventual charges on the
beneficiary's account, per year for two years and cannot be combined with:
a. Study grants issued under international progranimes (i.e. Erasmus Mundus Joint
Master Degree) or agreement;
b. Study grants issued by the Italian Ministry of Foreign affairs and International
Cooperation (MAECI);
c. Study grants issued by foreign govemmental bodies or institutions;

5. Students who are beneficiaries of scholarship for the first year will be exempted from paying
will be exempt from paying the second instalment of€ 75, 00 for the 2023-24 academic year
and, in the event of renewal of the scholarship, the ali-inclusive annual fee of € 150,00 for
the 2024-25 academic year;
6. The first instalment of the scholarship will be awarded once in Catania, upon completion of
enrolment procedures.
7. To confirm the scholarship for the second-year student will have to achieves at least 30
ECTS by 15th October 2024;
8. The second instalment of the scholarship will be released at the beginning of the second
year after the completion of the enrolment procedure for the second year and the payment of
the enrolment fee as required by the students' guide to administrative procedures and
contribution academic year 2024-25;
9. Scholarships are paid via bank transfer to an EU bank account or prepaid credit card, with an
IBAN, registered in the student's name;
10. In case of the availability of additional funds, the University will increase the number of
scholarships available, to be assigned on the basis of the score obtained in the ranked list.

Art. 7 Further Information

Further information conceming ministerial pre-enrolment procedures and academic documentation
required for non-EU citizens resident abroad is available at:
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Art. 8 — Data protection

The processing of personai data provided by candidates for the aforementioned purposes is carried
out by the University of Catania, as Data Controiler, in compliance with the principies laid down by
art. 5 of the EU Reguiation - GDPR (Generai Data Protection Reguiation).
Unict data protection officer can be contacted at the foliowing e-mail: [email protected] or
[email protected]
Data must be provided for evaluation of the participation requirements, under penalty of exclusion from the
selection procedure.
Legai basis of the processing art. 6 par. 1. lett. b and e), art. 9 par. 2. iett. g) of the GPDR, as identified by
art. 2-sexies iett. e) and bb) ofLegislative Decree 196/2003 (as amended by Legisiative Decree 2018/101).
The data provided by candidates will be processed by means of appropriate guarantees and security measures
- manuai and / or eiectronic, in order to ensure their protection, confidentiality and integrity.
Personal data will be processed by University personnei duly authorized and instructed by the Data
For what is not specified here or for what does not specificaily concern this context, please refer to
the information published at the foliowing address: Informative e esercizio dei diritti I Università di
Catania (
To exercise their rights, the interested party can contact the Data Controller at [email protected] . For any
comp!aint deriving from the processing of data, the interested party can contact the Guarantor for the
protection of personai data and other competent public bodies as described at
The Administration reserves the right to verify the truth of the information provided without
prejudice to the penal sanctions of article 76 of Italian Presidential Decree no. 445/2000, in the
event of fraudulent information being discovered as a resuit of such verification the appiicant wiii
forfeit the right to the study grant.

Art. 9 - Publicity and Language

The cali will be published on the University bulietin board and on the
University website
The English version of the call has been drafted exclusively for purposes of pubiicity. For call
implementation, dispute resolution and for all legai purposes, only the Itaiian version is valid.
degli STUDI

Art. 10 — Reference legislation and office

For anything not expressly provided for in this cali please refer to the current regulatory provisions.
The person in charge of the administrative procedure referred to in this cali is Erika Magnano, U.O.
Relazioni Internazionali, - Direzione Generale ([email protected]).


Il Direttor Il Rettore
(Prof. GiQ (ProW Francesco Pr
degli STUDI

Master's Degree — A.A. 2023-24

Physics (Italian Code LM — 17)

Curricular and educational background reciuirements

In order to be admitted to this course of study, applicants are expected to meet specific curricular
requirements and have the foliowing knowledge and skills:
a) A bachelor's or higher degree awarded abroad obtained since no more than six years.
Undergraduates candidates can be also accepted providing that they will obtain their bachelor' s
degree before 31 July 2022;
b) An adequate academic background in Physics and Mathematics which includes a introductory
course in quantum mechanies.

Language requirement:
Good Knowledge of the English language, at least B2 level of the Common European Framework of
Reference for languages attested as foliows:
i.IELTS: overali score 5.5 or higher;
ii.TOEFL: minimum total score 80;
iii.Cambridge ESOL: First certificate in English (FCE) or higher;
iv.Declaration from the University where the Bachelor's or Master's degree was
achieved stating the official language of the course was English;
v.Declaration to be a citizen of an English speaking country.

