Applied Chemistry

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Tech II Semester(Common to CSE,CIVIL & Mech)


B.Tech- IISemester L T P C
Branches:- CE, ME & CSE 3 0 0 3
1 To bring adaptability to the concepts of chemistry and to acquire the required skills to become a
perfect engineer.
2 To impart the basic knowledge of atomic, molecular and electronic modifications which makes
the students to understand the technology based on them.
3 To acquire the knowledge of electrochemistry, corrosion and water treatment which are
essential for the Engineers and in industry.
4 To impart the knowledge of stereochemistry and synthetic aspects useful for understanding
reaction pathways.
At the end of the course students able to
1 The knowledge of atomic, molecular and electronic changes, band theory related to
2 The required skills to get clear concepts on water treatment methods.
3 The required principles and concepts of electrochemistry, corrosion and in understanding the
problem of water and its treatments.
4 The knowledge of configurational and conformational analysis of molecules and reaction

UNIT-IMolecular structure and Theories of Bonding:

CHAPTER 1:-Atomic and Molecular orbitals. Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO), molecular
orbitals of diatomic molecules, molecular orbital energy level diagrams of N 2, O2 and F2 molecules. π
molecular orbitals of butadiene, benzene and Aromaticity.
CHAPTER 2:-Crystal Field Theory (CFT): Salient features of CFT – The energy level diagrams for
transition metal ions with respect to Tetrahedral, Octahedral and square planar geometries.
UNIT-II Electrochemistry and Corrosion science:
CHAPTER 1:-Theoriesof Electrolytes,Conductance, Equivalent conductance, Molecular conductance,
application of conductance, Conductometric Titration –acid vs. base.
Electrochemical cell: single and Standard electrode potential.
Battery Technology: Ni-Cad cell, Lithium Cells, Fuel Cells, Hydrogen – Oxygen fuel cell, Methanol-
oxygen fuel.
CHAPTER 2:-Corrosion-definition, examples, effects- Mechanism of Dry and wet corrosion. Factor
Influencing corrosion, corrosion control methods-sacrificial anode, impressed current, Cathodic
Protective Coatings: - Metal Coatings; Hot dipping, Metal Cladding, Cementation.
CHAPTER 1: Water technology-I: Sources and impurities of water, Hardness of Water, Units Of
Hardness, Estimation of Hardness, Dissolved oxygen, Alkalinity and chlorides, Boiler troubles –Scales,
sludge’s, caustic embrittlement and boiler corrosion-causes, disadvantages and prevention, internal
conditioning methods-phosphate, calgon and sodium aluminate-External treatment methods- ion-
exchange methods process .

CHAPTER 2: Water technology-II: water treatment for drinking purpose-disinfection and concept of
break point chlorination –Desalination of brackish water-Principle andProcess of electro-dialysis and
reverse osmosis.
CHAPTER 1:-Stereochemistry:-Introduction to representation of 3-dimensional structures, structural
and stereoisomers, configurations, symmetry and chirality. Enantiomers, diastereomers, optical
activity and absolute configuration...

CHAPTER 2:- Reaction Mechanism: - Substitution reaction: Nucleophilic substitution reactions:

Mechanism of SN1, SN2 reactions. Electrophilic and nucleophilic addition reactions: Markownikoff and
anti Markownikoff’s additions. Grignard additions on carbonyl compounds.

1 Engineering Chemistry by P.C. Jain & M.Jain; Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd., New
2 University Chemistry, by B.M. Mahan, Pearson IV Edition
3 Engineering Chemistry (NPTEL Web – book), by B.L. Tembe, Kamaluddin and M.S. Krishnan
4. Advanced Physical Chemistry by Gurdepraj
5. Essential Physical chemistry by B.S.Bhal & Arun Bhal and J.D.Tuli , S.Chand Company
6. Organic Spectroscopy by Jag Mohan
7. Engineering chemistry by Sashichawala

1 Physical Chemistry, by P.W. Atkins
2 Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function by K.P.C. Volhardt and N.E.Schore, 5th Edition.
3. Organic chemistry by Jerry March
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The surface of all metals begins to decay when exposed to atmospheric gases, water and
other reactive liquid medium. As a result they are converted to oxides, hydroxides,
carbonates, nitrates, sulphates etc.

Definition: - The process of decay or deteriorations or disintegration or eating of metal

from its surface by chemical or electro-chemical attack with its envIronment.

metal Ore/mineral + Energy
Metallurgy (red)

1. All metals except (Pt, Au, Ag) occurs in a combined state in nature.
2. During extraction of metal from its ore are reduced to metallic compound using energy.
Hence an isolated metal exhibit excited state. However, the metal have natural tendency to
go back to their combined state for its stability. As a result metal exposed to envIronmental
factors where corrosion takes place (conversion of metal to metallic compound).
3. The formation of corrosion is reversible process.
4. It will be measured by units such as mille inches /year or millimeter/year.

Example for corrosion: - A reddish brown layer is formed on to the surface of Iron and
green film on to the surface of copper.

1Q. TYPES OF CORROSION: - Based on corrosion proceeds it may be of two types.

I. Chemical/Dry corrosion

II. Electrochemical/Wet corrosion

I. Chemical/Dry corrosion: - This occurs mainly through the direct action of
environment or atmospheric gases like O2, SO2, H2S, halogens, anhydrous in organic liquid
with metal surfaces in immediate proximity. It is again classified into 3 types.

1. Oxidation corrosion.
2. Corrosion by other gases
3. Liquid metal corrosion

1. Oxidation corrosion:-
1. It is brought about by the O2 at low or high temperature on metals, usually in absence
of moisture.
2. At ordinary temperature metals are very shortly attacked, at low temperature alkali (li,
Na, K, Rb etc..) and alkaline earth metals (II group) are rapidly oxidized, at high
temperature all metals except Pt, Au, Ag are oxidized.
3. The reactions in oxidation corrosion are
2M 2Mn++ 2ne- (oxidation by loss of electrons)
n/2O2+ 2ne- nO2- (reduction by gain of electrons)
2M+ n/2 O2 2Mn++nO2-
metal oxide(M2On)

Mechanism: - When oxidation takes place at the surface of metal forms metal oxide scale,
which prevents further oxidation. If oxidation continue either the metal diffuses outwards
through the scale or oxygen diffuses inwards through scale. Both cases can take place but
the outward diffusion of metal is predominantly than inward diffusion of O2. Since the size
of metal is smaller than O2 ion and much higher mobility.
The following types of metal oxide layers are formed by corrosion.

1. Stable 2.unstable 3.volatile 4. Porous

1. Stable: - It is a fine grained layer (film) and tightly adherent to metal surface, hence
this layer doesn’t permit further corrosion.
Eg: Al, Cu, etc.
Me + O2 MO (fine grain layer) no corrosion takes place
2. Unstable: - The metal oxide film is immediately decomposes to metal and O2, hence
further oxidation doesn’t take place.
Eg: Pt, Au, Ag
M+O2 Mo (unstable) no corrosion
3. Volatile:-This type of metal oxide layer is continuously evaporated, hence metal
surface again exposed for further corrosion. This type is seen in Mb (molybdenum)
M+O2 MO (volatile) corrosion takes place
4. Porus: - The resulting metal oxide layer having pores or cracks, through this pores
atmospheric O2 passes into metal surface and hence corrosion continues till the metal
converted to metal oxide.
M+O2 MO (porous) corrosion takes place
Type of metal oxide Example Corrosion
1.stable Cu, Al doesn’t take place
2.unstable Pt, Au, Ag doesn’t take place
3.volatile MO takes place
4. Porous alkali and alkaline earth metals takes place.

2. Corrosion by other gases (SO2, H2S, CO2, F2, Cl2):-

This type of corrosion mainly depends on chemical affinity between metal and gas
The intensity of attack depends on formation of protective or non protective films on metal
a. If the film is protective or non porous: In this case volume of metal oxide layer is
greater than that of metal.
Eg: Formation of AgCl film by attack of chlorine on Ag.

The intensity of corrosion decreases due to the formation Gael film which is tightly
adherent on Ag, hence this type is protective.
b. If the film is non- protective or porus : In this case the volume of metal oxide
layer is lesser than that of metal.
Eg: SnCl4 film formed by attack of Cl2 on Sn(tin) which volatiles immediately there by
leaving fresh metal surface for further corrosion.
3. Liquid metal corrosion:-
This is due to chemical action of flowing liquid metal at high temperature on solid metal
or alloy. This type of corrosion is seen in devices used for nuclear plant. The corrosion
reaction is carried out either by dissolution of solid metal or by a liquid metal or internal
penetration of the liquid metal into solid metal. Both corrosion reactions leads to
weakening of solid metal.
Eg: Coolant (Na metal) causes cadmium corrosion in nuclear reactor.

II. Electrochemical / wet corrosion:-

This type of corrosion takes place where conducting liquid is in contact with metal or two
dissimilar metals are either dipped or immersed partially in solution..
The electro chemical corrosion involves due to,
1. Existence of anodic or cathodic area between which current flows through conducting
2. Oxidation takes place at anodic part which generates metallic ions. So, anodic metal
dissolved in medium and finally forms metal oxides.
M Mn+ + ne-
3. At cathodic part reduction reaction takes place, so the electrons released from anode
accept electrons to form non –metallic ions such as OH- and O2-.

4. The metallic and non-metallic ions diffuse towards each other through conducting
medium and form corrosion product.

Mechanism of electrochemical/wet corrosion: - Electro chemical corrosion involves

flow of electrons between anode and cathode. The anodic reaction involves dissolution of
metal as metal ion with liberation of electrons.

At anodic area: - M Mn+ + ne- (oxidation)

On the other hand cathodic reaction consumes electrons either

a) Evolution of hydrogen.

b) Absorption of O2 takes place based on nature of corrosion environment.

a) Evolution of H2:-
This type of corrosion takes place generally in acidic medium when Fe metal is contact
with acidic medium. The anodic reaction is dissolution of Fe as ferrous with liberation of
Fe Fe2+ + 2e- (oxidation)
The released electrons from anode flow through metal to cathode where H + ions elevated
as H2.
2H++ 2e _ H2 (reduction)
The overall reaction is
Fe+ 2H+ Fe2+ +H2
This type of corrosion causes displacement of H+ ions by metal ion.(from acidic medium).
All the metals above hydrogen in the electro chemical series have a tendency to get
dissolved in acidic solution with simultaneous liberation of H2 gas.

