Enhancing Research Mechanisms and Institutional Processes in Malaysia: A Case Study of Universiti Malaya (UM)

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Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp.


Enhancing Research Mechanisms and

Institutional Processes in Malaysia:
A Case Study of Universiti Malaya (UM)
Azrin Md Kasim1,#, Lee Wei Chang2,3,#, Nuratiqah Mohamad Norpi4,#,*,
Noor Hayaty Abu Kasim5, Azirah Hashim6
Research Data Management Unit (RDMU), Level 7, Research Management & Innovation Complex, University of
Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Centre for Research Services (PPP), Level 2, Research Management & Innovation Complex University of Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, Level 1, Door C6, High Impact Research Building, University of Malaya, 50603
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Centre for Research Grant Management (PPGP), Level 4, Research Management & Innovation Complex, University
of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of English Language, Faculty of Languages & Linguistics, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur,
# These authors contributed equally: Azrin Md Kasim, Lee Wei Chang, Nuratiqah Mohamad Norpi

Corresponding author email: ABSTRACT
[email protected]
Malaysia’s research and development landscape has grown tremendously
Received date: 23 Jul 2021 over the last decade. The growth of scholarly output in Malaysia has also risen
Published date: 31 Dec 2021 significantly compared to countries such as China, Singapore and Australia.
Malaysia has made it a target that research output and quality will increase
How to cite: through an expenditure of 1.3% of the GDP allocated to Research and
Md Kasim, A., Chang, L.W.,
Mohamad Norpi, N., Abu Kasim,
Development (R&D). Thus far, Malaysia has achieved phenomenal growth
N.H. & Hashim, A. (2021). within the research sector, with a four-fold increase in the number of
Enhancing Research Mechanisms citations and has generated approximately RM1.25 billion through 11% yearly
and Institutional Processes in growth in the number of patents from Malaysian Universities. This case study
Malaysia: A Case Study of aims to provide, firstly, an overview of research governance in Malaysia, and
Universiti Malaya (UM). Journal of
secondly, a discussion of research governance practices at Universiti Malaya
Research Management &
Governance, 4(1), 10-23. (UM). Data is obtained from the 11th Malaysian Plan (2016-2020) and linked
Retrieved from https:// to the Malaysian Transformation Program. The Malaysian Education Blueprint
ejournal.um.edu.my/index.php/ for Higher Education (2015-2025) launched in 2015 also outlined a
JRMG/article/view/31338 comprehensive transformation for research in higher education programmes.
In addition, other published documents on research governance practices by
https://doi.org/10.22452/ agencies providing research funding were also reviewed. This case study
jrmg.vol4no1.2 highlights best practices in research management and governance to
strengthen and further enhance the current research management and
governance in support of the Malaysian government’s initiative towards
achieving a high-income nation status.

Keywords: Research Governance; Research Mechanisms; Best Practice;

University; Research Ecosystem

Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 10-23

1. Introduction
The Universiti Malaya (UM), Malaysia's oldest university, was established in Singapore in 1949 when the
King Edward VII College of Medicine (founded in 1905) merged with Raffles College (founded in 1928).
Its 890-acre campus is strategically located within the heart of Kuala Lumpur, making it ideal for
international students and visiting academics. UM is the premier multidisciplinary research university in
Malaysia with more than 28,000 students and 2,000 academic staff. There are 14 faculties, 2 academies,
4 research clusters and more than 75 research centres in the disciplines of Medicine, Engineering,
Sciences, Arts and Humanities. UM’s alumni of over 200,000 have amongst them renowned and
illustrious Malaysian personalities and leaders. UM, ranked 59th in the QS World University Rankings
2021, is the first choice of Malaysia's top students and more than 3,800 international students from over
80 countries. The university’s strength lies in the creativity, talent and dynamism of its people built on its
illustrious history (Universiti Malaya, 2021a).

