Activity 2 Literature Review

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Date: March 18, 2023
Course and Year: PhD EDMGT-1
Subject: Management of Personnel in Education
Professor: Mark Raymond S. Tan, LPT, EdD
Date Assigned: March 18, 2023, 7:00 AM
Submission Date: March 18, 2023, 9:00 AM
Type of Activity: Asynchronous Activity 2

Activity 2:
Literature Review

Directions: Read and understand the activity below.

● Human resource management (HRM) is a required field of study, well-recognized, and

high-value activity. HRM is the effective and efficient use of workers to accomplish the
organization's objectives. It is about handling coworkers, being the human side of
business administration with strategies, practices, laws, and processes that influence
workers (Arulrajah & Opatha, 2016).
● On the other hand, a theory is a collection of interrelated concepts, factors,
interpretations, and premises that presents a systematic view of phenomena by defining
the relationship between variables to explain a natural phenomenon.
● On the same note, management theories are the collection of general rules that guide
managers in managing an organization. Theories are also a justification for encouraging
workers to respond effectively to business goals and incorporate successful means of
achieving the same. Management theories are principles around proposed management
strategies that may include structures and guidelines that can be applied in modern
organizations. Professionals usually will not rely solely on one management theory but
will incorporate multiple principles from various management theories that best match
their employees and corporate culture.
● Your task is to review, discuss and argue the following underpinning theories of human
resource management and its relation, impact, and significance to employee productivity
and organizational success:
1. Organizational Behavior Theory; and
2. Neoclassical Theory of Management: The Human Relations Approach, and
● Essential points to consider when reviewing the literature:

The introduction should:
● define your topic and provide an appropriate context for reviewing the literature/
● establish your reasons – i.e., point of view – for reviewing the literature/ theory;
● explain the organization – i.e., sequence – of the review;
● State the scope of the review – i.e., what is included and what isn't included. For
example, suppose you were reviewing the literature on obesity in children. In that
case, you might say something like: There are many studies of obesity trends in the
general population. However, since the focus of this review is on obesity in children,
these will not be reviewed in detail and will only be referred to as appropriate.

Main body
The middle or main body should:
● organize the literature according to common themes;
● provide insight into the relationship between your chosen topic and the broader
subject area, e.g., between obesity in children and obesity in general;
● move from a general, more expansive view of the literature being reviewed to the
specific focus of your literature review;
● Cite local and international studies and researches

The conclusion should:
● summarize the essential aspects of the existing body of literature;
● evaluate the current state of the literature reviewed;
● identify significant flaws or gaps in existing knowledge;
● outline areas for future study;
o link your review to existing knowledge.

Reminder: You can cite references but make sure you paraphrase their statements, quotations, or
assertions to avoid plagiarism issues. However, laws such as Republic Acts and Presidential
Decrees and government orders such as CHED and DepEd memorandum orders may be stated

You must turn in your coursework on or before 11:59 AM on March 5, 2023. Failure to submit
the output on time may correspond to deductions such as

1 – 3 hour/s late – Minus 5 points

4 – 6 hours late – Minus 10 points
7 – 9 hours late – Minus 15 points
10 – 12 hours late – Minus 20 points
12 ours and beyond – Non-acceptance of the Output

Good luck!

Start writing here

Let me first explain what organizational behavior stands for and what effect it has before I begin
writing the paper.

→ On Organization Behavior Theory

Organizational behavior, in my opinion, is about comprehending, anticipating, and

controlling human behavior in organizations. Its emphasis is mainly on comprehending and
illuminating both group and individual behavior in organizations. Additionally, it aids in our
comprehension of what bad behavior entails, its root cause, and the most effective means of
correction. In a nutshell, organizational behavior supposedly aids in the management of
organizations by the organization and its managers.

This review of the literature provides an overview of the key concepts, theories, and
research findings in the field of organizational behavior. Understanding the factors that influence
employee behavior in the workplace and the implications of that behavior on organizational
success is the aim of this. Additionally, how organizations can manage and improve both
individual and group behavior to successfully attain their goals is also taken into account.

This literature review's main objective is to provide a comprehensive understanding of

organizational behavior theory and its practical applications for businesses. By being aware of
the key factors that have a significant impact on behavior within an organizational framework,
managers and leaders can improve the effectiveness and productivity of their workplaces.