Absorption of O2:-
When metals are in contact with slightly alkaline or neutral solutions(water) with some
amount of dissolved O2, this type of corrosion takes place .
Ex: Rusting of Iron in neutral aqueous electrolyte solution in the presence of atmospheric
The surface of Fe is usually coated with a thin film of iron oxide. However the oxide film
develops cracks, which behave as anodic area and remaining metal part act as cathode. It
shows that anodes are of small area white rest of metallic part forms large area of cathode.
At anode: - Iron dissolves in aqueous solution forms Fe2+ with release of electrons.
Fe Fe2+ + 2e- (oxidation)
At cathode: - The liberated electrons flows from anode to cathode through iron metal,
these electrons are accepted by dissolved O2 to form OH- ions.
½ O2 + H2O + 2 e- 2OH- (reduction)
The Fe2+ at anode and OH- at cathode react to produce ferrous hydroxide precipitate.
Fe2+ + 2 OH- Fe (OH)2
If O2 is available in excess, Fe (OH)2 is easily oxidized to ferrous hydroxide.
4 Fe (OH) 2 + O2 +2H2O 4 Fe (OH) 3 (yellow rust) Fe2O3 xH2O)
If the supply of O2 is limited, the corrosion product may be black anhydrous magnetite

3Q. FACTORS INFLUENCING CORROSION:- The intensity and rate of

corrosion depends on two factors

1. Nature of metal
2. Nature of environment

1. Nature of metal: - Many factors influence corrosion of metal. They are

i) Position in galvanic series
ii) Over voltage
iii) Relative areas of cathode and anode
iv) Purity of metal
v) Physical state of metal
vi) Nature of surface film.
vii) Passivity of metal.
viii) Solubility of corrosion product
ix) Volatility of corrosion product
i) Position in galvanic series: - When two metals or alloys are in contact with
conducting medium ,the metal at higher galvanic series is more active towards corrosion.
The intensity of corrosion depends on difference in their position, the faster will be
corrosion of anodic metal /alloy.
ii) Over voltage: - It is defined as difference of potential b/n practical and theoretical
decomposition potentials for same solution.
Eg: Electrolysis of H2SO4 with Pt electrode, its practical potential is about 1.70 v where as
its theoretical potential is 1.229 v. The diff is 0.471v which is over voltage of H2SO4.
Reduction in over voltage of corroding metal or alloy accelerate corrosion rate.
iii) Relative areas of anode and cathode: - Small anodic and large cathodic area
causes severe corrosion. When two dissimilar metals or alloys are in contact with the
conducting medium corrosion of anode part is directly proportional to ratio of areas of
cathodic and anodic parts.
Eg: A small steel pipe fitted in a large copper tank.
iv) Purity of metal: - Impurities in metal cause heterogeneity and form tiny
electrochemical cells (at exposed parts) and anodic part gets corroded.
Eg: Zn metal containing impurities Pbss / Fe undergoes corrosion due to the formation of
local electrochemical / cells. The rate and extent of corrosion increases with increase in
exposure and extent of impurities. The intensity of corrosion is less when its purity is high.
v) Physical state of metal: - The rate of corrosion is influenced by physical state of
metal such as grain size, orientation of crystals, stress etc. If metal having smaller size, its
solubility is more and hence greater will be its corrosion. Moreover areas under stress, even
in pure metal tend to be anodic and corrosion takes place at these areas.
vi) Nature of surface film: - In aerated atmosphere practically all metals get covered
with a thin surface film of metal oxide. The ratio of volume of metal oxide to metal is called
specific volume ratio. Greater the specific volume ratio (SVR), lesser is oxidation corrosion
rate. For Eg: The S.V.R of Ni, Cr, W are 1.6, 2.0, and 3.6 respectively. The rate of corrosion
of tungsten is least even at elevated temperature.
vii) Passivity of metal: - Passivity is a phenomenon in which metal/ alloy exhibits a
much greater corrosion resistance due to formation of highly protective but very thin and
quite invisible film on surface of metal / alloy, which makes it more noble.

Metal like Ti, Al, Cr, Mg, Ni and CO are passive and they exhibit much higher corrosion
resistance than expected from their positions in galvanic series. Passivity of metal decrease
corrosion rate.
Eg: Corrosion resistance of stainless steel is due to passive character of Cr present in steel.
Viii) Solubility of corrosion product: - In electrochemical corrosion if corrosion
product is soluble in corroding medium, then corrosion proceeds at faster rate. If corrosion
product is insoluble in medium to form another insoluble product which create physical
barrier there by corrosion is suppressed.
Eg: corrosion of Pb in H2SO4 decreases due to formation of insoluble PbSO4.
ix) Volatility of corrosion product :- If corrosion product has volatile nature,
underlined metal is exposed further and cause severe corrosion . Eg: MOO3 is volatile.
2. Nature of the corroding environment: - The following environmental factors
influence the intensity of corrosion.
1. Temperature. 2. Humidity of air. 3. Presence of impurities in atmosphere. 4. Presence of
suspended particles in atmosphere. 5. Influence of pH. 6. Nature of ions present. 7.
Conductance of conducting medium. 8. Formation of O2 concentrated cell.
1. Temperature: - With increase of temperature of environment, the reaction as well as
diffusion rate increase, there by generally corrosion rate increases.
2. Humidity of air: - It is the deciding factor in atmospheric corrosion. Critical humidity
is defined as the relative humidity above which the atmospheric corrosion rate of metal
increases sharply .The value of critical humidity depends on physical characters of metal
and corrosion product.
In humidity environment the rate of corrosion is higher due to gases and vapours
present in atmosphere furnish (give) water to the electrolyte, essential for setting up of an
electrochemical corrosion cell.
More over the oxide film on metal surface has property to absorb the moisture, so
the corrosion rate enhanced. The nature of moisture sources also play important role.
Eg: Rain water apart from supplying moisture for electrochemical attack, may also wash
away a good part of oxide film from metal surface (unless the oxide film is exceptionally
3. Presence of impurities in atmosphere: - Presence of corrosive gases such as SO2,
CO2, H2S, O2 etc in atmosphere increases acidity and increase electrical conductivity which
causes severe corrosion.
In marine atmosphere he presence of Na and other chlorides leads to increase in
conductivity there by corrosion increases.
4. Presence of suspended particles in atmosphere: - The suspended particles in
atmosphere may be are of two types 1) chemically active 2) Chemically inactive. If
suspended particles are active (NaCl, (NH4)2SO4) they absorb moisture and act as strong
electrolytes, thereby causing enhance corrosion.
While suspended particles are chemically inactive, in nature (eg: charcoal) they absorb
both sulphur gas and moisture and slowly enhanced corrosion rate.
5. Influence of PH: - Generally, acidic media (PH<7) are more corrosive than alkaline
and neutral media. The corrosion of metal readily increased by attack of acid, if they can
be reduced by increase of PH of attacking environment.
Eg: Zn rapidly corrodes in Weakley acidic solution of H2Co3 but suffers minimum
corrosion at PH-11.
6. Nature of ions present: - Some of ions increase corrosion while other of the ions
decreases the corrosion. The presence of anions like silicate in medium leads to formation
of insoluble reaction products (silica gel), which inhibit further corrosion. On other hand,
Cl- ions destroy, the protective and passive surface film, hence metal surface get exposed
for fresh corrosion, presence of ammonium salts increase the corrosion of iron. The
presence of even traces of Cu in mine water accelerates corrosion of iron pipes, used for
carrying such water.
7) Conductance of conducting medium: - Conductance of conducting media is
important in case of underground and submerged structures. Corrosion - conductance of
dry sandy soil is lower than those of mineralized/clayey soils. Stray currents (from power
breakages) will cause more severe damage to the metallic structures, burried under clay
and mineralized soil than those under dry sandy soils.
8) Formation of O2 concentrated Cell: - As percentage of O2 increases, the rate of
corrosion also increases due to the formation of O2 concentrated cell. The decay of metal
occurs at the anodic part and cathodic part of metal is protected.
Anodic reaction for Fe: - Fe Fe2+ + 2 e-
Cathodic reaction for Fe: - 2H2O + O2 + 4e- 4OH-
Thus oxidation concentration cell promotes corrosion, but it occurs where O2
concentration is lower.

4Q. CORROSION CONTROL (protection against corrosion):- There are several

disadvantages by corrosion. Hence controlling of corrosion is essential step. The following
methods are used for corrosion control.
I.Cathodic protection II.Application of protective coatings
I. Cathodic protection: - The method of protection given to a metal by forcely making
it to behave like cathode So that corrosion doesn’t occur. There are 2 methods
1) Sacrificial anodic protection (or) Galvanic protection 2) Impressed current cathodic
1. Sacrificial anodic protection: - In this method of protection metallic structure to be
protected is called base metal is connected to a more active metal through a wire. Hence
all corrosion is concentrate at more active metal while base metal is protected. Corroded
sacrificial anode block is replaced by fresh one the commonly used anodic metals are Mg,
Zn, Al and their alloys. Zn is used as sacrificial anode in good electrolytes as sea water.
Mg is used in high resistive electrolytes such a soil due to its most –ve potential and it can
provide highest current output.


2. Impressed current cathode protection: - In this method, all impressed current is

applied in opposite direction to the corrosion current to nullify and convert the corroding
metal from anode to cathode. Once the metal becomes cathode, it is protected from
corrosion. The impressed current is taken from battery or rectified on AC line. The anode
may be an inert material and insoluble like graphite, Pt, stainless steel, high silica Iron,
scrap iron etc.
Usually sufficient DC current is passed on to the insoluble anode kept in “back fill”
composed of coke /gypsum, So as to increase the electrical contact with a surrounding
soil. This protection technique mainly used to burried structures such as water tanks, water
pipelines, transmission line towers, marine pipes , laid up ships etc.

