Mercado V Manzano Case + Notes
Mercado V Manzano Case + Notes
Mercado V Manzano Case + Notes
5. To begin with, dual citizenship is different 8. While dual citizenship is involuntary, dual
from dual allegiance. The former arises allegiance is the result of an individual's
when, as a result of the concurrent volition.
application of the different laws of two or
more states, a person is simultaneously Dual citizenship, as a ground for
considered a national by the said states. For disqualification, refers to dual
allegiance allegiance to the other country of which they
are also citizens and thereby terminate their
9. The disqualification of Manzano is being status as dual citizens. It may be that, from
sought under Sec 40 of the Local the point of view of the foreign state and of
Government Code of 1991 (R.A. No. 7160), its laws, such an individual has not effectively
which declares as "disqualified from running renounced his foreign citizenship.
for any elective local position: . . . (d) Those
with dual citizenship." This provision is Manzano effectively elected Philippine
incorporated in the Charter of the City of citizenship and renounced his American
Makati citizenship, not by his act of voting in
prior elections, by by his filing of
10. Article IV, Section 5 of the Constitution certificate of candidacy
provides: "Dual allegiance of citizens is
inimical to the national interest and shall be 13. Manzano was born in San Francisco,
dealt with by law." In including such California on September 4, 1955, of Filipino
provision, the concern of the Constitutional parents. Since the Philippines adheres to the
Commission was not with dual citizens per se principle of jus sanguinis, while the United
but with naturalized citizens who maintain States follows the doctrine of jus soli, at
their allegiance to their countries of origin birth, he was a national both of the
even after their naturalization. Hence,the Philippines and of the United States.
phrase "dual citizenship" in R.A. No. 7160,
Sec 40(d) and in R.A. No. 7854, Sec 20 must 14. The COMELEC en banc held that, by
be understood as referring to "dual participating in Philippine elections in 1992,
allegiance." 1995, and 1998, Manzano "effectively
renounced his U.S. citizenship under
11. Consequently, persons with mere dual American law," so that now he is solely a
citizenship do not fall under this Philippine national. In holding that by voting
disqualification. Unlike those with dual in Philippine elections, Manzano renounced
allegiance, who must, therefore, be subject his American citizenship, the COMELEC must
to strict process with respect to the have in mind Sec 349 of the Immigration and
termination of their status, for candidates Nationality Act of the United States, which
with dual citizenship,it should suffice if, provided that "A person who is a national of
upon the filing of their certificates of the United States, whether by birth or
candidacy, they elect Philippine naturalization, shall lose his nationality by: .
citizenship to terminate their status as . . (e) Voting in a political election in a foreign
persons with dual state or participating in an election or
citizenship considering that their condition plebiscite to determine the sovereignty over
is the unavoidable consequence of conflicting foreign territory." This provision was
laws of different states. declared unconstitutional by the U.S.
Supreme Court in Afroyim v. Ruskas beyond
12. By electing Philippine citizenship, such the power given to the U.S. Congress to
candidates at the same time forswear regulate foreign relations.
15. However, by filing a certificate of
candidacy when he ran for his present post,
Manzano elected Philippine citizenship and in
effect renounced his American citizenship.
By declaring under oath in his certificate of
candidacy that he is a Filipino citizen; that he
is not a permanent resident or immigrant of
another country; that he will defend and
support the Constitution of the Philippines
and bear true faith and allegiance thereto
and that he does so without mental
reservation, Manzano has, as far as the laws
of this country are concerned, effectively
repudiated his American
citizenship and effectively removing any
disqualification he might have as a dual