Br2e Pre-Int Writing 5

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Writing file 5

Writing instructions
1 Work with a partner and discuss the following 3 Written instructions need to use clear and simple
questions. language. Work in pairs. Using the instructions
1 What activities might you give or receive in 2 to help you, rewrite the instructions in the
instructions for at work (e.g. how to use the following email so that they use clear and simple
printer)? language.
2 Do you ever receive instructions in writing (e.g. in
an email)? Hi Jack
3 Are instructions always easy to write or follow? You asked about adding more people to a list of
Why? / Why not? invitees for a regular meeting. Here’s how to do that.
The first thing you need to do is open your emails.
2 Read these instructions quickly. What are the
Then you should click on ‘My calendar’. The next
instructions for? Put the instructions in the correct
thing you need to do is click on the meeting that you
order (1–9).
want to change. It’s then a good idea to check all
a When the display says ‘success’, hang up the
the meeting details are correct by clicking on ‘View
details’. Finally write a message in the message box
b Place the document you want to send into the tray
if you want to, then add the new people and click
on top of the machine.
‘send’ to send them an invitation.
c Dial the phone number of the person who you are
sending the fax to. Hope that’s all clear.
d Have the number of the person the fax will be sent Best wishes
to ready. Megan
e Wait for the other machine to answer.
f Once the whole paper has gone through, check the 4 Compare the language you used to rewrite the
fax display. instructions with the language in the original
g Press ‘start’ on your machine and the fax should email? What are the differences?
start to move from the tray.
h Check the fax machine is switched on. 5 Think of an activity you might need to describe at
i Fax machines usually require the document to be work, or choose an activity from 1–3. Write simple
face down so check your machine requires this instructions, but don’t say what the activity is.
method. 1 making a mobile phone call
2 using an instant messenger service (IMS)
3 using an ATM / cash machine

6 Exchange instructions with a partner. Read your

partner’s instructions and try to guess the activity.

© Oxford University Press 2017 Business Result Second edition Pre-intermediate

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