TLE8 - Nail Care Module 3 12

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Technology and Livelihood Education

Beauty Care-
(Nail Care) Services
Module 3
Prepare the Necessary Tools and Equipment
for the Specific Nail Care Activity(2)
What This Module is About
This module is all about the Nail Care tools and equipment and its functions. Taking
care of our nails is the chief responsibility in Beauty Care (Nail care) Services. When we talk
about cleanliness taking care of our nails and cutting them away matters a lot too. For
grooming and improving the quality of your nails there are various nail care tools and
equipment in the market. The use of tools and equipment according to task requirement, the
safety procedure and handling of nail care tools and equipment to maintain the safety

What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

 Use tools and equipment according to task requirement
 Observe safety procedure of using tools and equipment

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
1. Carefully read all the lessons.
2. Take your time on going thru each lesson.
3. Answer the pretest honestly; the purpose of the pretest is for you to determine your
prior knowledge before going thru the lessons and activities.
4. If you have a hard time understanding the lessons and activities, please do take a
break. Having breaks between lessons and activities will give you some space where
you can absorb the lesson well.
5. You can use the internet if you need more information about the lesson
What I Know

Let us determine how much you already know about the use nail care tools
and equipment. Take this test.

Pre-test LO 1
Directions: Multiple choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet.
1. A tool that is used to remove callouses
a. Emery board c. Callous remover
b. Foot spa machine d. Foot spa machine
2. An implement that is used to bevel and smoothen the nail
a. Acetone c. cuticle pusher
b. Cuticle nipper d. Emery board
3. It is used to remove nail polish
a. Acetone c. callous remover
b. Foot scrub d. Nail buffer
4. An electronic gadget that is used in giving foot spa.
a. Emery board c. Foot scrub
b. Foot spa machine d. Toe nail separator
5. A tool that is used to give the nail natural glow
a. Acetone c. Nail buffer
b. Cuticle tint d. Emery board
6. It is used to remove nail polish
a. Callous remover c. Base coat
b. Acetone d. Top coat
7. It is a soft materials inserted to toes
a. Toe nail separator c. Foot scrub
b. Emery board d. Nail buffer
8. It is an implement with pointed and rounded ends used to remove excess polish
a. Cuticle nipper c. callous remover
b. Orangewood stick d. Cuticle pusher
9. It is an implement used to push dead cuticle
a. Cuticle pusher c. Orangewood stick
b. Cuticle nipper d. Callous remover
10. It is a mixture of natural ingredients to keep feet soft, smooth and moisturized
a. Acetone c. Nail polish
b. Nail buffer d. Cuticle oil

2 LO 1.2 Use tools and equipment in nail care
according to task requirements

What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

a. Use tools and equipment according to task requirement b.

Observe safety procedure of using tools and equipment

• Hand tools, equipment and specification
• Personal protective equipment (PPE)
• Workplace/simulated environment

Antiseptic - a substance, milder than a disinfectant, that prevents the growth and
development of micro-organisms
Infection - a condition caused by a germ or a pathogen
Dispose of - to throw away
Hygiene - the science concerned with maintaining good health and cleanliness
Radiation - a process in which energy is transmitted in the form of waves or particles
that can be used to destroy micro-organisms
Pathogen - a microbe or microorganism such as a virus, bacterium, prion, or fungus
that causes disease
Nail bed - the portion of the skin upon which the nail plate rests Sterilization - a
term referring to any process that eliminates (removes) or kills all
forms of microbial life
Paraffin - a waxy white or colorless solid hydrocarbon mixture used to make candles,
wax paper, lubricants, and sealing materials
Bevel - a term in manicuring and pedicuring that means to shape the edge of
Disinfectant - an agent, such as heat, radiation, or a chemical, that destroys,
neutralizes, or prevents the growth of disease-carrying microorganisms
Cuticle - the non- living epidermis that surrounds the edges of the fingernail or

Moisten - make wet or damp
Effleurage - a French word meaning "to skim" or "to touch lightly on", is a series of
massage strokes used in Swedish massage to warm up the muscle
Spa - a beauty care service where curative minerals are present for beautification
Hand Spa - a beauty care service using natural oils, vitamins and minerals, having
curative effect to the body
Foot Spa - a beauty care service offered by salons to relax and moisturize the feet
Implements – a tool, utensils or other piece of equipment, especially as used for a
particular purpose

What’s In

Last module you learned the to identify the uses of tools and equipment in nail care
according to task requirements. In this module, you will learn How to use the tools and
equipment according to task requirement and observe the safety procedures of using the
tools and equipment.

