Panelsaw CADmatic E

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Saw control

Performance tailored to your needs.

02 HOMAG Software CADmatic   Contents HOMAG Software CADmatic   Contents 03

CADmatic – the saw control

system for woodworking shops and
industry professionals
Clearly arranged, with easy-to-understand displays and intelligent operator guidance
– that’s exactly what the CADmatic control software has to offer. Developed by
HOMAG saw professionals – and successfully in operation for over 35 years. All
HOMAG panel dividing saws are controlled with this software.



04 CADmatic 5

06 powerTouch 2

07 Digital products

08 Standard features

12 Optional features

24 Technical data

26 Service
04 HOMAG Software CADmatic 5 HOMAG Software CADmatic 5 05

CADmatic 5
Intuitive machine control – simple, quick and clear: That’s what CADmatic 5 represents. The most recent version of the control
software guides the operator by means of an assistance graphic and uses a widescreen monitor including powerTouch. The
machine control unit is therefore a pleasure to use. What’s more, all HOMAG saws now come tapio-ready as standard, allowing
direct access to cloud-based digital assistants. Find out more at and

Zoom, swipe, scroll – simple gestures, familiar from smartphones,

are sufficient to utilize the control software’s entire range of functions.
CADmatic 5 also offers many further benefits:

· Intelligent display of production readiness

· Softkey buttons
· Standardized navigation: All content can be selected via a single
· Uninterrupted operation thanks to software messages that appear
in pop-up fields
· MMR basic for need-based maintenance and for recording key
machine data


3D assistance graphic with preview and review feature

The 3D assistance graphic uses a realistic representation of the saw
to show all work processes to be executed manually from various,
selectable perspectives, until these processes are actually executed.
The different coloring of the components symbolizes the various
processing states. It is therefore possible to identify all necessary
information for a smooth workflow quickly and easily at all times.

06 HOMAG Software CADmatic 5   powerTouch2 HOMAG Software CADmatic  5    Apps and digital assistants 07

Next generation of powerTouch: powerTouch2 Apps and digital

Faster, clearer, easier to use: Enjoy the benefits of our further With the new powerTouch generation, you can enter assistants.
improved powerTouch user interface. We have optimized information on the machine more quickly. Compared to the
our standardized operating concept and further adapted it previous version, you can achieve a time saving of up to Quick and easy support in
to our customers’ needs. You can now control your HOMAG 30%. This is possible thanks to new features, such as auto-
machines more quickly and more intuitively. The new, modern complete, a pop-up keyboard that can be kept open and the machine environment.
design is clearly structured. The innovative touch operation Windows-like functions, such as the selection of common
is designed to enable you to get the desired result easily and actions directly via the start button. Some people still use pen and paper to create their cutting
comfortably. patterns. But they look at their smartphone if they want to
know what the weather is like – instead of looking out of the
window. We asked ourselves: why not combine the best of
both? Our apps and digital solutions make your everyday
work easier: machines, material, tools, cutting patterns,
components – you always have everything in your pocket or
Our successful powerTouch philosophy –
on your desk.
simple, standardized, ergonomic, evolutionary – systematically enhanced


More information at


9 Always low investment
9 Always up to date (no updates necessary)
9 Always easy to use (no complex software)
9 Always helpful


1 The powerTouch2 screen is clearly laid out and logically 2 We have also improved the traffic light dialog again. You
structured. You can see all the main information at a can now directly influence the machine’s production
glance, but you still have all the details. readiness by selecting actions via the traffic light icon.
3 Functional pop-up keyboard that can be kept open, 4 Enhanced “Start” menu that displays additional
including auto-complete for faster input (when you enter information (e.g. indicates how many messages there
the first few letters, frequently used applications are are, or has status bars that show how far the application
suggested and you can select them directly). has progressed) and allows actions to be called up
directly (e.g. confirm actions without having to go to the
08 HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Standard features 09

Standard features
From cutting to length all the way to managing tools, the standard features of the CADmatic control software
alone offer you an enormous variety of functions. You can then find extras – under optional features.

