Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed To Be University), Pune (India) : School of Distance Education

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(Established u/s 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 vide Notification No.F.9-15/95-U-3 of the Govt. of India)

‘A+ ’ Grade Accreditation by NAAC

"Social Transformation Through Dynamic Education"


(Under Faculty of Management Studies)


(Choice Based Credit and Grade System)


1. To provide the basic understanding about Digital Marketing which will help the
students to excel in their professional career,
2. To understand sustainable Digital Marketing Campaigns,
3. To ensure the readiness of students for new generation marketing practices in the
Digital world.

The Application Form is available on website of BVDU School of Distance Education i.e. The candidate will have to apply for admission to any
academic programme of his / her choice thorough online. The candidate will be admitted
provisionally to the programme on verification of the eligibility for admission. He / She will
be asked to complete the eligibility requirement by submitting the required Marksheets,
Bonafide Certificate (if required), Leaving/Transfer Certificate, Educational Gap Certificate (if
required), Aadhaar Card etc. After verification of required documents candidate admission
will be confirmed.
The candidate must be a Graduate of any Faculty either of this University or of any other
University whose degree is recognized, or equivalent to the corresponding degree of this
The duration of diploma programme conducted through open and distance learning mode is
a One Year although student may complete the programme gradually within a maximum
period of Three years.

The medium of instruction and examination is English only.

Sr. Maximum No. of Study Input

Name of the Course
No. Marks Credits (in hrs.)
1 Marketing Management 100 8 240
2 Fundamentals of Digital Marketing 100 8 240
3 Social Media Marketing 100 8 240
4 Advanced Digital Marketing 100 8 240

The examination for the diploma programme will be held at the end of the academic session.
The medium of instruction and the examination shall be in English. Each course shall be
evaluated out of 100 marks out of which 80 marks are for a written examination which will be
conducted by the university & 20 marks for submission of assignments.


For all courses, both UE and IA constitute separate heads of passing (HoP). In order to pass in
such courses and to earn the assigned credits, the learner must obtain a minimum grade point
of 5.0 (40% marks) at UE and also a minimum grade point of 5.0 (40% marks) at IA. . A
student who fails at UE in a course has to reappear only at UE as backlog candidate and clear
the Head of Passing. Similarly, a student who fails in a course at IA has to reappear only at IA
as backlog candidate and clear the Head of Passing to secure the GPA required for passing.

The 10 point Grades and Grade Points according to the following table:

Range of Marks (%) Grade Grade Point

80≤Marks≤100 O 10

70≤Marks<80 A+ 9

60≤Marks<70 A 8

55≤Marks<60 B+ 7

50≤Marks<55 B 6

40≤Marks<50 C 5

Marks < 40 D 0

Table 1
The performance at UE and IA will be combined to obtain GPA (Grade Point Average) for the
course. The weights for performance at UE and IA shall be 80% and 20% respectively. GPA
is calculated by adding the UE marks out of 80 and IA marks out of 20.The total marks out of
100 are converted to grade point, which will be the GPA.

Formula to calculate Grade Points (GP):

Suppose that „Max“ is the maximum marks assigned for an examination or evaluation, based
on which GP will be computed. In order to determine the GP, Set x = Max/10 (since we have
adopted 10 point system). Then GP is calculated by the following formulas

Range of Marks Formula for the Grade Point

8x ≤ Marks≤10x 10

5.5x ≤ Marks<8x Truncate (M/x) +2

4x ≤ Marks<5.5x Truncate (M/x) +1

Table 2
Two kinds of performance indicators, namely the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and
the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) shall be computed at the end of each term. The
SGPA measures the cumulative performance of a learner in all the courses in a particular
semester, while the CGPA measures the cumulative performance in all the courses since
his/her enrollment. The CGPA of learner when he /she completes the programme is the final
result of the learner.

