GEUTS01X Lessons Midterms

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SOCRATES • Two kinds of instinct: Eros and Thanatos

• Free association and Dream analysis
• DUALISTIC- Everyman is composed of body and
• Structures of the Mind
o ID- Pleasure principle. It demands
• The unexamined life is not worth living
immediate satisfaction.
• I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only
o EGO- Reality principle. Mediates
make them think
between the impulses of the Id and the
• Founder of Socratic Approach
restraints of the superego.
PLATO o SUPER EGO- Difference between right or
• Student of Socrates
• Founded the Academy; considered the
prototype of today’s universities.
• ‘Theory of Forms’ refers to what is real
• 3 components of the soul: Reason, Spirited, and


• Realms: God as the source of all reality and truth

and man’s sinfulness..
• The world of materials is not our final home but
only a temporary one.
• The real world is the one where God is.


• Father of Modern Philosophy

• ‘I think, therefore I am.’ (Cogito Ergo Sum)
• Human mind has two powers: Intuition and


• Our identity is not locked in the mind, soul, or

body only. He included the concept of person’s
• Three laws: Law of opinion, Civil Law, and Divine
• Tabula Rasa


• There is no permanent/unchanging self.

• Bundle Theory- Collection of impressions.
o Impressions- vivid, direct experience.
o Ideas- copies of impressions.
GILBERT RYLE understanding or taking into account the norms
and values.
• Contradicted Cartesian Dualism
• The “self” is not an entity one can locate and FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF ANTHROPOLOGY
analyze but simply the convenient name that
people use to refer to all behaviors that people
make. SELF- Focuses on influences instead of inherent sources
that contribute to the establishment of self.
➢ Egocentric and Socio-centric – Concepts that
• Denies dualistic ideas
describe the self based on which societal
• The mind and the body cannot be separated
perspective one belongs to.
• Focus on the relationship between self- ➢ The identity toolbox- These are the collection of
experience of other people. the feature and characteristics of a person that
SOCIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE OF builds the foundation for one’s identity.
THE SELF ➢ Right of Passage- Acquisition of identity or
through achievements.
SOCIOLOGY- Defined as the scientific study of groups and
the relationships of their members. It tries to understand PSYCHOLOGY AND SELF
society’s establishment, structure, and dynamics, and it Psychology has various ways of understanding a
promotes an explanation of the influences of people on person, through studying people’s tendencies,
each other in terms of behavior, perception, and identity. behaviors, and motivations psychologists may be able to
THE SELF AND THE OTHERS understand and help improve people’s live.

Charles Horton Cooley- Explains that a person has the “THE SELF AND IT SELVES”
tendency to mirror other people’s view of oneself, and William James- A psychologist known as the father of
this is idea is called the “looking-glass self” American Psychology has introduced has explained and
The looking-glass self or the establishment of the self of provided various concepts explaining Self. William James
a person may also be considered to be dependent on suggested that the self is divided into 2 categories, the
three (3) events. “me self” and the “I-self”

1. Perceiving how one presents themselves to I-self is the self-thought or the self-knower. James had
others. claimed that the understanding of self could be
2. Analysis of others’ perceptions of the person. separated into three categories.
3. How one establishes a self-image. 1. It’s constituents
George Herbert Mead- Is an American Sociologist 2. The feeling and emotions they arouse. Self-
considered to be the Father of American Pragmatism. For feelings.
him, one concept of “self” develops from social 3. The actions to which they prompt.
interaction and experiences with other people. Me-self is considered as the phenomenal self, the
Mead’s three Role-Plating stages of Self Development experienced self or the self as known. It is the self that
has experiences the phenomena and who had known the
1. The Preparatory Stage (Birth 2 years old)- The situation.
infant imitates the actions and behaviors of the
people around him/her. SUB-CATEGORIES OF THE “ME” SELF
2. The Play Stage (2-6 years old)- Children begin to Material Self- Our bodies, clothes, immediate family and
interact with others; they follow rules that do home constitute.
not adhere to any set of standards.
3. The Game Stage (6-9 years old) – Children learn Social Self- Based on our interactions with society and
the implications of their actions as well as the the reaction of people towards us.
Spiritual Self- Characterized by a person having the PSYCHOSEXUAL STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT
ability to argue and discriminate one’s moral sensibility,
ORAL PHASE- Infant is primarily focused on satisfying
conscience and indomitable will characterizes it.
ones needs or motivated to receive pleasure through
CONCEPTION OF SELF one’s mouth. Preventing children to explore through
their mouths is the principal source of frustration during
this stage it could lead to overindulgence, which may
Components of Self-concept promote oral dependency.

