Youth Empowerment Through Civic Engagement and Skills Development

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Youth Empowerment through Civic

Engagement and Skills Development


In general, youths are a society’s backbone. At any moment, youth participation in all aspects of
society is important. Unfortunately, since the beginning of this society, Afghan youths, whether
male and female, have been in a state of deprivation. They play no or a limited role in local and
national decision-making processes or leadership initiatives.

As a result, youth isolation, whether deliberate or inadvertent, can lead to drug abuse, unlawful
and criminal actions, unhappiness, migration, and other problems, despite the fact that youths are
a potentially important group and actor in shaping the future.

Through civic and political engagement, leadership development, participation in decision-

making processes, skill development, and capacity building programmes, the project focuses on
youths in order to improve and promote their social status and prepare them to become leaders
for bringing change to their communities.

Executive summary

Generally youths are the backbone of a society. Youth’s participation in all aspects of society is
very important at any time. Unfortunately as we see that Afghan youth generation both male and
female face a state of deprivation since the origin of this society. They have no or limited role in
decision making process or leadership programs at the local and national level. According to
UNDP survey, 68 per cent of the country’s population is under 25 years old representing the
largest demographic cohort in the country’s history. So isolation of youths either intentionally or
unintentionally can lead them to drug abuse, illegal and criminal actions, depression, migration
and so on, while youths are the potential group and actor for structuring future of Afghanistan.
The implementing organization mainly focuses on Afghan youths in order to improve and
promote their social status and prepare them to become leaders for bringing change at their
communities through civic and political engagement, strengthen of leadership, participation in
decision making process, skills development, and capacity building programs.

There is a great and effective work to be done for Afghan youth generation to make them feel
empowered and train them for playing an important role in their society. The project will be
working closely with youths in Badakhshan province. This project is designed to provide gender
awareness, leadership, and advocacy, trainings directly benefitting youths and advocates media
campaigns through Radios, Printed Media, and Boards. This media campaign will reach to
almost all youth generation in the target area and raise awareness about their active role in civil
society and policy initiatives.

The project will adapt a cultural sensitive strategy, where all the activities will be planned and
conducted in a way that the negative impacts will be avoided. Youths, which are both male and
female, will be the target and they will be reached during the course of this project. Based on our
team observations, our society is now ready to accept that youths are an important part of the
society. The project will take advantage of this new emerging feeling of the society and build
upon the concept that this is the time where Afghan youths must play a great contribution to
bring prosperity to the war-affected society by influencing the policy initiatives.

In this generation media has become an important part and plays a vital role in our society.
Additionally, the stronger role of media is now obvious in Afghanistan; it has broken the
shackles of the centuries-long self-imposed superstitions in almost every walk of life. People feel
empowered with the rising level of awareness on various issues. The media can eliminate the
existing deprivation of youths and the steps could be taken towards their empowerment and their
role in the Afghan civil society and policy initiatives. So through broadcasting of radio programs
and messages about youth empowerment and their role in the society, they will be aware and
raise their voice for their rights and achieve their desire goals in the society.

Finally, this project will make the youth generation fully aware of their rights and responsibilities
in the society. They will be encouraged to take part in community development and better
understand their role in the region.

The beneficiaries of this project are totally youth generation.

o Direct beneficiaries:

2000 Youths in the area (45% female) with considering bellow criteria.

– Aged between 18-30

– Unemployed and poor youths

– Interested in program

– Committed to participate in program activities

– Having good background

– Prefer to have leadership and lobbying spirit

– Fresh graduates who are looking for job

o Indirect beneficiaries:

Assuming that the beneficiaries live in families with 7 members, then 2000×7=14000 indirect

Main type of intervention Support for /promotion of youth-led action

 Main theme Civic Engagement and Participation

 Objective(s) of the project

By implementing this project, we aim to build the skill level, social participation, leadership, and
social status of youth through the following activities in order to prepare them to become leaders
for bringing positive changes at their communities.

o Capacity Building trainings for youths and other CSOs that are working for them
in Badakhshan.
o Raise the level of awareness among the people of Badakhshan province.
o Influence the Government policies for giving a major role to youths in the
decision-making and allocating increased funding youths in Badakhshan and
other provinces of Afghanistan.
o Provide training to a select group of youth in basic human rights, as well as
conflict management and negotiation, leadership and communication skills.
o Encourage youth to participation in the socio-political process.
o Promote youth volunteerism for peace and development.