The SGPA is calculated by the formula

∑Ck * GPk
SGPA= ________________

where, Ck is the Credit value assigned to a course and GPk is the GPA obtained by the
learner in the course. In the above, the sum is taken over all the courses that the learner
has undertaken for the study during the Semester, including those in which he/she might
have failed or those for which he/she remained absent. The SGPA shall be calculated up
to two decimal place accuracy.
The CGPA is calculated by the following formula

where, Ck is the Credit value assigned to a course and GPk is the GPA obtained by the
learner in the course. In the above, the sum is taken over all the courses that the learner
has undertaken for the study from the time of his/her enrollment and also during the
semester for which CGPA is calculated. The CGPA shall be calculated up to two decimal
place accuracy.
The formula to compute equivalent percentage marks for specified CGPA:

(10 * CGPA) - 10 If 5.00 ≤ CGPA < 6.00

(5 * CGPA) + 20 If 6.00 ≤ CGPA < 8.00
% marks (CGPA) (10 * CGPA) - 20 If 8.00 ≤ CGPA < 9.00
(20 * CGPA) - 110 If 9.00 ≤ CGPA < 9.50
(40 * CGPA) - 300 If 9.50 ≤ CGPA ≤ 10.00
Table 3


A student who has completed the minimum credits specified for the programme shall be
declared to have passed in the programme. The final result will be in terms of letter grade
only and is based on the CGPA of all courses studied and passed. The criteria for the award
of honours are given below.

Performance Equivalent Range of Marks (%)

Range of CGPA Final Grade Descriptor
9.5≤CGPA ≤10 O Outstanding 80≤Marks≤100

9.0≤CGPA ≤9.49 A+ Excellent 70≤Marks<80

8.0≤CGPA ≤8.99 A Very Good 60≤Marks<70

7.0≤CGPA ≤7.99 B+ Good 55≤Marks<60

6.0≤CGPA ≤6.99 B Average 50≤Marks<55

5.0≤CGPA ≤5.99 C Satisfactory 40≤Marks<50

CGPA below 5.0 F Fail Marks below 40

Table 4
Course 101: Marketing Management
Credits: 8
Course Objectives: To enhance management students’ knowledge as regards to basics of marketing and
know the applications of marketing skills required

Learning Outcome: Students will learn basic concepts of marketing, STP, consumer behavior and
marketing research

Unit No.
1 Introduction to Marketing:
Core concepts of marketing: Need, want, demand, value, exchange, customer satisfaction &
customer delight. Marketing Vs Selling. Approaches to Marketing: Production, Product, Sales,
Marketing, Societal, Relational.
Marketing Environment: Analyzing Macro Environment - Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and
Technical Environment (PEST analysis)
2 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning:
Meaning, need and importance, bases for consumer market segmentation and industrial market
segmentation, evaluation of identified segments and selection and evaluation of target market.
targeting strategies. Levels of market segmentation: segment marketing, niche marketing, local
marketing, individual marketing. Positioning and Differentiation: meaning, concept, product,
service, people and image differentiation, ways to position the product.
3 Marketing Mix:
Concept, Seven P’s of marketing mix:
Product – meaning, levels of product, product mix- product line, width, length, depth. Product life
cycle – Concept, stages in PLC, characteristics and strategies for each stage of PLC. Brand –
Concept, Brand Creation
Price – meaning, objectives of pricing, pricing approaches- cost based, competition based and
market based, pricing strategies- skimming pricing, penetrative pricing ,psychological or odd
pricing, perceived value pricing , loss leader pricing etc.
Place- Importance of distribution in marketing of products or services, Types of intermediaries,
levels of channels, Channel Management Decisions- factors considered for selection and motivation
of dealers and retailers, channel conflict- concept, types of channel conflict, ways to resolve channel
Promotion- Elements of promotion mix: meaning of advertising, sales promotion, personal selling,
public relations, publicity, direct marketing and event marketing and sponsorship.
Brief Overview- People, Process, Physical Evidence
4 Consumer Behaviour:
Concept of Marketing Myopia. Meaning of Consumer, Customer, consumer behaviour and buying
5 Marketing Research:
Need and Importance of Marketing Research, Marketing Research Process, Types of Marketing
Research. Marketing Information System- overview.
6 Case Studies

Suggested Readings (Books, Websites etc):

1. Principles of Marketing 12th Edition - Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong

2. Marketing Management – Rajan Saxena, Tata McGraw Hill Publications
3. Marketing Management - V.S.Ramaswamy and S.Namakumari
4. Services Marketing – Christopher Lovelock
5. Fundamentals of Marketing – Stanton
6. Marketing Research – G.C. Beri

Suggested MOOC:

Course 102: Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
Crédits: 8
Course Objectives: Develop an understanding of the basic concepts and issues in digital marketing

Learning Outcome: In this module, students will learn about the basic concepts of digital marketing
such as SEO, SEM, Content marketing, E-mail marketing, Websites and Mobile Apps.

