Annual Work Plan Template

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The key takeaways are that the template provides a standardized format for organizing an organization's annual goals, key tasks, timelines, responsibilities, outcomes, targets, resources, and notes in a single document.

The purpose of the annual work plan template is to consolidate an organization's strategic priorities, major goals, key tasks and targets into a simple and easily digestible format to report progress to management, boards, and funders.

The main components of the annual work plan template are columns for goals, key tasks, status, timeframe, lead, expected outcomes, annual targets, resources, and notes.


This document provides a template for an organization-wide annual work plan. The objective of this format is to fit a
senior management, in terms of condensing more detailed work plans into a set of summary goals, key tasks, and an
requires, above all, that managers think critically about their major organizational priorities, key tasks and targets, a

The text presented on the next worksheet ('Sample Work Plan') provides an example of how an organization-wide w
to make this plan useful to your organization.

Column A: Goals
This column provides the backbone for the organization's overall work plan - the major goals or 'pillars' of an organi
as few words as possible. These goals lead into and frame the key tasks described in Column C.

Column C: Key Tasks

This column identifies the key sets of initiatives or actions aimed at achieving the Goals laid out in Column A. These
the goals.

Column D: Status
This column is the basic 'dashboard' status tool, which is changed and updated according to progress against the Ke
preferred by management. The column has both a color coding and letter explanation:
Not started = activity not begun but on track as not yet scheduled to start (clear);
In progress = activity begun and progressing fully according to schedule (blue);
Slightly off track = progress slower than anticipated or delayed in relation to the schedule (yellow);
Delayed = progress significantly impeded and requiring attention (red);
Complete = Activity fully complete, target met (green).

Column E: Timeframe
This column provides clear timeframes for each key task described in Column C. Timeframes can be set as either qu

Column F: Lead
This column records the responsible person leading on each key task. Although multiple people may be involved in a
are met.

Column G: Expected Outcomes

This column provides the intended results from each key task or set of activities. It can be helpful to think through w
example, if a key task is to develop a communications strategy, it is useful to think through how the outcome will co
existing project level documents such as grant proposals.

Column H: Annual Targets

This column provides the monitoring metrics that can be used to measure progress against the key tasks, and ultima
may already have some of these metrics clearly defined.
Column I: Resources
This column highlights the funding available and the source of funding. It can be used to flag where there is a fundin
Column J: Notes
Here the organization has space to comment on progress in terms of each key task, and to explain the status of the
dashboard shows the tasks are off track or seriously delayed in order to explain the reasons for the delay and what s
e objective of this format is to fit an entire annual work plan and work tracking system within a simple and easily digestible form
f summary goals, key tasks, and annual targets, as well as for reporting using a 'dashboard' system to the board or key funders.
priorities, key tasks and targets, and that they frame and present these in precise and clear language.

ple of how an organization-wide work plan can be presented, while the third sheet presents a work plan template into which yo

major goals or 'pillars' of an organization's work and should be based on your strategic plan or business plan. The Goal should be
in Column C.

Goals laid out in Column A. These form the heart of the work plan, as these activities and their respective targets guide all actio

ording to progress against the Key Tasks (Column C) and its respective Annual Targets (Column H). This can be updated monthl

hedule (yellow);

meframes can be set as either quarterly, if you do not yet know the exact timing, or monthly if you do.

ultiple people may be involved in a key task, it is worth identifying one person who is accountable, acting as the point person an

can be helpful to think through what change the key task will bring and clarify how that change allows you to achieve your ove
through how the outcome will contribute towards achieving the goal of strengthening the organization. These outcomes can s

s against the key tasks, and ultimately against the organization’s strategic goals. Other project documents such as grant propos

sed to flag where there is a funding gap for some planned activities.
k, and to explain the status of the key task in relation to its annual target. It is particularly helpful to provide notes for key tasks
e reasons for the delay and what steps will be taken to address it.
a simple and easily digestible format. This is useful for
stem to the board or key funders. Using this format

work plan template into which you can enter your own text

business plan. The Goal should be a short statement, using

respective targets guide all actions as required to achieve

n H). This can be updated monthly, or quarterly, as

f you do.

able, acting as the point person and ensuring that deadlines

ge allows you to achieve your overarching goal. For

ganization. These outcomes can sometimes be found in

t documents such as grant proposals or monitoring plans

ful to provide notes for key tasks where the status
2018 Annual W

Goals S/N Key Tasks Status

Facilitate participatory village land use

planning, boundary demarcation, and
1.1 development of village by-laws in six Delayed
1.0 Strengthen
community land tenure in villages.
six target villages.