Max Number of non EU students: 15

degli STUDI
Master's Degree — A.A. 2022-23
Chemical Engineering for Industrial Sustainability (Italian Code LM-22)

Curricular and educational background requirements

To be admitted to this course of study applicants are expected to meet specific curricular
requirements and have the knowledge and abilities as foliows:
a) A bachelor's or higher degree awarded abroad. Undergraduates candidates are also accepted
providing that they will obtain their bachelor's degree before 31 July 2022;
b) Successful applicants come primarily from an academic background in:
a. chemical engineering,
b. petroleum engineering;
e. chemistry;
d. industrial chemistry;
e. industrial engineering;
f mechanical engineering;
g. civil engineering;
h. environrnental engineering;
i. materials engineering.
Candidates may also be seconded from international organisations and national foreign
services, provided they hold a university degree and have relevant professional experience
compatible with the academic background required to enrol in the Degree Programme in
Chemical Engineering for Industrial Sustainability (LM22).

Language requirement:
Candidates who wish to register in the master's programrne need to have good English language
skills, both written and spoken. A B2 level or higher of the Common European Framework of
Reference (CEFR) for languages is required, attested by one of the foliowing certifications:
i. IELTS: overali score greater than, or equal to 5.5;
ii. TOEFL: minimum total score 72;
iii. Cambridge: First Certificate in English (FCE) or higher;
iv. declaration from the University where the bachelor's or master's degree was achieved
stating that English was the official language of the course;
v. self-declaration to be a citizen of an English-speaking country.

Max Number ofnonEU students: 20

degli STUDI

Master's Degree — A.A. 2023-24

Automation Engineering and Contro! of Comp!ex Systems (Itallan Code LM-25)

Curricular and educational background requirements:

To be admitted to this course of study applicants are expected to meet specific curricular
requirements and have the knowledge and abilities as foliows.
a) A bachelor's or higher degree awarded abroad. Undergraduates candidates are also accepted
providing that they will obtain their bachelor's degree before 31 July 2023.
b) An adequate knowledge in basic subjects as mathematical and numerical analysis, linear
algebra and geometry, probability and statistics, physics, chemistry.
c) An adequate knowledge in the subjects specific of the degree course as informatics, control
and systems theory, electronics, information processing.
d) The ability to use methodological and operational aspects of mathematics and other basic
sciences to describe engineering problems.
Successful applicants come primarily from an academic background in the foliowing
Engineering fields: Automation, Electronics, Computer Science, Telecommunication, Electrical,
Mechanical and Industrial.
The level of the basic and subject specifie knowledge will be evaluated by the student transcript
in terms of ECTS acquired and course marks. The methodological abilities will be evaluated by
the course projects carried out during the student career or equivalent experiences.

Language requirements:
Candidates who wish to register in the master's programme need to have good English language
skills, both written and spoken. A B2 level or higher of the Cornmon European Framework of
Reference (CEFR) for languages is required, attested by one of the foliowing certifications:
i. IELTS: overali score greater than, or equal to 5.5;
ii. TOEFL: minimum total score 72;
iii. Cambridge: First Certificate in English (FCE) or higher;
iv. declaration from the University where the bachelor's or master's degree was achieved
stating that English was the official language of the course;
v. self-declaration to be a citizen of an English-speaking country.

Max Number ofnon-EU students: 20

degli STUDI

Master's Degree — A.A. 2023-24

Communications Engineering (Italian Code LM-27)

Curricular and educational background requirements:

To be admitted to this course of study applicants are expected to meet specific curricular and
educational requirements as foliows:
a) A bachelor's or higher degree awarded abroad. Nongraduated candidates are also accepted
provided that they will obtain their bachelor' s degree before 31 July 2023.
b) An adequate knowledge in basic subjects such as mathematical and numerical analysis, linear
algebra and geometry, probability and statistics, physics and chemistry.
c) An adequate knowledge in the subj ects specific of the course such as analog and digital
communications, networking, electronics, computer engineering and programming, system
d) The ability to use methodological and operational aspects of mathematics and other basic
seiences and to describe engineering problems.
Successful candidates bave mainly an academie background in the foliowing engineering fields:
Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Automation Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Computer Engineering and Computer Science.

Language requirement:
Candidates who wish to register in the master's programme need to have good English language
skills, both written and spoken. A B2 level or higher of the Common European Framework of
Reference (CEFR) for languages is required, attested by one of the foliowing certifications:
i. IELTS: overall score greater than, or equal to 5.5;
ii. TOEFL: minimum total score 72;
iii. Cambridge: First Certificate in English (FCE) or higher;
iv. declaration from the University where the bachelor' s or master' s degree was achieved stating
that English was the official language of the course;
v. self-declaration to be a citizen of an English-speaking country.