Unit No.
1 E-Marketing-
Concept, Benifits of Digital Marketing, Digital marketing Vs Traditional Marketing, , Changing
consumer behaviour in digital world. Online Marketing Mix
2 SEO and SEM
Introduction to Search engin
SEO- On page optimisation and off page optimisation
SEM- Introduction to paid marketing
3 Content marketing
Introduction, Objectives of content marketing, writing great content

4 E-mail Marketing- Introduction ,objectives, benefits

Introduction to Mobile Markeing – concept, benefits
Blogging and Podcasting- concept, benefits
Introduction to Online Videos

5 Building Digital assets : Web sites, Landing Pages, Mobile site, Mobile App
6 Case Studies

Suggested Readings (Books, Websites etc):

1. Principles of Marketing 12th Edition - Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong

2. Digital Marketing-Vandana Ahuja
3. Web Marketing-Arnold,et al
4. Social Media Marketing All-In-One for Dummies By Jan Zimmerman and Deborah Ng,2017
5. Fundamentals of Digital Marketing , Pearson Publication

Suggested MOOC:
Course 103 : Social Media Marketing
Credits: 8
Course Objectives: To develop an understanding about Social media, various platforms of social media
and its use in marketing

Learning Outcome: Students will learn how to use social media for marketing products/services/brands

Unit No.
1 Understanding Social Media, video marketing on social media
2 Social Media Plan, Social media page management, Social Media ads, Targeting
3 Facebook Marketing- Understanding, Facebook, handling facebook page, advertising on facebook

4 Twitter Marketing- Understanding, Twitter, Twitter marketing strategy

5 Instagram Marketing- Understanding Instagram, handling Instagram page, advertising on Instagram

Linkedin for lead generation and personal branding
Discussion on Social media ROI
6 Case Studies

Suggested Readings (Books, Websites etc):

1. Principles of Marketing 12th Edition - Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong

2. Digital Marketing-Vandana Ahuja
3. Web Marketing-Arnold,et al
4. Social Media Marketing All-In-One for Dummies By Jan Zimmerman and Deborah Ng,2017
5. Fundamentals of Digital Marketing , Pearson Publication

Suggested MOOC:
Course 104 : Advanced Digital Marketing
Credits : 8
Course Objectives: To equip students with the knowledge and applications of various digital platforms
and give them knowledge about Google Analytics and other marketing analytics tools to help get started
with website data analytics.

Learning Outcome: Students will be able to learn tools to create digital advertising and use various
analytical tools

Unit No.
1 Digital Advertising- Concept, Types, Display advertising, contextuel advertising
Writing Ads- Creating copy, writing PPC Ad copy, Understanding Ad metrics, Tracking
performance and conversion
Advertising Planning- Ad scheduling, Ad delivery, Allocating funds

Google Adwords- Overview, Understanding inorganic serch results, Introduction to Google

Adwords and PPC

2 You Tube Video campaign, You Tube Analytics, Advertising Planning- Ad scheduling, ad delivery,
Allocating funds
3 Appstore Optimisation-About Apps, Mobile site Vs Apps, Analysing App Optimization, Online
toos to create App frontend, On page ASO, Off Page ASO, Localisation

4 Analytics- Gathering data, tools and techniques, Google Analytics- Introduction, Understanding of
Google Analytics, cookie, bounce, link tagging
5 IOT and peek into the future
Innovations and peek into the future, Building IOT concepts, examples of IOT around us, New
Technologies, Opportunités in the new world

6 Case Studies

Suggested Readings (Books, Websites etc):

1. Marketing 4.0 ; Moving rom Traditional to Digital, by Philip Kotler

2. Digital Marketing-Vandana Ahuja
3. Web Marketing-Arnold,et al
4. Social Media Marketing All-In-One for Dummies By Jan Zimmerman and Deborah Ng,2017
5. Fundamentals of Digital Marketing, Pearson Publication

Suggested MOOC:

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