II. Application of protective coatings: - Coating of metal on base metal to protect

from corrosion is said to be protective coating method. It is oldest, traditional and best
method to prevent corrosion. The surface of the base metal is coated with another metal
(coating metal). Metallic coatings are broadly classified into anodic and cathodic coatings.
Anodic coating: The base metal is protected by coating with coat metal, which is usually
For example, coating of Al, Cd and Zn on steel surface are anodic because their electrode
potentials are lower than that of the base metal iron. Therefore, anodic coatings protect the
underlying base metal sacrificially.
The formation of pores and cracks over the metallic coating exposes the base metal and a
galvanic cell is formed between the base metal and coating metal. The coating metal
dissolves anodically and the base metal is protected.
Cathodic coating: Cathodic coatings are obtained by coating a more noble metal (i.e.
metals having higher electrode potential like Sn, Au, Ag, Pt etc.) than the base metal. They
protect the base metal as they have higher corrosion resistance than the base metal due to
cathodic nature. Cathodic coating protects the base metal only when the coating is uniform
and free from pores.
The formation of pores over the cathodic coating exposes the base metal (anode) to
environment and a galvanic cell is set up. This causes more damage to the base metal.
Mainly 3 methods are employed as metallic coatings
1.Hot dipping 2. Metal Cladding 3. Cementation:
1. Hot dipping : This process is applicable to the metals having higher melting point
than the coating metalIt is carried out by immersing a well cleaned base metal in a bath
containing molten coating metal and a flux layer. The flux cleans the surface of the base
metal and prevents the oxidation of the molten coating metal.
Eg. Coating of Zn, Pb, Al on iron and steel surfaces.
The most widely used hot dipping processes are Galvanizing and Tinning.
a) Galvanizing:
Galvanizing is a process in which the iron article is protected from corrosion by coating
it with a thin layer of zinc. It is the anodic protection offered by the zinc. In this process,
at first iron or steel is cleaned by pickling with dilute sulphuric acid solution at a
temperature range of 6090oC for 15 to 20 minutes. Therefore, it removes scale, rust and
other impurities present and then washed well in a water bath and dried.
Then after dipped in the bath containing molten zinc which is at 425-450oC. To prevent it
from oxide formation, the surface of bath is covered with an ammonium chloride flux.
When the iron sheet is taken out it is coated with a thin layer of zinc. To remove excess
zinc, it is passed through a pair of hot rollers and then it is annealed at a temperature of
450oC followed by cooling. Galvanizing is widely used for protecting iron exposed to
the atmosphere (roofs, wire fences, pipes etc.) Galvanized metallic sheets are not used for
keeping eatables because of the solubility of zinc.

Application of Galvanization:
This process is widely used for protection from corrosion of iron or steel in the form of
roofing sheets, wires, pipes, nails, bolts, screws, buckets, tubes etc.
b)Tinning: The process of coating tin over the iron or steel articles to protect them from
undergoing corrosion is known as Tinning. Tin is a noble metal and therefore it possess
more resistance to chemical attack. It is the cathodic protection offered by the tin. In this
process, iron sheet is treated in dilute sulphuric acid (pickling) to remove any oxide film,
if present. A cleaned iron sheet is passed through a bath ZnCl2 molten flux followed by
molten tin and finally through a suitable vegetable oil. The ZnCl2 flux helps the molten
metal to adhere to the base metallic surface. . Palm oil protects the tin coated surface against
oxidation. Tinning of mild steel plates is done mostly for the requirements of the food stuff

Application of Tinning:
Tinning is widely used for coating of metallic containers for storing foodstuffs, ghee, oils,
kerosene, and packing food materials because of its non-toxic nature.
2. Metal Cladding:
It is the process in which thin layer of coating metal get bonded to base metal on one or
both sides permanently(metal sandwiching) when they are passed through heavy rollers
under the action of heat and pressure.
The choice of cladding metals depends on the corrosion resistance required for any
particular environment. Corrosion resistant metals like Ni,Cu,Pb, Ag, Pt etc., and alloys
like stainless steel, nickel alloys , copper alloys , lead alloys are used as cladding material’s.
In this method the cladding metal is bonded/attached firmly to the base metal.
Metal Cladding gives a very shiny appearance and requires very low maintenance. Once
clad it remains like that for years to come.
Metal Cladding does not absorb any kind of moisture hence it is highly resistant to algae
and fungi.
Metal Claddings are resistant to fire.
Metal Cladding is light in weight and does not increase the dead load of the building.
They are available in a variety of colours and textures.
Metal Cladding provides adequate heat insulation which makes the building energy
efficient and helps in reducing the electricity bills.
Metal is malleable hence can be twisted to any direction so as to create interesting shapes
in the facades.
Metal cladding is very easily available and easy to install.

Application of Metal Cladding: In aircraft industry, automobile industry, petroleum,

equipment’s used for handling of chemicals.
3. Cementation:
In this process, the base metal is heated in a revolving drum containing the powder of the
coating metal such as Zn, Cr or Al (which can alloy with Fe).The Coating metal diffuse
into the base metal forming a thin layer of alloy on the metal surface. Because of diffusion,
this process is also called diffusion coatings.
a) Sherardizing:
This is the process of cementation, using zinc powder as coating material on the surface of
iron. The iron article to be coated is cleaned by acid pickling process and rotated fort 2-3
hours in a drum containing zinc dust at 350 – 3700C. During this process Zn diffuses into
iron. Forming Fe-Zn alloy at the junction of the base metal and coating metal and a thin
layer of zinc is deposited on the surface of iron.
Sherardizing is used for coating small steel articles like bolts, screws, nuts, threaded parts,
washers, valves and gauge tools.
b) Colourizing:
In this cementation process, the base metal is first subjected to sand blasting and heated in
a tightly packed drum containing a mixture of aluminium powder and Al2O3 together with
Electro chemistry is a branch of physical chemistry that deals with conversion of
chemical energy into electrical energy and vice - versa. Cells are broadly divided into
2 types.
Electrolyte: A Substance, which decomposes as a result of passage of electric current
is called “Electrolyte”.
Electrolysis: The phenomenon of decomposition of electrolyte through passage of
electricity is called electrolysis.
Electric current: It is a flow of electrons generated by a battery when the circuit is
Conductors: Any substance which allows the passage of electric current through it is
called as conductors. They are of 2 types.
1. Metallic/Electronic conductors.
2. Electrolytic conductors/Electrolytes.
Metallic/Electronic conductors Electrolytic conductors/Electrolytes
1. They are the substances which 1. Electrolyte is a substance, which in
conduct electricity, but not are aqueous solution or in molten (fused)
decomposed by it. state liberates ions and allows electric
Ex: All metals and graphite. current to pass through, resulting in its
chemical decomposition.
Ex: Acids and bases.

2. Conductance is due to flow of 2. Conductance is due to ions in aqueous

electrons in the form of current. solution.
3. The chemical properties of 3. It involves chemical reactions (of the
conductors does not change. electrolytic solution) at the two

4. There is no transfer of matter 4. Transfer of electrolyte in the form of

during conductance. ions takes place.

5. The resistance of the conductor 5. The resistance of the conductor

increases with increasing decreases with increasing temperature.


The resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to its

length(l) and inversely proportional to its cross sectional area (s) (ohm’s law)
cm 2
  ohm x

= ohm cm
When l = 1cm and
S = 1cm2
R =
R = Resistance in ohms
L = length in cm
S = area of cross – section in cm2
 (Rho) = constant, which depends on the mated of the conductor.
The conductance or specific conductance (k) of electrolytic solution is defined as the
reciprocal of its resistance.

ρ = ohm cm
Conductivity K   ohm 1cm 1
ohm cm

The usual unit of specific conductivity is ohm – 1 cm – 1 or s cm – 1 where s = ohm – 1 sz

siemers (not plural)
 Unlike metallic conductors, electric conductors are in aqueous solution, where we
cannot measure the length and area of cross section of the conductor to measure the
specific conductance.
Hence electrolytic dilution taken as a basis, the certain weight of the electrolyte is
dissolved in H2O is always measured in cubic centimeter (C.C) and is known as
The specific conductivity is the conductivity of 1cm3 solution
a) Equivalent conductance:
It is defined as “one gram equivalent weight of an electrolyte is dissolved in
‘V’ ml of the solvent, the conductivity of all ions produced from one gram equivalent
of an electrolyte at the dilution ‘V’ is known as equivalent conductance which is
denoted by the symbol  V.
V is equal to the product of specific conductivity (K) and volume ‘V’ in ml
1000 1000 1000
V  KXV V   
C Normality of Electrolytic Solution Equivalentwt

 V  K 
equivalent wt.
ohm  cm 1cm 3
 V 

K = ohm – cm – 1
V = ohm – cm2 equivalents.
b) Molar conductance: The conductance of all ions produced by dissolving one
gram molecular weight of an electrolyte when dissolved in a certain volume ‘v’
ml. which is denoted by the symbol m.
1000 1000
m  K V XV V  
Molarity of the solution M

cm1  cm3
 ohm1
m = ohm – 1 cm2 mole – 1

Effect of dilution on conductance:

As the dilution increases the number of current carrying ions present per one
cm3 of the solution becomes less and less Hence the specific conductance of an
electrolyte Js on dilution.
 Equivalent conductance of molecular conductance of electrolyte increases on
dilution because (1) the above conductance are the product of k and volume of the
solution. When volume increases, equation, conductance also increases.
(2) The number of ions of the electrolyte solution increases on dilution contributing to
the increase of conductance.
 When whole of the substance has ionized, further addition of H 2O produces no
change in equation conductance.
 The maximum value of equation conductance at infinite dilution is represented by
the symbol  .
The conductance ratio () is called as degree of ionization.