The real self- consists of all the perceptions, ideas of who Erogenous Zone- MOUTH
a person is and what one can do these observations and
notions often comes from realistic observations or
understanding. ➢ ORAL PASSIVE- oral incorporate behavior.
➢ ORAL AGGRESSIVE- Sadistic behavior or
The ideal self- is an aspect of the self which is comprised
by the individuals aspirations, goals and ambitions in life,
collectively this are the expectations of one to his or ANAL PHASE- during the person’s second year of life,
herself. when toilet training is the child’s chief source of
frustration. If parents couldn’t manage the child’s
training properly it may lead to fixation.
Structures of the mind
Erogenous Zone: ANUS
ID- involved on the satisfaction of one’s need and self-
➢ ANAL EXPULSIVE- Aggressive personality,
EGO- which is often considered as the Police or the
expulsion over generous.
mediator between id and superego, is the aspect of
➢ ANAL RETENTIVE- Perfectionist, orderly and
personality that operates within the boundaries of
PHALLIC PHASE- the stage that happens during the third
SUPER EGO- is the conscience of the one’s personality
up to sixth year of life this stage is characterized by
SIGMUND FREUD PSYCHOSEXUAL STAGES OF curiosity of the child on the anatomy of mean and
DEVELOPMENT ( O A PHA LA GE) women, their similarities and difference. This is a stage
wherein the explore and manipulate their genitals.
➢ OEDIPUS COMPLEX- unconscious desire of boy
-Areas of the body that are sensitive to pleasant and for her mother.
sexual feelings, hence giving rise to sexual feelings when ➢ ELECTRA COMPLEX- unconscious desire of girl
stimulated. for her father.
-The conflict that exist in each developmental stage must LATENCY PERIOD (5 PUBERTY)- Freud believed that
be resolved before the infant/child progress to the next psychosexual development goes through a latency stage
stage. from about age 5 years until puberty in which the sexual
FIXATION instinct is partially suppressed as they are focused on
school and friends.
-A portion of the libido or psychic energy remains
invested in a developmental stage, leaving less energy Conflict: Social interaction with others.
for the following stage.
period begins with puberty when adolescents experience
➢ Western Self is Analytic- The self is a social
a reawakening of the genital aim of sexual energies, and
construct that is defined through various
it continues throughout adulthood. (The desire for
symbols and signals derived from one’s
relationships and make a family.)
understanding the role and influences of others.
Erogenous Zone: Genital Area ➢ Self is Monotheistic- Monotheism is the idea
that there is only one supreme being or “God”
Fixation: exhibitionist behavior/ sexual deviant behavior
➢ Self is Individualistic- Described as people being
ERIK ERIKSON’S STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT free to choose who and what they want to be.
➢ Self is both Materialistic and Rationalistic- Self
Erik Erikson, a Psychologist that is known for his concept is intimately connected to bodily experience
that a person goes through various stages in life while both historically and here-and-now awareness.
taking into consideration not only the intrinsic challenges
or dilemma, but also the role of environment to the FILIPINO’S CONCEPT OF “KAPWA”- In the idea of shared
development of the self or one’s personality. He divided identity, an aspect of self that is shared with others, it can
the life stages of a person into 8 stages where the be inherent or acquired which may also be characterized
individual will have to face certain life crises that may in two levels or modes of social interaction- ibang-tao or
determine one’s reactions, behavior, perceptions, and “outsider” and hindi ibang-tao or “one-of-us”
personality which can be considered as components of
VIRGILIO ENRIQUEZ- Father of Filipino Psychology


The physical self refers to the body. It is the individual’s

perception of themselves in the areas of physical ability
and appearance. The performance of the body’s physical
extremities and internal organs changes as we age. The
efficiency of the physical self is at its peak during early
adulthood and declines into middle age. Physical
development and growth of the self are at a rapid pace
during babyhood, while slower during childhood.


