PHYSICS-24 - 13th Paper-1 TEST-3

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Select the correct alternative. (Only one is correct) [24 × 3 = 72]

There is NEGATIVE marking. 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.

Q.49 Two isochoric cooling process AB and CD are shown in P-V diagram for the same gas. In which case
heat exchange will be more.

(A) AB (B) same in both cases (C*) CD (D) can't say

Q.50 PV versus T graph of equal masses of H2, He and CO2 is shown in figure. Choose the correct alternative
(A*) 3 corresponds to H2, 2 to He and 1 to CO2
(B) 1 corresponds to He, 2 to H2 and 3 to CO2
(C) 1 corresponds to He, 3 to H2 and 2 to CO2
(D) 1 corresponds to CO2, 2 to H2 and 3 to He

Q.51 Two smooth cylindrical bars weighing W N each lie next to each other in contact. A similar third bar is
placed over the two bars as shown in figure. Neglecting friction, the minimum horizontal force on each
lower bar necessary to keep them together is

(A) W/2 (B) W (C) W/ 3 (D*) W/(2 3 )

Q.52 A particle of mass m is made to move with a uniform speed v0 along the perimeter of a regular hexagon.
The magnitude of impulse applied at each corner of the hexagon is
   
(A*) 2mv0 sin   (B) mv0 sin   (C) mv0 sin   (D) 2mv0 sin  3 
6 6 3  

Q.53 A river is flowing with velocity 2 m/s. A boat is moving downstream. Velocity of boat in still water is
3 m/s. A person standing on boat throws a ball vertically upwards w.r.t himself with a velocity of
10 m/s. At the top most point, the velocity of ball w.r.t man standing on boat w.r.t river and w.r.t ground
respectively is
(A) 5, 3, 0 m/s (B*) 0, 3, 5 m/s (C) 0, 5, 3 m/s (D) none of these

Q.54 An object starts moving at an angle of 45° with the principal axis as shown in the figure in front of a
biconvex lens of focal length +10 cm. If  denotes the angle at which image starts to move with principal
axis then
3 
(A)  = (B)  =
4 2
 
(C)  = (D*)  = –
4 4
Q.55elasticity Two pieces of wire A and B of the same material are stretched by the same force. The ratio of the
length of A to that of B is 1:2 and the ratio of their diameters is 2:1. The ratio of the elongation of A to that
of B is
(A) 1:4 (B) 4:1 (C*) 1:8 (D) 1:1

Q.56 A concave mirror of radius of curvature 40 cm forms an image of an object placed on the principal axis
at a distance 45 cm in front of it. Now if the system is completely immersed in water ( = 1.33) then
(A) the image will shift towards the mirror
(B) the magnification will reduce
(C) the image will shift away from the mirror and magnification will increase.
(D*) the position of the image and magnification will not change.

Q.57 A carrom board has queen at the centre. The queen hit by the striker goes in the hole without rebound
when striker is struck perpendicular to striking line. Impact parameter depend upon
(A) coefficient of restitution
(B) masses of striker & queen.
(C) roughness of the surface of board
(D*) radius of queen and striker

Q.58 Imagine a hypothetical material whose average temperature coefficient of linear expansion is 0.1 /°C.
Find the fractional increase in the area of a thin square plate of above material when temperature increase
by 10°C.
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C*) 3 (D) None

Q.59 A particle of mass m is projected at an angle of 60° with a velocity of

20 m/s relative to the ground from a plank of same mass m which is
placed on smooth surface. Initially plank was at rest. The minimum length
of the plank for which the ball will fall on the plank itself is (g = 10 m/s2)
(A*) 40 3 m (B) 20 3 m (C) 10 3 m (D) 60 3 m
[Sol. Applying conservation of momentum along X
0 = m × 20 cos 60 + mvp
 vp = – 10 m/s
vrel = 20 m/s ()
2u sin  2  20  3
Time of flight (T) = = = 23 sec
g 2  10
Minimum length of plank = vrel × T = 20 × 23 = 403 m ]