Max Number of non-EU students: 40

degli STUDI

Master's Degree — A.A. 2023-24

Elecirical Engineeringfor Sustainable Green Energy Transition
(Italian Code LM-28)

Curricular and educational background reciuirements

To be admitted to this course of study applicants are expected to meet specific curricular requirements
and have the knowledge and abilities as foliows:
a) A bachelor's or higher degree awarded abroad. Undergraduates candidates are also accepted
providing that they will obtain their bachelor's degree before 31 July 2023;
b) Successful applicants come primarily from an academic background in:
Electrical Engineering;
Electronics Engineering;
Industrial Engineering.
Candidates may also be seconded from international organisations and national foreign services,
provided they hold a university degree and have relevant professional experience.
c) an adequate knowledge in basic subj ects as mathematical and numerical analysis, linear
algebra and geometry, physics, chernistry, inforrnatics, control and systems theory.

Language requirement:
Good Knowledge of the English language, at least B2 level of the Common European Framework of
Reference for languages attested as foliows:
i. IELTS: overail score 5 or higher;
ii. TOEFL: minimum total score 60;
iii. Cambridge ESOL: Preliminary (PET); Business Preliminary (BEC) or higher;
iv. Declaration from the University where the Bachelor's or Master's degree was achieved stating
the official language of the course was English;
v. Declaration to be a citizen of an English speaking country.

Max Number of non EU students: 20

degli STUDI

Master's Degree — A.A. 2023-24

Electronic Engineering (Italian Code LM-29)

Curricular and educational background requirements:

To be admitted to this course of study, applicants are expected to meet specific curricular and
educational requirements as foliows:
a) A bachelor's or higher degree awarded abroad. Undergraduate candidates are also accepted
providing that they will obtain their bachelor's degree before 31 July 2023.
b) An adequate knowledge ofbasic subjects such as mathematical and numerica! analysis, linear
algebra and geometry, probability and statistics, physics, and chemistry.
c) An adequate knowledge of the subjects specific to the course such as analog and digital
electronics, circuit theory, telecommunications, control and systems theory, and informatics.
d) The ability to use methodological and operational aspects of mathematics and other basic
sciences to describe engineering problems.

Language requirement:
Good Knowledge of the English language, at least B2 level of the Common European Framework of
Reference for languages attested as follows:

i. IELTS: overali score 5.5 or higher;

ii. TOEFL: minimum total score 60;
iii. Cambridge ESOL: First Certificate in English (FCE) or higher;
iv. declaration from the University where the Bachelor's or Master's degree was achieved stating
the official language of the course was English;
v. declaration to be a citizen of an English-speaking country.

Successful candidates have mainly an academic background in the following engineering fields:
Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Automation Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science.
Max Number ofnon-EU students: 20
degli STUDI

Master's Degree — A.A. 2023-2024

Global Politics ami Euro-Mediterranean Relations ('Italian Code LM-62)

Curricular and educational background requirements

To be admitted to this course of study applicants are expected to meet specific curricular requirements
and have the knowledge and abilities as foliows:
a) A bachelor's or higher degree awarded abroad. Undergraduates candidates are also accepted
providing that they will obtain their bachelor' s degree before 31 July 2023;
b) Successful applicants come primarily from an academic background in:
a. Politica! Science, EU studies, International Relations, Diplornatic Studies, Area
Studies, Deve!oprnent studies;
b. Cu!tural and social studies, Humanities and history, Communication studies, Modem
c. International and/or EU law, international and br EU econornics.
Candidates that ho!d a University degree with different academic background may also be considered
ifthey are seconded from internationa! organisations and national foreign services, and have relevant
professional experience.

Language requirement:
Candidates who wish to register in the master's programme need to have good English language
skills, both written and spoken. A B2 level or higher of the Common Buropean Framework of
Reference (CEFR) for languages is required, attested by one of the foliowing certifications:
i. IELTS: overail score greater than, or equa! to 5.5;
ii. TOEFL: minimum total score 72;
iii. Cambridge: First Certificate in English (FCE) or higher;
iv. declaration from the University where the bachelor's or master's degree was achieved
stating that English was the official language of the course;
v. self-declaration to be a citizen of an English-speaking country.

Max Number of nonEU students: 40

degli STUDI

Master's Degree — A.A. 2023-24

Data Science (Italian Code LM-data)

The master's degree in Data Science for Management has specific admission requirements, related to
curriculum, education background, and language.

