Role of Nursing Personnel in Laboratory Testing: August 2018
Role of Nursing Personnel in Laboratory Testing: August 2018
Role of Nursing Personnel in Laboratory Testing: August 2018
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1 author:
Rateesh Sareen
Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital and Medical Research Institute
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In modern medicine, doctors rely heavily on diagnostic testing to assist them with patient
management, making or excluding diagnosis and implementing an appropriate treatment plan.
It is therefore important that the laboratory produces quality test results. As laboratory testing
errors mainly occur outside the analytical process, they are likely to span the current branches or
subspecialties of laboratory medicine, including clinical biochemistry, hematology, coagulation,
immunometric and molecular biology. Inappropriateness of the samples especially due to blood
drawing errors generally occurs when the blood samples are drawn by nurses whose experiences
and training are not sufficient for blood drawing in clinics comparing to the phlebotomists who
are a group of more stable staff. Inappropriate laboratory utilization ultimately increases healthcare
costs, harms patients and perpetuates the vision of laboratory testing as a commodity. The paper
highlights the various factors affecting laboratory results some that can be controlled by training and
learning while others that arise out of biological variations thus non modifiable.
Keywords: Preanalytical errors; Nursing training; Phlebotomy
The advancement in instrument technology, automation and manpower skills have simplified
the laboratory testing. The laboratory testing of any analytic comprises of three phases namely -
Preanalytical, Analytical and Post analytical phases. The preanalytical errors are the errors that
occur from the time a laboratory test is ordered by the clinician until the sample is ready for analysis.
This stage of laboratory testing is most prone to errors with 46-71% errors encountered during the
testing process [1,2]. The preanalytical phase involves people beyond the limits of laboratory and
in hospitals/clinics the nursing personnel are often entrusted with the responsibility of collecting
blood samples from the patients and sending them to the laboratory for analysis. The nursing staff
need not be expert in technical details of laboratory analysis but awareness of common preanalytical
variables is favorable as their knowledge has significant effect on sample collection process and
OPEN ACCESS subsequently the laboratory test results. Insufficient quantity and inappropriate quality of specimen
may account for over 60% of preanalytical errors [3]. The lack of understanding of blood collection
*Correspondence: process [4], errors in patient identification and preparation [5], defect in sample collection device/
Rateesh Sareen, Consultant Pathology, container [6] and error in sample handling ultimately compromise laboratory results. These errors
SDM Hospital, Jaipur, India, can seriously affect reliability of test result and affect patient care adversely. As the sample collection
E-mail: [email protected] is performed by nursing staff these errors can rarely be identified by the laboratory. The role of
Received Date: 13 Apr 2018 ‘human factor’ in sample collection makes the elimination of errors unrealistic but awareness and
Accepted Date: 18 May 2018 identification of areas of possible error with adequate, repetitive, continual professional training can
Published Date: 27 May 2018 significantly reduce them [7]. The purpose of this article is to highlight the common variables and to
Citation: enlighten the nursing staff of common pre analytical variables that affect test results. The common
Sareen R, Dutt A. Role of Nursing
variables pertaining to samples of blood are elucidated in the following paragraphs (Table 1).
Personnel in Laboratory Testing. Ann Identification of patient: It is of utmost importance to identify correct patient so as to collect the
Nurs Primary Care. 2018; 1(1): 1004. correct sample. Whenever identification of patient is done it is always prudent to use two identifiers
Copyright © 2018 Rateesh Sareen. like name of the patient & unique identification number with date of birth8 and the in house patients
This is an open access article should wear wrist bands with the above identification information which is verified by the staff time
distributed under the Creative and again the samples are collected from the patient [8]. Identification of critically ill, comatose
Commons Attribution License, which
patients or children should be carried out with extra precaution by adopting stringent vigilant
methodology to ensure that there is no error as any lax attitude could not only result in wrong
permits unrestricted use, distribution,
sampling but also unreliable laboratory result ultimately affecting patient care and in unfortunate
and reproduction in any medium,
cases an error in judgment inviting medical negligence [9].
provided the original work is properly
cited. Container labeling: Incorrect labeling of sample will inadvertently have incorrect laboratory
Patient preparation
Collection after meal in place of fasting Altered glucose & lipid profile
Tourniquet application Prolonged application cause falsely high calcium level, excessive probing can cause hemolysis.
Handling of specimen Unstable samples poor handling result in ACTH, ACE level alteration
Fasting Amino acids, Fatty acids, Ketone, Lactate, Bilirubin, Growth Hormone, Glucagon, Triglyceride Glucose, HDL, Lactate dehydrogenase, Insulin
Exercise AST, Bilirubin, Creatine kinase, HDL, Lactate, LDH, Uric acid
result. The staff should abide with correct sample labeling techniques
with labeling of tubes done immediately after sample collection at
bedside as enshrined in The Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute
(CLSI) guidelines [10].
Specimen discrepancy: Specimen discrepancy or inconsistency
can be a labeling error (requisition, container/ vacutainer or both);
lack of mention of anatomical site in surgical pathology samples;
discordance in requisition form verse container; incomplete clinical
information on form; specimen designation not clearly mentioned
or improperly prepared specimen prior to arrival in the laboratory.
The severity of discrepancy will determine the degree to which the
patient can be affected. These errors are particularly more common
in surgical pathology and quick identification is needed to abate
potential harm to patients. The nursing staff working in operation
theatres and surgical areas handling tissue specimens should be aware
of the effects of mislabeling of the containers and inappropriately filled
forms in particular. The lack of information on the requisition form
prevents laboratory from further processing the samples ultimately
delaying diagnosis and patient care. Labeling errors are generally of
three types [11]. Firstly, an unlabeled container or requisition arriving
in surgical pathology meaning that the container or requisition form
may lack proper patient identification. Second type of errors can be Figure 1: Hemolysed sample.
like the container is identified as one patient while the accompanying
requisition states a different patient. Third type, the cruelest one Site selection: The site of venipuncture can compromise the
involves, a labeled requisition and container with the same patient quality of sample. The most commonly selected site is the median
identified but it is the wrong patient. This error could only be cubital vein followed by cephalic vein and lastly the basilica vein.
recognized by the individual who was responsible for it independent Sampling from basilica vein should be done with caution as there is
of laboratory intervention. The only way to minimize labeling errors risk of damage to the neighboring brachial artery and median nerve.
is to implement a ‘double check system’ before specimens’ leave The venipuncture site should be cleaned with alcohol beginning with
clinical setting implemented by clinical staff including nursing staff. the center of site and continuing outwards in concentric circles.
There should be an appointed member of the clinical staff to recheck Alcohol should be allowed to air dry before starting venipuncture
each specimen in the area to ensure accuracy. A log sheet bearing as contamination with alcohol can lead to hemolysis resulting in
initial of both staff members should be recorded for tracking purpose. spurious elevations of levels of analytic such as potassium, Lactate
‘To err is human’, but the only way to overcome these errors is by Dehydrogenase (LDH) and magnesium (Figure 1,2).
communication, education and collaboration [12].
Tourniquet: The tourniquet should be applied 3-4 inches above
Patient preparation: The collection of clinical chemistry samples the venipuncture site. It creates an increase in pressure below the site
for fasting glucose estimation and lipid profile requires overnight of application resulting in increase in concentration of protein bound
fasting (at least 12 hours), these considerations must be given by the non diffusible analyte [13,14]. It is generally accepted that tourniquet
nursing staff while collecting blood samples. should not be kept for more than one minute. renowned and colleagues
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