Mistakes in A Stat Laboratory: Types and Frequency: Clinical Chemistry September 1997
Mistakes in A Stat Laboratory: Types and Frequency: Clinical Chemistry September 1997
Mistakes in A Stat Laboratory: Types and Frequency: Clinical Chemistry September 1997
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Application of Total Quality Management concepts to tory testing to detect and correct defects. However, most
laboratory testing requires that the total process, includ- of their attention has been directed toward detecting and
ing preanalytical and postanalytical phases, be managed correcting defects in the analytical portion of the testing
so as to reduce or, ideally, eliminate all defects within process, such that analytical mistakes now account for
the process itself. Indeed a “mistake” can be defined as ,10% of all mistakes. Ross and Boone found that mistakes
any defect during the entire testing process, from order- made in laboratory testing were distributed as follows:
ing tests to reporting results. We evaluated the fre- preanalytical 46%, analytical 7%, and postanalytical 47%
quency and types of mistakes found in the “stat” section [1]. Similar data were obtained by Bachner et al. in a CAP
of the Department of Laboratory Medicine of the Uni- Q-probe study on blood bank quality-assurance practice
versity-Hospital of Padova by monitoring four different [2] and, more recently, by Boone et al. in a survey on
departments (internal medicine, nephrology, surgery, transfusional medicine [3].
and intensive care unit) for 3 months. Among a total of The application of Total Quality Management to labo-
40 490 analyses, we identified 189 laboratory mistakes, a ratory testing requires that the total process, including
relative frequency of 0.47%. The distribution of mis- preanalytical and postanalytical phases, be managed so as
takes was: preanalytical 68.2%, analytical 13.3%, and to reduce or, ideally, eliminate all defects within the
postanalytical 18.5%. Most of the laboratory mistakes process. Reports in the literature disagree as to the fre-
(74%) did not affect patients’ outcome. However, in 37 quency of mistakes in the clinical laboratory. The error
patients (19%), laboratory mistakes were associated with ratio is often stated as 1:1000, but other studies show a
further inappropriate investigations, thus resulting in frequency of 1:100 [4]. As observed by Goldschmidt and
an unjustifiable increase in costs. Moreover, in 12 pa- Lent [5], to a certain event the difference depends on the
tients (6.4%) laboratory mistakes were associated with fact that ;75% of any test results within the clinical
inappropriate care or inappropriate modification of laboratory are, in general, normal and any interchange
therapy. The promotion of quality control and continu- will be unnoticed and have no effect on the thinking
ous improvement of the total testing process, including process of physicians or on the well-being of patients. Of
pre- and postanalytical phases, seems to be a prerequi- the remaining 25% of mistakes, half are so absurd that
site for an effective laboratory service. they are recognized by the requester as useless informa-
tion, and are therefore not taken into account in any
INDEXING TERMS: total quality management • emergency medical decisionmaking. However, the remaining 12.5%,
medicine • clinical audit i.e., 1:800 to 1:8000, may cause an erroneous medical
Quality and accountability are the focus of current con- The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency
cern in laboratory medicine. Mounting evidence indicates and types of mistakes in our laboratory so as to identify
that reliability cannot be achieved in a clinical laboratory the most critical steps in the analytical testing process and
through the mere promotion of accuracy in the analytical to plan a corrective strategy. We defined a “mistake” as
phase of the testing process. Laboratorians have long any defect during the entire testing process, from order-
realized the importance of monitoring all steps in labora- ing tests to reporting results, that influenced in any way
the quality of the laboratory service.
To overcome some previously described limitations
Servizio di Medicina di Laboratorio, Laboratorio Centrale, Azienda Os- and to ascertain the number and type of medically recog-
pedaliera di Padova, Via Giustiniani 2, 35128 Padova, Italy. nized mistakes, we designed a prospective study, select-
*Author for correspondence. Fax (49) 663240; e-mail [email protected]. ing the following: (a) the emergency department of the
Presented in part at the 2nd European Meeting on the Preanalytical Phase
laboratory, in which the percentage of results in the
in Laboratory Sciences, Oxford, UK, July 5–7, 1996.
Received November 21, 1996; revised March 27, 1997; accepted April 1, reference interval is only ;50%, and an immediate clinical
1997. evaluation of results is presumed to occur; (b) a highly
Clinical Chemistry 43, No. 8, 1997 1349
accurate intralaboratory medical validation of data, tak- fractile of laboratories”; inaccuracy is “less than one quar-
ing into account all potential mistakes that cannot usually ter of the group (within- plus between-subject) biological
be detected; and (c) four cooperating departments, in variation or less than one-sixteenth of the reference inter-
which the physicians and nurses were willing to make an val, when these data do not exist, or less than twice the
appraisal of laboratory findings, paying maximal critical ideal imprecision, if the ideal imprecision of the above
attention. specifications are too demanding” [6]. Likewise, we con-
We excluded all mistakes identified by routine quality- sidered as laboratory mistakes all results exceeding by .3
assurance procedures and amended before the final re- SD the internally defined mean turnaround time. The
porting of results, because they did not lead to giving statistical significance of differences between relative fre-
erroneous information to clinicians. quencies of mistakes observed in the departments consid-
ered was calculated by using the Confidence Interval (CI)
Materials and Methods Analysis microcomputer program [7].