Implementation strategy

  Staffing: For successful implementation of the project and achieving its objective, after formal
announcement of the positions through web site and provincial office, Implementing NGO has
planned to hire professional people for better implementation of the project.
  Project orientation workshop: Community Development Manager will hold a project orientation
workshop for explaining project goal, objective, and expected results. During this workshop a
comprehensive field operation plan will be developed.

  Coordination and community mobilization: Team of implementing agency will mobilize the
concerned groups with a formal strategy; to be devised for each group. The youth leaders and
activists will be identified at first level and they will be fully involved throughout the course of
the project.

Government’s concerned departments will be mobilized for working in coordination with

implementing agency for promoting youth empowerment and participation in the democratic
processes and policy initiatives. Political parties’ leadership at district and provincial level will
be mobilized to work with implementing agency during the course of project and finally own the
project establishments and sustain them.

Implementing agency will mobilize the intellectuals to join hands with us for making a group to
develop youth empowerment related messages and papers for printing and dissemination. This
intellectual group will be facilitated to work youth friendly pressure group and lead the programs
of youth empowerment.

For attracting more cooperation of local authorities, coordination meetings would be held by
Executive Director and program manager and authorities such as provincial and district
governors, Directorate of Women affairs, youth department and district shuras, and CSOs
representatives. In this stage, along with coordination meetings, the target community CDCs and
leaders would be contacted, in order to make them informed of project component and attract
their support to the project.

The project different sections will be working in close coordination with each other. The
planning will be done in joint meetings; where all the coordinators of different sections will be
participating. During the planning session, every section will coordinate its activities with other
section. Especially the administration will provide the exact details before planning activities.

The project will rely on all the sections to make coordination with the relevant target group. The
youths’ section will coordinate with the youth groups and CSOs. They will also plan joint
activities with mobilization section; where male and female organizers will help coordinate their
activities. The Mobilization section will make coordination the relevant Government
departments and this coordination will be the most important activity for the success of the

Beneficiary selection: Following the community mobilization process which includes actions,
such as Orientation of community members, Rapid community assessment and so on, to end the
beneficiary selection, a team for beneficiary selection is going to be formed. The team includes
members of CDCs and CCDCs, village elders, Implementing NGO staff and government
officials. The selection process would be based on the main criteria of being within ages 18-30
including additional criteria for this age group such as interested in program, unemployed and
poor youths who are committed to participate in program activities, having good background,
prefer to have leadership and lobbying spirit. Implementing NGO’s staff then would continue
with follow up on the selection process to ensure its fairness. This methodology assures that lists
of beneficiaries is accepted by the communities and helped prevent tensions and conflicts.

Creation of messages/ Radio programs/ Billboards: Implementing NGO will hire the services of
some competent/ creative workers to develop the youths’ related messages and slogans. These
will be used extensively throughout the project period. The messages will be concise and
effective and easy to read and understand.

These messages will be displayed on billboards at visible places. The messages will draw
attention towards the under played role the half of population i.e. youths of the area. The youths
will take these messages as a training tool; where they can explore ways to participate in the
affairs of the civil society and influence the policies through democratic processes. There will be
messages about the steps towards youths’ empowerment like registration for national IDs, Voter
rights and local institutions established for the protection youths.

These creative workers will also develop radio programs. We are already in consultation for
signing contract with radio stations to broadcast our messages and programs. These programs
will be made understandable for the common masses, so that, the messages touch the target
audience. These programs will be observed closely and will be improved with the feedback of
the public.