As a research university, UM focuses on developing strategies to benefit from the new global
environment. UM has been, and remains, at the forefront of landmark scientific and medical discoveries
as is evidenced by the numerous awards that have been won both locally and internationally (Universiti
Malaya, 2021a). UM researchers are in collaborative partnerships with various institutions at national
and international level and internationally working on diverse topics from HIV-AIDS, infectious diseases,
biodiversity, nanotechnology to law, intellectual property, culture, religion, gender studies and poverty
eradication studies (Universiti Malaya, 2021b). In the coming years, the university is projected to have a
further quantum leap in high-quality research activity and publications as a result of the huge research
funding being channeled to the university from numerous sources and the strive for excellence among
students and staff.

UM researchers involved in research development have long-term experience in strengthening the

research capacity of partner institutions via the increasing bilateral partnerships or the signing of MoU/
MoA (Universiti Malaya, 2021b). This support is provided through human resource development
(curriculum development), exchange of expertise and experience between institutions, support of
research methodology and equipment, student exchange, field-based interdisciplinary, intercultural
courses and through strengthening of the partner institutions participation in international scientific
networks in this region. As a university in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN), a region
that has committed itself to the goals and aspirations of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, intra-
regional cooperation is important to UM. The ASEAN University Network (AUN), of which UM is a
member, has goals for strengthening and promoting educational and research cooperation in the region.
Therefore, education and research have become one of the focal points in capacity building and UM has
been involved in capacity building activities since 2011 under Malaysia’s Global Outreach Programme
(Azirah Hashim et al., 2018). This programme is part of the internationalisation initiatives by the Ministry
of Higher Education, Malaysia which also strives to contribute towards narrowing the development gap
among member states in ASEAN.

Following the success of UM’s collaboration and engagement in capacity building activities, including
research seminars, teaching workshops, and curriculum development, collaboration in research capacity
building for novice researchers both in the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and Non-STI, a
Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 10-23

similar international capacity building programme initiated by UM researchers was recognized and
supported by a UM research grant (2015-2017) (Azirah Hashim et al., 2018). This case study fits in with
what UM has been doing which is to develop human capital and facilitate individual learning and
institutional mechanisms in STI and Non-STI research in higher education institutions in Malaysia through
research training and capacity building, including research governance, leading to sustainable high-
quality research, conditions for cooperation and potential for policy impact.

This case study aims to give an overview of the research governance in Malaysia. In addition, information
on research governance practised at UM is also described. Information on Malaysia’s research focus and
initiatives was gathered from the 11th Malaysian Plan (2016-2020) and linked to the Malaysian
Transformation Program. The Malaysian Education Blueprint for Higher Education (2015-2025) launched
in 2015 also outlined a comprehensive transformation for research in higher education programmes.
Other published documents were also reviewed on research governance practised by agencies providing
research funding. Through this case study, best practices in research management and governance to
strengthen and further enhance the current research management and governance in UM to support
the Malaysian government’s initiative towards achieving a high-income nation status are highlighted.

The report aims at highlighting the research initiatives and implementation of research governance
practices as stated in the Malaysia’s policies and strategic plans, explains the processes in research
management in Malaysia taking UM as a case study, highlights challenges faced in research governance
and puts forwards some proposals for changes needed to further enhance research governance
practices that may be suitable to be applied in UM.

2. Methodology
Three (3) major referred policies and strategic plans were studied and the processes for research
management and governance in Malaysia were reviewed. Results were recorded and reported.

Three (3) major referred policies and strategic plans:

1. The 11th Malaysia Plan 2016 – 2020: Anchoring Growth on People. (Economic Planning Unit, 2015)
2. The Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015 – 2025 (Higher Education). (Ministry of Education Malaysia,
3. The Malaysian Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Indicators Report 2016. (Ministry of Science,
Technology and Innovation, 2017)

3. Research and Development Landscape in Malaysia

Malaysia’s research and development landscape has grown tremendously over the last decade. The
growth of scholarly output (publication, articles, reviews) in Malaysia has also risen significantly at the
rate of 7.2% compared to countries such as China (4.2%), Singapore (3.6%) and Australia (4.6%) (Figure
1). Malaysia aims to continue increasing research output and quality with 1.3% of the GDP spent on
Research and Development (R&D). Thus far, Malaysia has achieved phenomenal growth within the
research sector, with a four-fold increase in the number of citations and generated approximately
RM1.25 billion through 11% yearly growth in the number of patents from Malaysian Universities.

Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 10-23

Figure 1: Growth of Scholarly Output in the Asia Pacific Region. (Elsevier, 2018)

Research & Development (R&D) activities in Malaysia are carried out by R&D professionals in three
sectors: universities, research institutions and private R&D companies/industries. Currently, there are 20
public universities and 467 private institutions of higher learning in Malaysia (universities, branch
universities, university colleges and colleges).

Figure 2: Expenditure on R&D by Sectors (2000–2018). (MASTIC, 2018)

Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 10-23

Figure 2 shows that the Business Enterprise (BE) sector has remained as the largest contributor to spur
of R&D activities in Malaysia until 2018 . The Business Enterprise (BE) sector is the major exploiter on
that year (RM6,614 million, 43.9%). The second major contributor in R&D is Higher Learning Institution
(HLI), with the value of RM6,412 million (42.6%). Vice versa, the minor contributor goes to Government
Research Institutes (GRI) RM2,019 million (13.4%) and Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) RM15
million (0.1%). The average percentage of funds received by a research university to finance innovations
and research activities for the year 2006 to 2011 is also shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: The average percentage of funds received by a research university to finance

innovations and research activities for the year 2006 to 2011. (Amran et al., 2014)

Figure 4: Expenditure on R&D 2008 – 2015 in Malaysia. (MASTIC, 2018)

Figure 4 shows that the Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D (GERD) in Malaysia has been steadily
increasing since 2000 . For the fiscal year 2015, Malaysia recorded the highest GERD at RM15,058
million, an increase of 148.04% over the GERD value in 2008 (RM6,070.8 million). The intensity of R&D, a

Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 10-23

measure of the percentage of GERD to GDP (GERD/GDP) also shows an increment as the GERD value had
continuously increased since 2004. In 2015, the GERD/GDP was 1.30%, an increment of 64.56%
compared to the year 2008 (0.79%).

Figure 5: R&D Personnel and Researchers (2000 – 2015) in Malaysia. (MASTIC, 2018)

Figure 5 shows that the number of active researchers progressively had increased since 2006 . The
highest number of researchers was recorded in 2015, with a total of 89 861, an increase of 185.80% over
the number of researchers in 2008 (31,442). On the other hand, the number of researchers per 10,000
labour forces in 2015 had also increased to 62 people.

4. Research Governance
4.1 Management and monitoring of research
Stakeholders from various sectors (Government Agencies, Industrial Partners, International Agencies and
Institutions) provide various types of funding and resources to support research in UM. The Deputy Vice
Chancellor (Research & Innovation) is responsible for the overall research agenda in UM. Units under the
portfolio manage research grant management in UM and this includes the initiative of seeking funds (in
terms of research grants/sponsorship) from respective funding bodies.

Generally, research governance on management and monitoring research process is divided into pre-
award and post-award processes. Different funding bodies may impose different processes and
guidelines depending on the objectives of the funding given. The pre-award process involves several
steps such as the announcement of funding, evaluation of proposed projects internally at the
institutional level, evaluation by funding bodies and followed by awarding grants. Meanwhile, at the post
-award phase, research activities are monitored at the respective institutional level. Monitoring of
research project performance at the institutional level is done through desktop monitoring. Funding
bodies may conduct different monitoring activities to assess the performance of projects. Another
aspect of monitoring projects is the financial project report. All principal investigators or project leaders
have to report their financial expenditure to ensure that the use of the grant awarded is in line with
what has been proposed in the proposal. Some funders may request the project leaders to present the
outcome and results after the project duration has ended.
Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 10-23

In UM, the protocols and procedures in research grant management are divided into pre-award and post
-award. There are various units involved directly and indirectly in the research governance of UM. Major
units involved include the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation), Institute of
Research Management & Services (IPPP), Research Clusters, Centre for Research Grant Management
(PPGP) and Centre for Research Services (PPP). At the pre-award level, all internal funds are evaluated at
either the central or faculty level while for external funds, the central level collates and verifies the
application. At the post-award level, researchers are responsible for their research activities and
expenses related to their research activities from application to process related to payment and this is
managed by their respective department or faculty.

