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CHAPTER 3: THE SELF FROM The effort of every individual to persevere and

PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE improve oneself based one’s self-knowledge and

resulting self – feelings
The self can be defined in many ways, in different
contexts. In the context of psychology, the self can CARL ROGERS
be defined as reflexive psychological process that AMERICAN Psychologist
starts when one identifies himself or herself as an
object, followed by describing oneself as a self- Carl Roger’s believes that the self does not exist at
concept or self-feeling, and ends with saying that the birth;
self is manifested in how many acts and presents it is developed gradually during childhood wherein
himself or herself toothers (zhao, 2014). himself or one
herself toothers (Zhao, 2014). differentiates the self from non-self.
Rogers considered the self as the center of
PERSPECTIVE According to him, the self is one’s ongoing sense
(Father of american psychology) and what he or she is and how and why he or she
responds to
Born on January 11, 1842, and died on August 26, the environment.
Divided the self-perception into two categories the Real self and ideal self
"Me & I".
THE SELF, THE SELF Real Self – The real self is who an individual is.
CAN BE CONTEXTUALIZED IN THREE It is how one peron thinks, feels, looks and acts.
CATEGORIES: The most natural, comfortable, and true to what
1. THE and who a person are.
CONSTITUENTS OF THE SELF, The self is what we need to continuously to accept,
2. THE FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS THEY take care of and improves.
AROUSE (SELF-FEELINGS) 3. THE ACTIONS Even it is hard for someone to know how others
THEY PROMPT (SELF SEEKING) see him/her. The true nature of a
person can still be seen from him/her
1. THE CONSTITUENTS OF THE SELF ARE •The real self is one’s self-image.
Material Self - Consists of one body, clothes, family, IDEAL SELF
home, and other material IDEAL SELF – The ideal self on the other hand, is
possessions that he or she values and regards as his or the perception of a person would like
her own. to be or thinks he / she would become in the future.
Social Self - Connotes the image of an individual The idealized image that improves or developed
in the eyes of people around him or overtime based on the influence of
her which determines his or her reputation in society. the environment.
Spiritual self - Includes one’s thoughts, beliefs, The ideal self can be a product of expectations and
and feelings. pressures from others.
Pure ego - The “most puzzling aspect of the self” The greater the discrepancy between the real and
according to James. It is conceived by ideal self, the greater the
understanding that it can recognize its thoughts and frustration and distress one will experience.
these thoughts possess own
thoughts a particular warmth that separates the ego. Self-concept
2. Self feelings Defined as the totally complex, organized and
Refers to the feelings and emotions aroused in the dynamic system of learned beliefs, attitudes and
individuals because of this or her opinions that each person’s holds to be true about his
knowledge and appraisal of his/her empirical or her personal existence
existence in the world. According to (Rogers, 1959) self-concept is a
3. self-seeking social product, developing out of interpersonal
relationship and striving for consistency.
According to (Baumeister, 1999) it is also the The false self, on the other hand, is also known as
individual’s belief about himself or herself including the fake self, ideal self, perfect elf,
his or her attributes. and pseudo self.
According to (Michener, Delameter , & Myers,2004) This is composed of the parts of the self wherein
self-concept is also defined as the organized behaviors are altered, feeling are
structure of cognitions or thoughts that an individual repressed, and one’s need are set aside in order to fit
has about himself or herself. It includes the in with others.
perception one has about his or her social identity and The self constantly seeks to anticipate the demands
personal qualities, as well as his or her and expectations of others in
generalizations about the self-based on his or her order to preserve and improve relationship.
experiences. Most people do not easily present the different
sides of themselves for others to see.
Aspects of self-concept They may possibly reveal particular sided of
There are two aspects of self-concept: themselves depending on the situation
The existential state. Table 1. true self vs. false self
the categorial state Common true self Common false self
The categorical self-starts after a child recognizes behavioral traits behavioral traits
his or her existence as a separate Optimistic Passimistic
entity and becomes aware that he or she is an object Proactive Blaming
of the world. The Confident Insecure
The existential self begins when an individual Focused Confused
recognizes his or her existence as a Patient Impatient
separate entity from others and realizes that he or she Honest Dishonest
will continue to exist over a Active Timid
period of time and space. Responsible Irresponsible
Loving Jealous
Three components of self-concept
Calm Worried
According to Rogers (1951) he believed that the
self is composed of concepts unique
Global versus differentiated models
to every individual.
Globals models look into a human being in his or
Self-worth/Self steem - is what one thinks about
her totality, as an
indivisible identity that cannot be taken down in into
Self-image – is how we see ourself which is very
parts. The two
important psychological health.
prominent schools of thought supporting this idea are
Ideal self – this is what we want to be in the future
gestalt psychology
or the goals that we want to
and humanistic psychology.
Gestalt psychology is guided by the principle that “
the whole is greater
Donald w. Winnicott’s
than the sum of all of its parts.” it was asserted by
max Wertheimer as a
Donald Winnicott was an English pediatrician
response to Wilhelm wundt’s structuralist view of the
Donald Woods Winnicott was born on April 7,
1896, in Plymouth, England.
Humanistic psychology Is guided by the principles
died on January 25, 1971, in London, United
that “human beings, as humans
supersede the sum of their parts.” it posited the idea
that personality should be
True self and False self
studied from the point of view of an individual’s
The true self is also known as the real
subjective experience.
self,authentic self, it is the core of who you are,
The differentiated models look into human being
the original you, unshaped by the upbringing of
through examining it’s parts for It is
divisible or can be broken into components.
According to (Hershey, 2016) it is spontaneous
For Sigmund freud, the psyche is composed of
and natural self-expression, a sense of
three parts--- the id, ego, and superego.
being alive in mind and body that allows him or her
- For jung, the human psyche is divided into three
to be genuinely closed to others.
parts--- the ego, the personal
unconscious, and the collective unconscious. •It gives more emphasis on freedom and choice- An
Independent Self that is free from the influence of
Albert bandura’s agentic theory of the self culture and environment and from the expectations
and welfare of society.
The Social Cognitive Theory makes us the agentic
theory of the self to make sense of •It also emphasizes the uniqueness of every
the self. individual and is predicated on egoism or self-
The Agentic Theory of the self reflects the notion orientedness.
that selfhood is culturally influenced
or controlled by urges, rather, it looks upon the •It describes the self as existing and distinct from
human being as capable of others.
thinking,deciding, foreseeing, and controlling his or
her actions, free to decide for •Individualism foregrounds that a human being has a
himself and herself. self, It is an individual goals in his/her journey
towards self-realization or self-actualization. The self
For bandura, there are four core properties of is free to express itself.
human agency– intentionality,
forethought, self-reactiveness, and self reflection. Collectivis
1. Intentionality is manifested in how an individual
forms intentions with action According to Hui & Triandes collectivism is an
plans and strategies to realize them orientation characterized by belongingness to larger
2. Forethought refers to how an individual positions groups or collectives. Collectivistic cultures give
in his or her plans in the future. more importance to loyalty to the in-group, which in
3. Self-reactiveness shows that agents are not only turn takes care of the individual’s welfare.
planners and forethinks but also
self-regulators. Collectivism is an idea that man should think, live,
4. Self-reflection signifies that people are capable of and act toward certain goals that benefit the group. A
self-examining their own functioning group may be a family, clan, community, nation, or
the entire human race. A group is composed of
Bandura’s theory views the self as a person nit as a individuals forming the so-called super-organism that
destinct entity responsible for is separated from other individuals. An individual
bearing information and regulating behavior decides according to the interest of the group.

