SECTION 31 23 19 Dewatering: Revised 08/2015
SECTION 31 23 19 Dewatering: Revised 08/2015
SECTION 31 23 19 Dewatering: Revised 08/2015
SECTION 31 23 19
A. The WORK of this section consists of controlling groundwater, site drainage, and
storm flows during construction. CONTRACTOR is cautioned that the WORK
involves construction in and around drainage channels, local rivers, and areas of local
drainage. These areas are subject to frequent periodic inundation.
A. CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER a Water Control Plan 2 weeks prior
to execution of the PROJECT. At a minimum, the Water Control Plan shall include:
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Revised 08/2015
A. Onsite materials may be used within the limits of construction to construct temporary
dams and berms. Materials such as plastic sheeting, sand bags, and storm sewer pipe
may also be used if desired by CONTRACTOR.
A. For all excavation, CONTRACTOR shall provide suitable equipment and labor to
remove water, and keep the excavation dewatered so that construction can be carried
on under dewatered conditions.
B. CONTRACTOR is responsible for investigating and becoming familiar with all site
conditions that may affect the WORK including surface water, potential flooding
conditions, level of groundwater and the time of year the work is to be done.
C. CONTRACTOR shall conduct operations in such a manner that storm or other waters
may proceed uninterrupted along their existing drainage courses.
E. Pumps and generators used for dewatering and water control shall be quiet equipment
enclosed in sound deadening devices.
F. CONTRACTOR shall remove all temporary water control facilities when they are no
longer needed or at the completion of the PROJECT.
G. All excavations made as part of dewatering operations shall be backfilled with the
same type material as was removed and compacted to ninety-five percent (95%) of
Maximum Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D698) except where replacement by
other materials and/or methods are required.
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a. These systems shall not worsen flooding, alter major flow paths, or worsen
flow characteristics during construction. CONTRACTOR is responsible to
ensure that any such worsening of flooding does not occur.
4. CONTRACTOR shall, at all times, maintain a flow path for all channels.
B. Groundwater Control:
a. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, installation of perimeter
subdrains, pumping from drilled holes or by pumping from sumps
excavated below the subgrade elevation.
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2. The foundation bearing surfaces are to be kept dewatered and stable until the
structures or other types of work are complete and backfilled.
c. Discharge water as required by discharge permit and in manner that will not
cause erosion or flooding, or otherwise damage existing facilities,
completed Work, or adjacent property.
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