The Ubiquitous Ovoid by Jim Lyons

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by Jim Lyons


The patterns of Nature are the bread and butter of an Earth Energy Dowser.  Despite
their overall complexity, the archetypal shapes are nevertheless few in number.  It is
part of the basic education of dowsers to learn to detect the lines of energy in the
ground and in particular study the basically circular shapes associated with the
crossovers of these lines.  The so called Spider Web patterns discernible at such
locations are key to the establishment of sacred sites, be they early neolithic
structures, late medieval churches or in latter days, even crop circles.  If, for the
purpose of this discussion, we restrict our attention to Stone Circles, then it becomes
possible to delineate the key parameters of these sites, in particular their plan form. 
We speak of Circles but in fact, it is rare to find anything that could be termed a true
circle.  Alexander Thom`s definitive study of many hundreds of Stone Circles showed
that their form falls into a number of generic shapes.  The bottom line is that in general
the shape is closer to an ovoid or egg shape than a true circle.  Using the Castlerigg
Circle as an example,

it is seen that the basic geometry can be described

by a set of circular arcs centred on a central triangle. 
It so happens that the shape of this triangle is related
to tetrahedral geometry, a key feature of all earth
energy patterns.  In many cases, stone circle
geometry can be modelled by four circular arcs,
related to two central contiguous triangles.  With this
arrangement, an infinite number of ovoidal shapes
can be created.  However, Nature seems to prefer
certain numerical relationships and a key is related to
a number termed the Golden Ratio, well known to
avid readers of this publication. (see article by
Grahame Gardner in this issue  Ed.) As a number, it
is Phi ф = 1.6180339… It belongs to a class of numbers termed irrational.  With
anything to do with life, it turns up absolutely everywhere.  It is closely related to the
number 5 and hence the pentagon, a key shape in earth energies.  In ancient times, it
is the basis of the shape of the Cheops pyramid at Giza.  The Egyptians even found a
close mathematical relationship to the other key number of the ancient world,
Pi л = 3.14159… This is л = 6/5 ф2 , more than accurate enough to do the necessary
sums of the day. 

The Golden Egg

We are now in a position with this basic

knowledge to consider a key shape in earth
energies - The Golden Egg.  This is a special case
of the four arc ovoid model in which the distance
around the egg - its perimeter,  divided by the
sum of the major and minor axes of the ovoid,
gives the Golden Ratio, 1.6180339…
Theoretically, this shape was identified by Victor Schauberger in his work on the flow
of water and the optimum vessel shape to contain it.  Adapted here from `Living
Energies` - (p.72) by Callum Coates is Schauberger`s  basic golden egg shape related
to the pentagon.  Added to this shape are the the key arcs which produce this shape
and the location of the centres of these arcs in relation to the pentagon.  Details of the
algebraic relations which define this shape are given in Appendix 1. 

How then does this relate to the Earth Energy scenario? Several EEG members are
well acquainted with The Golden Egg , having laid out this shape in their gardens to
dowse; Fig.  3 shows Bob Sephton`s version.

 Bob found this shape not only in his garden but also
in Stonehenge.  Its major axis of alignment changes
with the moon`s position.  Billy Gawn and Dudley
Wheeler spent some time chalking out the shape in
fields in Northern Ireland.  It was associated with this
work that Billy made a key discovery.  A true Golden
Egg shape has the property of expelling from within it
rising plumes of detrimental earth energy! In the world of physics, this shows
remarkable similarity to an effect in superconductivity known as The Meissner Effect
whereby lines of magnetic flux are expelled from a conductor at the point of it
becoming superconducting, i.e the condition in which current flows with no resistive
losses.  Why earth energy plumes behave this way is still something of a mystery
though this link of subtle energy flow to superconductors has been observed many
times in research into dowsing.