CHAPTER 4: THE SELF IN WESTERN AND Countries with generally collectivistic cultures

Individualism Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Indonesia,

Philippines, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Portugal
y’s wIndividualism is an orientation with the
independence and The Eastern Conception of the Self is
self-reliance of the individual. Collectivistic;

•Individualistic Cultures put more emphasis on ·It gives more importance on relationships, roles,
promoting the individual and the immediate duties, obligations, and the preservation of culture
familelfare. and tradition.
·It prioritizes the needs and goals of society over the
Countries with generally individualistic cultures needs and desires of every individual.
include: ·It is founded on the belief that people are socially
-New Zealand, Germany, Poland, Austria, Greece, ·It puts more importance on belongingness to a larger
Italy, belguium, ireleand, spain, and Finland group and emphasized social obligations.
·It is other-oriented because it encourages people to
The Western Conception of the self is be kind, benevolent, charitable, dependable, and
individualistic sensitive to the needs of others.
·It promotes selflessness, sacrifice for the welfare of
society, and the performance of assigned roles.
·Self is viewed as part of a “We” instead of only a offerings, meditate, and perform other rituals for their
“Me”. communities.


Taoism emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and politician
(way or path), is a religion and a philosophy at the of the Spring and Autumn period who is traditionally
same time. considered the paragon of Chinese sages. Confucius
is the founder of Confucianism. He propagated the
Tao is nothing but the expression of the unity of the way of life and claimed that Confucianism regards an
universe and of the path which human beings must individual as a member of a larger whole, not as a
take to preserve that unity. The path starts with the separate being.
knowledge of the origin of the universe.
The teachings of Confucius are based on human
It is referred as the life force that surrounds and flows relationships as reflected in his concept of Five
through all living and non-living thigs, and that Cardinal Relationships or Five Bonds
balances, orders, unifies, and connects them
This refers to the five fundamental relationships
Knowledge of the universe or nature can be attained in Confucian philosophy:
by studying the self because Taoists regard the
human body as the miniature of the universe, as an 1.King (ruler) and His Subject (ruled)
extension of the cosmos 2.Father and Son
(Ho, 1995). Going against the will of nature or the 3.Father other and Younger Brother
universe disrupts the cosmic order (symbolized by 4. Husband and Wife
Ying and Yang). Taoism does not support the 5. Friend and Friend
philosophical teachings of Confucius about self and
society. It does not consider the self as extension of According to Confucius, individual identity is
social relationships; rather, the self is but one of the defined by membership in the reference group to
countless manifestations of the Tao. which one belongs.
Taoist thought focuses on genuineness, longevity, This identity is called RELATIONAL SELF.
health, immortality, vitality, detachment, refinement Wherein, each member must possess the same
(emptiness), spontaneity, transformation and omni- qualities that the group preserves and cherishes. Each
potentiality. member shares the pride that the group claims and is
united in every success or failure.
Lao Tzu
Subdued Self is another concept that Confucius
Lao-Tzu (l. c. 500 BCE, also known as Laozi or Lao- introduced. It is conditioned to response to
Tze) was a Chinese philosopher credited with perceptions, not of its own needs and aspirations but
founding the philosophical system of Taoism. He is of social requirements and obligations. It also means
best known as the author of the Laozi to practice “ren” (human heartedness)- the hallmark
(later retitled the Tao-Te-Ching translated as “The of Confucian ethics. Ren is a Confucian Virtue
Way of Virtue” or “The Classic of the Way and characterized by altruistic behavior that must be
Virtue”) the work which exemplifies his thought nurtured in every person. It can be understood as
love, benevolence or charity. A subdued self,
The Tao Te Ching, or “The Way and Its Power,” is a therefore, is being a “person for others.”
collection of poetry and sayings from around the
third and fourth centuries B.C.E. that guides Taoist Buddhism
thought and actions. The Tao Te Ching and other
Taoist books provide guides for behavior and -Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama who
spiritual ways of living in harmony with this energy. was born in a Hindu family.
However, Taoists do not believe in this energy as a
god. Rather, there are gods as part of the Taoist -The religion is neither monotheistic nor polytheistic.
beliefs, often introduced from the various cultures
found in the region known now as China. These gods -The main goal of Buddhism is to reach
are part of the Tao, like all living things. Taoism has enlightenment.
temples, monasteries, and priests who make
"Man is a transitional being. This body is a bridge."
Buddhists share the belief of reincarnation with —Sri Arubindo
Buddhists share the belief of reincarnation with
Hindus. It is a concrete dimension.

Buddhists share the belief of reincarnation with It is a tangible aspect of a person that can be
Hindus. directly observed and examined.

FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS: the truth of suffering, Include the physical traits that are visible like our
the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end defining characteristics
of suffering, the truth of the path that leads to
suffering. Height, Complexion, Hair, Face Shape, Sex, Eye
EIGHTFOLAD PATH: right view, right intentions, Color, and Weight
right speech, right action, right livelihood, right
effort, right concentration, right mindfulness. OTHER PERSPECTIVE ON THE PHYSICAL
Life is full of suffering (dukkha) perpetuated due to SELF:
the endless cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
NIRVANA – nirvana can be reached by adhering to Sigmund Freud
the eightfold path.
- described the physical self as the core of
HINDUISM human experience.

The Hindu religion and culture are extremely Erik Erikson

complex. The Hindu religion combines ethnic and
traditional beliefs. The Hindu religion is the oldest - the bodily organs we have are important in
of the five major religions (Islam, Christianity, early developmental stages of life.
Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism). The Hinduist
perspective on the self is written in the Upanishads - our body is essential in deriving a sense of
"Story of Creation," which describes the origins of competence and ability to choose demanding roles
the universe and humans. in a complex society.