What’s New

Let us determine how much you already know how to use nail care tools and
equipment. Take this test.

Directions: Describe the images performance below and Select the letter of your
best answer provided below

1. 2.
1. _____________ 2. _____________

3. ______________ 4. ________________

a. To loosen cuticle, work around nail; for applying oil or solvent, slightly dip the cotton-
tipped orangewood stick and work around the base of the nail
b. Pick up the cuticle nipper by the handles and turn the cutting edges towards
you; place the bent tip of the index finger over the top of the shank
c. The dull spade side of cuticle nail pusher is used to push back and loosen
the cuticles.
d. Press clipper handles by squeezing them together and remove excess nail length

What Is It

Read the Information Sheet 2.1 very well then find out how much you can remember and
how much you learned by doing Self-check 2.1.

Information Sheet 2.1

Nail Care, once considered as a luxury for the few or as a mark of distinction between
the rich and the poor, is now within the reach of the general public. In fact, part of a person’s
grooming and a form of inexpensive relaxation is a regular nail care activity – be it manicure,
pedicure, hand spa or foot spa.

The following shows the proper way of safely using, holding and handling some nail
care tools and equipment.


Nail File
Hold the file firmly in the right or left hand (as the case
may be), with the thumb underneath it for support and the
other four fingers on its upper surface. Place the file
slightly under the free edge and file the nail from corner to
center, shaping the nail. Never file back and forth; this
would cause the nails to crack and split. Do not file deep
into the corners; this weakens the nails, hurt the skin and
cause ingrown nails.

Emery Board
It is held in the same manner as the nail file. Bevel
the rough surface of the nail using the fine side to
smoothen it. Emery boards are discarded after use on one

Orangewood Stick
It is held in the same manner as in writing with a
pencil. To loosen cuticle, work around nail; for applying oil
or solvent, slightly dip the cotton-tipped orangewood stick
and work around the base of the nail; to clean under the
free edge of the nail, from the center toward each side,
with gentle pressure so that live tissue at the root of the
nail will not be injured.

Cuticle Nail Pusher

It is held in the same manner as in writing with a
pencil. The dull spade side is used to push back and
loosen the cuticles. Keep cuticle moist using cuticle
remover while working. Use the cuticle pusher in a flat
position to remove dead cuticle adhering to the nail
without scratching the nail plate. In using the pusher,
avoid too much pressure to prevent injury on tissues.

Cuticle Nipper
Pick up the cuticle nipper by the handles and turn
the cutting edges towards you; place the bent tip of the
index finger over the top of the shank. Place the thumb on
the side of the handle and the remaining fingers over the
opposite handle. Use it with utmost care to remove dead
cuticle and hangnails so as not to injure live tissue.

Nail Cutter
Hold clippers with cutting edges downward
between thumb, index and middle finger. Press clipper
handles by squeezing them together and remove excess
nail length.

Nail Brush
Insert the ring finger and pinky in the nail brush
handle and brush the nails with a downward motion from
the base to the fingertips to clean the nails and fingers.
Nail Buffer Place the thumb and the ring finger under the
handle of the buffer while the index and the middle fingers
are on its top and the pinky is on its side. Apply a small
amount of powder over the buffer then buff the nails with
downward strokes from the base to the free edge of each
nail until a smooth clear gloss has been obtained. Buffing
helps in giving the nail natural gloss and increases blood
circulation to the finger tips. To prevent heating and burning sensation, lift the buffer from the nail after
each stroke.


Foot File
Start with the course side of the foot file. Gently
slide it back and forth across the ball of your foot and the
bottom the toes. Still with the rough side of the file work
mostly on the outside rim of the heel. Flip the file over
and repeat the process with each foot. The fine side will
smoothen the skin and leave it feeling polished.

Callous Remover
Insert the blade into the callous remover with care. Lay
the callous remover on the top thick part of the callous.
Do not lay the blade above the area that is going to be
cut, as this may result in cutting the soft part of the foot,
resulting to open wound. Applying light pressure with a
steady hand on the callous remover, gently glide it over
the callous. Repeat the process if necessary until the
callous is thinner. Smoothen the callous with a foot file.