Curricular and educational background requirements:

The curricular and educational background requirements the applicants are expected to meet are the
a) bachelor's or higher degree awarded abroad. Undergraduate candidates are also accepted,
provided that they will obtain their bachelor's degree before 31 July, 2023;
b) academic background in one of the foliowing fields:
a. Computer Science
b. Economics and management
c. Engineering
d. Mathematics
e. Physics
f. Statistics
c) adequate knowledge in the following subjects: computer science, mathematics, probability and
statistics. Knowledge levels will be evaluated by means of acquired ECTS and course marks
(as indicated in the transcript).

Language requirements:
Candidates who wish to register in the master's programme need to have good English language skills,
both written and spoken. A B2 level or higher of the Common European Framework of Reference
(CEFR) for Ianguages is required, attested by one of the foliowing certifications:
i. IELTS: overail score greater than, or equal to, 5.5;
ii. TOEFL: minimum total score 72;
iii. Cambridge: First Certificate in English (FCE) or higher;
iv. declaration from the University where the bachelor's or master's degree was achieved stating
that English was the official language of the course;
v. self-declaration to be a citizen of an English-speaking country.

Maximum number of non-EU admitted students: 25.


Requisiti di accesso candidati con titolo di studio internazionale

L'accesso ai corsi di Laurea Magistrale è subordinato all'idoneità del diploma di Laurea di
primo livello ai sensi della disciplina vigente in materia di titoli che consentono l'accesso agli studi
Si ricorda che, ai sensi della normativa i titoli di studio conseguiti all'estero consentono l'accesso ai
corsi di laurea magistrale presso un'università italiana solo se soddisfano tutti i seguenti requisiti:
• sono rilasciati da Università ufficiali nel sistema di istruzione di quel paese straniero;
• consentono allo studente di immatricolarsi a corsi di laurea magistrale nel Paese estero che li ha
• sono stati conseguiti al termine di un corso di laurea di primo livello della durata di almeno 3 anni
I titoli valutati come "lauree professionali" dalle autorità competenti non possono essere considerati
idonei per l'accesso alle lauree magistrali.
L'ammissione non comporta una verifica della validità del titolo, che verrà effettuata solo in fase di

Si ricorda agli studenti in possesso di titolo estero che l'attestato finale del titolo conseguito deve
essere accompagnato da uno dei seguenti documenti:
• Attestato di Comparabilità del titolo rilasciato dal CIMEA ;
• Dichiarazione di valore del titolo rilasciata dalla competente rappresentanza diplomatica
italiana nel paese in cui il titolo è stato conseguito.

Si ricorda inoltre che ai fmi dell'immatricolazione verrà preso in considerazione l'intero percorso di
studi e sarà quindi necessario consegnare oltre alla documentazione relativa al titolo di Bachelor
anche la documentazione di studio relativa al Diploma di scuola Superiore.

ATTENZIONE: Le seguenti informazioni sono solo indicative e non esaustive: gli studenti il
cui paese di provenienza non è presente nell'elenco possono comunque inviare la propria
Specific entry requirements for students with an international
Access to Master's Degree courses is subject to the eligibility of the Bachelor's Degree diploma in
accordance with current legislation on qualifications that allow access to university studies.
It should be borne in mmd that pursuant to the Italian legislation qualifications awarded abroad
grant access to master' s degree pro grams in an Italian university only if they comply with all the
foliowing requirements:
• have been awarded by an official university in the foreign country's education system;
• entitle the student to enroll in graduate programs in the foreign country that awarded the
• have been awarded on completion of a bachelor' s degree program lasting at least 3 academic
Qualifications evaluated as "professional degrees" by the relevant authorities cannot be considered
eligible for access to Mastefs Degrees.
Admission does not imply a verification of the validity of the qualification, which will be performed
only in phase of enrollment.
Students in possession of a foreign qualification are reminded that the final certificate of the
qualification obtained must be accompanied by one of the following documents:
• Statement of Comparability issued by CIMEA
• Declaration of Value (dichiarazione di valore) released by the Italian diplomatic or consular
authorities in the country whose education system awarded the qualification.
It should also be borne in mmd that for the purposes of enrollment the entire study path will be
taken unto consideration and it will, therefore, be necessary to deliver, in addition to the
documentation relating to the Bachelor's degree, also the study documentation relating to the High
School Diploma.
DISCLAIMER: The foliowing information is only indicative and not exhaustive.
Four year Bachelor or 8 semesters Bachelors released by Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE)

One of the foliowing:
Diploma Bachelor or Diplom e Nivelit t Pare (first-level diploma) for qualifications before 2007-