Cutting pattern input

The full range: This is where you enter all
the data your saw needs in order to cut the
panel material.

Fixed position
The program fence is used as a fixed-
position stop, with clamps either open or

· Input lists can be saved

· Easy trimming of edges
10 HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Standard features HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Standard features 11

Cutting to length Cutting pattern

Cutting to length is controlled by a number
of pre-settings, allowing you, for example,
Many cutting jobs need completing more
to enter the book height and to specify
than once. The good thing about this
whether the collet chucks should open at
is that any cutting patterns created at
the end. In addition, it is possible to save
the saw are saved and can be retrieved
dimension lists that have already been
whenever needed, saving time and costs.
entered. Finally, your input data is checked
Furthermore, you can define individual
for plausibility.
production sequences using the program
sequence feature (including parts overview).
You can do this easily via the touch function.

Single parts Parameter management

For single cuts, enter the required part Trim dimensions, speed or acceleration:
dimension as well as the lengthwise and CADmatic allows you to define basic
crosswise trims separately. Depending on machine settings, known as material
the number of required components, the parameters. These parameters are then
system suggests a certain layout and takes automatically accessed for each cutting
into account any available panel formats for process. For this purpose, you create a
the selected material. user-defined parameter list. You also have
the option of changing the stored values
whenever necessary.

Graphically supported Tool management

diagnostics How much material have you already cut
with this saw blade? Does its condition
The graphically supported diagnostics
still meet your quality requirements? The
show you immediately if, for example, an
tool management feature knows the exact
emergency stop has been activated or a
answers to such questions and indicates
service action is required. What's more, if
when it is time to change the tool. To make
your machine is equipped with a secure
use of this feature, simply enter estimated
Internet connection (serviceRemote), most
values for the specific material mix.
errors can be remedied directly online.
This feature saves time and increases your Do you use a number of different tools? If
productivity. so, you can save the respective parameters
under an appropriate name. The software
then assigns the data for usage and volume
to each tool separately. If a tool has to be
replaced due to wear, you simply reset the
corresponding counter to zero. Alternatively,
tools can also be managed with twinio.
12 HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Optional features 13

Optional features
Special tasks and processes that go far beyond cutting require additional control options.
Simply select the right options for your production.

Manual angle cut

This feature allows you to control angle cuts
quickly, conveniently and precisely.

Automatic angle cut

The angle cut program allows you to control
precise angle cuts either manually or
automatically using a special angled clamp,
depending on how the machine is equipped.
This feature enables you to achieve precise
results quickly and easily.
14 HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Optional features HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Optional features 15

Cut-out and stress elimination cut Material-dependent parameters

Laminated materials warp during cutting due to tension being When processing many different materials, the saw needs readjusting side pressure device, for the saw blade projection or for the point of
released. The stress elimination cut provides a solution here. Tension each time the material is changed. This readjustment increases setup immersion for postforming material. Other parameters such as the
is released via specific pre-cuts in the material. What’s more, the ­ time at the expense of production time. Adjustment can be automated pressure of the clamps and pressure beam or the speed can also be
cut-out feature allows sections to be cut out of panels – for kitchen and significantly accelerated using the add-on module “material- specified if your saw is equipped with one of these options.
sinks, for example. dependent parameters.” When you change materials, you then only have to retrieve the
You only need to enter the parameter settings for each material once. corresponding profile – and your saw is automatically adjusted. This
These settings may include, for example, settings for the travel of the process is performed fully automatically and in the blink of an eye.