4.2 Research funding

Public R&D funding and programmes indicate the commitment of the Malaysian government towards
strengthening the country’s overall scientific and innovation performance. The R&D funding
programmes are designed and implemented by various ministries and agencies to support R&D activities
at different stages; (a) pre-R&D or the stage of ideation; (b) research stage; (c) development stage; and
(d) commercialisation stage. Examples of such funds are tabulated below in Figure 6:

Figure 6: Examples of available research funding in Malaysia

Some universities also provide internal research funding for researchers. In UM, this type of research
funding is made available for basic, applied and interdisciplinary research. The process of awarding
grants is either at central (PPGP & Research Cluster) or at faculty level i.e., Research Management Unit
(RMU) depending on the research grants offered.

There are also other private/industry funding besides public R&D funding offered by the Malaysian
government and the requirements, assessment and criteria/selection process of these private/industry
funding differ according to the grant provider.

4.3 Support services for research

The Government of Malaysia provides support services for research to ensure that research activities are
conducted in a conducive ecosystem. There are policies and institutions established to focus on high

Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 10-23

quality research and to support the R&D based on industry demands. For example, the National Institute
of Biotechnology (NIBM) under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), is
established to support and spearhead the commercialization of activities of R&D. In line with Malaysia’s
biotechnology agenda through activities, research, development, innovation and commercialization,
three national biotechnology agencies are also established: Malaysia Agro-Biotechnology Institute (ABI),
Malaysia Institute of Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals (IPHARM) and Malaysia Genome Institute
(MGI). Another example of government support for research is the Nuclear Malaysia Agency that
provides facilities through the establishment and development of important laboratories that can
support the needs in nuclear science and technology, hence playing a significant and important role in
the national development programme.

At the institutional level, the research support and services given vary according to the available
resources and different cohort of researchers. In UM, different kinds of support are given to different
target groups, for example, UM academics will be given opportunities to attend training, conferences,
symposiums to improve skills in teaching and research. Training on Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOCs) and Open Educational Resources (OER), training for academic staff; EMERALD (Early career
researcher), INSPIRE (continuous professional development) and LEADER are other examples. As for
students, research modules are designed to assist skills development among postgraduate students on
research methodology, proposal defence, candidature defence and thesis defence.

4.4 Role of leadership in research development

Universities in Malaysia are given the autonomy to plan their research directions and implement their
research governance. However, it is encouraged that this is done in alignment with the policies and
strategies of the Ministry of Higher Education. The Institute of Higher Education Excellence Planning
Division is a unit under the Ministry of Higher Education that has a mission to drive excellence amongst
institution of higher learnings through research development and commercialisation, producing talents
and competitive research outcomes at the national and international level. This division works closely
with the Research Management Unit of various institutions.

In UM, there are four Deputy Vice-Chancellors who answer directly to the Vice-Chancellor, one of whom
is in charge of research and innovation – Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation). The DVC (R&I)
is responsible for the overall research agenda in UM. The DVC is also responsible for formulating the
strategic planning and research direction of the university.

The DVC (R&I) is currently assisted by two Associate Vice-Chancellors (AVCs): i) Industry and Community
Engagement (ICE), and ii) Research & Innovation (R&I).
i. AVC (ICE) is assisted by three Directors; UM Centre of Innovation & Commercialization (UMCIC),
University of Malaya Consultancy Unit (UPUM) and The Community & Sustainability Centre of UM
ii. AVC (R&I) also acts as the Director of the Institute of Research Management & Services (IPPP). The
AVC (R&I) administration is further assisted by four (4) Deans of Research Clusters, Head of
Research Data Management Unit (RDMU), Research Management Policy and Strategy Unit (UDSI),

Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 10-23

Centre of Research Grant Management (PPGP), Centre for Research Services (PPP) and Data
Intensive Computing Center (DICC).

UM’s levels of research management can be categorized as: i) Central level – Centre of Research Grant
Management (PPGP) and Research Clusters; and ii) Faculty Level – Research Management Unit (RMU).
However, not all faculties at UM have an RMU.

