MG1600 Coursework Brief 2022.23v4

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MG1600 Introduction to Accounting & Financial Management

Assignment/Coursework Brief for 2022/23

Brunel Business

Assessment Title: Accounting for decision making

Module Leader: Dr Olayinka Uadiale
Distribution Date:

Submission Deadline: 12:00 noon on 5/12/2022

Feedback by:

Contribution to overall module assessment: 30%

Indicative student time working on assessment: 30 Hours
Word or Page Limit (if applicable): 18- 20 PowerPoint slides (font size minimum 18)
Assessment Type (individual or group): Individual

Main Objective of the assessment

That students demonstrate a broad understanding of the use of, and apply accounting data in business decision making and that they can communicate that
understanding in a professional manner using a PowerPoint format (saved as PDF for submission).

Description of the Assessment

You are a talented chef who has always wanted to open your own restaurant offering a completely vegan menu but you cannot provide the capital
necessary to start the business from personal savings. You have made enquiries and your local bank, CDEF plc will consider giving you a bank loan of £50,000
repayable over 5 years and an agreed overdraft facility, based on the financial plan they wish you to provide. They have 2 options though:

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CDEF 2.5% Green Loan

The loan must be used for specific Green Projects which provide clear environmental benefits. Examples include the development of sustainable products,
infrastructure or services. The borrower must clearly communicate its environmental sustainability objectives and the impact it is likely to have on the local
Brunel Business


To be eligible the business must be small (i.e. less than 50 employees and an annual revenue of less than £250,000), the loan must be less than £100,000
and the term of the loan less than 5 years. Your monthly repayments would be £887 payable at the end of each month.

CDEF 3.5% Business Loan


The loan can be used for any business purpose from buying new assets to funding daily operations. The loan is unsecured by the business but requires a
personal guarantee from the owner of the business.

To be eligible the business must be small (as above), registered in the UK, have a minimum £5,000 revenue per month, and have a financial plan to pay off
the loan in 5 years. Your monthly repayments would be £908 payable at the end of each month.

You have gathered some data together and now need to put together a PowerPoint presentation which you will deliver in person to the Bank.

Table of budgeted figures for the first year of business 1st April 2023-31st March 2024

Budgeted figures Information to calculate the cash budgets, profit and loss and break even point.
Sales per month  £6,000 per month (April 2023- June 2023)
 £8,000 per month (July 2023- December 2023)
 £5,000 per month (January – March 2024)

Credit period for  50% of customers pay by debit card and the cash is received in the same month of sale,
customers  50% pay by credit card and you receive the cash in the following month.

Raw material costs from Organic produce sourced locally which would Reputable food retailer but largely sourced overseas, unlikely to
supplier satisfy the criteria for the Green Loan satisfy the criteria for the Green Loan
25% of sales per month - Cash on delivery basis 20% of sales per month - 30 days credit from

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Labour costs 1. You need to pay yourself a minimum of £1500 every month
2. Front of house £800 per month every month
3. Kitchen assistant £400 per month April to December 2023
4. All Paid at the end of the month they work
Brunel Business

Other overheads 1. £50,000 of kitchen equipment and other furniture (delivered in March 2023 but full payment in May 2023)
2. £10,000 annual lease cost paid in two installments in advance every 6 months
3. Estimated utilities £300 paid every quarter in arrears
4. Advertising costs of £500 to be paid in June 2023
5. Accountants fees £1,000 paid in March 2024

Depreciation in addition The kitchen equipment and furniture have a useful economic life of 10 years and are to be depreciated straight line.
to fixed costs


Create an 18 - 20 slide PowerPoint presentation for the CDEF Bank plc, using the information in the table above to
forecast the performance in the first year of operation from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024, in a professional way. You
should also make a case for the loan you would prefer.

Your presentation should include as a minimum:

Slide Ideas for content Seminar Extra Reading Suggested Link to

support number of rubric
Title slide Perhaps create a name for your business? 1 1 slide Part 5
Don’t forget your student number and module
Introduction Tell us about the business idea. 2 Ch 1 1 or 2 slides Part 5
What are your objectives?
Risks to your How are you going to make sure you achieve 2, 8 Ch 4 1 or 2 slides Part 1
Shanker, S., Sharma, H. and Barve,
business your objectives?
A. (2021), "Assessment of risks

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associated with third-party logistics
in restaurant supply
chain", Benchmarking: An
International Journal, Vol. 28 No. 8,
pp. 2432-
Brunel Business


Projected Calculate your projected profit for the year 5 Ch 3 1 or 2 slides for Part 2
profitability based on the cost of the local produce and then the figures + 1
on the overseas. slide for an
Projected break- Calculate your projected Breakeven point for Ch 5 1 or 2 slides for Part 2

even point the year based on the cost of the local produce 9 the figures + 1
and then on the overseas. slide for an
Cash budgets Calculate your projected cash budgets for the Ch 6 2 slides for the Part 3
year based on the cost of the local produce and 10 figures + 1slide
then on the overseas. Start your cashflow for an analysis
assuming you receive the loan on 1st April.
Review of the Based on the UN’s Sustainable Development 1. THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable 2 or 3 slides for Part 4
sustainability of Goals assess how sustainable your business Development ( analysis
your proposal will be and what impact it may have. 2.Why does sustainable business
matter? | ACCA Global
Recommend the Tell us what overdraft limit you need and This is 2 slides Part 4
loan you would like which of the bank’s loans you would like to your
to apply for apply for and why. This is not a value reflection
judgement there isn’t a right/wrong loan.
It’s your reasoning that will be graded.
References You must include a slide that lists any literary MG1011 1 Part 5
sources you have used. It must be in a Harvard SEMINAR