PURUSHA The physical aspect of the self DOES NOT include

characteristics that are internal to the self such as:
Purusha, the Self, created a wife out of himself in
the creation story. The wife transformed herself into a Kindness, Genorisity, Loyalty, Obedience, and
cow, and Purusha transformed into a bull. The wife Honesty
then transformed into a mare, and Purusha into a
stallion. These ongoing transformations imply the ACHIEVING PHYSICAL BEING
belief that everything is made up of the same self,
that everything originated from purusha. It implies Have good hygiene
that the creator is identical to the creation. Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Move your body daily
The atman, also known as the self, spirit, or soul, is
the same self that is described in the creation. Atman Avoid negative emotions and stress
is one with the absolute, transcendental power of
Braham. By identifying with the Brahman, the
atman denotes a true self that underpins one's
existence, the atman is a spiritual being.
SELF talking about sex should be deemed normal for there
is a need for people to learn more about their
The physical self is the body. sexuality.
sex hormone. The testes or testicles lie outside the
Sigmund Freud and the Desire for Pleasure abdominal cavity of the male within the scrotum.
(Father of Modern Psychology) Vas Deferens – The tube that connects the testes
with the urethra. It serves as a passageway of the
Human being’s need for sex is not the same level as sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts
the need for oxygen, water, and food. But without it, for ejaculation.
humankind will perish. Sex is not simply for Scrotum - The sac on the skin that carries the testes.
procreation, but it is also a source of pleasure which It protects the testes and is responsible for
is an important part of sexual health maintaining the body temperature a few degrees
below the normal body temperature.
For Sigmund Freud, all human behavior is Sperm – The male sex cell. It is produced in the
motivated by the desire to feel pleasure. Such testes and matures in the epididymis and passes from
motivation is organized and controlled by two the vas deferens to the urethra. The sperm is released
instincts: sexuality and aggression. out of the male reproductive system through the
semen, the fluid that carries the sperm along with a
The phases are called: range of organic and inorganic constituents.
Prostate Gland – A gland that surrounds the upper
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, and Ganital part of the urethra just below the bladder. It secretes
fluids that nourish and protect the sperm.
-According to Freud, human instinct continuously Epididymis – long-coiled tube located at the back of
seeks the pleasure of the flesh which can be satisfied the testicles that stores and carries sperm.
through sex.
-The mind plays an important role in one’s sexuality THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
and sexual behaviors. when one is sexually attracted
to someone, it is expected that he or she will not Main Function of the female reproductive system is
aggressively act on his or her urges so as not to be the production, transportation and fertilization of
accused harassment. eggs and the production hormones
Ovary - a reproductive organ located in the pelvic
During adolescence, boys and girls develop their cavity which produces ova ( egg cells) and hormones
secondary sex characteristics along with the other Ovum - it is the female reproductive cell also called
physical changes they experience in this stage. in the the egg cell, that unites with a male sperm to form a
stages of human growth and development, an fertilize egg once its developed.
individual becomes physically mature upon reaching Fallopian Tube - also called oviduct, extend from
the stage puberty. Physical changes adolescence is the uterus to the ovaries. The function of the tubes is
brought about sex hormones from the testes and to carry the egg from the ovary to the uterus.
ovaries of males and females, respectively. Uterus - the thick walled, pear sized and shaped
Testosterone is the sex hormone for males, and muscular organ that lies above the urinary bladder.
estrogen and progesterone are for females. Cervix - a lower part of the uterus. It directs the
sperm into the uterus during the sexual intercourse.
THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Vagina - it is the elastic passage from the cervix to
the outside of the female
The Male Reproductive system is composed of the
penis, testes, vas deferens, scrotum, sperm, prostate Vulva - the external genital organ of the female.
gland, and epididymis. The main function of the consist of labia majora, labia minora, mons pubis,
system is the production of sperm for the fertilization clitoris, vestibules and vaginal opening.
of the ovum. Labia majora - The labia majora (“large lips”)
enclose and protect the other external reproductive
Labia minora - The labia minora (“small lips”) can
Penis – The primary male sex organ. It has a long have a variety of sizes and shapes.
shaft and an enlarged tip called the glans penis. Mons Pubis - the rounded mass of fatty tissue lying
Testes or Testicles – The organ responsible for the over the joint of the pubic bones, in women typically
production of sperm cells and testosterone, the male more prominent and also called the mons Veneris.
Clitoris -The two labia minora meet at the clitoris, a Helen Fisher
small, sensitive protrusion that is comparable to the American Anthropologist
males reproductive
Vestibules - the vestibular bulbs, bulbs of the Helen Fisher (1948) of Rutgers University identified
vestibule or clitoral bulbs are two elongated masses three stages of love. These are Lust, Attraction, and
of erectile tissue typically described as being situated Attachment.
on either side of the vaginal opening.
Vaginal Opening - The exterior opening to the 1.Lust (libido or sex drive) is characterized by the
vagina; the muscular canal that extends from the desire for sexual gratification which is inherent to
cervix to the outside of the female body every living organism.
EROGENOUS ZONES 2. Plateau - during this phase, intensified breathing,
part of the body that is highly sensitive and the high blood pressure, and faster heart rate may be
stimulation of which leads to sexual responses such experienced as well as muscle contraction in the face,
as relaxation, fantasies, arousal and orgasm. feet, and hands.
Adrenaline- related by the body for “fight or flight.”
Male body Female body Dopamine- ignites an intense rush of pleasure when
Mouth Mouth released. High level of neurotransmitter like
Lips Lips dopamine causes increased energy, less need for food
Neck Neck and sleep, and focused attention to one’s desired
Ears Ears partner.
Nipples Breast Serotonin- is attributed to “falling in love” as this
hormone makes a person think of his or her desired
partner at most times.
Male body Female body 3.Attachment (companionate love)- characterized
Scrotum Nipples by the desire of couples to stay together. A person
who is already attached feels comfort and security
Preneum Cervix
from his or her partner. This stage is driven by two
Penis Vagina
major hormones, namely oxytocin and vasopressin
What Turns People On and Off
These zones or “Hot Spots” is important for every
couple as it would boost sexual satisfaction. A “turn on” refers to something that someone may
find desirable, pleasant, beautiful, likeable or any
HUMAN SEXUAL RESPONSES other positive quality.
a “turn off”, on the other hand, is the complete
Sexual response cycle os the term used to describe opposite.
the changes that occur in the body as men and
women become sexually aroused (Masters & What turns people on and off are qualities and acts
Johnson, 1966). that people observe and experience.
Four phases of sexual response cycle: The Diversity of Sexual Behaviors
Sexual behaviors and or activities may come in the
1.Excitement (arousal/desire/libido) - this is when form of masturbation, premarital sex, marital sex,
the body gets ready for sexual activity extramarital sex, heterosexuality, homosexuality and
2. Plateau - during this phase, intensified breathing,
high blood pressure, and faster heart rate may be
experienced as well as muscle contraction in the face, Masturbation - a sexual act of stimulating one’s
feet, and hands. own genitals done alone by an individual.
3.orgasm - during this phase, breathing, blood Premarital Sex - refers to the sexual activities
pressure, and heart rate are further intensified people engage in outside of marriage
4.Resolution - the body gradually returns to its Marital Sex - sexual activities that happen within the
normal level of functioning. bounds of marriage.
Extramarital Sex - sexual activities that married
Understanding the Chemistry of Lust, Attraction,
people engage in with people they are not married to.
and Attachment Heterosexuality - a sexual behavior that happens
between persons of the opposite sex.
Homosexuality - opposite to heterosexuality, complication resulting from STIs especially
homosexuality as a sexual behavior refers to the Chlamydia and gonorrhea
sexual activities that happens between two person of
the same sex. Chlamydia- A sexually transmitted infection caused
Bisexuality - refers to the sexual behavior of one by the bacteria Chlamydia Trachomatis that do
who engages in sexual acts with someone from the significant damage to the human reproductive system
opposite or same sex.
Methods of Contraception
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Factors to consider in choosing a particular method
sexually Transmitted Diseases ( STDs ) refer to of contraception.
health conditions that are passed on from a person to
another through sexual contact. STDs can be 1.It should be enough
contracted through having unprotected sex with 2. It builds an efficient twin averting unwanted
someone who has STD. pregnancy.
3. It should be simple and easy to use.
HIV/AIDS ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus / 4. It should be available at any time.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ) - A
spectrum of conditions caused by being infected with METHODS OF CONTRACEPTION:
Go norrhea- A bacterial infection of the mucuous 1.Folf method - to remove or destroy the sperm
membranes Postcoital Douche or Douching - this is used by
women to flush out the vagina with a medical
Syphilis- An infection caused by acorkscrew-shaped solution
bacterium called treponema pallidum
Prolonged Lactation - it is done through breast
Genital Herpes - Is a viral infection that causes feeding their baby for a longer period
blisters on the genitals
2. Behavioural Contraceptives
Genital Warts- Are warts caused by the human
papillomavirus ( HPV ) Rhythm method - couples are enjoined to abstain for
Chancroid- is a bacterial infection that causes sores a certain period while the woman is fertile.
or ulcers on the genitals Ovulation method - this practice makes use of the
Pubic lice (crabs)- are very small parasites that observed mucous discharge from the vagina at the
infest the genital area which are primarily spread beginning of a woman’s fertile period.
through sexual contact
Withdrawal or Coitus interruptus - it is a practice
Scabies- Is a skin condition that is caused by in which the man, during sexual intercourse,
infestation of tiny mites called Sarcoptes Scabiei. withdraws the penis out of the vagina before orgasm.
Symptoms of mite invasion include itching and
rashes Coitus reservatus - this is a practice in which the
man withholds ejaculation and lets the erection
Trichomoniasis- An infection caused by a parasite subside inside the vagina.
called Trichomonas Vaginalis. Men infected with
trichomoniasis may experience itching, genital 3. Mechanical Contraceptives
irritation with discharge, and painful urination and
ejaculation. Condom - it refers to a thin material made of rubber
used during sexual activity.
Molluscum Contagiosum- It is a skin condition Diaphragm - this is a shallow rubber cup inserted
characterized by small lumps (molluscum) which are into the vagina.
pearly-white or slightly pink, These lumps, when Cervical caps - these are fitted over the cervix by a
squeezed, release a white cheesy fluid. doctor.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)- It is not 4. Chemical Contraceptives