Organizational behavior theory is a multidisciplinary field of study that draws on psychology,

sociology, anthropology, and management to understand how individuals interact with each
other and with the organization as a whole. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including
motivation, communication, leadership, teamwork, and decision-making, among others, seeking
to identify the factors that influence human behavior in organizational settings. The ultimate goal
is to develop practical tools and strategies for managers and leaders to create productive,
efficient, and healthy work environments that facilitate employee satisfaction, motivation, and
engagement, enhance organizational performance, and drive success.

Frederick taylor's scientific management

Taylor states in the beginning of "the Principles of Scientific Management": "The

principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer,
along with the maximum prosperity for each [employee]."that influence it. By studying and
applying the principles of Organizational Behavior, organizations can improve their performance
and achieve their goals more effectively.

He meant to imply that it is in everyone's best interests for the company and its
employees to collaborate, try to maximize one another's potential, and be paid for their efforts.

The Human Relations Management models.

The concept of organizational psychology's human relations management theory, which

dates back to the early 20th century, holds that employee motivation and productivity may be
raised by fostering supportive social relationships at work and valuing each person as a unique
individual. It contends that enhanced working conditions (participation, empowerment, and
favorable treatment) result in higher output.

Human Relations principles are still extremely applicable today, despite having been
developed in the late 1920s.

First, since individuals still make up companies, it's crucial to comprehend how
motivation is influenced by personal elements. Taking care of employees through internal and
external benefits, such as parental leave, on-site wellness and healthcare services, exercise
centers, personal and professional development, and more at Google, is another way they show
their appreciation for them.

Second, group production is still the standard in business even if the use of distant
technology and groups is expanding globally. Organizations must continue to promote positive
group dynamics in order to create teamwork and positive employee attitudes and behaviors.

Third, it has become increasingly clear5 through time that successful leadership is
essential to an organization's success. Given that managers across industries spend over 75% of
their time in verbal interaction, most frequently with subordinates, this must be the case. As a
result, it is still crucial for an organization to guarantee that managers and supervisors have the
tools they need to encourage and support workers.

It is evident that firms still need to develop workplace environments that support and
encourage improved individual and group attitudes about work. The work flexibility provided by
Cisco is a fantastic illustration of creating favorable conditions for both individual and group
productivity. There, you can work across different business groups within the organization and
time swap 20% or 100% of your job on a temporary or permanent basis.

The Neoclassical Management Theory

The classical organizational theory's inflexible, authoritarian framework prompted the

development of neoclassical organizational theory, which emphasizes the value of interpersonal
interactions and conduct in the workplace. (Docherty et al., 2001). The traditional organizational
theory holds that there is just one ideal approach to organization design. According to this
theory, a management must exert tight control over their employees, leading to an organization
with high hierarchies and a limited range of influence. (Scott, 1961). The neoclassical
organizational theory contends that an organization should prioritize both economic performance
and employee pleasure.

It's not only about money: management accounting is the process of discovering,
measuring, amassing, analyzing, preparing, interpreting, and disseminating information that aids
managers in achieving corporate goals. In terms of control. This essay will provide management
accounting's historical perspective. Variance analysis, which is a methodical approach to
comparing the actual and budgeted costs of the raw materials and labor utilized during a
production period, was traditionally the primary cost control tool used by management
accountants. While most manufacturing companies still employ some type of variance analysis,
it now frequently works in tandem with cutting-edge approaches like lifecycle costing and
activity-based costing that are created with certain elements of the contemporary business
environment in mind. In recent years, historical studies have clearly contributed to management
accounting, as well as economics and sociology, which serve as the foundation for management
accounting study. Accountants frequently employ hypotheses proposed and validated by
historical evidence when applying economic and sociological theories to explain management
accounting practice.

Numerous management disciplines incorporate aspects of the neo-classical approach,

particularly the emphasis placed on worker satisfaction. It affects the methods used for hiring,
evaluating, motivating, rewarding, and disciplining employees. It is also one of the explanations
for why so many managers and leaders place such a high value on developing an environment
that fosters employee invention and creativity.


Albrecht, K. 1983. New systems view of the organization. pp. 44-59, in: Organization
Development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Anderson, C.R. 1988. Management: Skills, Functions and Organization Performance. New York,
NY: Allyn and Bacon.

Baker Library. (n.d.). The Human Relations Movement: Harvard Business School and the
Hawthorne Experiments. Harvard Business School.

Black, J. S. & Bright, D. S. (2019). Organizational Behavior. OpenStax.

Bright, D. S., & Cortes, A. H. (2019). Principles of Management. OpenStax.

Gitman, L. J., McDaniel, C., Shah, A., Reece, M., Koffel, L., Talsma, B., & Hyatt, J. C. (2018).
Introduction to Business. OpenStax.

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