Labeling materialManager Advanced

No matter whether single parts or entire stacks, using the “labeling” bar codes. The system will then generate the labels in perfect time · Automatically optimally adjusts all connected machines to the material
option, you can label the results of your work with all the relevant with the processing cycles. Depending on the system, the labels are being cut, thereby ensuring greater performance and quality in production
information in time with the cuts and pass data on to downstream then attached automatically or by hand. An optional feature that sets
· Also helps less experienced operators get more out of the machine
machines. industry benchmarks where scope for design and hardware quality is
concerned, leaving nothing to be desired.
· Extends the service life of the tool and reduces interruptions due to tool
How does it work? The layout editor allows you to define the label changing
design and enter the required data in CADmatic. You are able to
· Automatic suitability check for material-tool combination
include text information as well as graphics and freely selectable

16 HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Optional features HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Optional features 17

CADplan — cutting pattern optimization at the saw Just-in-time optimization

Our motto is “get more out of it.” That's why HOMAG has taken its CSV file format. CADplan then promptly generates optimized cutting The just-in-time optimization feature from HOMAG goes one step Any offcuts available at the saw can be entered by hand before
CADplan cutting pattern optimization feature directly to the saw. The patterns, minimizing material wastage and making your company further than CADplan, allowing you to import the parts lists currently starting production and can then be included in the optimization
benefit to you is that you simply enter all the parts lists and panel more productive. The ideal solution for small- to medium-sized orders. required directly from the office and to process them on the saw – process. The intelligent parts management feature allows a
lists for the current order in CADmatic, or import the required lists in without time-consuming manual input, and precisely when you need company's entire panel stock to be managed via CADmatic – an
them. When importing these lists and processing them on the saw, if interesting alternative for all panel-dividing saws without storage
the same materials are required by different jobs, they can be grouped control connection.
and optimized together. Thanks to this feature, the “just-in-time” add- In addition, you also have the option of importing cutting patterns that
on module allows very dynamic, production-related cutting pattern have already been optimized from the office. Data will then simply be
optimization. imported from an industry-standard optimization software program,
In addition to CADplan, there are other optimization options at HOMAG such as Cut Rite.

intelliDivide Cut Rite cutting optimization software

Simply upload the parts list. Done! The result? A choice of several Efficiency through planning: This short phrase sums up the key Integrated camera monitoring
alternatives for cutting patterns and entire runs. That's how easy benefits of the Cut Rite software. With this world-leading software
intelliDivide makes it. solution, you can optimize waste and systematically lower the overall Especially for large panel dividing saws, HOMAG offers an integrated
costs for cutting. camera monitoring system for the rear machine table. Whenever the
In detail: the cloud-based optimization software intelliDivide utilizes
saw is fed, the CADmatic automatically displays the current camera
significantly higher computing capacities than are available for locally Highlights
image, enabling you to keep an eye on everything at all times.
installed optimization software and can therefore swiftly provide the
user with several alternative optimization results.
· Seamless, precise and highly efficient processes ensure optimized Furthermore, it is also possible to record the camera images for
project control troubleshooting and workflow-optimization purposes, and to forward
More on intelliDivide
· Full cost control within the cutting process: material costs and the images to the HOMAG Service department.
processing time are calculated automatically when the quotation is

Find out more in the “Cut Rite” brochure.

18 HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Optional features HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Optional features 19

Storage control connection and production planning 2. The procedure – step-by-step · In either case, CADmatic recognizes the storage location and
After installing the module, you must enter the length, depth and automatically synchronizes this information with the data in the
From feeding ... ... to real-time production planning storage system software and Cut Rite.
width of each shelf compartment. This is a quick and easy process
A storage system that controls the saw: The CADmatic control system
features a data connection to your storage system, providing the
CADmatic is prepared for connection to your internal ERP or PPS
product planning system. All production data is passed to the
thanks to the intuitive user interface. · If you then want to produce a new cutting pattern, there are two
options available: either retrieve a cutting pattern that has already
basis for completely automated feeding. Current stock information planning system in real time, allowing you to react promptly even to · A label is automatically printed as soon as the offcut leaves the saw.
been optimized by Cut Rite via CADmatic, or create a pattern
from your horizontal, block stack or high-bay storage system is last minute changes in orders and take them into account for your · The label indicates the compartment where the panel or offcut is directly at the saw using the CADmatic “cutting pattern input”
provided at the same time as production and is taken into account in production planning. to be stored. Alternatively, you can also manually determine the
all CADmatic calculations, allowing material usage to be optimized. storage location via CADmatic.
Even offcuts are registered and recorded in the storage system.
· As soon as you start production, the process or assistance graphic
will show you which panel or offcut you need to retrieve from which