2Q. Types of Electrolytes: Electrolytes may be classified into

1. Strong electrolytes
2. Weak electrolytes
1. Strong electrolytes: It is a substance that gives a solution in which almost all the
molecules are ionized and having increasing value of equivalent conductance at low
Eg: Strong acids : Hcl, H2SO4, HNO3, HBr etc
Strong bases: NaOH, KOH, Ca (OH2), Mg (OH2) etc.
Strong salts: Practically all salts are strong electrolytes.
Weak electrolyte: The electrolytes which ionize to a small extent on dilution are
called weak electrolytes i.e. they are poor conductors in solution.
Eg: Weak acids : All organic acids like acetic, propionic etc.
Weak bases : Alkyl amines, NH4OH
Weak salts : Hgcl2 and lead acetate.
.3Q. Applications of Conductance measurement:

There are many applications of conductance measurement. Some of the

important applications are discussed below
1. Determination of degree of dissociation of weak electrolytes.
2. Determination of ionic product of H2O.
3. Determination of Solubility of sparingly soluble salts.
4. Basicity of organic acids.
5. Degree of hydrolysis.

1. Determination of degree of dissociation of weak electrolytes:

The fraction of total number of molecules dissociated into ions are called
“Degree of dissociation”
Number of molecules dissowated into ions
Total Number of molecules taken

equation condactanc e of
weak electrolyt e at given concentrat ion( C )
Degree of dissociation () =
equation conductanc e at zero
concentrat ion or infinite dilution (0 )


2. Determination of the Ionic product of water:

Water is known to be slightly dissociate into

[ H  ][OH  ]
According to law of equilibrium K 
[ H 2O ]

The dissociation of water is less and undissociated water may be taken as constant
[H+] [OH -] = constant
 The product of the concentration of H+ and OH – expressed in gram moles per lit is
known as Ionic product.
Problem: K = 5.5410 – 8 ohm – 1 cm – 1
conductance (C) = 5.5410 – 8 1000}, lit
C = 5.54 x 0 – 5 ohm – 1 cm2 equ‫־‬1
= 349.8 ohm – cm2 equ – 1 = 198.5 ohm – cm2 equ – 1

0 =

= 349.8 + 198.5 = 548.3 ohm – 1cm2 equation u –

5.54  105 C
 [H+] =  1.01  10 7 [H  ] 
548.4 0

C 5.54  105
 [OH  ]    1.01  10 7
0 548.4

Ionic product Kw = [H+] [OH – ]

= [1.01 x 10 – 7] [1.01 x 10 – 7]
Kw = 1.02 x 10 – 14
3. Determination of solubility of sparingly soluble salts:
The solubility of sparingly soluble salts like Agcl, BaSo4, ph So4 in H2O cannot
be determined by any chemical method. However, it is possible to determine even
extremely small solubilities by conductance measurements. The relationship between
V, K, and C is   K  ’C’ represents the solubility (in gram equivalent / lit)
The equivalent conductance ( V) at infinite dilution is
V =  = K x V V=

By knowing  and K and the volume ‘V’ containing 1gm equivalent can be
determined hence the solubility ‘S’ can be calculated.
S  E gm / lit E = equivalent weight of the

1000  E  K
S Eg: E Agcl = 143.5,  = 138.27

1000  143.5  Kv


4. Basicity of organic acids: After conducting the studies on the sodium salts of a
large number of organic acids Ostwald gave the empirical relation
1024  32

5. Degree of hydrolysis: When a salt of weak acid or base is dissolved in water, the
conductance of solution will be partly due to the ions of the salt and partly due to H+
or OH – ions of the acid or base formed by hydrolysis.
An electrolyte

For eg:- 1ml of BA is dissolved in VL of water and at equilibrium a fraction  of it is

dissociated into ions.

Amount at equilibrium (1 - ) mol mol mol

1    
Equivalent conc.  1
mol L . mol  mol   C = Conc.of electrolyte in mol L
 V  V V

On applying law of mass action; C=
 
 
[ B ][ A ] V V 2
  K  K  Ionization / dissociati on constant
[ BA] 1   (1   )V
 2
 2C  2C
K  K
(1   )V (1   ) 1



To the determination of end point of a titration with the help of conductivity

measurements is called as conductometric titration.

At constant temperature the conductance of solution depends on the number of ions

and mobility of ions .
In these titrations the titrant is added from a burette into a measured volume of the
solution and the values of the conductivities are then plotted against the titrant
Two linear curves are obtained in these cases, which will intersect each other at a
point is known as end point/equivalence point.
Conductometric titrations are used to find out the end point of titrations by
Acid-alkali titrations
1. Acid-base titrations:-
(a) Titration of strong acid with a strong base:-
H  Cl   Na  OH   Nacl  H 2 O
Acid Base Salt
Before the addition of base the conductivity of acid is high, (due to mobile H +) this is
taken in conductivity vessel and alkali in the burette.
On gradual addition of NaOH from the burette, the highly mobile H+ ions are replaced
by OH- to form nearly non-conducting water molecule.
So, the conductivity of solution decreases progressively, till the equivalence point (B)
is reached (Na+ and Cl- Will have minimum conductivity). On further addition of
NaOH, the conductivity of the solution will raise.
On plotting the conductance against the volume NaOH added the points will lie on
straight lines AB and CD. The point of intersection of 2 lines gives the end point.

Thus, the descending branch of the curve (AB) gives the conductance of a mixture of
acid and salt and the ascending branch of the curve (BC) gives the conductance of a
mixture of salt and excess base.
(b) Titration of strong acid and weak base:-
Ex:- HCl & NH4OH.
When NH4OH is added to HCl, the conductivity decreases due to replacement of H+
ions by NH+4 ions.
H+ Cl- + NH+4OH- NH4Cl- + H2O
After reaching equilibrium the addition of NH4OH after the end point does not
change the conductance because NH4OH, a weakly ionized electrolyte has a very
small conductivity compared with acid or its salt.
(c) Strong base and weak acid:-
The conductance of the acid will below on account of its poor dissociation.
When a small amount of NaOH is added to CH3COOH, the conductivity decreases
initially then increases with the further addition of NaOH.
After neutralization, further addition of alkali produces excess of OH -. The
conductance of solution increasing more rapidly.

(d) Weak acid and weak base:- The addition of NH4OH causes decrease in
conductance in the beginning because the common ions formed decrease the


The further addition of NH4OH, increases the conductivity due to conductance of
highly ionized salt (NH4+ CH3COO-).
After neutralization, further addition of NH4OH does not change in the conductance.

An electrochemical cell is a device for converting chemical energy into electrical
energy. An electrochemical cell is also commonly referred to as voltaic or galvanic
cell in honour of Volta and Galvane respectively.
In which oxidation occurs at one electrode and reduction at other electrode.
The substances which loses electrons -------oxidized
The substances which gains electrons--------Reduced
In redox chemical reactions, oxidation and reduction takes place at the same time.
Electrochemical cells:-
An electrochemical is a device for converting chemical energy into electrical energy.
A redox reaction is utilized to get electrical energy.
 In redox chemical reactions, oxidation and reduction takes place at the same time.
Electrochemical cell is defined as a single arrangement consisting of 2 electrodes and
capable of producing electricity due to chemical reaction and vice versa.
Galvanic cell:-
The most ideal galvanic cell is Daniel cell. The apparatus that provides electricity
through redox reaction is called galvanic cell, invented by Luigi Galvane (1737-1798)
and also called as voltaic call (Alesandro Volta (1745-1827).

A Galvanic cell is made up of 2 half cell (an individual oxidation and reduction takes
place at 2 electrodes).
 On the left Zinc electrode dips into a solution of ZnSO4 (oxidation) and on the right
a Copper electrode dips into a solution of CuSO4 (Reduction).
 The 2 electrodes are connected by an external electrical circuit and 2 solutions are
separated by salt bridge. The electrode reactions are:
At anode: Zn Zn2++2e-(oxidation)
At cathode: Cu2++2e- Cu (Reduction)
Zn+Cu2+ Zn2++Cu

 The Zn dissolves in aqueous solution releases electrons to get positive charge

(Zn2+) called oxidation/ deelectronation. On the other hand Cu2+ accepts electrons to
form copper called reduction or electronation.
 An electric current flows from positive electrode to negative electrode. So the Zn
electrode is called negative electrode, while the Cu electrode is called positive
electrode. However the electrons flow from the negative electrode to positive
electrode through external electrical circuit.

Representation of galvanic cell: - According to present convention, a galvanic cell

is represented as.
(1) Anode is written on the left side, while cathode is written on the right.
(2) The electrode on the left (i.e. anode) is written by writing the metal and then the
electrolyte. The 2 are separated by a vertical line or semicolon.
Zn/Zn2+ or Zn:Zn2+ or Zn;ZnSo4 (1M) by vertical line/semicolon.
(3) On the right: The electrolyte is represented first and the metal thereafter. The 2 are
separated by a vertical line or semicolon.
Cu2+/Cu or Cu2+: Cu or Cu2+; Cu or CuSO4.
(4) A salt bridge indicated by 2 vertical lines; separating the 2 half cells. The Daniel
cell is represented as
Zn;Zn2+ (1M)// Cu2+(1M);Cu
6Q . Standard electrode p otential : (E0 cell)
The tendency of an electrode to lose or gain electrons when it is in contact with a
solution of its own salt is called “standard electrode potential” which is measured at
 The potential difference between the metal and its salt solution in which it is
dipped is called single electrode potential.
 Ex: - Zn-Cu cell
 Half cellHalf cell
a) Oxidation potential: - It is the measure of electrode to lose electrons to get
oxidized and this tendency is called Oxidation potential.
b)Reduction potential: - The tendency of an electrode to gain electrons is a direct
measure of its tendency to get reduced and this tendency is called reduction potential.
Cu2++2e-  Cu (Reduction)
 The total reaction is Zn+Cu2+ Zn2++Cu
E (Cell) =E (Oxidation) +E (Reduction)
EMF of the total cell is equal to the sum of oxidation potential and reduction potential.
 When 2 half cells are connected to make galvanic cell one half cell having larger
standard reduction potential (the one with the greater tendency to undergo reduction)
accepts electrons from the half cell with lower standard reduction potential ( greater
tendency to undergo oxidation).
E0= Reduction potential of reduced species -- Reduction potential of oxidized
E0 (Cell) represents the magnitude of difference between reduction potentials of two
half cells of a redox reaction (or) sum of the standard oxidation potential and standard
reduction potentials of respective electrodes.
The values of standard potentials arranged in the decreasing order is called “electro
chemical series”.
The standard electrode potential (E0) is measured under standard conditions i.e at
250 C, 1M concentration and 1 atm pressure.