Surveys will be carried out on regular basis and the success of the events will be shared on
broader level. Through this method, we will measure how much youths’ feel empowered and
participate in the civic activities. The level of training of the audience via these programs will
also be measured and some of the basic questions about the youths’ empowerment, participation,
civil society and their role in community development etc will be measured.

  Newsletter (Recording Success Stories/ Challenges): A monthly newsletter will be issued,

covering all monthly events, experts’ views and other youths’ related news and activities. This
newsletter will try to cover youths and other leaders/ intellectuals who have a demonstrated great
role for youths. The newsletter will also cover the success stories of the project. Any employee/
worker/ activist who performs extraordinarily work during the course of the project will be given
special pages and his interviews will be printed.

This will cover any impediments/ challenges and problems, which come across during the
project duration. Also this part gives special focus to the challenges of youths in the area, which
they face. The newsletter will be a media tool to convince all its readers for accepting the youths’
empowered role.

  Conduct training to target beneficiaries: The youth will be trained in areas such as leadership,
advocacy, gender awareness, and communication. Each networks would be trained on mentioned
topics. Mentioned trainings would improve the skills of youths in leadership, lobbying and
advocacy, thereby they can play significant role in society and they can propose solution for
raised problem within society, also the training would enable them to remove obstacles which
originate from discrimination against youths. The trainings will be for the following groups:

o Training for youths leaders and activists
o Training for youth workers
o Seminar for intellectuals
o Seminar for political parties’ workers
o Capacity building programs such, basic management, organizational behavior,
human rights, etc.

Some other training will be conducted on need basis on the urgent issues as and when these
come across during the course of the project

Conduct literacy course: one of the main obstacles against youth improvement and leadership is
illiteracy, for swiping aside mentioned obstacle, literacy courses based on Ministry of education
curriculum would be conducted in each youth network level. For each youth network a local
trainer would be hired to conduct literacy course. All required inputs and material for conducting
mentioned courses would be supplied.

Improve relation of networks with CDCs and DDCs: for improving leadership skills of youths
and engaging them in decision making process, the project technical staffs would contact with
CDCs and DDCs in target area and would explain the role of youths in community. Thereby they
would convince them to let representatives of youth networks to participate in their sessions, and
decision-making, also to have and consider their recommendation, which derive from
discussions in youth networks. Thereby, youth representative would be engaged and participate
in CDCs and DDCs meetings and can act actively in community decision process.

Organizing trainings/ workshops/ seminars: Once the key stakeholders identified and mobilized
for the cause of youths’ empowerment then a series of the training workshops/ seminars will be
initiated; with aiming to build the capacity of the target groups to work more actively for the
cause of the project.

  Project Management: Implementing NGO team will be working under the leadership of a very
highly qualified project manager. The project will be working under the specialized sections.
Specialist coordinators will head these sections.

The media section: This section will be responsible for developing messages, making radio
programs and display of these messages on billboards. They will also have expert services of
consultants for creating messages and slogans, Consultants will write pamphlets for printing and
dissemination on youths’ rights and empowerment. This team will be developing monthly
newsletters too.

  Mobilization Section: The section will have services of expert coordinator and experienced
organizers. They will be mobilizing every mentioned group of society for the successful
implementation of the project. This section will also mobilize the individuals from Government
departments, CSOs and other activists for attending the training and participation in seminars.
  Training Section: This section will be working under the command of a highly professional
training specialist. He will be making modules and methodologies for trainings; in collaboration
with relevant field’s master trainers. This section will provide support in selecting the training
venues, Audio visual aids and other supporting materials.

  Youths Welfare Section: This Section will be working under a qualified specialist, having
experience in advocacy projects. This section will be responsible for bringing youths’ together
and carryout special activities with them. The specialist is responsible to keep a close eye on
youth’s related events on districts and provincial level. The section will be the backbone of the
project and work closely with youths in the project area.

