Achievement-Of-Students In-Ulul-Albab-Model-Tahfiz

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School's Facilities And Achievement Of Students In Ulul Albab Model Tahfiz

Schools In Malaysia: A Mediating Roles Of Satisfaction

Article · February 2020


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4 authors:

Muhd Zulhilmi Haron Mohd Muslim Md Zalli

Universiti Utara Malaysia Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)


Haji Othman Mohamad Khairi Mohd Isha Awang

Universiti Utara Malaysia Universiti Utara Malaysia


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School‟s Facilities And Achievement Of Students

In Ulul Albab Model Tahfiz Schools In Malaysia: A
Mediating Roles Of Satisfaction
Muhd Zulhilmi Haron, Mohd Muslim Md Zalli, Mohamad Khairi Othman, Mohd Isha Awang

Abstract: Schools with good infrastructures and well-equipped facilities can improve the quality of teaching and learning. In turn, the provision of
effective learning in the classroom will increase students‟ achievement. This study was conducted to examine the influence of school facilities on
student achievement. The study involved 304 form four students from three schools implementing the „Tahfiz Model Ulul Albab‟ (TMUA)
programme in Malaysia. The structural equation modeling, using Smart Partial Least Square software (SmartPLS3), was used to analyse the
data. Findings show that the quality of infrastructure and facilities in schools affect the achievement of TMUA students, with satisfaction acts as
the mediator in this relationship. This study shows that facilities and infrastructures are some of the elements that influence the achievement of
TMUA students. Based on this finding, relevant authorities should strive to increase the quality of infrastructures and facilities in schools as it
could improve students‟ academic achievement.

Index Terms: facilities, achievements, satisfaction, performance, tahfiz, Malaysia.

——————————  ——————————

1. INTRODUCTION categories of schools. A school‟s facilities and infrastructures

In recent years, the tahfiz (Quranic memorization) education are not only limited to the physical classrooms, but also
model has seen a rapid growth in Malaysia due to the included all components in a school‟s environment such as the
increasing public attention and awareness towards the School Resource Center (PSS), teaching aids, and textbooks.
importance of Quran recital and memorisation. Recent trends Maintaining a school environment that is conducive for
have shown that more parents are choosing tahfiz schools learning will help students to learn optimally during the
for their children's education. In line with this development, the teaching and learning process and increase their academic
Terengganu Foundation and Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) performance.
have established the Ulul Albab (gifted learners) Tahfiz School‟s resource centre allows the systematic collection and
programme for students of the Imtiaz Secondary School and access to teaching and learning materials. The resource
several MARA Science Colleges (MRSM). Based on this centre provides access to information, references and
model, the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) has started resources that could help teachers to improve their lessons. At
offering the Ulul Albab Tahfiz Model (TMUA) programme in 16 the same time, school resource centre helps students to
selected secondary schools across Malaysia. The aim of the develop research and library skills so that they can find
TMUA programme is to produce students who can memorise academic resources independently. Subsequently, this will
all 30 Quranic „juz‟ (parts) throughout their five years in encourage reading and develop a culture of knowledge and
secondary school [1]. The MOE has taken numerous efforts lifelong learning among students. The use of the school‟s
and measures to improve infrastructure and facilities in resource centre can increase students‟ awareness towards the
schools as a way to improve students‟ performance. Schools importance of caring for the environment [5]. Findings of this
with good facilities and well-equipped facilities play an study indicate the positive relationship between the use of
important role in increasing students‟ achievement as well as school resource centre and the increase of students‟
their performance. Furthermore, it can facilitate the use of awareness about environmental issues. Students spend most
technology to create an interactive classroom learning of their school time in their classroom. Therefore, classrooms
experience [2]. It was reported that the presence of good environment should be conducive for learning [6]. The
facility enhances the effectiveness of student-centred learning learning environment of a classroom depends on a number of
and requires only 25 per cent of teacher involvement in the factors, including the size of the classroom, lighting, ventilation
classroom [3]. In this light, teachers have realized this system and the layout of the classroom furniture. All of these
significant role in their effort to stimulate the interest and can influence students‟ learning process. This reflects that
satisfaction of TMUA students towards the teaching and students‟ learning experience could depend on the physical
learning process. The access to well-equipped facilities and facilities available in the classroom. Having a good and
good infrastructure enables teachers to use a variety of conducive physical facilities stimulate cognitive activities,
resources to achieve the learning outcomes [4]. The state of enhance interaction and stimulate active learning among
facilities in schools vary across their locations, types, and students. This situation enhances students‟ interest towards
———————————————— learning and increases the quality of the teaching and learning
 Muhd Zulhilmi Haron, School of Education and Modern Languages, process. The use of teaching aids during lessons could
Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, Malaysia. increase students‟ interest and improve the achievement of
 Mohd Muslim Md Zalli, Faculty of Human Development, Universiti TMUA students. Teachers play an important role to choose
Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak, Malaysia. and use the suitable teaching aids to facilitate effective
 Mohamad Khairi Othman, School of Education and Modern learning. The use of teaching aids strengthens teachers‟ role
Languages, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, Malaysia.
 Mohd Isha Awang, School of Education and Modern Languages,
as facilitators of student-centred learning activities. Teachers
Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, Malaysia. need to utilize teaching aids to increase the interest and
satisfaction of TMUA students to optimize learning. Numerous