Detrimental earth energy plumes resemble the rising of heat plumes from a hot plate. 
Physically, they look like fountains of energy which terminate in scroll shaped patterns
or more precisely toroids.  These plumes are more correctly described as columnar
vortices, first studied in the 19th century by Lord Kelvin.  The generalised form of these
vortices is well known and is the classic water vortex which manifests in characteristic
form as a whirlpool.  Its shape is in a form of what is termed a hyperbola. 

Fig.  4 shows a two dimensional graphical version, the basis

of what is called a Rankine Vortex.   From its simple
equation y=1/x together with the simplest of equations y=x ,
it is shown in the figure how The Golden Ratio emerges as a
property of this universal shape.  When 1/x-x=1, it turns out
there are two solutions to the resulting equation, namely x=
0.618.., 1.618.., the Golden Ratio and its inverse.   Rotating
this 2D shape around the y-axis gives us the 3D version
which is the whirlpool shape, known to mathematicians as a
hyperbolic cone.  The associated pressure curve is shown
which indicates the practical whirlpool form.  This now brings us to the link to the
topic of ovoids and The Golden Egg in particular.  It is well known that slicing a
straight sided cone at an angle produces a regular ovoidal shape known as an ellipse,
the shape traced out by planets circling the sun.  If we make a similar slicing of a
hyperbolic cone however, we do generate an ovoid but this time it is asymmetrical,
looking more like a birds egg.
  At one particular combination of parameters, namely
a 450 slice at a height of close to 2.3345 units along
the y-axis, then the resulting shape is to all intents
and purposes a Golden Egg! (see Fig.  5).

 Why is it that this apparently odd height generates

this special shape? It turns out that this number is
one half of a key number in Nature termed
Feigenbaum`s first number of Chaos - 4.6692... 
Recent research in a wide field of study including
earth energies is indicating the importance of the manifestation of Chaos Theory in
generating  Nature`s Patterns..  `Order emerges from chaos` and this is just the way it
seems to be in dowsing earth energy patterns.  Is then this number of Chaos theory
totally new? Although its significance has been known for only around thirty years, it
has strong links with both Pi and Phi as described above.

 Fig.  6 shows the linkages between these

numbers and Feigenbaum`s number, denoted
by δ. It has recently been shown that this
number is inherent in the geometry of Cheop`s

The Golden Ratio appears in the height of the

pyramid but in plan, a circle of the same
perimeter as the total base length has a value which is
(1/(sq.root ) + 1/) see Fig.  7.  This amounts to solving the ancient problem of
squaring the circle!
The significant  observation made by Billy regarding the ability of the Golden Egg
shape to control detrimental earth energy vorticular emanations  now raises a further
key question. How well do existing neolithic Stone Circles control earth energies ?

A simple guide to answering this question is to calculate a parameter we shall term a

Figure of  Merit- FOM.  Numerically this  is  the length of  the  perimeter  of the Ovoid  
divided by the sum of the lengths of  its  major and minor axes. The closer this is to
1.6180339 , the better the site is  projected to achieve its detrimental energy clean up

Fig.  8 compares this criterion for a shape

being a pure circle, a square and a Golden
Egg.  It is seen that a circle is below Phi, a
square above it and clearly the golden egg is
spot on.  For a real circle, the figure for
Castlerigg for example is around 1.615.  As a
matter of interest, the modern stone circle built
by an EEG team in Ireland in 2000 (see EEG
newsletter V5 Issue 19, Tony Hathway) had a
value near 1.616.  This Arigna formation was
built on the principle of the stones being
located at the crossing points of underground
streams.  It turned out that the basic geometry involved was tetrahedral!

