IV. Assessment of The OJT A. New Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills Acquired

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Assessment of the OJT

A. New knowledge, attitudes, and skills acquired.

I experience and learned through my OJT in the Teamagro Trading Corp. First thing I
learned in the company is to make the task easier and done as soon as possible. I learned how to
organize correctly the check vouchers in any order and also I learned how to compute sales in
word excel. But lastly, I learned to become hardworking person and also I learned the on-the- job
training is an subject to be passed or a requirement to be completed but on-the- job training is an
opportunity to show what skills, talents and techniques that I learned to school and it is also an
experience the life outside the campus. I acquired new attitudes. To be punctual, professionalism
and respect. The new skills that i show in our OJT. I improve my communication skills and I
improve myself to be more confidence.

B. Theories actually seen in practice.

In theory, based on what I experience education better needs individual learning needs.
On- the- job training program can be more easily give to meet the students a strengths and
weaknesses with flexibility in determined a student needs. It also on-the-job training program
can help us as student learn and pace at which we learn in our OJT. Particularly important, as
student we need to respect to adult technical education, is an opportunity for us to receive credit
for previous experience and knowledge through a prior assessment.

C. Feedback that can be given to the company or institution

One of the most important attributes that our supervisor taught us is self- confidence. A
person’s confidence is based upon one knowledge of the job and most importantly, one own
personal belief in his or her abilities. Also our supervisor teach us how to be responsible in what
we are doing. Even though we are only trainees, they don’t treat us like others. As a trainees we
don’t feel uncomfortable as we worked with them. They are also encourage us to work hard to
our dreams.

On-the- Job Training: Teamagro Trading Corporation 4-1

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D. Benefits gained

On-the-job training program- in this program it helps the students to knowing or familiar
the realities of working, it also training to lead the goal. We learned to be discipline and to be
organized in every way. Since on-the-job training is supervised by the real employees in real
work situations, anything can happen we don’t quit. By doing OJT is method of learning that can
give the students a quite beneficial. We gain our invaluable experiences that we take move
forward with our future careers and education.

E. Problems encountered

The only problem that I experience during On the Job Training is lack of self-esteem. We
are trained we are not expected to know everything in one day. Experienced is gained through
time. The longer we did something we experience learn more. The faster we gain our knowledge
it’s a result we become a productive employee.

On-the- Job Training: Teamagro Trading Corporation 4-2

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