Storage location management for panels and offcuts 3. An extra for greater flexibility: the scanner package · If this is not the case, a green light comes on and the operator can
If you do not use only your saw to process panels and offcuts, you take the panel or offcut – the software automatically adjusts the
1. Transparency in your offcuts store in the blink of an eye The benefits stock.
can now benefit from the scanner package. The scanner will show
The way to transparency in your offcuts store is quick and simple. · You can adopt a customized storage strategy and sort panels and whether a panel or offcut in the store is still available or already · In exceptional cases, a blue light may come on and prompt the
All you need to get there is: offcuts according to size, material or other criteria. reserved. operator to enter more details.
· Cut Rite · How many panels and offcuts are there in the store? How many are · The operator scans the label using the scanner.
· CADmatic 5 with the “storage location management for panels and moved in or out of the store on average per day? The integrated
statistics provide the answers to these and other questions. · If the panel or offcut has already been reserved for a cutting pattern,
offcuts” module a red light comes on.
· The HOMAG storage system software integrated at the factory · Cut Rite groups cutting patterns together in a single run. In this way,
all the panels and offcuts required can be shown at once and can
· The “stock control” module for Cut Rite be retrieved from the store before starting production.
Plenty of potential for expansion
If you subsequently invest in a HOMAG storage system, the “storage
location management for panels and offcuts” module can be directly
integrated into the HOMAG storage software.
20 HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Optional features HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Optional features 21

Optimal use in combination with

intelliGuide, Power Concept and 2
the HuGo destacking carriage
– fewer errors, more efficient
processes and easy assignment



Classic destacking module

Which component goes where? The answer to this question is
supplied by the integrated destacking display. The single parts are
color-coded in the cutting pattern and also in the assistance graphic,
allowing the machine operator to clearly see which of the parts already 6
produced have been allocated to which destacking stations.

Additional extras for intelligent destacking 1. Destacking software as add-on

module for CADmatic 5
· Visual operator guidance: An additional LED display indicates, at the same time as the
monitor, when a cut part must be pushed onto or removed from the parts buffer. 2. Label printing
· Parts buffering: The operator places the last-cut parts on the parts buffer until he has time 3. Ergonomic parts buffer
to destack them. This means that the saw is not unnecessarily forced to slow down and
the operator can work calmly. The parts buffer is also used to improve stack formation: The 4. Waste container
operator only places the part on the stack when doing so increases the stability of the stack.
The operator is guided in this by information on the monitor and, optionally, also by an LED 5. Chopping edge
Advanced destacking module
display at the parts buffer.
6. Feeding and destacking aid
An intelligent destacking concept that guides the operator Reduces walking, space requirements and operator dependency · Additional stability: To give the stacks more stability, waste parts are now also systematically
With the optional “Advanced destacking module,” CADmatic 5 controls Thanks to the optional “Advanced destacking module,” the program used for stack formation.
7. Scissor lift pallet truck “HuGo”
not only the cut, but also the process of destacking by the operator. sequence and destacking strategy can be managed more precisely
The new powerTouch operating panel shows the operator exactly when and tailored more effectively to requirements than ever before. You 8. Intelligent stack formation
and where each part is to be deposited via the monitor and on each can specify whether stack formation is optimized for subsequent
9. intelliGuide Tower (from
label. This process is underpinned by an intelligent destacking concept processing steps on the basis of the order or the material. These
intelliGuide Advanced)
designed to boost the efficiency of post-cutting processes enormously priorities can be combined with one another and weighted according
– for example, by creating stacks optimized for subsequent processing to the primary objective. This process ensures clear operator guidance,
steps. reduces walking between the saw and destacking station, and ensures
optimized pallet utilization with stable stack formation.
22 HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Optional features HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Optional features 23

Optional feature: intelliGuide –

innovative smart operator guidance
intelliGuide is the first assistance system in the history of panel dividing technology to allow saws to respond flexibly and
intelligently to the actions of the machine operator. The assistance system becomes more intelligent with each stage of
expansion: from intelliGuide Classic, to Advanced, right through to Premium. So you get precisely your solution.