Tachyon Beams

Another recent activity in the EEG has been the interest taken in cosmic energy beams
striking the earth`s surface.  These have been termed tachyon beams, based on the
notion that supposed particles of this name are superluminal.  The principle
investigators here have been Gunther Schneck and John Cuninghame.  The work to
date indicates that a variable width beam of energy at close to 51 0 to the horizontal
strikes a horizontal surface.  This energy among other things can be used for healing
purposes.  Asking the question – what is the shape of the footprint when it strikes a
surface? – yields an intriguing result.  An experiment performed by both John and
Billy with around a foot wide beam showed that the pattern was ovoidal in shape –see

However, it certainly was not an ellipse which would

be expected if the beam were truly parallel.  The fact
that it is egg shaped suggests the beam is becoming
divergent like a trumpet mouth as it strikes the
surface.  This is just like slicing the hyperbolic cone
as noted earlier.  The shape is tantalising.  The basic
model as outlined in Fig.2 can be used with
confidence to describe the shape but in this case it
turns out that the ratio of the  major to minor axes is
the 2 divided by The Golden Ratio - 1.236.   Thus
again, the key number of earth energy appears once
more, this time in slight disguise.  This result now
enables us to query the accuracy of the incident
beam angle.  To maintain consistency with other
effects in earth energies, we would expect this angle
to be related to tetrahedral geometry.  Is it? In
physics, we generally measure angles of incidence
relative to the normal to the surface.  If we take the
key tetrahedral angle we find in dowsing, namely the
Kelvin wedge angle of 38.9420, i.e 2 x19.4710 as this
angle, then the beam angle relative to the horizontal is 90 0 minus this angle which is
51.0580.  This is far too close to the measured angle to be coincidence!


The often encountered ovoidal shape in earth energy studies has been viewed in the
context of other shapes and numbers frequently found in dowsing.  It has been shown
that there is indeed very close linkage between the Golden Egg – the archetypal shape
of life and the basic tetrahedral geometry of earth energies, as found for example in
Stone and Crop Circles.  An interesting mathematical relationship between the
numbers of ancient science and the modern theory of Chaos has been uncovered.  It
now starts to link even pyramid geometry with the Fractal Geometry of Nature – a
rather new concept in mankind`s philosophy of the Cosmos.  Although much work
remains to be done, at least it is now possible to see that the ancient morphologies of
Nature are consistent with the newer chaotic dynamic visions now emerging.  The
missing link is that of Mind – the key to our ability to dowse.  The connections here
await an exposé at a later date.

Appendix 1

The Golden Egg & its Generic Pattern

The basis of creating an ovoid or egg shape is to use a generating triangle from which
circular arcs can be drawn.  The shape is shown in Fig.  2.   There are two key angles -
 ,  with respect to a base line, two units long.  Three arcs are struck, firstly R1 from
the cross over point of the lower triangle.  Secondly two identical arcs of radius R2 are
drawn as shown from both sides of the baseline so as to match the tangent lines of
adjacent arcs.  A third arc of radius R3 is drawn from the intersection of the top sloping
lines.  The resulting shape is a very general ovoid.  By varying all parameters, a wide
variety of shapes can be generated.  From the infinite number of shapes possible, a
certain combination of the above 5 parameters generates the Golden Egg which is
characterised by its perimeter divided by the sum of  its major & minor axes equalling
the Golden Ratio – Phi  = 1.6180339..  The parameters needed are –

    = 45o  ,   = 18o  ,  R1 = 2/.1/² ,  R2 = (2/)² . 1/² + R1 ,   R3 =/2. 1/²

The angle  is a pentagon angle, i.e one half of 36o , the key numbers are ratios of the
radius of the inner pentagon, 1/², where the outer circle is assumed at unit radius.  The
radii for the golden egg are respectively – R 1 is the radius of one nested pentagon
greater than this value, R2 is the radius of the second nested pentagon plus R 1 and R3
is the radius of the first inner nested pentagon.

 This analysis shows that the Golden Egg can be drawn by the standard ovoid drawing
procedure, if the correct parameters are selected.  It can be shown that this
corresponds to the shape of  a projected slice through a hyperbolic cone at 45 o and at
a height of close to  d/2, where d is the first Feigenbaum number of Chaos Theory -


The work reported here would have been impossible without discussion and help from
several members of the EEG cited above.  I duly acknowledge their significant
contributions to the ideas presented here.  The hypothesizing and conclusions
nevertheless remain the responsibility of the author. 

© Jim Lyons & BSD/EEG 2002

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