sexually transmitted infection (STI) but a
Vaginal suppositories and tablets - it is inserted The style and the brand of clothes becomes a
into the vagina to melt before sexual intercourse symbolic significance
Contraceptive jellies, creams, and vaginal foams -
these are applied onto the vagina shortly before The material component of the self can include
sexual intercourse. books, bed, money, car, house and other things that
person can call his own possession
5. Intrauterine Device (IUD) - it is a small device of
polyethylene plastic or thin copper wire inserted into Clothing is a form of self expression
the uterus by a physician.
Immediate Family
6.pills - these are used to render the woman infertile.
These people who are likely to shape and influence
7. Injectables - it is injected in a woman to inhibit the development of self identity.
Our siblings and parents hold a great important part
8. Sterilization/Surgery - it is done with of our self.
comparative ease and is virtually 100 percent
effective. We placed huge investment in our family when we
see them as the nearest replica of our self.
When one part of the family dies, part of our self
The material self, according to William james,
people whick have the label “ mine”. Such possesions Pets could also symbolically define a persom’s
are viewed es extensions of individuals’ identities. identity.

For instance, your clothes reflect certain of your A person’s pet could be an expression of one’s social
personality and you designate them as “ my status, pride and prestige
“ We are what we have”
Earliest nest of our selfhood
Composition of material self
Our experiences inside the home were recorded and
The material self is comprised of our body, clothes, marked on particular parts and things in our home.
immediate family and home
“if only walls can speak”
The hoem is thus an extension of self, we can directly
Your body is your Possession connect ourself.