The foundation: intelliGuide Classic: intelliGuide Advanced: intelliGuide Premium:

1. CADmatic 5 1. CADmatic 5 1. CADmatic 5 1. CADmatic 5
intelliGuide is the result of a long period of 2. LED strip at the cutting line 2. LED strip at the cutting line 2. LED strip at the cutting line
technical evolution. It all started with the
CADmatic saw control system – software
· Colored LED signals at the cutting line 3. Camera 3. Camera
allow intuitive operation and a quicker,
that has since become indispensable.
safer way of working
· The system uses this camera to see 4. Illumination
The new version of the software, CADmatic which strip or part the operator has
5. Laser
5, is now more focused on the user · Using the colored LED elements, deposited and how it has been aligned
machine operators can immediately see · Projects clear information regarding
than ever before. This is thanks to a new
if a part has been fully processed, needs
· If the intended part is not deposited, processing and handling directly onto
assistance graphic in CADmatic 5 that intelliGuide responds to the change of
to be cut again or can be disposed of the current workpiece
clearly shows the operator the next step plan in a flexible manner
they have to perform. Compared to the as a waste part
· Arrows, for example, indicate the
· If no further action is necessary, the saw direction in which a panel needs to
previous process graphic that showed
· Based on the LEDs that are lit up, the
starts working after brief confirmation.
MORE AT HOMAG.COM all the work steps of the saw 1:1 (and operator can determine whether the
Otherwise, intelliGuide provides the
be turned and how it needs to be
General benefits of intelliGuide can still be called up if required), this new workpiece being processed meets the positioned. An X means that the wrong
operator with feedback and instructions
intelliGuide part has been inserted. The trash can
· Intuitive machine operation graphic represents a 180-degree change in
required specifications
4. Illumination icon indicates waste parts
· Systematic means of avoiding errors · Enhances safety and quality by ensuring · In short: Thanks to the self-explanatory
· Fast processes: operator and saw the workplace and workpieces are symbols, operators always know which
work in tandem and do not slow evenly lit step they need to perform next and can
each other down immediately take the appropriate action
· Improves the appearance of the
· The operator rarely needs to look at workplace and makes it even more
the monitor and so can concentrate ergonomic
on processing the cutting pattern