7Q. BATTERIES:- A battery is an electrochemical cell or often several

electrochemical cells connected in series that can be used as a source of direct electric
current at a constant voltage. A device which converts chemical energy to electrical
energy is called Battery, which are commercial electrochemical cells.
They are of 3 types.

10. cells 20. Cells 3. Fuel cells or Flow battery

I. Primary cells: - In which the cell reaction is not reversible. When the reactants
almost converted to products, further no electricity is produced more and the battery
becomes dead. Hence they cannot be recharged.
Eg: - voltaic cell (Cu and Zn electrodes dipped in H2SO4)
Daniel cell (Zn in ZnsO4 and Cu in CuSO4 separated with porous diaphragm).
Dry (laclanche) cell:- (a cell without fluid component is perhaps the most familiar of
all batteries).
Zn can with NH4Cl or ZnCl2 and MnO2 as electrolytes and to which starch is added to
make it thick paste to prevent leakages and a carbon rod serve as cathode which is
immersed in the centre of electrolyte. The net reaction of the cell is:
Zn(s) +2NH42+ (aq)+2cl-( aq) + 2 Mno2(s)  Mn2O3(s)+ Zn (NH3)2 cl2 (s) + 2H2O.

Dry cell is a cheap and gives a voltage of +1.5 v

Dry cell finds its applications in flash lights, transistor, radios, calculators etc,
II. Secondary cells: - In which the cell reaction can be reversed by passing direct
electric current in opposite direction. They can be used again and again by
recharging the cell.

Eg: - Ni-Cd storage cell, & lithium batteries.

Ni—Cd storage cell / Ni-Cad battery: - Which is recently developed, portable,

rechargeable cell and its voltage fairly constant (about 1.4v).
It consists of Cd anode,
cathode composed of a paste of NiO (OH)(s).

Anode: Cd(s) +2OH-(aq) Cd (OH)2(s)+2e-

Cathode: 2NiO(OH)(s)+2H2O(l)+2e- 2 Ni (OH)2(s) +2OH-(aq)

Net reaction : 2NiO(OH)(s)+ Cd(s)+ 2H2o(s) Cd(OH)2(s)+ 2 Ni(OH)2(s)

This reaction can be readily reversed, because the reaction products, Cd(OH)2 and Ni
(OH)2 adhere to electrode surfaces.
They are mainly used in electronic calculators, CD players, electronic cars, cordless
electronic shavers and transistors. They have long durability without any maintenance.

2.Lithium Batteries: - The cells having lithium anodes are called lithium cells,
irrespective of the cathode used. It is very light metal. It belongs to two categories.
(a) Lithium primary batteries (b) Rechargeable cells / Li+ Ion cells.
a) Li primary cells: The most common Li primary cell is the lithium manganese
dioxide battery.( MnO2)
Anode–Li, Cathode- MnO2, it should be heated, above 3000C to remove H2O before
incorporating it in the cathode. (This step increases the efficiency of cell).
Electrolyte: Mixture of propylene carbonate and dimethoxy ethane containing
dissolved salt such as LiClO4.

The cell reaction is, Anode: Li Li+ + e-

Cathode: Li+ + e +Mno2 Li Mno2
Net reaction: Li + Mno2 Li Mno2.

This cells produces a voltage of about + 3.4v, which is more than twice that of dry cell
due to light weight of Li. They are widely used in fully automatic cameras, electronic
devices such as calculators and watches.
b)Lithium Ion cells or Rechargeable cells:
These cells do not contain metallic Li instead of lithium ion cells are used.
Anode: Carbon compound, graphite (C6)
Cathode: Lithium Cobalt oxide (LiCoO2 )
Electrolyte: LiPF6 or LiBF4
In these cells the true oxidation/ reduction does not takes place instead of that
transport of Li+ ions through the electrolyte from one electrode to the other by the
transport of electrons through the external circuit.
When the cell is constructed, it is in its uncharged state with no Li+ ions between the
layers of ‘c’ atoms in the graphite. When the cell is charging, Li+ ions leave LiCoO2
and travel through the electrolyte to the graphite C6.
LiCoO2 + graphite (C6)  Li(1-x) CoO2+ Lix C6.
When the cell is spontaneously discharges to provide electrical power, Li+ ions move
back through the electrolyte to the cobalt oxide while electrons move through the
external circuit from the graphite electrode to the cobalt oxide electrode.
Li1-x CoO2 + LixC6  Li1-x+y CoO2+Lix-yC6
Y=amount of Li+ transferring from LixC6 . LiCoO2 1-x
X= transferring amount of Li+ from LiCoO2 to graphite.
Diagram: see in text book
III. Fuel cell/Flow battery: - The reactants are continuously supplied from an
external source to the cell and the reaction products continuously removed, such cells
are called as fuel cells. In a fuel cell electrical energy is obtained without combustion
from O2 and gas can be oxidized. Hence fuel cell converts chemical energy of the fuel
directly to electricity.
Fuel + O2  oxidation product + electricity
In which fuel is gas/liquid and oxygen being oxidized. In fuel cell the chemical energy
is provided by fuel and easily converts to electrical energy. Fuel cells are
characterized by,
(1) High efficiency (2) Low noise levels (3) Free from vibration, heat transfer.
The most important fuel cells are
(1) H2-O2 fuel cell (2) Methanol fuel cell
(1)H2-O2 fuel cell/ alkaline fuel cell: - It is successful and simplest cell.
Electrodes: - Porous Platinum electrode, electrolyte -- 35-40% KOH.
It consists of hot concentration KOH electrolyte solution and 2 porous Pt electrodes
are dipped in KOH solution.
At anode H2 gas and at cathode O2 gas is supplied, which are come in contact with
electrodes and shows following reactions.
Cathode: O2 + 2H2O+4e- 4OH- (aq)
Anode : H2+4OH-  4H2O+4e-

H2+O2  2H2O

(1) They are used as energy source in space vehicles, submarines or military vehicles.
(2) The reaction product is water, which is harmless and used as source of fresh water
to the astronauts.
(3) The weight of fuel battery for 15 days is about 250 Kg.
(1) Energy cost of generating H2 fuel.
(2) Difficult in storage and distribution of highly flammable.
(3) Availability of alternative fuels.
(2)Methanol fuel cell/proton exchange fuel cells:-
Electrodes:- Porous Pt electrodes, separated by proton transport membrane.
Anode: Oxidation of CH3OH and H2O absorbed on catalyst to from CO2 with lose of
H+ (Protons) and electrons.
Cathode: - H2O is liberated by reduction of O2, which accepts electrons and protons.
Protons are transported from anode to cathode through proton transport membrane,
while electrons transport through electric circuit.
The liberated H2O (at cathode) is consumed at anode.
Oxidation: CH3OH+H2O  CO2+6H++6e-
Cathode : 3/2 O2 + 6H++6e-  3H2O
Reaction: CH3OH+3/2 o2  Co2+2H2o

(1) Storage of methanol is much easier than H2 (does not high pressure or low
temperature) since methanol is liquid form -97.00 C to 64.70 C (-142.60 F to 148.50F)
(2) The energy density of methanol is greater than H2.
(1) During methanol oxidation, CO formed which is strongly adhere on to pt catalyst,
reducing, the surface area and lowering the performance.
(2) CH3OH is toxic and flammable and so utmost care is necessary.
(3) Limited power is produced by them.


Water is one of the most abundant and widely, distributed substance, but is also most
misused one. It covers 3/4 of the earth’s surface and essential for all organisms like
animals, plants, human beings. It is not only essential for organisms but also used in
engineering side for steam generation. In addition to it, water is used for domestic
purposes like drinking, washing, bathing, cooking and used in industries like
production of paper, rayon, textiles, tires, irrigation, atomic energy, steel etc…

1Q. SOURCES OF WATER:-Based on their sources water is broadly divided

into 2 types I) Surface water II) Underground water
Surface water are of 4 types

I. Rain water: - It is the purest form of water. It is obtained from evaporation of

surface water. During the downward movement through atmosphere, it dissolves
considerable amount of industrial gases (CO2, SO2) and suspended particles (organic
and inorganic).

2. River water: - Rivers are fed by rain water and spring water. Water from these
sources flow over the surface of earth and dissolves soluble minerals present in the
soil. River water also contain organic matter derived from decomposition of plants
and small particles of sand and rock in suspension i.e. it contain both dissolved and
suspended impurities.

3. Lake water: - It belongs to still water type. It contains constant chemical

composition. It consists lesser amounts of dissolved impurities than well water. It has
high concentration of organic matter.

4. Sea water: - It is the most impure form of natural water. All rivers are join in sea
along with their impurities. It contain 3.5% dissolved salts of which 2.6% is NaCl and
other salts are sulphates of Na+, bicarbonates of K+, Mg+2, Ca+2 and bromides of K+
and number of other compounds.

II. Underground water: - The rain water passes down to the lower layers of earth
continuously until it comes in contact with rocks. It comes out of the earth in the form
of spring water.

Well and spring water: - It has high organic purity and consists of more amount of
dissolved salts. It has more hardness.
Water has following impurities. They are
A. Physical impurities
B. Chemical impurities
C. Biological impurities

A. Physical impurities:-
1. Colour: - Pure water is colourless. Colour to water is caused by the presence
of metallic substances like Fe, Al, humus materials, peats, tannins, algae, fungi,
weeds etc…the change in colour is not harmful unless it comes in contact with
toxic substances.
Eg: Yellow colour presence of Cr and Organic matter
Yellowish red colour presence of Fe
Reddish brown colour presence of peaty matter

2. Turbidity: - Pure water has no turbidity. It is caused by the presence of clay,

slit, finely divided matter, microorganisms etc…. It depends on the quantity of
insoluble substances and also their size, shape, refractive index. Turbidity is
eliminated by filtration, sedimentation and coagulation.