  Monitoring Section: This section will be working under the supervision of an experienced
monitoring specialist. The section will be responsible for creating indicators and milestones for
every task in consultation with the relevant section. The project performance will be measured in
via professionally developed tools. The information collected on tools will be regularly posted
and analysis reports will be created. Any deviation will be directly reported to the Project

Administration: This section will be responsible for making all the procurement, transportation,
contracting with services, equipment and fixtures providers. The section will also provide
security cover to the field teams and make communication with all the staff and sub offices. An
Accountant will be

hired in this section for making maintaining the accounts under the supervision of Implementing
NGO main office’s Accounts and Finance sections.

 Beneficiaries Youth in general

 Institutional Partners

Governmental Institutions, CSOs, and youth organizations, and other organized bodies will be
brought under a network. This network will be transformed into an organized forum, where
youth will be given priority.

A database of these organized entities will be created and updated on regular basis. This database
will be consisted of the information about various expertise, personnel and contacts of these
organizations. This database will be available in our main office and any endeavour will be
helped to launch for the betterment of youths and communities.

Additionally, the potential stockholders of the project are districts governor’s office, DDCs,
CDCs, CSOs, MoE, and directorate of women affairs. The role of each one is as follow

o District governor office: facilitate the project implementation and coordination
with local authorities in district level, providing space for youth’s activities.
o  DDCs: facilitate the beneficiaries’ identification and selection, paving the way
for youths to participate in their meetings, serves as a tool for linking youths with
local authorities in the field level.
o CDCs: facilitate the beneficiaries’ identification and selection, paving the way for
youths to participate in their meetings for addressing problems, decision making
and so on.
o  Provincial Directorate of MoE: facilitate preparing the materials for literacy
courses and awarding certificate for graduates of the courses.
o Directorate of women affairs: facilitate female beneficiaries’ selection, and
support in preparing gender awareness session materials.
o CSO: coordinate our programs with different youth networks and help us for
better implementation of the program in targeted areas.

 Project Duration (months) 12


Implementing Organization plans to implement this project in the course one year. From the time
the project awards to this organization, Implementing NGO will start program mobilisation in
Faizabad district and other districts of Badakhshan Province. Implementing NGO will establish
its office in the field and start recruitment of staff from the region. During staff recruitment we
will try our best to hire some professional people from youth generation of the province. The
first phase of the project will take two months. After that, we plan to start our activities in the
capital and districts of badakhshan which will continue for 800 months. During this time we will
have different activities for youth generation of the province and enhance their capacity and
skills by implementing different activities. The last phase of the project will be for completion,
final reports, and result assessment of the project. Implementing NGO will mobilize initial
activities from it ongoing projects and will coordinate the program with governmental

Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation:

Using two approaches will be done for project monitoring. Firstly by using Implementing NGO
monitoring mechanisms, which is a computerized system, named PMIS (project management
information system) that enable staff to follow the progress of project activities, record
achievement and see the expenditure according to the project plan.

Secondly, the project monitor at field office level will do periodic monitoring of the project by
site visits and interviews with beneficiaries.

Soon after approval of the project, M&E officer will design the monitoring system for the
project. At the start of project the monitoring and evaluation plan will be developed with all the
formats, guides and procedures. The staff will be given training on how to implement monitoring
of the project. The monitoring data will be collected through site visits and direct interviews with
beneficiaries and stockholders, and processed regularly.
M&E officer will conduct one monitoring mission every month. The Implementing NGO project
management team will also monitor the project in a participatory way on monthly basis.
Participatory means that the data will be collected through direct interviews and discussion with
people and Community Shuras/ Farmers. At the district level, a separate monitoring team
consisted of two couple of trainers are existed in each project regions. These provincial
monitoring teams are responsible for regular monitoring of the projects activities on weekly and
monthly basis. A strong relation and communication will be maintained between Implementing
NGO, and Donor Staff, written report to program officer and accordingly written feedback to the
field staff is given after each monitoring mission.

In addition to the monitoring missions, at the district level, a supervision team consisted of,
project manager and two social organizers will regularly supervise the performances of staff and
project implementation.

Monitoring reports will be prepared and the findings will be used for improvement of the project
and re-directing the project strategy, if needed.

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