We do have certain prefential attachment to our Needs and wants

intimate closeness to certain part beacuse of its value
to us. Self – actualization – Desire to become the most that
one can be
There were people who get their certain body parts Esteem – Respect, self esteem, status, recognition,
indured. strength, frredom
Love and belonging – Friendshi, intimacy, family,
Celebrities like mariah carrey reportedly insured her sense of connection
vocal cords and legs. Safety needs – Personal security, employment,
resources, health, property
CLOTHES Physiological needs – air, water, shelter, sleep,
clotching, reproduction
We choose and wear clothes that reflect our self
Why is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Important?
Self esteem and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs are Credit card fraud
both important. Maslow's work is important for the
way it has shaped our thinking on motivation. It is Consumer culture continues to change as a result of
also important because it has changed psychological advancements and innovations in advertising over
thought so that the human experience is at the centre, time. Advertising has an impact on how and why
Before this, psychology was a less accessible, more people choose to buy products and services. It
technical subject that was removed from the human enables people to relate to specific products and
condition. services in order to persuade or compel them to buy
"Needs", wrote Duane Elgin in 1981, "are those
things that are essential to our survival and growth; CHAPTER 8: Spiritual aspect of the self
wants are those things that are extra, that gratify. our
psychological desires" and to indulge wants is a bad All agree that this supreme being is
thing, reducing "the vastness of who we are" Omnipotent (all-powerful)
Omniscient (all-knowing)
Our needs extend beyond animalistic desires and Omnipresent (everywhere at once)
satisfactions in that we (can) subordinate all of these
to self- chosen aims; aims, that is, which we have This god is also the beginning and the end and the
formed and formulated with the help of symbolic lawgiver. This god is regarded as the most merciful,
systems that are inaccessible as far we know, to any most just, and most patient and cannot be represented
other life form on this planet in any worldly form.
Want Anthony Wallace, as cited by Haviland, Prins,
have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for. Walrath, and Mcbride(2008)
-Religion is a set of rituals made to coordinate with
Need the goal of either obtaining or hindering changes in
require (something) because it is essential or very the human condition and nature state.
important rather than just desirable.
The concept of Soul
The Grid
When we plot our Wants and Needs in a grid, our
decision-making is given a new dimension-no pun Monism
intended. is the view that there is only one substance and only
one being. It means that the soul and the body are
This ancient insights, by the way, throws an one.
interesting light on Maslows pyramid of need'.
According to the still prevalent understanding, said Dualism
pyramid would require human beings to move from is a view that mind and body are two independent
needs of a more basic and material order (such as substances
food), first, through needs of a more social and
complex nature (such as acceptance), up to the Western Philosophers
higher echelons of spiritual needs (such as moral believed that the human person is a rational being
self- actualization) constituted of soul and body.
is superior to the body and can exist independently
Advantages without the body.
Easy access to credit
Building A line of credit Death is viewed as release of the soul from the body,
Incentives and offers but death does not mean the end of personvl
Records of expenses existence.

Disadvantages Filipino term for soul or spirit is kaluluwa.

Hidden chargers
Susceptible to building debt It is believed that it has two existences
High interest rate
Physical in which the soul is connected to the human rituals that mark important stages in an
body and its life. individual's life circle

Spiritual, which exists on its own. According to french scientist "Arnold Van Genuep"
(Demetrio, Cordero-Fernande Zialcita, and Feleo, the rites of passage that helps individuals through
1991) crucial crises and major four crisis in their lives

Philippines is a small country in terms of land area, Three Rites of Passage

more than 80 percent of its population Roman
Catholic. 1.Seperation - when the scheduled time arrives, the
boys from the village will be seperated from the
Roman Catholic believes in immortality of the soul women.
and life after death (eternal life)
2. Transition - they are now considered death in
Eternal life can be attained by good deeds, following reference to the ordinary life of a tribe.
the commandments of God, and avoiding sins.
3. Incorporation- when they return to the society.
The soul can be purified through confession
Magic and Witchcraft
A catholic who failed to live a moral life is believed Anthropologists call the practice of compelling the
to be thrown to hell, a place for sinners. supernatural force to work or behave in a specific
way as magic.
Dungan is the ilonggo term for the soul
Dungan dwells above the surface of the earth before Spoken words ( or spells) and objects are key
inhabiting the human body. components of magic (Frankle and Stein 2002z).

Magic Involves the manipulation of the supernatural

Religious Rituals for good or evil purposes. (Ember 2011)

Rituals Three main types of instrumental magic

are the patterns of behavior or practices that are •Productive
related to the sacred (Tischler,2011) •Protective
Catholism is ritual are called "Sacrament"
Two forms of magic
is the pouring of oil and washing the head with water, Sorcery
it is celebrated welcome the child to the catholic makes use of materials, objects and natural
faith. medicines to invoke supernatural and malevolence.

Holy Eucharist Witchcraft

is the host and the wine represented the body and accomplished the same ills by means of thought and
blood of christ. emotion alone.

Adherents Barang( magic or sorcery in cebuano) is done as an

a certain religion use rituals to give honor to divine act of revenge for the wrongdoing done by the
power. inflicted person.

Roman Catholic Victim of sorcery is called natabang or nabarang.

it is expected that certain rituals are observed during
Lenten Season. Victims of witchcraft in the philippines is called
nagaway or nakulam
Rites of Passage
Finding and Creating Meaning of Life:
Perspective from the Roman Catholics and 2. The impetus to live is one's will to discover
Atheists meaning in life.
3. Humans are free to discover meaning in everything
For the Roman Catholic they do, in what they experience, or atleast in the
-God is the architect and the designer of all things on decision, they make when faced with immutable.
earth. He created the world according to his purposes
and plan. Frankl's three ways to find meaning in life
1. Doing an action
Catholics 2. Having personal experiences and interpersonal
- also believes that humans exist on earth is interaction.
temporary. 3. Evaluating one's attitude in the midst of suffering

Catholicism CHAPTER 9: Political Aspect of the self

-prescribes that every individual has to live a selfless
life. Man as Political Animal

Atheist Perspective According to Aristotle, man is a political animal.

Albert Camus, a well known existentialist and Aristotle believed that humans like animals,
atheist, human life is absurd. intrinsically work together to achieve a common
Essence versus Existence
Existense -is the pattern of individual attitudes and orientation
the fact or state of living or having objective reality. towards politics among members of a political system
(Almond & Verba, 1965)
The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of Characteristics of Philippine Political Culture
something abstract, that determines its character.
Dominance of Family Ties or Kinship System
The Philosophy of Existentialism Under Jean Paul •Political dynasties usually control the government.
Sartre's In the Philippines, consanguinity (blood relations) is
Human beings are not defined by any predetermined given utmost importance.
properties or essences. •Ritual kinship or the kumpadre system where the
sacredness of baptism or sacrament of marriage is
"Man is nothing else but what which he makes of used to get favors is evident in politics.
himself" - Satre
Existence ( das-sein) •Officials and employees in lower positions are not
Precedes Essence (was-sein) straightforward in criticizing officials of higher rank.
They put more importance to their relationship, so
Theistic Existentialism they use parinig or patutsada instead of confronting
- A theory that tries to invalidate the concept of God them immediately to address the problems.
created humans and the entire universe for a purpose
•In the end, problems and issues are not given
Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl immediate attention.