The Department of Laboratory Medicine of the Universi-
ty-Hospital of Padua is a large laboratory service provid- Results
ing tests for clinical chemistry, hematology, coagulation, Among a total of 40 490 analyses, clinicians notified us of
and immunology. The laboratory serves a hospital with 359 questionable findings, 189 of which were confirmed
2900 beds and highly specialized care units, including as laboratory mistakes; this was a relative frequency of
organ transplantation. 0.47%. In the department of internal medicine, the fre-
The Stat Service, which is a part of the Laboratory quency of mistakes found was relatively higher (Table 1);
Department, performs 1.4 3 106 tests per year with by Confidence Interval (CI) Analysis this difference was
individual spaces, instruments, and staff. Clinical chem- statistically significant (P ,0.05) compared with the fre-
istry analyses are performed with Ektachem 950 (Johnson quency from the surgery and intensive care departments.
& Johnson Clinical Diagnostics, Milan, Italy) and Syn- The distribution of mistakes (Table 2) was: preanalytical
chron CX7 analyzers (Beckman Analyticals, Milan, Italy); 68.2%, analytical 13.3%, and postanalytical 18.5%. In the
hematology is performed with one Coulter STKS and one preanalytical phase in particular, the most common faults
H3 analyzer (Bayer Divisione Diagnostici, Milan, Italy); (Table 3) depended on inaccurate procedures for sample
coagulation with an ACL 3000 (IL, Milan, Italy); toxicol- collection, including blood drawing from an infusive line,
ogy and drugs with an ACA star (Dade Diagnostics, resulting in sample dilution, and utilization of an inap-
Milan, Italy) and an Abbott Diagnostics (Rome, Italy) propriate container. Three specimens for determination of
TDx. activated partial thrombin time were collected in tubes
Each of these instruments is connected to the labora- with heparin as the anticoagulant instead of sodium
tory information system, ,5% of the results being manu-
ally entered into the computer. The laboratory informa-
tion system allows results to be directly communicated to Table 1. Laboratory mistakes in stat testing.
the care units. Samples Testsa Mistakes
Four different departments (internal medicine, ne-
Department No. Frequency, % (95% CI)
phrology, surgery, and the intensive care unit) were
Intensive care 1 115 14 646 58 0.39 (0.294–0.493)
selected for this study, and all stat laboratory data for
Surgery 1 785 7 704 32 0.42 (0.322–0.523)
these departments were strictly monitored for 3 months.
Medicine 1 895 8 803 54 0.61b (0.507–0.706)
The brevity of the observation period was a prerequisite
Nephrology 1 660 9 337 45 0.48 (0.379–0.582)
for the study design, the physicians and the nurses of the
Total 6 455 40 490 189 0.47 (0.369–0.572)
four departments involved being asked to pay maximal a
The number of tests is greater than the number of samples because more
critical attention to all test results. These personnel were
than one test was performed on a sample.
provided with a special notebook in which any “suspect” b
Statistically different (P ,0.05) from that for surgery and intensive care
result was recorded, together with all pertinent clinical departments.
information. In addition, every day, a laboratory physi-
cian visited the care units to discuss and review any
suspect laboratory results. If data were considered clini- Table 2. Laboratory mistakes in stat testing.
cally questionable, the original request was checked and Types of mistakes
the specimen was inspected and retested, sometimes with Preanalytical Analytical Postanalytical
different methods and instruments; finally, a search was
Department No. % No. % No. %
made for possible interferents. We considered analytical
laboratory mistakes to be all data that exceeded proposed Intensive care 39 67 6 10 13 23
and interim European quality specifications for impreci- Surgery 26 81 5 16 1 3
Medicine 33 61 9 17 12 22
sion and inaccuracy. In particular, imprecision is “less than
Nephrology 31 69 5 11 9 20
one-half of the average within-subject biological variation
Total 129 68.2 25 13.3 35 18.5
or less than the state of the art achieved by the best 0.20
1350 Plebani and Carraro: Mistakes in a stat lab
2.5 and for internal complaints 1.9. However, examples of ods for detecting mistakes (e.g., Shigeo Shingo’s mistake
serious mistakes (score 5) have been reported, including proofing) [10] should contribute additional information
one fetal death because of delayed reporting of HELLP on the true frequency, nature, and sources of laboratory
syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low mistakes, thus keeping laboratory practice in pace with
platelets) and one death of a young diabetic patient changes in the state-of-the-art for new technology, proce-
attributable to erroneously low glucose test results, dures, tests, and effective information.
among others [8]. One should also appreciate, of course, If patients’ interests are to be safeguarded and quality
that the laboratory has played an important role in in laboratory testing promoted, there must be a departure
helping to save lives by proper and timely reporting of from the conventional view of the laboratory, which
test results. focuses on the quality control of the analytical activities
It has been stated that 70% of faults depend on human within the laboratory. Today, the quality system for
mistakes, mainly communication problems, and only 30% clinical laboratories must include promotion of accuracy
are instrumental mistakes [9]. In the FONA study, in in the analytical phase as well as the assurance of the
particular, of the total external complaints, 30 were hu- reliability of pre- and postanalytical activities. Our finding
man and only 1 was instrument-related, whereas for the that a large percentage of laboratory mistakes occurs in
internal complaints these numbers were 95 and 7, respec- the pre- and postanalytical phases indicates that the active
tively (93–97% human, 1–3% instrumental). However, monitoring of all potential defects calls for the assistance
FONA-type complaints do not appear to be an appropri- of nonlaboratory personnel, to enable the inclusion of
ate means for revealing the real frequency and extent of steps outside the laboratory. Cooperation with clinicians
laboratory mistakes, its main limitations being that it and personnel outside the laboratory is therefore the key
depends on the scrupulousness of clinicians in filling in to improvement, and a clinical audit is an important
the special forms, and it tends to identify only the more component in the quality system for the clinical labora-
important clinical mistakes. tory [11, 12].
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