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PHY682 Special Topics in Solid-State

Physics: Quantum Information Science

Lecture time: 2:40-4:00PM Monday & Wednesday, via Zoom
Instructor: Tzu-Chieh Wei

Course description:
This is a survey of the fast-evolving field of quantum information, ranging from Bell inequality,
quantum teleportation to quantum algorithms and quantum programming frameworks. It aims
to cover the essential knowledge of quantum information science and helps to bridge the gap to
the current research activities of the field. Emphasis will be placed on solid-state platforms of
quantum computers, topological error correction codes, and applications. Other systems will be
introduced when necessary. Some illustration of quantum programming will be done on IBM's
transmon-type cloud quantum computers.
 One implication: more job opportunities in
(i) research or (ii) Industry
Learning outcomes:

Students who have completed this course

• Should be able to understand the physical principles of quantum computation and how quantum
algorithms work such as Shor's factoring and Grover's searching
• Should be able to understand the basics of information theory and their relation to statistical
mechanics and quantum entanglement
• Should be able to understand the working principles of sold-state qubits and be able to perform
simple programming on publicly available quantum computers such as IBM Q

IBM 50-Qubit Intel 49-Qubit QC Google 72-Qubit QC Rigetti 20-Qubit QC D-Wave 2000- IonQ 160-Qubit QC
Q Computer Qubit Annealer
Grading: (tentative)

(1) Homework 50% [main purpose is to enhance understanding of lecture materials]

(2) Participation 10% [attendance is required; more importantly, this is to encourage

active participation and learning; asking questions helps the instructor to clarify and
in turn helps you and others to understand; sharing with others how you understand
a particular concept is useful; you can ask questions verbally or in Zoom's chat;
report technical internet problem to the instructor]

(3) Mid-semester report (2-3 pages) 15% [to gauge how you are doing]

(4) Final presentation (for suggested topics/papers, see below) & end-of-semester
report 25% (15%+10%) [to have an in-depth understanding of a subject of your
choice and a retrospect of your learning in this course]

Homework policy: no late homework (must be turned in on the due day by submitting it in Blackboard or
email); exception must be requested two days or earlier before deadline
Required Textbooks:
There is no required textbook. Notes or slides will be provided when available.

Recommended Textbooks :
1. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, M. Nielsen and I. Chuang
(Cambridge University Press)
2. An Introduction to Quantum Computing, P. Kaye, R. Laflamme and M. Mosca
3. J. Preskill lecture notes (
4. The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. 3 (which can be read online here)
Learn Quantum Computation using Qiskit (free digital textbook)

Basic Math needed in this course:

e.g. The Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics by Dr. Martin Laforest (University of

Preskill’s lecture notes:
“Quantum computing is the perfect way to dip your toes into
quantum physics. It distills the core concepts from quantum
physics into their simplest forms, stripping away the
complications of the physical world. This page will take you on a
short journey to discover (and explain!) some strange quantum
phenomena, and give you a taste for what ‘quantum’ is.”
Topics covered

(week 1) The history of Q: Overview and review of linear algebra, basics of quantum mechanics, quantum bits and mixed states.
(week 2) From foundation to science-fiction teleportation: Bell inequality, teleportation of states and gates, entanglement
swapping, remote state preparation, superdense coding, and superdense teleportation.
(week 3) Information is physical---Physical systems for quantum information processing: Superconducting qubits, solid-state spin
qubits, photons, trapped ions, and topological qubits
(week 4) Grinding gates in quantum computers: Quantum gates and circuit model of quantum computation, introduction to IBM's
Qiskit, Grover's quantum search algorithm, amplitude amplification.
(week 5) Programming through quantum clouds: Computational complexity, Quantum programming on IBM's superconducting
quantum computers, including VQE on quantum chemistry of molecules, QAOA for optimization, hybrid classical-quantum neural network.
(week 6) Dealing with errors: Error models, Quantum error correction, topological stabilizer codes and topological phases (including
fractons), error mitigations
(week 7) Quantum computing by braiding: Kitaev's chain, Majorana fermions, anyons and topological quantum computation
(week 8) More topological please: Topological quantum computation continued, surface code and magic state distillation
(week 9) Quantum computing by evolution and by measurement: Other frameworks of quantum computation: adiabatic and
measurement-based; D-Wave’s quantum annealers
(week 10) Quantum entangles: Entanglement of quantum states, entanglement of formation and distillation, entanglement entropy,
Schmidt decomposition, majorization, quantum Shannon theory
(week 11) No clones in quantum: No cloning of quantum states, non-orthogonal state discrimination, quantum tomographic tools,
quantum cryptography: quantum key distribution from transmitting qubits and from shared entanglement
(week 12) Show me your 'phase', Mr. Unitary: Quantum Fourier Transform, quantum phase estimation, Shor’s factoring algorithm,
and quantum linear system (such as the HHL algorithm) and programming with IBM Qiskit
(week 13) The quantum 'Matrix': Quantum simulations and quantum sensing and metrology
Do poll

Appetizers: double-slit experiment

and Mach-Zehnder interferometer
Double-slit experiment

2 2 2
 1 (r )  2 (r )  1 ( r )   2 (r )
Wave-like Particle-like
 Interference (or ‘superposition’): no which-way info;
if you know the light comes from a specific slit, no interference (only adding probabilities)
Which-way information and quantum erasure



Which-way info. no interference Which-way info. erased
 interference recovered

 Polarization can be a WW marker  (r )   1 (r ) 1  2 (r )  2 ,

2 2 2
  (r )   1 (r )   2 (r )  2 Re 1* (r ) 2 (r ) 1  2
Mach-Zehnder interferometer and
interaction-free measurement

(1) B (2) B


In fig. (2)

Q: What is the probability that bomb explodes?

Q: What is the probability that detector A/B clicks?

Classical ‘pinballs’ 2
 1 ( r )   2 (r )


A Suppose
(2) the “transparent

flippers” allow a pinball to

go thru or deflect each
with probability 1/2

(1) Q: What is the probability (2) Q: What is the probability

that a pinball gets to A? that a pinball gets to B?
Quantum ‘pinballs’  1 (r )   2 (r )


A Special
(2) rule: ”pinball Agoing thru
acquires amplitude ;
being deflected acquires

(1) Q: What is the probability (2) Q: What is the probability

that a pinball gets to A? that a pinball gets to B?
Mach-Zehnder interferometer and
interaction-free measurement

(1) B (2) B


In fig. (2)

Q: What is the probability that bomb explodes?

Q: What is the probability that detector A/B clicks?

Quantum task: Shor factoring
 exponential speedup
=(????....?) x (????...?)


superposition + unitary evolution + measurement

 Can break RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Aldeman) encryption
exponentially faster than classical computers
IBM offers cloud Quantum Computers

 If you do not have an IBM Q account, please create one at
What mathematics do I need?
Mostly, linear algebra (vectors and matrices) is needed.
We will review the very basics in the next few slides; if
you know all of them, you are all set to go.

Other mathematics can be learned along the way.

Complex numbers
Linear algebra: vectors and matrices
Projectors and tensor (or Kronecker) product
Eigenvalue equation for a Hermitian matrix

Do poll
For more about Linear Algebra see any textbook on it or

1. Appendix in Qiskit book

2. The Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics by Dr. Martin Laforest

(University of Waterloo)
Office hour?

 Discussion board is set up in Blackboard.

Peer discussions are encouraged.

 Maybe use a Doodle poll to find a one-hour slot

(on a day other than Monday and Wednesday)

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