3. Taste: - In pure water it is interlinked with odour but in waste water it is

accomplished by odour.
Eg: Bitter taste presence of minerals (Fe, Al, Sulphates, Mg and
excess amount of lime)
Soapy taste presence of large amounts of NaHCO3
Brackish taste presence of unusual amounts of salts
Palatable taste presence of dissolved CO2 and minerals (nitrides)
4. Odour: - Pure water has no odour. It is not necessary for domestic purposes
and industrial purposes. Odour is caused by the presence of living organisms,
decaying of algae, fungi, bacteria etc… the most disagreeable odour is caused
by sulphites.

B. Chemical impurities:-
Chemical impurities are released from industries, dyes, paints, varnishes etc….
Surface and ground water attains acidity from industrial wastes like acids, mines,
drainage etc… Acidity is caused by the presence of free CO2, mineral salts etc….
Chemical impurities are of three types.

1. Gases:-
a) Dissolved CO2:-All natural water contains dissolved CO2. Its
concentration depends on temperature, pressure and dissolved
mineral content of water. It is acquired from the biological oxidation
of the organic matter. CO2 presence is not significant.
b) Dissolved O2:- Its concentration also depends on temperature,
pressure and content of salts. If it is present in the industrial water it
induces the corrosion. Its presence is necessary to aquatic organism
such as fishes, frogs etc… (for respiration)
c) Dissolved NH3:- It comes from decomposition of nitrogenous
organic matter, sewage containing nitrogenous compounds urea.
These sources converted to NH3.;
2. Organic materials: - These are formed by decaying of micro organism or
decaying of vegetable matter.

3. Inorganic materials: - They are mainly formed due to the soil erosion. They
arise from industrial effluents and rocks. Na+, K+, Mg+2, Ca+2, Mn+2, HCO3-,
CO32, Cl- etc…

C. Biological impurities: - Algae, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, virus, parasites,

worms etc…. The source of these contaminations is the discharge of domestic sewage
wastes, excreta etc…

Microorganisms: - Abundant in surface water, bur their count is quite low or even
nil in deep well water (Microscope). Commonly microorganisms form slime thereby
causing fouling as well as corrosion. They can grow at 25 0C-35oC which can be
prevented by sterilization (chlorination).

Water bodies: - Bacteria which inhabitation the bottom sludge and planktons
developed at the water surface. These are inhabitated by different group of worms like
flat worms, hair worms, tiny round worms etc…. Most of the worms are parasitic in
nature and harmful to human health and fishes.

3Q. HARDNESS OF WATER: - Hardness is characteristic property of water,

which prevents formation of lather with soap. This is due to presence of certain salts
of Ca, Mg, Fe and heavy metals dissolved in water. When a sample of hard water is
treated with soap it forms a white scum or precipitate instead of lather. Soaps are Na
or K salts of higher fatly acid like palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acids.
Reactions of soap with hard water [CaCl2, MgSO4] are as follows:-
2C17 H35 COONa+CaCl2 (C17H35COO)2Ca +2NaCl
2C17 H35 COONa+MgSO4 (C17 H35 COO)2 Mg + Na2SO4
Soft water: - A sample of water which produces lather easily with soap is called as
soft water. This doesn’t have salts of Ca, Mg, Fe and heavy metals.
TYPES OF HARDNESS: - Hardness of water is of two types
1) Temporary hardness
2) Permanent hardness

1. Temporary or Carbonate hardness: - It is caused by the presence of

bicarbonates of calcium, magnesium, heavy metals and carbonates of Fe. It is
destroyed by boiling. On boiling the bicarbonates are converted to carbonates or
hydroxides which are deposited as a crust at the bottom of the vessel.
Ca (HCO3)2 CaCO3 + H2O + O2
Mg (HCO3)2 Mg (OH) 2+2CO2

1. Permanent or Non-carbonate hardness: - It is due to the presence of

chlorides, sulphates of calcium, magnesium and heavy metals. Unlike
temporary hardness it is not destroyed by boiling.

Hardness of water is expressed in terms of CaCO3 equivalents. The molecular weight

of CaCO3 is 100 and its equivalent weight is 50 which is easy for calculation and
CaCO3 is insoluble salt. All the dissolved salts of Ca are precipitated as CaCO3.
Weight of salt
CaCO3 equivalent = × Equivalent weight of CaCO 3
Equivalent weight of that salt
Weight of salt
= × Molecular weight of CaCO3
Molecular weight of that salt

Salt Molecular weight Equivalent weight CaCO3equivalent

Mg (HCO3)2 146 73 100/146
Ca (HCO3)2 162 81 100/162
MgCl2 95 47.5 100/95
MgSO4 120 60 100/120
CaCl2 111 55.5 100/111
CaSO4 136 68 100/36


5Q .UNITS OF HARDNESS: - The following units are used to measuring the

hardness. They are
1. Parts per million (PPM)
2. Milligrams per liter (mg/L)
3. Clarks Degree (Cl 0
4. Degree French (0 Fr)
5. Milli equivalents per liter (meq/L)
1. ppm: - PPM is parts of CaCO3 equivalent hardness per one million parts of water
i.e. 106 parts of water.
1ppm = 1 part of CaCO3 equivalent hardness in 106 parts of water.

2. milligrams per liter: - It is defined as number of milligrams of CaCO3 equivalent

hardness present per liter of water.
1mg/L = 1mg of CaCO3 equivalent hardness per liter of water.
1 liter water weighs 1 kg = 1000gm
= 1000 x 1000 = 106 mg
Therefore 1mg/L = 1mg of CaCO3 Equivalent hardness per 106 mg of
1ppm = 1mg/L

3. Degree Clark (0Cl):- It is defined as number of parts of CaCO3 equivalent

hardness per 70,000 parts of water or one gallon of water.
10 Cl = 1 part of CaCO3 equivalent hardness per 70,000 of water.
1ppm =0.07 0Cl.
4. Degree French (0 Fr):- It is defined as number of parts of CaCO3 equivalent
hardness per 105 parts of water.
10 Fr= one part of CaCO3 equivalent hardness in 105 parts of water
1ppm=0.10 Fr
5. Milli equivalents per liter: - It is number of milli equivalent of CaCO3 hardness
of present per liter.
1Meq/L=1 milli equivalent of CaCO3 equivalent hardness in one liter of water
=10-3x50 gm of CaCO3 equivalent per liter
= 50mg of CaCO3 equivalent hardness
= 50ppm
1ppm = 0.02 meq/L

Relationship between various units of hardness:

1ppm = 1mg/L 0.07 0Cl = 0.10Fr = 0.02 meq/L.



1. Find temporary, permanent and total hardness of sample of water containing

Ca (HCO3)2=40.5mg/L, Mg(HCO3)2= 46.5mg/L, MgSO4 = 27.6 mg/L, CaCl2
=22.4mg/L, CaSO4=32.4 mg/L.

Hard salt Weight(mg/l) Molecular weight CaCO3 Eq.wt/M.wt ×100
Ca(HCO3)2 40.5 162 25
Mg(HCO3)2 46.5 146 31.8
Mg SO4 27.6 120 23
CaCl2 22.4 111 20.18
CaSO4 32.4 136 23.8

Temporary hardness = Hardness due to Ca (HCO3)2 + Mg (HCO3)2

= 25+31.8 = 56.8 mg/L
Permanent hardness = Hardness due to MgSO4 + CaCl2 + CaSO4
= 23 + 20.18 + 23.8 = 66.7mg/L
Total hardness = 56.8 + 66.7=123.5 mg/L
2. A sample of water to contain following.
Ca (HCO3)2=10.5PPm, Mg (HCO3)2=12.5PPM, MgSO4=2.6PPM, CaCl2
=8.2PPM, CaSO4 =7.5PPM. Find temporary and permanent hardness in 0Cl.
Hard salt Weight(mg/L) Molecular weight CaCO3 Eq.wt/M.wt ×100
Ca(HCO3)2 10.5 162 6.48
Mg(HCO3)2 12.5 146 8.56
Mg SO4 2.6 120 2.16
CaCl2 8.2 111 7.3
CaSO4 7.5 136 5.5
Temporary hardness = Hardness due to Ca (HCO3)2 + Mg (HCO3)2
= 6.48 + 8.56
= 15.04 PPM
= 15.04 ×0.07
= 1.05 0Cl
Permanent hardness = Hardness due to MgSO4 + CaCl2 + CaSO4
= 2.16 + 7.3 + 5.5 = 14.96PPM
= 14.96 × 0.07 = 1.05 0Cl
The hardness of water is quantitatively measured by EDTA method. Ethylene di-
amine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) is used to estimate hardness. Disodium salt of EDTA
can form stable complex (M-EDTA) with Ca and Mg ions at pH 9 -10.


N-CH 2 -CH2 -N


Principle: - An indicator Eriochrome black-T is used, which forms an unstable wine

red complex with Ca and Mg ions (in hard water) at pH-10. When this solution is
titrated against EDTA solution, the color of complex changes from wine red to blue
which indicates end point i.e., M-EDTA complex release blue colored indicator EBT
into water.
(Wine red complex)
Following steps are involved in titration:-
Preparation of solutions:-
Standard hard water: - Dissolve 1gm of pure CaCO3 in small quantity of dilute
HCl and then evaporate the solution to dryness on a water bath. Dissolve the residue
in distilled water and make upto 1 liter. Therefore 1ml of solution contains 1mg of
CaCO3 equivalent hardness.

EDTA solution: - Dissolve 4 gm of pure EDTA crystals along with 0.1gm of MgCl2
1 liter of distilled water.
Indicator: - Dissolve 0.5 gm of EBT in 100ml of alcohol.
Buffer: - Add 67.5 gm of NH4Cl to 570 ml of concentration NH3 solution and make
up with distilled H2O to 1 liter.