4.5 Research performance, benchmarking and portfolio

MyRA, the Malaysian Research Assessment, is a comprehensive instrument developed to assess the
research capacity and performance of all universities in Malaysia. It was introduced in 2009 by Ministry
of Higher Education Malaysia as an instrument to assess the performance of the Research Universities
(RU). Four public universities were granted the RU status, namely Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM),
followed by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) that joined the fraternity of RUs in 2010.

MyRA has set well-established standards which serve as benchmarks for aspiring universities such as
Universiti Utara Malaysia to join the ranks of the present RUs. MyRA includes a 6-Star rating system and
all participating universities are document-audited and site-audited by a panel comprising trained
auditors. Malaysian research universities are among the top 1% in the world (out of 26,000 universities
worldwide) based on the QS World University Rankings 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 (Star Online, 2017).

Subsequently, the assessment tool, MyRA, evolved into MyRA I and MyRA II in 2012 whereby different
weightage is allocated for different sections of the assessment, as illustrated in Figure 7. While MyRA II is
designed for research universities, non-research universities are also mandated to complete the
assessment as stipulated in MyRA I. Moving forward, the focus of RUs and non-research universities is
on the translational research approach, research that brings positive impact to local and international
communities. Translational research programmes must be linked to the Government Transformation

Figure 7: MyRA I and MyRA II Criteria. (Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2021)

Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 10-23

4.6 The wider focus of research - bridging the academic with the industry, society and
transnational boundaries
Research in Malaysia has widened its research focus by bridging academics with industry and society at
the national and international level. There are initiatives in place linking researchers and relevant
partners. One of the initiatives spearheaded by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, the Demand-
Driven Project by the Public-Private Research Network (PPRN), is aimed to address the technological
knowledge gaps and provide a platform through research between universities, industries and society.

Malaysian researchers are also encouraged to translate laboratory-scale research to contribute towards
productivity and the nation’s economic growth. This has attracted stakeholders such as micro, small and
medium enterprises and associations (government and non-government) to be in partnership with
researchers. The Malaysian Government supported this initiative by providing funds for these purposes
as described in Figure 5.

UM has established centres, under the purview of the portfolio of research and innovation to link the
UM researchers with external stakeholders, namely the UM Centre of Innovation & Commercialization
(UMCIC), which acts as a centralised technology transfer and commercialization unit, the University of
Malaya Consultancy Unit (UPUM) which specialises in undertaking joint venture works with industries
and government sectors, and the Community & Sustainability Centre of UM (UMCARES) which focuses
on community engagement and acts as the university community transformation centre (UCTC),
bridging researchers to society through various programmes.

As Malaysia is moving towards the fully developed country status, it is important to inculcate the spirit of
working together and across discipline amongst our expert to address real problems faced by our society
and producing real-world impact. Thus, taking into consideration the potential impact of interdisciplinary
research in aiding the acceleration of scientific discovery in innovative ways, UM has taken the initiatives
by providing specific grants for interdisciplinary research with the aim to address real-world issues
relevant to society and industry.

4.7 Diversity, innovation and sustainability in research

The 11th Malaysia Plan 2016-2020 has, as its focus, people wellbeing and prosperity of the people. The
Plan is also in the final leg in the journey towards realising Vision 2020 to achieve full development in
Malaysia. Productivity and innovation are basic pillars of the Plan, which are based on six Strategic
Thrusts, i) Enhancing inclusiveness towards an equitable society; ii) Improving wellbeing for all; iii)
Accelerating human capital development for an advanced nation; iv) Pursuing green growth for
sustainability and resilience; v) Strengthening infrastructure to support economic expansion, and vi) Re-
engineering economic growth for greater prosperity.

In the enhanced innovation ecosystem, it is envisaged that there will be greater collaboration and
integration across industry, academia and communities. Research will be closely aligned with industry
demand and the private sector will be active partners in research and development, and
commercialisation and innovation (R&D and C&I) by contributing funds, expertise and other resources

Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 10-23

for greater return on investment. Communities will also be actively engaged with the researchers in
addressing the social issues through a “whole of society” approach as social innovation is an essential
process for the evolution of society and the search for sustainable alternatives. Furthermore, it adds an
extra dimension to innovation, sustaining economic and social growth.