studies [7] , [8] have shown the positive effects on the use TABLE 1:
teaching aids, specifically in increasing students‟ interest and DISTRIBUTION OF PARTCIPANTS ACCORDING TO
satisfaction towards learning. Textbooks are one of the most SCHOOL AND GENDER
important and widely used resources. Textbooks provide
teachers with the syllabus contents to ensure each learning
outcome in the syllabus is achieved. Meanwhile, textbooks
provide the basic reference on the subject to the students. The
MOE has launched the nationwide Textbook Loan Scheme
(SPBT) in 1975 to help poor students, and in 2007, textbooks
are provided free of charge to all students. The MOE has
spent almost RM60 million annually to supply free textbooks to
all schools across Malaysia [9]. A study by the MOE found that
the SPBT programme contributes to the increase in students‟
performance [10]. A study conducted by [11] found that the
use of textbooks in the classroom influences the students'
understanding of the learning content. Students‟ achievement
is influenced by numerous factors, including students‟ interest
and satisfaction. Based on the review of literature, studies TABLE 2:
have found positive relationship between these factors and TOTAL NUMBER OF NUMBER OF JUZ’ MEMORISED BY THE
achievement in different subjects including Arabic [12], Islamic PARTICIPANTS
Education [13], History [14], Additional Mathematics [15] and Juz’ Frequency Percentage (%)
Science [16]. However, studies on the relationship between 20 2 0.7
facilities and student achievement are still lacking in regards to
students enrolled in specific programme like TMUA. Based on 21 3 1.0
the research gap presented above, there is a need for studies 22 4 1.3
to examine the influence of access to adequate facilities on 23 11 3.6
satisfaction and achievement of TMUA student. This study will 24 16 5.3
answer this research question on whether a school‟s 25 22 7.2
infrastructures and facilities affect the satisfaction and
achievement of TMUA students? Thus, four hypotheses were 26 35 11.5
developed in this study, as follow; 27 20 6.6
H1: There is a positive and significant relationship between 28 22 7.2
school‟s facilities and the achievement of TMUA students. 2.2 Instrument
29 19 6.3
H2: There is a positive and significant relationship between In this study, the survey questionnaire was adapted from
30 150 49.3
satisfaction and the achievement of TMUA students. previous studies [17],[18]. The items were adapted and
H3: There is a positive and significant relationship between modified toTOTAL 304
suit the study‟s population and the100.0
objectives of the
school‟s facilities and the satisfaction of TMUA students. study. The questionnaire consists of two sections, Part I
H4: Satisfaction is a mediator in the relationship between consists of questions that probe the participants‟ personal
school‟s facilities and the achievement of TMUA students. information (demography) while items in Part II probe on three
constructs, namely infrastructure (16 items), satisfaction (five
2 METHODOLOGY items) and achievement (one item). For the construct of
facilities, three items measured use of the school resource
2.1 Participants center; example of item (there is sufficient number of reference
This study was conducted using the quantitative research material for learning Hifz (memorisation) of the Quran).
approach. Population of this study is students participating in Furthermore, there are three items that measured classroom
the TMUA programme and the sample was selected from use, for example (my classroom environment is conducive to
three Malaysian schools pioneering the programme. This study the tahfiz of the Quran). Another four items measured
schools represent three states from different zones, the central the use of teaching aids, i.e., (there are various teaching aids
zone (Kuala Lumpur), the northern zone (Kedah) and the for studying the tahfiz of the Quran in my school). There are
eastern zone (Pahang). Samples consists of 304 form four several items on textbook usage, for example (textbooks are
students. Among them, 170 (56%) of the participants were very helpful in my learning). Lastly, the items for measuring
female, while 134 (44%) students were male. Table 1 shows satisfaction gauged whether the students “enjoy participating
the frequency and percentage of participants‟ distribution in learning activities in the TMUA programme" along with four
according to school and gender. Table 2 illustrates the other items under the same construct. The Five-point Likert
frequency distribution and percentage of the number of juz‟ scale was used for the constructs of facilities and satisfaction.
(parts) of the Quran memorised by TMUA students. This study Participants were asked to express their agreement of the
found that the majority of students (49.3%) have successfully statement in each item according to the Likert scale, which
memorise all of 30 juz‟ in the Quran. Meanwhile, only 2 (0.7%) range from Strongly Disagree (SDA) with the score of 1, to
of the students were able to memorise up to 20 juz‟. Strongly Agree (SA) with a score of 5. The value of Cronbach's
alpha obtained from the questionnaire was 0.837, which can
be considered as high. Particularly, the Cronbach's alpha for
items under the construct of facilities, was 0.816 and the
Cronbach alpha for items under the construct of satisfaction