A.Standardization of EDTA:-
1. Rinse and fill the burette with EDTA solution.
2. Pipette out 50ml of standard hard water + 10-15 ml of Ammonia buffer +few drops
Of EBT indicator in conical flask.
3. Titrate with EDTA solution till wine red color changes to clear blue.
Let the volume of EDTA used be V1 ml.
B. Estimation of total hardness :- Take 50ml of given hard water. To this add 10-
15 ml of buffer and few drops of EBT indicator and then titrate with EDTA solution.
Until blue colour is formed.
Let the volume of EDTA used be V2 ml.

C. Estimation of permanent hardness: - Take 250ml of hard water sample in a

beaker and evaporate it to nearly 50 ml (all bicarbonates are converted to carbonates
and hydroxides). Filter, wash and make up the filtrate to 250ml with distilled water.
From this pipette out 50ml boiled water. To this add buffer and few drops of indicator.
Titrate with EDTA until wine red color changes to deep blue.
Let the volume of EDTA used be V3 ml.

A.Standardization of EDTA: - 1ml of standard hard water = 1mg of CaCO3

50 ml of standard hard water = V1ml of EDTA
50 mg of CaCO3 = V1 ml of EDTA
1 ml of EDTA = 50/V1 mg of CaCO3 eq.

B.Estimation of total hardness:-

50 ml of given hard water = V2 ml of EDTA
50 ml of given hard water = V2 ×50/ V1 mg of CaCO3 eq.
1 ml of given hard water = V2/50×50/V1 mg of CaCO3
1 liter of given hard water = V2/V1×1000 mg/L
Total hardness = V2/V1 ×1000 mg/L

C.Estimation of permanent hardness:-

50 ml of given boiled H2O = V3 ml of EDTA
= V3 x 50/V1 mg of CaCO3 eq
1 ml of given boiled H2O = V3/50 × 50/V1 mg of CaCO3 eq
1 liter of given boiled H2O = V3/V1 × 1000 mg/L
Permanent hardness = V3/V1 ×1000 mg/L
D. Estimation of temporary hardness:-
Temporary hardness = Total hardness – Permanent hardness
= (V2/V1 × 1000 – V3/V1 ×1000)
= (V2 – V3/ V1) × 1000 mg/L
Temporary hardness = (V2 – V3 / V1) × 1000 mg/L


At room temperature and pressure the amount of dissolved oxygen in water is about
8mg/L. Dissolved oxygen is essential for aquatic organisms and it also serve as an
indicator to know the extent of water pollution by impurities. Hence the determination
of dissolved oxygen content is important both for environmental and industrial point
of view. The amount of dissolved oxygen in water is determined by ‘WINKLER’S

Principle:- The determination of dissolved O2 is based on the oxidation of KI by

dissolved O2 . The liberated iodine is titrated against standard sodium this sulfate
(Hypo) solution using starch as indicator until blue color disappears. The dissolved
molecular oxygen is unable to react with KI in water. Hence the carrier Mn (OH) 2
carries oxygen and brings about the reaction between KI and O2. Mn(OH) 2 is
produced by KOH and MnSO4.

Equations: - MnSO4 + 2KOH Mn(OH) 2+ K2SO4

2Mn (OH) 2 + O2 2 MOO (OH) 2
Oxygen carrier Magnenic oxide
MnO(OH) 2 +H2SO4 MnSO4 + 2H2O + [O]
2KI + H2SO4+ [O] K2SO4 + H2O + I2
2Na2S2O3 + I2 2NaI + Na2S4O6
Starch + I2 starch - iodine (blue)
Preparation of solutions:-
1. MnSO4 solution: - 400gm of MnSO4 dissolved in 1 liter of water.
2. Alkaline KI solution: - 150gm of KI, 500gm of Noah, 20gm of sodium azide
(NaN3) (which destroys impurities in water), all are dissolved in 1 liter of water.

Standard Hypo (N/100):- 2.48 gm of Hypo dissolved in 1 liter water.

procedure: - 250 ml of water is collected in bottle avoiding as far as possible contact
with air. Immediately add 2ml MnSO4 and 2ml of alkaline KI solution. Stopper the
bottle and shake it thoroughly for 10–15 minutes and allow standing for few minutes
to settle precipitate.
Repeat this process of shaking and settling at least 3 times. Add 5-10 ml of
concentrated H2SO4 stopper and shake to dissolve precipitate. Pipette out 100ml of
solution in conical flask and titrate against standard Hypo using freshly prepared
starch as indicator. End point is disappearance of blue color.

Calculation: - N1V1 =N2V2

N1 = Normality of Hypo, N2 = Normality of dissolved O2
V1 = Volume of Hypo, V2= Volume of dissolved O2
N2= N1V1/ V2
Weight of dissolved O2 = Normality of D.O2 × Eq.Wt.of O2 x 1000 ppm

9Q. Chlorides

If hard water is used in boilers the following problems arise boiler. The turbine is a
magnet wounded by coil wire.
1. Priming and foaming
2. Boiler corrosion
3. Formation of scales and sludges
4. Caustic embritllement.
(I)Priming and foaming Or Carry over: - The process of formation of wet steam
is called as priming or carries over. The steam carrying water droplets is called as wet

(A) Priming: - The phenomenon of steam production along with water droplets by
rapid boiling of water is nothing but priming.

Reasons:- 1. Very high steam velocity.

2. Sudden boiling.
3. Improper boiler design.
4. High water levels.
5. Presence of large amounts of dissolved salts.
Prevention:- 1. Maintaining low water levels.
2. Using softened water.
3. Fitting mechanical steam purifiers. 4. Using well designed boiler.

(B) Foaming: - The production of persistent bubbles or foam in boiler water surface
is called foaming.

Reasons:- 1. The presence of oily or soapy substances.

2. Certain dissolved salts.

Prevention:-1. It can be avoided by adding anti-foaming agents like cotton seed oil
and castor oil
2. By adding NaAlO2 which coagulates oily or soapy substances.

(II) Boiler corrosion: - The decay of boiler material by chemical or electro

chemical attack by its environment is called boiler corrosion.

1. Due to presence of dissolved O2...
2. Dissolved CO2.
3. Acids from dissolved salts.

a)Dissolved O2:- At room temperature one liter water consists 8mg of dissolved O2.
It attacks boiler material causing rust formation.
2Fe +2H2O +O2 2Fe (OH)2
4Fe (OH) 2+O2 2(Fe2O3.2H2O)

Removal: - Dissolved oxygen is eliminated by adding calculated quantity of sodium

sulphate and sodium supplied or hydrazine.
Na2S + 2O2 Na2SO4
2Na2SO3 + O2 Na2SO4
NH2-NH2+O2 N2+2H2O
Among these the hydrazine method is ideal method for removal of dissolved oxygen.
The liberated nitrogen is not harmful to boilers. So, this method is an ideal method for
prevention of dissolved oxygen.

b). Dissolved CO2:-It gives carbonic acid with water. This carbonic acid has
corrosive effect on boiler material.
H2O + CO2 H2CO3
Carbon dioxide is also produced from decomposition of bi carbonate salts usually
present in water.
Mg (HCO3)2 MgCO3+ H2O +CO2
Removal: - It is removed from water by adding calculated quantity of NH 3 in the
form of NH4OH to produce ammonium carbonate.
2NH4OH + CO2 (NH4)2CO3 +H2O
c). Acids from dissolved salts: - Acids that are produced from dissolved salts are
also mainly responsible for corrosion. Certain salts like magnesium chloride, calcium
chloride etc… produce acids by their hydrolysis.
MgCl2 + 2H2O Mg (OH) 2 +2HCl
The liberated HCl reacts with Fe produces HCl again and finally leads to formation of
Removal: - It can be removed by neutralizing acids with alkali.
HCl+ NaOH NaCl+ H2O

(iii) Scales and Sludge’s:- In boilers, water evaporates continuously and the
concentration of dissolved salts increase progressively. When their concentration
reach saturation point they are thrown out of water in the form of precipitates on the
surface or inner walls of boilers. The precipitation takes place in two ways.
1. Sludge’s
2. Scales
a). Sludge’s:- 1. Sludge’s are soft, loose, slimy non–stick precipitates produced due
to higher concentrated of dissolved salts.
2. It can easily be scrapped off by wire brush.

Reason: - Sludge’s are formed by substances which have greater solubility’s in hot
water than in cold water.
Eg: MgCl2, Mg (CO3)2, Mg SO4, CaCl2 etc.
1. Sludge’s are bad conductors of heat, hence it wastes portion of heat generated.
2. Excessive sludge formation reduces the efficiency of boiler.
3. It settles in the region of poor circulation areas such as pipe connection, plug
opening, and gauze glass connection leading to checking of the pipes.

Prevention: 1. by using well softened water.

2. Frequently carried out blow down operations (removal of concentrated water from
the bottom of boiler).
b. Scales: - 1. Scales are hard, sticky deposits formed on inner walls of boiler.
2. The main source of boiler troubles are scales and are very difficult to
remove once they are deposited on the inner walls of boiler.
A. Decomposition of Ca(HCO3)2:- Due to high temperature and pressure present
in boilers, the Ca(HCO3)2 salt decomposes to CaCO3, an insoluble salt forms scale in
low pressure boilers but CaCO3 is soluble in high pressure boilers.
Ca (HCO3)2 CaCO3 +H2O +CO2

B. Decomposition of CaSO4:- The solubility of CaSO4 decreases with praise of

temperature. The solubility of CaSO4 is 3200 ppm at 150C. It reduces to 27 ppm at
3200C. CaSO4 is soluble in cold water, but it is insoluble in super heated water. CaSO 4
precipitates as hard scale on the heated portion of boiler and difficult to remove.

C. Hydrolysis of Mg salts: - Dissolved Mg salts undergo hydrolysis at high

temperature forming Mg (OH) 2 precipitates which forms soft scale.
MgCl2 + 2H2O Mg (OH) 2 +2HCl

D. Presence of silica: - SiO2 present even in small quantities deposits as Ca or Mg

silicate. The deposits forms hard scale and it is very difficult to remove.