Legotherapy - based on the guided principle that the Utang na Loob

primary motivational force of every individual is to •In politics, utang na loob (debt of gratitude) is
find meaning in life. instrumental in becoming a popular politician.

Three Basic principles of Legotherapy •Citizens often disregard the impact of their votes to
1. Life has meaning under all circumstances, even the public interest when they elect corrupt and
most miserables ones. incompetent officials as payment for utang na loob
Sense of Overdependency democratic and republican state.”
•Some constituents rely on an elected official or a •Democratic culture has become a way of life for
"patron" politician for their personal and economic Filipinos, and it has been inculcated by the nation's
needs. heroes before the arrival of the Americans.

•This culture results in the re-election of incompetent •Filipinos are known to always fight for their
officials whose means to stay in power is to provide freedom. They know that the suppression of rights
temporary relief to impoverished Filipino families. means running through freedom-loving people and
dying to reclaim their rights.

Belief that Majority of Politicians are Corrupt •The democratic culture is never lost in the Filipino
•Many Filipinos believe that politicians are corrupt consciousness but there are challenges to it.
and are in government service only to promote their
vested interest and not in the public interest. Basic Features of Democracy:
Rule of Majority
•The term buwaya (crocodile) has been used to Protection of Human Rights
describe corrupt politicians in the Philippines Upholding the Law
signifying their greed for money and power.
Lack of Political Maturity
•People elect officials based on popularity and Citizenship
personality, not on performance and platform. denotes the status of being a legal member of a
Politics is no longer limited to individuals with national-state.
backgrounds in political science and law, even When identifying what makes a person citizen of one
celebrities are now able to hold positions in office by state, one must look at the Constitution in
sheer popularity. determining how one becomes a citizen of a nation.
Citizenship is acquired:
• through his or her birthplace
Culture •naturalization
is defined as the way of life followed by people and
which consists of learned and shared values, The real self
behavior, traditions, etc. (Hunt, Quisumbing, is the self that one feels to be most true to what and
Espiritu, Costello, & Lacar, 1994). who he or she really is.
It is how one thinks, feels, and looks.
Two Major Elements of Culture: Material and
Non-Material Ideal self
is the self one aspires to be.
•A system of government is part of a nation’s non- It is an idealized version of oneself influenced by
material culture. one's experiences and aspirations in the environment
he or she is situated in.
•For many years, the system of government in the
Philippines has been democratic.
What constitutes an ideal citizen?
Democracy An ideal citizen can be a person who follows the
is a system of government in which all citizens are laws, protects and takes care of the environment, and
eligible members of the state. contributes to the welfare of other people.
In a democratic country,
it is expected that there is: An ideal citizen carries out his or her civic
•rule of the majority responsibilities—duties that help share a better
•human rights are protected society for all citizens.
•the rule of law is upheld
Sovereign power belongs to the people.
•The very first principle in the 1987 Philippine
Constitution states that “The Philippines is a Article XIV, Section 3, Paragraph 2 of the
Philippine Constituent 5. Accountability - It means being liable and
- identifies the qualities expected of citizens to responsible for one’s action.
posses, thereby creating ideal citizens. The provision
states that an ideal citizen is patriotic and 6. Openness - It means being transparent with
nationalistic, fosters love of humanity, has respect for whatever information one handles.
human rights, appreciates the role of national heroes, Article II, Section 28 of the 1987 Philippine
knows the rights and duties of citizenship, has strong Constitution - to free the government from false
ethical and spiritual values, and has good moral accusations and to inform the public about what is
character and personal discipline. happening in the government.
Freedom of Information (FOI) Bill or House Bill
GOVERNANCE 3227 - to fully disclose information and eliminate
is defined as the traditions and institutions that 7. Leadership - It means being able to lead the way
determine how authority is exercised in a particular for development that would benefit all.
Good Governance
British Prime Minister John Major Positive Filipinon Traits
• he created the Committee on Standards in Public
Life to outline proper behavior by public servants, in Bayanihan – as a practice of the spirit of kinship and
1994. camaraderie, the custom of bayanihan is observed
• in its first report, the committee released Nolan whenever a helping hand is extended to accomplish a
Principles, named after the committee’s first task as a group.
chairman, Lord Michael Nolan.
• The principles aim to eliminate corruption in the Damayan – this is characterized by aiding the
government families affected by unfortunate events in terms of
money or goods.
The Seven Nolan Principle
Familism or Close Family Ties – Filipinos are
1. Selflessness - It means caring for what people need known to prioritize the welfare of family members
and want instead of promoting personal interests. above other thing.

2. Objectivity - It means being neutral and free from Optimism – Filipinos have the attitude of looking all
biases in making decisions. ways to be happy and to maintain a positive outlook
even in times of calamities and other challenges in
3. Integrity - It means maintaining a good name and life.
Hospitality – Filipinos are identified to be warm,
4. Honesty - It means telling the truth, hiding friendly, generous, and accommodating to other
nothing, and being transparent at all times. people, fellow Filipino or not.

SALN (Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Regionalism – Outside the “significant others,”
Worth). It is a declaration of assets (i.e., land, Filipinos have this attitude of giving more priority to
vehicles, etc.), and liabilities (i.e., loans, debts, etc.). their province mate.

SALN - required by law under Article XI Section 17 Flexibility – Filipinos can adapt or conform to the
of the 1987 Constitution and Section 8 of republic expectations or will of other people to achieve
Act No. 6713, the “Code of Conduct and Ethical smooth and harmonious relationships.
Standards for Public Officials and Employees.”
Religious – this is characterized by strong faith and
Assets, liabilities, net worth, business interests and submission to the will of a supreme being.
financial connections from all appropriate
government agencies. Respect for Elders – Filipinos are thought to show
courtesy towards the elderly at all times.
performance of certain tasks affects one’s
Remedyo Attitude – Filipinos are known for being productivity.
creative and resourceful. This is characterized by
their ability to find useful in things that may already Ningas Kugon – this is characterized by the attitude
be considered as junk by others. of being enthusiastic only at the beginning of an
Matiyaga – Filipinos are known for their grit and
strong determination in every undertaking. Oversensitivity – it is the inability of some Filipinos
to withstand and accept criticism or negative
Utang na Loob – this is a feeling of gratitude, comments, when they hear criticisms, they are easily
recognition of one’s indebtedness, and obligation to hurt as they take these personally and negatively,
repay someone who has extended assistance to instead of constructively.
Pakikisama – it is a Filipino attitude of always
Negative Filipino Traits adhering or submitting to the will of the group they
are part of.
Bahala na Attitude – this is a Filipino trait of
leaving to fate and luck the outcome of certain Lack of Sportsmanship – it is an attitude of
undertaking, hence the expression bahala na. Filipinos manifested in how they cannot seem to
accept defeat. They would rather believe that they
Colonial Mentality or Blue-seal Mentality – is a were cheated on than accept that they were defeated.
Filipino value of giving high regard to foreign
products and treating the local as inferior and low Tsamba Lang Attitude – it is attitude characterized
quality. by the refusal to take the credit for one’s own
accomplishments, instead owing it to charm and luck.
Crab Mentality – is a Filipino attitude born out of
jealousy and insecurity characterized by an attempt to CHAPTER 10: DIGITAL ASPECT OF THE
pull down those who are ahead of them in life. SELF