· Fluid, ergonomic processes for

efficient and concentrated work

· Easy to change operator at any time

24 HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Technical data HOMAG Software CADmatic 5    Technical data 25


Area Function CADmatic 5 available for Area Function CADmatic 5 available for

General Optimization

Display 24" CADlink O A

Resolution 1920 x 1080 CADplan O A

Touchscreen ✔ CADplan just in time O A

Machine keys ✔ Process graphic/assistance graphic

Machine controller ✔ Process graphic/assistance graphic ✔

Production methods Display of part details in the cutting pattern ✔

Fixed position ✔ only for saws that can be operated manually Process graphic/assistance graphic: preview and review ✔
Cutting to length ✔ only for saws that can be operated manually
Single parts ✔ only for saws that can be operated manually
Parameter management ✔
Cutting pattern input ✔
Material-dependent parameters O From SAWTEQ B-200
Pattern selection (cutting pattern management) ✔
materialManager Advanced O From SAWTEQ B-300
Pattern selection: estimation of production times ✔
Automatic compensation of saw blade offset ✔
Production methods — optional features
Tool settings ✔
Grooving program (automatic) O SAWTEQ B-300 to SAWTEQ B-600
Tool management ✔
Grooving program (manual) O SAWTEQ B-130 to SAWTEQ B-600
Turbo grooving O SAWTEQ B-300 to SAWTEQ B-600
Classic destacking module O For all single saws from SAWTEQ B-200 to SAW-
Cut-out and stress elimination cut O SAWTEQ B-200 to SAWTEQ B-600 TEQ B-600
Stress elimination cut O SAWTEQ B-130 Advanced destacking module (with operator guidance) O For all single saws from SAWTEQ B-200 to SAW-
Structure view program O From SAWTEQ B-200 TEQ B-600

Angle cut program O Manual: SAWTEQ B-200 Destacking module systems O For all angular saw units from SAWTEQ B-300 to
Automatic: SAWTEQ B-300 to SAWTEQ B-600
SAWTEQ B-600 Miscellaneous
PPC feedback O A Alarms overview (graphically supported diagnostics) ✔
Integrated camera monitoring O A
Online data transmission ✔ A
Processing of finished parts O SAWTEQ B-200 to SAWTEQ B-400
WiFi data transmission O A
Special process for cutting laminate O From SAWTEQ B-200 single saws
Data transmission via USB ✔ A
Barcode reader supported production start O SAWTEQ B-200 to SAWTEQ B-600
HOMAG MMR basic ✔
Storage management
HOMAG MMR professional O A
Storage control connection O SAWTEQ B-200 to SAWTEQ B-600
Run data evaluation with Cut Rite O A
Storage control connection in CADplan and cutting pattern input ✔ *
Improved offcuts return system ✔ *
tapio ready O A
Storage location management for panels and offcuts O A
Tracking of defective panel batches O In conjunction with HOMAG storage system
Storage location management for panels and offcuts (scanner O A
Labeling program O A
Labeling with parts graphic O A

Label layout creation service O A

✔ Standard
✔ * Standard if the storage control connection option is enabled
O Optional
A All models
26 HOMAG LifeCycleService HOMAG Software CADmatic    Life Cycle Services 27

Our Mission, Your Performance.

Fast support:
94% resolution rate
via our hotline
Close to you:
1,350 service experts worldwide
We get things moving:
Over 1,000 worldwide spare parts
shipments each day
No one else has that:
Electronic documentation on over
150,000 machines, available in 28

Improved performance, more efficient processes, faster help, assurance of availability and smarter workin


Largest global service network in the A few clicks and it’s fixed. Receive IMPROVEMENT
industry with over 1,350 personnel. exclusive advantages by ordering spare Our modernization program is tailored
parts online, depending on market to your machines and processes. We
INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING availability. can evaluate your data and situation
For a smooth start, we only let proven and advise you on the next step.
experts manage your setup. HOTLINE & READINESS
When there‘s an emergency, we‘re ANALYSIS & SUSTAINABILITY
OPERATION & CONTROL here. Direct by phone, digitally via app On request, we analyze all your
After teaching your personnel the or video, or with on-site support. We processes with proven tools and
intuitive control system, our clever apps are close to you with over 90 regional procedures (LeanSixSigma). We have a
help to make the operator‘s life much service organizations worldwide. large, certified team of experts for this
easier. With more than 35,000 spare parts purpose.
immediately available, we can deliver
To keep things running, we’re happy We offer you tailor-made financing
to take a preventative approach. You TRAINING & EDUCATION concepts worldwide. With more than
decide how often and how intensively With classroom, live online or eLearning 60 years of experience and a close
you want the support to be. As we all training, we offer flexible options to partner network of prominent banks
know, prevention is better than the help you get knowledge. We conduct and insurance companies to help us
cure. over 4,000 customer training courses to find the right solution for you, we’re
every year, and we even have our own always transparent and reliable in
training centers in 19 countries processing.
[email protected]
Images may also show options and are not binding for orders. Subject to change | CADmatic | 05/2022 | E

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