5. Recommendations to Enhancing Research Mechanisms and Institutional Processes in

Malaysia’s research output as shown in Figure 8 can be considered significant based on the number of
publications published in high impact journals and the increase in citations. However, some local
universities lack positive engagement with policymakers, especially in the sharing of data/findings for the
policy-making process, and it would be an advantage for universities to learn strategies and best
practices for successful engagement with policymakers from other successful universities abroad.

Figure 8: Number of publications by Malaysia Institutions (2012 – 2016). (Elsevier, 2018)

The current research management framework at Malaysian universities has been in place since the 7th
Malaysia Plan. The typical structure involves functions organised under the university research
management centre. Academics are seconded from their lecturer positions to head the centre and lead
the functions. This Malaysia model poses pros and cons. The one biggest advantage of the model is the

Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 10-23

level of understanding of the academics in the research processes. However, with academics allocating
time to manage research, time for research and teaching is reduced. This could bring significant
consequences to the individual’s research development as well as the university outputs and

Compared to the Malaysian model, and from what is being practiced in some European, American or
even East Asian universities (taking the University of Groningen as an example), professionals are hired
for research management. This might be one good solution towards reducing the massive workload of
Malaysian academics at the research management centre. UM, as an example, has started to adopt this
concept a few years ago. However, it is still at the learning stage since research management is a special
field that may not be supported as much by contemporary management theories but by the strength of
the management and continuous evolving theories and expertise through experience. Thus, professional
development such as training on specific skills and exposure of the professionals to best practices in the
different regions and/or countries is important. Discussions and sharing of best practices in managing
research by other international universities with the local universities would benefit Malaysian
universities at large.

Towards the end of the study, the project has a wider objective which is to develop human capital and
facilitate individual learning and institutional mechanisms in Social Science research through research
training and capacity building, including research governance, leading to sustainable high-quality
research, conditions for cooperation and potential for policy impact. Recommendations to improve the
current mechanism/practices of research management and governance in the university have also been
proposed to UM’s management for further consideration and implementation:
a) Strategy I – Ensure that the environment in UM supports the conduct of research to the highest
standards, and the governance of research management and mechanisms are in its highest
efficiency and effectiveness.
b) Strategy II – Focus on building research excellence by creating and supporting next generation of
research leaders/world-leading clusters of researchers, building on the research strengths of UM
and harnessing the capacity that had been developed within the University’s research environment
over the previous 15 years (after UM being recognized as RU in year 2006).
c) Strategy III – Enhance the sustainability of the significant levels of research supports (grants,
facilities, database etc.)

To read more on the strategies and action plans related to the proposed strategies, readers may refer to
the “Pre-Seminar DEV2 - Building The Social Research Capacities In Higher Education Institutions In Lao
PDR and Malaysia (BRECIL) Report” funded by Erasmus+ CBHE [Project number: 585852-EPP-1-2017-1-

6. Conclusion
Malaysia has, as one of its goals, to be the regional education hub. Thus, the creation of a vibrant
research and innovation ecosystem is crucial for research universities to strive for as well as to be the
preferred global research partner. To measure the achievements, a more qualitative-oriented
performance assessment must be done comprehensively. Malaysia is encouraged to explore a different
Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 10-23

method and criteria for evaluating the fulfilment of the strategy and benchmarking it with the leading
universities. In addition, strengthening the methods for identification and landscaping of the industries’
needs and the potential collaboration with the researchers at universities is imperative. For example,
UM has engaged with various industries, however, the current outcomes need to be enhanced to
achieve a win-win situation for both parties.

Research outcomes should impact the society. Therefore, the effectiveness of societal engagement
programmes and initiatives should be evaluated. UM has tried to adopt methods from the Manual of
Community Capacity Index (University of Queensland, Australia, 2002), however, its implementation in
the Malaysian setting has been challenging. Thus, suggestions to overcome the challenges and/or
alternative evaluation methods would be valuable.

Erasmus+ CBHE "Building Social Research Capacity in Higher Education Institution in Lao PDR and
Malaysia" (BRECIL) [Project number: 585852-EPP-1-2017-1-MY-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP].

This communication reflects the views only of the author(s), and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 10-23

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