was 0.903. In examining the achievement of TMUA students, Then, in order to make sure the degree to which items
each of student‟s achievement of their quranic memorization differentiate among constructs, the discriminant validity was
from January 2016 until October 2019 was obtained from the assessed by following Fornell-Larcker rules [20]. Table 4
school. It is worth to note that the participants of this study shows the values of the square root of the AVE for
have underwent approximately four years of the programme. Achievement (1.000), Facilities (0.609), and Satisfaction
Each student is continuously evaluated by a tahfiz teacher in a (0.850) was higher than the correlations values among each
group of 10 students. constructs. In summary, we conclude that the measurement
model demonstrated adequate convergent validity and
2.3 Data Analysis discriminant validity.
Data obtained from the questionnaire were examined and TABLE 4:
analysed through structural equation modelling, by using the DISCRIMINANT VALIDITY
Smart Partial Least Square software (SmartPLS3). The
researcher used a two-stage procedures, as suggested by
[19]. In the first stage, the measurement model analysis was
used to find the values of Factor Loading, Composite
Reliability (CR) and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) in order
to determine the validity and reliability of each construct.
Subsequently, the second stage of the structural analysis was
used to determine the relationships between the constructs to
confirm the hypotheses of the study. 3.2 STRUCTURAL MODEL
The structural model indicates the causal relationships among
3 FINDINGS constructs (facilities, satisfaction and achievement in Hafazan)
in the model. The beta and significance values of path
3.1 Measurement Model coefficients and the R2 value indicate how well the data
Firstly, the convergent validity was tested to make sure all support and evaluated the hypotheses developed for this
items measuring the same construct are in agreement. As can study. Figure 1 and table 5 show the findings of the structural
be seen in Table 3, the value of factor loadings for all items model from the PLS algorithm output. Facilities (β=0.196,
exceeded the threshold value of 0.6 [19]. The values of CR for t=2.890, p < 0.01) and satisfaction (β=0.235, t=3.401, p <
all first-order and second-order constructs ranged from 0.796 0.01) explaining 14.3% of the variance in achievement, hence,
to 0.928 which exceeded the suggested value of 0.7 [19]. In supported the H1 and H2. Facilities also meaningfully predicts
order to assess the overall amount of variance in the satisfaction, thus, H3 is confirmed (β=0.533, t=11.114, p <
indicators accounted for by the latent constructs, the AVE 0.01). In order to test whether satisfaction was a mediator of
value was ranged from 0.516 to 0.756 and exceeded the facilities and achievement relationship, the results for indirect
suggested value of 0.5 [19]. effect (β=0.125, t=3.312) which p-value was less than 0.01.
This finding supports H4, which stated that satisfaction is a
TABLE 3: mediator in the relationship between school‟s facilities and the

Fig. 1. Pls Algorithm Of Structural Model Assessment



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an impact on their achievement in the memorisation of Quran keselesaan pembelajaran pelajar bermasalah.
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textbooks, are well maintained and supervised to ensure that cemerlang pendidikan Islam sekolah menengah di
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learning to increase students‟ interest in learning. On the other Islam di sekolah bestari. 3rd International Conference on
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their gratitude to the Ministry of Education, Malaysia for their (2003). Antara Minat dan Sikap Pelajar Terhadap Bahasa
permission and supporting of this research. Arab: Satu Kajian Kes Pelajar Bachelor Bahasa Arab di
IPTA Malaysia. Wacana Pendidikan Islam (Siri 5)
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