Euphemistic – this is a Filipino attitude of not being Front and Back stages of the self
frank and straightforward so as not to offend or hurt
another person. Goffman (1967), as cited by Delise (2012), theorized
notions concerning the presentetation of self in daily
Filipino Time – these manifests among Filipino face to face interactions.
through lack of punctuality.
The theory presents social life as a stage, where all
Gaya-gaya Attitude – this is Filipino trait of are actors and audience members.
copying or imitating others’ work, product, type of
business, fashion, and the likes. According to Goffman , many videos or pictures
uploaded by people are their Front stages, while their
Jackpot Mentality – this is characterized by an Back stages remain hidden so that the identities that
“instant millionaire” mentality of some Filipinos who they portray in public are preserved.
would rather engage in fast ways of acquiring money.
Digital Self
Belief in Kapalaran – it is a Filipino trait of Images can be manipulated through skills in
believing and accepting that one’s fate is already photography or photoshops.
written in the stars. This is manifested in the practice
of going to fortunate-tellers and palm-readers just What not to post online
earn affirmation of their beliefs rather than planning • Sexy or revealing pictures
and pursuing their goal in life. •Pictures or videos showing private moments with
loved ones
Mañana Habit – Mañana from the phrase mamaya •Pictures or videos showing bad habits
na means “I’ll do it later,” is an attitude of Filipinos • Negative comments on another person's attitudes
characterized by stalling on doing tasks instead of • Posts announcing conflicts with other people
doing them immediately. The delay in the • Comments showing strong opposition to certain
•James Spady is considered the father of Outcomed-
Dichotomies of the self Based Education (OBE)
• it deals with what the students can do.
1. Producer or Consumer •In a nutshells. OBE is performance - based and
2. Offline versus offline action based. It is not about what the students know.
3. Body versus Technology But what the students can perform or do.

Negative effects of too much social media on Good Study Habits

health 1. Get organized
•eye problem 2. Prepare your review materials
•headache 3. Ask help
•nausea 4. Test yourself or ask someone to test you.
•etc 5. Allot time to take a break and eliminate stress.
6. Create or join a study group
CHAPTER 11: BECOMING A BETTER 7. Teach what you have learned
STUDENT 8. Study to understand, not to remember

Characteristics Of Learning Meaningful Learning

1. Learning is Purposeful -In a traditional or teacher - centered approach, the
2. Learning is a Result of Experience students are passive amd are expected to be receptive
3. Learning is Multifaceted. as the teacher gives instructions.
4. Learning is an Active Process - The teacher is the sole speaker throughout the class.

What Happens During Learning,?

Brain Changes SUCCESS
- when a person learns something new, the brain
undergoes changes. Goal
-an idea of the future or desired result that a person or
Behavioral Changes a group of people envision, plan and commit to
- learning has been defined as a permanent change in achieve.
behavior as a resultbof experience.
Albert Bandura
Becoming Self Regulated Learner -most influential and popular social psychologist
because of his research about observation's
Self- Regulated importance.
-refers to learners ability to regulate or control one's
own learning and behavior. Theory of Self Efficacy
-the concept of self-efficacy is "belief".
According to Barry Zimmerman, self regulation is
not a He described self efficacy as the confidence in
•it is not a mental ability skill having the ability to perform certain behaviors.
•it is a self - directive process
Ways to Strengthen Efficacy
3 Phases of Self Regulated Learning
•Plan and set goals Mastery Experiences - refer to first-hand or direct
•Use strategies and monitor Performance experiences that a person acquires.
•Reflect and Adapt
Vicarious Experiences - emanate from observing
Learning to be a better student people, especially those that one regards as his or her
The Philippine Educational System is embracing role models.
outcome-based education wherein the premise of
instruction is based on what the students can do. As Verbal Persuasion - refers to motivation coming
oposed to what the students know. from influential people such as parents, friends,
coaches, and superiors. - pushes people to take the extra mile