Pumice Stone
After soaking the feet in warm soapy water, use the
pumice stone to gently buff away cracked or dry skin of the
feet with a soft, circular motion. Never apply heavy pressure
to the pumice for this can cause sores, open wounds and
possible infection

Hand and Foot Spa Machine
Make sure that electrical wirings are dry and protected from accidental water
spillage. Set the machine to the temperature that the client can withstand. Learning to use
tools and equipment properly assures you that you will give your client a nail care service
safely. You should carefully follow these tips if you want to achieve quality service all the

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) are the garments designed to protect the wearer’s
body from injury or chemicals or for job-related occupational safety and health purposes.

is a garment covering for the whole hand.

Smock gown
is a loose cloak or robe worn to protect the clothes.

is a protective face covering for hygienic purposes
and to prevent the face from chemical exposure.

Is a band of absorbent material worn on or around
the head across the forehead to keep the sweat and
the hair off the face.

To ensure the safety precaution every time, follow these simple steps
 Always check the condition of the nail care tools and equipment before and after use
 Observe proper maintenance of nail care tools and equipment
 Clean, sanitize and disinfect the nail care tools and equipment by rubbing
alcohol before and after use
 Store tools and equipment properly

Safety tips
 Make sure the salon is licensed & clean
 Never have cuticles cut or pushed back with force
 Handle sharp-pointed implements carefully & avoid dropping them.
 Do not file too deeply into nail corners.
 Do not use a sharp, pointed implement to clean under the nail
 Apply an antiseptic immediately if the skin is accidentally cut.
 Don’t cover up nail problems with artificial nails.

What’s More

Self-Check 2.1

Direction: Essay
Answer each question briefly.

1. Why should nail filing be done from the corners to the center of the nails?
2. Why is gentle pressure applied in using orangewood stick?
3. What effect does buffing have on the nails?
4. Why should a cuticle nipper be used with utmost care?

What I have Learned

Let us determine how much you already know how to use nail care tools and
equipment. Take this test.
Direction: Identification. Select the choices below. Write on separate sheet of paper.
__________1. garments designed to protect the wearer’s body from injury or chemicals or
for job-related occupational safety and health purposes.
__________2. is a garment covering for the whole hand.
__________3. is a protective face covering for hygienic purposes and to prevent the face
from chemical exposure.
__________4. A tool used to remove dead cuticle and hangnails so as not to injure live
__________5. The dull spade side is used to push back and loosen the cuticles.

Gloves PPE Cuticle nipper Cuticle nail pusher Face mask

The proper way of safely using, holding and handling of nail care tools and equipment
maintains the safety practices. Always check the condition of the nail care tools and
equipment before and after use, Observe proper maintenance of nail care tools and
equipment, Clean, sanitize and disinfect the nail care tools and equipment by rubbing
alcohol before and after use and store tools and equipment properly, eliminates the risk.
Knowing the uses of nail care tools and equipment is important to avoid injuries.

Assessment (Post-test)
Directions: Multiple choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet.
1An implement that is used to bevel and smoothen the nail
c. Acetone c. cuticle pusher
d. Cuticle d. Emery board
2. It is used to remove nail polish
c. Acetone c. callous remover
d. Foot scrub d. Nail buffer
3. An electronic gadget that is used in giving foot spa.
c. Emery c. Foot scrub
d. Foot spa machine d. Toe nail separator
4. A tool that is used to give the nail natural glow
c. Acetone c. Nail buffer
d. Cuticle tint d. Emery board
5. It is used to remove nail polish
c. Callous remover c. Base coat
d. Acetone d. Top coat
6. It is a soft materials inserted to toes
c. Toe nail separator c. Foot scrub
d. Emery board d. Nail buffer
7. It is an implement with pointed and rounded ends used to remove excess polish
c. Cuticle nipper c. callous remover
d. Orangewood stick d. Cuticle pusher
8. It is an implement used to push dead cuticle
c. Cuticle pusher c. Orangewood stick
d. Cuticle nipper d. Callous remover
9. It is a mixture of natural ingredients to keep feet soft, smooth and moisturized
c. Acetone c. Nail polish
d. Nail buffer d. Cuticle oil
10. A tool that is used to remove callouses
a. Emery board c. Callous remover
b. Foot spa machine d. Foot spa machine

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