3-years Licence / or 4-year Licence of the système classique (prior to 2004; Diplòme
d'Études Supérieures or Diplme dingénieur)

Azerbaii an
Diplom Bakalavra - Mfl5IOM or 6aKalraBpa (Bachelor's degree)

Bachelor's degree honour or Bachelor 4 years or Bachelor pass 2 years + Master's degree 2 years

4, or 5, or 6-years Bacharel or Licenciado

Licence 3 years (French system) or Bachelor's degree 3 years (British system)

Both requirements must be met:
• Bachelor degree certificate (±1IE xueshi xuewei hengshu) after 4-years
undergraduate programme (*4 ,benke) + CDGDC verification for each degree /
• Graduation certificate (~IkiE biye zhengshu)

4, or 5, or 6 or 7-years Licenciado
One of the foliowing:
• 4 or 5-years Bachelor of Arts (bak1òriycis db) degree
• 4 or 5-years Bachelor of Science (bak1òriyits 'ulm) degree
• 4 or 5-years Licence (1isns) degree

At least 3-year Bachelor's degree

One of the foliowing:
• Licence (university education)
• Licence professioimelle (higher professional education)

At least 3-year Bachelor's Degree

One of the foliowing:
• at least 4-year Bachelor' s Degree
• 3-year Higher National Diploma + last 2 years of a Bachelor's Degree

at least 4 - years Bachelor's degre

4 or 5-years Ptychio (AEI

• 3-years Honours Bachelor Degree
• 4, or 5, or 5 and '/2-year Professional Bachelor Degree
• pass/general bachelor's degree + postgraduate bachelor's degree/1-year master's degree

Sarjana Stratum satu, S I degree
• Uj.~/ u- 1 Bachelor' s degree (Karshenasi/Lisans) 4 years

• ciii (Associate Degree/Continuous Kardani) 2 years + U 3-S 4L j U

Discontinuous Degree (Karshenasi Napayvasteh) 2 years

3 or 4-year Bachelor's degree

4, 5 or 6-year Bachelor's degree

One of the foliowing:
• BaicanaBp )HIJ1OMBI I )Jiirino 6aKaJIaBpa / Bakalavr Diplomu (4- years Bachelor's degree)
• Marviai- .HrrnoMrI/)IHnnoM CrICLWaJIHCT (Specialist diploma)

Bachelor 's degree / Licence / Baklòriyis

3, 4 or 5-years Bachelor's degree

• 2 LI SJ1-t / Licence d'Études Fondamentales

• t Sj1.' / Licence Professionnelle

• 1Ji1 u-- / Diplòme d'Ingénieur d'Application

Bachelor's degree

One of the foliowing:

• at least 4-year Bachelor' s Degree

• 2-year Higher National Diploma + last 2-year Bachelor's Degree
One of the foliowing:
• 3-year Bachelor (Honours)
• 2-year Bachelor (Pass) + 2-year Master's Degree
• 2-year Bachelor (Pass) + Bachelor of Law (LL.B.)
• 2-year Bachelor pass + Bachelor ofEducation (3 years total)
• 4 or 5-year Professional Bachelor

One of the following:
• )JHrrnoM 6aKaJIaBpa / Dipiom Bakalavra (Bachelor diploma)
• )JHrInoM crrewlajlHcTa / Diplom Specialista (Specialist diploma)

Saudi Arabia
4, or 5, or 6-year Bachelor's degree

One of the following:
• AKaneMcKH H3HB / Akademskinaziv (3-year Bachelor's degree)
• HflflOMHHH / Diplomirani (4-year Bachelors degree)

4-year Tftulo de Graduado

Sri Lanka
4 years Bachelor's degree (Honours programmes or Special degree programmes)

4, or 5, or 6-year Bachelor's degree or Licence

4-year Bachelor's degree

One of the following:
• / Licence Fondamentale
J~'t / Licence Professionnelle (sometimes called Licence Appliquée)

Lisans Diplomasi (bachelor' s degree di 4 anni)

One of the foliowing:
• BaicaJlaBp / Bakalavr (Bachelor's degree)
• Cneria.rIicT / Spetsialist (Specialist)

4 or 5-year Bachelor's Degree

UK (England, Galies and Northern Ireland)

3 or 4-year Honours Bachelor Degree

UK (Scotland)
3 or 4-year Honours Bachelor Degree

Bng T& Nghip Di H9c (University graduation certificate) obtained afier at least 4-year
Bachelor's degree programme and stating the Bachelor's degree obtained (Cù Nh.n)

4, or 5, or 6-year Bachelor's degree

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