Assessment Criteria

The table below explains the basis on which your coursework submission will be assessed:

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Criteria Grade descriptors
1. Evaluation of A. B. C. D. E. F.
the company Clear Clear Demonstration of a Provides evidence Provides evidence Work does not
objectives demonstration of a demonstration of a substantial of some of a partial demonstrate an
Brunel Business

sophisticated, l and well-developed, understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of

thorough and comprehensive the role and nature the role and nature the role and nature company
understanding of understanding of of risk, especially of company of company objectives
risks, especially risks, especially sustainability objectives objectives No mention of
sustainability sustainability issues No mention of No mention of sustainability
issues and how issues sustainability sustainability issues
accounting can issues issues

help you control

your business
2. Analysis of Sophisticated Comprehensive Substantial analysis Complete analysis Partial analysis No correct
profitability analysis plus all analysis plus all plus majority of plus some figures plus few figures figures and
incl. break figures are correct figures are correct, figures correct but correct but several correct and several inappropriate
few minor errors one major error major errors major error, format
such as totals
3. Analysis of A sophisticated A comprehensive A substantial Some A partial No understanding
cashflow understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of of the cashflow
incl. cash the cashflow the cashflow the cashflow the cashflow the cashflow consequences for
consequences for consequences for consequences for consequences for consequences for the different
the different the different the different the different the different sources of
sources of sources of sources of sources of sources of materials and
materials (10%) materials plus few materials plus a materials plus materials plus figures
plus all figures minor errors in major error in several major many major errors incorrect/missing
correct (10%) figures figures calculated errors in figures in calculated
calculated figures
4. Review of A sophisticated A comprehensive A substantial Some A partial No understanding
sustainabili understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of of the financial
ty the financial the financial the financial the financial the financial consequences the
20% consequences and consequences and consequences and consequences and consequences and financial
sustainability sustainability sustainability sustainability sustainability consequences and

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issues for both issues for both issues for both issues for both issues for both sustainability
sources of sources of sources of sources of sources of issues for both
materials based on materials based on materials based on materials based on materials based on sources of
the UN’s SDGs the UN’s SDGs the UN’s SDGs the UN’s SDGs the UN’s SDGs materials based
Brunel Business

(10%) (10%) (10%) (10%) (10%) on the UN’s

A well-reasoned A well-reasoned A fairly well- A recommendation A recommendation SDGs (10%)
recommendation recommendation reasoned on the loan chosen on the loan chosen No
on the loan chosen on the loan chosen recommendation with little but no recommendation
(10%) (10%) on the loan chosen reasoning (10%) reasoning(10%) on the loan
Advanced business Good business (10%) Some business chosen (10%)
acumen acumen Business acumen acumen Little business No business

acumen acumen
5. Overall Professional Professional Professional Professional Unprofessional No attempt to
Presentation communication communication communication communication communication follow format and
& with no with a few with some with many with many errors in illegible content
grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical errors a PowerPoint No referencing
in a PowerPoint in a PowerPoint in a PowerPoint in a PowerPoint format
format (10%) plus format(10%) plus format(10%) plus format Either citation or
Referencing and Referencing and Referencing and Attempted both reference list but
citation in Harvard citation in Harvard citation in Harvard reference list and not both
style style style citation

UG mark bands, degree equivalent and grade point bands Senate Regulation 2 are:
Indicative Mark Band Degree class equivalent Grade Grade Point
90 and above 1 A* 17
80-89 1 A+ 16
73-79 1 A 15
70-72 1 A- 14
68-69 2.1 B+ 13
63-67 2.1 B 12
60-62 2.1 B- 11
58-59 2.2 C+ 10
53-57 2.2 C 9

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50-52 2.2 C- 8
48-49 3 D+ 7
43-47 3 D 6
40-42 3 D- 5
Brunel Business

38-39 Fail E+ 4
33-37 Fail E 3
30-32 Fail E- 2
29 and below Fail F 1

Submission Instructions

Coursework must be submitted electronically via the University’s WISEflow system. The required file format for this report is Adobe PDF. Your student ID
number must be used as the file name (e.g. 0123456.pdf). You must ensure that you upload your file in the correct format and use the College’s electronic
coursework coversheet. Please note that submissions of ‘.pages / .docx etc’ documents will not be accepted and must be converted to approved format.

The electronic coursework coversheet must be completed and included at the beginning of all coursework submissions prior to submitting on WISEflow.

Academic Misconduct, Plagiarism and Collusion

Any coursework or examined submission for assessment where plagiarism, collusion or any form of cheating is suspected will be dealt with according to the
University processes which are detailed in Senate Regulation 6.

You can access information about plagiarism here.

The University regulations on plagiarism apply to published as well as unpublished work, collusion and the plagiarism of the work of other students.
Please ensure that you fully understand what constitutes plagiarism before you submit your work.

University’s Coursework Submission Policy

Please refer to BruNet for information on submitting late, penalties applied and procedures.

College’s Coursework Submission Policy

Please refer to BruNet for information relating to the College’s Coursework Submission Policy and procedures.

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Extenuating Circumstances Policy
Please refer to BruNet for information relating to extenuating circumstances and procedures.
Brunel Business

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