Eastern philosophy is often characterized by its ➢ Sigmund Freud- Physical self is the center of
spirituality. human experience.
➢ Wilhelm Reich- Psychological experiences and
1.Confucianism- A virtuous man who lives in a moral processes are part of the physical dynamics of a
way. person.
➢ Erik Erikson- stated that organs of the body are
2.Buddhism- Through the practice of the eightfold paths
essential during the early developmental stages
and detachment to desire to reach eliminate misery in
of a person.
life and reach “nirvana”
➢ Abraham Maslow- Once the physiological needs
3.Hinduism- Attainment of liberation in the identification are met the person becomes dedicated to
of Atman and Brahman. attaining the higher-order needs.

4.Taoism- A way of thinking that promotes selflessness

which leads to being one with the “Tao” or the laws of
the universe.
BODY IMAGE women and men, breathing and heart rates reach
Body image is a person’s perception of their body and
physical appearance. Appearance refers to everything Resolution- The body returns to its normal state.
that others can observe about a person. Body image is
also related to self-esteem, which is a person’s overall
sense of self-worth or personal value.
➢ Lust- Driven by sexual gratification which is
associated with the need.
Different cultures have different definitions and ➢ Attraction- Affects the brain’s control over the
perceptions of beauty. However, the standards of beauty “reward” behavior.
change over time as sociocultural factors also influence ➢ Attachment- involves the desire for bonding,
these standards. Due to these, some people desperately friendship and intimacy.
change their physical appearance through body
a psychologist that is known for his concept that a
modification to meet or even surpass the standards.
person goes through various stages in life while taking
THE SEXUAL ASPECT OF SELF into consideration not only the intrinsic challenges or
dilemma, but also the role of environment to the
➢ Primary Sex Characteristics- These are the
development of the self or one’s personality. He divided
physical characteristics that people already have
the life stages of a person into 8 stages where the
since birth.
individual will have to face certain life crises that may
➢ Secondary Sex Characteristics- These are usually
determine one’s reactions, behavior, perceptions, and
observed or said to be developing at the onset of
personality which can be considered as components of
puberty, the changes in the body such as the
enlargement of breast, onset of menstruation
and growth of pubic hairs are some of the SEXUAL BEHAVIOR AND ORIENTATION
examples for women.
➢ Asexuality- refers to the absence of sexual
➢ Heterosexuality- refers to the preference for the
Erogenous Zone- These are parts of the body that are
opposite sex.
particularly sensitive to touch, pressure, and vibration
➢ Homosexuality- preference for the same sex.
which contributes to sexual arousal. These could bring
➢ Bisexuality- preference for both sexes.
sexual satisfaction, also, improves sexual health, and
stimulate different spots that may produce a different SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STD)
reaction in the body.
➢ Human Papillomavirus (HPV)- Virus that thrives
Two Classification in moist skin and areas such as the throat, cervix,
anus, and mouth.
➢ Non-Specific- Neck, arms, chest and etc
➢ Genital Herpes- Affects the skin, cervix, and
➢ Specific- lips and genitalia
genitals and is usually a long-term condition.
PHASES OF SEXUAL RESPONSE ➢ Syphilis- Caused by the bacteria Treponema
Pallidum, and it can be transmitted through
Excitement/arousal phase- Is the beginning of sexual sexual intercourse or pregnancy which could
arousal and is said to be the most subjective. lead to birth defects.
Plateau Phase- a brief period of time before the orgasm. NATURAL CONTRACEPTIVE METHODS
It is the body’s preparation for orgasm.
Type of birth control method that does not
Orgasm phase- highly pleasurable experience. When this necessarily use external devices or medications to be
phase is reached, rhythmic muscular contractions occur accomplished. These may be in a form of abstinence,
in the genitals. In males, the contractions expel semen, a calendar method, basal body temperature method
fluid containing semen, a process called ejaculation. For
cervical mucus method, symptothermal method,
ovulation defection, and coitus interruptus.


A diverse method of contraception using various

devices and or medications to prevent the conception of
a woman. There are different types of artificial
contraception but not all types are appropriate for all
situations. Using artificial contraception depends on the
individual’s health status, age, sexual activity, and/or a
number of partners.

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