Carry out six training workshops with Slightly off

1.2 Village Councils and Land Committees. track

Facilitate joint venture agreements for

2.1 construction of ecolodge in Enkiteng In progress

2.0 Increase community

revenue from tourism Faciliate the resolution of village boundary
joint ventures 2.2 conflicts. Complete

Establish partnership with Conservation

Business Advisors to provide customized
2.3 Not started
training to field staff on joint venture
negotiation and contract structure.

3.0 Grow membership Consolidate and document Community Slightly off

base of Community Based 3.1 Based Organisation membership levels. track
Organisations (CBOs)
representing areas
conserved by indigenous
people and local
3.0 Grow membership
base of Community Based
Organisations (CBOs)
representing areas
conserved by indigenous
people and local
Carry out campaign to recruit all
3.2 Piniandan community lands rights CBOs. Not started

4.0 Organizational
Development - Improve
financial sustainability 4.1 Implement business plan. Not started
and resourcing through
effective fundraising.
Strengthen internal
communications capacity
and develop clear
communications strategy. Develop Communications Strategy to
identify communications goals, target
4.2 In progress
audiences, messages and channels of
2018 Annual Work Plan

Timeframe Lead Expected Outcomes

Clarity on all village boundaries and legal

Q2-Q3 AT basis for enforcement of community land
use zones

Established clear procedures for

implementation and enforcement of
March AT village by-laws and land use rules,
resulting in enforcement of grazing and
other land use zones.

Enkiteng conservancy JV agreement in

February SR place and base revenue paid

Boundary conflict resolved so

Q2 PT conservancies can enter into contracts
with investors.

Improved staff capacity to facilitate

community tourism joint ventures.

Clarity about members' advocacy

July PT responsibilities depending on their level
of membership
Increased ability to advocate at a national
level about community land rights and a
Q4 BN coordinated voice for ICCA conservation
of land and resources.

10% of core costs being generating

Q4 AT through service provision payments by
land rights CBOs.

Increased interest in membership and

Q3 SR improved ability to carry out advocacy at
a national level.
Annual Targets Resources

* Digital LUPs in place in 6 villages

* Approval of village by-laws by USAID
Village Assembly and submission to ($10,000)
District Council


Enkiteng conservancy receives funded
$15,000 in base revenue ($55,000)

A new grazing agreement between Community

Osikiria and Orkejo conservancies. paid ($4,000)

* Revenue agreement in place

* Osikiria and Orkejo conservancies
each receive at least $5000 in
conservancy revenue

Membership levels handbook Oxfam

80% of ICCA CBOS are members Not funded
(target of 184 organisations) yet

$20,000 secured through service

provision payments (10% of core TNC ($15,000)
costs of $200,000)

Communications Strategy TNC ($5,000)


Timeline contingent on ability to resolve

outstanding village boundary conflicts.

Ongoing boundary conflicts in villages D and F

impacted by politics. Resolution not expected
until after government elections in Dec 2018.
Will be a priority for Q1-2 2019

Discussions around JV agreement progressing

smoothly. Some friction with construction
manager - support Enkiteng in building better

No budget currently allocated. Awaiting

outcome of USAID grant, and will need to seek
additional funding

Levels depend on matrix assessing CBO's

connectedness to government and other
influential stakeholders, as well as severity of
land rights infringements local community
represented by CBO is facing
65% of ICCA CBOs are already members (150/
230 organisations)

ICCA CBOs have received free support for the

previous three years. Information sharing visit
regarding the importance of cost recovery
planned to all districts during Q2, however
resistance is still anticipated. Develop plan to
address anticipated objections

New communications manager currently being

recruited and expected to start in March 2016
20XX Annua

Goals S/N Key Tasks Status

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started
Not started

Not started
20XX Annual Work Plan

Timeframe Lead Expected Outcomes

Annual Targets Resources

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