Department of Mathematics

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Department of Mathematics

<Course Code: Math-4212>- <Course Title: Mathematical Statistics-II>

Form number
COURSE Name Sidra Nosheen
INFORMATION Email ID [email protected]

DEGREE Program Batch Semester 8th

INFORMATION BS (Regular) 2019-2023 Year 2023

Course Category
COURSE Code Title Credit hours
C- Core/ E-Elective
INFORMATION C Math-4212 Mathematical Statistics-II 3

Title of Book Edition

& Introduction to Statistical Theory (Part 1 and 2) 2011
INFORMATION Author(s) Prof. S. M. Chaudhary and Dr. S. Kamal

Title of Book Mathematical Statistics

Imprint details S. S Wilks, Princeton university press (2008)
Title of Book Modern Mathematical Statistics with applications
Imprint details Jay L. Devore, 2007
Title of Book
Reference Book (s) Imprint details

a. Available on Slate
Support Material(s)



Short Description

<MATH-4212: Mathematical Statistics-II> Page 1of 5 Course Outline - spring 2023
Department of Mathematics
In this course, students will learn about Mathematical Statistics which deals with the
study of fundamental theory of random variables and statistical inference. This course
introduces methods for the analysis of unstructures data, focusing on statistical models
for text. It has played a tremendous role in the advancement of science and technology.
Description of Course:
(not more than 250 words)

Course Objectives (CO): (Brief & unambiguous)… at least 5 Cos

a. tend to describe specific, discrete units of knowledge and skill
b. can be accomplished within a short time frame - still may be relevant for a class period
c. tend to be STATEMENTS OF INTENT; do not necessarily suggest that the behavior has been demonstrate

1. Be aware of the use of mathematical statistics in modern scientific computing

2. Be familiar with finite precision computation
3. Be familiar with ideas from regression modeling
Be familiar with statistical distributions such as binomial distribution, poisson distribution,
hypergeometric distribution etc
5. Be familiar with statistical beta and gamma functions
6. Be familiar with calculation and interpretation of errors in mathematical statistics

Learning Outcome (LO): (Brief & unambiguous-with reference to course objectives i.e. at least 5 Los
a. describe broad aspects of behavior which incorporate a wide range of knowledge and skill
b. accomplished over time in several learning experiences

a. Demonstrate understanding of mathematical statistics

b. How mathematical statistics are used to obtain solution of mathematical problems
c. Apply mathematical statistics methods to obtain approximate solutions to statistical problems.
Derive statistical methods for various statistical operations and tasks, such as mean variance and moment
generating functions
e. Analyze and evaluate the accuracy of common mathematical statistical methods

Courseware Structure: (Mark X where applies)

Lecture Multimedia Exercise Labs Case Assignment Group Any other Medium
(s) Studies (s) Presentation Midterms
(Lect) (MM) (Exer) (Lab) (CAS) (Assign) (G-Pres)


<MATH-4212: Mathematical Statistics-II> Page 2of 5 Course Outline - spring 2023
Department of Mathematics

Weeks Contents/Topics Comments (if any)

Binomial Distribution
 Properties of binomial distribution
 Probability function of binomial distribution
 Mean of binomial distribution
 Variance of binomial distribution
 Moment generating function
Negative Binomial Distribution
 Derivation of negative binomial distribution
 Mean and Variance of negative binomial distribution
 Questions related to above topics

Hypergeometric Distribution
 Hypergeometric experiment
Week-03 Quiz 1
 Derivation of hypergeometric distribution
 Properties of hypergeometric distribution

Poisson Distribution
 Poisson experiment
 Derivation of poisson distribution
 Questions related to topic
Poisson Distribution
 Properties of poisson distribution Assignment 1
 Recurrence relation
 Questions related to poisson distribution
Geometric Distribution
Week-06  Geometric experiment
 Properties of poisson distribution
 Moment generating function
Continuous Probability Distribution
 Uniform distribution
 Properties of uniform distribution
 Moment generating function
Exponential Distribution
 Exponential experiment
 Properties of exponential distribution
 Moment generating function
<MATH-4212: Mathematical Statistics-II> Page 3of 5 Course Outline - spring 2023
Department of Mathematics

Gamma Distribution
 Gamma function
 Properties of gamma distribution
 Moment generating function
Beta Distribution
 Beta function
 Properties of beta distribution
 Moment generating function
Normal Distribution
 Introduction to normal distribution
 Properties of normal distribution Quiz 2
 Points of inflection
Normal Distribution
Week -12  Moment generating function
 Question related to normal distribution
Cauchy Distribution
 Cauchy function
Week 13 Assignment 2
 Properties of Cauchy distribution
 Moment generating function
Raleigh Distribution
 Raleigh function
 Properties of Raleigh stribution
 Moment generating function
Maxwell Distribution
 Maxwell function
 Properties of Maxwell distribution
 Moment generating function
Week-16 Revision

Recommended Web links:

Marks Distribution: Planned Courseware Events:

Particulars % Marks
1. Assignments 05
Particulars Planned Remarks
2. Quizzes 10 (Qz/As/Labs)
3. Mid Term 30 1. Quizzes 2 All quizzes unannounced
2. Assignments/ 2 Individual assignments
5. Project(s) 05
3. Presentations 1 Mostly group assignment
6. Final Exam 50 4. Labs 0 Individual Exercises
Total:- 100 --- --- ---

All assignments should be your own work (or your group’s when approved). PLAGIARISM will be
Academic and Moral awarded with “F” grade and/or reported to the University for academic and moral misconduct. To
Integrity: protect yourself, ALWAYS PROVIDE REFERENCES!

<MATH-4212: Mathematical Statistics-II> Page 4of 5 Course Outline - spring 2023
Department of Mathematics

Please try to do your own work/assignments honestly. In this way we will be

able to identify the students who need more help in studies.
I N S T R U C T I O NS Your textbooks should be the main source of all your work. All of you are highly
(Specific to the subject being
taught) recommended to read the textbook in order to get good knowledge of Assembly

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