1. Wastage of fuel.
2. Decrease in efficiency.
3. Low boiler safety and danger of explosion (at high temperature cracks may
be formed on boilers scale leading to explosion).
4. Scales are bad conductor of heat.
Removal of scales:-
1. Scales are not easily removed by wire brush, scrappers or wiped piece.
2. Scale can be removed by thermal shocks (sudden heating and cooling).
3. Using certain chemicals to removal of scales
a. 5-10% of HCl - used to removal of CaCO3 scales.
b. EDTA- removal of CaSO4 scales.
c. MgO - removal of silica.
4. By adding of anti –coagulants (removal of silica scales).

IV. Caustic embrittlement: - It is at type of corrosion produced by caustic

alkalinity (NaOH). Usually water consists of Na2CO3 which is hydrolyzed to alkali at
high temp.
Na2CO3 +H2O 2 NaOH + CO2
The NaHCO3 present in water produce Na2CO3 which in turn give NaOH. This
NaOH passes in to the small cracks or stress areas on the boiler by capillary action and
attacks the surrounding area and dissolves the Fe of boilers as sodium ferroate.
Fe + 2 NaOH Na2 (FeO2) +H2
This causes embrittlement of boiler parts particularly at joints, bends, pipes etc.

Disadvantages: - Failure of boiler.

1. Neutralizing the alkali with very small quantity of acid.
2. By adding sodium phosphate as softening agent to water.
3. By adding sodium sulphate, lignin to boiler water which blocks hair cracks.


Water treatment is used for prevention of scales and softening of water. They are two
1. Internal treatment used to remove scales
2. External treatment for softening water.

11Q. Internal treatment: - The following internal conditioning methods are used
for prevention of scales.

1. Colloidal conditioning:- When certain chemicals like tannin, agar-agar,

kerosene are added to water, these substances coat the outer surfaces of crystalline
precipitates, and thus forms colloidal non–sticky, sludge like precipitate which can be
easily removed by mechanical methods like blow–down operation.

2. Carbonate conditioning: - In low pressure boilers scale formation can be

avoided by treating boiler water with Na2CO3. The scale forming salts like CaSO4 are
partially converted to CaCO3 (loose sludge), which can be removed by blow down
CaSO4 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + Na2SO4

3. Phosphate conditioning: - In high pressure boilers Na2Po4 reacts with water

forms loose ppt .when can be easily removed by blow down operation.
3CaCl2 +2 Na3 PO4 Ca3 (PO4)2 + 6NaCl-
4.Calgon conditioning: - Na2 [Na4 (PO3)] 6 [calgon] is added to boiler scales forms
soluble complex with CaSO4.
2CaSO4 +Na2 [Na4 (PO3)6] Na2 [Ca2 (PO3)6] + 2Na2 SO4
5. NaAlO2 conditioning: - In water, sodium aluminates gives aluminum hydroxide
and Noah. This NaOH reacts with magnesium salts to form Mg (OH) 2 precipitate.
This hydroxide interacts with finely divided particles and neutralizes the charge on
colloidal particles and forms loose, soft ppt. removed by blow down operation.
NaAlO2 + 2 H2O NaOH + Al (OH) 3
2NaOH + MgCl2 Mg (OH) 2 + 2NaCl

12Q. External treatment: - This is used for softening of water. The removal of
hardness causing salts from water is nothing but softening of water. The most
important method for softening is ion exchange process.

Ion – exchange process / demineralization / deionization:-

Ion exchange resins are used for softening of water. Resins are insoluble, cross linked,
long chain, organic polymers with a micro-porous structure, and their functional
groups are attached to the chains responsible for the ion–exchanging properties. These
resins are two types.1. Cation exchanger 2. Anion exchanger

1. Cation exchanger (RH+):- These resins contain acidic functional groups

(COOH/SO3H). These are capable of exchanging their H+ ions with cations of the
dissolved salts which comes in their contact. They are represented by the general
formula RH+. R—Structure of the resin H+-- exchangeable with cation
Usually they are styrene divinyl benzene copolymers.

2. Anion exchanger (ROH-):- Styrene divinyl benzene (or) amino formaldehyde

(or) phenol formaldehyde co-polymers which contain amino or quaternary ammonium
or quaternary phosphate or ternary sulphonium groups as an internal part of the resin
matrix. These resins exchange their OH- ions with any anion present in the dissolved
salts. These are represented by the formula R'OH-.
R'— general structure of resin
OH--- exchangeable with anion
Process: - In demineralization plant the first chamber is filled with cation exchange
resin and second one is with anion exchange resin.
Step 1:- When hard water is passed through bed of cation exchange resin, it
exchanges H+ ions with Ca+2, Mg2+, Na+ of hard water.
2RH+ + Mg2+ R2Mg +2H+
2RH+ + Ca2+ R2Ca + 2H+
Thus hardness producing cations are removed.
Step2:- Then the water is passed through anion exchange resin, it exchanges anions
like Cl-, HCO3-, SO42- which enter from 1 st chamber to 2nd.
R1OH- + Cl- R1Cl- + OH-
R1 OH-+HCO3 R1HCO3- + OH-
2R1OH- + SO4-2 R12SO4-2 + 2OH-
Thus hardness causing anions are removed.
Step3:- The H+ ions that are released from 1st chamber combine with OH- ions
produced from 2nd chamber to form water.
H+ + OH- H2O
Hence the water produced from ion exchange process is completely free from all
camions and anions of hard water.

Regeneration of resins: - After deionization of certain amounts of water, the

cationic and anionic exchangers will be exhausted. Hence they are employed to
regeneration for further uses.1. The exhausted cationic exchange resin can be
regenerated by passing dil.HCl.
R2Mg2+ + 2HCl 2RH+ + MgCl2
R2Ca2+ +2HCl 2RH+ + Ca2Cl
2. The exhausted anionic exchange resin can be regenerated bypassing
R1Cl-+ NaOH R1 OH- + NaCl
R1HCO3-+ NaOH R1OH- + NaHCO3
R1 SO42- +2 NaOH 2R1OH-+ Na2SO4

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Highly acidic or alkaline water can 1. This equipment is costly.
be treated by this method. 2. More expensive chemicals are
2. It produces very low hardness nearly required for regeneration.
2 ppm. 3. Turbid water cannot be treated by this
3. The softened water is completely free method.
from salts and fit for use in boilers.
Audisankara college of Engineering and technology, Gudur
Dept.of Freshman Engineering
I B.Tech & Sem -II Sub -Applied chemistry Branch: CSE,CE & ME
Question Bank
1. Explain the overlapping of atomic orbitals in the following way
a) Linear combination of atomic orbitals ( 2018/ ECE), ( 2019/ECE)
b) Co axial combination of atomic orbitals
2. Comparision between bonding & anti bonding orbitals ( 2019/ECE)
3. Molecular Energy level diagram (MOELD) for
a) N2 & O2 ( 2018/ ECE)
b) F2 ( 2019/ECE)
4. II- bond /valancy bond theory in
a) 1,3 butadiene, (2019/ECE)
b) benzene
5. Silent features of Crystal field Theory ( 2018/ ECE)
6. CFT in
a) octahedral, (2019/ECE)
b) tetrahedral (2018/ ECE)
c) square planar
1. Explain the Electro chemical cell as Galvanic cell & its representation
2. Conductance & its applications ( 2018/ ECE)
3. Brief account on following types of Batteries
a) NiCad battery
b) Lithium primary battery
c ) Lithium rechargeable battery ( 2018/ ECE) , ( 2019)
4 .Which battery is used as water source for astronauts, explain it. ( 2018/ ECE) , (2019/ECE)
(ans ...H2 & O2 fuel cell)
5. Write about principle , reaction mechanism in methanol- oxygen fuel cell
6. Brief account on Electro chemical corrosion (2019/ECE)
a) Evolution of H2
b) Absorption of O2
7. Write about various Factors influencing the corrosion (2019/ECE)
8. Describe the following for corrosion control
a) Sacrificial anodic protection
b) Impressed current cathodic protection
c) Metal cladding
d) Hot dipping
e) cementation (2019/ECE)
1. What is Hardness ? write their types
2. What are the units of hardness ? (2019/ECE)
3. Explain the following in Estimation of Hardness by EDTA ( 2018/ ECE) , (2019/ECE)
a) Structure of EDTA b) principle c) procedure d) Calculation
3. Write the following
a) Analysis of water by Winkler’s method / dissolved oxygen
b) Alkalinity c) chlorides
4. Write an essay on Boiler troubles
a) Priming & foaming
b) boiler corrosion ( 2018/ ECE)
c) scales & sludges (2019/ECE)
d) caustic embrittlement (2019/ECE)
5. Ion exchange / demineralization /deioninization of hard water (2019/ECE)
6. Write a short note on Internal treatment or conditioning methods for removal scales
7.Explain the following methods for desalination / demineralization of brackish water or
sea water a) reverse osmosis b) electro dialysis
8. Explain about disinfection methods for treatment of domestic water
(Ozonization & chlorination)
1. Write an essay on Classification of Isomerism
2. Describe about stereo isomer with examples (2018/ECE)
3. Describe about optical isomer with examples (2019/ECE)
4. 3 D representation of organic molecules (2019/ECE)
5. Describe the conformational analysis in
a) ethane (2018/ECE)
b) n.. Butane
6. Write the differences between Enantiomers & Diastereomers (2019/ECE)
7. Explain about following nomenclature (2019/ECE)
a) D& L nomenclature b) R & S or absolute configuration
1. Describe the Nucleophilic substitution reaction or SN1 & SN 2 mechanism (2018/ECE) (2019/ECE)
2. Explain about a) Markonikoffs rule (2018/ECE) (2019/ECE)
b)Anti Markonikoffs rule (2018/ECE)
3. Role of Grignard compounds on carbonyl compounds (2018/ECE) (2019/ECE)
4. Write about Nucleophilic addition reactions (2018/ECE)
5. Write about Electrophilic addition reactions .


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