Grade-7 Lesson Plan
Grade-7 Lesson Plan
Grade-7 Lesson Plan
The learner will gain better understanding of the text by The learner is expected to perform a meaningful task that
citing pieces of evidence to support a general statement. will enhance reading comprehension skills. The excitement
Being able to determine the general statement and its to develop critical thinking skills will be enriched through
supporting details will help draw conclusions, evaluate, citing the pieces of evidence to support a general
and interpret critically as they read paragraphs and texts. statement. .
Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC): At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
Printed Reference:
DIRECTIONS: Each box has four pictures representing an idea. Figure out the hidden idea by arranging the jumbled
words provided below and form them to a phrase or a sentence.
(After the discussion the teacher will divide the class into 5 (five) groups to answer the following statement)
Read the short creation story below and answer the following questions.
The creation story. In the beginning, there was nothing. There was no time, no light, no darkness, nothing
existed but God. Then God decided to bring forth his power. On the first day, God created the heavens and
earth. But the earth had no form. So God said ‘let there be light.’ And there was light! And that is how night and
day were born. On the second day, God created all the oceans, lakes, and rivers. On the third day, God
commanded dry land to appear on earth. Soon, God created all the beautiful trees and plants you see today.
Then came the fourth day! God filled the sky with the sun, the moon and countless stars. But there was more to
come! On the fifth day, God breathed his life into the waters and created the sea creatures. He also created all
the beautiful birds on the fifth day. Next, God called forth living beings – animals of all shapes and sizes – to fill
the earth on the sixth day. Reptiles, insects, and animals now called earth their home. God also created the first
humans – Adam and Even – on the sixth day of creation. Now that the earth was ready and buzzing with life,
What do you think is the reason why we need to know the general statement and the supporting evidence of the
text/ story?
As a student what would be the importance of determining the general statement and the supporting evidence
in our daily living?
Content (50%) The content is The content is The content is The content is very
Clear and evident unclear and somewhat clear sufficiently clear clear and well-
focus on the topic unsupported. and supported. and supported. supported.
Language (25%) There are four or There are two to There is one There are no
Spelling, more language three language language error. language errors.
mechanics, errors. errors.
grammar, and word
Activity 4:
Activity 5:
Prepared by: Checked by: