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So for my dhampir lawful neutral inheritor bard idek where we're gonna be but I am gonna presume

wealthy art collecting family left him a secret code for a vault of theirs located somewhere, and that he
spends most of his time collecting or appraising that kind of thing, but generally doesn't try to use his
charisma checks often outside those interactions unless necessary.

Mystery: As a boy I don't remember much, but growing up I very much remember the discussion of the
vault, a place where the greatest treasures of an older world, a more artistic scene were held. The
location was passed down from person to person through the generations, centuries passed until it was
given to me. I still have no idea what to do with these instructions, but they do mention a city donned in
amber light, a staircase to a winery, and something of ruins under ruins. The Archon Vault of Tryar.

Secret: I have noticed people more and more looking at me since I was given these instructions, they
seem overtly interested in who holds the location of this vault, if it is me or my siblings. I've taken to
memorizing the directions but never sticking around long enough to mention them.

Family: My family, whom seem to have passed of natural causes were always quite kind and focused on
finer arts, a wealthy sort. Sadly that wealth did not pass to me, as the one who holds the location of the
vault is not given such pleasantries, and is often sent to adventure while leaving ciphers for their siblings.

Art: My paintings are my joy, and often underneath layers or inside of symbolism I do take the time to
leave ciphers for my siblings, ideally they can understand the meaning and use it to find the vault if need
be. I am not much for singing or talking unless necessary but people do seem to enjoy and often buy my

Tranquility: There is peace is in silence, but it often must be wrought. Wrath isn't a sin I particularly
favor, but I will be a patron to such if it brings peace to others. If that ends up not being the goal, I will
likely find a way to use that against the person.

Joy: My driving joy of life is found knowing that what I've done can be found and passed on. It has been
my goal to also redo other's art with similar messages, erasing what seems to me as thieve's cant.

Hunted: Despite everything, there will always be those that have heard stories of the Archon Vault of
Tryar. Even the briefest mention can be a nuisance. They are out there, whether local or otherworldly. It
is a place of renown.


Ice Cream: Not fond

Preferred Weather: Temperate


Kind Pessimist, Analytical

Whimsical, until he isn't

Constantly considers different projects that could be used to create a story/cipher to be followed
referentially or otherwise

Eats very little, consistently considering drink more often.

Listens for slip ups in details to keep in mind

Has an easier time avoiding the authorities with wall-walking

Favorite Food: Buttered Sweetroll

Favorite Color: Silver

Favorite Quote: "There is not a found notion in knowledge but more hunger"

Tends to avoid confrontation directly

Will steal if necessary

Truly believes that those whom would harm for their own personal peace are better than those for
peace of the public

Will watch the sky more often than watch his surroundings

His consideration for the sanctity of life is lower than that for the sanctity of personal peace

Always considering if certain leaves could make tea. Tends to use books for descriptions.

His hair is often dark, but in the moonlight shines silver, as his eyes do red.

Believes there is not often a kind act that isn't punished.


As he was sent out into the world to gather earthly concerns, and strengths. He often found himself lost
in art and those that participated in museums and such. Typically these people aren't brazenly creating
outside, but regardless their mind's eye was able to present something that could mesmerize others. It
was important that he found something similar to that while being able to pass the cipher into the piece.

Anything else was simply a means to an end.

There are others that create ciphers in art. Whether they are a part of his production or not is another
question. It hasn't been something he's explored fully. It is however always fun to see another piece like
two voids waving at each other surrounded by light.

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