Emotional and Psychological States- refers to the Julian Rotter

emotion and psychological nconditions that a person -American psychologist who is known for developing
is in. influential theories, including social learning theory
and locus of control.
Carol Dweck
-one of the most renowned researchers in the area of Expectancy Theory
motivation. She introduced the idea of mindset which -is focused mainly on the expectations that shape a
she defined as the implicit theories that individuals particular behavior in particular situation.
hold regarding the nature of intelligent behavior.
2 Classification of Locus Control
Internal Locus of Control
FIXED THEORY OF INTELLIGENCE (FIXED - he or she believes that events are controlled by his
MINDSET) or her own efforts.
-people believe that basic qualities such as
intelligence and talents are fixed traits. External Locus of Control
- He or she believes that events are determined by
GROWTH THEORY OF INTELLIGENCE ( external forces over which he or she has no control
-People believe that talents and intelligence are
developed through learning, effort, training and
-in 1990, Edwin Locke and Gary Latham, published a Medical Professionals often encourage us to
book entitled "A Theory Of Goal and Task avoid stress in order to stay healthy. Stress triggers
Performance". life threatening illnesses such as cancer,
hypertension, heart attack, high blood pressure, and
2 Sides of Goals risky decisions. Drastic actions, whether physical or
verbal, may also arise from stress. Stress therefore,
Mastery Goals has a lot of negative consequences.
-Where the desires to gain knowledge and skills are
reflected. Three Domains that Dominate the Self
Based on the domains of biorhythm, the self is
Performance Goals dominated by three domains that operate in a cycle.
-Where the desire to look competent in other people's These domains manifest regularly and one may
eyes is manifested. domains the other. These domains are Physical,
Intellectual and Emotional.
5 Principles of Goal Settings
The Physical domain includes coordination, strength
1. Clarity and well being. The Intellectual domains includes
-simply means being clear and not vague. alertness, analytical functioning, logical analysis,
2. Challenge memory or recall, and communication. The
- Means that a goal must trigger the knowledge, Emotional domain includes creativity, sensitivity,
skills and abilities of a person mood, perception, and awareness.
3. Commitment Contemporary medicine prescribes that in order to be
-Reflects a person's dedication towards the healthy,, one must regularly exercise, control the
attainment of the set goals. intake of unhealthy food, and be in forgiving mode,
4. Feedback so as not to poison one’ mind. If there is a
- Serves as mechanism to ensure that everyone physiological poison, there is also physiological
sharing the same goal is on the right track and all are poison. In it’s entirety, such negativity on all domain
in the same direction. opens the possibility of occurrence of sickness or
5. Task Complexity disease. To avoid sickness or disease, a positive and
proactive score in these domains leads to a healthier described as unpleasant and life-threatening:
1.Catastrophic Events and Life Threatening
Personal Health Responsibility Experience
Streinbrook (2006) stated that today, more than ever, -are abrupt unforeseen experiences or traumas, such
personal health responsibility or taking charge one’s as natural calamities, military combats, terrorist
health is an essential step in disease prevention as attacks, accidents, and physical and sexual abuse.
well as in protocols for healing and recovery from
diseases. 2. Life Changes and Strains
- include separation of parents, illness in the
Personal Health Responsibility involves active family, change of workplace, transfer of domicile,
participation in one’s own health and healing plan and other circumstances that demand people to
through education and lifestyle changes. adjust.
Although the concept of personal health
responsibility seems simple, it is often overlooked 3. Chronic Problems
when people are diagnosed with an autoimmune - exist for a long period which include
disorder and seeking a quick fix. circumstances such as suffering from a serious
illness, having irresponsible neighbors, and failure to
People should think more about the prevention of acquire a lucrative or high income job.
diseases than the cure of these. Diseases may be
avoided if everyone is conscious about what one does 4. Everyday Hassles
since most diseases are acquired as a product of - are irritations, pressures, and annoyances that may
unhealthy lifestyle. not be significant stressors by themselves but whose
Part of Personal Health responsibility is knowing cumulative effect can be significant.
one's family history. This is one way to determine
hereditary illnesses which can be avoided in the Stress Tolerance
future. -refers to the ability of an individual to endure stress.
Another health responsibility is conducting research An individual’s stress tolerance is dependent on his
on effective herbal medicines and food supplements. or her psychological and physiological constitution
Prescription drugs manufactured in the laboratory are thus, everyone reacts differently to stress. One’s
made up of chemicals which can be detrimental to perception of stress is subjective. A eustress for
people’s health. someone could be a distress to another. The reality is
that one cannot really eliminate stress, but one can
Stress manage it.
Refers to the reaction of our physiological and
psychological self to any kind of demand or threat. Signs and Symptoms of Poorly Managed Stress
Right off the bat, one could already claim that not
stress is negative or unwanted. Sometimes there are Physical Symptoms
positive stresses that are aptly called;
* Inability to sleep
Positive Stress (Eustress) *fatigue
Is a beneficial stress that can be in the form of *headaches
physical, psychological, and biological stimuli. *cramps
Literally the Greek prefix eu means good, hence the *unpleasant aura
word “eustress” means “good stress.” *gastrointestinal problems
Bad Stress or Distress
Bad stress or distress is the exact opposite of
eustress, Distress occurs when there is a tension build Emotional and Behavioural symptoms
up which becomes unbearable and difficult to cope
with. *lack of concentration
Stressors *Nervousness
Is any event that compels a person to adjust or *panic
change. Below are the common stressors that are *lack of appetite or too much intake of food
*low level of enthusiasm and desire
*mood swing maintain and improve his or her personal well being.

3. Psychological Self Care

Coping with Stress - Includes all the activities one does to deal or
-People who have adequate coping resources and resolve mental health issues.
methods will suffer fewer effects of stressors
compared to those who lack them. 4. Emotional Self Care
-The effect of stressors can also be eliminated -Includes all the activities one does to cope with
through the use of effective coping methods. Most of stress and deal with grief.
these methods can classified as problem-focused or
emotion-focused (Bernstein, Penner, Clarke-Stewart, 5. Social Self Care
and Roy, 2012, quoting folkman, 1986). -Includes all the activities one does to connect with
people valuable to him or her.
Problem Focused Method
-involves an attempt to change or eliminate sources 6. Spiritual Self Care
of stress. -Includes all the activities one does to strengthen
Focus Coping Method one's relationship with his or her beliefs.
- is aimed at controlling the negative emotional
consequences of stressors. Benefits of Self Care

Social and Cultural Dimensions of Stress 1.Enhanced Productivity

-Socially and Culturally, stress is typically viewed - when a person distance himself or herself from
negatively vices, he or she will have more time to focus on his
- similar to existential philosophy, a stress is or her goals in addition to improving his or her
relative one's perception of stress depends on the physical well being.
perspective of the individual. This perception is
always subject to change; what is viewed as an asset 2. Improved Vitality
can be viewed as a liability later on by another person - Physical care activities like exercising increase
resistance to diseases. Unhealthy habits make a
In the Philippines, There are perennial stressors person vulnerable to diseases.
that frustrates most of people, some of these are;
• Public Transportation 3. Enhanced Self-Esteem
• Traffic Problems - Avoiding self-berating is very important. It is
• Frequent increase in prices of basic commodities important for a person to discover and accept who he
and services or she really is and be proud about herself or himself.
• Unfinished projects that cause further traffic
congestion and risk to people's safety 4. Increased Self-Knowledge
- after a person discovers and accepts who he or she
The need for Self-Care and Self-Compassion is, it is important for him or her to know what he or
-You cannot give to others what you do not have. she wants and what he or she loves to do.
Psychologically, before you could take cate of
others, you must take care of yourself first. Before 5. Mindfulness and Compassion
you can give something of yourself, you must first be - Knowing and being good to oneself stems from
in touch with different aspects of your self. goodness and compassion one directs towards other
One must first take care of himself or herself before people.
he or she can take care of others.

1. Self Care
Self Compassion
-refers to all activities that a person does to
-is defined as showing compassion to oneself.
maintain amd improve his or her physical,
psychological, emotional, social and spiritual well
being. Three components of self compassion:

2. Physical Self Care Self kindness

-Includes all the activities that one does to -means not being physically and verbally harsh to

Common humanity
-means acceptance that one is an imperfect being,
one makes mistakes along with everyone else, and
one does not always get what he or she wants.

-is the practice of being fully present in the moment.
One has to turn toward his or her painful thoughts
and emotions in order to embrace himself or herself
with compassion.

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