Q.60 A man pulls a bucket of water from a well of depth h. If the mass of the uniform rope and bucket full of
water are m and M respectively. The value of work done by the man is
m  mM
(A) (m+M) gh (B*)   M  gh (C)   gh (D) None of the above
2   2 
mgh m 
[Sol. W= + Mgh =   M  gh ]
2 2 
Q.61 If the mass of block is 1 kg and a force of 10 3 N is applied horizontally
on the block as shown in the figure. The frictional force acting on the
block is
10 20
(A*) zero (B) N (C) N (D) 5 N
3 3
[Sol. Net force along the plane
= mg sin 30 – FH cos 30
1 10 3
= 1 × 10 × – × =0
2 3 2
So friction force is zero ]

Q.62heat A beaker contains 200 g of water. The water equivalent of beaker is 20 gm. The initial temperature of
water in the beaker is 20°C. If 440 g of hot water at 92°C is poured in, the final temperature, neglecting
radiation loss, will be nearest to:
(A) 58°C (B*) 68°C (C) 73°C (D) none

Q.63 The friction force acting between surfaces in contact in the adjoining figure is best represented by

(A*) (B)

(C) (D)


4 kg and 2 kg both will be at rest & friction will oppose the tendency of relative motion. ]

 
Q.64 Two particles having position vectors r1  (3î  5 ĵ) m and r2  (5î  3 ĵ) m are moving with velocities
 
v1  (4î  3 ĵ) m/s and v 2  (a î  7 ĵ) m/s. If they collide after 2 sec, the value of 'a' is
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D*) 8
   
[Sol. r1  v1t = r2  v 2 t

(3î  5ˆj) + (8î  6ˆj) = ( 5î  3ˆj) + ( 2a î  14ˆj)

11 = –5 + 2a
a=8 ]
Q.65 In the balance machine shown in the figure, which arm will move downward
after the system is released (assuming string and the pulley to be ideal)
(A*) left (B) right
(C) remains stationary (D) none of these

Q.66 A point moves on a circle of radius 2 meter and its speed depends on the distance covered as v =  S ,
the time taken by the particle in making the full circle is
(A) 2 sec. (B) 3 sec. (C*) 4 sec. (D) none

Q.67 A plane mirror of length 2 m is kept along the line y = –x as shown in the
figure. An insect having velocity of 4 î cm/s is moving along the x-axis
from far away. The time span for which the insect can see its image will
(A) 50 sec (B) 25 sec
(C) 25 2 sec (D*) 50 2 sec

Q.68 The U(x)– x curve for system in shown in the figure. Its force curve will be:

(A) (B*) (C) (D)

Q.69 You want to hit a small box on the floor with a marble fired from a spring-loaded gun that is mounted on
a table. The target box is a distance R horizontally from the edge of the table; see the figure. You
compress the spring a distance d, but the center of the marble falls short by a distance r of the center of
the box. How far (x) should you compress the spring to score a direct hit (neglect friction)?

d2 d (R  r ) d (R  r ) Rd
(A) x = (B) x = (C) x = (D*) x =
R r R Rr R r
Q.70wpe Two particles tied to different strings are whirled in a horizontal circle as shown in figure. The ratio of
length of the strings (L2/L1) so that they complete their circular path with equal time period is
3 2
(A*) (B)
2 3
(C) 1 (D) none of these

Q.71wpe A small object placed on a rotating horizontal turn table just slips when it is placed at a distance of 4 cm
from the axis of rotation. If the angular velocity of the turn table is doubled, the object slips when its
distance from the axis of rotation is
(A) 8 cm (B) 4 cm (C) 2 cm (D*) 1 cm

Q.72 A small block of mass m is released from A inside the frictionless circular groove of radius 2 m on an
inclined plane as shown in figure. The contact force between the block and inclined plane at point B is

(A) 28 mg (B) 2.5 mg

(C*) mg (D) 18.5 mg
mv 2
[Sol. N – mgsin =
1 mv 2 2mgH
mv2 = mgH  = = 2mg
2 R R
mg 5mg
 N= + 2mg =
2 2
25  3  28
Contact force = mg   = mg Ans.]
4  2  2

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